Golf Babe

Patty Tavatanakit moves three shots clear | Aramco Saudi Ladies International

Thai star and LPGA winner Patty Tavatanakit is in cruise control at the Aramco Saudi Ladies International as she moves three shots clear heading into the final day.

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Another very solid day out there um you looked like you were hitting your drives beautifully what else did you admire about your own game um just overall the like mentality out there I feel like I had a really good mindset with um how the round started it was just kind of

Slow I feel like I didn’t miss hit a shot today um but on one hole I went over the green and I think like I just hit it too good so that’s a nice problem to have isn’t it when you won the Ana you know you

Nearly moved up into the top 10 in the world and the last couple of years it’s been a challenge so is there anything you can pinpoint it down to is it experience that has taught you so much what do you think um looking back I mean

Now still like I feel like I’m still trying to get over that but looking back I wouldn’t change a thing if anything like it it just put me where I need to be right now at the present moment and I’m really grateful for all the struggles cuz it taught me and I grow

From it so I I learn a lot and um I’m a better person and player for it yeah performance doesn’t follow a straight line does it yeah no it’s just up and down well it’s certainly been up these last couple of days um you teed off late

This morning so how do you pass the time when you’re thinking you’re right in the hunt of a big tournament what do you do to keep yourself occupied uh to be honest time flies for me I feel like I just find things to do like I

Read in the morning uh read some novels um look at my whoop um like like how my sleep was walked around lay in bed just lay and just sit there with my thoughts um watch it come and go um and that’s it yeah and then it’s time to leave I’m

Like okay let’s go and clearly enjoying yourself on the golf course I mean why not the music’s now pumping it’s a bit of a disco out here but um it’s your first trip to Saudi and you’re obviously enjoying the feel of this tournament yes obv um of course like every aramco event

I feel like it’s so well-run that I just just want to be a part of it like food is always amazing organization and everything like I just love being a part of of a ramco event um so it’s just really nice to be here hear the music

And I’ve been jamming to Louis kapali lately so to hear that on the tent was like yep This Is My Jam right now that’s your jam right now okay well we got 18 holes to go tomorrow um what do your thoughts is it hard not to think about

Something that you want so badly it is um honestly just you have to think about it right like you think about it and like what are you going to do about the thoughts so I think tomorrow all I want to do is make the right choices um each

And every shot and um whatever it is that I’m going to face tomorrow I’m up for it I know it’s not going to be easy so um just making the right choices and commit to my process is uh is something I’m going to do tomorrow okay good and then this evening are you

Going to go and hit balls now or is your job done into your PJs and preparing yeah PJs and probably my Kindle okay that sounds like a Perfect combo well played today thank you thanks well that’s a really nice

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