Golf Players

How Optimizing Ground Reaction Forces Can Increase Club Speed

Mike Napoleon PGA and Dr Tyler Standifird, Professor of Biomechanics at Utah Valley University, hosted a live webinar to talk about the latest research on how assessing and training ground reaction forces can produce big gains in club head speed.

They also gave a preview of our new ground force protocols coming this spring.

Hi everybody uh welcome to another Super Speed golf webinar uh I’m Mike Napoleon one of the founders of super speed golf here with my good friend Dr Tyler standerford of Utah Valley University uh Kyle Shay also here um in the background answering a bunch of your questions um

If you guys have any questions today please type them in the Q&A uh panel we will type some of those answers and we’ll answer a bunch of those live the uh topic today is all about ground reaction forces I mean Tyler is this something that’s important to creating speed or

What it’s man this is uh this is like I was so excited when you guys wanted to do this as a webinar because it’s what I’ve been studying for 10 years in various Sports and man and golf like it’s so cool to see how much golfers do with the ground similar to basketball

Players volleyball players football players like this is just so key and how golfers can generate speed and power so I’m excited you know I that’s actually one of the things I I find to be very curious not to get off on a tangent before we even get started but um I

Think the similarity in how rotational power sports use the ground you know looking at baseball players looking at other players or football quarterbacks when they’re throwing a football things like that I mean there’s more similarities than there are differences you know I I really do think that the

Use of the ground is one of those things that sort transcends exactly what Implement you might be swinging when you’re trying to create speed and power yeah I there’s so many Crossovers and carryovers and and like what I always tell people is what I’ve learned in the past three years measuring ground

Reaction forces on golfers is I’ll say golfers should be athletes I think some of them already are and I think hopefully today we can give you some ideas on how to either yourself become a better athlete in golf or train your students to be better athletes but they

Should be because those patterns are similar they produce incredible amounts of force at really high rates and um so it’s just hope it’ll be a fun learning day for everyone yeah so the plan for today we’re going to go through um I would say some of the technical background even

Though I feel like at this point we’ve simplified it to a to a level where this is really palatable I think for everyone even players um you know then we’re going to talk about some case studies some of the players that you know we’ve spent some time with over the last year

Uh some of the results that we’re seeing from doing a lot of work with ground reaction forces obviously there’s other things involved in those programs and we’ll show you but we’re going to really kind of key in on exactly what’s going on with how those players are used in

The ground and then if you hang around to the very end uh we’re going to have a sneak peek of some of the uh ground reaction force training and protocol section from our new app that should be out here end of March very early April so we’re really excited about that um I

So make sure to hang on and and and we’ll talk about couple of those screens and things that we’re doing and how we’re going to be structuring some of this other training besides just overs speed training all right well the first thing I’d like to say and this is where we

Always start with super speed golf is that ground reaction forces are vitally important but they’re only one piece of our mechanical chain that we call the speed pyramid you know the way a player uses the ground the way those forces and torqus you know interacting with the body help create the body’s rotational

Velocity how that rotational sequencing eventually gets up to the arms hands and hopefully out to the club head to deliver speed to the ball um is a full system that we need to think about you know whenever you make a change in the way player using the ground assume and

Expect that the sequencing patterns and the lag and risk mechanics and delivery patterns are also going to be affected it’s one of the reasons we think the ground reaction forces are so important is because they’re the start of the chain and if we make changes in the

Start of the chain we see the biggest changes throughout the rest of the system and you know Tyler I think you’ve seen that a lot in your lab but I see it all the time with players yeah it’s it’s uh like I have the ability to measure

All of these things in the pyramid um and while all of them have their piece and are very important and we want to attack them all I do tend to gravitate towards ground reaction forces because they’re easy for players to visualize see and understand and and man you can

Make some very quick and Powerful changes when you’re looking for the right things yeah absolutely so before we get into this too too deep you will see a lot of different 3d motion cap or a lot of different ground reaction force graphs and Technology um you know we

Want to thank our friends at smart to move uh for helping us with all of that type of stuff and and using the their Force plates the system that we’ve captured all this data on is the uh smart Tove dual 3D Force plate system which is awesome it’s portable it can

Basically fit in an airline carryon um and you can take that with you anywhere you want to go so that’s kind of what you’re seeing and where a lot of these screenshots are coming from all right Tyler let’s get into this it’s it’s it’s not a university class but next best

Thing right yeah this is this is pretty good so as we as we look at Ground reaction force uh there’s a few key components of ground reaction force we want to talk about and the first one is really just an idea of how big is the ground reaction force we call that the

Magnitude it’s visualized by these vectors or arrows being bigger showing that there is more Force being produced so that’s a big part of the ground reaction force question the next one is the actual kind of direction of these forces or line lines of action so you

Know up and down as a force I think we all talk a lot about in golf but we also have to think about these you know towards the target away from the target forces and the towards the ball away from the ball forces and then how those

Can kind of combine to create some of the powerful rotational torqus in the swing and then the last piece of the puzzle mic is the the point of application of these forces right where you’re actually pushing on the ground when you’re pushing at those different locations in the swing is a key

Component that’s going to set you up to have the capacity to produce these forces at the right timing the right magnitudes uh that you want so this is kind of the the three things we tend to Look a Lot at as we analyze ground reaction force

Data yeah absolutely and I and I think this is one of those points that can be confusing when you start to look at Ground reaction forces but you know these vectors are showing the actual force that the ground is applying on that player’s body and I think this is

You know a difficult thing sometimes because it’s all backwards right in order to create that ground reaction force the golfer actually has to push in the opposite direction to create the force that we’re seeing on the technology so just remember whenever you’re looking at one of these vectors

That point of application is really important and that’s where that force is starting it’s where it’s coming out of the ground okay the golfer has to push essentially in the opposite direction of that Vector in order to make it happen so that’s kind of a critical piece underlying everything that we’re going

To look at here today now one of the most famous things that we talk about when we look at Ground reaction forces is called the kinetic sequence now we can expand on this and we can add more elements into the kinetic sequence but from a very um

Basic and important version we we see three very critical elements that happen in every gol way and especially every powerful golf swing when we’re doing full swings this is about the most consistent as far as a patterning of anything that we look at across the board um with 3D motion capture or

Anything like players tend to have a a a kind of a pretty standard kinetic sequence throughout a lot of different things that happen so the first part of that sequence is one that in my opinion and Tyler I’d like you to expand on this too I think gets overlooked a lot in a

Lot of the you know fun talking points where we get to in ground reaction force which is lateral force and really here I’m talking primarily about our Trail foot lateral Force you know the reaction force pushing the golfer toward the target so the golfer pushing away from

The target you know in the golf swing you I’m actually starting to look at this Force maybe before I look at anything else because in the same way that ground reaction forces affect sequencing and affect all these things down the chain a player’s lateral Force production on their Trail foot has has a

Huge kind of Snowball Effect to everything else that we’re going to see yeah and and Mike I like I think as you talk about this it it tends to be the smallest of the forces right this Force might be about 20% of your body weight and and players who are using it

Effectively and so I think because of its size we tend to maybe Overlook it and it it doesn’t have like the the shininess of the vertical Force kind of going up or all these powerful rotational torqus but Mike as you mentioned like this lateral Force we

Need this Force to Peak first and we need that to occur as that player is is kind of finishing off the back swing because this is what’s actually going to create that shift of the body forward it’s something that a lot of amateur players struggle with which is they kind

Of hang back they’re late getting forced to that lead leg and the way to get forced s leg the sway again they sway back off the ball a lot of that’s coming from an inability of that player to really not just push into the ground

With a trail leg but push away from the target so you get this large reaction force that will Point towards the Target and really set up the whole kinetic chain and Mike as we’ve been doing these analyses together as I’ve done some of my own in my lab here it like gosh it’s

Almost without fail Mike that this is something that we work on with almost every player now yeah we just had a good question come in here actually um that that ask you know when does lateral force uh start in the G swing and I think that’s

A critical one in my opinion and again Tyler can give you more research data but from what we’re seeing practically with players the sooner the better like I want to see lateral Force starting pretty much as soon as the club starts moving back and you know definitely peing in the back swing before

Transition where would you say is ideal here yeah again I would I’d say the same thing it’s it’s too late in in players and that’s going to be probably the theme of today um but yeah I think if you’re trying to turn on this Force as you’re finishing

Your back swing there’s just no chance you’re going to build up the amount of force you need to create the motion that you want to occur and so I’m training people and we’ll show you some of these drills that we like to use in some of

Our case studies but just you know some of the things we’re doing is trying to get them to learn how to engage this like right as they’re initiating that back swing so that that Force really starts to crank up and now we get that motion so again peing for sure you know

Before they finish the back swing I will add kind of Mike one caveat because the question was asked is obviously players with maybe really really long swings there’s the potential that maybe this Force might Peak a little bit later right versus like some of the short powerful swings that we would see where

Like this Force ha you know a John ROM style swing right Mike like this force it has to be turned on immediately upon that club moving or you have no ability to to move the way you need to yeah we’ll get into a lot of those details couple little questions just

About the way these graphs work which I think is kind of important to touch on um obviously these forces can be positive or negative in these graphs based on which direction they’re going right so you know you can go below zero what we’re looking at in the back swing

Here you know is really positive lateral force with the trail foot pushing that golfer toward the target um we would definitely not want that force to be negative in the back swing even though have certainly seen it um you know and all of these forces will be continuing

Throughout the entire swing and in one way or another um there’s just kind of patterns to where we see and what the timing of some of those patterns are that is really really important yeah once this lateral Force Peaks Mike right this is our first force

And again if we’re we’re using some of the P systems I saw that question and maybe Kyle handled that but again we’re saying like let’s get this thing going P2 P3 right like as that club’s moving in in the back swing not waiting clear till transition once this Force Peaks

The next one we have Peak uh is kind of our horizontal plane torqus right these are our rotational torqus that are going to come as we uh just kind of very first initiate that downswing so just after transition you know maybe arm 45 degree angle before it hits parallel and this

Is kind of that that torque that’s coming from the anterior posterior forces so trell leg lead leg working together to create in biomechanics what we call a force couple and creating this really cool turning effect in rotational torque that is the second one to peak in the kinetic

Sequence uh and then that leads us to the very last the last one is the vertical force uh this is a force that we want to Peak you know arm parallel in the downswing would be ideal uh what we tend to see with a lot of golfers

Especially on this vertical force is you know they’re peing this forced at impact or after impact and and these things can be just so detrimental to the ability to transfer this energy out the system to the club yeah a couple things and we do have a question just about what these charts

Represent I know that we’re getting into some you know pretty Advanced biomechanic stuff the way these graphs work is from left to right you’re looking at time right so you’re going to be looking at the back swing then you’re going to be looking at the down swing

And then the follow through um I don’t have it broken down into exactly those different pieces but you know this area over here is all back swing you know somewhere right around this point you know right you know just past that Green Dot is going to be the transition and

The downswing and then you’re going to be having impact here where you see all of them go very very low is right down around impact in fact most of these reaction forces when you get to impact almost zero out because a lot of players are almost off the ground at that point

So they’re not pushing on the ground at any anymore on that the left axis is showing you a percentage of body weight except for torque and torque it’s kind of a normalized factor that gets really complicated because we’re talking about rotational Force couples but overall lateral Force we generally want to see

Somewhere in the ballpark of about 20% of body weight and that can depend a lot on how that player does it and when but we’ll show you some examples of that torque we’re looking for usually in that like 120 or so really weird math numbers related to body weight and vertical

Force I’d love to see I mean honestly like combined both legs like 200 at least maybe 140 coming from the lead leg is that about ballpark there Tyler yeah again I think if we’re talking elite players who are generating a lot of speed and power which is what we’re

Going after I I really want to see him climb over 200 um I think if I could get him in the 180ish range you know for some players I’m going to be happy with that but our our big fast swingers we want that number to be up around

200% yep absolutely now let’s uh let’s get into a few of these and start to talk about it in relating to actual gol swings and players because I I think that’s a really critical piece to start to look at um I like to keep this stuff

As simple as I can and I hope that you’ll see when we get into the protocols and how we actually work on this you know you don’t necessarily have to understand all the underpinnings of this data to understand how you’re going to get better from these drills so this

Is another element that I want to touch on which is point of application so we can look at on these systems where that Force Vector is you know coming out of the foot essentially coming out of the ground to push on the uh on the player

You could also kind of relate this to where that player’s pushing on the ground to create it um you know this is an ex this is a cheyen knight um before we did any drills with her and notice that that there is a lot of that pressure that red dot on this

Side is very far toward the outside of her Trail foot now again just like what we were talking about in in those other graphs with lateral Force this is going to make it very difficult to create a a lot of lateral Force pushing her toward

The target and we’ll show you in a bit you know kind of how that worked um numbers wise it wasn’t like the worst we’ve ever seen by any means like she was creating about 15% so we were about 5% lower or so than we’d want at Peak um

During the back swing kind of wanted a little bit more than that um other things that that was affecting for her in in our you know view so we were only at like 99 and I told you it was funny math called newton meters to

Mass um 99% on torque and and this was kind this is sort of of Cheyenne’s superpower if you will as far as how she uses the ground she gets more of her her energy transfer and speed from torque than anything else that she’s doing and

What this what can you go can you go back to because you you had talked about this idea of the lateral Force being so important to the rest of the sequence and I think this is kind of a cool example of that because if you can look

At where she’s peing her arm is already a little bit past parallel on the downswing and so because she lacked some of that lateral force in the back swing now we get this rotational torque that is a big number and we love the magnitude of it it just tends to be a

Little bit late because she didn’t get that nice initiation from those lateral forces so things start to get late and we’ll talk about that in a minute as to why they get late in this case it has to do with you know basically her making it

Really hard to be able to transition the club but we’ll we’ll keep going here for a second so now looking at vertical Forest I mean it’s a little late I don’t know that it’s the worst I’ve ever seen in a player in fact we’ll show you some

Data from padri that was kind of unexpected when we got it last year um looking at his vertical Force timing but you know these numbers were reasonable for the amount of speed she was creating at the time which I mean we were talking about like high 80s Club speed 88 89 mph

Club speed um you know right around that 129 130 ball speed range so you know definitely a player that could benefit from getting a lot more speed so let’s talk about something that I think is really important to this particular case study here and that’s the concept we call moment art um you

Know this is something that you know I think in physics is pretty understand but it’s a little more difficult to apply to what we’re talking about the golf SG you know on the technical side you know if we walk through this it it basically goes in with that idea of

Having a torque wrench so if you were trying to unscrew a really tight bolt that was in something right you wouldn’t want to do that with a really really really short wrench right the shorter that wrench is the more Force you’re going to have to apply directly to the

Head of that bolt in order to get it to turn however if you extend the wrench and that’s why torque wrenches tend to be longer and then you start to grab the wrench further away from that point of rotation that’s something we call a moment arm and it increases the amount

Of torque that we’re able to apply on that bolt you know real simple exam example here just to show you how the math works if I can apply 10 pounds of force all right to a 6 inch wrench all right I’m going to get a total of 5 foot- pounds of

Torque now if I want to increase that amount of torque I can do either I can do two things right you Tyler what are my two things I could do here yeah again mathematically we can either say hey let’s make the force bigger or let’s make that moment arm bigger right let’s

Apply more Force to the same size torque wrench or let’s just get a bigger torque wrench and apply the same Force to that torque wrench and both of those things would have the same effect that would allow us to then increase that applied torque all right well I’m a math guy so

Let’s show them how that actually would work so could go and I could apply 40 pounds of tors torque or 40 pounds of force instead of 10 PBS to that same 6 inch wrench and if I did that I would double the amount of torque that I can

Produce now Tyler would you say that it is easy for a golfer to apply four times the amount of force to the club like during transition in order to make it change direction you think that’s something that would be easy for players to do yeah I mean you’re kind of uh

Chuckling a little bit as you ask the question but again it’s not often that a player is uh producing Force at a a fourth of what their muscular capacity is so I would say uh that this tends to be a little bit more difficult to do in

The immediate uh time period I mean I mean look everybody should go back if you haven’t seen our grip strength webinar and look at the amount of pressure that a lot of players are actually imparting on the grip of the club during transition a lot of players

And you know I think Cheyenne’s an example in there I think she’s at like 95% of her capacity on her lead hand so this is something that’s very hard to do for a golfer many golfers don’t have the ability to create that much more Force especially not four times the amount

Well the cool thing here is that we can do something else if I apply these same 10 pounds of force but now I make that wrench 2 feet long instead of 6 in what happens we get that same 20t power pounds of torque now that’s pretty cool

Right so I guess this is where we got to go all right so how do we make the wrench bigger in our golf swing what are the components that make that wrench and create this moment arm when we’re when we’re in the swing well Tyler why don’t you walk him

Through this um I got an example here of Cody Blick on the corn fairy tour who does a great job of this and I think there’s a lot of swings you can think about and if you measured their Force vectors you’d be able to see how moment

Arm thing works really well for a lot of players so let’s go ahead and go through this yeah and this is a cool component where you start thinking about the mechanics of the motion right so Cody was a player who actually generated a a good good amount of lateral force and so

You can see his Trail leg Force Vector instead of being straight up and down you can see that it’s pointed towards the target again representing a good strong push of Cody away from the target the other thing that Cody does well is he gets that Force going to the lead leg

And then pushes really hard off that that lead leg right he’s creating a lot of force on that lead leg early in the swing which creates a combined Force Vector that you can see ends up being pointed kind of up more towards kind of the front of his body and what this does

Is if we think about his axis of rotation right what he’s actually turning his body around this red dot you can see that that red dot is really far away from that yellow line um and if we draw a line that connects to that uh

Yellow Force at a 90 angle this is that moment arm and this is really coming a lot from the mechanics of his movement right he’s he’s applying Force at the right locations at the right times and what that does is it creates this really large moment arm and now it makes it

Very easy for Cody to transition his golf swing and get that downswing started in in the right timing and Direction yeah so a couple really key points here number one there’s enough lateral Force really early in the swing that is you you know affecting Cody’s body pushing him toward the target okay

That’s a key vertical force is happening early you know and starting to grow very quickly during the transition of the Swing so that we get this big resultant Vector at the moment that we need to get this club changing direction that’s a key that’s the way we

Want this to work and that’s how you can get a lot of torque produced you know to really help you decelerate the club as it’s starting to change direction then get it accelerating back the other way so let’s look at what Cheyenne does here and this is you know her actually on

These Force plates so I think that’s pretty cool um this is what it looks like at this point in her swing now that green line doesn’t look the same as Cody’s right you know I I think this is the one that we see a lot is where the

Direction of that lateral force on the trail foots going far too much straight up and down okay and that’s CA that point of applications getting too far to the outside of the foot we’re not able to create that I like to call it laying down that lateral Force Vector in order

To create that now in her case at this point she’s also not creating much vertical Force yet so that resultant Force Vector that’s coming out here in 3D is not nearly as large and it’s also going basically directly back up through her body so if we look at her center of

Gravity and we actually in this case have to theoretically extend that that Force vector and then draw a per perpendicular line the size of Cheyenne’s moment arm is at absolutely tiny compared to Cody’s yeah this one’s tough Mike because now she’s at a multiple disadvantage right so we think of that

Torque equation of forces and moment arms if she’s applying low forces her moment arm is really low it’s like she’s got the tiniest torque wrench in the world and she’s applying it with really low forces making it so difficult to create these rotational torqus and it’s interesting like if you talk to these

Two players and we did you know what she would tell you in the transition of her swing she feels like she’s trying to swing as hard as she can she’s trying to do everything she can to get the club to change direction and accelerate being having a lot of effort there Cody would

Tell you yeah I don’t really feel it that much I I I feel like I’m starting the swing with my body and everything’s just kind of slingshotting around and I I think that’s a very interesting characterization a lot of people run into this problem that they they feel

Like it’s hard to transition the club maybe the the swing just kind of gets excessively long because they can’t get the Club to slow down and change direction and and so it’s a very very interesting um very interesting piece here that that really goes all right so let’s uh move now

Toward what did we do to fix this so what do we work on um with shy what kind of drills did we give her to do that and you’ll see a lot of these coming in our uh you know our drill programs for ground reaction forces that you’ll see

Most of this is actually our level two uh ground reaction force protocol before we called it our level two protocol but you know really looking at point of application that kind of stuff so uh point of application in the direction of these forces as as they’re going but you

Know this is kind of the stuff that we did worked on this stuff for about I would say what’ you say Tyler 30 minutes we went through some of these drills yeah probably 20 30 minutes max for sure this stuff does not take a long time uh

To show big results and I’m going to show you the stuff that we did with her right after doing 20% doing about 20 minutes worth of these drills so first of all lateral Force we were up from 15% to 18% now that doesn’t seem like a lot but

That’s a 20% gain in lateral Force production that’s going to make a big difference even though it’s a small change that one’s going to make a big difference in what we’re able to do with these other forces because again every little bit more of that lateral Force pushes that lateral Force Vector flatter

Which allows Cheyenne to transition the club more efficiently next well torque went up a lot more so again this was the way she was trying to create force with the ground so we just kind of freed up the ability for her to be able to do it so that one went up 40%

In about 25 minutes again pretty cool stuff that also allowed vertical Force to work more effectively and I didn’t know I didn’t really bring this up too much where before but Cheyenne’s vertical force in that initial slide uh if you break it down she was actually creating more vertical Force off her

Trail foot than she was her lead which is very atypical and another reason why we were seeing that you know moment arm situation be so small is that resultant Vector was so far right up between their her body well that went from being more on the trail side to being slightly more

On the lead side and going up by a significant percentage now these are all things that we still wanted to see improve past this point but you know pretty cool um where that might have where this went so that’s 20% increase on the lead and 11% on the total with the vertical

Force biggest gains there in torque um really kind of cool to see that happen like right before your eyes very very very quickly cool all right I think Tyler it’s time everybody wants to see some padri data hey before we get to pad padri Mike Katherine had a great question about

Kind of physical movement interventions as it relates to Foot and Ankle function um and I think that’s a good one and what we are not showing behind the scenes is that before any of this started there was a long interview with Cheyenne about pain we went through some

Things related to some physical function about these range of motion and Mobility uh these are some of the things that are that we’re going to put into the hands of our users and coaches as we we get set to release an app later this year um

And so we had kind of assessed all that stuff because that’s important right if if they’ve got some um you know inability to create kind of inversion ersion motion at the ankles it might be tough for them to do some of this stuff and then we might have to look at some

Different modalities um and so uh always with our players that’s something that we uncover uh in detail so that we know what we can then prescribe to them in order to help them get better yes so uh I would say the answer Katherine to that question is yes it’s very important we

Do test it with shoes off we do test those things physically to see how that player is is moving she did not have any restrictions in the way her ankles were moving um the types of shoes that you might be putting on your feet also can

Have a big impact on this so all of those things are I would say absolutely yes um on the on the side of do they matter absolutely and we’re going to show you how we’re going to integrate that stuff now you can go into padri M all right I

I’m just I know people always you know love to see padri I mean he’s I think I think he’s playing the Champions Tour event this week so we’re excited about that you know led the led the champions tour and driving distance last year um you know some really cool stuff in this

Data as well the one thing that I really want to highlight here with padri is when we saw him last I think it was early May uh late April early may we actually um got some data of him basically peing his vertical Force at impact and you know this is something

That you know has been a piece that he works on he you know Padre’s a big lag and downswing loading type player so he’s creating a lot of force with his arms and hands but to be able to support that properly you’ve got to be able to

Use the ground and you’ve really got to get vertical Force happening earlier so some of the things we recommended to his team was to were drills to work on that um now after doing some very simple drills on this and really trying to get vertical for Force happening earlier um

You know we were able to see some pretty big changes there so we it it again this was just in 20 minutes of working on some drills the stuff that we recommended to his team you know hopefully they they put into play and got this going a

Little bit earlier you know based on the results we saw with him last year from a driving distance standpoint I’d be pretty shocked if they didn’t um but that was just you know after about 20 minutes of drills now what did that do differently in you know ball speed from those pre-

Drills to post it’s pretty crazy I mean we’re talking like an average of five miles over 5 miles hour in club speed and 10 mil hour in ball speed and that was the only thing that we were really doing there was looking at trying to get vertical Force to happen a little bit

Earlier in the swing and what we’ve kind of not we know now from from Padre’s data is he knows that what it feels like if that’s going to happen soon enough and when that happens soon enough is when he jumps up there into the mid 180s

And ball speed and when it doesn’t you kind of hangs in that high 170s which is a pretty big difference when you’re talking about trying to dominate a field and hit it 70 yards by everybody out in the champion store I don’t know why it makes me laugh Mike the idea of just

Hanging back in the mid 170s high 170s right I mean just what what an incredible athlete padrick is and fun to work with and see his desire to to gain that speed and and use all of all of the aspects he to do it so yeah absolutely I

Mean again he’s going to look at every little 1% that he can get I just thought it was cool that this wasn’t a one percenter you know this was a pretty big percentage change for him in a short amount of time you know there’s another

Piece here that I just think we would be completely remiss if we didn’t touch on um and that’s what we call impulse so and this is where we were talking a little bit this is a lateral Force graph so this a trail leg lateral Force graph

Uh this is padrick so you can see padri doesn’t get up to that 20% number however look at how high it is how early it is in the swing and how it stays High basically for a very very long time so what impulse is is if we actually take

The area under that curve and add all of that up it essentially is the total amount of force that’s acting on that player over time um so we are seeing that there’s a lot of players that may not get quite to that 20% number but a lot of times it’s like this

Where they create a lot of force for a long time in the process Tyler what do you want to add there about impulse yeah I I would just add I like that you bring that up and I I think to put this in context like there’s plenty of players

That I’ll analyze where the force only ever gets up to maybe seven eight percent maybe 5% and then and then maybe one brief little Peak up to 14 or 15 and then it turns off as quickly is that Force turned on and so impulse in in a biomechanics world is directly related

To a change in momentum or change in velocity in this scenario and so the capacity to turn this force on early get it kind of ramped up uh and keep it on for a long period of time is what’s generating a large change of momentum and that’s why for padri you know it’s

Okay he’s going to use that lateral Force maybe a little bit differently and this is where it’s important to understand these principles so we don’t look at this and say well padrick you didn’t get to 20 you know what are we going to do we look at this impulse

Value and say ah you’re kind of doing it this way building that Force early hanging on to it for a long time and it’s going to get you in a good position in the swing yeah absolutely so again impulse is one I just wanted to really add in

There you know Tyler the next player that I want to take a little look at uh is one of our Collegian athletes uh Max moldan who plays at Ohio State um got to meet with him uh great young man got to meet with him in early December uh got a

Bunch of really cool data and gave him some drills as well to really start working on uh speed production um I think this is going to go into I think some detail on this other question that Jane uh that Journey has here about um does point of application have a direct

Influence on magnitude and you know I would say from a scientific standpoint the point of application probably is a separate topic to talk about than magnitude I think it’s from a practical standpoint impossible to produce optimal magnitudes without having optimal point of application is that would that be a good

Characterization Tyler yeah I think that’s a really like I like to think of the point application as what’s setting you up to like even have the chance probably to produce these magnitudes and directions you want um and so it’s not the point of application in of itself is

Going to increase the magnitude but I think without the correct point of application those magnitudes and directions become so so difficult uh that it it’s why it’s so important to attack yeah so I think this is that was just a timely question because so this is a before and after you know we

Obviously collected Max’s data built him a program did some drills collected post data um you can see in the pre- DAT I mean his point of application for lateral force was beyond his Trail foot like it was it was almost outside of where his shoe was actually touching the

The ground um that is going to make it really hard for him to create effective lateral force in the swing and that’s again as we’ve been talking about it’s going to set him up for you know not a whole lot of optimal for torque and vertical force and everything else

Because essentially you you think about this if you get your weight way too far to the outside of your Trail foot it’s really hard to recover from that this is just telling you um this is just telling you why it’s hard to recover from that and why if you do

Some of these things properly in the back swing it’s easy to recover from that um so we’ll get into s what we did to change this but that little bit of change there is going to make a huge difference for Max I promise so these were some of the other before numbers

That we looked at for him and again this is a Collegiate golfer who’s had a lot of success I think he’s number seven right now on PGA toru um these were the numbers that we saw in the data collection after he’d been fully warmed up hit a bunch of balls and we collected

Data we said we want to see you out there like you’re on a par five hit an aggressive drive and this is what we saw well we saw 88.7% lateral Force production and honestly if we measured all that impulse it’s not nearly what podrick’s was his

Was up already out here and and up now his is happening a lot closer right AP Force which is something we haven’t talked about as much but this is sort of the forward production ction with the Lead Foot and the trail foot you know working on opposite to create that Force

Couple that creates torque we look at this and I’m looking at this just on the Lead Foot here attive 19% and then 76 of our favorite newton meters to mass metric on torque all of those numbers are really low vertical Force for a player that’s already creating 170 m

Hour ball speed these are extremely low as well 140 you know below 140% total and 87% lead I mean I won 140% total just off the lead leg so you know I’m talking these are these are low I mean Tyler would you agree these are these numbers are very low for a Collegian

Athlete yeah like you said these These are almost you see a player of this magnitude and ball speeds and and to me one it’s a little a little bit shocking I think it’s okay to say but but I I know when we got some of this data we

See this data and we kind of start licking our chops a little bit uh because we see this type of data and say man I I know I can get you to 140 on that lead leg get you up over to 200 on that on that total vertical and now

We’re going to be talking about some Elite level speeds instead of just some average speeds so some really cool stuff with Max that we also tested because again we screen physically all of our players we also did power testing with Max because I think that’s a really key

Point here so these were the numbers that we got on Max’s power test so upper body push power which we measure uh with a kneeling or seat chess pass was about you know 20 9 in which is pretty good that’s on the upper end of kind of or

Mid uper end of PGA Tour Norms his core or pull strength was about 18 feet3 so that’s really on the bottom end of where you would want to see a PJ Tour player so that’s kind of lower end and then his jump power was really good it was 21 and almost a half

Feet or inches uh his vertical jump that’s again on the upper end of where we would want to see him create speed so whenever we look at that we kind of talk to those athletes see well where is this coming from all right um max would have well told us in the

Interview that we did with him he’s like well I think when I need to swing more aggressiv or I need to create maximum speed I’m going to turn my body more aggressively I’m going to try to create more rotational power now rotational power comes primarily from that core pull strength using those rotational

Slings to rotate your body so in his mind the way he needs to what he needs to do to create more speed is his weakest power source we also found out that Max was a pretty competitive basketball player and did that for a long time like up through into high

School so you know he’s the type of player that probably has some pretty good coordination with how to use jump power and also upper body push strength so we kind of looked at that and said well this doesn’t match up we need to make sure you know how to use especially

Jump power in your golf swing um which you’ll see we did with the drills that we put together for Max so we actually put together two separate programs for him one to kind of focus primarily on trail leg lateral um and the other one to focus on lead leg vertical um which

Are two very very key pieces but some pretty simple stuff the these are drills that fit in and out of all of our different um ground reaction force protocols that we’ll show you here in a minute um the trail leg piece I would say that one’s more of like our level

One and two mix and then the lead like vertical is a lot of stuff that we do in our level three magnitude program so those are kind of the that’s what we worked on we did this for about again 30 or so minutes I’d say maybe 35 we had

Two programs to go through with him and Tyler what we saw here um was pretty crazy so Trail leg lateral produ production this looks a little bit better doesn’t it just right off the bat uh yeah I mean not only I like that you can see that it’s it’s like you’re

Seeing that really rapid rise there after the dip right so he’s kind of getting settled into his swing and then he turns on that lateral Force earlier gets up to that value and then it’s a little more Padres if you might call it that right where he’s hanging on to that

72% increase in the peak magnitudes and from an Impulse standpoint much more impulse too yeah I mean that’s just a crazy number right like 72% % gains in 30 minutes is just nuts but yeah that’s what we saw we also kind of took a look at those AP and torque numbers you know

AP on that lead side went up to 68% you went up 68% from like 19 to 32 torque went up 62% so again I mean these are like insane numbers I’m telling you like training ground reaction forces is not that hard you just have to do the right drills um vertical Force pretty

Good results there too um you know looking now we had 44% more on the lead leg and again I would contribute theoretically a lot of that to the fact that now he has the ability to use lead leg vertical Force because he’s not really like cutting him cutting

His legs out from under him to not use a pun by not creating any of that lateral Force yeah and I like Mike you we talked about this idea of of forces and moment arms and and those types of things you know when you’re dealing with an athlete

Like this who who obviously has this capacity he just has quite learned how to transfer it to a golf swing this is where you can really start to see these big changes right you’re actually grabbing this athlete that’s just sitting in there waiting to come out and push on the ground the way

He would push on a basketball court and again with the right drills right measurements uh you know you can really make some significant changes in in club speeds so here are some of the numbers that we got you know in the pre-drill stuff averages of this stuff were about

1 113 or so about 70 a little over 170 ball speed um post drills the highest Club speed we saw was actually on a m hit that went to 118 highest ball speed that we saw was 175 so you know these are and actually those pre-drill numbers

Those were the highest we saw highest Club speed highest ball speed before any of these drills and then looking at those Peaks that we saw right after and that’s day one and I’ll be honest I think Max was a little tired by the time we got to that post drill time because

You know we worked him pretty hard that day um you know he sent us some pictures from his simulator to Ohio State you know this was a this was like a month in so this was one month after we gave him these initial drills got Club speed up

In the low 120s ball speed up to 182 now I I’ll say the caveat Max would tell you that he was swinging out of his shoes trying to create as much speed as possible on this swing I will also defend that he was doing that the you

Know in December when we gave him those drills we were telling him to swing as hard as you can and get the biggest number you can then too um a lot of players especially high level players will feel like it’s getting to a point that it’s harder to control but what

You’ll find is if you measure them out on the golf course they’re actually getting a lot closer to these Max speeds than they actually think they are so pretty neat stuff that’s uh that’s going on there with Max we’re really excited he’s having a great season he just tied

One of his lowest rounds ever um in a Collegiate tournament I believe he shot 64 um so really excited to see him in his uh you know final senior stretch here and then going into the pro World here in in the early part of the summer

All right so here’s what we got on the drills here’s here’s what they look like our Ground Force Level One protocol this is really to focus on basics of the kinetic sequence and point of application we do this with some some drills with the club across the chest

Positional drills uh with our Force pedals um you know Force pedals are a great training aid that can give you a lot of feedback of of exactly where you’re pushing on the ground so if you don’t have those make sure to pick a set of force pedals up um then we do some

Shorter swings where we’re trying to really not focus too much about how the club’s changing direction we’re really working more on trying to get fast and aggressive push on the ground and then applying that to full swings now Tyler this is the one that you really like

Looking at direction of timing of force right yeah I mean this is the one where just because like I feel like these are the things that just kind of get things set up so well so I I like this one because a lot of what we were trying to

Do here was help with the laterals because that lateral timing tends to help so these skaters and step backs and Trail foot uh Force pedal smashes step change of directions this is really we’re trying to help this person feel that it’s okay to create some lateral forces uh it’s okay to really utilize

The ground in that way to create that motion and then again kind of then transferring that to the the lead foot as well this is such a great way because when you get the directions and timings there now it just sets you up to have the capacity to go into level three

Where you can just ramp up the training of the magnitudes of those forces yeah and I did see a question in there so PS means practice swing and FP means Force pedals so there’s just some abbreviations in these Graphics um there now my favorite protocol are ground force level three that works on

Magnitude of force so this is all about just getting more Force getting those Force vectors to be bigger um do some really cool stuff in here golf jumps are like a reverse vertical jump we do lead leg jump back swings where we’re forcing Force so hard into the lead side that we

Come off the ground uh rocker drill is kind of a I I would say it’s almost a coordination drill where we’re trying to get the feel of pushing back and forth on our feet before we swing um really fun program here that we have Tyler you

Want to we want to give him a little sneak peek here on the the app and how this is all going to get integrated and how we actually assign these protocols throughout what we’re doing there yeah because I saw those questions in which is you know not every golfer has the

Capacity to go get tested on forse plates and we understand that and I think that’s why we were so excited to be able to test these athletes and test golfers and test these protocols with data on and off Force player plates with these golfers so that we know they work

And now what we can do is in the app you know there’s so many things that we can now do to help a player maybe unlock that part of the speed pyramid that they’re struggling with the most and then kind of push them to these different drill progressions that will

Help them get the most out of their speed training yeah absolutely so again the big key here is we need to know some you know I think that question was asked early we need to know a little bit about that player’s body to see kind of how

You know where there’s going to be Tendencies for I I would say inefficiencies with all of this this is what you’ll actually see in the app so you’ll go through um a physical assessment it’s very simple this is not super complicated there’s no equipment involved it’s all stuff that you can do

Standing up at the driving range and you just have to answer some simple questions as you go through this program we have a lot of those different tests that we’ve done a lot of research on to know exactly how they kind of correlate to issues we might see with different

Types of power production there’s four screens for ground reaction forces four for rotational sequencing and four for lag and risk mechanics and when you’re done with that assessment you’ll basically get a rubric of where we feel like you’re going to fall on that that chain of having a good chance that that

You’re using the ground effectively or a good chance that you’re not um and from there we can with the detail that comes in and through some of the other assessments that happen in the app we can recommend all of these protocols to you what those are going to look like as

We go through the app is pretty cool as well so you know our Ground Force protocol so this is somebody that um let’s say they got they there there’s a good chance they need all three of the ground force protocols now you’re not going to do them all at once obviously

We’d start with the level one and then it’ll show you kind of your progress through the different programs that you’ve been assigned these Ground Force protocols will come up it’ll show you like where to place the different Force pedals during the swing how many reps to

Do how many sets to do give you explanations there’ll be a video at the bottom that kind of goes through the uh protocol with you so whichever step you’re on you can hit play and see exactly that step right there um so that’s kind of how that’s going to look

As you go through the app and then as you get done you’re going to have a you know results screen that pops up shows you your session progress with the different protocols if you’ve earned any achievements we have all kinds of cool different achievements that you can earn

Um by going through these protocols and how many sessions you’ve done in your lifetime um so that’s pretty cool there’s a whole lot more coming in the app we’re likely going to do a webinar soon um outlining all of the details in the app and going through that in a lot

Of great detail for the community and we’re uh really uh excited about that coming here very soon if you want to learn more um our super speed certified program is great I mean primarily guided toward coaches but we have a lot of players that sign up

For this just because they want to learn more about what’s going on kind of under the hood of how we look at all these different things and how we create our protocols and how to use them the most effectively uh we actually also include with that certification program a live

Workshop so we have a full day live Workshop that you can come to you know if you want to get your ground reaction force data we can do it there on site at those seminars um we actually have one next week in uh Frisco Texas uh in conjunction with the North Texas PGA

We’re very excited that’s going to be on Tuesday the 20th um really excited to do that program uh Tyler and I teach those classes um we always have a great time doing it so that’s kind of it for what we’ve got right now I think we need to

Get into a couple of these questions what do you think Tyler yeah I think that’s a great idea all right well I had a couple in here um that I like the first one that that I’d like so we have somebody that wants us to go over moment arm again um

I do think moment arm’s a complicated thing I I think keep it as simple as possible moment arm is something that gives us the ability so it it creates more torque as we’re needing to create torque to make the club change direction so we need to look at it right at that

Point where we’re the clubs decelerating at the top of the back swing and needing to go back the other way because torque is really a big factor there in creating that both that slowing down of the club and the acceleration the other way Tyler you got anything else to add to that

Just to keep that really simple no I I I think that’s that’s kind of what we’re trying to apply is just the importance of how those things then help us create some of those transitions um again I think yeah I I think that keeps it pretty simple

Yeah I mean the other piece I would say is you got to have good lateral force and you got to be creating vertical Force early enough or you’re not going to be maximizing moment arm I mean that’s just the simple piece I sound like a broken record in a lot of these

Sessions I feel like because we see a lot of those same things patterning up especially with amateur players um good question here from Matthew so I think this is relating to Max’s speeds but you know if that player is already creating 170 mph ball Speed without producing a

Ton of ground force how is he doing it that’s interesting right I uh I I’m going to take this one though Tyler so there’s three main ways that we can create force in the golf s I’m GNA quiz you on this Tyler you’re you’re biomechanics Professor right what’s one

Them it’s got to be the ground some ground force external forces right we call Ground reaction forces are external forces to the system they’re not inside our body so external forces are one of the ways that we can add Force to the system of our golf swing you got another

One for me I you know I like grip strength and hand wrist type stuff I’m gonna go kind of lag wrist mechanics generally I would just say it’s strength in general right muscular contractions create Force so the ability of our muscles to create muscle contractions and create force in the swing is another

Major way that we can add Force to that overall system the third is all the elastic tissue that’s throughout our body so you know various parts of types of uh ligaments and cartilage all the elastics tissue that goes throughout can function almost like Springs in a way

And can make uh you know can also have an influence on the amount of force that goes into that overall system so the reason he can create 170 mph ball speed is that he’s optimizing a lot of what he’s doing with those other things when

We add the other piece in there and they start to all work together that’s how we see these big jumps right away all right here we go here’s another good one um another good one here from Nathan is the rocker drill for building kinetic energy before swinging similar to uh Twi

Twisting of the hips what do you think yeah again you know those long drive guys all have some kind of trigger right so uh again Kyle Burkshire is actually literally these steps up and downs a little bit of a rocker back and forth Martin borm that you’re referring to is

Kind of this twist the hips forward and then bam kind of gets this trigger drill um and so you know those things can be some triggers that work for players we’d never really want to tell the player what their trigger should be we want them to experience uh different and

Experiment with different triggers find that one that really works for them to increase speed what we’re really trying to get out with that rocker drill is to really get that feel of the transfer of force right the trail leg lead leg transfer of force and getting comfortable moving that force from those

Feet very quickly in the swing and not getting stuck in one foot or the other yeah I I would add to this one just a little bit that you know we recommend doing counter rotations in a lot of the different protocols that we do it’s a similar type thing to a counter rotation

It has to do not only with point of application and where you’re producing that Force but it’s kind of that timing of feeling the result of the force and then allowing your body to feel the result of the opposite foot Force kind of going back and forth so it actually

Adds to a sense of timing and a sense of kind of coordination and tempo of using those forces optimally with each other to actually create The Swinging motion so there’s a lot of cool stuff that’s going on with that rocker drill again I’m a big keep it simple guy like try

That rocker Drew you’ll drill you’ll feel it for sure yeah all maybe uh Mike we’ve got Roy in here kind of talking about just you know we’re we’re presenting very simplified information here Roy trying to get things that are a little bit digestible obviously the idea of all of

The the forces in a system accelerations impulses change of momentums body motions those things and I’m fortunate to be at a university where I have all that technology where I can put people on Force plates kinematic systems both markers uh list and marker based kind of

The whole nine yards and so Roy that’s what we’re really trying to do is really start to dive in and understand how these forces are creating those motions uh that’s kind of what we’ve shared today is just kind of a high level of we know this one is going to influence this

In this way you know based on some some good data we’ve collected but yeah feel free to reach out to Tyler he can he you guys Roy sounds like a physics Professor there that’s fantastic you guys can uh geek out on that to the nth degree but

There’s a whole lot of cool stuff and Tyler’s lab out there is probably one of the most technologically advanced golf performance labs in the world so um we have all of those toys and it’s a really fun thing to look at all right one of my favorite questions

Here and I think this is the next two here I can I can cover here about six-year-old doing super speed drills and then also what ages have we looked at all of this on so um I would say this first of all um using the ground effectively is

Important to look at from day one just when you’re dealing with really young kids I don’t want to be overly technical about telling them how to do it what you would be surprised with is when you’re doing the the just over speed training stuff a lot of those drills like our

Step change of Direction drills or our step back drills double step drills all of these things are in there to let’s say inadvertently positively affect the way that player’s using the ground um you we’re actually very shocked we when we measure really young kids that have

Been doing some of this stuff because a lot of times it looks better than you might expect um it is definitely something and all of those ground reactions en Force drills are going to be fine for juniors to do just make sure that you’re not at that point where they

Feel like they’re trying to be too technical with the way they’re doing it just make sure they’re still trying to create maximum speed when they’re doing these drills and there’ll be no problem um no problem there at all all right as far as ages um I would say that

Without a doubt all of those different mechanics drills are effective at least eight years like eight years old and up you know I I just before that I’m probably more just trying to get them moving as fast as possible and not really telling them at

All how to do it not to say you couldn’t but that would be my opinion on the proper way to coach a six seveny old um you know my daughter’s six right now and yeah I mean when we get out there I just want her to smash it um and you know

It’s great because my son who’s five years old smashes it Byer most of the time so it gets her frustrated and makes her get even more aggressive so it’s great um we’ve got that going on here in Denver all summer long um all right Tyler you want to take this next one

Yeah Daniel uh oh Daniel yeah we were on a we did a little podcast together so uh his question is thoughts on the link between lateral Force generation to promote that X Factor stretch uh to get the vertical ground reaction force more vertical rather than pointing away from

The target uh kind of negatively influencing the center Mass torque Generation Um man a lot to unpack in this one here Daniel uh I I would just say this and again this might be a fun thing for you and I to do another uh you know maybe podcast on as well um but

These are the kind of things where when we think about that lateral Force generation right um I feel like it’s one of those things that just is setting up a lot of really good things so one just brief example Daniel because as we start talking about X Factor stretch we’re

Starting to talk about some of these rotational motions right this these relationships between trunk and pelvis motion and one that we didn’t talk a ton about in this was this idea of that trail leg kind of almost sinking into that trail leg a little bit some of that

Rotation instead of the lateral Sway and I had a golfer that we were working really heavily on some of the lateral Force production and actually saw some really powerful changes in the way her pelvis and her trunk are interacting together um and so it to me it just does

Set up a lot of beautiful things I know I know Mike’s done a lot of 3D kinematic data in his time coaching so he may have some additional thoughts on that as well yeah so the answer is ground reaction forces definitely correlate to kinematics and rotational sequencing in a major way

Um the way I would describe it from a practical sense at this point is using the ground well sets you up for Success it doesn’t necessarily guarantee that your kinematics are going to be you know efficient but it’s certainly going to give you a much better situation than if

Your ground reaction forces are not working well you’re going to you know there’s going to be a lot of overworking having to be done to get things back you know Ro rotating creating good xfactor strats creating good downswing loading all of that becomes harder if these things aren’t connected up together in

The right way oh boy yeah one of my favorite things here deceleration is important in creating swing speed you talk about that well okay so obviously we are swinging the back swing goes One Direction and The down swing goes another Direction it’s really important to be able to

Effectively and efficiently slow all of that rotation down and then make it accelerate fast the other way the sequence of how we do that really gets more into kinematics but every segment has to go One Direction and then all those segments in the downswing have to stabilize again which is technically a

Deceleration so that that speed can transfer up the chain so it is just never really think about anything slowing down I don’t I don’t like the idea of ever thinking about things decelerating or slowing down more think about trying to get them go fast and the other way and automatically that slow

Down portion of transition has to happen if you’re accelerating in the opposite direction that’s the you know biomechanics 101 for go I just have to add because we did talk about Grand reaction forces um one of I’ve done a lot of of research obviously related to speed and

Power and we’ve spent a lot of time working with our friends at TPI and I remember one time out there sharing some data out there with Dr Greg Rose and we were looking at the lead leg lateral Force which is the capacity of that that lead leg to create some kind of breaking

Right he and Greg kind of said that would be one way I would talk about that um and that’s actually a force that I find to be the one of the highest correlated forces to Club head speed and so that ability as Mike described that’s going to be a force that actually starts

To maybe initiate some of those um you know stabilizations of segments so that we can transfer energy out um and so that that is a just such a big part again occurring prior to impact with the ball I think that’s what’s important to understand is that we want this to occur

In the downswing so we can stabilize transfer energy uh and kind of create a lot of speed yeah we uh we had a question there of where can we get on some Force plates and do this stuff um right now i’ point you to the smart to

Move website and you know find some people that are are professionals out there that have them you know it is one of those you can’t really see ground reaction forces on video so you have to get this stuff measured um you know that being said we’ve built the protocols

That are coming soon for this that it’s not a situation where you’re going to get worse if you do any of those protocols so if you think there’s a possibility you’re not using the ground efficiently do the protocols and you may see big jumps if you’re already using

Them really well you’re just not going to see a huge jump because you were already doing it well we are floating the idea around about trying to get some opportunities together to get some people in out at um out at Tyler’s lab in Utah so you know stay tuned on that

As well we’ll certainly post that on uh um social media and everywhere else and probably send some emails out if we decide to do those but um it’s more just a time and Logistics piece but you know we would certainly love to get people on

Those if you can if we’re ever in the area on and doing one of our super speed live workshops definitely uh you know come by or let us know and uh we can get you into one of those if you want to get that data recorded quickly there as

Well uh yeah sorry last question there Donald yeah the protocols are coming out with our app so they will be released shortly we’re we’re hoping for the I mean kind of early April is is our Target date for that oh boy we got a bunch more we got a

Couple more questions that came in right at the end here we got to answer these Tyler I can’t stop um yeah I like length of the back swing is a cool one I think actually Dan length of the backswing is a cool way to think about it in terms of

Uh this impulse relationship right we definitely see players who tend to gravitate towards forces apply over longer periods of time thinking about a John Daly type player where you start looking at his Force curve you start looking at these impulses where maybe he’s relying on the time component of

That impulse equation versus like at John ROM who when we are calculating impulse as force and time his time is so short that his forces are going to be really really really high so that he can create similar impulses and generate that club head speed and so I would say

A lot of it’s the piece of the impulse equation that they’re using and then the associated applied forces in conjunction awesome all right guys well I think we need to end it at this point um we really appreciate everybody hanging out with us tonight we hope that you got some information that’ll help

You um you know from everybody here at super speed golf thanks a lot and uh have a great Evening


  1. How do you know if your vertical is happening early enough (right time) Also drills to get it right I have the sticks and force petals

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