Golf Swing Practices

Good morning everyone…. Today is a video that gives us a great way to practice our then, tempo, and timing…

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As always, keep it in the short grass.

Everyone it’s Trish I am out here today on finally a beautiful day here in South Florida and I am at The Links at Boon Beach and I want you to remember one thing about The Links at Boon Beach Hope Has a home the PGA hope program which is a program designed for

Veterans is is here and everywhere around this country but here at The Links at Pointon Beach Veterans have a home so PGA Hope Has a home here at the links ofo that’s why I’m all patriotic today but anyway I want to talk with you today about effective ways to get

Yourself prepared to play the best golf of your life okay and I can tell you that over the three decades that I have been teaching golf the average player the handicap of the average player has not improved and that’s really sad to me but I think part of the

Reason that the average player’s handicap has not improved in the three decades that I have been teaching golf is because players want to hit a ball they get a golf club in their hand and they want to hit the ball well I’m going to tell you that a hit is a very abrasive

Action hitting something means that it’s abrupt it’s not fluid but if we reconstruct our minds and teach our minds to believe that that our job is not to hit the golf ball our job is to swing the golf club we will improve and here’s how we’re going to do

It we’re going to take our tennis ball on a string and we are going to hold it to our side and before you even play or warm up for the day I want you to swing this tennis ball and string backward and forward and find yourself a rhythm now

If I go too fast the tennis ball is not going to react properly but if I allow myself to really just kind of be present in the moment and swing this club I will find a rhythm that works for me and remember that the Rhythm can change day

To day okay some days it’s cold some days it’s hot some days we’re tired some days we’re anxious and the rhythm is going to change but by doing this just for a couple minutes before you even start to practice it will help you swing better during the round then we’re going

To take our golf club and we are going to put it behind the golf club and we are going to swing it side to side keeping the tennis ball and the golf club together and once we find that Rhythm we know that now our mindset is about

Swing then we can take a ball and a string or if you happen to be able to be a little creative and make something you can take a string with a golf grip on the end and like a bottle Koozie all I have in here is like some sponges to

Make it nice and soft and if I swing this I am going to swing it around it a little too long let me fix that I am going to swing this around my center and allow myself to just feel that Rhythm experience that Rhythm because when does

A feel happen a feel happens after the action has taken place so remember that if we can swing the club and our mindset is good now the feel will start to be consistent so then we’re just going to swing the club backward and forward allowing ourselves to create a

Rhythm in our mind then when we go out to the golf course our consistency will increase make sense so anyway please come see us here at The Links at Pointon Beach remember PGA Hope Has a home here at the links and we are here to help you improve your game so

Until next time please stay safe stay healthy and of course keep it in the short grass


  1. Trish thank you for continuing the teaching, would you be able to include in one of your videos how to construct the tennis ball on a string? Thank you

  2. Trish do you have any hybrid advice? I don’t see any hybrid videos in your channel?

  3. amateur golfers dont' practice enough… if you really want to improve, you must practice daily. I took 2 lessons a wk and I didn't improve until I started practicing at the range daily. Most players aren't willing to even practice weekly.

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