Golf Players

In-Person Golf Lesson (an inside look)

So you know weal so we talked about swing plane right M okay so the what I was trying what I meant by that is to get that extension you have to think so this is the middle of of the Swing Arc right of the circle this side is going to be

Wider than the back swing that’s the that’s needs to be the imagery of it so your hands figure your hands are this small little circle that’s how that is so on the back swing it’s going to be you know it might only be to here right

Hands are a little closer to your side cuz you’re trying to set your hand and get a little bit of height so that you have a downward motion because it’s remember it’s this it’s not a straight Circle this way it’s got It’s got a it’s more dimensional right so you’re going

To have some some tilt to it so it’s like this more okay so that means that you have your hands are going to go more this way than necessarily that way cuz that creates a different lever a different lever that you have to use so if you’re in this position here my

Follow-through position needs to be here this way down it’s not up I think what happens is as you’re as people swing they anticipate this motion and they they circumvent the the actual swing and they try to jump the gun and then they go like this and then instead of being

Your hands here your hands are here and that’s exactly what what when we see your video that’s what you’re doing you have this motion and then in you get to here and then and then you’re already trying to to go there you want to feel like you go

Low right so that means that the right shoulder and the right hip and everything is going to tilt more down okay so you’re thinking low with the right hand you know the the left shoulder is going to go vertically so the left shoulder goes up you might even have a little tilt

With the ears where your right ear drops so you have this with your head so that everything tilts so the whole spine is going to tilt so I might finish I might feel like I’m finishing like this right so as I swing I’m I might feel this way you know exaggerate maybe you

Get lower where you’re down this way like this okay now if this hip my trail hip comes up right so if I go on my downswing if I’m if I’m set and this hip goes this way and goes up that levels out my my hips there’s no way and then

That’ll level out my shoulders there’s no way I can create that tilt cuz then I get then I get stuck and this gets all congested and then I have to try to go like this so that’s why this back leg needs to stay longer on the ground so

I’m in so my feet are on the ground all the way to here and I would say even to here so I’m on the ground a little bit past the ball so I stay my hands until my hands get to my outside of my front foot my I want to keep my

Feet on the ground yeah part of the now with a driver here’s where the kicker is with the driver since the ball is teed up and the ball’s already and the ball’s forward and the ball’s teed up theoretically I’m starting to come off the ground when I’m making contact with

The ball MH cuz I’m already there and so it’s starting to come up so and because it’s teed up and it’s a white and I’m further away I can be I can be a little bit flatter with that motion so the hard part usually for most people to understand to get the the

Difference between how an iron um swing plane is versus how a driver’s swing plane is is when you get into your fway woods and your long irons because you have that hybrid that’s why they have a hybrid it’s because you’re kind of in between what am I doing here so

The the motion is still more of a flatter driver swing but you just stay in the shot a little bit longer so it’s more it’s it’s going to have a little bit more vertical with like an iron wood where your hands go up the club head will go up a little bit

But then on the follow through I’m going to stay in it a little bit longer so that’s that’s the real difference so what I would have you do is I would focus on maybe putting something instead of there’s that towel drill where you would put something behind so you put your towel behind

Right right then you would have a space between uh about a club withd between the ball and the towel and then you know then you have your ball and then when you swing the idea is to miss the towel hit the ball and make contact with the ball right so

That holds that release longer so that’s that would be a negative reinforcement type drill a positive reinforcement type drill would be the flip put something a club head in front of the ball so that when you swing you nip the ball and then hit the object in front

That keeps everything down a little bit and it makes you stay in the shot a little bit longer we call it chasing that’s the term chasing you’re so I’m chasing my right side down yeah I mean a good player will chase and to stay in the in the Target a little bit

Longer and to make a little bit better contact you have to chase so I if I if I don’t stay in the shot then I’m coming out now there’s three ways I can do it I can do it by lifting this way I can do it by lifting the foot and tilting this

Way or I can just do it by pulling my arm if be and it could change after every swing but it all accumulates around the fact that you need to stay in the shot and Chase through the ball yeah so that’s what I would have you work on

Um you know with your iron swing and then with the driver swing especially is is work on that extension drill that I showed you where you know you set up here you play the ball there and you make you make yourself have to swing so

Here’s what you can do you can and it’s a little it’s kind of fun so you have your ball on a te yeah right like a driver you take your setup then you put like maybe a one t and front like a golf ball in front right so

You know you have it teed up here and then put another te put another te right here and maybe put another tea right here and put another tea right there and then see how many T’s you can hit as you swing like you don’t have to do the

Whole you know stand here put the ball forward like you can get into your regular your regular golf shot where the ball is just inside your left your left foot so to speak or inside your your left big toe that’s fine and then you just put T’s out in front and then the

Idea is how many T’s can I hit when I make a golf swing that will force you to stay in the shot and keep the Tilt remember you’re hitting you’re hitting it this way on the ball so we’re not hitting down on the ball so if the head

Moves then I’m at a position then I got a short on so I got to stay back on my back foot because I’m trying to hit it this way so as I swing with my driver this even if this comes up a little bit I’m still back here so that means this

Leg and and second up is R lope I can’t have this leg straight and stay down you know unless I’m you know hyper flexible and 25 years old and can do all that stuff which I can’t yeah right so then we have to kind of manufacture it in a

Different fashion and for me staying in the shot a little bit longer and feeling this release here and then really feel my acceleration happening over there through the ball so I’m not swinging at the ball again if I’m swinging at the ball then once I get to there it’s kind

Of the end right and then it’s like okay then your body goes okay now what do I do right and then it’s and then it’s trying to just manipulate and figure it out right if I say look the end of my swing is out there right so it’s out in

Front of me out there out in space it’s not there at the golf ball then I can swing through and it can have that extension and acceleration through the ball instead of at the ball that’s why we’re always talking about it’s an underhand toss right so what am I doing

I’m tossing it I’m tossing out towards out in space towards the target it’s never here this is part of this motion is part of the swing arm but the end result is you’re trying to move it that way so that keeps you in the shot a

Little bit longer okay so let’s try some shots let you warm up a little bit then we’ll do some driver shots and see how that feels okay cool all right so when you when you hit and it doesn’t matter what iron you can use any iron you

Want but what I wanted you got this you can put a club Down Club works just as well but really focus on keeping the ball on the front side on the left side for you on the front side of the of you know the club or the sticks and focus on

Keeping your head more on or behind so that forces you to swing through so you’re never letting your head get on on the front side of the Stitch that’s that becomes the hard part okay so the ball position so if you see where that that stick is that should be right in the

Middle of your stance yes the ball should be forward yes that’s part of the drill or normal set as a rule I would always have the ball more forward in a full swing it’s a little bit more of a sweeper motion but it will it will help you in longterm get

Your weight around it if as we move down if you want we can work on what do why do you put the ball back in your stance and what kind of shot are you trying to hit but in terms of just a general shot it’s better to

Play the ball a little bit more forward in your stance because it helps you get the momentum through the ball okay that way you don’t have to feel like you have to push your hands Way Forward you can keep it more neutral kind of in between your you want to keep

The the hands more in between your legs yeah yeah so even if you were to forward have a slight forward press it would just be like that but it’s still between your hips yeah so if you look at it if you look at the camera it’s you still have

Your lowercase y but it’s more neutral and it’s more it’s set up more because if you notice with you do that your your right shoulder’s a little bit tilted which it should be yeah and that creates it now if you go like that and try to level your shoulders out see how your

Weight goes forward that’s what you’re trying to avoid now if you were to put the ball say back in your stance more towards your right so if you adjust your feet to the left a little bit more so yeah now take your setup see how that changes your your shoulders and everything now

If you if I say okay now what I want you to do is tilt your shoulders like that see how now you’re off balance and it feels funky cuz that feels more neutral so the idea and it it’ll put pressure on places that you don’t want

Pressure to be put on you know your back you know kind of that crunch in between your lower and your upper back down by your pelvis yeah that you don’t want that pinch in your back you want to try to avoid that if the ball’s too far back

In your stance you’ll get that pinch uh the other thing is there’s a chance that you can get your head out in front of the ball and that you’re yes and then you’re moving that way which then that’ll force you to have to hit down on it

That’s right the other thing too is like for you you’ll short AR it because the balls you because you’re making your motion and it’s like throwing out a Mayday a bat signal saying I got to get to the ball so then you try to hit down

On it and then you try to lift up on it and that’s why you kind of Miss what you’re trying to do right playing the ball forward allows your body to stay to have tilt and stay down in the shot longer so that you can extend through the ball

So more in the middle yep and I would focus on trying to think about brushing the ground in front of the golf ball so no matter where it goes if it goes left or right to feel like you’re brushing the ground in front of the golf ball yeah

Yes so watch your setup so it’s still move to the right a little bit yep your head is your head should be right on the stick yeah now when you make your golf swing you have to that was good extension through the ball now when you make your

Golf swing you have to think it’s still a circle okay so it’s not straight back straight through it’s it’s it’s rotary right so you kind of went straight back and then pushed out to the right even though that you’re you’re pivoting you’re extending so your weight’s going

To still feel like it’s here right that’s where your head’s going to be in the shot on your back by so that’s why we would say body left you know body goes that way right body goes around that way El and then the club goes in the opposite

Direction yes see now you stay in the shot see that was good so it’s so between those two swings okay the first swing that you hit to the right you had extension but your body also went with the club the second one where you just hit and you short armed

It is your body turned but then you try to rip your hands that way as well so there has to be this delin distinction between you know where my body’s going versus where the club head’s going right so if I were to talk if you were just to toss something right under

Hand as you rotate right you turn so pivot left to extend right it goes straight so it’s more this way see it’s still going in opposite direction what I’m saying yeah so if it goes now if you go left with your now turn left and your body

Goes left then you do that feel that that and then so two things happen a the bend happens and two this moves this way which shortens the swing so if you keep this tight to your body on your P so keep this here you finish and I don’t mean tight it like

You got to squeeze I just mean if there was vro and it’s stuck it’s stuck against your side same with your left if your left and your right were were attached to your side like on Bel then you would have extension yes yes and then your release would be let

The toe of the club so let the the top of the club which is this part feel this part so as you extend your arms you feel the toe release so then you just do that that’s a releas just doing this so that’s not a release that’s a

H that’s a Rel just that so as you’re swinging through you just this so like you’re kind of turning the part yet now do that and swing the club head more out to the right when you do that there you go okay couple things you can help with

That one you can hold the club like this trigger finger which will let this release two you can actually do it you know take this off and feel the release that way I you just got to get this where you’re doing this motion it should actively be trying to do that or it

Doesn’t it’s not actively cuz if you actively try to do it should happen naturally okay cuz if you actively do it you’ll do it prematurely all right so it’s like I go like this so if I’m coming towards the camera I go like this and then I’m doing

That right so if I’m here as I swing I make contact and then I’m I’m pointing I’m literally pointing at my Target and then as I swing what I’m doing is I point to a spot so if this is where the ball is I point to a spot just

Just to the outside of where the ball is and about three feet in front so as I swing I try to point to that spot down there and then I go up to my finish that keeps me in the shot a little longer and it’s a good it’s a good imagery to

Practice and maybe even put up so so you know you have your right so here’s the golf ball I would point the club head to a spot I would point the club to the club head to that spot right there yeah but don’t move your head

Don’t move your body just just the point you would now like to welcome the Ricardo to the May so it’s kind of to a spot right there and straight up and down keep your foot on when you do it there you go there you go so it’s out more out in

Front yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s it right there let the right hand turn over a little bit we call it let the right it’s just letting the right hand pass over the left hand on call through my elbows my forearms and everything stay down I just I just

Do this right so I’m like this and then I just do that here here without doing the shoulders right so yeah so if you go this way that down and all you do keep your forearms pointing up and just flip that’s release so you know you set up neutral here back swing impact

Qu droper down that should also happen naturally mhm it does happen naturally usually what h on the flip is that people restrict it they don’t allow it to happen naturally yeah but if you held the club out straight out in front of you right and just go

Yeah so back swing would be you know back swing would be like this follow through is like that back swings like that follow through like that back like that so what are you doing is you’re actually it would be like you know having a door knob and just opening the

Door knob that’s all you’re doing is going that there you go there you go there you go ball position okay so the yep your head stays behind the ball and you just feel the club Head release perfect and that’s true with the driver it’s even more important with the driver

Right because that’s where your speed is coming from your speed comes from your from your wrist from the Rolling of the of the hands that’s where that extra speed comes from is that move rather than this move it’s not a flip right so it’s not a so it’s not a flip this way

It’s a roll this way yeah roll yes and then it’s on plane and then everything stays on plane we call it l to L okay so I go to the top of my back swing right I have an L right I go to my follow through I have an

L okay so back swing I’ve got tilt tilt tilt left shoulder down right shoulder down left hip down right hip up opposite side boom there’s my foot if I go this way I go here and I go like this then it’s going to

Be right if I do it and I hold on to it right I go like this and hold and go with my elbow my hands this way now the face is open then I got to flip it right so it’s always passing the club head

Right so if I take it back here swi over just a little bit so if I go like this the club is say I don’t know a foot from my hands this way on my follow through it should be the same so if I’m here like this my arms

Are here and I want to create the same motion on the other side I’ve got to do that that’s a that’s a rotation right if I go like this and I throw the elbow out then I’m doing that and where is the Rel it’s out here like

This if I’m here and I roll then I don’t release it till here right because if I go like this and I just roll my hands I have to go straight and then I have to release if my elbow goes out then I can release it way early and then I’m doing

That so if I go down here and I do it then I’m doing that if I go like this and I roll then I release that way and it’s a proper release so you can do it in front of it you know you just look straight ahead and you go okay I’m going

To go like this keep my hands in front of me and I’m going to go like that shoulder B shoulder stay level here gentlemen on the te just so you know if you are doing a replay of the nine you do need to pay the fee so please come in

If you haven’t paid the already cuz we got the river oh yeah maybe it’s easier to think about just keep yeah that’s a great idea and then from here that that’s not a flip but you’re but everything’s now if it gets going this way too much and

That’s a flip but if you go this way it’s still pretty much in in in the right spot obviously a release will have a little bit you know where the club will move this way towards your left side but for the most part you’re St pretty much this is staying just on the

Right here as I go like this this staying right here right so if you go straight at the camera so if you sit up here if I go like this right and if I go back to neutral boom and if I go go this way what is the main thing that

Mov yeah that’s the but what is connected this is connected and that that stays connected that’s a release right so here right just here I make an X so it’s like this that’s my follow so that’s my so here’s my my back swings like this right my follow through goes

Like that so it’s X it’s like that so here so just go go like this right so back swing right that it would just be rotation but that’s a perfect finish that’s the feeling you should have yep so see how this is dead straight that’s right in the shot and

Your head is on your back leg right and your foot’s on the ground that’s a perfect and then from that position you would then pivot and go up onto your toe there’s your finish but that starts with having that in the shot down and having that release

So again like if I was going to release it I would be here right so that’s where my so if I throw it at the camera I’m going to be like this right my right hand I’m not going to be like that cuz then the goes that way so

It’s that so you can practice just going like this and holding your finish like that all the time there’s your lower piece y that yde to Y drill that’s your y to Y drill so all of the little drills that you know sound kind of corny when we do

It it all it all starts to come together when you when you think about it and your left arm stays straight is straight all the way so this would stay straight all the way to here and then as you release then you start releasing out but you’ll do it earlier when you

Make a golf swing it’ll happen earlier there you go y so you think about so you would think about the imagery of where you want your finish to be on that on that halfway spot then you want the club where you want that club at okay so if you practice being in that

Spot over and over and over again just to get to that spot right so I would just practice getting in that spot over and over and over again and then what happens is your body starts to go okay that’s the spot I need to be and then it

Starts breaking it down and saying okay so now what do I have because your mind starts moving and it says okay so now what do I got to do to get to that spot and that it’ll say well a I can’t move my head B I can’t try to hit the ball C

I got to keep my on the ground D I got to keep the I got to get my shoulder tilt e and and it just your mind’s going through this checklist because it wants to get to that spot and it’s all happening subconsciously MH which is

What we do when we walk and talk and drink and drink and do everything all at the same time your your body’s subconsciously going through this checklist of things that it has to do right in order to make the motion happen what ha and if we if we take it out of

That context and we try to put it into the conscious context consciously you might pick one or two things that you’ll you you pick out of all all that list of of drill of things that have to happen to make that move and you’re focusing on maybe one or two

Things well then all the focus goes to the one and two things and then all the other things that are happening get thrown out the window and then you’re like okay what did I do and I would say back to you is that you’re focusing on the on the wrong

Things you know like like in life you know when we focus on the wrong things happens right you got to focus on the right thing so your focus should be where do I want to be in the position so where do I want to be at the

Top of my back swing so where do I want to be at setup where do I want to be on my takeaway where do I want to be at the top of my back swing where do I want to be at impact where do I want to be on my follow

Through your follow through would be on that side and then where do I want to be on my finish and if you pick up so you got 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 right so if you can think of those spots as pictures and

Then your body goes okay I got to be in blah blah blah blah blah right you look at the camera that makes sense and then you go okay now I get now let me focus on your back swing now so your right side of the things that you’re doing is perfect

You’re perfect you look great okay so now what we do is let’s focus on the left side what are we trying to do on the left side so that they start to match up once they start to match up then it becomes very simple okay so try a couple more

Shots so I want you to feel the release okay let it release on the back releas on both sides the motion was good it’s just you were very rigid when you were doing it try to be a little bit more fluid in this in this good there you go

Good don’t feel like that see that you’re shoving it that’s a shove shove you’re shoving it instead of releasing it release it so feel like you’re trying to hit it when you swing okay this is uh I’ll set this drill I’ll send it to you but once

You get to here okay here’s here’s the you’re going to try and hit it with the toe with the outside of the club so you’re going to try and hit the ball with the outside of the club okay but you got to do it without trying to do this

So you got to go this way you got to go like that like just what we’re doing you’ve got to release it this way right the elbow stays down as long as it can and go so I go to the top and I try to release it this way so

What happens is I go like this and I try to release it and you get to there and boom you’re hitting it straight what you were doing with that is you were going releasing it late and getting it here getting your hands here and by the time

You release it’s it’s the face is open and you hit it that way to the right so when you’re here I want you once you get to the top even if you go really high I want you to feel like you’re trying to release it trying to hit it

With the toe with a CL without a ball you try it with a ball that’s fine earlier try do it earlier and keep your keep your head behind the stick when you do it release earlier now there you go again good try it with the ball so from

The very top of the back swing so your first move as you start your down swing should be trying to turn it over I mean if you over if you over if you’re overzealous and it does get too quick you’ll just hit it left you’re not

Going to hurt anything you just hit it to that was pretty straight right that was pretty straight little you know you lift it up a little bit but that was dead straight didn’t go to the right and you stayed in the shot a pretty good amount keep your feet on

The ground keep your head behind the ball Keep Your Head on the stick or behind the stick through the whole swing there we go good it’s okay it’s okay to hit snap hooks when you’re practicing this it’s okay to hit it hit it dead left easier to control that well you can

Then rain it in a little bit if you know what a dead duck Hook is to the left and a big old slice shank to the right those are the extremes and then your body knows the extremes and then it can kind of go okay let find a middle kind would

I like to welcome on the first T I have Caesar Chavez single with Sam p and Danny Liam there you go perfect good release y you can swing as aggressively as you want but just it has to be in the framework of rele of hitting it with the toe

It’s not going right you’re hitting it pretty solid super left it’s not super left it’s just a little left keep your head behind the ball little longer remember you’re trying to hit it with the toe of the club head not your head there we go

Good now when you do this now that you have that feeling think about now that that’s a draw that’s how you hit a draw a right to left shot now if you want to kind of work on Direction then say Okay I want the ball to start a little bit

More to the right and still do the same thing so maybe start it out to the right but still try to hit it with the toe of the club and just have it start out start to the right a little bit align to the no just your swing just the swing so

Instead of trying to hit it hit the straight back of the ball try to hit the inside part of the ball with the toe so you’re too much inside yeah so you’re trying you’re so you’re trying to hit it I want you to swing through you’re trying to hit it m so

When you’re doing what I’m saying is you’re trying to go like this with handles and have the very end you’re trying to go like that I want you to feel just the hand stay here and that clip head releases cuz if I do if I

Release it just with a clad see it’s an inside out swing yeah if I go like this and then try to do that that’s an over the top this way so if I go like this and I go okay I want to try to hit it with the

Toe try to hit it with the toe try to over overdo it you don’t get yeah I mean you it again it’s a drill right it’s a drill let see if you can see if you can try to ease the toe into it cuz you got to

Get the release of the of the club face the club face has to release yeah it needs to release earlier than that yes so you waited too long you’re afraid to that you’re going to not make contact and your head’s moving which is throwing you off your

Head has to stay back so that your hands release so the club releases there you go you have to stay back it it’s completely counterintuitive but if your head moves left or towards the ball on your down swing you’re never going to make good content yeah that’s what I notice when

Hits and it’s a very strange feeling to to tell your body I’ve got to I’ve got to stay back cuz it feels like I’m never going to get to the ball but if your head stays back you have no option but then to let your right side release

Through the ball which is what we’re trying to get accomplished there we go that was a better release you want to try with the driver swing as hard as you want with this too I don’t care ball position should be yeah I like it where it is yeah it’s

Fine hands back behind the ball behind the club get your hands behind the club yep so when you take your set up so when you go go take your set up go grip it when you set up there your hand even would that might feel that’s get your hands back yes okay

Release that toe of the club let it rip use your body full golf swing release now she waited way too long so you’re trying to go you’re trying to release it like that release it like that now you’re trying to hit it stop do that again no hand no no body turn just

Release roll yes do that again no body turn there again no body turn again no body turn that’s the release that’s a release that’s a release this L naturally bends is yeah that’s fine I I would prefer it to bend that gets the right arm to extend

Take your so I want you to feel a little softer with these two fingers then I want you to feel this [Applause] happen yeah yeah release there we go there we go that much left bigger turn more aggressive release there we go okay now when you make a golf swing make

A golf swing and release the club you want to grip it normally that’s fine but there should be lighter grip pressure on the thumb and the index fingers you can have it for for control of like your right your right thumb and right index finger you can touch you can

Touch it you can touch the shaft with that but it’s more of a just it’s a light of pressure it’s just so it doesn’t wobble in your hand it’s not you’re not using it for power so you’re not pushing with this to make the turn I’m doing I’m actually using these two

Fingers to turn so it’s like this so it’s a hang loose yeah there we go bigger shoulder turn on your back swing and really release the club head on your follow through big shoulder turn release No you went short come on release you don’t do that on when you’re

Hitting balls on the video I see you letting it go big shoulder turn release that club head go there we go see feel the difference MH way less pulling way less pulling very unnatural feeling though it’s an unnatural feeling yeah it should feel more throwing it should feel more throwing than

Pulling it’s not pulling yeah you’re you’re you’re pivoting with your body so you’re twisting with your body and you’re throwing the club head towards the target good bigger shoulder turn on your back SP bigger bigger bigger bigger now go there you go big big big big big go yes try

It that was pretty pretty nice the distance between the ball and my feet as fine yeah I like it you feel comfortable you don’t feel jammed not really okay you got to be able to you got to be you got to feel far enough away that your arms feel like they can

Swing naturally but not too far that you feel off balance you should be able to get in a nice comfortable athletic position but feel like your arms can swing comfortably if if yeah and if you were to happen to extend the arms if you’re not off you’re not like weird feeling

Get your hands more neutral more in the more in the middle of your crot your hands there yeah that feeling that’s where yep I love it big shoulder turn big big big yeah now we’re getting there that way of that way yep a little

Low so you still kind of try to hit it so your should you kind of smothered it so your your right shoulder kind of got on top but the the track the path of the ball was correct that little curve is what you’re trying

To get to okay I got a small drop yeah you should be able to hit it up in the air and still have it drop right that’s shoulder tilt and keeping your head back here so you have an angle cuz you want a launch angle up right but then you got

To let it release you got to let the toe release so it’ll curve so there’s two there’s two there’s launch angle and they’re spin so I want to have it go up in the air but then I want it to curve I want

It to spin this way so what do I have to do I had to make my hands go like this so I’m putting that kind of spin on it but I want it to start you know going up I don’t want it to go flat I’m not going

Level I want it to go up but then I want to curve so I’m going like this and doing that that’s that’s how the work going harking all the way back to swing Arc think about your swing Arc it’s a nice flat long big swing Arc and you’re hitting it on the upswing

Of the Swing Arc but it’s still on an arc there we go perfect see I had a little baby curve to it but it was still down it was a little low now I would now when we do this I would have a tea like super high when you practice get the

Tallest tea you can find the tallest tea and try and and work on that and then adjust ideally with these new drivers cuz The Sweet Spot on these new drivers were up here okay so I would want to have I would probably want the ball a little

Bit higher about the crown so you know I would have it teed up you know another probably there so that’s probably about two Ines or so two no probably like 2 and a 3/4 2 and 1/2 2 and 3/4 in t so nice and high you know because it’s going to hit

The spot yeah cuz you’re hitting up on it you’re not hitting down on it that’s that’s the thing you’re not hitting down on it like an iron you’re hitting up on it on the follow through so if it’s too low you’re going to hit down on it now you’re back to

Hitting it like an iron then the ball goes really low then you’re hitting down on it and the ball’s going to get it really low so your body goes I can’t have that I want it go up in the air so then it’ll make some sort of adjustment

And manipulation to get the ball to go up in the air and now you’re back now you jump all the way back to square one CU now your all your body’s all jacked up and doesn’t know what to do you’re better off having it super high te and

Learn how to swing up on it and then you can adjust yeah give yourself a little bit more room there you go big shoulder so that was you never release the clubs so whenever I say the club I I’m always referring to the club head and specifically the toe of the

Club when I say release the club I mean literally let the club let the toe of the club release yeah what you did is you tried to hold on and steer it just now you were trying to steer it instead of just releasing yeah the driver there is no steering you

Just have to get up make a big shoulder turn and let it go yeah you tried to steer it again don’t short don’t short short yourself make a big shoulder turn yes now go much better big shoulder big shoulder bigger bigger bigger bigger let it go there you go there you

Go you have massive amount of turn that you can do way bigger than me feels really stiff or tight get your weight on your back get your head on your back there now you can let it go my head back here or no keep your head back cuz you’re letting the club

Head go not your head almost you swung across cuz your head moved you didn’t feel like you could get to it yeah big shoulder turn stop on your back leg and just feel like you left the there there there let it go there feel like the club is going to go

Flying too though but you have grip you grip it it doesn’t take look when I grip a club on the driver here’s the cool thing about a driver it’s teed up you’re not hitting the ground so there’s just that little bit the only real like obstacle is the

Weight of the ball right so my grip on a driver is like that like that’s how I hold the driver like so I just go like that and stick my thumbs on it and that’s it and then I can I can cuz I can feel I you need to

Have a lighten up grip pressure where you can feel the club head if you’re death gripping the out of it yeah and you don’t feel the club head then it becomes all and arms no speed was here I see and I don’t care how so here’s the thing we don’t care we

Don’t measure how fast your hands are going we we don’t measure how fast the grip goes the only thing that we really measure is how fast the club head goes and how fast the ball goes those are the two measurements you see on TV Club head speed and ball speed right they don’t

Say dang Warren got up on the first team he had 50 mph of grip speed they don’t care about that they want to know how fast the clet is so the if I’m trying to move the grip fast that slows the C I want to move the C the C so I don’t

Need a lot of I don’t need a lot of movement with my G I need releasing of the C that yes faster faster there you go faster now there you go try it even if you C top it I just want you to swing the clip head really fast as

Fast as you can not hard fast the light rri yeah fast fast that was you tried to swing your hands fast big shoulder turn then let the club head go really fast big big shoulder turn big big big go there yes Hallelujah that was your best swing I’ve

Seen you that was your best swing yeah that was your best swing and you know what that was literally the most effortless swing you had it was yeah so that’s and and that’s what I’m trying to get at like unlike other contact Sports it’s not the twitch you know hit muscles it’s the

Long L lanky muscles is that you’re trying to get yeah the twitch muscles is more of a it’s more rotational me that’s why it’s Club heads spe yeah it’s not grip spe okay interesting

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