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Jordan Love Explains How Packers Beat Cowboys and Micah Tells Eagles Draft Story | The Edge, Ep. 20

Green Bay Packers QB Jordan Love joins Micah Parsons’ show and explains how Green Bay beat Cowboys in the playoffs, reveals wildest plays in the Packers’ playbook, picks the top 5 defenses in the NFL, discusses his welcome to the league moment and more. Also, Micah explains why he decided to skip draft interview with the Eagles in new episode.

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Hey welcome back to the edge the special edition of the Super Bowl show and we got the one and only Jordan love hey this is some controversy I’m not sure I did really want him on the show today I almost you know we almost had to tussle

Before he even sat down in here um I don’t know about all that bro it got intense it was a but it’s all up though game time is over we going to get into it bro great season we we talked about you all year on the Pod we said you was

The next upand coming um we gonna get straight into it though you know you threw for 4,159 yards uh bunch of touchdowns I mean you let him to a playoff run it didn’t look good for y’all at first it didn’t look good for y’all what what switched like what what

Switched into the program like man I feel like you go through phases in the season and uh we went through a tough phase a losing phase Man four four straight and uh obviously coming in the season man we knew it was going to be a process we knew it ain’t going to be

Easy we got a lot of young guys um obviously my first year as a starter um just a lot of new pieces that ain’t been together so um you know we knew it was going to be a process early on and um man we got in a funk and lost four

Straight and uh Bro went through that adversity and I think that’s what got us over that hump is ain’t nobody was pointing fingers in the locker room you know you be on some teams you losing everybody man you need to do this you need ain’t nobody was poting fingers man

Everybody’s looking about how they going to get better how they going to improve their self to to help the whole team and um man was able to get over it but it really was just execution you know yeah but what clicked for you though like you

Went to like they they was they saw you struggle a little bit what click for you like what took you to that next level to get into that phase get your team out that phase cuz then we going to get into the playoff run on what you had but what

Click for you like I remember they was like man we should give up on them we should get rid of them like how’ you feel did you see it was you was you feeding into it or was you like man I’m going just put my head down and work

Like let me get that feedback bro you know you see everything you you don’t try to see it but you see everything um even like especially after loses I’m not to get on social media i’t try to see what people talking about talking czy but man I I think from the start of

The year like we we was locked in I was locked in um you know we started fast we had our first game Chicago came out hot beat up on them and then obviously got in that funk I got in that funk started throwing a couple picks forcing the ball

Um and man that’s when I really locked after after the Vegas game I threw three picks at game we lost I threw a pick on the last play of the game um after that game I was like man I felt like I was hesitating out there I would see stuff

And you know I was processing I would see it but I I’d hesitate to throw it um and after the game I was like man who cares I’m I know I got to trust myself I know I’m a great player I know I can read a defense right and uh put the ball

Where I want it so I just got to trust myself and let it rip and be confident out there and uh that’s what it was man I just started trusting Myers too I knew I was I was going to give them chances to go up there and get that ball man and

Uh we thr it up I was throwing it up man and they was making plays and you see so uh like you said 4,000 yards 32 touchdowns man that that ain’t a solo job man that’s everybody that’s everybody I love that bro I think I think what people don’t give you credit

For you did what uh and not saying anything against Rogers I think Rogers is great but um y struggled that year before it was a lot of like is Rogers leaving is he retiring um not a lot around them got rid of Devonte but you

Kind of took that same team and went on the playoff run something that man it wasn’t the same team people say it’s not the same team it was a different team man we had we had a lot of similar pieces a lot of similar pieces but we

Also got a lot of new pieces and it was it was it was a whole different vibe I feel like just the team we had year that year to this year um but man yeah I mean it’s you can look at it like that but um

It was tough man that that year before it was tough we were in a position to obviously win the last game and get in the playoffs and lost to the Lions it was a really good obviously they they was rolling at the end of the year yeah

And they this year they rolled over to this year but they was a good team and um that kept us out and obviously this year we was in the same spot had to win beat the Bears to get in um end up you know taking advantage of the opportunity

So uh but at the same time bro it it’s a different team man it a the same team yeah but same weapons like you had at Reed though Reed was we had a j Reed Reed was BIG my boy Wicks yep um we added two new tight ends that we ain’t

Had a year before I know cuz tyan he he went who tyan he went oh yeah he went to Chicago yeah we had we had Luke Musgrave Tucker craft man so we we had some new pieces in there um oine was was pretty similar um you know debach got hurt and

Uh he was hurt last year too but we we were missing him uh but we had new pieces man in the skill position spots that it was different man it was a whole different vibe on the team and how you think that energ and we going to get

Into the playoffs like right about now um obviously we faced off you know share your annalysis with the game like you know youngest team to make the playoffs since 1978 um what was your game plan like what was your game plan yeah what was the win that was our game plan man we

Better to go win better to go beat these boys I mean obviously y y’all execute the game plan but what was the strategy like who was yall trying to eliminate what was like some of the keys that y’all picked on uh like show us how you your growth how you dissected the game

What you thought we were in um obviously made some great plays extending with your legs but just dive into what was y strategy uh philosophy of how to you know break down our defense yeah man I think the the key for us going to the

Game was we we needed to run the ball like that was a huge thing obviously we played y’all the year before and I felt like we ran the ball pretty well so um just going against y’all like I’m not trying to talk but y y linebackers you

Know I think you had a DB playing linebacker um I don’t know but like that was our goal was to be able to run the ball and it was going to set everything else up and obviously uh I think y’all biggest weapon is your’ pass rush and so

Um great DBS over there too but I feel like they rely on the pass rush you know what I mean when you got a great pass rush you you thinking the quarterback going to get the ball out of his hands quick and so we we’re able to you know

Take advantage of that by you know getting some chips on you slow you down a little bit uh D lawren slow him down a little bit but I knew I was going to have to hang in that pocket take a couple hits from you take a couple hits

From those guys um but the guys we had at receiver man I was confident they were going to go out there and um do what they need to do against y yeah man why was Aaron following me all game like that bro Aaron Jones yeah I I

Did not expect that out of him bro well that’s the thing our game plan like we we have specific play calls where it’s like all right we chipping we goingon to get the tight end the running back chipping you we got you know stud jet protection we we going after the Stu man

You and but Jonesy in that game bro he did some phenomenal stuff it was sometimes we was doing play action stuff where he just he he checking for like the nickel coming off the edge and if he not coming he supposed to get on his route and my fault

And he would feel you beat one of our our old linemen and he would just Instinct just just go to chip you and help and protection it was unbelievable like on most of those inside rushes I was like no way he’s supposed to be there like bro he was not and that’s

Just that’s just the player he is where he’s at in the league man to to to know how good of a rusher you are and just be able to pick you up and help you know give me some time back there cuz there was a couple of them if he wouldn’t have

Did that I don’t know bro like I’m coming up to like yo like what like what is going on like that was tough like I’m not GNA lie I saw him yesterday I was like bro I was like I don’t know if he was supposed to do that like he was just

Doing that like he freestyling out there and picking up and doing some great things and he he Jonesy not the biggest dude bro not he not but he got a lot of heart bro he did he got a lot of heart right there he did I I was like that was

Tough that was that was tough what what’s your craziest play call y’all got like what’s the like craziest play call like right you got to write it down you got like like what what is the name of y’all best play call all right something down I want you try to read it memorize

It I’m going say it to you I want you to try and repeat it like you in a huddle as a quarterback yeah yeah yeah and I’m going say and then I’m going to try to dissect of what you’re giving me like I’mma cuz defense like our drone is

Like and and it’s very simple we could like Tuki dollar you call what tuie dollar Tuki front a two- word call well let me think of let me think of a long haul man let’s see here this ain’t even anything crazy bro but we’ll start with this right

Here I see like I see like eight words bro chill chill chill chill chill chill you real locked in right now hey bro easy easy easy easy all right here we go bro I’mma read this you want me to show you first yeah let me see it all right

Here you go here you go read read that real quick and read it shift fast left that’s LT that’s what it mean fast yeah yeah left Fast left dbang three scram X do or doodle doodle doodle doodle doodle k h doy docking all right right

No this this this what you get in the headset all right it’s it’s third down it’s third and long right here the clock’s ticking all right we got 25 seconds bro all hey Michel we going shift to fast left D Bang three scram X doodle can H

Docking so um oh say it bro the the clock’s going down bro say the play hold up hold up I I see shift to fast left d Bang three scrim X doodle can H docking I can’t do it bro come on bro I can’t hold give me one minute give me one

Minute one time give me one minute give me one minute give me one minute study it one time I I will say you know during the week we get a whole week to you know study the game plan we know what plays in so it ain’t on a spot like this how

Many plays do y’all put in like this man we only got a C like there’s a couple actual long plays I say we we have a wristband every week and that’s where we put the longer ones on there and they’ll be probably about 30 something plays on there 30 to

40 but that’s a good part see that play that’s going to be a wristband play they going to be like wristband 25 and you going to say it in a huddle okay okay okay fast left de X do the can H do you really over there trying to study

It man you trying to memorize the play hey we might see you in playoffs again oh my God he going to be out there calling out plays sh sh they running doodle uhhuh he can’t he can it he can it watch the doc watch

The do what K said he said oh you been you’ve been watching film watch this Shi fast left um shift fast left dbang three scram um X doodle H doing can H doing you right there though yeah you got it you got it you got it my boy congrats

Man you a quarterback now now now now I’mma I’mma think what this mean I’m going Drop the play okay just to see if you got see if my film really I know you that’s hard cuz you know our Concepts got like cod words and whatnot

So unless y’all use the same Cod words I don’t think you gonna get it this 11 person now yep okay is is it a bunch 2 by two it’s a it’s a 1 by3 it’s a it’s really a 1×4 it’s really a 1×4 oh that’s all I need to know

Um so I’m going say like this sh ex doodle so I’m G thinking something like that um we’re gonna send him clear that out and I think y gonna run one of these man you trying to be offensive coordinator your in in the the future man when your when your career done so

So you drew two routes no I didn’t what’s the other dudes running so I I feel like um a a like Dole I feel like that’s like a zig or something like a zig like okay yeah yeah like a snag route a slant return yeah something like that cuz Dole

Cuz like what would that mean like I feel like that’s something Shifty I don’t know I’m listening to you F left so I’m thinking he oh you know what that’s not him mhm that’s the tight end coming across okay okay okay flat fast left because it’s coming fast you gonna clear

Him out doodle come back I got let me draw this up so who ran a comeback who ran a come he ran a comeback this receiver that’s a comeback yeah that’s a curl curl that’s a curl that’s a curl curl that’s a cur and the docking is the back running

To the flat here I got you we all right it’s fast it’s a one by three y’all need to get this on camera talking to the mic we we G we gonna take we gonna take the back shift him over here to 1×4 now do bang this what we did

Against y’all bang we chipping the edges you feel me doodle this the concept doodle It’s a deep through he running a pylon it’s pretty much like a a deep Corner if you will he running a do route and show that to the camera yeah we going to hit a little flat chip Flats

Right there where the cam where we looking right here man yeah I mean and then this this Mel drawn this yeah yeah close he was close my boy I was all the way off I’m I’m not even going to lie I was all the way off close yeah you can

See I’m not going to be offensive coordinator my let me see the defense what what what what defense you say you drew up two what what was it two two key dollar two key dollar n I’m I’m what is that two key dollar that’s cover two n and that’s uh

That’s four like four match four see that defense y’all do crazy stuff like y’all call cover four two you know what some some teams do that like they do a match too like some teams do that like they scheme that up it it I wish you just call like in

Madden just just tell me I’m running cover four tell me I’m running cover two Tampa two I mean we do got that like cover two Jam like we got a simple stuff like cover two Jam Allen like that’s what we call like cover three okay give

Me another call um you know this this don’t matter cuz we got are we writing this we got I’m giving you to school for a whole different team okay maybe we play who Washington commanders yeah yeah maybe we play them in the future I’ll take these

Notes down man you know but it might be a whole different city now cuz he it’s not Texas no more like so all of the so we’ll have like wo that would be a check to like a three by one like if you had speed at three so if we was in

Like a regular cover three we would check the wakeo and the safety would come down strong to the three by the fast three mhm like so it’ll be like it’s Texas coverages you know coverages and all that yeah cuz you was playing linebacker too I had to George Edward

You know everything George Edwards was the best linebacker coach I’ve ever had that was your linebacker coach besides like Bren Pride was great for me in college but in the league like George Edwards was number one yeah I had to learn it bro and has you playing

Everything man and the thing about it when you learn everything you know when to take your chances yeah so like like if we so we we played a lot of match Tendencies right so and you know this we play a lot of man match Tendencies push

Through cuz you saw it like y had SLS same with our like I saw it like yall schemed it up when you looked at three you threw it straight to them because you knew that was the cover back got run with it yeah exactly so with that if you know say we

In that same man alignment but we call a cover two but still look like man mask yeah yeah that’s what we call two mask yall y’all give a man alignments match alignments but y’all playing cover two out of it yeah exactly so I’m like oh

Shoot well if I know the coverage now I know you might hesitate with the ball yeah cuz you might like oh I got a man beater let me throw this oh the corner stand right there so all it takes is for me you to go like this hesitate pump and

That gives me that extra second I might yeah that’s one of the best coverages right there it is two M bro we played we was in training camp and we played uh the Patriots and and they out there we had a a man beater concept called they giv the man alignments they’ve been

Playing man all day I’m like oh yeah here we go I’m about to about to look here drop back throw it as I’m throwing I see the corner just falling off I said oh I said oh yeah that’s a great coverage right there I’m telling you

That’s the one I’m telling you like so I feel like especially as rushers you have to know the whole system like you you got to know what’s going to mind you cuz like that’s when I’m pulling out my best pass R move yeah that that’s how you

Take it to the next level though is you know what’s going on the back end and and how much time you giving up and all that I would say I would say that’s like the biggest difference in each year I progressed like learning opportunities cuz there was opportunity where where

Aaron Jones wasn’t following me and it was the holding one with uh yeah Elton but once I seen Aaron Jones out I was like oh shoot I’m putting on my best pass rush yeah cuz I know that my opport that’s my opportunity that’s my that’s

My clear I was trying to get out of there on that one oh yeah I was coming that that would have been that would have been a I probably would have broke the tackle or something hell there’s no way there’s no way you could believe that you don’t think so there’s no way

You could believe that that’s another thing too the other when y’all played this the first last year you was playing linebacker most of the time you wasn’t even rushing like that you you like playing linebacker or no I do I like against a team like y’all do why’s that

Because your game plan was very simple and I understood it but you know how that you know how it go like sometimes you lose the simplistic you’re going to what you trying to say what do you mean you said our game plan was simple yeah like you said you gonna

Come in and run the ball yeah it wasn’t simple though I mean some stuff up no you you scheming but the like the simple part is like you know you’re going to establish the run like you’re going to but how you scheme it is like where it gets tricky so

Against someone like y’all I’m like yo I know on first down we have a high chance that’s it’s going to be a run like y’all want to get especially because we know on film study third and eight longer is double chips I mean you kind of got to

You got you kind we need some time back there third ain’t long you need some time to get the Rous downfield I understand I understand so so where where do I really want you at third and five third and four it might be a little bit of long game depending where you’re

At on the field you want us at third and four yeah cuz you don’t want them chips yeah I want you at third and four DBS want us want you want us at 34 or you think they want us at 38 I think they want you around 34 35 too cuz that’s

Where you get freaky bro and second down if we have you at second and nine you’re not double chipping on second and nine we could do anything what you mean second and nine you you want to get at least five more yards your play cost five more

Yards and especially where you at if you’re in a plus territory now you can do anything but if you backed up high chance of pass most sacks come on more first and second down then third down cuz double chips things like that man so when I say that is on first down yeah

Let me go ahead back up play your guard whatever it is you like you like playing on the edge more or you like playing inside I like bro it just depends on the team who you going against who they got at o line things like that I’m and this

Is what frustrates me about AFC and NFC NFC we have all the The Smokers got Aaron Jones you got Chris mcaffrey you had Tony um D cook just left he was in the NFC we going to run the ball AFC they going to pass it 40 50

Times they are going to throw it besides the Ravens every AFC AFC team is more pass that’s why we were shocked the Bills game when they ran it 35 times and Josh Allen only had 90 yards yeah like no that was not a part I think yeah especially watching that game too that’s

Kind of where we got that you know that game plan to run the ball establish that run early it’s going to help us out in the in in the past game all that the play action play action but after the first half I knew what y’all were doing

Right when y motioned I knew the tight end was coming back so I’m like oh man I got a line tighter but without the just them Cuts ISU without the what oh yeah you know you know we going to cut you the cuts we trying to slow you

Down in any way possible but that’s what I’m saying so if I’m off the ball on that first or second down and maybe we’re in a fire zone or a m h fire zone where the safety’s coming mhm then we’re sling it beats the it beats the slide

And then that make you like oh he’s off the ball like man I don’t know how y’all do it with them Cuts man bro those should be taking out the game you think so yeah yeah cuz buddy I know he came into the uh the film study next day when

He cut me he had my leg down like he grabbed my leg who you talking about who you talking about 8 I don’t know which one it was onon Jones touchdown the goal line 15 y I know he came in was like I that’s my boy Josiah yeah I know exactly

What play you talking about no he didn’t bro that that was a clean CB my leg clean cut he cut me and grabbed my leg clean cut man the ref was staring right at youo be honest the ref was staring right at I was right there too I watch

It my leg did he say grab my leg no that was clean I’m bro Mich I’m standing there right there watching it I’m watching it cuz I know you got up mad too cuz what’ he do grab my leg he wouldn’t let me get up no you just mad

That that we over there cutting you you siing you all that cuz you knew where I was at yeah we had yeah we knew you see like the the game the game plan is simple that you you got to beat it but it’s cool it’s over with now I’m not

Even going to keep hashing it we over it I’m over it bro I’m over it it’s over man it’s over that was a fun game though I can’t lie that was that was a n bro when I came out to the game I was like bro Jordan’s tough yeah like I was like

Hyping you up but like the some of the throws you made in that game was like I don’t think like anybody like like you really showcased every arm Talent like you was on that bro apprciate man ban I appreciate it bro like I would have said something at the game I was like

I’m already knowing bro I’m I’m I’ve been there yeah I know I know that feeling bro I was like I’m getting out of here bro like I wanted to cry like I just had to get to the locker room bro Stadium’s cool I like y’all Stadium man

I I was a that my first time up in there I was a I see I see why y’all have a good record at home though manal it’s a great environment over there it it it’s nothing like Cowboys Nation who who Who’s uh your top five defenses top five defenses that I played

This year yeah that’s a great question let’s see the Chiefs Chiefs is hard Chiefs tough um man I say I I say I say the Vikings just because they throw so much at you as a quarterback in terms of yeah uh he’s a he’s a great coach he but he

Knows what he’s he throws so much at the quarterback in terms of protection and the o line protection putting different guys up there he’s always mixing up the Personnel um so you don’t really you as a o line they sitting there trying to figure out who’s a backer who’s a who’s

A rusher um so they just do a whole lot of stuff they mix coverages up a ton they got Harrison Smith out there disguising everything so um that’s a lot mentally um as a quarterback I say so so they’re really good defense and they they got after us the first game um but

We got him back to second game but who’ I say chiefs Vikings man man man man man man I need like a list of of everybody we play right now I’m blanking right now put me on the spot um the Buccaneers was they they they had a they a good defense they’re

Their coach is a good coordinator as well um we’ve seen them a couple times but they got some they got some good pieces over there um man I oh and the the Niners man they they uh very very good defense I thought y I thought y’all had a great chance right

There man I think we we we did we we had a great opportunity and uh man we ain’t capitalized on it but uh like I said man they got a they got a really good defense credit to them man they they do a good job obviously um they got a lot

Of pieces over there man a lot of pieces Detroit oh yeah Detroit I put them up there because they got after this first game as well man um they don’t Detroit don’t do a whole lot of crazy stuff um they stopped that run they they do they

Got they got a good front man they stop that run they yeah so I I put them up there but yeah man I as a quarterback I look at it as like what do they do defensively like how much do they throw at you if it’s a simple defense and they

Not throwing a whole lot at you like mentally that’s not a hard game but obviously if they got you know great Playmakers that’s it might be tougher too sometimes when they like the 49ers they do simple stuff but they’re so good at what they do and it’s like consist

They’re just yeah the discipline they’re going to do it every time and they’re going to be good at it and they’re not going to mess up and when that’s when I feel like when you start throwing a bunch of defenses out there and different looks you can it’s possible to

Mess stuff up a little bit more um so it’s that’s interesting because on the defensive side we like man we should throw more out there like we need to confuse them disguise like it’s inter you can but at the same time I feel like that can confuse you guys too you know

What I mean you might cuz then now the offense Motion in you guys might have not have got enough reps at that defense so it it might be your first time seeing this formation this motion so now you’re thinking a little bit too much but when

It’s like a simple scheme and you know what you doing you locked in you’ve seen everything you’ve seen every motion every formation in this in this cover three in this quarters look and I feel like you know you you kind of know which what’s what the beaters are and what the

Team’s going to try to attack and you know where your weaknesses are that’s that’s the best defense right there okay now let’s get into this cuz I’m interested on this your draft press say did you know you were going to be at first round did you know you were going

To get taken by the Packers like it was a lot of controversy when that happened yeah I wasn’t like you so I I didn’t know I was going first round man I I I had a lot of pre-draft stuff out there I it was it was up and down like it’s up

And down but that’s how the draft is I mean you I don’t know how it was for you but like that whole process you go to the combine you talk to every team in the combine you meet with every team all these GMS and I feel like they’re all

You know they don’t give you too much they just ask you questions ask you about yourself ask you how you are as a player and it’s all kind of similar stuff so you don’t really get a feel who likes you my year coming out I knew that

You know there were certain teams that were were going to be taking a quarterback um obviously we knew Joe Bro was going he was going to the Bengals um and it was kind of going to see what happens after that with the the Dolphins the Chargers um and just go from there

But man I had no idea um I actually only talked to Green Bay I talked to them at the combine and I I actually talked to them uh the night before the draft I talked to Matt and uh the offensive coordinator uh Nathaniel Hackett so but

At the same time like I said you talking to everybody so I I couldn’t really get a beat on on who wanted me who was going to pick me nobody’s showing me their hand um so I a know and then draft night unfolds man and obviously Joe goes

Number one with the Bengals um Tua to Miami uh Jay herbo to the Chargers and I’m like okay that’s the teams that needed quarterbacks that I knew needed quarterbacks so it’s like okay now we going to play the weight game see who needs it I thought you know coming into

It I was like okay I’m going to go first round you know what I mean um everything I was hearing was like yeah you’re going first round you’re going first round after those teams went I was like okay man what’s up a lot the waiting game we

Was sitting there at my house waiting like okay man who’s everybody’s getting taken off the board no more quarterbacks getting taken I’m like okay so who really needs a quarterback right now and then uh yeah man we sitting there out of the blue get that call Green Bay

Wisconsin oh okay hello yeah okay Green Bay Packers okay did you get any prank calls I got prank calls bro I ain’t get no prank calls bro bro that bro that that be the worst that be the worst that’s my heart Dro I got prank calls

Bro who who prank calls you bro I don’t know I got prank calls you answer I did you happy likeo I was mad like I like the aial code pop up too you like oh yeah who who is this who’s okay I had got prank calls bro like that bro when I

Tell you I was so mad what pick wait what pick you went in the draft I was 12 you ain’t had you ain’t had to wait that long you you couldn’t get that many prank cards I want to tell you something when you in the like it’s different when

You’re at home and you like comfortable and you’re on your space but you got M like mind you I had uh I had NFL films they was recording my whole thing yeah they right there in your face they in my face every every Pi going by you know

They right there showing you agent in your corner like yeah they’re going with so and so like and every team cuz you got to think all right so Flor first before he went to the Vikings he was in Miami and he was like you know we like

You like you you you are type of guy so you know I was like oh there’s a chance in Miami Detroit came to my pro day and was like man if you at number eight we taking you like they he’s like you ready to be drafted to the Detroit Lines I’m

Like oh like cool um so then couple days before they was like yeah um they said uh Dallas is taking Pat I was like I was like damn and day before that and and in the day of they was like you might have a chance with the Broncos

Because van and you know they was on a uh way so I was like man like there’s only certain teams and they said you could go to Philly but I skipped my Philly interview people don’t know that you want to go there I didn’t want to stay

Home like true story like Dave K like yo you dealing with all this off stuff and you not even G to talk to Philly like I didn’t want to go home that’s crazy so like when Philly fans like talk to me like man you should come to Philly I’m

Like bro I I do not to be why you a want to play at home you want get away it’s a lot bro yeah you yeah you probably know when you at the crib everybody want to come everyone be in your mix like the influence to always want to go back home

Like you at some point you just got to be a man like I wanted to get fresh like and you got to think I went to Penn State like it was time for me to get out of P yeah so you was at the draft so I

Know that that that was a great experience bro I didn’t get that the the draft was cold bro but the the Panic bro so when it it all it I say I’m in trouble when um obviously the three quarterbacks went we had Trevor Zack and uh Trey yeah and then that four when

Atlanta took Kyle I was like okay and where I was like we we all anticipated this but when five when they took Jamar instead of pan I was like oh shoot that that was like oh yeah that was like oh snap and then Miami took wildd and then they took see that’s the

Thing you you that whole process you looking at all the little the mock drafts so where everybody got people going and you hearing all the stuff and then you get to the draft you like nothing like it nothing like teams are they hiding what they going to do and

Then what happened then after that they took JC at eight M and then cuz the uh no they took yeah JC was eight because the uh the Lions they picked pan at seven because they was like oh he’s a best like they was like we want pan

Which great pick still great Pi um and then when they took that then the Broncos took uh Pat I oh yeah so then I was like oh I could and yo was crazy my phone run the prank call at that moment oh I think

It’s D and on TV I see him trade back and I said wow who traded back Dallas it was at 10 I was like I was like oh shoot like I said I’m in trouble you had a feeling you was going to Dallas I wanted to go there that was like my dream

Location dream like and then um and then at 10 when they took Devonte that was actually your dream or you just saying that no that was my dream like I was like I want to go to Dallas like it was like a big thing like I was like I want

To go to Dallas like that’s doe bro for me like I’m from Harrisburg so like I used to always see Texas homes you got to think like when you like when you a little like you ain’t come from nothing like you know always pops like the Ben Wagman like like you

See them czy you like oh my God like they this much like okay so I was like I want to go to Texas like my family’s huge Cowboys fans but when they traded back and then the Bears traded up I said man I’m in trouble I don’t know who’s going to take

Me and when I saw that stars like who the Bears took Justin Fields oh yeah Jay Fields man great draft class I can’t be mad y did have a good my draft class is great too I can’t but that’s the crazy part you I was so excited to go to the

Draft it was about to be in Vegas I’m like oh yeah they talking about you about to be on the boat going across the water right there I’m like oh yeah this about to be this about to be cool got the fit lined up and we in Co we we at

The crib what getting drafted they got one camera set up at the crib and so you I ain’t going to say we got Rob the experience but it’s like we definitely missed out on that whole draft experience but it’s it’s a blessing like we there to get drafted obviously I

Ain’t there for that but the worst part about y’all draft was well well you you you should be happy because remember when all them quarterbacks uh the next year when they only took Kenny pick in the first round when they took it back to Vegas they took one quarterback in the

First round yeah I think three or four quarterbacks was stuck in the room yeah that’s the toughest part and they be putting a camera on them every time somebody get ped that’s what I’m saying the drive was terrible bro I’m glad I Ain had the experience you got to think

In the draft room every pick another million and a half gone million yeah it would have been bad for me cuz I went 26 I would have been they would have had that camera on me man like yeah didn’t you think you was going first round yeah

Hey hey bro you be seeing people in there stressing like grabbing their head like bro like that’s embarrassing bro people don’t like they don’t realize like I feel like the draft should be selected like if you know they’re not a for sure top 15 don’t invite them cuz they don’t know like nobody

Know like we said no nobody know they don’t know who who go in top 15 for sure they don’t know who locked in they do man how do you think they be having like all the little how you think they be known before I mean you don’t know

Because you don’t know if your players going to get taken yeah but then how would you feel how would you feel you didn’t get invited the draft and you go 16 or something and now you at the house and you like man I could have been at the draft at the crib house

Yeah all right you know you R out the bowling alley something like well even then you you still might everybody there you might not go first like yeah that’s that’s just a tough situation it is what it is man but but post draft you sitting right you you behind a great Aaron

Roders yeah arguably best quarterback um I mean yeah arguably top five wherever you want to put I think he’s top five top 10 what all time you saying yeah oh yeah U easily I mean back to back MVPs to like like come on um what was it like

Being behind him like for them four years right three uh three years three years three years yeah um would you learn like what what was that man it it was awesome man obviously when I got drafted you know that was my first thought I’m like man they got Aaron Rogers

Like I’m I’m be on the bench for a little bit but uh man that whole them three years was awesome man obviously when you come out of college you you know you feel good you you go to the league you like man I killed her in

College I know what I’m doing like I’m smart I got to Green Bay I seen him practicing I seen him in the meeting room and I was like man this is a different level like a different level just his knowledge of the game the way he was like obviously it’s my rookie

Year so I’m just learning the offense you know rookie years is tough you know you trying to it’s a whole Playbook you trying to learn through training camp whatnot so I’m trying to learn that and Aaron out there checking plays making his own calls doing all these signaling

Plays that he ran like in 2014 that uh some of the receivers might not even know and it’s like I’m like bro how are you doing like how do you remember all this stuff how you remember these signals from 6 years ago how you remember these plays so he’s like a

Dictionary oh man he he’s incred like Aaron is incredibly smart um very smart like his brain is is a very powerful tool he has but um not even that that alone man once once I saw him on the field and just saw the throws he made it

Was like bro I thought I was good but this this like it is is humbling I I’ll say that it’s very humbling what are three things that you took from him that transpired to the year you had this year like what are the three things that that

Was most valuable to you that he taught you or you learned from him that allowed you to have cuz you you had a better first year than him and then how do you sustain that like what were those three things that you said like Aaron taught

Me gave to me I always say the biggest thing I’ve seen from Aaron just watching him is the consistency every day practice game like it’s the same dude and the plays I was seen him make and practice bro is like the game you see him in the game you’re like okay yeah I

Mean I see this every day like this is normal to us but practice I’m like man this is different just just his knowledge of what the defense is doing pre- snap and where he’s going with the ball how quick he gets the ball out but consistency that’s that’s when I saw

That I was like man I got to I got to dive deeper be better in practice better practice habits it’s all going to translate to the game and then man just playing the quarterback position the way he’s able to take care of the ball um

You know obviously he won MVP by by you know putting up a lot of touchdowns and take care of the ball not having a lot of turnovers so uh just the way he’s able to do that process defense if a play is not there obviously you know we

Drawing up these plays for certain looks think you going to have it if we’re not getting the perfect coverage for it find that check down man that’s that’s a that’s a huge lesson I learned from him CU you know in college I came in and my

My problem in college was I was forcing the ball downfield a little bit too much trying to make trying to make Superman plays and and doing a little bit too much so just taking advantage of those check downs and getting the ball to Playmakers um and then yeah man I mean just

The way he’s able to lead man just his his his leadership his knowledge of the game like just seeing that it opened my eyes to a whole another level of just greatness I think my favorite Aaron Rogers story is and when I knew he was

Like a dope dude was uh my rookie year when we played y’ right that was no it was my second in Lambo yeah that was last year that was last year my second year uh after the game Aaron Rogers comes and says man you you great let’s

Sit let I’m going send you my jersey send me yours I was like yo for real like I yo for real like you like my jersey it’s certain people that you look up to like like like I’m like I’m watching Aaron Rogers like my whole life

Like and like when he did that I was like I was like even though we lost I was like I was like yo hurry take my jersey off send that over send that over that’s that’s special bro that’s special and I’m leaving lock room I’m like he

Did he send it he’s like not yet it probably won’t be a game more cuz he don’t really s that I was like N I don’t care it’s Roger like as long as it come give me a jersey with that signature on there and then he put in my lock he like

Yo he actually gave you the game one I said for real and I saw bless bless I saw the little dirt say I said oh Rogers he bless you he bless you so I was I was actually super excited I was sick that he had that ailles cuz I was like man he

He may have beat me I may have looked at and I have a different Lev of respect for him but I really wanted my revenge for what he did and he was coming to Dallas I was like ah this is the one this I was looking I was trying to get

Your jersey after the game too I couldn’t find you you right I was going to send you the game War I was going to send you you a want my jersey it’s cool no no you know I I couldn’t give it you cuz I gave it to rashed anyway oh that’s your boy

Don’t worry I’mma um I’m GNA get my revenge on you but no that’s how I felt too bro like just you know you watch you grow up watching the game and you watching Aaron Rogers your whole life and then I’m I’m now in the quarterback room with him listening to how he’s how

He’s calling these plays how he’s going about his business in the room yeah it was eye opening bro eye opening and and you know why I say that is because certain quarterbacks when they get to a certain level like Aaron they might be like he they would never do that they’

Like you’re just a good player like nice me and you co but he was like nah like you going to be the one he’s like keep going man like I want your jersey bro I know you’re going to be great like I I don’t see that from a lot of vets bro

Like why is that like who’s some vets that took you under your wing or said something to you like like I know that like Aaron like he didn’t take me on the wing but he showed mad love like man I mean I besides my team like just being being a quarterback obviously

You know we go to Austin um in the offseason being around all of Davis guys Deshawn um and uh just just seeing the impact he had on the field how good of a player he is and just being able to work out with him um that’s special and

Obviously man when I came out um I trained with my quarterback coach Steve kahoun and uh he works with receivers to Keenan Allen he’s out there working out with us so and throughout college man I’m training with Keenan man so that’s a guy I look up M’s a good great dude bro

So I I was able to work out with him see him be able to talk to him so it was awesome man he always shows mad love he shows love man and that’s special what what was your uh welcome to the NFL moment I got one too my w bro my welcome

To NFL mod my first start in Kansas City Oh Aaron get Co and and and I found out that week they’re like yeah you starting and I’m like okay okay let’s do it I forgot about that yeah bro I got all out in like multiple time like 15 times bro and

I did I could not have I couldn’t get an answer for it and they just kept sending and I was like I was sitting there like bro no this NFL like they just they just blissing on bling on bling like they was going to make you make a read they was

Going to make you make a read make they going to make you find an answer and pick up that protection and and that’s the thing like that was my my when I learned I’m like okay if if this NFL if you don’t if you don’t have an answer

For what they sending they going to keep sending it keep sending it if it’s working what if it ain’t broke don’t don’t don’t switch it up so you see that everywhere man and that was that was one of my tough games just because you know

You want to it’s your first start in NFL as a quarterback you want to I wanted to go out there and play my best game and do all these great things and that’s not how it went down man that’s not how it went down you know I’m similar to you

Bro like my first start I you know cuz when I got drafted cowbo was like I didn’t realize how how big it was I was like oh I’m prime time Monday night Tom Brady I’m like oh I got the goat first game like cool boy he dissecting me so bad I that

That was the first time I like I’ve never seen like cuz usually like in K like when you when you like on a man he ain’t going to throw it like they just going to take it they might run or throw it out bro it was like I’ve never seen

Ball placement like that like I was like bro like and I was so tired like he had me so tired like like he had me running all over like they did so much stuff like they disected me like and they going pick that’s Brady man I was the

Same way they was like oh he also too like you said like just being around Aon man I like it’s I cuz I’m at practice sitting there I hear the play call I’m like okay this what we got I’m seeing the defense like okay they might be

Doing this and he’s out there calling people out yeah you’re coming you’re coming change of protection they trying to Bluff the dude the dudes on defense look around like like how you know I’m coming like I’m trying to disguise this um man he see it all happen he doing the

Craziest stuff ever is seeing his no look passes in practice bro those is crazy he’s sitting here looking this way throwing it over here I’m sitting there like STS him and Stafford are the best at that yeah Stafford’s nice too Stafford’s very nice yeah and the crazy

Part about it is you know you do like being a quarterback you I seen that stuff and I was like man I I I’m G to try some no look passes and you you got to be confident in that cuz you you really not looking at a receiver like

You think it’s a game you think it’s just easy you really not looking if you miss that pass they going be like what do you doing right why you not looking at the receiver like look at him so it’s it’s a make a break and Stafford he be

Put he putting them balls on a money doing money Stafford’s the most underrated like legendary QB in the league right now I don’t think he underrated I don’t think people appreciate him bro if you if you look around the league I think he’s so underappreciated like there’s a couple

People that might call it out but the stuff he does doesn’t make the same attention as Mahomes Lamar like he’s underappreciated I I don’t think I I think May because he’s older but I think he’s very underappreciated in his agree he’s definitely been doing some of the

Crazy passes and things like that for a long time and now they’re trying to they’re trying to make it seem like oh this is new cuz the the younger generation they want to point out a narrative but I I don’t think he gets the love he deserves he got a Super Bowl

Ring man yeah that that I’m happy he got that too cuz he he he’s definitely don’t think he underappreciate though I think I think I think when you play him I think players know I think players know players know game recognize game man the people don’t that that’d be the thing

Who cares that who cares but I hate that they don’t appreciate it like you know what I’m saying like I hate that for him you know but bro I’m telling you them first games when you struggling Bo there’s nothing like it bro they like man we why we draft the linebacker bro

Is crazy I would say from week one to five they was like man we don’t know about this guy 6 to 14 when I caught my rhythm we got the best player defense player of the year switch up huh the switch up is crazy yo how we get the

Best player in the league we got Yo oh I’m telling you they turn quick bro bro bro it’s it’s honestly crazy bro that’s the crazy part man I ain’t even I a I got my one start in Kansas City and people people was telling me I’m done

After that they was saying I’m a bus you know I need to get traded I’m not I’m like all right I’m I’m on a pod saying yo what are y’all doing can he get adjustment period I played one game I played one game we had we had that

Incident this coming into it dude was talking about oh he can’t play football my boy Devon Dre Campbell he stood up man he just talking about man he ain’t played he had one start and I appreciate him for that but it’s it’s crazy how they do it even your first five I was

Like bro can he get adjustment period like he like he’s getting a new like he got to get his confidence like really like people don’t realize bro confidence is everything in this league like if you don’t believe that you can compete against the best like and you know and

The coaches don’t make it fun either because they come in film they like man look at his highlights they play all the good like they be like look how good he is look how Dom he is look how fast he is like and you just like yo

Look at the defense like and you be like oh shoot like they kind of throw a little yeah they try to get you pre for that yeah like in my mind I be like sometimes I be watching like yeah F him bro he not that good man God like not

You got to have that though as a player they not that good we better we better destroy them man I low I like like when I know I got a top tackle like I be getting excited like I mean you want to play against the best you do you want to

Play against the best you do don’t don’t don’t you want to play against the best bro you do play against like I like I get excited like people like man why don’t he want to move like why don’t you want to rush I want him yeah that’s cuz

I got to see how good I truly am going give you more confidence too got go there and start eating it’s going to give you that confidence who who would you say your top five trash Talkers in anybody talk trash to you man some dudes talk trash but I feel

Like in in the NFL man I feel like this what I’ve seen if you not talking trash like dudes don’t make it a point to just track talk trash but I seen uh top trash talkers uh in Detroit chy Gardner uh he he be talking he be talking a lot of

Trash we play we had them in a training man he just talking the whole time um we talked some trash this year I got into it with uh what I get into it with I’m BL I’m blanking on his name right now but man I I personally don’t

Talk a lot of trash out there so I feel like people don’t talk trash to me like people might run by and say something but it’s like all right bro n people be talking crazy to me but that’s you that’s different man that’s like a oneon-one battle you know what I mean I

Only get trash talk if somebody like sacked me or something like that or you go on the side if you run out of bounds on the sideline you going to get you can get some trash talk from the sideline but the crazy part is I get like trash talk off double

Teams what you want me to do what you want me to do they be like you ain’t getting you ain’t coming in here it’s all the Mind Games that is that’s just trying to get in your head you know what I mean trying to trying to get in your

Head and but I don’t talk trash so I don’t feel like I get a lot of trash but like I said when you go on that sideline you going to hear some stuff you going to the other team sideline you don’t know who’s saying it you might look bad

You don’t know who’s saying it but you going to get some trash talk you talking trash out there I ain’t hear you when we was playing you I I a i a hear you what was there to say yeah that’s true that’s true what was it to say that’s why I

Said like I feel like people don’t be talking trash like that I don’t talk trash a lot but sometimes people get me hype yeah like I’m not going to lie like me and panu I got into it yeah like uh they would slide in my way like

Sometimes we be one onone sometimes you like man see my help right there and that got me so mad he was like we going to win this game we going and we just started getting into it I was like n you suck you can’t like

Like I was like like like like when you in them pivotal moments like you really start like I get hot like cuz especially like it’s the frustration too yeah that frustration build up yeah but no somebody told me a crazy thing they was like Yeah The Young the like younger

Guys in the NFL those ones that be talking trash like rookies first second year players they said the Vets don’t be talking trash they they’ve been there done that they trying to save their energy they don’t they ain’t trying I give you no extra motivation yeah you

Don’t need no extra motivation we all know what we trying to do literally yeah I don’t talk trash bro but if we see you again I’ll talk man the biggest game of the year we both here right now so you know we’re not in it it’s devastating I mean who you

Got man I I don’t really care who wi but I I’ve been telling people I got the Chiefs just cuz man we just played the ners we lost to the ners I’m not trying to see the ners win the same way I’m not trying we just played them bro we just

Lost lost like I’m the same way but we play I mean we play both teams this year too so we beat the Chiefs lost the Niners so it’s going to be a good game I know that it’s gonna be a great game it’s GNA be a great game it’s gonna be a

Great game I who you got bro for me it it’s it’s about the defense bro I think if the if Kansas City can be aggressive with Debo their DBS is good Muffy they got good dbne yeah um if they could be agressive I Debo tackle well in space um get them

Down the first tackle not let them just break tackles and get up field cuz that’s where they TR him Quick Pass Debo you break a tackle you go for tr get in the playmaker’s hands man right which is smart I think if they could tackle well

They can win cuz they they did it against the Miami I think that’s the good part about like the Chiefs they got experience with that Elite repertoire of weapons like so I’m going to be very interest to see how they adapt to the Niners cuz I do think the Niners have

The upper hand cuz I think Chris mcaffry is the best running back right now he’s a freak he’s crazy Debo obviously one of the best you know Yak yardage wide receivers um auk he’s a great deep threat I think he’s a that’s my guy Ba’s

I think he’s a top 10 like his route running like did you see he had, 1400 yards and was ranked 30th in targets that’s crazy that’s nuts that’s crazy like I saw that stats I was like yo that’s unbelievable Yak is crazy he’s underappreciated too yeah I mean they

Got so many weapons on their team I hope he gets paid in free agency like I think like when he get them he might come up you think the Packers I don’t know bro I don’t it might be a like he the 49ers is probably gonna keep him why would they not keep

Him they ain’t do it yet he hits the market and yeah we see that’s my dog though the market in 20 you know 15 days after this game yeah but I mean that’s that that that’s the whole time the the game plan for the ners bro you got to

Stop Chris mcaffry bro got to but it’s easier said than done just tackle just tackle Christian just tackle Debo it’s easier said than done the craziest part is like you you wouldn’t even think like he’s so hard to tackle but he’s the most like I don’t know his Sudden Change is

Crazy he he he elusive super elusive like I don’t know like it’s like you got him in your hindsight and like you you don’t think he’s as powerful as he is so I think a lot of people underestimate him but he’s like powerful elusive like

He’s a do it all back yeah but man Jay man I appreciate you having on this is this was unbelievable um thank you for coming on even though we got Rober beef um we almost had to like I said we we got into it a little bit prior we got

Into a little bit on here but man I appreciate you man anything you want to say to the people a man all I got to say is shout out to all them Packer fans Packer Nation out there go pack go man we we going to have a great season next

Year hopefully we’re get to see this dude again man talk a little Trash to him out there but uh no man I’m excited excited to see the Super Bowl but uh man we I’m going be there man and I hope you get paid bro I hope you get that you

Earned bro for real man I hope so too brother thanks for having me bro yes sir much love


  1. Jordan said it perfectly. We will run the ball because you all have a DB at linebacker. That sums it up. Even though he made some good changes to the defense. The idea he would not change bell out is crazy. He is a good player no doubt. But too small.

  2. Really didn’t expect to enjoy watching the pod, seen the ceedee one at it was good 💯👍🏼

  3. Dude the fact that when Jordan says "Love" it's both a farewell and a sign-off is amazing

  4. Micah spent more time preparing for an interview with Jordan Love more than he did preparing for a game against him

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