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Jim Knous Saturday Flash Interview Day 2 2024 WM Phoenix Open © PGA Tour

Jim Knous Saturday Flash Interview Day 2 2024 WM Phoenix Open © PGA Tour

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Such a cool story that has unfolded and to to make the cut this week what what does this mean knowing that with the situation here that you have two more rounds here yeah it was really important to me Kev uh I wanted to make the cut I

Wanted to have a good showing I know that my game is still you know right there it felt really good uh this week um hitting the ball really well putting well and uh yeah just wanted to play the weekend you know I wanted to last time I

Was here in 2017 missed the cut I wanted to see what that Saturday Coliseum Vibe is like you know on number 16 so I I want to hear a roar I need to get in there and hit a good shot so I can hear

A roar you came here as a fan in college you told me I remember years ago what what was that experience like did you get like did you get here early with the oh yeah yeah yeah how early would you get here oh gosh I think back in the day

We didn’t have to get here quite as early like six you know I think we were at the gates at like 6:00 a.m. me and my friends we there were probably like 12 of us or so we did it like two two or 3 years in a row come down from college we

We’d like either drive down or fly down and stay uh stay just at friends houses around here people who have graduated from mines and we you know we’re all like sleeping on the floor and stuff wake up really early get there at 6:00 a.m. and run over we you know we were

One of those yahoos running over to the 16th hole grab a seat there all day you know just having fun cheering on people we saw we saw a couple laces throughout the years uh Eduardo or Franchesco Molinari if I remember right uh trying to think of another one but it was you

Know it’s just a blast that’s always it’s always fun to so I just try to Hype up the crowd when I’m in there you know playing because that’s what they want to see so you would run to the to get the best like you were part of the runners I

Was just out there this morning it’s it’s crazy I had never seen oh it’s Madness like I said I think it back in the day wasn’t like as crazy as it is now but it was yeah we were running we were running and um could you kind of I

Know you you touched on it a couple times but for our I guess Cameron records to go through the decision to go a different direction in your career and what how that came up yep yeah like I said um you know played out this last uh

Uh 2023 season on the corn faery tour I just I played poorly I had some back injuries at the end of the season me and my wife sat down and we had that discussion you know is it is it time to give it up I have three kids you know

There’s there’s a lot going on in my life and I wanted to be I wanted to be around and my I when we did our accounting in 2022 I was gone 197 nights so that was you know it just kind of wears on you as

A as a person as a dad so we made the decision to to try to look for other opportunities you know asked around to everybody everybody I know all the contacts I’ve made Through The Years everyone at ping has been family to me for 12 plus years and they they’ve just

Been awesome I know so many people there and they’re deciding to take a chance on me which I’m super grateful for and and uh yeah I start on uh February 26 uh I got a cubicle let’s go what’s what will the role be I’ll be a fitting and education engineer so I’ll be

Working uh with the Fitters I’ll be working with the design Engineers R&D you know it’s kind of a broad scope uh position so I can kind of Branch out later um once I maybe find out what I’m good at or what I like to do there um

Very excited to learn as much as I can um and just to get get to know everybody there and then the decision to Monday try this Monday what was that decision like you know in the context of knowing you’re about to start a new career but

Decided to come play this yeah yeah it’s been a fun timeline um I met with John K the CEO from ping thank you John K um in early January I got I got like an offer um a couple weeks later and um went to play the farmers Monday qualifier cuz I was

Say well I don’t have a job so I’ll just go play some Monday my game still felt pretty good uh played well there I didn’t play well enough and then I figured this would be my last Monday qualifier of the year um since you know

I signed on the dotted line so I said and and we set that start date later in February so I said this is this is probably going to be the last Monday qualifier love Phoenix love the area obviously you know I have family here too so uh yeah signed up to play and

Here we are did um that give you a tiny bit maybe more freedom at all on the course knowing that you are going into that and you I guess how did that I had at all no that’s a good question I I think it probably did yeah subconsciously it it probably freed me

Up a little bit I said well you know let’s swing for the fences here if if not I you know I’ll go to work in a month and um no but Monday I just I was feeling it I was just flagging it everywhere and making every putt it was

It was one of those days it was awesome and you could have you know you were twoo over through five in the first round not a great start did you get down on yourself at all at that point or did you were you able to stay positive yeah

Two over through five I was like well this isn’t very good I’m I’m not playing very well I was kind of bummed you know but I said there’s a lot of golf to play and um I knew I was swinging well so I just said let’s let’s just get on a

Little rally here and then yesterday’s rally there four birdies in a row that was that was pretty awesome so uh climbed back into it a little bit I was a little bit nervous this morning coming out having to play Four holes four hard holes you know in the rain and the cold

And stuff but I was a little nervous about that if I’m if I’m being honest but luckily played it one under coming in I was I was pretty excited and big picture question I’ll put what is this journey 12 years 12 years as a pro played mini

Tours played the cor tour gu tour you just kind of gone through a lot of the artc of the journey as a pro golfer and a lot of experience what has the that Collective 12 years years me meant to you in your life it’s been a long 12

Years Kev that’s uh that’s for sure but it’s flown by fast um yeah mini tour golf cor fairy I was on the tour the first first event I played was the Nationwide tour Nationwide tour I was on on the tour corn fairy tour PJ tour corn fairy tour again now nothing

PJ tour Waste Management Phoenix Open I mean I’m psyched I’m just I’m so grateful for everything that’s happened um it’s been hard it’s been a hard Road it’s been fun at times and uh I’m just I’m I’m very blessed I’m very blessed to have gone through what I’ve gone through

Do you think in a sense you fulfilled a lot of what your kind of childhood dream of being a pro golfer was yeah I definitely fulfilled um some of my dreams obviously getting the PJ tour is you know is one of my childhood dreams it’s a lot of a lot of people’s

Childhood dreams um you know winning on the PG tour winning Majors that was obviously you know dream those were dreams of mine obviously that’s not going to happen but unless we get on a heater this weekend but uh yeah just I’m super proud and and happy with with what

I’ve accomplished what is the support of your wife and your parents and just team hard came General me you yeah team hard K let’s go uh they’re always rallying for me yeah the support of my my wife is incredible she’s just she’s backed me

For this you know these 12 years as a as a professional golfer and that’s that’s hard to do I mean it’s that’s a lot of stuff she’s given up um and uh I I can’t thank her enough and all my family parents and grandparents in-laws I mean you name I I can’t even

Run down the list that there’s so many people that I that I need to thank and it’s been an incredible journey they’ve been alongside with me here and there you know traveling to events you know watching my kids while we’re out of town all sorts of stuff so yes thank you

Thank you team heart as how ask you to VI message to Heidi what would that be oh it would just be that I love her I love you Heidi and um I just I can’t thank her enough for like I said for everything she’s done for me for my

Career now it’s time to one last harah and then and then maybe put the sticks not aside cuz I’m still going to play obviously we’re not going to give up the game but um be there as a dad you know full-time come home every night that’s that’s the plan that’s what that’s what

I want to do for her and for my kids couple last ones I ask anything go bills what um you know playing pro golf it’s such a journey and a lot of sacrifice and they said what what do you think where did that fuel come from that made

You decide to do it to go through it and everything and Chase the Dream yeah that’s a good question um uh I mean first the first fuel I had was was from my dad you know he’s a he’s an avid golfer he probably loves the

Game more than I do to be honest and then uh you know growing up watching tiger and Ernie and VJ and you know those guys battling out David Duval and Sergio and I mean it’s just those that was great times I loved watching golf um and those guys those guys made

Me want to you know want to be out here those guys maybe want to live the dream and swing it like Erie just that big silky smooth swing that he has I always loved his swing anyway that’s a long winded way to answer your question but

That’s that’s that’s why I wanted to be out here and the feeling of getting your PGA Tour card looking back Atlantic Beach what what was that moment like you that was incredible to get my pj tour car Atlantic Beach beautiful place I wish the tour went back there but anyway

Um I I don’t think I celebrated enough to be honest that was I I was saying okay now now we’ve made it now I want to get out there and win I want to do well which is which is right attitude to have but looking back I wish I maybe would

Have you know brought the whole family together and celebrate we did have a party and stuff but I wish I was a little more joyous instead of just looking just okay grind grind grind grind you know um but it was awesome Atlantic Beach Country Club it was

Beautiful it was stressful on that line as you remember but uh we got it done and we had a great we had a great year that was fun what’s been the best part of this best part of the journey uh oh maybe my hole in one at Tory Pines

Number three no just kidding um no I having the family and friends at at every event that’s that’s that’s what does it for me I love looking over making a birdie and looking over and they’re fist pumping and hooting and holler and that’s that’s my favorite

Part of uh being a professional goer and I’ll close you with 18 yesterday PC okay what was that um that shot the bunker shot on 18 what was oh yeah bunker shot on 18 yesterday that was that was sick that was uh I honestly looked at it and

I said this I could make this I can make this shot from the bunker cuz it was a nice lie I mean I had a little bit of a s Hill stance but you know it was laying really well and it was just kind of

Uphill I knew if I hit my spot it was just going to trickle right toward the hole and and clipped it just perfectly and it went in and I just said yeah baby you know let’s go I was I was super psyched if you don’t mind I’m going to show you

A video here if you could just kind of react to it yeah oh baby on top 10 Place Gog tour EV since 2022 qualified in a fourman playoff look at this chipping it in from the bun drippy drippy he may be in position cut now on ESP good okay what was the

Number one Play can I watch oh dang it wasn’t as good I didn’t get number one I got number two that’s pretty good that’s pretty amazing how’s that feel though you know that’s my second time on ESP in top 10 remember the first time Kev Stone

Bra St up and down po yeah Nick Parker Nick Parker got it on got it on ESPN it was like number eight I think way down up and then right down on the last SLE there Jim I got one final one for you um you know what would your message be to

Maybe a young fan that maybe he’s not familiar with you or your career maybe they’re too young to be watching golf but as they get older they get into golf maybe they come across your story what would be your message to a fan like that yeah message to them would be uh have

Fun at the game you know I see so many um players out here and and starting that are just that are just like I said just grinding grinding grinding yeah you got to practice and play and stuff but you got to make it fun you know that’s

That’s what it comes down to obviously out here at the WM Phoenix Open we’re having a lot of fun but uh yeah as a little kid you got to make it fun you got to have fun practicing playing get your buddies together get out there you know cough should be

Fun you good hey

1 Comment

  1. Cool story. Great interview. So much joy and positivity. The game needs personalities like Jim. We need a Jim Knous YouTube channel. Thanks for sharing

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