Golf Players

This Kills the Swing of High Handicap Golfers

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Many high handicap and beginner players start their downswing with the wrong move. Their swing sequence is backwards – it’s need to go down before around. In this video Coach Ed teaches Patrick how to model the downswing of PGA professionals like Justin Rose and Justin Thomas. We use Trackman’s compare function to match up swings and see what changes can help Patrick develop a better swing.

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Hit The Most ACCURATE Wedge Shots of Your Life

The #1 Golf Swing Fix I Didn’t Know I Needed

The Biggest Mistake of High Handicap Golfers

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So I’ve been working on my swing a whole lot lately with Ed and playing a lot of golf which has been great I’m experiencing a lot of PS to the left and sometimes some club path issues where I’m cutting across so I just had a great

Lesson with Ed and we worked on a lot of these issues with some really cool comparisons using trackman to compare my swing to some of the pros out there and it was it was awesome made some really big improvements in just a short matter of time yeah just wait till you see the

Whole video because um when you when he’s in comparison mode especially at the transition on the downswing um I think we picked up on some pretty neat things and you’ll see how much of a difference that made with your club path and yeah right away so instantaneously

Fixed some of my errors where I was really going far left and several shots were basically down the middle with little Fades little draws but right and then I also showed him um by drawing a triangle on your back swing and matching it on the forward swing I think they’ll

Find that very interesting big light bul moment for me some kind of different things with the Finish which impacts your the rest of your swing so you got those thick grips Bryson that’s the only thing Bryson and I have in common not the swing speed uhhuh and he’s shooting YouTube videos

With Paige he’s yeah we she might do some videos with us so we’re comparing our uh my swing to a professional Justin Rose in fact Justin Rose okay one the Prest swings actually he’s got a great swing yeah he does yeah so I I use him a lot

In compare mode with a lot of players all right I’m just looking at a few things here so one of the comments I made with a video that you’d taken on your phone there was that I thought your shaft wasn’t enough over your shoulder but from my camera angle that’s actually

Better than what it looked like on your video so I might could could have been a video it could have been a bad camera angle on that that was showing me that cuz I I actually think you’re okay there okay okay and you can see that frankly you’re uh pretty similar positions there

Really okay yeah and do you see how you can see your Club face if I bring the cursor up or you can see your Club face and your left arm if I draw a line on your Club face there that’s pretty Square to each other right Square

As can be yeah so and that’s and also on Justin the same same deal that’s what we’re looking at is the that’s right angle of the wrist being matching with the club face that’s correct and so that’s really the first checkpoint for yeah a player to look at is the top of

The back swing um and for me I think it’s probably other than distance away from the ball probably this relationship with the club face and your lead arm is probably the most important fundamental in golf really yes those two things yeah Butch Harmon’s dad Claude um and Butch’s other brothers

That all teach dick Haron and them um pretty much their teachings pretty similar and it’s from their dad Claude who thought how important it was to have a square Club face like this is the top of the back swing so so all those Harmon Brothers um from from a philosophy point

Of view try to get their players in the exact same position you are now okay so if we can maintain that position on the down swing that’s so that’s so we’re go everything up to the top is looking pretty good it’s that’s when falls apart it does I don’t know if

That’s I don’t know if it’s falling apart or but that’s where you’re having isues though I know but um and so what I think happens from here and you can see you’re still in your posture your your spine angle still the same at the top of your back swing so is Justin

Rose um if I draw a line straight down from the butt of the club and I’ve done that with Justin Rose okay so we’re at the top of our swing drawing a line from the butt vertically down that’s what you’re seeing right there okay straight down and ideally that’s what our hand

Path will do on the down swing at the initial down swing and you’ll see is um as you come down up I’m on the wrong thing so I’m coming mine’s basically tracing the path towards the ball instead of going down that’s correct and Justin Rose on the other

Hand much more vertically down so you can see how close he stays to that vertical line with his hands and you can see how much away towards the ball you are yeah and so and you can see that his shaft is pretty close to parallel to his

Original Shaft angle so is yours but his shaft’s a lot closer does that make sense closer can you say explain that yeah where here’s the yellow line there’s just a few inches here between closer to the line yes and then you’re higher than my okay so my as I’m coming down

I’m vertically higher compared to his is more already back to the you are the plane line now and also in this position do you see that your spine angle starting to change already do you see that that that line doesn’t match your shaft angle anym to extend out of

It yep and so and he’s pretty much perfect he’s pretty much perfect and one of the things you mention as we come down here so now you can see that the difference is his Club head’s actually underneath that original plane line at this position and then you’re above it

And you can tell your spine angle is nowhere near uh the same as yours original SP yeah I’m almost up and down with kind of a curved top of my and so what I think happens hand me that driver yep one of the things that you noticed on your

Video and I’m too blurry here on this camera to to show you but um that on Patrick’s he’ll give you a screenshot of this I think off of his video you can do that right yep when I’m up here at the top and then this goes this way well

Then my face angle is always going to be open at this down swing here can you do that one more time so well sure so as I go this way the club I’m I’m going this way and then up like this then that face is always going to be I’m exaggerating

But it’s going to be open from here and then I have to flip to get it closed other otherwise you’re going to hit everything right that’s right and so that’s one of the things we’re trying to figure out is his back swing he’s perfect perfect back here with his Club

Face and his spine angle but see I think he’s still good with the spine angle but uh it ends up opening when this spine angle goes like this well then the face yeah goes like that too and now I’m going to be open so I don’t think you’re necessarily manipulating it open with

Your hands I think the early extension is C is cus to be open yeah I do and then and then I’m probably have to make it move with my arms otherwise I hit you’re going to slice it right and you’re going to it’s going to make you

Swing left as well trying to keep it from going right as well does that make sense yeah it’s like every everything that my body and brain is doing is trying to prevent those big slices and everything to the right so it’s trying to get it left because of a fault early

In the swing great on the way down and so you know the early extension in my day you know we really paid attention to maintaining our spine angle and to maintaining our knee Flex yeah and now with people using swing Catalyst and force plates and you know

And there are a number of really good players that do early extended literally jump off the ground yeah um and and it’s not discouraged as much anymore but my recommendation for you is to try to figure out how to not early extend so much and then um you know I’m still concerned with

Your injury there in your side if trying to not early extend might aggravate it so it might be why you’re early extending is taking the pressure off that side could be could be so I I think we have to consider that a little bit yeah and you’ll see as you come down

Here then at impact you can see how tall you are there with your spine and how we’ve moved and look at the difference that these past impact just a little bit so you were faster on the back swing you were beating him to the top but he’s you

On the follow do you see that yeah that’s interesting and that it is and so um you know but you get the shaft in a pretty good position at impact where it’s pretty close to your original uh line but you know you mentioned uh earlier off off camera that you know

Look at his hips are already turned and mine aren’t yeah and that’s true but uh you can’t move two directions at once we’ve talked about that before so when I’m going this way I can’t rotate that way so that’s why your hips are slower than his because this move this way for

A split second keeps you from from getting in this position and opening those hips up correctly absolutely now the best thing I found um to practice that for you guys at home that have early extension is you can take your posture and get your butt up against the

Wall okay and then as you swing back you just need to feel that this right cheek stays on the wall and then on this way through you need to feel like this left cheek stays on the wall and if you just did that at home um while you’re

Watching the news or something every night for five or 10 minutes in a month or so it really ought to improve that yeah without thinking about it too much the other thing go ahead and set up there for me hand me that blue noodle over there too if you

Would so go ahead and set up there okay if you have a bu who was the who were the guys at the show the kid Andy dad that had the training aid with yeah we’ll link that one there’s a really cool is that kabo or something we link it it’s really a

Cool device so he had a thing and so you could set up his noodle yeah and you could feel that you’re you’re maintaining um contact with that so just go real slow motion go all the way up to the top and stop and then good good and then as you

Come through then your left yep and then you’re going to M there you go and that left hip’s going to maintain there and you can feel you can feel that you’re staying in contact with this noodle you know all the way through that feels different right it does yeah it’s more

Like yeah got to keep keep that back more yeah understand yeah I do and so that’ be a pretty feel my legs work more like you can feel your absolutely can only move you can only move two directions or One Direction at a time so so when you’re

Going this way your legs can’t do anything one of my the I hurt my side well two years ago and reinjured it last year and one of my theories on why I did that I was working on swing speed and I think because I don’t activate my legs

Enough I’m trying to get speed speed from this and it’s just I this muscle just I hit a point where I just wasn’t able to do it anymore and it I don’t strain or whatever happened but I I’ve always thought maybe part of it is that

I’m in the gym I’m strong with my legs but I don’t think I use it in my golf screen you don’t so cuz you go in like this it’s like I’m taking all all out of it yeah you are does that make sense yeah it does yeah and so that’s a pretty

Good way to practice it Okay and like I said with that kid’s training aid where he he’s got that set up you can set up a noodle I’m going to get one of those yeah that’s a good one that would be a pretty good drill to use with him yeah

So let me ask you a follow-up question about this so one of the things we were just looking at on the screen is about how the the butt of the club and the Hand path need to work more yeah down as opposed to I’m kind of coming this way

Is that you are so I need to be more like this yes and that’s the classic Justin Rose it sure ises thing and so the same thing go to the top and stop oh here one no I got to stand here so I’ll be in the way that’s all so go

Ahead and the top of the stop so if I hold this here so you’ve got to come down under there you go you’ve got to feel like a good feel like this yeah and you might bot them out behind the ball first till you get used to it

Yeah cuz that’s going to be a flatter angle than you’ve ever been before but uh I do think it’ll help you and I have a feeling you’ll keep that in hang on just a second I’m going to move my bag so he doesn’t snap oh my dri for those of you watching wondering

How many takes we always take on our Channel we we’re always on the first take we we’re pretty good that’s mostly your your your credit you’re the one who’s graded the first take here I don’t know about that we try to keep it all real for you

Guys so I want this so my old old feel is that you would come towards me yeah like that and what my new feel I’m trying to work on is yeah not for that long of a time though it’s only for about six Ines okay

And then it can go to the ball okay so I’m I’m over that’s that’s too much and that’s it is but that might be how you have to do it in a but you’ll know if you do it too much you’re going to stick the club in the ground yeah you can yeah

You can you can probably even hear that on camera I’m hitting that but but that that’s like that yeah how’d that look I couldn’t tell but I don’t have I’m still on compared mode so I didn’t get it okay let’s try another one and I think this is hard to do with a

Driver I was going to say this probably might be easier with a eight iron or something eight or nine iron something like that yeah but go ahead and do it with driver and see what happens yeah result was decent uh that was the last one oh was okay we didn’t record

Okay okay rehearse this club path was better yeah still faded a little but um well and that’s more the yeah face was open which but I think that’s better that motion looked a little better didn’t I agree I think that’s better better let take a look

Here and again I give you credit this takeaway is so much better than where you were two years ago it’s unbelievable thank you that’s one of the things I work I’ve worked hard on and I do think that if you just continue to take this club back correctly like you’re doing I

I truly believe with practice that the rest of this is going to come natural to you without having to think about it so much that that would be my hope but see that was better yeah I can slow it down enough see that’s much better that I mean

That’s big yeah I know good job look where that’s at now yeah much remember how I showed you on that other one that there was just a few inches between this shaft and that original line and much closer you know you would have on that other video um you would have um

Been up here yeah and now you’re in here well the thing is that’s a big difference that’s how come the club path is plus one instead of minus four yeah understand yeah absolutely yeah that’s great and you can see your swing Direction and your club path both those

I’d take that all day if I could repeat yeah less than less Ian you still had an open face there a little bit and that’s proba it still had a little steep attack angle but I mean than but that for one swing I mean so I found that interesting

So we were we’re using this hack motion thing they’ve uh been giving us one to evaluate here it’s it’s pretty cool and I’m curious to see as as the the graph yeah how how I end up looking if because I I think probably one of the

Things with this is I’m going to have to start working on getting that club face a little bit more closed still early but but with this path it’ll probably be easier to to get that going yeah I agree and this hack motion um is really interesting it is

Yeah um and um so we’ll be talking about that in another video and some more detail but um you know honestly um maintaining the correct wrist angles as you swing is pretty crucial to being a great ball Striker it is absolutely and um we’ve as as an industry we’ve we’ve

Not been able to measure that very accurately but boy with this hack motion sensor I mean you get some great data and and and when you compare it they have a comparison mode with tour players and they have different models of a swing depending on whether you’re Dustin

Johnson with the wrist angle like this at the top of the back swing or somebody that’s like this that’s what I find so I mean I I video myself constantly and I’m always using different apps and stuff to compare to Pros that’s one of my favorite things on trackman is you can

Do you know just like we’re showing here you can literally put yourself next to it but I think one of the things that’s really neat is when I start to video myself if I go back then and watch it it’s like it it’s feedback but it’s

Delayed by a minute two minutes by the time you’re actually able to get it up whereas you know wearable things I think this is a big part of the Future Sound On It that’ll tell you what you’re within the ranges and you can set the ranges depending on how good a player

You are well it’s like and it can give you that feedback instantaneously but with audio cues versus having to go watch it on a video and and see oh did I do it or not which is still helpful but I really think that this type of

Technology is going to be big in the future so Patrick’s always asking me about training AIDS and stuff if I seen this have I seen that I’m not a fan of the braces and that and um you know there Greg Norman had the Greg Norman secret that came out

Probably in the 1980s sometime and um you know it was pretty fascinating fit on your right wrist and it got this right wrist on an angle um and you could see all the good players had that right wrist like this at impact uh we used to

Call it covering the ball you don’t ever hear that anymore but the best players tried to feel like their right hand they couldn’t see the ball because their right hands covered in it like that yeah yeah and if you do that with your right hand then your left hand’s like this yep

Yeah what’s interesting about all these drills and people are trying to do with their lead wrist I mean our both hands are on the club so what one wrist does the other hand does the opposite yes and so it it kind of depends on you as a

Player um can you think more about your left does that help you but man most people are right-handed players are right-hand dominant they can’t think about their left at all yeah and so maybe you’re better off thinking about your Trail wrist and so this hack motion

You can do it on either wrist yeah and um uh and I like that too and and it gives immediate feedback and as you practice swing even as long as you hit the ground and make a noise especially on a maded does pretty good um you know

You can look and see what your wrists look like the interesting thing with you when we were doing this earlier is that they also show you a graph of the ideal motion for a tour player yeah and yours was uh pretty extreme through there it wasn’t as smooth would you agree with

That yeah I’ll I’ll record a couple I’ll do a couple shots and we can show them and just see see might be better already it might be better yeah I’ll show him some of the old ones too you can take a look at it but uh so I’m a fan of it if

If he’ll give you a link to them and um U they’ve got three different levels of monetary commitment yeah depending on we haven’t tried the putting thing yet the putting thing seems yeah they do have a putting app do the same thing I know we’re going to do a bunch of videos on

Putting now that we can get outside again soon so and the cool thing about this hack motion not only does it measure your wrist angle this way it measures your subnation and pronation and then your owner deviation this way too so it gives you three different measurements of what your arms and hands

Are doing what was really interesting is we were comparing my swing with an iron to some of the pro models that and both of my um my kind of cupping Boeing motion was a lot more extreme theirs is like a smooth wave whereas mine was yanking back and forth and then also the

Ner up and down my rotation wasn’t as rotation was great that was yeah it was maybe a little late but it was it was a little late but it was smooth and it followed the graph yeah so it’s just cool I love seeing data like that so and

Of course you can compare it to different like if your swings if you’re real athletic and you can get more of like a Dustin Johnson feel then you could compare more to that model whereas I I don’t have that kind of flexibility to do that so I have a different swing

And it and it kind of verif we had a um a zoom call this morning with them and talked about a few things and kind of validated a lot what I try to teach you know is um they can quantify based on the degrees of your wrist angle whether

You have a weak grip a neutral grip or a stronger grip and then whatever your wrist angle is at a dress they measure that angle and if you’re on that same angle at the top of the back swing that’s a good thing and that you know

That’s how I’ve taught this for years as you hold on to the club and hinge up and whatever angle you have here is where you should be at the top and so the other interesting thing that he mentioned he talked about Dustin Johnson

And um and it works but you have to be a great athlete to get your wrist in this position because Dustin Johnson has no rotation with these arms as he swings through and therefore the only way he can square the club face up is by Body rotation on the way through and most

Recreational players and most guys that’s as old as I am just don’t have the core strength and the speed in their hip rotation to be able to swing like that so all you guys out there that are trying to get these bowed wrists at the

Top If if you don’t if you don’t have tremendous hip speed and and body rotation uh you’re it’s not going to work for you well makes sense if you especially if you’re a guy who probably hits a lot of slices and to the right if you’re not able to if you’re trying to

Do go but you can’t get and everybody says well that’s going to close the face well it in effect it does but um but if I’m not rotated through I’m I’m never going to get the face back to square and and screw and well you just demonstrated

What we talked about in the slicing video from months ago where you said most people think when they’re slicing they’re they’re like this but really they’re like this and you just exactly showed if you can’t exactly do that then you’re going to you’re going to push everything right y that’s exactly right

Yeah and um um so I thought you know I was impressed with them on our video call there yeah today just because he recognized the fact that um there’s different ways to swing the club and most recreational players can’t follow that their model B on their app

Absolutely yeah you can’t do it you just physically can yeah you got to find the swing that matches your physical abilities that’s correct and in their case that’s a type a model yeah um that they have on there and that shows the graph and and what the parameters of

That are so and for me that’s how I’ve always worked on it with players you know is to whatever grip they have it addressed to hinge the club up square and they can feel that same angle back there I would have them get in a mirror

And check this club face and check these angles where they could see it but man with this hack motion thing you don’t need any of that it’s going to tell you exactly what angles that you’re on you you’ll learn what this position what it should feel like on the way back and

You’ll learn what this position should feel like here and then you’ll learn what impact should feel like absolutely I I like it a lot yeah it’s pretty cool sure so with this 8i I’m still W that same feel where it’s dropping six in every Club yes

Sir it’s a different feel in my body doing that I like that one that was the most solid one I’ve heard you hit all day that felt great that was great look how much better your Club pass you remember earlier today everything was negative I was I was swinging across minus8 this

Morning it was yeah so that’s pretty awesome yeah so so go go back through that one slow I just want to see if it’s that is so much better I can’t believe he picked it up that quick be honestly that’s awesome can you tell the difference you can see it right I can

Yeah you can see look how good your Club face still is there and again I’m too well but that’s you can even tell there even though it’s a little blurry you can tell that club face is a lot better position I think coming down caught it a tad thin but it’s still very

Straight and honestly see that’s the only thing I’d like to experiment some more that’s say I still think looking at your left arm and looking at the club face that’s still pretty dang good even though it’s telling you you’re too extended yeah so that might be more of a grip issue at

Address than could be I’m just saying that’s that’s one of the interesting things about this technology it makes you ask a lot of questions you can see that butt of the club is going straight down now that’s so much better good and I do think you’re turned more

Yeah would you agree with that I feel like I’m turning much better much more naturally yeah and not near as much you know early extension there either so what see I think as you go this way I think you maintain your posture I think you go this way so you

You talked about I wonder if the early extension I fight is a is a consequence of my brain knowing that it needs to make cuz something else is going to be wrong right so it’s like abely it’s a reaction and not it’s almost like chickened egg reverse thing it is and

That’s a secret to a good golf instructor in my opinion is to understand cause and effects and what what to fix and what how that’ll change other aspects absolutely of a player’s swing so I that motion I feel like I can turn I I feel almost for a couple years now

It’s like I just feel like I well I got stuck it’s like I just could I couldn’t I told you earlier you can’t move two directions at once yeah I really I feel all of a sudden I feel I have this freedom of motion that I didn’t have

Before making that little tweak awesome do it again good that was better there too you’re all both in the yellow awesome I can I can tell the difference without the line oh yeah me too it’s nice and even I know and even though that faded a little bit I mean we

Were pulling everything last week I am ecstatic to see the ball go to the right again I every I’ve been playing a lot and the every iron shot I hit I almost have to aim 20 yards to the right knowing I’m going to pull draw it left

And it’s like it’s and then of course then then you that’s when you hit it straight and it’s so frustrating but I’m Overjoyed to see one actually Fade to the right that actually is really a nice sight for me that one you would have hit just a

Little left bad not bad though not bad yeah so I’m curious on that one did I come down more like my old swing just watch I don’t think so no that’s not there like your old swing yeah yeah that’s not near like your old swing so probably the other thing for me

To work on with this is still on the swing Direction getting a little bit more yes to the right to the just a little bit the other thing as I’m here doing this I’m a big fan of showing this to people so you can see his his right arm and everything is

Outstanding position there at the back you know or it’s straight up and down and you can see that triangle that I draw between your arms so not only do we want the butt of the club to start down that one leg of the triangle and you can

See it does very nicely yeah yeah that’s much big Improvement then as you finish the swing I would I would like your arms to be in the same triangle on the way through that’s interesting okay that you were on the way back so because we’re seeing it to left that means I’m

Swinging more to the left right yes sir interesting okay so I’ll show you that in a compare mode yeah that’s really cool so um so I haven’t looked at him but I bet he’s pretty close yeah this will be interesting I know if I showed Justin Thomas doing this this is what

The kids I usually show so you can see his triangle you’ll see that his handle goes down that leg and then and he’s a little higher than that let me show so that would maybe mean that he’s swing to the right slightly right more of an

IND out path more into out yeah than than what you were yeah and the other thing that you have to take into consideration is sometimes the camera angles aren’t the best on these Pro comparisons yeah we’ve talked about that one and then um and it’s just one swing mhm so you don’t always

Know yeah if you guys haven’t seen it we made a whole video about how much of a difference that camera positioning makes when you’re analyzing swings like this so it’s a good one to watch if you haven’t seen it you can see how high he you want to

Know why a little bitty guy he really gets those hands can hit it so far um I mean gosh if you look at him and Scotty Sheffer these days and all that how high they get their hands I mean Hogan and his book he wanted the hands to be at

Ear level and you can see how much higher Justin Rose is than ear level it’s it’s pretty and your hands frankly are quite high as I’ve gotten older my hands are barely ear level anymore and I don’t hit it anywhere but you’ll see his triangle oh man yeah he’s like right on

Huh yeah especially if I can slow it down enough to stop it here perfect isin’t that amazing that is and that’ be a good thing to try to match up so anybody at home that’s you got a V1 app or something like that where you can draw lines yeah even if

You don’t have track man as long as you have any even you could take it into you know any app that you can draw stuff on the screen and and that’s easy check it is yeah yeah so so I’m a I’m a fan of that so let’s watch him on the way down

I didn’t even pay attention to his handle so here he is at the top and um he actually in his his his elbows in my opinion is not as in a good position as yours is he’s a little got a flying elbow there little Fred Couples you’ll

See it goes straight down do you see that yeah yes that’s cool is’t that cool so okay I now I want to try this see if I can get the triangle all right get that set up so because it’s that’s a really good check because then that means your swinging

Your swing path is going to be either perfect or very I guess it basically zero right swing SW if your swing Direction and your club path are zero then you go ahead and set up you’re on live camera okay hang on just so go to the top of your back swing and

Stop no farther than that more of a full turn yeah and you’re higher than that so there even higher hold it there we go come on you’re back there look where you’re at look on video got get my shoulder flexibility there all right well I’m gonna good so now follow through for me

Good now look in the can you look in the video and need to be here you do oh wow so I need to finish way more up here yes than around that’s interesting okay cuz I’m my finish is more like this I know so I need to be more uhhuh you do like

That uhhuh exactly like that that was perfect for the people at home they’ll see you can’t look up and look at the same time but you’ll be able to see that you know what what triggered that the the feeling was actually uh people talk about Standing Tall that through that’s basically I was

Just trying to feel that Standing Tall finish so I don’t care what you feel like I just want your arms in that position so good there we go good good now you got to get there on the back swing too yeah let me try that but the back swing you’ll and your

Normal swing you get there how’s that look good go ahead and hit one like that okay yeah go ahead and hit one and try to follow through like that you’re actually pretty close there is that I think so you’ll see there you go back I still got the triangle drawn

There not bad you can see yeah where it is in relation yeah yeah pretty good I know pretty good didn’t you think yeah that’s cool that’s a good that’s another good feel for me is to finish higher you know it’s interesting too I when I watch my old swings a lot of

Times I get this like kind of chopped off and I always like how do people get it behind their head and I think I’m just realizing now it’s because I if you’re here you you can’t go un unless you’re like Gumby you just can’t turn like that whereas if if you’re higher

It’s much easier to finish like that so that’s interesting I never thought about that yep pretty cool that’s really cool that was good you just chunked it yeah hit a little little behind it but the actually club path and everything was I knowy good the only thing it wasn’t was

Your attack angle see that yeah just a hit a little behind it yeah probably cuz I was thinking so much about doing that but I agree but it’s still much better that is this I still need I’m going to work a lot on on that that motion right there

Just to ingrain that that’s going to be my big homework I think for this week good just chunk that one too it’s interesting that I started chunking a little bit as I think about that well I told you that if you you know if you’re

Yeah if you do that too long on the way down you’re going to stick that’s why I wonder yeah so but you can still see your Club pass better there yeah and you can see your arms are better going through that triangle yeah huh I’m G to try just do one

Without thinking about the Finish now sounded pretty good there yeah I caught it just a hair thin but pretty good huh yeah yeah great job awesome I think I got my got my homework figured out for this week I’m going be working on yep that motion so yep I

Agree what I do awesome Yep good work


  1. This is pure gold. Best explanation I’ve seen in years of watching them. You should have millions of subs.

  2. One thing most golf duffers don't ever think about is core strength, make it a point to tighten your core on your practice swings, start with slow swings and then build speed to normal speed.
    you'll be surprised at the results …. Love you guys common sense approach.

  3. These live lessons continue to be incredibly valuable. I finally got my Maglites, and it was eye-opening how overly laid off I was at the top of my backswing. Drills have been very helpful to establish a consistent swing plane. Thanks again for publishing these!

  4. I like the end of the video when Ed drew up a triangle and had Patrick swing on both the backswing and the end of the swing in the same place. In the Jack Nicklaus video Golf My Way he mentioned that he wanted to have the follow through to be a mirror image as the end of the backswing. This should be done in practice and at the start of a warmup before playing because you want to fully release the club during your round of golf.

  5. Hmmm, I'm not so sure you are addressing the real flaw. You're pushing off of your right leg instead of pulling with your left. The symptoms are your right foot and knee are moving toward the ball on the downswing…ergo your early extension. You may need to understand how the right foot is supposed to work. Why? Your back swing isn't perfect as you're still on your right toes at the top instead of on your right heel. If you want to fix your right foot issue on the backswing, shift left as the first thing you do (it may feel that you're swaying left but you're not…you're really squatting and squaring up your hips) on the downswing, the club will come straight down on that desired line automatically instead of you trying to hit a position by manipulating your arms. If you then extend your left leg after shifting left (sit into your left side and then jump with your left foot) you'll be a long way toward swinging on plane much better. Your balance and early extension will be gone. You'll find that this will fix your follow through too but you might need another swing thought to maintain your right side bend to do that. At least that's my $0.02.

  6. Circa '72, someone sang, "… and all this science I don't understand, it's just my job five days a week …"
    While I am a numbers and data guy, I've learned that when one studies the minutiae of the golf swing (like many athletic moves), copious amounts of alcohol might become necessary.
    I find it interesting Coach Ed's recollection of greats of the game past and how they, and even himself, taught the swing and game, prior to all this [really cool] technology. The data and how it quantifies knowledge of the past is really cool, however, the more I try to hit this ball, I find that, within correct understanding of concepts and proper fundamentals, I just have figure this thing out by what works for me – I'm skeptical that MY knowing all this technical and specific data, I could get my short fat guy stature to consistently achieve the beauty of a correct golf swing.
    Thanks for another great video, gentlemen. Hear, hear!! 🍺 🍻 🍺

  7. Ed, in one of your other videos you mentioned you're not a big fan of impact bags, can you elaborate as to why? Thank You.

  8. Video was great , youtube has gotten ridiculous ad at about every 2 minutes …does that mean youre getting more views, so now they see opportunity to make more $$ off your videos .? Lol 😂
    Think i need to break down and finally take a real, live in person lesson. Went out last weekend before it got cold again ……and im all over the place almost like i never played before .. i see stuff in every video of yours that are things i possibly need to work on to fix issues .which is great ,but im getting a little bit of info overload after i mess up a shot / swing and start to think how to fix it the over the next shot … and it almost always got worse lol…i had to stop thinking and just walk up to ball and swing with zero thought to even keep the ball in play at one point …sounds counterintuitive but i was locking up over the ball after a dozen duffs, Slices , tops ,chunks and mis aimed shots trying to think of ways to stop all the miss hits… so i just lined up amd swung without a single thought to get by a lot of the round .frustrating that ive progressively gotten worse in the last 20 years …from shooting in the 90’s around the turnof the century, to upwards of 120 (I don’t know exact number had to stop keeping score ) last week … i never was crazy into constant practice and i did go and play cold ,first round in months with no range time before ….so im writing it off as “shaking off the cobwebs” type of situation…if not for the couple cans of swing lube i had ,the round might’ve been no fun! Thats how bad i was hitting em lol🍻🍺..
    Sorry for the rant 😂 keep up the great work please .

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