Golf Players

Fairway to Heaven: New Kid On The Block, Caleb Surratt

Caleb Surratt joins Jerry Foltz and Su-Ann Heng on Fairway to Heaven to discuss his relationship with Jon Rahm. The youngest player in the LIV Golf League talks about the confidence gained by being hand picked for Legion XIII and his goals over the next 5 years. Jerry and Su-Ann are blown away by the maturity the 19-year-old possesses and the brilliant head on this kid’s shoulders.

0:00 – Intro
0:53 – Las Vegas Recap
6:59 – Caleb Surratt Joins the Podcast
10:16 – Family’s Influence on Caleb’s Golf
15:18 – The Day Caleb Joining LIV Golf got Leaked
18:07 – Joining LIV Golf and Jon Rahm’s Role
34:33 – Caleb’s First Tournament at Mayakoba
41:06 – Legion XIII Team Dynamics
56:15 – Events Caleb is Looking Forward To
1:00:43 – Mom and Dad’s Thoughts on Joining LIV Golf
1:05:18 – Outro

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When I was a kid you used to give Valentine’s to all the all the people you wanted to give them to little cards with little little candy thingies in them oh probably now they just swipe Right welcome to faway to Heaven a live golf podcast my name is suan hanging with me of course is my co-host Jerry fultz we are now back in our Zoom boxes um thankfully I don’t have to sit next to him um but yes thank you so much for

Joining us let’s recap um what happened last week oh my gosh I’m still jet lagged by the way little tired how long you been home uh a day less than a day less than 24 hours no excuses last week was Vegas you froze your tail off out there I was

Freezing in the booth too but you froze your thawing I’m still thawing out by the way it was so cold it was so cold but what a great event I mean when it was I mean we had two weeks of a perfect storm for live golf quite honestly but

When you get the final group of DJ Bryson and John ROM fighting it out in the second event of the year you know John ROM obviously the big newsmaker and uh and coming down to the finish it did unfortunately Rah didn’t have his best stuff on Sunday but it still wasn’t and

Neither did Bryson for that matter but uh but what a finish yeah it was awesome and and the way DJ finished I think he birdied what was it three of his last six was it I think it was three of his last six yeah he turned it on yeah by

The time he birdied 13 and I was with his group by the time he birdied 13 I was like here we go you know you can just tell that little pepon his step and then he birdied again I can’t remember which hold then he birdied 17 which was

Huge cuz that got him yeah I think something like a one shot lead or something going to 18 18 right oh 18 that’s right he remember he hit it in the right rough and he took a drop from the Tio scoreboard and then uh and then Austin was saying something to him he’s

Like no hell no let’s just win it right here and he hit that iron shot that nobody else could hit over the greens probably instant bogey short left and he’s got that putt up from the valley and then you know likely three putable and and he just landed it right in the

Up slope stuck at the 10 feet it was that was really cool it was an epic second shot I I mean I was I was right there when he hit it and the wind was all over the place like right behind where the the gallery Club was you know

The wind was blowing in One Direction and then right where the the the 18th green was there was like absolutely no wind there was no wind that the flag wasn’t moving whatsoever and he hit this thing right right over the scoring thingy the terminal and was just a very

Very pretty shot it was awesome was epic and I and I then asked Greg on air I’m like what do you rate that shot Greg and he goes oh yeah you know like six and a half I’m like the hell like for you it

Might be six and a half Greg but for me it was like a 12 out of a 10 type of golf shot I would have never been able to pull that off it was he 135 135 and 17 to to pull back in front over Taylor

R but uh yeah Greg hit a lot of great shots in his life he also hit some bad ones on 182 and he’d be the first to admit it and by the way DJ and Greg uh DJ and Greg have had very similar careers amounts of wins worldwide s the

Same number of Majors very similar careers yeah yeah Noah is awesome and then how about team smash gr McDow coming through you know five under bogy free on a Saturday that was so goddamn hard just he was just you know I mean I spoke to him after the round he was so

Proud of himself and you can just tell he was just so happy and a sense of relief you know like okay yeah I still got this you know and and and you know he was very candid in his interview and he said you know certainly felt like

Being on this team had reunited his kind of career in some ways right valid yeah validating validating the um Brooks’s vote of confidence that he gave him I mean he Graham had a crappy year last year he finished very close to the relegation Zone and to be the MVP

Basically as he was Sunday in for their team was pretty incredible and by the way he didn’t play well in Maya COA came in like tight 48th I think it was and and to then you know kind of start aesh and go into Vegas and bring his best

Golf you know in those conditions it’s it’s impressive and and good for him I mean so deserved and you can just tell he’s so happy you know and um such a good guy too so I think we’re all rooting for him and was was nobody’s rooting for him more than I am nobody

Roots for him more than I am because literally when you look at our broadcast team who’s the most replaceable person thank you who’s the most likely person to take his job Graham McDow kick ass out there Graham seriously for a few more years anyway take me to Medicare

And we’re good I thought you were gonna like come up with something really nice and then you just I just won my job he’s the first guy to take job security nice it is it is an individual sport you know that so I’m just looking at it from my

Competitive aspect right right yeah no I mean that was the trade I think personally for me anyways and I speak for myself um I think it was a trade that was probably very surprising to me um in the offseason um not because you talk MD yeah that’s an acquisition yeah

He it wasn’t traded for anybody it was s it wasn’t a tri and yeah um you’re tired it’s all right you’re you’re allowed I’m tired I’m so tired um just got back from a school run as well um but uh yeah anyways it was just kind of an a

Surprising move for smash you know and I did not see that one coming so for him but then the minute I stepped into myoba and I saw them as a team I was like ah this makes sense like this is a great fit you know and Taylor on that team it

Just they look like they just fit in so it was awesome yeah Taylor was Taylor was the news making uh news making trade but look I mean both guys in that trade Taylor and wolf both played awesomely in Vegas that I think it’s going to turn out perfectly for both captains all

Right well let’s introduce our next guest we know him as the rat and I guess his best friends know him as the rat Caleb Sarat from Legion 13 the youngest player on our league let’s let him In where are you you moved out of your dorm but you’re in Knoxville where you are you in I’m in Knoxville right now yeah I’m in Knoxville just a a a room a cell yeah I have a so one of my friends that I know his dad owns a uh mother-in-law like a

House and it has a mother-in-law Suite under the garage or beside the garage um so it’s pretty good setup and he’s just let me rent out for like 800 bucks a month it’s not bad at all wow perfect it is a good fit it really is you’re the

Brock pry of live golf that’s it that’s that’s what I’m going for um did you watch the Super Bowl I did I did I uh who are you who are you rooting for I was rooting for Brock party I’m a big Brock party fan I’m really I’m a really big Christian

Mcaffrey fan um because he played in Carolina for a long time so it’s hard not to read for him yeah and uh what do you think of the halftime show I got I can’t lie to you I didn’t watch it I I was I was snoozing that’s when I took the 30 minute

Nap I I I was coming off of a huge travel night because I got on a rede after the tournament I didn’t wait till the morning um right so I uh was just exhausted so but yeah I watched the whole thing was that your that was your

First time in Vegas wasn’t it yeah first time last week yeah I mean I how was your experience outside I think it would be I think it would be a lot different if I was 21 and didn’t just have to you know sit in the room but um it was

Pretty cool I mean we went out after the final round and walked around Vegas me and my me and my folks um and uh you know did the whole shebang did Caesars you know the bage all everything right did the mono rail did the sphere um wow

Before that party so uh got to see it all it’s wild there’s so many people there so like I felt like everyone on this planet was in Vegas that week I just was like so crowed did you watch any shows did you catch anything at the

Sphere or I wanted to go to a YouTube concert but we just couldn’t work it out at the time um I wanted to go I really did um I know trell went to an Adele concert so he said that was fun yeah I think a few people went and apparently

It was um was pretty pricey I think that week the YouTu thing well the YouTu the Adele I think just about any like concert it was just they could jack the prices up and like what are you going to do not go you know you’re already here

So yeah right so 19-year-old Caleb satat knows uh is familiar with you two uh obviously he’s heard of Adele but didn’t watch the halftime show we are like kindred spirit seriously you is awesome but that’s kind of almost back to my generation and your dad’s Generation

Well I’m gonna correct you I don’t know anything about you two I’ve never I I I can’t I don’t know one of their songs by heart but I know they perform there and I know okay they’re popular so we’ll edit that part out just let it be with

The question it was good enough just edit that part I want to be like name me a YouTu song that’s that’s oh my God all without you come on before my day first of all I didn’t know your dad was a competitive long driver I’m sure

We your dad and I have many friends in common because I covered that when Golf Channel owned the property for a while the world long drive championships and got to know all those guys very well but uh he’s been influential part of your career he got you your starting golf you

Wanted to swing as big extra long drivers in the garage when you were Tau didn’t you that’s it yeah we have like I can’t I seriously can’t put a pen to paper how many of those drivers we have in our garage so that’s kind of how it

All started I mean they were taller than me you know when I started playing so um you know it’s cool we uh my dad used to go out and compete in mosquite right where the world do guard championships were and kind of cool that the next time

He was in Vegas you know was when I was playing there 20 years later yeah that’s awesome when did he stop competing he so he went from like 96 to 03 or 04 I think like his last World Long Drive Championship was like the year that I was born and he tried to

Take me and it was just not working so was he was he ever part of sorry Jerry was he ever part of um coaching you from a young age or I would say he played probably the biggest role to be honest um he I mean

He was the one that took me out there for the first 10 12 years you know of of my golfing so uh um yeah he he he was full coach still is coach sometimes when I’m really searching he’s kind of the guy I go back to because he’s he’s not

Up to up to speed with all the you know the new teachings and all that he’s more like you know keep it with the buttons on your shirt you know line up straight you know same stuff so he uh you but you also have three siblings all who do competitive

Athletics a younger sister who’s on a cheer team one who soccer your young I guess your younger brother was soccer turned Golf and then a travel softball catcher um which kept your parents very busy especially with your dad as it read reads uh who has to work weekend some

Sometimes as real estate job so he couldn’t have been there for you every minute of the day yeah he uh so you know I mean we’ve had such a busy lifestyle right because we have you know not only me and my brother and sister right at the time we now have like

Our youngest sister bayy who’s like a competitive cheer and she’s I mean she’s better than I am in my job and she’s better than my sister as a softball at her at what she does like she is all over the place she’s crazy so between between those three

Priorities right like it’s impossible to split time so um you know I think it’s one thing that’s actually benefited me a lot though because I’ve learned kind of how to be independent on the road um because you know the past couple years I’ve been doing a lot of my traveling by

Myself and it’s it’s not anything that I’m not great ful for but you know it has been a bit of a struggle and a learning curve at probably a younger age than most people it was funny because we rode back in the car with Caleb after covering him when he finished what 13th

In Mya COA and singing the Praises and talking to his coach uh Brennan Webb and doing all this and we ride back with him and he says after grilling him with questions like this so which company you guys work for that was the that was probably my favorite moment we’re riding

Back to the Paris with Caleb and his agent in the back seat and we have our big boss in the front and we were just like yeah having this like chat and just like as we’re turning into the Paris he goes so which company do you guys work

For I mean I I’ve just I’ve been so delayed on everything a lot of life has hit me fast so there was not there’s not a lot of things I’m up to speed on yeah I bet I mean speaking of which you know what what how did that I know I think

You already mentioned it but let’s for the sake of people who are listening in how did that whole call come about and who called you and how did you decide and what was it process like yeah it was a bit of a different Dynamic um you know

I have known John for a while uh and I was I’ve been itching right I’ve been itching for so long to be a professional golfer like no matter when that opportunity came and then it all kind of started around the Jones cup um this past you know couple weeks ago so it it

Happened very fast probably much faster than most players have experienced um you know the from the moment of interest to the moment of receiving a call from John and receiving a you know all the information from from Greg and stuff like the or Mr Norman probably is more

Applicable swe um to then signing was like a total of it was right around two weeks or less like it it was just so much faster there was no real negotiation like it was just a win win win you know on every side so um it was very fast I couldn’t have been

More pleased cuz that’s that’s how I like rolling um you know so it was you know but with that speed comes a little bit of a shock right you know so um and that’s kind of still setting in but you know it’s uh just part of life it it got

Leaked out pretty quickly I mean we had all heard about yeah it got leaked like within two or three hours of me saying that I was gonna that I that me privately saying that I was going to do it so I don’t know where it came from I

Don’t know you know and it’s just these leak artists right these and it’s you know it was on Instagram and then it was on Google and it just happened so fast I was shocked um but we knew it was coming right after that leek did you get calls or or texts from people

Friends I got a new phone I got a new phone I I just had to kind of I kind of had to back up it was you know it was I think a lot of my closest friends actually kind of had a lot of respect in the sense of like knowing

That I’m getting blown up so they’re not going to reach out you know what I mean so you know a lot of the text I was getting were just people I didn’t really know to be honest um but you know it was I was thankful for all the support no

Matter who it was but uh it it was shocking how fast it was did it get leaked out before you had a chance to talk to coach web did not know so you know of course I was supposed to keep my circle very small in the whole process but he was the biggest

Um he he was the biggest you know piece like he he was a big piece he was uh he was the guy kept up speed with everything he was included in the decision and the one thing we did which I don’t know if I should say but the

Night I I knew I was going to sign in the morning right so we went ahead and broke it to the team that night we had a big meeting and a big just you know talk right like because I I think out of respect my teammates shouldn’t find out

From a Twitter leag you know like that’s just so we we made a point to do that um but we Webb knew Webb knew as soon as I did to be honest so it’s actually funny sorry goad go ahead so I was I was going to go play

In the desert Dubai classic actually and I was fortunate to get receive that exemption right and and I ended up not doing it because it was so close to myoba cuz Li had just happened out of the blue right but web uh me and Webb talked that night before it was the

Night that I was going to tell him and I told him that because he was gonna come caddy for me in Dubai and he was like I was telling him about it and he was like well to be honest the only reason I was going to go caddy for you in Dubai one

Of the biggest reasons was because if we go play well John Ron would probably offer you a spot on his team so and then and then I was like and then I was like well speaking well speaking of that fact um yeah that just happened actually

So so you I’m sorry San though he meent Caleb you mentioned that you knew John Ron before I know from one of the articles I read you had played a practice round with him at one of the P three PJ tour events You’ played in how

Did how did you how did the the the I don’t know friendship or acquaintance with John Rah come about yeah so it just kind of happened through um we were both playing the American Express that week okay which would have been last January about the

Same time to be honest um a year later so he won it yeah of course of course he won you he wns everything so no shock there but he uh basically I don’t know we just kind of set it up and he was on the but green and there was a call

Relationship that was kind of the biggest thing um so yeah and then a guy by the name of Steve ly who used to manage Phil M or still manages Phil melson used to coach Phil Mickelson kind of set it up for us to play that day

Which was pretty cool um I would say then it was a bit more of like me looking up to him you know me like oh my gosh here’s this big big amazing major championship winner now it’s kind of like we’re friends you know so it’s interesting how the dynamic has changed

Right and it’s not that I don’t respect him right like I have immense amount of respect for him and I know he has respect for me too but it that Dynamic has changed over time but that’s kind of how it originally started then we it went dark we didn’t really text all year

And then this just kind of came about a year later and I guess he had been following along with a little bit of Amer golf college golf and some of my Pro stuff but uh you know yeah he certainly has a lot of high praises of

You every time he talks to the Press about you he’s just so excited to have you on his team but how cool is that I mean is it still a surreal experience for you to not only just be on John ROM’s team and then to have turl to have Kieran but then you’re

On the driving range of my aoba and you’re surrounded by DJ Brooks Kea Bryson dambo cam Smith the list goes on and on Patrick Reed uh did it ever I I know you said it happened so quickly has it sunken for you did it sink in for you at any

Point yeah like it wasn’t necessarily the excitement of being around those guys it’s more necessarily the excitement of knowing that I have a place to play and it’s guarant in myself to compete against those guys you know what I mean because there’s the difference in there’s a difference in

Monday qualifying and being there for a week versus knowing that you’re a piece right and that’s one of the things I’ve been super fortunate with with this opportunity is to be be guaranteed that this year so um that’s that’s really what hit me the hardest is like you know

I’m in myoba I’m in Vegas and I’m sitting there on the on the green I’m playing with Cam Smith and I’m like I didn’t just Monday qualify to be here like it’s just it was an amazing opportunity that was given to me and now

I’m I have a spot right like I I have a guaranteed place to play and as a elite college player and as any Elite college player the number one thing that you want coming out of school is a highly competitive place to go play and uh this

Is been a tremendous head start on that front when you watched this year’s MX and you saw what Nick Dunlap did and you saw the avenue to the PGA Tour that’s there through PGA Tour University and what have you and you know that you gave up that portion of growing up when you

Growing up Chasing the Dream there was no live golf this is a new dream this is a new reality and and a and a very serious reality um when you watched what he did uh and and you made the decision that you made um I’m sure a lot of your

Teammates and a lot of your peers asked you the question are you doing the right thing what makes you convinced that you did the right thing what makes me convinced knowing it’s the one of the things and especially on the golf course that makes me convinced knowing it’s the right

Thing is seeing my rate of acceleration through three weeks now of being a professional golfer I can confidently say that I have I know for a fact I have gotten better in almost every aspect of my game um and I can only imagine what that’s going to be over a couple year

Start right so um it’s easy to look at what Nick did and say wow I wish I would have done that but the reality is is and amer’s only won on the PGA tour like a few times right and it’s only been once in the last 30 years it’s not like

Stay Amer or or you know don’t do this and this is what’s GNA happen you know right so there’s no guarantees in life so I was just super blessed and thankful for the opportunity to come and I just you know at some point golf is a job

Right it’s it’s how you provide and it’s how you uh it’s what we’ve all wanted to do is be a professional golfer and this is there’s zero limitations to that and anybody that says it’s shying away from competition right like once I learned that that’s not true like going from

College to playing with major Champions and Phil Mickelson and all these other tour players immediately is not in one sense shying away from any competition so once I’ve truly learned that and embraced that it’s made me super confident in in my decision you know gosh are you really

19 no kidding right I I I just want to follow with that real quick if I want to follow up real quick so if if you don’t mind he you mentioned your rate of acceleration is greater than than it would have been otherwise um now granted you took a job even your coach

Bren Webb said everybody goes to college to get a job offer and you got the best job offer you’re ever going to get and that is true nobody coming out of college hoping to play on the PJ tour is ever going to get that kind of offer

It’s a different system our system is unique and to most of us to all of us on our side we think it’s awesome but you say your rate of acceleration proves to you that you made the right call why why do you think you’ve had this rate of

Acceleration in just three weeks uh is that it and I guess what I’m leading to is the team aspect John ROM the major Champions are around and the fact that everybody’s in this together have something to do with that yeah absolutely like you know I’m going to go on a limb here and

Have a very hot take I think 98% of the players would agree with me but being around John ROM is different right when you’re playing with John ROM every day it it teaches you to for the noise to not affect you right so I said that I

Go I went out to Arizona the week before myoba okay so I’m playing with John ROM and a couple other Pros that week right very successful Pros that and then I’m going into myoba and I’ve just spent five days with arguably the best player in the world like I I have no and

Competed with him right and beat him like there’s no reason why I should be nervous there’s no reason why the noise should affect me right because I know that my good golf is good enough to compete right and look he’s a different animal right like when the lights are on

He’s a different Beast you know so that’s not the same as playing a Whisper rock but on a surface level looking at it you know when you play with John ROM it’s different than playing with some other Pros sometimes you know he he he is the one of the best players in the

World and one major champion ship for a reason you know so just being around him helps me get better you know I don’t even have to try to get better I I seriously don’t I don’t have to ask them questions I don’t have to comp compete

With them I just gotta be there right because when you’re when you’re there when you’re there you just subconsciously learn so much and it’s just a belief system that constantly keeps getting built right so and then look you do that with Rah at home right but I also played cam Smith last week

Right and then I’m now playing with Tio right and now I’ll soon probably be playing with DJ and Brooks you know so these guys are all in the same bucket of of skill that you’re just G to get better by right because you know that

They’ve done it and if you know you can compete with them then you know you can do it right so that’s uh that’s what’s really making my transition a bit easier I think yeah that’s why they say you know surround yourself with um you know people that are are better than you and

Greater and and yeah exactly I I you know I’ve I’ve always been to um you know just be confident on the inside right and you know subconscious not subconsciously but just inside be like yeah nobody’s better than me nobody beat me but John ROM is better than me

At every aspect of the game like if I if I would rate myself a B+ in one aspect of the game he might be an A minus like no matter what it is he’s one of the best he’s the best in every category I’ve ever met and he has the best mind so

It’s humbly and vulnerably I have to say that I’m going to get better just because he is truly better than me like he knows how to win he can beat me my bad golf doesn’t beat his bad golf my great golf doesn’t beat his great golf

Does my good golf beat his bad golf absolutely well but his bad golf beats my bad and his good beats my good you know so there’s there’s some issues there right over time but you know uh I know I’m going I know I’m going off but

On that same point one of the hardest things has been setting John ROM is the standard right I hit a bad shot on the course I’m like go like John wouldn’t hit that you know but John’s the best player in the world like you know I get

Mad myself just just to make you feel any I don’t know if it feels any better for you but he hit a cold heart shank on Sunday on Saturday exactly see that helps me that help sometimes it helps to see that you know when I don’t get up

And down out of the bunker I’m like gosh I know Johan’s getting that up and down you know but there’s a lot of other players that can say that too you know so yeah I I I I want to ask you because you sound like you’re dealing with all this

With such voice and you’re so eloquent and you seem to just have it all together and as we all know in the sport you got to have a support team you got to have a crew behind you and so I want to ask who are those people and what advice have

They been given you um because I’m sure not everyone agrees with the decisions come over to live how have you been dealing with all that and and who’s behind you yeah I mean it’s just you know a lot of it’s my faith like I’m very confident in who I am I’m very

Confident that nothing I do or say is going to you know comfortably say that it’s going to change my life you know like it’s going to help my golf career but it’s not going to change who I am and right my coach Brennan web and alen

Hobbs my agent and a few other my coaches even my teammates right that play a big role in my life have all told me the same thing continue to be who you are right cuz if I can just go be Caleb’s R then I’m at least going to

Enjoy it no matter what happens you know so and and the other thing is I I’m also not searching right one one thing that those people I just said have told me is like don’t go search right so I’m not going around asking everybody a ton of

Questions I’m not I’m not telling myself that I don’t have a lot of it figured out right because I’m I’m trying to go compete and win I’m not trying to go through a learning curve right and look that might come back to bite me and then

I have a bad couple weeks but hopefully not but that’s just me saying that of of that I’m doing everything I can to make myself think that we have everything under control right and and I believe that we have a lot under control and it’s just goes back to the same core

Values of my life and sticking to the same plan sticking to the same workout plan sticking to the same eating hanging out with the same people you know my my life hasn’t changed I think that everybody could confidently say it’s around me that I haven’t changed from

This um and that that’s one thing I’m proud of right because look you’re going to receive negativity no matter what you do because reality is if I if I turn this this opportunity down right and then it gets out one day that Caleb’s rad turned down this huge opportunity

Well then the sides are still going to be equal there’s still G to be hate on one you know so some point you can’t make everybody happy and you just kind of got to decide who you’re serving so I’m just um I’m in this to get better

You know I’m in this for my family and I’m in it to learn you know and that’s seriously all I can say and that that’s what makes me comfortable because I’m not doing it for any other reasons well please don’t ever change we love you you’re not going to love me anymore

If I miss your calls I have one job well you got a lot more jobs than that and a lot more important jobs and that we appreciate your time very you uh you mentioned that this job this job is what it is this your golf doesn’t Define

You I read in I think it was some article in like something like dads of Charlotte where your dad was coded you’re very proud dad Brent of the three of the four kids that he now has who all are competitive in their chosen fields of athletic Endeavor but uh he doesn’t

Ever want their sport to Define who they are right in doing so you made a few comments to the Press I believe it was during myob or maybe it was during early week in Phoenix where you basically stated um your goals professionally as as a competitor and and you apologized

For you said I know this is going to come across sounding a little cocky but this is who I believe that I am and this is basically this is where who I want to be and and it’s funny because I know Bren and Webb told you he told us in a

Little impromptu conference call we had with him your coach at Tennessee that the last thing he told you the only advice he gave you was always remember you were good enough to get there you don’t need to change you need to get you may need to improve like you said but

You don’t need to change right right how do you go about continuing to improve without and blocking out all the noise because when you get to your level of of instant stardom if you will as a professional there’s going to be a lot of people out there trying to get a hold

Of you trying to latch on trying to take credit for your game yeah look and there’s a lot of Truth to that right um you know I one thing I love about my coaches is that they’re not the ones to go out and tell everybody that they’re

Working with me they’re the type of people that people walk up to them and say do you work with Caleb right and that’s one thing that can confidently say about my team because I try and have coaches around me that are like me and like-minded so look we keep a very tight

Bunch um you know the one thing I’ve learned with Rah is he keeps it the same way right he’s got his he’s got his people right I have my people and I’m nice to everybody else you know I I truly believe that like gratitude is the opposite of negativity and that’s

Something I’ve really tried to incorporate these first couple weeks because any chance I can get to be nice to somebody makes me feel just a little bit better you know and if I if you feel better you’re probably gonna play better too so um you know

There there’s a there’s a lot of coping mechanisms right you know but a lot of it is just sticking to who I am you know realizing that you know the result necessarily doesn’t Define me you know there’s a lot of people look at Caleb

Rat as a golfer yes am I a golfer yes that’s true but you know if I’m GNA ride on a roller coaster of when last when last well my happiness is just going to follow it right so I just try and stay on the same path and hopefully that path

Is like this a little bit but um cuz I because I do want to win you know I do want to be one of the best players in the world that that is my golfing goals um and that’s that’s nothing to shy away from and uh but I’m excited to compete

And I’m continuing to learn and get better and I know I think I’ll get there one day if I just keep the same circle around me and keep trying to beat John ROM because beat John you’ll be fine you’re three for six you’re three for six by

The way you’re three for six in live golf history history you’ve beat him three rounds out of six oh really so we’re tied yeah I think he tied one too well we um yeah the problem is his good rounds have just been so much better than my good rounds that’s the issue I

Was looking at the points the other day and you know he’s got like 42 and I got like 11 so but uh as long as I if I could just be in the conversation that’s fine with with oh you’re in the conversation don’t ever doubt that if

I’m the boat with John then we’re uh we’re trending so that’s that’s all we need he let’s go back to yeah let’s go back to mayaa you yeah he did handpick you um let’s go back to Maya COA because that was Legion 13 you guys were the New

Kids on the Block you came in and you just go we’re boss you came in you dominated that performance um let’s go back to to the 17th hole which I’m sure you hate the most mayaa didn’t perform that great on those those three days on that hole um but anyways I

Wanted to ask you you went bogey you went Bogey and you triple right you four double trip bogey double triple just not to not to rehat Bogey double triple no yeah but what was impressive what was impressive About That Was Then you finished with five straight birdies um what was going through your

Mind when you walked off the 17th green well one I was my two IR I was about to have 13 clubs in the bag um that was where I was really struggling because that t- ball I’m going to have some of my friends I met in myoba cut down that

Tree on the left right off the box so uh I think John John might do me a solid if I do that get them to do that too so um but look no I’m walking off the 17th green right and we go from a four shot

Lead to a one shot lead I’m walking up to the 17th green and I have the easiest little up the hill nudge ball right like 20 feet from the hole for for par right for far for par yeah and I’m like I’m looking at leaderboard we literally have

A four shot lead and I’m like oh we’re fine I’m going to make a bogey we’re going to be no big deal I got a couple easy holes coming in if I hit T balls you know four feet then I knock it four feet by the hole and then I’m like oh

Shoot this looks so fast and then I I was so scared of this putt that I didn’t even line it up I line all my putts up and I didn’t even line this up because I was so concerned about the speed and I just kind of like just kind of you know

Just nudged it and uh course it didn’t have a chance to go in and it went about four feet by and now I’m looking at this four feet footer and now I’m thinking this probably has no chance to go in because I already I’m yesterday I I

Really hope John doesn’t listen to this interview because then yesterday I I missed I missed a four-footer right up the hill for Bogey and the first round I missed a four-footer up the hill for par and I was like I was like oh God like just please just go in and then um

And then I was like well shoot and the worst part was about it all is like of course we’re playing as a team right you care about the team but at the same time like I’m trying to play good as an individual you know I’m in 15th Place in

My first start playing pretty good that day I’m cruising I’m like three under and um you know and I see myself drop down to like 28th and I’m like oh shoot you know so and then I hit this little tow Banger up the left on the next hole

And hit the side of the bunker got a really good bounce into the middle of the Fairway and then just that on a tow Banger to went a went on a heater my friends call it took a trip to the Pentagon so oh the proc that was fun that was so fun

I look at Brandon on the fourth screen after I tap in for birdie and I’m just like you’re welcome I was like I was like well I lost it for us and we won for so that was fun yes yeah no but what what I was

Curious about because I know there was a Leaderboard on the 17th green and you had to walk up to the 18th which by the way was not an easy t-ball either terrifying um so what was your mindset though when after after that you know you had to pretty much recompose

Recompose um you have to compose yourself going up to the 18th T and then you did what you did but what was your mindset what was going through your actual head walking up to the 18th T yeah two things one don’t go right because I know you shouldn’t tell

Yourself what to do but if there’s ever a time to tell yourself to not go right it’s probably on 18 so um and then two I was just telling myself like we’re g to get this back like I’m not going to be shaken by any of this like it’s just

That same stuff right just trying to go back to who I am not going to get kind of defined by the moment and you know there was negative thoughts of like you know for a split second like I was thinking I’m like I’ve already received so much backlash how much backlash is

The 19-year-old going to receive when he loses the team and finishes five over in his last couple holes you know it’s like who he’s not fit for this and I wanted to block out a lot of that negativity you know I was done with it right like

I’m I wanted to kind of put my foot down I wanted to I wanted to grind and get back and sure enough like we did you know obviously but um yeah so aside from not going right I was just I was just I was just telling myself no more Bogies

At first and then when I made that first birdie I was like let’s go get the next one because I knew if I hit a good t-ball on one one’s buriable and then the rest of the way in just requires good te- balls and um you know I yeah

That 12 yard Fairway on first it’s terrifying it’s seriously terrifying I I it’s been my favorite topic this week being back in Knoxville is telling all my friends how terrifying a course El cilon is it’s just terrifying so we have these strips at Tennessee like wedge

Strips and I’m serious I said the best thing you can ever do for your driver is go out 300 yards away and try and land your drive on the wedge trip because if you don’t you’re making Bogies and my Coba so when you make it to the tour

There or if you ever get on the LIF tour and go play in M but that’s what you’re G have to do so you know suan as what asked you what you were saying to yourself before you went to authored your trip to the Pentagon against all those self-doubts walking to the te

Don’t you have I remember reading some don’t you have a little something that you do say to yourself uh all the time while you’re competing and I forget it was a very almost an inspirational quote Yeah it’s a verse from on and it’s it’s just that like I will not be shaken you

Know and like I just told myself that the moments H the moment of being here hasn’t shaken Me by in any any way right I’ve been composed I’ve done my work how I should being around John R hasn’t Shen me you know playing good hasn’t Shen me

So I’m not going to let just golf screw me over for the week right like that’s I’m I’m way past that you know that’s I like to think of myself as a mature 19-year-old and a guy that has some stuff together like in in the golf world

And I know that that person react does not react how I reacted to final four holes so that was something I was really proud of because I just kept telling myself that on every shot and it was just motivating and um you know I uh you

Know told myself the same thing in in Vegas all week and every time I was kind of in a bad spot that helps me overcome well what fast forward to then you guys winning that week as a team what was going through your mind then when you realized you’ve just

Won the first live golf event as a team with John ROM as your captain like was it just did it happen so quickly that you could process it or were you just like soaking it in at that point I don’t know I I just still don’t

Have words like I was I was just a surprise at everybody I’m not going to be one of the B people that are like oh yeah I knew we were going to win that’s not me I was like I didn’t know what to expect I didn’t know how good everybody

Was I didn’t know how good I was out there yet I didn’t know how good anybody on our team was out there yet and you know one thing I am in in great favor of um you know just kind of learning the team aspect of live tour is how all four

Scores count on Sunday and you know I I’m not in any position of power to ever um ask for anything or or push any of my ideas down the line you know I’m not there yet maybe a couple maor major championships later in the future but if

I ever did have an idea it’d be that all four count always because it’s it’s fair right um and I think we are deep you know of course maybe not on paper right like you have John you have t and you have who are obviously well decorated

Ridder Cup players right but then you have me and Kieran who you know nobody probably expected any any of that you know and I I did you know I have belief and I know Kieran has belief but it was nice to kind of just make a statement

Like that week one you know like it just not that you ever want to be scared of the negativity but it took negativity away and look there was a lot of fans in Vegas wearing our hat you know like that was that was really cool I was really

Pleased with how many people there was out there that was one thing I was so surprised with in live is how many people come um so it’s been nothing but a great experience um you know it’s been nice like I’m not a spotlight guy right

I’m not like in it for the fame by any means but I do believe that you have to be under the spotlight to get better sometimes you know like diamonds are formed under pressure and there’s no and if you’re in last place and you’re just kind of plugging along there’s nobody

There’s no pressure you know and kind of learning how to play when you’re expected to win is it’s different you know so um and look we didn’t win last week obviously because that’s because the field is so good but we still G we still did not have an awful week you

Know so um we’re GNA keep getting better um me and Kieran are going to continue to learn you know John’s gonna stop shanking the ball eventually so we’ll be good gosh if he I I this might be my last call with you guys if he watches

His interviews but he had a shank and a half a shank and a half on Sunday by the way on the front night he had a semi shank as well yeah that’s all right put a master in a US Open under my belt and just know I’m gonna shank it

Every once in a while do it so a and Counting and I and I think he’s on everybody’s short list to win another major or two this year um how did you get so damn mature at 19 years old is that your parents I don’t know I don’t

Know I got a girlfriend who’s three years older than me so that might help a little bit so oh there’s there’s a sound B from the viral stuff there is um hey not for long though March 16th coming up baby 20 um so but I don’t know I just think a

Lot of that independent factor that I was telling you about right at a younger age than most um I’ve had you know Brennan web is a very over overlooked coach in my opinion like he he makes competitors he makes tough men and I know I wasn’t here for a while but

I’ve had a relationship with him longer than I’ve been here and he has really helped form me into the person that I am um and then uh you know there’s there’s nobody tougher than John so just keep you know good point when in doubt go back to John because um that’s that’s

Helped me be a lot a lot tougher and more mature too what’s the best advice he’s ever given you sometimes it’s just the little stuff like same stuff different day you know just like I I’m I’m a I’m a confirmation person meaning like I like having confirmation on stuff

And sometimes I walk up to him before the round and I’m like any thoughts for today just you know just same stuff you can change anything today and he’s like bro it’s just the same stuff on a different day that’s all it is and it sometimes that sounds shallow and that sounds what

You’d hear at your local Pro from the driving range but you know that’s there’s there’s magnitude to that if you if you really let it soak in um and I and I’ve learned to not change anything because of little stuff like that he he’s given me a lot of that advice but

Then he’s given me real tips right that I haven’t talked about to anybody yet like he has totally helped my short game um you know he just being around him helps me drive the ball better because he drives the ball on a string but you know but short game especially because

I’ve always been a little you know little heel up you know just like anti- chunk motion and he always makes fun of me not putting any spin on it so but hey I showed him this video in Vegas I spun a ball back from 30 yards and he was

Like giving me the biggest hug ever so that was amazing that’s awesome proud proud papa moment matter of fact you thought he was you thought he was older than 29 according to the stories I still do he I mean you better hope he’s not listening to this podcast yeah no that’s

Not that’s I probably shouldn’t say that but he um he yeah I did I did I asked I don’t I don’t remember exactly how it went but I thought he was a good little a good little like 10 year Golder than he is I don’t know he’s

Just it was just a beard it’s just the beard it’s just the beard and maybe it’s because I haven’t seen any facial hair on myself yet so I’m just not there yet but um oh that’s brilliant that so good that’s just so good I’m so good that’s

So good oh no he said he he he mentioned something about sending a video I think this was Sunday morning come on give us a little just a little like glimpse into what that video was about what do he say and yeah just just share that with us it

Wasn’t a video he he he does likes he he loves his little YouTube videos so he sent us he sends us like a motivational you know like David Goggins or Deon Sanders you know bring me my theme music um videos before the before the rounds but that day was interesting he sent

Like a sevy quote it was actually just a picture I remember he he said in an interview that he wasn’t going to comment on what it said so I’m not going to be the little you know the little like uh s kick a little sidekick to spoil it

But yeah he uh he he’s a good leader you know he and He does care about us you know like it’s I think it’s easy to kind of just be John ROM and be a major champion and just be all about yourself but he is he cares about the betterment

Of the game he cares about my game he cares about my progression he cares about kieran’s progression and he cares about you know t as a friend so um he is a good leader he knows how to lead us um you know I like to think of Kieran as my

As my little buddy and then they can be buddies but that’s also not true because kieran’s like 27 so he’s actually closer to John’s age than my age so um I’m a lot more of the Oddball than I thought but um John sent a funny video or a

Funny picture after the final round of I don’t if you ever watch the minions I’m going I’m going minions in like real teenager days right now but he sent a picture of the minions and he was grew and then he just had like three three tiny little minions beside him in an

Interview and it was the best picture in in the next event I’m going to show somebody that picture so it can get leaked and that that has to be that has to be the group chat profile picture shouldn’t it oh it’s amaz it’s got to be at least something at least something oh

That’s brilliant that’s I was thinking that image and then just put like myoba Champions under it you know make t-shirts yes thank you now we’re getting somewhere do you that’s brilliant do you do you think that um because this happened so quickly for you uh and you

Are much I mean you’re the two weeks before you started with live you’re playing Team competition with univers of Tennessee uh you you played your first li or however many weeks it was you play your first live event the same week that Terell plays his first live event Ron

Plays his first live event do you think your recency with Team competition kind of made that aspect of it a little less foreign to you than it certainly was to John and to Terell honestly no may maybe a little bit I think when it comes down to the wire yes

Not at the start you know not round one not round two but when it comes down to the final fourth hole college golf teaches you to rely on other people um it teaches you to trust your teammates rely on your teammates because you can’t do it all by yourself

You know like so when I when we’re when I look up at the Vegas leaderboard right in the final round and we’re five back with 14 holes to go I’m like we can make that up easy is Caleb stat gonna play the next nine holes eight under probably

Not I wish but probably not but you know I have confidence and I know know from seeing exactly how it unfolds in college golf that that stuff can happen you know so that that made it easier but the biggest thing is Jon is just huge and I’m the

Same way of just playing your game like John I can promise you John is not altering his decision and thought process based on a team result like he’s trying to go be the best player in birdie every hole and he encourages us to do the same things you know and I

Think that’s what at least rap you know not only does that rap our ceiling of really good golf but it it raises our floor right because when one man has a bad day somebody else is stepping up every day so um it’s motivating to see I

Want to ask you this question where do you see yourself in five years I see myself married if that means anything I don’t know I think I don’t know new more breaking news I didn’t know that that was I didn’t know is this a golf question or what but um anything

It could be anything whatever you want it’s not a golf question anymore yeah I know I already ruined it um no I I think in the next five years I would like to say I would like to have at least five big wins one a year um you

Know of course it’s going to be you know hopefully this all comes together at some point you know because I want to be a guy that can compete on every level but getting in the majors like that’s going to be a bit of a struggle maybe than some guys early but

Everybody’s got to go through the same qualifying processes anyways and I I would like to think in five years I have absolutely the potential and and the ceiling to go win a major um you know I I don’t really measure myself on golf tournaments you know so I’m not gonna I

Don’t Define my professional career based on a major championship or not but I think that that’d be really cool and I think that I think that I’ll undoubtedly have went won a couple times on live I think that’s a that’s my goal right now

Is to my goal is to win this year here individually and that’s kind of all I’m focused on for now well you’re off to hot start that’s for sure yeah well you know didn’t finish outside type 13 in the last two events so well you know not that not that

You’ve done the math and I don’t know how Tennessee is on math that you sound like a very educated man and most they teach they teach you that in the third year most of the friends I know when say he weren’t quite you know at your level

But if you if you had if you had played the 17th inire Mya coob you know where that put you right did I what top three well no one back of the playoff that’s how well you played that’s how well you played in your first event of the pro against an

Incredible worldclass field on one of the toughest courses well yeah I can’t Sayes they play but it’s an awesome course I’m a uh I love hard conditions and you know that final round in Vegas I was sitting there thinking there was thoughts in my head that were thinking

Caleb if you can go get five six seven eight under you can win this like yeah and I had two three putts in the final round and missed four other putts inside of seven feet and not that that’s like saying oh I should have won like because

Look maybe if I don’t triple 17 maybe I don’t birdie five in a row you know so you never know you never know how it plays out but looking at the stats there it’s just the easy stuff that has to be cleaned up um you know because in Vegas

If I really am Rock Solid on the greens that week and look if if I am in that final round maybe I’m having some different pressure to deal with you know so you never know how I’m going to finish but just looking at the Hard

Facts the truth is that if if I’m really solid in the final round I I could have won there um yeah but look I didn’t know going into the week that so that’s all just a part of getting better um I think that I’m definitely going to learn to

Put myself in cont contention more you know because I think I’ve been kind of on the back side of contention you know more like fighting for a really good finish rather than fighting to win and I would like to really get in the spot this year hopefully soon like to where I’m

Chasing a bit more you know I’m a bit more like closer to that lead going to the final round right and then just let it all unfold I’ve always told every Junior golfer every kid that ask me not that anybody should be coming to me for advice because that’d be somebody be

Crazy to do that but um I’ve always asked anyone that ever that ever has asked me is that it’s a it’s an absolute necessity to experience failure before you can become a proven Champion right like you have to learn how to win before you do win right it because it’s not

Just going to happen you know the players are too good and I would like to think I know how to win but I know there’s more stuff I’m gonna have to learn to beat John ROM and Brooks keco you know so but that’s my goal this year

Is to win an event hopefully that’s the end of idual Championship but um that’s just bias well I think I think after this interview you’ll be getting a lot of calls uh for advice um you you said some amazing stuff and even stuff that I feel

I can learn from you know and and and we’re all learning aren’t we um I know I know Maya Koba was your second or maybe third trip outside the United States right um looking at this Year’s schedule uh we’re two down we’ve got 12 to go um well 11 plus the team

Championships which venue are you the most excited about it’s hard to not say Nashville because that’s home state you know I’m gonna have a lot of people there I think I think we might get like aund team tickets or something maybe I heard through the gra line and I’ve already

Told KY that I’m getting like 85 of those this week um so Rob can have his family but like I’m taking the rest because I’m have friends and family there so I’m really excited for that one but I keep hearing a lot about Adelaide you know I don’t know what it is I’ve

Never been down there hopefully our plane makes it that’s it’s a big TR I’m kind of scared about that one but um that is uh that one’s going to be cool I I’ve heard that like what what numbers you guys know better than I 880,000 people last year I think we’re north of

That this year we’re at 100,000 ticket sales this year it was 20 7,000 a day last year and they’ve expanded it for this year including proam day wow so you’ll you’ll love it that’s gonna be a lot of people I’ve played in front I’ve played a lot in front of a

Lot of people I know how to play in front of a lot of people but 100,000 um you know I’m excited for that week because it’s gonna be impossible to hit the ball OB you know because it’ll probably just trickle into a fan lap trickle OB so that’ll make it easier it

Is pretty claustrophobic with the you know it’s just lines and lines of fans and and literally like the Rope is Right close to that Fairway you’re like two three Paces off the Fairway it’s it’s awesome and you’ll have such a treat it’s gonna be so cool I hope I can like

I hope I can play well before we get there that way you know it’s kind of I want I want to start getting in the feature groups that’s my goal like that’s that’s another goal in my mind this year is to well we know we know somebody who can make that happen just

Just saying yeah one day but you’re day like I’ve been I’ve been doing TV golf TV longer than you’ve been alive by a lot actually when is very true yeah whenever a parent uh or a player or a caddy complains to me that they’re not getting on TV enough

I said you’re way more control of that than than I am so you know you’re in control of that now the grain the course we’re going to in Adelaide is a really awesome golf course and it’s a traditional style a lot of dog legs also where Greg Norman won his Mr Norman won

His first professional event um and the fans are Australians know how to have fun now obviously we saw what happened at the Waste Management Phoenix Open which is a tournament I absolutely love I love going to and I’m not going to sit here and say oh that crossed some major

Line but there will be a little bit of that element in Australia but the cool thing about Australia is is they police themselves when somebody’s being rude to you the rest of them get on them and and like when they surrounded the green on 18 when gucc was winning nobody stepped

In the bunker much less snow angel nobody even Ste in the bunker because they policed themselves so you’re going to love it down there young you’re absolutely going to love that trip but now was there a hole in one last year chasle yes on the watering hole yes

Yeah Chase ke that was such an epic moment I was on the 10th and I could hear that what hole was that on seven seven was seven I don’t know where it was but yeah it was just like it was so loud like the whole place just

Yeah it was just so awesome that’s not going to be the size of 16 at waste management but it’s going to be rather large and it’ll be fun when you obviously your parents were consulted in this um your mom is a nurse right a hospice nurse hospice nurse yes sir yeah

And dad is uh does Real Estate um when you consulted them um and enough of the SE [ __ ] old people don’t like being reminded seriously I know you’re from Charlotte but you know that is one piece of backlash I’ve been getting from everybody even so I go to I’m calling

His wife Miss R like when I meet her she like it’s Kelly it’s Kelly stop calling me Miss R and I was like sorry I’m from ten I’m from Char I’m from North Carolina I okay anyways continue no I love it that’s a sign of respect and I

And I get it um and I hear it way too often now but uh what did what what did Mom and Dad say when you told them you were considering this I mean let me preface that by saying I know the background I know you guys didn’t have

Unlimited resources like a lot of people who excel in in certain Sports especially golf at a young age but you weren’t suffering either what did they have to say uh when you told him you were considering this yeah I think my dad was like the happiest person in the

World truly like I can confident I can confidently say that um he my dad was the guy that was behind the scenes like texting Allen every day like we need to get this done we need come on like come on contract now come on let we get

Before somebody screws this up we need to do this like and it look it’s not even about the financial piece he wants me to grow as a player he he was ready for a next challenge for me not necessarily next chapter in life maybe but just a next challenge right like a

Next goal and he saw this as the perfect opportunity he he knows where my heart is and look it probably wouldn’t be the same level of opportunity if it wasn’t on John ROM’s team um you know so that’s that’s not throwing shade on anybody else’s team team I’d be grateful to be

Here no matter what but throwing having John ROM as your Mentor every day is on the golf course is that’s a different level of opportunity and he saw that because he’s he’s very well educated and he really really really was excited um my mom my mom has never really played

Big role in like golf decisions she doesn’t really want to she’s kind of like love support hugs kisses you know like cheerleader mom sometimes which I love cuz she doesn’t care if I win or you know like my dad’s the one that gets on me you know when stuff’s going really

Bad or helps me out when stuff’s going my mom like she doesn’t know what 80 or 60 is you know so um she was like I go in and tell her one day and she’s like oh cool I’m like she’s like what’s that and I’m

Like uh and she was like well can you still play major championships one day and I’m like yeah she’s like oh cool have fun that’ll be great and I’m like okay all right sweet and I think once she learned a little bit more she had a lot of like mothering questions you know

Cuz she’s worried about oh well how are you going to get from the airport in Hong Kong to the golf course and I’m like that’s the least of my worries and there’s so many people that help out because everything’s so well run but that’s that’s what’s going through her

Mind she’s not going through the other you know stuff so it it was a great team moment everybody was excited family was super excited um everybody’s excited about the next chapter and even my even my teammates I know that’s not part of your question but like everybody’s been

In support of of my decision and uh sees the benefit in it well KB thank you so much for your time we are excited to continue watching you play you compete at the highest level and I’m sure we’ll be watching you lift that trophy at some point this year

Um that was a fascinating conversation thank you so much for your time hey I got a favor I got a I got a favor to ask Caleb next time yeah no I’m old well yes I’m an I’m an old uh hasband who never really quite was but when I was young my

First year as a pro uh playing the then Ben Hogan tour Believe It or Not Your dad will know what that was it’s now the corn fairy tour but there was a clothing company that offered me free clothes and they were like an extreme sports clothing company before extreme sports

Were in the Olympics called no fear and they gave me a shopping cart and they let me push around a cart and fill it with all the clothes I wanted I never had anything like that before because I grew up of you know pretty bluecollar beginning and to this day the only thing

I have from that year is this no fear sweatshirt that embarrasses the hell out of my son because I take it everywhere and I and I always wear it and it’s hideous it’s absolutely hideous looking but what I only favor I ask my advice

From an old man to a young man um is uh is keep something from this year to embarrass your children with when you’re in 40 years just just and because it’ll always remind you where you came from I will not take that lightly I’m going to start looking for things every day I

Got plenty of stuff that’ll embarrass my kids don’t you worry Perfect all right Caleb have a great night and we’ll see you in Saudi Arabia jeda yeah all right travels all right thank you guys take care now for bye uh fascinating fascinating fascinating yes that was

Wow I’m blown away I didn’t I literally am blown away yeah that that kid has quite the future no matter what he does where he’s gonna be yeah he’s gonna be a successful young man that head on his shoulders at 19 suan I mean you’re

You’re I give you grief all the time you are an extremely intelligent person with a Hu a great head on their shoulders but that’s 17 years ago for you would you have been able to speak like that much un let think like that I know I

Couldn’t no I mean I think you know I think something that we have in common I would say is that we got thrown into the deep end pretty young like I had to learn how to be independent from a really young age too just because I left

And went to Australia but like to be then but I was just an amateur you know I was just beginning trying to figure out what I was trying to do with my life like he is 19 successful he’s had a deated amateur career this is a big decision that he’s

Had to make right he has had to weigh so many options from the major championships to what he wants to achieve in his life and college his teammates I mean just for him to have to process all those things and think the way he thinks it’s amazing

Is just amazing and and I’m so glad we got to talk to him and get to know him because we would not have seen that side of him you know I mean no no and neither would the viewers or the listeners um and and there’s a there’s a confidence

There there’s an air of confidence that is so far from feel from sounding like he feels entitled or cocky and that that is the rarest quality amongst young uh hopeful superstars in all sports is that is that confidence the belief in yourself which you cannot teach um but

Not the arrogance and Cockiness and and entitlement uh mentality that that makes you feel like oh they’re just that somebody’s told him they deserve it they don’t and he knows it he has to earn it and that is so damn cool yeah he’s got some he’s got some great roots and and I

Think the one thing that I that really just hit me hard when he said it was gratitude is on the opposite side of negativity yeah I wrote it down that is a quote that needs to go on a t-shirt somewhere yes it does because because

Wow I mean yeah I I I so I’m so happy we got to chat with him you know I will not the other one I wrote down was I will not be shaken so next time you try and piss me off just remember I’m saying

That to myself I will oh I can shake it Jerry I can shake it you can’t shake it jelly farts oh I can shake you that might shake me a little bit anyways thank you so much for joining us on this episode I hope you

Got as much out of it as we did um do subscribe to our Channel you can find us wherever you find your podcast and if you want to watch this on video uh you can catch it on our YouTube page as well as live Golf Plus which is our streaming

App till next week we’ll see you then thanks Jerry


  1. o_O
    If only half the humans on this planet ever reached this young man's level of maturity, the world would be a drastically better place. Amazing. All the best to him & his. 🙂

  2. I'm looking forward to seeing where this young man's future leads him. In golf and throughout the world, we need more men and women who are as genuine and mature as Caleb. His parents raised him well.

  3. WOW , What an impressive young man. The future of LIV GOLF is in great hands with the caliber of Caleb Surratt. Your podcast is very enlightening🏌

  4. Caleb had so much pressure on him to perform and overcome adversity (triple bogey) to pull off a string of birdies was an awesome display of character at 19. He may be the future for golf and if so it will be exciting. I agree with many if he is an example of the youth of today, we will be in good hands. My respects.

  5. Like Sue Ann said “ You’re 19?!” I’m thinking his confidence and level headedness is not unlike what Tiger must’ve felt. The refreshing difference is he verbalizes, is open and wears his heart on his sleeve which lucky for us, is very in unTigerlike. This guy will have success and be the next likeable Jordan Speith.

  6. This series of interviews that you’ve been conducting are absolutely fantastic and compelling…. Caleb is certainly an impressive young man and bravo to both of you for the insightful and down to earth interview!

  7. You knocked it out of the park with Caleb. Thanks for teeing up this marvelous insight. LIV made a great play with Rahm and they hit the jackpot with Surratt.

  8. I'm a Caleb Surratt fan for life after this. He is fantastic and an amazing example of how LIV is trying to promote/nuture young golfers. Lets hope the major's stop taking political sides and do the right thing. Caleb could well be a major champion and hopefully will get an opportunity to compete. I really enjoy the people you have spoken to, they have all been so well spoken and great people. After hearing Martin Kaymer in one of the pre-tournament press conferences, I would love you to speak to him, I was so impressed.

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