2024 Golf Manitoba Intermediate Rules of Golf

We are going to start with uh rule three just get my computer working so uh rule three covers uh three essential elements of golf competition uh so first being is it match play or stroke play uh if it is match play uh a player or players are playing against an opponent or

Opponents um if it’s stroke play players compete with one another based on total score so a lot of uh our rules uh will have an indic A Difference uh in terms of their interpretation uh whether it is match play or stroke play um most of the

Rules apply in both forms of play but certain rules apply in only one or the other so we’ll talk about that a little bit um so again uh are players playing as individuals or with Partners as part of a side and is scoring gross which means no handicap Strokes are being

Applied or referred to a scratch competition or net scores where handicap Strokes would be applied uh which we would refer to as a handicap competition in match play uh there are specific rules particularly about concessions and giving information about the number of Strokes taken because the player and the

Opponents are competing solely against each other on every hole um so the match is between them it doesn’t necessarily matter what is going on uh with other matches on other holes uh the players can see each other’s play so they’re aware of what’s uh going on they’re

Aware of if they are penalties they’re aware of the number of Strokes taken uh they’re aware of the status of their match uh and they can protect their own interest so they can act in a manner that protects uh their interest um and uh and their interest only uh applying to that

Match the results of the hole in the match uh winning a hole um a player aside completes the hole in fewer Strokes than the opponents uh so that’s pretty standard uh the opponent could concede the hole um whether or not they pick their ball up because they’ve had

Some difficulty getting it uh in play or towards the green uh or they um they give a putt that was um going to concede a stroke lower than what they would have taken uh or uh you win a hole when the opponent gets the general penalty uh in many of the rules which

Would be a uh a loss of hole Holes are tied when the player side completes the hole in the same number of Strokes as the opponents uh player and the opponent uh agree the treat a hole is tied uh and that can happen after one of them has

Made a stroke uh to begin the hole not something that would we see very common but uh the player and the opponent can agree to treat a hole as tied uh once one of them has made a stroke to begin the hole winning a match the player side

Leads opponents by more holes then remain to be played uh so that would be referred to as uh two up with one hole to play and the match would be uh over the opponent can concede a match or the opponent is disqual ified so all those

Would result in a match being won and when matches require that they are extended so if the match is tied after the uh stipulated number of holes the match is extended one hole at a time until there is a winner that is the continuation of the same round not a new

Round so there are some little nuances that would come in uh to play there uh with uh with equipment um so it is the same round it’s not a new round as it would be if it was stroke play holes are played in the same order as in the round

Unless different different order set by the committee uh so generally we would go the same order that uh that the course was played and the terms of competition may say that a match can end in a tie rather than be extended which you would see in uh something like the

Ryder Cup or the President’s Cup uh where uh I shouldn’t say President’s Cup so quickly but the rider cup for sure where a match could be uh uh end an a tie rather than extended I think the President’s Cup might be different and then when the result is

Final uh match of the final uh match result of the match becomes final in the way stated by the committee so when recorded on official scoreboard or other identified place or when the result is reported to a person identified by the committee uh so a lot of times if we’re

Out uh with the match play and we know a match is coming to the end that match will uh be the result of that match will be reported to one of us and we’ll radio it in and once that uh occurs um that match will be considered final and again

That uh comes into play uh when there is uh new or information that uh a claim may be made or um when we’re interpreting some some disputes between players in match play the players are allowed to concede the next stroke uh so that is allowed at any time before the

Next stroke is made doesn’t necessarily have to be on the putting green uh opponent has them has then completed the hole with a score including the stroke and the ball can be removed by anyone so if there is a concession that’s made um the number of Strokes that have been

Taken to that point plus the concession that would be the score for the hole and the ball can be removed by anyone uh if the concession is made while the ball is in motion after the previous sto stroke that applies to the next stroke until the

Ball is hold so the stroke uh that counts that uh the ball was in motion for and then um that next stroke uh would be the conceded stroke uh you can concede the next Stroke by deflecting or stopping the own opponent’s ball in motion only when it’s done specifically

To concede the next stroke and there’s no reasonable chance that the ball can be H uh when you concede a hole you can uh anytime before the hole is completed including before the player starts the hole you can’t agree to concede holes to each other to shorten the match that

Would recall result in disqualification and conceding the match can occur any time before the match is decided including before the players start the match and that would uh not so much come into in our competitions but if it’s something at the club level player and the opponent should

Tell each other their handicaps before the match players that are declaring a wrong handicap must correct that before the opponent makes the next stroke so if you declare a handicap that is too high you are disqualified if this affects the number of stroke the player

Gives or gets so if it results in um a handicap that’s too high but it doesn’t affect the hole that’s being played uh you wouldn’t be disqualified until it does so if uh if there is an opportunity if it’s not concerning the hole that you’re on uh that there may be no

Penalty but generally if it’s declared handicapped too high you would be disqualified declared handicap is too low there’s no penalty and the player must use that declared handicap to calculate the number of Strokes they give get uh for that round so um make sure that you are giving uh the right

Handicap Pooles where handicap Strokes are applied um they’re given by hole and the lower Net score wins the hole tied match handicap Strokes are given by hole in the same way as round so if we did extend the match um and a player got a stroke on

The first Hole uh in the original match as that match is extended they would get a stroke on the first hole again players are responsible for knowing the holes where they give and get handicapped Strokes players that fail to apply or mistakenly apply a handicap stroke on a

Hole will have their agreed result of the whole stand unless the player corrects the mistake in time uh and generally that would be before the opponent makes their next stroke responsibilities of the players and the opponents uh there is a responsibility that you tell the opponent the number of Strokes taken so

At any time during the play of a hole or after a hole is completed the opponent can ask a player for the number of Strokes which includes your Strokes that you made and your penalty Strokes the player is taken um the reason that uh this is so

Important is it can um help the opponent decide how to play their next stroke uh so they are entitled to know uh how many strokes have been made and how many penalty Strokes have been incurred player must give the right number of strokes and a failure to respond to

Opponent’s request is treating as giving wrong number of Strokes taken which would result in the general penalty which is a loss of a hole if you give the wrong number of Strokes unless you correct the mistake in time and while you’re playing the hole you must correct that information before the opponent

Makes their next stroke or takes similar action which would be conceding a hole after the hole is completed before either player makes a stroke to begin the next hole or takes similar action which would be the conceding of the hole or after the final hole of the match

Before the result is final so again that’s the importance of um how the result does become final um because we want to make sure that if there was a mistake in communicating the number of Strokes that that is corrected before that happens uh there is no penalty if

The wrong information has no effect on the outcome of the hole so if your opponent made a four and you mistakenly told them you made a five when you made a six uh there wouldn’t be a penalty in that case uh player is responsible for telling the opponent about a penalty uh

And that is as soon as reasonably possible taking into account how near the player is to the opponent not always possible for the next stroke but all efforts must be made um so if you’re on one side of the Fairway and you take an unplayable lie and your opponent is

Across the Fairway uh behind something that obstructs their view uh and you can’t necessarily get that information to them uh that’s not necessarily a penalty but you need to uh communicate that to them as soon as reasonably possible uh this includes when a player doesn’t even know about a penal because

It is the responsibility of the player to know the rules and failure to inform your opponent uh is the general penalty which would be a loss of whole uh no penalty when the opponent knew of the players’s penalty so if it’s very apparent to the um opponent that you are

Taking uh relief or you’re taking an unplayable lie um then there’s no uh no penalty if you don’t communicate that knowing the match score uh players are expected to know the match score which would be the number of holes up or whether it is uh square if they

Mistakenly agree on a wrong score um and they correct it before either player makes a stroke to begin another hole or for after the final hole before the result of the match is final um they are able to correct it if they don’t correct it in that time uh the UN the incorrect

Match score becomes the actual score so in match play if the player and the opponent agree on a match score and one of them Begins the next hole or the match becomes final that now is the match score uh whether it is incorrect or not uh the exception to that would be

When a player makes a timely request for a ruling and it found out the opponent gave a wrong number of Strokes taken or failed to tell them about a penalty uh players uh need to protect their own rights if players knows or believes the opponent has breached a rule that has a

Penalty the player may choose whether or not to act on the breach um so if it is um for example if they tee off outside the tea markers in match play and a player knocks it out of bounds um the player or the opponent knocks it out of bounds the player

Um can act on that um uh on act on that rule and inform them that they need to replay from inside uh and that might not be the best example because they’d probably get lost a whole if if you acted on that but um they can choose to enforce that penalty

Or they can choose uh just to let that go uh player and opponent cannot agree to apply the rules in incorrect ways and there’s disqualification if either has started the round um so they can’t ignore or any rules and uh player and opponent disagree on if one of them breach the

Rule they can protect their own rights by asking for a ruling and that ruling request needs to be uh timely so you need to let your opponent know that you are going to request a ruling um because you think something that might have happened is not correct uh and uh then

That uh ruling will be dealt with um when it’s brought to a official or to the committee so that’s match play through 3.3 stroke play again players are competing against all others in a competition so they’re not just competing against the players within their group all players are treated equally

Under the rules um so a good way of thinking of that is you’re protecting the field um you’re uh making sure that uh everybody is playing under the same uh rules and we’re not ignoring or overlooking any uh breaches after the round the player and the marker must certify the player scorecard

For each Hole uh saying that it is right and return the scorecard uh to the committee and the player who cometes completes the round in the fewest Strokes is the winner uh scoring the marker is responsible for entering and certifying holes on the scorecard so the marker should confirm with the player the

Number of Strokes taken after each hole marker must certify hole scores on the scorecard after the round marker May refuse to certify a hole they believe is wrong and then the committee would consider all available evidence to make a decision marker still refuses the committee if the marker still refuses

The committee can certify uh if there is somebody who saw the players action on the hole in question uh but it will be the committee to work through that the players responsible for certifying whole scores and returning the scorecard after round the player should carefully check the whole scores entered

By the marker and raise any issues with the committee must make sure the marker certifies holes on the scorecard must not change a whole score entered by the marker except with the marker’s agreement or the committee’s approval and must certify the whole scores on the scorecard and promptly

Return it to the committee and if you breach uh any of those the player is disqualified if a whole score is is wrong the score will stand unless lower than the actual score the player returns a scorecard for a wrong score in any hole the higher if

It’s higher than the actual score the higher score stands lower than the actual score or no score return the player would be disqualified and the exception to that is that if there’s a failure to include an unknown penalty the player is not disqualified the player score uh would be revised including penalty Strokes

That should have been included for that whole for those holes uh the player is not responsible for ensuring their handicap is shown on the score card so that’s new uh in the uh the 200 uh 23 uh rules uh there’s no requirement for players handicap to be

Shown on the score card or for players to add up their own scores uh no penal if uh showing applying handicap or adding up scores is incorrect uh the committee will be responsible for adding up uh scores and and applying the handicap um model rule uh L2 can make

Players responsible for showing their handicap so if the competition you’re playing in has used uh and model local rule L2 uh if the handicap is too low the score stands if the handicap is too high uh the player would be disqualified um so just make sure you’re looking at the terms of the

Competition a failure to ha out uh you must correct uh before making a stroke to begin another hole um so it is important that uh players hole out at each hole in a round and if the player does fail to do that that must be corrected before making a

Stroke to begin another hole or if it’s the final hole before returning your scorecard uh if the mistake is not corrected in time the player is disqualified um an example that’s in the rule book would be if uh you you know if you’re walking by a

Te as you’re walking up to the green and you’re walking by a te and you’re getting kind of close to dark and you want to make sure you’re getting your round in um if you Veer off and hit your t-shot on the next Hole uh thinking that

You’re going to have started that hole uh so that you can finish your round in case that it is suspended due to Darkness uh you would be disqualified because you still have not completed um the hole that you’re playing so the ball that you’re playing hasn’t ended up in

The hole so um not not a common thing but uh just make sure that you have corrected that mistake uh if it does happen uh and uh in stroke play again if you’re in our competitions there’ll be a uh a scorers uh tent or area that you’re

Going to return your uh scorecard too so go immediately to your scoring table exchange scorecards with player after signing and as the and get the marker to sign and confirm scores sign cards as a player so that’s rule three rule five covers how to play around uh where and when a player may

Practice on the course before or during a round when a round starts and ends what happens when play has to stop or resume players are expected to start each round on time and play continuously and at a prompt Pace during each hole until the round is complete recommended that when it is

Their turn to play a player plays in no more than 40 seconds and usually more quickly than that so practicing on the course before and after a round uh in match play players may practice on the course before a round or between rounds of a match play

Competition in stroke play on the day of a competi a stroke play competition a player may not practice on the competition course before a round except that the player may practice putting or chipping near the first teeing area practice on any practice area practice on or near the

Putting green of the hole just completed even if they will play that hole again on the same day uh player may practice on the course after completing play of their final round for the day uh if you do breach this rule it’s a general penalty on the first hole for your first

Offense and disqualification for an additional stroke in breach of the rule um important for uh players that are uh playing in multi-day competitions uh in particular but competitions uh through golf Manitoba make sure you do read the notice to competitors and the golf Manitoba standard local rules as rule 52 is

Modified uh to prevent uh practice on the uh on the same course that you’re playing uh between rounds or after the completion of your round on that day so just make sure that you are looking through uh those specific rules because they are modified uh on our standard local rule

Sheet when to start a round uh players round starts uh when they make a stroke to start their first Hole uh player must start at and not before their start starting time must be ready to play at the starting time and starting point set by the committee so starting time is set by

The committee and is an exact time so if it’s 9:00 it’s when the clock turns 9:00 it’s not any time up till 9:01 if the starting times are delayed through weather slow play uh needing for a ruling uh there’s no penal uh if the player is present and ready to play When

The player’s group is set to start so if you’re original starting time was 9:00 and the T for whatever reason is behind 15 minutes if uh you’re now ready to play at 9:15 when your group uh is set to start then you are not uh in

Breach of that rule uh PL penalty is disqualification except when a player is no more than five minutes late so if you’re teach time was 9:00 and you arrive at 9:04 um you would not be disqualified but you would get the general penalty and you would be allowed to uh tea

Off uh if you’re no more than five minutes early this would happen uh very rarely but uh if you teed off after 8:55 and your original tea time was 9:00 um you would not be disqualified you’d get the general penalty and exceptional or if there is exceptional circumstances that prevent a

Player from starting at to on time so if there are exceptional circumstances there is no penalty um things that would be considered as exceptional circumstances would be uh if you were attending at the scene of an accident uh on your way to the course if you were in a hotel and

Your the fire alarm went off and you couldn’t get back to your room to get your uh belongings to get to the course on time uh they would be considered exceptional circumstances things that are not considered exceptional circumstances would be if you get lost on the way to

The course if your car breaks down or if there are is heavy traffic that is delaying or an accident that’s laying to get to you that you’re not directly involved into attending um it is expected that uh you know how um how long it’s going to take to get to the

Course and you um you allow time for that should a emergency come up 55 practice during the round uh there are no practice strokes while playing the hole while playing a hole a player must not make any practice strokes at any ball on or off of the course

Um no practice strokes from a bunker uh and you may practice putting or chipping on or near the putting green of the hole last pled or the teeing area of the next okay so if you’re making so things that aren’t practice strokes a practice swing with no intent on striking the ball

Hitting a ball back uh to uh a practice area or another player when done solely as a courtesy um or Strokes that are made by a player and playing out a hole whose result has been decided so if you concede the hole and a player continues to play in match play

Uh those aren’t considered uh practice strokes key thing being it must not delay play uh prompt place to play rule 56 it is expected that uh players play at a prompt uh pace of play uh they must not unreasonably delay play either when playing a hole or between holes um this

Is a Hot Topic at most golf clubs and events uh so round of golf is meant to be played at a prompt Pace each player must recognize their pace of plays likely to affect how long it will take others to play their round including those in the players group and those that

Follow uh and we are encouraging uh at least at uh at member club events to let faster groups play through um recommendations uh we wanted to make sure players are preparing for and making uh preparing to make uh each stroke uh so while you’re waiting you’re starting to get your information you’re

Not waiting till it’s your turn to play um move from one place to another between stroke at a quick Pace uh move quickly to the next tearing area after completing a hole and be prepared for your stroke and be ready to play uh when it is your turn to play it is

Recommended you make the stroke in no more than 40 seconds after you’re able to play and it is expected that you should be able to play quicker than that and you’re encouraged to do so you are able to play at a turn to um to help

With the pace of play uh in match play you may agree uh to play it of order to save time but if you do make that agreement you lose the right to recall a stroke uh stroke play encouraged to play Ready Golf and committees are encouraged

And will have a pace of play policy uh that may include the maximum time to complete around a whole series of whole and a stroke and set penales for not doing so so to avoid that just make sure you’re playing and no more than 40 seconds

Excuse me rule six covers how to play a Hole uh spefic rules of the teeing area which we covered last time requirement to use the same ball for an entire whole except when substitution is allowed the order of play and uh how to complete a Hole uh big thing is just reminder

Anytime that you are um touching your golf ball uh when allowed to do so that you are marking it um so you are able to uh you are able to pick it up without uh without penalty if proper to do so and then also make sure

That you do have some type of a indication on your ball so you can identify it as yours uh those balls in the pitcher there lots of different uh identifying marks but try and make sure you are able to identify your ball um we want to make sure that we uh

It with rule 6.3 C wrong ball we want to make sure we don’t make a stroke at a wrong ball so we want to properly identify our ball there is an exception if your ball is uh in water in a penalty area or in temporary water and it is

Moving uh you would not get a penalty for making a stroke at a wrong Ball but other all other uh balls that aren’t yours uh on the golf course would be considered wrong balls uh if you do uh make a stroke at a wrong ball the uh

Stroke does not uh count players must correct the mistake under the rules by playing the right ball from its original spot or by taking relief under the rule uh penalties for playing a wrong ball and breach a 6.3 C match play generally General penalty uh if the player and the

Opponent each play each other’s ball mistakenly during the play of a hole the player who first played the wrong ball would get the general penalty and lose the hole if you can’t determine which ball was played first there’s no penalty hole is played out with the ball balls

That were exchanged in stroke play again General penalty Two Strokes player must correct the mistake by continuing play with the original ball playing it as as lies or taking relief under the rules and a stroke made with the wrong ball and any additional Strokes made before the mistake is corrected including

Strokes made and any additional penalty Strokes solely from playing that ball do not count uh player does not correct a mistake before making a stroke to begin another hole or for the final route uh pole of the round before the they return their scorecard the player would be

Disqualified if it is known or virtually certain a player’s ball has been played by another player uh the player must replace uh either the original ball uh or another ball on the original spot and that would apply whether or not the original ball has been found so if there’s virtual certainty that somebody

Has played your ball you can’t get your ball back um you can uh substitute a different ball and proceed um to finish your hole rule nine uh play the ball as it lies uh if the player’s ball comes to rest and is moved by natural forces such

As wind or water normally the player must play it from its new spot ball at rest is lifted or moved by anyone or any outside influence before the stroke is made the ball must be replaced on its original spot and players should be taken care when near any ball at rest uh

And player who causes their own ball to move will normally get a penalty uh and there are some exceptions on the putting green uh play the ball as it lies uh rule 91 except when the rules allow or require the player to play the ball from

Another place on the course or to lift a ball and then replace it on its original spot if the player’s ball moves during the back swing swing or the stroke and the player makes the stroke the ball must not be replaced no matter what caused it to move and instead the

Ball must play uh the player must play the ball from where it comes to rest after the stroke so if you started your back screen or uh or your stroke and the player uh continues through and the ball has moved um there uh is no penalty but

The player uh plays the ball from where it uh came to rest Rule n 2 a deciding whether the ball moved the player’s ball at rest is treated as having moved only if it’s knower virtually certain that it did if it’s not no wonder virtually certain the ball would be played as it

Lies when you’re deciding what caused the ball to move uh it must be uh you must determine what caused it to move determines whether the player must replace the ball or play it as it lies and whether there is a penalty so there are four possible causes the first natural causes which

Would be wind or water the second would be the player and that would include the player’s caddy third would be the opponent including the uh opponent’s caddy and the and fourth would be an outside influence including uh any other player in stroke play so uh 92b uh we’re deciding what

Caused the ball to move the player the opponent or an outside influence is treated as having caused the ball to move only if it’s known or virtually certain to be the case if it’s not known or virtually certain as I said before that at least one of these three was the

Cause of the ball to move the balls treated as have being moved by natural forces all reasonably available information uh must be considered so again that noer virtual certainty there must be 95% uh certainty that uh that the ball or one of those three other than Natural

Forces caused the ball to move uh if the ball is moved by natural forces 9.3 there is no penalty and the ball must be played from its new spot uh and there’s an exception uh to that a ball on putting green must be replaced If It Moves after having already been lifted

And replaced uh so it’s replaced on its original spot no matter what caused it to move so if you have uh marked your ball replaced your ball in the putting green and it is deemed to have been moved by natural forces we would replace it on that original spot

Again exception two uh ball at rest must be replaced if it moves to another area of the course or out of bounds after being dropped placed or replaced so if you have um either replace the ball uh through uh taking uh taking relief or drop the ball taking relief um when that

Ball becomes in play if it then moves to another area of the course so I think there was an example of Ricky Fowler uh either last year or the year before where he took relief from a penal area and he dropped the ball and after he dropped that ball the ball moved from

The general area back into a penalty area and he was penalized um this exception prevents that so in 2023 they put an exception in so if the ball moves from natural forces to another area of the course after it’s been dropped placed or replaced um we would replace that

Ball rule 94 if the ball is lifted or moved by a player uh applies again if it’s known or virtually certain that a player or their Cades lifted the ball at rest or the player of the caddy caused it to move um ball must be replaced on its original

Spot which is if it is not no one must be estimated uh except when the player lifts the ball under a rule to take relief or replace the ball in a different spot when the ball moves only after the players has begun the stroke as we talked about earlier or the back

Swing for a stroke and goes on to uh make a stroke um that would not result in penalty but penalty is uh one stroke uh but again in here there’s five exceptions um so again no penalty when the player lifts or causes the ball to move under a rule that allows the ball

To be lifted and placed on its original spot requires a move ball to be replaced on its original spot or requires or allows a player to drop or place a ball again or to play a ball from a different place uh no penalty when there’s accidental movement in trying to find or

Identify the ball so if you are fairly searching for the ball and you’re trying to find and identify it and the ball moves we would replace that ball without penalty axle Dental movement on the putting green no penalty when a player accidentally causes the ball to move on the putting

Green no matter how that happens so if you’re taking a practice stroke on the putting green and you accidentally hit your ball we would replace that ball uh accidental movement anywhere except the putting green while applying a rule so no penalty when you’re applying a penal your player accidentally causes the ball to

Move uh when taking reasonable actions to Mark the Spot of the ball or lift or replace the ball when allowed to do so when you’re removing a movable obstruction restoring worsen conditions when allowed to do so taking relief under a rule or measuring under a rule

And then the fifth exception is when the ball comes to rest against a player or equipment uh again this is a new exception no penalty if after a player’s ball comes to rest against a player or their equipment as a result of a stroke or dropping the ball and the player

Causes the ball to move when they move or when they remove their equipment so um that is uh that is under the exception and results in no penalty rule 95 ball lifter moved by an opponent if an opponent lifts or moves the player’s ball at rest the ball must

Be replaced on its original spot and the opponent gets one penalty stroke uh again some exceptions no penalty when the opponent moves or lifts The Players Ball under uh when they’re allowed to lift the players’s ball uh that could be when they’re conceding the next stroke or at the player’s request

No penalty if the opponent is marking and lifting The Players Ball on the putting green by mistake so if they believe it’s their own ball and they mark it and pick it up and then realize it’s the Players Ball they’re allowed to replace that and then under exceptions

Two three four and five for the player uh those apply to the opponent as well and Rule 9.6 uh if it is known or virtually certain that an outside influence including another player in stroke play or another ball uh Has Lifted or moved a player’s

Ball at rest there is no penalty uh the ball must be replaced on its original spot uh applies whether or not the ball has been found so if that little fox grabs the ball and runs away and you can’t get your ball back you are uh able to uh

Replace uh that ball again if it’s virtually certain so if it’s not known or virtually certain that the ball was lifted or moved by an outside influence and the ball happens to be lost or the ball would then be lost the player would take stroke and distance relief under rule 18.2 and that

Is the end of oh pardon me one more rule 97 ball marker uh lifted or moved uh so again if it’s no under virtually certain that a ball marker is lifted or moved in any way so including by natural forces before the ball is replaced the player must uh replace the

Ball in its original spot if not no one again that’s estimated or place a ball marker to mark that original spot uh if player or their opponent in match play lifts the player’s ball marker or causes it to move uh when the ball is lifted and not replaced the player opponent

Gets uh one penalty stroke there are exceptions so the same exceptions apply to a player opponent causing a ball to move uh applying to accidentally lifting or moving a ball marker so when the player is allowed to lift or move a ball marker accidental movement trying to find or identify accidental movement on

The putting green accidental movement anywhere except the putting green while applying a rule or when the ball comes to rest against the player or the equipment okay so if it’s moved in any way it’s replaced and uh one penally stroke there okay I’m gonna stop sharing and turn things over to

Don thanks Rob uh good job uh uh good to see everyone thanks for joining us tonight in uh your commitment to uh playing golf by the rules uh uh uh just a reminder that uh uh the golf caner rules app you can uh certainly download that and recommend that in the old days

Uh which was prior to last year uh they had the small uh books uh uh that uh uh you would be encouraged to carry in your bag now you’re encouraged to carry your phone and use the app so uh tonight’s uh intermediate session is really focused

On uh uh playing uh a game of golf uh obviously in your regular uh uh game uh you don’t have a referee uh uh so it helps to know these rules uh uh if you’re playing in a competition like a golf Manitoba competition I encourage

You to do that uh you do have uh referees uh wandering around and and we’re there to assist uh in uh the players complying with the rules uh these are not easy uh uh you know uh so uh even the most experienced player uh

Uh needs help with uh uh uh uh with the rules from time to time so that’s what what we’re there for and uh rule 14 actually is one of the ones uh uh that uh uh players need the most assistance on rule 14 is Lifting and returning a

Ball to into play which is uh very important I guess unless you’re gourd Hudson who always Stripes it down the middle of the Fairway but uh uh you have to lift and put the ball back into play uh in a number of circumstances during

Play of a round uh uh and the key is you have to put it into play in the right place uh or if you don’t do that uh you’re more likely than not to be subject to penalty for example you know when you’re taking penalty area relief or relief from an immovable obstruction

Like a card path uh you need to put the ball back into play and uh how do you do that so uh rule 14 uh is is the rule that assists with that as you can see marking lifting and cleaning uh replacing on the spot uh these are the key Provisions dropping in

The relief area and the consequences of playing from a wrong place so those are uh key features of rule 14 uh uh I encourage you to read it uh uh because again it uh uh it will help you uh uh how whatever circumstance you are uh

Returning a ball to play uh for the whole uh in uh ensuring that you’re not uh breaking any rules so let’s start Mark uh marking lifting and cleaning the ball uh so marking when who and how uh lifting uh who and when and uh uh this exception uh

The caddy May lift the players’s ball in the putting green without authorization as you expect uh the player can always take the action of uh marking lift and cleaning the ball uh and there are limited circumstances when someone else can do do that this example here is is

The caddies so uh uh I think uh your safest uh when the player uh takes the the action uh you’re more likely to uh uh get the ball into play in the right spot uh but there are uh situations where you can authorize someone else uh so on the putting green uh the

The ball may be cleaned uh and uh but it must be marked before lifting it on the putting green if you lift it without marking it and that’s on the green or anywhere else like if you’re lifting it for interference uh you absolutely have to mark the ball you’ll get a one-stroke

Penalty if you don’t do that and uh on the green uh as as we know there’s a lot of things you can do on the green with your ball that uh you can’t do elsewhere uh so anytime you lift it uh you can clean it uh not the case in

In other situations where you lifted uh so uh uh talking about Elsewhere on the golf course uh uh the ball can be cleaned when lifted uh other than in these circumstances uh to see if it is cut or cracked to identify it and in either of

Those cases if the ball is uh uh in such a uh state that you can’t either see if it’s cracked or identify it you can clean it enough that you can uh identify if it’s cracked or to identify it uh you don’t have to replace the uh the mud on

The ball uh once you identified but you cannot clean more than uh allows you to uh to uh uh identify or or determine uh its status uh if it interferes with play you cannot clean the ball you probably see players they pick the ball up with

Their uh thumb and index finger and hold it away from their body they don’t stick it in their pocket uh that’s to when uh it ball is lifted uh because it uh is interfering in play uh that’s so that ball is not inadvertently cleaned and uh

You can also lift it to see if it is in a condition where relief is allowed uh so uh just to determine uh uh where the ballet so uh remember these uh uh often we as referees get the question where players lifting the ball can I clean it

Uh so uh uh you want to know those situations uh if you lift a ball under a rule such as an immovable obstruction like a cart path you can always clean it so ball is on cart path uh you take immovable obstruction relief uh before

You drop it in the relief area uh you can and clean that ball replacing the ball on the spot okay original ball must be used uh so the ball you started uh uh with on the hole must be used until you uh complete the Hole uh with a few

Exceptions so the exceptions are listed here uh when the original cannot be recovered within a few seconds uh if it’s cut or cracked uh after suspension so you don’t have to remember what ball you used if if play was suspended in the midst of a playing a

Hole or when your original ball was played by another player so you don’t have to track that ball down or do you have to track uh uh Rob’s Fox down um uh you’re not allowed to change balls I’ll give an example on the putting green just so you can use your lucky

Putting ball um so I’m sure none of you do that uh okay replaced means setting it down on the spot and letting go of the ball so it stays there uh so that’s when you know the exact spot of the ball such as when you have marked it uh like uh uh

This situation here uh the ball must always be replaced by the player uh and uh or any player any person who lifted or moved it so if uh uh partner in uh uh uh match play uh uh if they uh lift uh if they Mark the ball they uh uh they can replace

It so uh uh replacing is important to know if the ball was at rest on under or against an movable obstruction integral object or growing or attached natural object then the ball must be replaced in its original spot on under or against such object so uh you may have relief

From the situation you may elect to take relief like an unplayable ball uh but uh it has to be uh replaced and then you can uh uh determine what uh uh what further actions might uh might take place okay you got a situation where you

Have a ball in a bunker uh and uh you have to replace it uh uh you know another ball was uh uh adjacent into it uh you changed the LIE uh you’re searching for the ball uh you know it’s buried uh uh you’re sure it went into

The bunker uh but you can’t see a ball you’re so you’re rooting around for with a club for it uh you find it uh uh but you know this the the LIE is Disturbed well what do you do there uh well you must create recreate the LIE uh pretty

Easy to do in a uh in a bunker uh if it was to covered uh you do have the ability to leave a small part of the ball visible so it doesn’t you don’t have to rebury it uh so that you can’t see it uh which

I think is uh pretty generous on the part of the people who make the rules but it’s fair uh obviously it should be uh should be permitted okay anywhere else except in the sand what do you do uh you must place the ball on the nearest spot with the LIE most

Similar uh so example uh uh referee runs over your golf ball with their card uh uh you know that obviously changes the LIE what do you do uh after yelling at the ref uh you need to uh get the ball back in play uh so you can’t recreate

The LIE uh but the uh rules 14.2 says within one Club length uh uh you find that nearest spot with the limo similar so that doesn’t mean you have one Club length to uh uh replace the ball it means on the nearest spot uh to where

The ball uh lay uh and you cannot exceed one Club length uh if there is no area within one Club length uh that has a most similar lot uh uh then you still have to uh replace it within the one Club length if for whatever reason uh there’s an issue you

Would then call uh a referee uh or play a second ball but uh uh you don’t have one Club length to uh replace it it must be on the nearest spot with the most similar lie within that one Club length uh like everything it cannot be

Near the hole and it has to be in the same area of the course so same area of the course is uh common in uh uh relief situations and what that means is uh you can uh only uh put the ball back into play on that same same area of the

Course uh uh uh so there are five areas of the course uh the general area uh the uh uh uh the tea the put and green of the hole you are playing the bunker and the penalty area so uh if you’re taking relief in the same area of the course

That means uh if you’re in the general area if you’re in the Fairway the ball must be put in play uh uh the relief area is within the general area doesn’t matter if it’s Fairway or rough we get that question uh from time to time uh

Same area of the course so if you get relief your ball is in the uh uh in the rough and your relief area in uh includes the uh Fairway uh yep absolutely you can put the ball in play on The Fairway uh what you can’t do of

Course is take relief from the general area on to say the putting green and we get that question uh ball is uh there’s interference from a sprinkler head near the green uh player says oh within one Club length uh of relief I can uh I can

Get on the green I can drop it there can’t nope you can’t because it’s not the same area of the the course so uh important to uh remember that and uh uh you know this is a uh it covers a lot of different situations you know but key no

Near the hole and same area the course applies uh to all of these uh these rules okay you got a situation where the ball will not stay on the spot uh so you see this ball is on a on a slope here uh player must uh uh uh try it again uh

Uh uh if it won’t stay on the spot uh uh then the situation uh still doesn’t stay on the spot well you got to place it in the nearest spot no near the hole and on the same part of the course so very similar to uh uh you know the altered

Lie situation uh but uh uh you need to uh uh uh find that nearest spot dropping the ball in the relief area okay you can see player here is dropping in the correct manner uh uh it’s got the photographers there so uh uh he’s making sure to uh that it’s at

Knee height uh this rule has changed over the years when I started golfing you had to drop behind your back uh uh then it was shoulder height uh back in 2019 it changed to knee height uh why knee height well uh when dropped from shoulder height the ball has there’s a

Greater likelihood of the ball rolling out of the relief area uh so uh highly skilled uh players who play a lot and uh uh uh you know they would drop at the edge of the relief it could drop at the edge of the relief area and ball would

Roll out twice they get to place it and those highly skilled players when they can put their ball uh their hand on the ball uh to uh establish the lie that gives them a tremendous Advantage so uh the uh really professional tours were most concerned about that uh they talked

About uh dropping uh you know closer to the ground like six inches but uh that uh didn’t have the same degree of randomness uh where the ball would end up uh that they wanted to have so the compromise was uh was knee height and uh

Uh so when you drop a ball that’s just a little bit of background why why it’s knee height you must drop the original or another ball uh three essential requirements player must drop the ball no situation where anyone other than the player uh uh drops the ball uh must be

Dropped from knee height as I I said and it must be dropped in the relief area so the ball must hit the ground within the relief area dropping the ball in the relief area uh we as we said the player must drop the ball uh let go from knee

Height it must fall straight down so you can’t uh uh uh you know put some English on it or uh uh you you simply drop the ball it must not touch any part of the player’s body or equipment before touching the ground if it touches the player body or equipment after touching

The ground ball’s still in play that doesn’t mean you redrop and uh knee height is the height of the player’s knee when they are standing so again you see the player here uh looks like Gary Woodland uh uh is dropping the ball uh properly and this just a diagram showing

Uh correct and incorrect uh uh Heights uh first one obviously that is knee height uh but in the second one uh she’s dropping uh not at knee height uh down on the second uh level you could uh you know people have different uh physical capabilities you can uh uh go down on a

Knee to uh uh be able to drop it at knee height uh that is totally uh acceptable uh and knee height is uh uh your knee height when when you’re standing okay have to drop in the relief area and the player can stand inside or outside

The relief area when dropping uh you say well uh what’s the importance of that well it may be important depending on how big your relief area is uh uh uh there may not be a lot of room in that uh relief area so uh just so you

Know you don’t have to be inside the relief area when you drop there we go that is a bad drop ball is dropped in the wrong way uh and he should know better uh uh so not covered by the three requirements that we’ve just gone through the ball must be

Dropped in the right way there’s no limit to the number of times you drop it uh so you keep dropping from shoulder height or uh uh some other way you drop it in the wrong way uh those don’t count uh as uh one of the two drops before

Ball is placed so uh you know that is uh key you can correct uh obviously uh if you drop in the wrong way uh because uh uh they don’t count as drops if the ball is dropped in the wrong way and is not dropped again and is played there are consequences if it

Is played from the relief area it’s one stroke penalty as it’s not considered playing from the wrong place uh if it is played from outside the relief area uh however uh it is the general penalty so that’s two strokes or uh loss of ho uh

So uh if dropped in the wrong way uh you think hm maybe I didn’t do that right uh uh you know uh consider the uh situation maybe uh review your golf Canada rules app uh uh and make sure you drop it in the in the right way because you’re going to be penalized

Otherwise the ball must come to rest within the relief area and when we talk about the relief area uh you know that’s the uh uh uh one or two Club length uh which we’ll talk about uh uh just a handy reminder uh uh two club links is

When you’ve paid for uh the relief uh with a penalty stroke uh one uh uh Club length is where uh it is free relief say uh an immovable obstruction or it is uh uh ground under repair uh temporary water those are all one Club length and you find the nearest point of complete

Relief that establishes your reference point and then the club links are uh are are from that uh reference point uh as you know uh Club length is always the longest Club in your bag other than your putter uh so typically the uh uh the driver so the ball must come to rest

Within this relief area uh if after hitting the ground uh the ball is in the relief area your ball is in play and the referee will say you’re good to go uh this is the case even if it touches a person equipment or another object however if the ball rolls out of

The relief area uh you have to drop the ball again and if after a second uh dropped ball comes to rest outside the relief area you place the ball at the spot where the ball drop the second time uh uh where it first touched the ground

Uh so I think most golfers are familiar with that uh uh drop drop Place situation where ball dropped in right way uh comes to rest outside of relief area uh so the second time you said uh you you place the ball uh where it first touched the ground

If it doesn’t stay on the spot place it again sometimes it’s a slope uh that you’re dealing with uh you know and we try and take into account when we’re we’re marking the course uh where the drop areas are and uh uh you try to the extent possible to make sure that the

Drop area is it’s going to be a clean drop that uh uh it isn’t going to roll out of the uh the relief area that’s why when you see penalty areas with water marked the margin the the paint line is up higher than it it isn’t down to the

Water line it’s up uh uh before the the ground breaks down into the water and if the ball does not stay on the spot place it again still does not stay on the spot place on the nearest spot where it will stay at rest again never near the hole and never in a

Different part of the uh uh the course this is just a reminder ball is back in play when original or another ball played from the teeing area uh or the ball is replaced dropped or placed with the intent for it to be in play and the ball returned to course

With intent to be in play it’s in play when it’s substituted for the original ball uh even when that’s not allowed uh so you got a ball in play but uh uh you may be subject to penalty uh if it’s replaced dropped or placed in a wrong place uh hopefully you correct that

Before you you play the ball uh and you have the ability to do so uh it’s replaced dropped or placed in a wrong way or uh replaced dropped or plac in a way that does not apply so again a bunch of different scenarios uh remember you can prior to

Playing the ball you can uh correct any of these errors without incurring the penalty the purpose of the rules uh is not to penalize players purpose of the rules is to uh provide uh uh options for the player to uh get the ball back into

Play uh and uh if if an error is made uh it it is correctable before you play the ball though so uh you know before you take an action uh and this is just general uh you know management uh before you lift a ball under any circumstance determine where your relief area is

Because you know if the relief area you think uh I don’t want to uh to drop there because that’s going to make my shot more difficult uh I I really want to play from that original lie well the fact that you’ve lifted the ball is

Going to cost you a penalty stroke uh so uh be sure you uh uh think ahead as to where the drop is before you uh before you lift the ball rule 19 is a great rule uh uh unplayable lot uh ball uh so uh the player is the only person who may decide

To treat the ball as unplayable and why I think this is a great rule is uh it helps the uh the player out of a jam uh so you don’t have to play a ball out of a tree uh you don’t have to um you playay it

Out of uh the Deep Woods uh if it’s found uh it it gives you options to uh uh bring the ball back into play uh with a penalty stroke of course or two will get into situations where it might classy two depending on where the relief

Area is uh but uh it can avoid a huge score uh so uh always keep this in mind it applies anywhere on the course except in the penalty area makes sense in a penalty area use penalty area relief why wouldn’t you uh one stroke gets you out

Of the penalty area uh so why would you drop for one penalty stroke but remain in in the penalty area so uh in any circumstance uh you can’t use the unplayable ball in the penalty area and there are three options for Relief under the penalty of one

Stroke and we went over these uh in the first session but uh this is so important it uh we need to uh uh to remind you and go over them again uh you know there’s the the long walk back to the te uh very sad uh so uh relief

Options uh under unplayable uh stroke and distance so where you played the ball uh from the original spot uh or another ball from where the previous stroke was made so uh uh you know that’s uh uh uh you know uh an option for you in this

Case uh I think that’s Phil Mickelson uh the ball was found and it was uh in unplayable and the only uh option was to go back to the T where uh the ball had been played so uh you know situation unfortunate situation where the ball uh

Uh was found in a in a in a spot where it uh stroke and distance was the only option back on the line relief uh you may have uh uh observed uh uh Rory mroy a couple weeks ago uh A&T at Pebble Beach although this was uh

Uh uh not uh played at uh uh at Pebble Beach was uh uh uh one of the other courses I believe um and uh uh he made an error that cost him two strokes what was that error uh back on the line relief uh uh he took unplayable the reference point is the

Point selected back on the line from the hole through the spot where the ball lies no uh limit on distance so your reference point is the line uh Rory’s er error was he thought he could drop his ball within one Club length of the line

And that’s what the rule used to say but it since 2023 uh there’s been a clarification on that and frankly that’s what was always intended uh was to drop the ball uh on the line uh uh through the spot you find where the flag stick

Is where the ball lies and then uh you go back so it is uh the confusing part it is a one one Club length relief area so that means that uh the spot on the line where the ball F first touches the ground creates a one Club length relief

Area so you drop the ball and it rolls two Club lengths well that’s outside your relief area because your relief area is only one Club length so uh that’s what the clarification was so drop spot on the line uh uh uh and then if it rolls outside that relief area

Then you go through the redrop and uh uh potentially uh uh well you replace if it uh if it rolls out of the relief area a second time lateral relief when lateral relief is mentioned that always means uh two Club lengths uh uh you know typically uh uh uh penalty

Area uh uh but in uh uh uh in unplayable ball uh your uh lateral relief uh comes on a couple of situations where’re going to go over them uh the reference point is the spot of the original ball so where your ball lies that creates the

Reference spot so you get uh two Club lengths and uh you get two Club length uh uh relief area in any area of the course so uh uh uh uh uh get your two club links because it’s uh where the where the ball is uh uh you

Can take that relief so here we go with the diagram uh good diagram uh uh the player uh she hits her ball uh from one uh into this uh dense trees so uh uh uh the player decides to treat the ball as unplayable and the options for leaf are

Her for her are to play against so go back to point one and play from area one uh so uh as you can see reference point is the dot and uh creates that one Club length uh uh relief area so she has to play from uh uh from that spot uh

Uh uh you can draw back on the line uh which is number two uh select a point on line two and drop the ball on the spot and you have the one Club length uh relief area and uh number three is uh drop the ball within two Club lengths of

The ball’s position so uh you must uh uh you know that may or may not uh get you out of the uh out of the trees there uh so you got to figure out which which option is best for you um and uh hopefully one will be

Good Don it’s Don it’s gourd here can I just jump in for a second because this is a old slide just a reminder of number two is actually a circle now it’s not a semicircle right yes on the back of the line rela yes no it’s a circle because

It’s not uh near the nearest spot isn’t near to the hole than where the ball is so yeah no that’s a good uh uh uh good catch there gourd uh so yeah it isn’t the semicircle is behind you know that’s where uh but you’re you’re not near the

Hole where your drop area is so the the one Club length is a a circular area thank you for that okay what about if you’re in Bunker uh you can still take an unplayable uh ball in the bunker uh there are the normal three relief options stroke in

Distance uh back on the line uh but the ball must must be dropped in the bunker and this is under penalty of one stroke remember uh or you can take lateral relief so the two Club lengths the ball must be dropped in the bunker there is however an extra relief option you can

Drop outside of the bunker back on the line but that’s going to cost you two penalty Strokes uh so uh you know you’re a bad bunker player or uh the bunker is just uh uh you know it’s the bunker for hell uh it may pay you to uh accept the two

Penalty strokes and get your ball out of the bunker uh that is an option so here’s the diagram that uh uh that shows that uh so uh one penalty stroke for uh stroke in distance which is uh number one situation and to uh gours point it

Is a circular uh relief area in those situ situations uh you got uh back on the line uh area two uh and lateral is area three So within two Club lengths uh as an extra option uh though uh uh you can drop back on the line uh for and you see that is

Going to cost you two penalty Strokes uh uh so uh as I said it may be uh uh worthwhile for you to consider that so that’s uh unplayable ball uh rule 20 is uh resolving rules issues during the round uh uh ruling by the referee and committee committee when we say

Committee committee is the uh uh tournament uh committee or tournament rules committee uh of golf Manitoba so uh it’ll be uh uh David and uh one or more referees how however it’s set up depending on the event uh but that’s the committee you know they put together the

Notice to competitors and they deal with uh uh any committee decisions that have to be made during play of uh of the uh competition or the round and things come up uh you know suspensions of play and uh uh other matters uh disciplinary matters very very very rare uh in golf

MOBA events uh all the players uh are uh very uh uh nice to deal with uh so so we don’t have uh very many of those situations but that when we talk about committee that’s uh who it is committee also uh um you know uh

Uh it considers like uh if two balls are played and like so we’ll we’ll talk about that uh if uh referee or uh committee not available in a reasonable time uh player has to decide uh what to do and play on you know you can’t just just uh uh sit

Down and wait uh for a referee uh the player in stroke play only may protect their rights by asking for or uh uh by playing two balls in stroke play uh on every uh golf Boba notice of competitors the procedure for uh playing two balls is set out on the notice of competitors

Um in match play it’s a little different as Rob says uh it’s really decided uh within the match uh uh with your opponent uh if you can’t come to uh agreement however uh which is the preferred way uh uh a ruling request uh can be made before the result of the

Match is final so uh as I said you play on uh uh or normally we’re pretty accessible uh uh for rulings uh uh you know uh uh wave a towel uh call the cell phone number on the notice competitors uh we’ll be there as quickly as we can

Uh so normally that those can be dealt with uh there is situations uh uh where ruling requests can be made after result of matches final that would be if there was some egregious uh breach of rules uh uh uh you know but for the most part once the match is decided it’s decided

But uh clearly if wrong information was given intentionally uh you know that’ be a situation where uh it would be renewed and absolutely no right to play two balls uh in match play and uh we don’t have a lot of match play in Canada or the US uh it’s great

Format uh uh uh we do have the match play uh Championship uh golf Manitoba uh it’s it’s a fun uh uh format a lot of strategy uh you know it’s head-to-head competition uh and you can play with Partners too so it’s uh uh uh it doesn’t always have to be uh uh oneon-one

So uh deciding uh rules issues in match play uh has been dealt with in stroke play you don’t have a right to decide uh rules uh issues by agreement as Rob said you have to protect the field so uh you know what uh uh the person who you’re golfing with says is

The rule uh that isn’t uh uh necessarily the case and uh uh uh you you know if you if you rely on that advice and you do something wrong you can be subject to penalty and if you play you know if it’s serious breach uh you play from a wrong

Place you can end up getting disqualified so uh uh be aware of the rules uh ask for help when you need it and uh uh you’ll you’ll get that uh players have to protect other players in the competition you know that applies in rules that applies in scorekeeping

That’s why you have a marker uh in competitive events uh everyone uh uh you know golf is a wonderful uh sport where uh honor is Paramount uh and uh uh you you ensure that the competition is played uh fairly uh uh uh for for everyone uh mentioned uh two balls one

Uncertain what to do and uh when that happens you must inform a referee uh or the scorers before the score is submitted uh and the committee will make a decision on the score of the whole so uh you play two balls uh you have two different scores

Uh uh there’s a process by which is determined which ball will count and that is your score for the whole but you must uh uh uh inform the uh uh uh inform the committee uh uh player has no right to appeal a referee’s ruling to the committee uh yeah but uh golf Manitoba

We’ve always uh uh permitted a second uh a second ruling in those situations uh uh the uh referee who gave the original ruling backs off what’s the second referee uh make the ruling and then that ruling is final um you know the referee uh we we want

Want to ensure that we get every uh ruling right so referee May seek the committee’s help before making a ruling may be for purposes of consistency uh you know the ball may be in a uh uh different place and you wonder if that is uh you know uh ground under repair

You know has anyone else had a ball in that area uh so you’ll want to be consistent and uh uh accurate because again fairness for everyone um so when there’s no referee to give a ruling uh or when a referee refers a ruling to the committee uh

Ruling will be given by the committee and ruling is final uh if for some reason uh uh committee can’t uh reach a decision it may refer the issue to golf CER rules of golf committee uh whose decision is final so uh uh um players uh uh lots of

Rights as they should have to uh uh make sure that they get the uh correct ruling any situation uh not covered by the rulle should be decided by the committee by considering all of the circumstances and treating the situation in a way that is reasonable fair and consistent with how similar situations

Are treated under the rules so uh again uh uh what is fair in the uh in the circumstances so that’s rule 20 uh There Are Rules past uh rule 20 in fact there are 25 rules the others deal with different formats uh forums like alternate

Uh uh four ball uh and those can be played under stroke play or match play uh stable for uh and uh uh Rule 25 is uh uh uh uh for all abilities uh uh rules uh to uh uh uh permit uh players who who have some uh uh challenges to play uh in

Accordance with the rules we have an all abilities uh uh competition golf MOBA so Rule 25 applies there so that’s just a quick run through uh uh couple of housekeeping matters uh uh I see a lot of questions being asked uh uh I don’t I since I’ve been uh presenting I don’t

Know that they’re being all being answered but we’ll answer all of your questions if you at any time you have a question uh feel free to contact any of us directly uh uh contact David uh the gulf Manitoba office will get you a ruling uh uh and there’s lots of confusing situations out

There we all uh you know during the course of the Season we get uh uh inquiries so we’re more than happy to uh provide that uh uh uh reference or uh uh support to you uh we are more than happy to go to clubs to do rules presid

Presentations um and uh uh we we welcome it because uh uh we’re kind of rules Geeks and uh uh you know uh the more people who who know uh to help them in situations uh nobody wants to be in a situation where they don’t know what to

Do uh and uh some basic rules knowledge uh is uh is helpful there there’s lots of videos uh uh you know the associations have have videos on on on general rules or specific rules so uh a lot of uh a lot of support out there

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