Golf Players

Episode 13 – Tristan Piska

Summary – In this episode Darryl and Jeremy are joined by Tristan Piska, Edmonton MPO player and Pursuit of Motion Physiotherapist. Darryl starts by sharing how he won yet another contest. We learn about Tristan’s origin story, the perks of physiotherapist hours and tips to get the most out of your practice rounds. We dive into Tristan’s experience at the 2023 Edmonton Open and an awesome highlight of his tournament. We learn about Tristan as a physiotherapist and how he can help us disc golfers when we are injured. Tristan tells us about common disc golf injuries to watch out for. Tristan shares some tips to help us get ready for the disc golf season. We learn about Pursuit of Motion’s participation with Tundra Toss 3 and the EDGA season. Jeremy and Darryl get shocked by Tristan’s comments on static stretching and R.I.C.E. Of course we need to hear about Tristan’s Desert Island Discs. We cover Winter League, Putting League and some recent posts by the Canadian Pros. We finish the episode with a farewell to Gander Disc Golf, a thank you to Calvin and some Tundra Toss 3 information.

0:00-8:22 Intro, Darryl’s new collectors disc
8:22-21:55 Tristan’s origin story, practice round tips
21:55-35:50 Tristan the MPO player and 2023 Edmonton Open
35:50-51:50 Tristan as a physiotherapist
51:50-1:01:30 Common disc golf injuries
1:01:30-1:15:52 Off season tips and exercises
1:15:52-1:29:30 Pursuit of Motion at Tundra Toss and other EDGA events
1:29:30-1:36:44 Desert Island Discs
1:36:44-2:04:44 Winter League, Putting League, Thomas Gilbert, Chantel Budinksy, Raven Klein
2:04:44-2:11:17 Thank you to Gander Disc Golf and Calvin DeHaa. Tundra Toss news.

@alden.c.harris @discmaniadiscs @acerunners @trjpiska @pursuitofmotionphysio @gabepiska @canmore.nordiccentre @chunkdiscs @noah.higgins_ @mikeheckbert @thomasgilbert54 @missfrisbees @rklein55 @jacob.neufeld1 @timplamondon @edmontondiscgolfassociation @hyzerbombhong @brdiscgolf @wallyo9999 @calvindehaan @ganderdiscgolf @pursuitofmotionphysiothera2931

#awesomeguests #onediscround #DXValkyrie #discgolf #discgolfeveryday #discgolflife #frisbeegolf #chainout #chainoutpodcast #southsideagain #nomorerice #PursuitOfMotionforTristan #Edmontonsbestdiscgolfpodcast #desertislanddiscs #tundratoss3 #ThankYouCalvin #Chainout



Pursuit of Motion

R.I.C.E. Information

The R.I.C.E Protocol is a MYTH: A Review and Recommendations

Tristan’s Favourite Course

Hey everybody Welcome to chain out your favorite disc golf podcast I’m Jeremy with me as always is your favorite co-host Daryl how you doing buddy I was expecting a big intro I didn’t get the intro I’m doing fantastic Jeremy excited to be here for episode 13 unlucky for

Some but it’s not going to be unlucky for us because this fantastic episode I and I can say if you really wanted one I can go DJ D roll another [Laughter] one there we go you see you start these things Jeremy you can’t just stop them give the people what they want or

Just me anyway I don’t know well darl the thing is is if we start stacking these things the whole show is just going to be Jeremy you got to do that darl you got to do that Jeremy you got to do that I can’t say I just disagree with

You anymore I have to say I respect your opinion but you’re wrong yeah that’s true you you have that that is your phrase yeah I like to borrow it from time to time but well only when you’re only when you’re using it against me and I don’t think that’s

Fair yes these things are not to be used back against each other so anyway how have you been Have you had a good week yeah week has been good um looking forward to another jamack weekend of disc golf you know just did putting League last night and um

Tomorrow is indoor clinic and then Saturday is winter league and on Sunday we might possibly get to play with one of our friends of the show we possibly might yeah it depends on our schedules but uh it’s been a long time coming if we can get out there into it then

That’ll be fantastic if not I’m sure we’ll get out there again sometime soon are you enjoying the weather you fluctuating temperature yeah all good here yeah we’ had some snow in the Edmonton area so not too much but another couple of inches just on top of

The uh on top of the already existing compacted snow so maybe winterly who knows maybe you’ll have a bit of a tough time finding your disc there but you know you’ve got some got a people on yard so hopefully you don’t have any problems this week speaking of finding

Discs that it’s going to lead me very neatly into my first topic I want to talk about have you ever heard people when you say to them um have you ever won any prizes have you ever you know have you ever want a competition and then

Normally say I never win prizes I don’t answer competitions are you are you trying to hit me in the heart here or what well that’s the reason you don’t win is because you don’t enter competitions if you enter competitions you know what do they say you miss 100% of the shots you don’t

Take that’s not what do they say dude it’s what does Wayne Gretzky say and then maybe Michael Scott quoting Wayne Gretzky whichever way you want to look at it but go ahead keep going regardless of who said it um so recently I entered uh but on my DJ Disc Golf Channel I

Entered a giveaway by Alden Harris Pro um just go for Alden Harris um this was prior to him switching companies and you know uh it’s one of those things that you’re I’m only kind of learning now being in this disc golf world for about a year so um that you know there’s those

Tail ta signs that when dis golfers are giving discs away um doing giveaways and things like that generally means that they’re getting ready to move to a different manufacturer but um Olden Hurst did a 100 dis giveaway um you just have to follow him on Instagram follow

Him on YouTube and probably tag friends I think was the the requirement um so yeah I signed up for the giveaway Tagg two friends and then didn’t think anything of it couple days later I get this message this notification alen Harris sent me a message and I was

Thinking what is this the real Olden Harris or am I getting spammed right here but nope I was one of the lucky 100 to um get one of Olden Harris’s 100 discs that he was given away and then you know a couple days later we actually

Found out that he moved to dis Mania so that probably made a little bit more sense why he was giving away his Prodigy collection but finally probably after about two or three weeks I got my disc came in the mail today it came in the mail today any

Guesses what disc it is I mean I know you know because I’ve already told you but let’s just play along for the listeners any guesses well I’m going to judge by the um the way the bead is made that and um yes the rounded I’m going to have to say

Maybe that’s a midrange disc that’s going to be my guess there it it is a mid-range disc yes I you I won’t keep you in suspenders any longer it is a 180 g M4 400 plastic it he was giving away a few discs there were a few um actually

You know disc that he played with uh beIN disc this is a a brand new disc but the good thing and the reason why it’s going to go this is not going to be a thrower this is going to be an on the-shelf disc this is going to be a

Wall hanger for sure is because is that his autograph on there that is a signed alen Harris M4 with his stamp on there and I if you look very closely I’m going to try and get it at the right angle can you see his little Tor buus right his little van that him

And Ganon and if you ever watch any of Olden Harris’s YouTube videos there’s quite a few clips of them in his little touring touring bus touring band thing there so well we all know why that is too right why why all driving the bus exactly because a certain ganam bur

Doesn’t have a driving license yeah yeah so that was you know that was an awesome thing that I got in the mail today signed alen Harris disc um which I thought was pretty cool and uh yeah that’ll be going on my display you know I put it back behind me but obviously I

Wanted to show you today’s so look out for it in future episodes thank you Alden it’s very much uh gratefully received wow congratulations Daryl and I guess that just as you said it just goes to show you enter contests good things can happen there you go and you know

While we’re talking about contests and things like that it was quite a while ago it was just after I first started playing in disc golf I started following Ace Runners bit of a shout out to them as well another Canadian um retailer and they had they ran a competition I forget

What their requirements was but whatever the criteria was I I I won I met the criteria and I was chosen to be the winner and I won an MVP black hole HD basket which is an awesome prize I mean that was everything on its own but then

Um a disc craft starter set and an ace Runners cap and a glow Reco so wow two competitions that I’ve entered well i’ probably entered a few more than that but Instagram giveaways nice word they are legit you can get some good stuff so yeah there you

Go well darl that is amazing I’m excited about that but you know what else I’m excited about tell me Jeremy tell me what are you excited for I am excited for our guest tonight yeah we’ve got another awesome guest to bring on the show we have awesome guests every week

We just keep keep you know keep lining them up and bringing them on making our podcast what it is well there was that episode not too long ago where the guest I was talking to was a little bit um lackluster but uh um I think his name

Was no I talking about the episode with just you and me just me you yeah exactly I hope that’s the one you were talking about of course it was of course it was so I’m gonna give an intro here and bring our guest on go for it so our

Guest tonight is a local no player you’ve likely seen him both playing and sponsoring tournaments over the years his brother and him make quite the dynamic duo in the disc golf world he also takes care of us disc golfers when we’re injured if you haven’t guessed it yet our guest tonight is Tristan

Pisa hey hey guys hey how are you doing I’m doing not too bad here tonight good hopefully you’re not burning the midnight oil you’re not working this late uh I actually just finished yeah tonight was one of the one of my late shifts here at the clinic so did not

Even have time to get home no I was I was treating until about 20 minutes ago oh wow and I know you well I know um when I visited you you also treat at 7 in the morning so don’t tell me that they’re 12 hour shifts are they no no

Typically not but uh some of the the con side of working in the healthcare industry is you got to be working when people are not working right to get the patients to come in so um so typically has physios will some combo of some nice early morning shifts and some some later

Shifts but on the disc golf side that means that I also have some days where I’m off early enough I can maybe sneaking around on my way home and uh today even though I was working late I didn’t start until lunch so when the grass is greener outside you can usually

Uh find me trying to sneak in a nice little 9:00 am round yeah and I bet when you do sneak those rounds in it’s a lot less busy than when Daryl and I head out to Rundle on a Saturday in the middle of the summer it’s true it’s true yeah on these uh

These early days typically my Tuesdays and Tuesdays and Thursdays right now is renle at 9:30 on a Tuesday morning is certainly not as busy as it is on a Saturday yeah do you have anyone that you can go with on a Tuesday at 9ine in the morning or they typically solo

Rounds uh a lot of those are Solo rounds um yeah yeah so but that’s all right it gives me a chance to throw two or three shots and I kind of get to play around with it maybe I’ll play like a an only mid-range or an only forehand or an only

Backhand to try to try to work on some stuff at the same time how how do you rate those do you think those I mean obviously you know there I’ve I’ve done one forehand only round and I think it improved you know it benefited me because it forced me to throw shots that

I wouldn’t you know Not only would thr I was forced to throw shots that I would normally throw but also when you miss your throw and you end up in a weird location then you’re trying to throw a forehand shot that really you should be throwing forehand shot from where you

Are right so you have to get creative but do you put a lot of weight you know being an no player uh in those putter onlyi rounds mid-range rounds driver rounds um I put a lot of weight for sure in like the low number of disc round so

Like one disc round two disc round that kind of a thing because I think that makes makes you do the work and not let the disc do the work for you so I’ll bring my nice straight mid-range out and play around with just that and if I

Theer shot then I need to be theer right I can’t just let the the super overstable disc do it for me I think that can really help you kind of work on your angles and really work on like um yeah the variety of shots that you can

Make a disc do and and you’re really going to get to know that disc well absolutely yeah yeah there you go Jeremy that’s another suggestion we we keep getting suggestions for different rounds each week you know we we’ve done the uh desert island dis round with our buddy

Mark um you know we’ve done couple of different courses in in one day now we’re gonna have to go out there and and maybe pick one of the maybe we won’t pick a disc from the desert island disc maybe we’ll pick a different disc but you know definitely we’ll have to get

Out there and uh do a single disc or you know a one or a two disc round as well especially if you’re playing the same courses all the time right like we unfortunately in Edmonton it’s getting better and better each year but um we don’t have dozens of courses to choose

From right so if if it’s your third round at Rundle this week then switch it up yeah that’s a really good point because um like I’m pushing 209 hole rounds at langholm because it’s walking distance from my house um and I throw the same shots all the time I never get

Bored of that because I’m still trying to perfect those shots but you’re right that is a great way to maybe try some forehand lines that I wouldn’t try on the backhand um shots right so great idea well Tristan we know you or I know you Daryl’s going to get to know you but

I don’t know if everybody out there in the disc golf world that’s listening to us does so I’m G to give you a chance to give us a little bit of your history but as you know on chain out we don’t do it straight up and say tell us how you got

Into dis golf you have to come up with your superhero origin story or your disc golf origin story so I’ve got it right here are you ready I’m ready okay so maybe when you were younger you were a little smaller in stature and wanted to join the Army Army but unfortunately

They denied you each time you tried so you took an experimental super serum it developed you into an amazing and Tall disc golf superhero you’ve never looked back and from this day on you ask everyone to call you Captain Tristan now that may not be how you got into disc

Gol but why don’t you tell us how you did do I get to look like Chris Evans in this scenario too or no you mean you don’t already not not quite not quite um my origin disc golf um so I got into it through my brother um a lot of people

May know him Gabe my younger brother uh he he’s about two and a halfish years younger than me uh and so he started playing when he was early in high school so I would have then kind of been like kind of early in college when he first

Started and he kind of tried to get me into it at the time but I was busy with other stuff I played some college basketball and I was busy with you know University and doing that other stuff so um I would go out with them oh probably

Two three times a year kind of a thing but it never really grabbed me um most of those rounds were a jubilee we grew up out in Spruce Grove um and so people who have played Jubilee fantastic starter course but know it’s maybe not the most arresting

Of of starts um for H for a disc golfer um so yeah I frankly I didn’t really get it the first few times which I know is different than a lot of people’s origin story um and then over College I started playing a lot of ultimate um I stopped

Uh stopped playing college basketball and so I got in with some friends playing some ultimate over the Summers um and then one time when we were out on a family trip family camping trip uh in um bamp area uh Gabe really wanted to play Nordic Center and I kind of thought you know

What sure it’ll be at the very least it’ll be a nice hike right like yeah I wasn’t going to sit at the campsite while he went and walked around the Nordic Center um and uh so I went up with uh with Gabe and then my dad who by

This point had already been playing for a couple years as well so it kind of turned into a family thing except for me um and uh so they brought me out and they gave me three discs I don’t remember what two of them were but I

Remember one of them was a DX Valkyrie a purple DX Valkyrie um and I don’t know if it was just my brother being frustrated with always trying to teach me and never me never getting it or what but he eventually he just told me just like throw this like

You throw your ultimate disc okay this is like DX Valkyrie he’s like just I’m not gonna try to give you any more tips anymore just just go throw it um and so I threw it a few times I was like oh man when I just stopped trying to mess

Around with this and I just kind of threw it like I threw um through my ultimate disc and especially throwing forehand that round he told me you know what you’re better throwing the ultra star forehand so just don’t even try to like make this work backhand just like

Only throw it forehand this round um so I did that I was throwing this DX purple Valkyrie forehand um and it was whole oh shoot I was just at Nordic Center this summer which hole was it I think it’s hole four um it is the one that is super

Super uphill it’s part three it’s like 350 ft but it’s so uphill it doesn’t even really feel reachable okay got like a road winding down yeah and then like the basket is up higher than the road even um I threw forehand on that um and

I got what I now know as like a perfect little Hiser flip out of the hand dead straight right down the Fairway and it hit dead center I was like you know this is this is actually kind of cool look at this um and so I played the rest of that

Round with this ex Valkyrie and two other discs I don’t remember what the other two were I’m sure one of them was a putter but can’t remember um other discs that my dad and brother had line around and then I did a similar thing on the tunnel shot that round um I think

It’s whole 12 13 kind of like around the turn but on the back nine there where again I threw what I now know as a Heiser flip right down the middle and I had like the best shot of the group of us on this like tight tunnel shot the

Two players have been playing for a while like man I think I get it now like I yeah um and so then on the way out of there Nordic Center has a um like a tiny little like not pro shop because it has a bunch of stuff for like bikes and um

Cross Country Skis and stuff but they have a small little like disc section in there uh tiny little store in the parking lot um in the summer you’ll see like a whole bunch of bike racks and stuff outside of it but I think they rent um downhill bikes for the area as

Well so I went in there and I bought a Prodigy starter set um one of those discs is still in my bag it’s a like a um it’s a baseline Prodigy um M3 that’s now like my slippiest mid ever um uh but that one’s still in the bag and then I

Wanted a driver as well because I was throwing this Archangel so well and so I wanted one of those um and uh and Gabe I still give him crap for this he uh he picked out off the shelf a disc craft flick okay for me as my starter disc um

Daryl’s laughing because he probably knows what a disc craft flick is it’s not a starter disc um it is I think it’s a 14 speed uh wow uh if not it’s like a 12 or a 13 like it’s a highspeed driver and I it’s to this day it’s the most

Stable disc I’ve ever thrown it was like Discraft version of like a tilt esque disc where no matter how much angle you put it on it’s dying after 150 fet um and and uh so yeah I bought that there and then we we uh came back to Edmonton

After that like camping weekend and at the time um I was on one of my summer breaks in University um and so I didn’t really have a lot to do because my it was during the summer and so I like played every day for eight weeks

Straight and uh yeah kind of went from there that was summer of 2019 so that was yeah almost five years ago now wow I just want to ask you two question well two points um you say about that you know you tried disc uh disc golf and it

Never really grabbed you and then all of a sudden it was that one time that you tried it you’d be surprised at how many stories that we’ve heard Jeremy where people say they go out and they’re they’re not PL you know they’re non plused by it they can take it or leave

It and then all of a sudden there’s that one round where they kind of get it they’re like okay I’m actually kind of good at this which is you know it seems like it’s quite a common thing people just don’t go out pick up a disc throw

It and be like this is my sport it takes them a couple times to try and you know really get what it’s all about and the second thing I wanted to ask was do you still have that purple Valkyrie or is it still around anywhere you no no I mean

It wasn’t even mine I think it was it was either my brother’s or my dad I I don’t honestly know and so I gave it back to them at the end of the rounds and I mean it’s a DX disc five years ago I’m sure that thing is now either shattered or unusably

Flippy that’s true well and as as you say too is that it sounded like when you threw that perfect Hiser flip like that’s the one thing that I think every disc golfer can agree on is when that perfect flight or a great flight whether it’s the nice s

Flight whatever one it is when you see that that’s when you’re hooked like after that all you want to do is replicate that but for me it’s like 99 throws and then one throw is that but that’s enough to keep me going yeah yeah I think that’s what it was cuz yeah I

Probably played oh like probably pushing 20 rounds of golf before that round at Nordic Center um and yeah it never really got me um like I was terrible at it at the start I was trying to throw backhands and of course we’ve all been there throwing a backhand for the first

Time it’s nose up and it goes 100 feet you like I could throw a baseball further than that like why am I here um yeah yeah I so I don’t know what it what it was maybe it’s just is the right round at the right time and yeah here I

Am five years later that’s great yeah and and now five years later you’re an Mo player you’re competing at the mo level and I actually had some questions here that I want to hone in on because one of the times before I ever came to

See you as a patient um I saw you at the Edmonton open and that was just this past summer and the thing about that Edmonton open tournament was it had a fairly Big Mo field where we had Casey Hanam Max retnik Noah Higgins Ben Lanes all of these people were there and you

Were competing in that level or at that level now the one thing that was a lot more unique about your rounds there was something happened on the very first round of that tournament do you want to tell us a little bit about that yeah um

So that was a uh it was a shotgun start so um I ended up starting on whole two um the tournament there I was I was um I was treating at the time I was running a a physio Booth which I’m we we’ll get to

Here in a little bit but uh I I requested Calvin the TD put me close to the start so I didn’t need to run all the way out so I started on whole two uh round was going all right kind of some ups and downs um I don’t remember off

The top of my head what I was shooting but it was kind of good enough to stay in the mix but not good enough to be like pushing for lead card or anything um a whole 18 um I had had a pretty good drive and then I actually for those of

You who know Bailey’s Crossing super super um tight green there with Hazard all around I gave myself a 25 foot putt for a birdie um I actually I hit front cage and it drop down and then it trickled into the hazard and I got a

Bogey on it so I was super frustrated I was going into the last hole of my round which is hole one um and I was back in the Box because I just bogeyed that uh and then I stepped up and I aced it and I was like oh I guess that’s the course

Thinging yeah like you’re welcome for the bogey that it just gave me last hole it just even them both out I don’t know either way I’ll take it yeah yeah and that that’s amazing Tristan to us like uh towards the end of the season there

Darl and I went out to Bailey’s a number of times and you know at that tournament we had a great crowd watching us both on holes 18 and hole one mainly 18 but they were still there for hole one and I’m sure they had heard that one drop but

That hole is not an easy hole you’re going uphill almost like what you were talking about at uh Canmore maybe not that steep but it’s still going uphill and you got this big bush in the way and then did you just kind of come around

That Bush was it like a backhand heer in in or what did you do yeah I just throw a big backhand heer at that hole um I I go up to a distance driver on that hole I know there’s a lot of guys in the Pro field that throw something a little bit

Slower than that like a fairway driver on a big Hiser but I just play it safe and play a big distance driver so I was telling I telling actually before because in practice I was playing with someone I don’t remember who and I was um I actually like I threw a really good

Shot and it looked like it might go in um but I kind of blew him off I was like ah you’re you’re throwing a big spike Heiser if you throw a good shot and it lands anywhere in circle one it kind of looks like it’s gonna go in at some

Point um and so I actually like I threw the disc and I was like y That’s a good shot it’ll give me like a 15f footer like yeah that’s great great way to finish off my round and I had almost kind of like turned away so I was like

Yeah I can of um and then it hit the chains instead of hitting the ground 10 feet beside the basket so nice now was that that go ahead D I think I was just going to ask the same question that you were going to ask is that your how many

Aces have you had is that the only one or have you had a few have you been lucky enough to have a few um so I have well speaking of earlier I say I play a lot of my round solo so I have three solo Aces but I don’t know if any of

Those count they were all on first shots of rounds that I was scoring but um it it doesn’t quite have the same oom to it um and then I have I got that one in the tournament H and then I have um two other three four other ones wow so

That’s seven in total then doing some quick math nice awesome yeah now when you put that one down at the tournament what was your reaction did you run up that hill and and did they make you run it down or did you choose to run it down

No well I was back in the box and so everyone else had already thrown right I just Bogi it and that was that was our last hole of the round uh and it was a hole one so I just kind of like walked up with the rest of my group and grabbed

My disc and I was like well I guess the round’s over now uh no no I didn’t run it in or anything like that oh I was gonna say you could have just said okay guys um you know can you just bring my disc back for me once you’re done

Exactly yeah yeah oh so that’s great and then the other thing I noticed about that tournament was your second round of the tournament you actually shot a 996 rated round so that’s what and I don’t know if you knew that but that’s what it came out as and I know yeah that’s what

They rated it when I was checking and I was wondering is that your closest to a thousand or have you ever shot a thousand rated round in a tournament uh no that would be then my fourth best round at 996 I’ve had a couple rounds up

Above that um before the the year before uh River City cup of 2022 not this past year the year before yeah 2022 um I had an 1045 rated round okay wow and where was that at uh that was at Rundle yeah yeah that was the one

Round at Rundle yeah yeah that was my first ever tournament playing no wow yeah yeah I uh up until that point I my first year playing I played ma2 um eventually won a tournament um and so I moved up to ma1 um I got third in a tournament so the next year I

Stayed in ma1 I won River City Cup in ma1 um and then two years ago I was on the fence do I stay in ma1 do I go to Pro I don’t really know if I can compete in Pro um I eventually decided that I would rather play with players better than me

And so I pushed myself up to Pro at the last minute in River City cup and I end up getting it second so good job yeah so I guess it’s good that I moved up to Pro otherwise that uh I I would not I would not have liked to shooting that nice of

A round and being down in ma1 I guess that does hold true that you always play to people that you know you raised your own game to play with the people that you’re playing against right so going up to n definitely improved your game yeah just a I don’t know perfect perfect

Weekend uh yeah I think I ended up shooting my first round was not great I think it was around even at Hermitage which ended up coming in like the 930s is and then I shot at 10:45 and then I shot at 1010 I think to finish in seconds somewhere around there yeah you

Feel when you play that well you you should be really really challenging first at that point yeah yeah I I mean I I got to be honest a little bit of that rating is inflated with uh it is um it’s tough for us here in Canada to shoot

Really darn high rated rounds just due to how the rating system works uh because we don’t have many thousand rated players in Canada um it might actually just be Casey I think Noah maybe has just got over a thousand rated but we we don’t have many we have a

Handful maybe right like maybe one at a tournament maybe two um and so in order to shoot a thousand rated round we have all of these guys in Edmonton and Calgary who are somewhere around kind of the 940 to 970 range um so then you got

To beat the whole field by four strokes to shoot a thousand rated right like you gotta do something real special so I was lucky enough that tournament that um Casey was there and Noah was there and I think there was one other guy there who

Was really high um and they had all off weekends and so I ended up beating them by four or five strokes and so if you beat someone who’s I think Casey’s 10 20ish something like that if you beat them by a few Strokes then your raid is

Going to get bumped up yeah definitely and what was it like uh did you ever have you been on a card with anybody like Casey who’s actually played at that Pro level in the US have you have you what’s the highest kind of player you played with uh not with Casey no I

Haven’t had a chance um that River City Cup Where I Was where I played really well like I said he wasn’t having a great tournament so I think he was the card behind me uh in that tournament um I played with Noah a handful of times

Great great player um and then yeah I’ve played with um a number of guys kind of around the Edmonton area who are in that upper 900 Mike Hebert from Grand Prairie had the privilege of playing with him a few times great great player um I I

Think he’s kind of just below a thousand these days um yeah yeah yeah it’s very very cool kind of watching kind of how some of those guys attack lines that I just do not even think about especially someone like Noah who doesn’t really have a super well-developed forehand

Game um which is very than me I’m pretty 50/50 uh and so there’s a lot of shots that he throws just like buttery turnovers with mids and Putters that I would just not even have imagined until he lines it up yeah I think we we’ve spoken about this before Jeremy but um

Sorry at the Edmonton open at Bailey’s Crossing there for people don’t know Hall 16 I was actually spotting during the tournament on Hall 16 it’s a par four dog leg left um from the M tead most people were just trying to go straight down the Fairway Heiser it way

Over the trees on the right and land kind of at the corner last round um Noah was just like you know what I’m gonna go for it and he just threw it towards the basket and was putting for Eagle like it was just so far down that Fairway it was

It was the fth this RVE I saw all weekend it was unbelievable yeah yeah I remember at that tournament uh at the first round um I was playing with uh Connell a young kid out of Calgary I think yeah yeah um just a ridiculous arm

On the kid and I permit um I’m so bad at whole numbers it’s uh it’s the like 460 foot hole with the road right in front of it that plays like a river out of bounds ho hole eight hole eight yeah yeah yeah um he was first on the t uh

And he stepped up and he put it on the pin like tap in range so it was a 465 foot shot and it just looked so easy um and I think I was third and I remember stepping up being like what am like why am I here like what is going on

Um yeah be amazing I throw decently far but I mean to to just silky smooth Park of 450 foot shot is uh without looking like you’re trying that hard is not something in my game yeah when when he’s saying to himself Daryl when he’s saying

Um I better watch out for the river and you’re going what what are you talking about yeah I know exactly that’s what I was going to say that it’s one thing to throw it that far but to have the accuracy to to park it on that you cuz

It’s a small grain as well protect bushes and like you say that River in front but to be able to throw it that far and land it right where you want to where you’re aiming yeah and I think he was I think he was 14 because that was

Two years ago I think he was 14 at the time he’s a young kid yeah yeah he’s coming he’s coming yeah I know we we you know we follow him and he uh he comments on a few of our videos and things like that so yeah we’ll uh maybe we’ll have

To try and get him on sometime yeah absolutely yeah so this this year Tristan do you have uh tournaments in mind that you’re kind of lining up now that we’re getting closer to the start of tournament season yeah I was actually I was just looking at Udi or not sorry

Um Disc Golf Scene um last week just kind of like checking out when the dates of all the tournaments are this year um I don’t really know which ones I’m going to make it out to yet for sure the ones in Edmonton area like I’m GNA for sure

Try to play River City and Edmonton open um and then I’ll try to get to like a handful of ones kind of in the Edmonton region like maybe out to drton Valley or maybe maybe up to aabas um but uh but out further and that it’s a little bit

Tough for me I got a little I got a little guy at home so um it’s not just me to think about of how many weekends can I commit to to to throwing plastic around in trees right yeah that’s that’s the tough thing and especially when

They’re young when they get to the age of Daryl and my kids uh you’re we’re lucky if they want to spend an hour playing a board game with us or something like that so we we get a little extra time so take it while you can yeah yeah yeah so we’ll see I

Usually I usually try to play somewhere around like fiveish give or take tournaments a year um but uh we’ll see we’ll see what ends up happening this year we tend to get kicked out of the house Jeremy rather than making a decision whether we have to stay or not

Yeah that’s right yeah if we’re we’re in the house we’re taking up bandwidth on the internet so we might as well get out way yeah so speaking of those courses that you’ve played in those tournaments that you’ve played or you want to play this year you know do you have a

Favorite course that you’ve played or one that you look forward to playing um favorite course I’ve ever played um is probably actually a course down in the states I did a uh a road trip with uh with my dad my brother um who both still play um uh two years ago

Now and we headed down kind of through Montana and the little bit of Idaho and then uh kind of through Spokane and back up um so we got to play a course called caliber which is in Sandpoint okay um and it is fantastic it’s like Pro Tour

Level type course um it’s amazing um it totally ate me alive um there’s there’s like a there’s a high level a tier there I know year in and year out I’ve I know I’ve seen some of the kind of the high level Canadian guys dip down to it

Because it’s only a few hours drive over the Border um yeah that’s got to be top of the list of courses I’ve ever played nice awesome fantastic well now we got a little bit or we got to know you a little bit there Tristan so I want to

Kind of roll into some Pursuit Of Motion type um questions and kind of take us in that direction so you’re sitting right there now at Pursuit Of Motion yeah there you go the hand is showing us off for us and it’s a physiotherapy Clinic um what I did as

Again we do our research so we know that you have a masters in physiotherapy so I don’t know if we should be calling you master Pisa is that you could if you want to it’s not mandatory but and then also a degree in kinesiology yeah um so how long have you

Been doing physiotherapy because I know that would be a fair amount of schooling just to get started yeah yeah it’s too much school it’s too much school um it’s a yeah so a bachelor and then a um master so it ends up being like six and

A half years is if you kind of push and do it all right in a row um so I’ve now been working for a handful of years this will be four five somewhere around that range okay okay and you’re still loving every minute of it yeah I uh I I

Absolutely yeah I love what I do is worth the worth the ride to to get here and and uh it uh especially when I can try to link it into some uh business and pleasure at the same time right yeah absolutely yeah so you’ve been doing it

For so from schooling so R about 10 years all told if you you want to throw if you want to throw right from the start of school into the mix then yeah yeah something like that so so what first attracted you to physiotherapy what made you decide that was the path

That you wanted to go down yeah I mean it’s a similar story to a whole lot of physios if you ask any of us uh we’re all kind of EX athletes who have been broken ourself enough that we spent time in physio Clinic getting fixed up and I

Don’t know if we got Stockholm syndrome into it or what but you hang around enough and you’re like man this this might be a cool place to eventually get a job uh yeah so I I played I played fairly high level basketball growing up uh and then uh into a little bit of

College as well well and so I got my fair share of Battle Scars and the knees and ankles and such and so I spent a good good portion of my youth in in physial clinics getting rehab um and uh yeah just absolutely loved kind of what

It would let me be able to keep doing I keep playing the sport that I loved and um I had some really good relationship with some of my physios growing up that kind of helped me helped me get there and um then eventually I ended up kind

Of Dipping my toe in the water with like some sports medicine stuff in high school and kind of learning some of the like how to do like be a team trainer and um how to do like some taping and strapping and some basic anatomy and all

That type of stuff and I just absolutely loved it um and so then uh went down the went down the road of going into a bachelor’s degree of Kinesiology with the hope of getting into the Masters program without really a plan B not maybe not the road I would recommend um

I I still don’t really know to this day what I would have done if I didn’t end up getting into the physial program uh but I did so I didn’t need to figure that out awesome there we go everything worked out for you in the end so yeah life out a

Path well the one thing um you know about us Tristan or if you don’t our listeners definitely do is that we’re both pushing 40 probably starting to see 50 in our in in the driver’s wind shield there it’s coming up upon us so we’re not

Unfamiliar to Physio at all I used to be a marathon runner back in the day and uh that’s definitely a recipe to to see a physiotherapist if there ever was one um but for some of the listeners some of the younger people who haven’t been there um I don’t know if they’ve all

Been to physiotherapy so what I kind of wanted to talk about was when should a person be thinking of seeing a physiotherapist when should a person be thinking of seeing a doctor when should a person just be going oh that’s just a tweak it’ll probably go away and and not

Come in at all so that they can actually address a problem before it becomes a big problem yeah sure sure sure super common question um we have the privilege here as physios in Canada to be um firstline treatment so what that means is we don’t necessarily need you to see

A doctor before you come in to see us uh if it is something like a a joint injury or a muscle injury you can come right on in to uh to a physio right off the street um you don’t need a prescription or anything like that and uh to be

Honest with you most of doctors if you go in with something like a muscle Pole or strain or something like that they’re just going to end up sending you over our way anyways so um it’s might be beneficial for your time to just skip over that step and come see us um for

When someone should come in to see a physio uh there’s there’s a whole wide range of stuff that we can help with anything from the most common thing is injuries right so if there’s pain that is stopping you from um either living your life or playing disc golf or doing

Anything else you’d like to do if there’s pain that’s stopping you um or if you just want to um try to address like a particular deficit you may have so maybe it’s like flexibility or Mobility or a strength um something that you think again maybe in disc golf you

Think it’s holding back how much of uh of a reach back you have because your back feels really stiff and tight and you just can’t quite get there then that can all be something that we can uh we can check out and and hopefully get you

Set up with a plan to to push forward on good co now with that too um when somebody comes in because I know for myself I’ve seen physio I’ve gone like I’ve I’ve done a lot of physio I still do physio I see you actually right now um also have

Done chiropractor in the past and I know for example with chiropractor a lot of people are scared of what’s going to happen when they get there um maybe they have that same kind of opinion physio maybe they don’t because they just don’t have the knowledge based on it so when

Someone comes in for the first time what are they going to expect in that initial appointment and you know that you’re not just putting them on a rack and stretching them out or something like that yeah sure sure um so uh I can I can speak most um pointedly to kind of what

It would look like here at Pursuit um physio it’s it it is a regulated feel so there’s going to be some some really big similarities across any Clinic you may go to but there may be some small differences here and there uh mostly around like maybe how much time you

Might get with the physio or or what else what else they may do with you um here at Pursuit we do like a one-on-one only type of a model so uh if you’d come in to see me then you only get me um or

Um or if we do have any sort of like students or physios and training then they’ll be along with me but you you only only get me I’m not abandoning you on your own uh that first first time you’re coming in is our assessment appointment so we’re going to spend a

Few minutes 10 or so minutes kind of chatting about what’s going on where is your pain um kind of what is the story of your pain um how is it affecting you what are you hoping to get back to kind of trying to set some goals together um

And then we do an exam so we’ll get you to do a whole bunch of movements uh we’ll do some tests we’ll test out a bunch of different muscles and joints and really try to kind of do some detective work to track down exactly why

This issue is bugging you uh to see if it is yeah if it’s a strength issue is it a uh a flexibility issue is it um is it more of like a control or like a a pattern of movement that we got to work on and then once we kind of got that

Exam done we got that uh the story all sorted uh then we can set you up with a treatment plan of kind of what what we can actually do going forward and that’s that’s uh often a collaboration between my myself and the patient in front of me

Of um like are you already going to the gym do you already have a plan do you already have some strates can I add in some things can I try to tweak some stuff um can I kind of maybe put a little bit of a spin on some things that

You already like to do um to to try to yeah get you get you back to what you want to do so treatment wise then it looks a whole again I speak mostly here at Pursuit but we believe that kind of exercise is always top of the list so we

Get to doing some stuff that’s why I got all these heavy circles behind me all these plates and dumbbells and everything like that um uh really trying to get you um moving because we think that exercise is the best medicine because to try to get you back to what

You what you love doing um and then uh there may be some stuff I can do kind of some Hands-On treatment maybe some like soft tissue release or some some joint stretches or um we have some Advanced tra here as well and like some dry needling and some acupuncture type

Techniques and and and that type of stuff if uh uh if if that might be beneficial for you but it’s all very all very Patient to Patient so we always make the plan kind of for the person in front of us it’s not just a a cookie

Cutter approach where I pull a paper off of off of our Shelf of papers and give you the same thing I’ve been seeing for everyone else one of the point that I was going to make there is that you know I’m kind of like Jeremy you know we’re we’re

Getting at that certain age where trips to the physio happen more and more regularly and things like that and I’ve been to few a few physios where unfortunately I’m I’m sure it’s a story that quite a lot of people um hear as well is that you go in through the

Door they sit you down they they rub you a little bit they tell you to go do your exercises they come back put heat on you put the machine on and then you’re out the door and it’s the same thing day in day out every every visit is the same

Thing and it kind of gets repetitive and you’re wondering if it’s is ever going to do any benefit um I have been to physios where you know every every visit has been something different it’s been uh like you said a movement a joint thing it’s been dry needling there’s

Been exercise there’s been stretches there’s been lots of different things that keep it mixed up every every visit is that you know I’m not saying that the people that just do the the working the exercise and the Machine are are bad at their job you know maybe there’s a

Benefit to to that repetition of that sort of thing but where do you put um mixing it up every visit to try and and you know hit different different things that could be causing you the pain yeah yeah so uh like I said we we try to take

Like a patient centered approach here so patient first and foremost and that and because it’s patient centered right like each patient or each person in the world is different right like if even if both of you guys both had a a shoulder problem your shoulders are different you use your shoulders different in

Day-to-day life yeah you play the same sport you probably throw it the same hand but that doesn’t mean that the treatment plan is going to be the same because the the end goal that we’re working towards the road is not going to be the same to get there so uh yeah that

That more generalized approach where kind of everyone with a shoulder gets the same thing and then they get out the door again um I uh I’m I’m not a huge fan of that approach I I don’t think it’s I don’t think it’s our best practice I don’t think it’s the best

Shot that we have of getting you better and getting you better for the long run um I I I used to work at a clinic like that before before coming over here to Pursuit um and it uh didn’t really didn’t really jive with me so I parted ways with them

And came on over and and yeah we work uh Much More Much More individually and maybe that is different stuff every every session it doesn’t have to be there is still some value in repetition um anyone who’s worked out knows that you can’t do squats one time and all of

A sudden have huge tree trunks of thighs like you got to have some repetition of day over day week over week um but uh but that certainly doesn’t mean that everyone who walks through the door gets the exact same repetition right awesome well and I think Tristan at least from my

Experience and I you know I know a lot of people they like to think that they’re tough and they’re like yeah this is fine it’ll go away I’m okay I’m fine I think the one thing I’ve learned and maybe if there’s more to speak to it go

Ahead but it’s when you think you’ve got an injury when you think you’ve got a problem if you can get out and go to Physio early the amount of downtime you’re going to have or maybe the stoppage of actually doing the activities you want to do is limited as

Opposed to if you go oh I can’t even lift my arm now let’s see if we can go fix it like what that approach is going to look like yeah absolutely yeah yeah I mean like the the sooner you get something fixed the less secondary problems and the less the less it sunk

Get claws into you right so um the the yeah the quicker you nipping in the bud um the bast majority of time that recovery time is going to be a whole heck of a lock clicker which is better right we don’t want to miss three weeks

On the course we want to miss maybe zero yeah there we go I always used to think that I had a high you know maybe it’s that masculinity I I don’t think it is cuz I’m not that type of guy but I used a man’s man barl I always used to say

You know what I’ve got a high tolerance for pain I’ve got a high pain threshold I think now the more I think about it the more I get up in agees just I was stubborn I just I just didn’t want to go and get it fixed and I figured I could

Work through it or whatever ah it’s okay I can live with it but it’s not it’s just that you’re stubborn you don’t want to get it fixed maybe you don’t want to admit to yourself that you’re in in pain or you need help or you need some some

Treatment so yeah definitely if you’re in pain go get it fixed yeah don’t Dr Google it that’s not the solution [Laughter] there no that’s that’s fair enough and the other thing too uh at least from my experience before we move on again um I just wanted to say too is that if you’ve

Got a health plan with your work or with your spouse or with uh your parents or whoever it is there’s usually enough in most programs at least that I’ve been part of to cover at least six um treatments if not and then if there’s two plans like my my plan and then my

Wife’s once my mine’s done I move to hers and then I get another six treatments as well so it’s nothing out of my pocket or if anything it’s maybe a 20% of it I’m having to pay it’s not a lot so yeah use your benefits if you got

Them that’s what we always tell people right like the always uh December is always our busiest time of year because that’s when everyone realizes oh shoot I got six video visits left on my benefits and there’s only four weeks left in the year I got to use these up um so yeah I

I’m always crazy slammed in December period there um but yeah use them while you have them right you uh it’s it’s part of your part of your paycheck from your job right you wouldn’t let part of your paycheck go to waste so don’t let that go to waste either for sure and

Then also if people do end up wanting to come visit you because pursuit of motion’s got a couple locations I believe but you’re at the North location yeah we got two locations uh our our North location uh we’re we’re here in Edmonton we’re right on the northwest

Side kind of right off where St Albert Trail hits the hend um uh at right over by uh if you know where the um sbca is the um animal shelter we’re nextd door neighbors of them so you can dip on over and maybe check out some uh some some

Animals to adopt on your way out of here uh and then we also have a second we have a second location kind of like South Central uh that one’s called pursuit of performance um I’m not at that location I’m full-time here at the North Side location but we got some

Fantastic therapist down at that southide location as well that was going to be one of my follow-up questions whether you actually did any work down there on the on the Southside location because obviously I’m from bont so I was uh you know if ever I talking about the Southside again go

Ahead I just don’t want to bring it up anymore now Jeremy no I was just wondering if you did do like a split location or anything like that if there’s any chance of you know any for any of our Southside listeners that may want to come and see you if they are

Here you know if they do have any problems not currently currently I’m full-time up here at the North side I I live not too far away from the north side clinic so um uh the uh the clinic owner my boss has brought up a few times

Of getting me to pick up some shifts down at the cide and um I’ve kind of told it would it would need to be worth my effort to to drive 40 minutes to work instead of eight do you know do you know what Jeremy I’m G to book the next guest

And I’m going to book somebody on the south side every guest we have is all North Side well I need the extra support so that we can gang up on you darl maybe Kristen right I don’t know we all know that all the all the best Edmonton disc golfers are on the

North side of the city I don’t know what to tell you I don’t know to tell you well I’ll take that by association I don’t know if I can truly own that statement but because I’m up here I’ll do it by association hey you’ve seen my game Jeremy know that’s true yeah there

You go Tristan um as well too because I’ve been in disc golf for a bit here and I’ve experienced a couple injuries uh the one that we’re kind of working on right now could you maybe go over what some of the common disc golf injuries are and what people should be watching

For when they feel some pain and whether it is something they should be getting looked at or not yeah yeah sure um so as with all throwing sports right like we can go to baseball is the big one right like we’re we’re typically talking injuries to your arm or shoulder area

That’s the ones that end up kind of being the victim um especially if you are kind of um sharply increasing how much you’re doing or if you’re trying to make big form changes or that type of a thing um um some some better form coaches than me will tell you that often

Times the arm comes into play a lot more than it maybe should so um shoulder muscle injuries like rotator cuff injuries are a really big one in dis golf um coming down the line right we can have some big elbow um injuries especially the outside of the elbow um

Uh can be a can be a really darn big one um and then the other thing that I’ve I’ve seen um some of as well is some back injuries we know that it takes a lot of rotation to get through both a good backhand form and a good forehand

Form right we got to do a whole heck of a lot of Ro rotating through there um and so if you’re doing that maybe a little bit more than your back is ready for then that can cause cause some pain and and last one is uh injuries to do

With planting right so that um if you really slow down any anyone’s form especially those powerful throwers and those Pros um the amount of force they’re putting down into that plant foot that lead foot and it’s coming up through the knee and through the hip is

A lot right you come all the way through your xstep all the way through your run up and then you are stopping on that foot and just everything is coming up the chain um so some common victims um uh in general though uh we don’t tend to

See a whole heck of a lot of um like acute injuries in dis golf um it’s a non-con sport right so if you’re getting tackled playing disc golf and someone blows your knee out I think something’s going wrong somewhere um so as opposed to maybe some other other sports where

We see a lot of like Ute injuries where like you uh someone falls into you or you sprain something or you pull a muscle due to a movement um it’s going to be more commonly it’s going to be your uh your like chronic or your overuse injuries that slowly slowly

Build over time and um are kind of bugging you maybe a little bit one day and a little bit more the next week and then a little bit more until eventually they start to start to feel it too much to get out to the course yeah as for as for when someone

Should come in to see a physio I think that was the second part of your question there um uh really my rule of thumb is if it’s uh getting worse and worse and worse and you can’t get a handle on it uh especially outside of kind of the timeline that you’re typically thinking

Of um we’ve all been in the in the place where we’ve maybe pulled the muscle and it’s sore for two or three or four days but then you kind of get back on the train again um those are certainly not ones that you need to go and seek

Medical attention for so if it’s getting worse and worse and kind of outside that normal timeline of kind of two three four days um or if it’s starting to actually impact what you want to do right so maybe that’s life maybe that’s work maybe that’s disc golf right if

It’s getting to the point where you’re like man I can’t play my two rounds on Saturday because my knee hurts so much um that’s when that’s when you want to go and go and get some help to get you back on the right track where do you where do you stand on

Um when you have an injury maybe it’s not a full-blown injury where you know you can barely walk or barely move sort of thing but you have an injury and you often hear the term you know plus play through the injury maybe taking painkillers and things like that I’ve

Never been a big fan of taking painkillers because I feel like the problem is always there it’s just that you don’t feel it right so yeah and then you know playing through the injury as well I mean obviously it’s going to be person by person you’re going to know

What the pain is yourself no one else can tell you how much to play through but is there you know can you play through an injury or it always best to if you feel an if you feel that niggle or if you feel that twinge is it better

Just to take an extra day and try and subside yeah so I mean we we certainly could play through injuries the question isn’t like can we do it the question is maybe should we do it right and and uh a good portion that kind of comes down to

Like your Pros cons um I I would be lying if I said that I never played through injuries even this past summer right there’s a couple tournaments I really wanted to play and even though I knew I had something kind of lingering I still really wanted to play that

Tournament and so um I maybe did not follow my own advice which we as physios are notorious for and so I knew at the time you know what my elbow is hurting but I really want to finish this tournament I know I’m going to need to take a couple weeks off after this

Tournament but it’s worth it for me to maybe extend my timeline to to play this thing right now um but but in general if you do feel some of those things that are going on and not getting better and maybe just getting worse and worse and worse um typically playing through it is

Not necessarily going to help your healing process yeah fair enough yeah and you had You’ mentioned just a little bit back there you said it’s not those acute injuries and I think that’s probably why we’re seeing a good push from a lot of EX ultimate players or now part-time

Occasional ultimate players moving to disc golf probably exactly for that reason they still get to throw a disc but they’re not worried about someone taking out their knees by accident while they’re doing yeah absolutely absolutely yeah yeah so um one of the ones too I

Wanted to say as well is I kind of want to put other because you just you made it make a lot of sense so for people whove been listening I’ve got a bit of a tennis elbow type injury that Tristan and I have been working on and one of

The things that made sense when Tristan explained it was he said You know Jeremy your elbow is probably been fine for all the activities that you’re doing so your elbows at one level your effort that you’re putting at it is lower and then I went into disc golf and like some of us

Went into dis golf hard and last year I competed in over eight tournaments and I was playing two rounds on a day on the weekend and that kind of thing and what I ended up doing was putting that level of exertion and effort onto my elbow at

A a higher point and as a result my elbow couldn’t keep up to that level so now as we go and we do the treatments that we’re doing what we’re trying to do is bring my elbow up to the level to be able to handle that force that I’m

Putting on it and that just really sunk and made sense to me so I’m glad that you said that because the other thing about it to keep in mind is depending on whether you’re dealing with a muscle or whether you’re dealing with a tendon or what it is there is different time

Frames on that um timeline of when it’s going to heal and that tendon just going to take time so I know every time I see you we’re just moving it a little another notch up towards there so that by the time hopefully we get into full

Season my elbow doesn’t even care it can handle everything I’m throwing at it you did a great job explaining that I should uh I should get you in here to follow me around and you can uh you can tell all my patients that and save save my voice

A little bit Yeah Yeah often times those overuse injuries really come from we’re asking the body to do more than it’s ready for right so maybe our body is ready for a 100 throws a day right making up a random number here but um the season hits the snow melts we’re

Going to go play three rounds this Saturday and we’re gonna throw two shots off every te and um all of a sudden we’re now asking to throw 200 shots I don’t know if the math tracks on that someone else can do the math there but yeah we’re just doing way more than the

Body is ready for it doesn’t mean that the task we were doing doesn’t mean that throwing is bad for us it just means that the amount that we were doing was over our capacity we just weren’t able to handle it um and so we kind of got

Two options right and I mean Jeremy went through this as well right option one is we just do less right if our body’s ready for 100 throws we only do 100 throws that’s not a very fun option right I I like playing three rounds on a

Saturday right and uh if if our capacity is so low we can only play nine holes and that’s not an option either right like we don’t want to just sit there and just say okay that’s my limit for the rest of my life um instead we can go

Option b and that’s to change what the body can do right we we know the body is super super adaptable right look at how many how many people we see that go from not working out at all to working out a bunch and their body changes so much you

Can hardly recognize them right right that’s why that’s why we’re still alive as a species because our body can just adapt and change to the demands we put on it so that’s our other option is hey I want to throw 200 throws a day and have my elbow feel fine okay then let’s

Bump that ability of the body up and above so that when we go out and ask it to throw 200 times it laughs at us and says hey I can throw 300 that’s fine with me yeah perfect so and with that people be patient because it can take time but it

Will happen you just have to believe in the process that’s one of those other things I can tell you from all of my years of physio is don’t think you’re going to go and you’re going to go once and everything’s going to be good you

Got to work at it and when you get the exercises whether they come in a sheet of paper whether they come in an email however they are you’re supposed to do them they’re not for you to look at and to mentally go through them you actually have to do them yeah yeah absolutely

It’s uh yeah our body can adapt our body can change but anyone who has started up a new exercise program of yeah started going to the gym for the first time or try to pick up longdistance running it’s not an overnight process it’s not an overnight process and and there’s always that

Period of you know maybe it might be three or four days might be a week might be a month of you don’t see any progress it feels like nothing’s happening but it is happening you like you said you just have to be patient and then all of a

Sudden you’ll start to see those those gains absolutely yeah well we’re in the offseason right now um you know we’re all getting geared up ready to get back to playing again uh is there anything that we can do in off season that you recommend you know that

We can kind of get ready for those the demands that the uh the new Disc Off season’s going to put on our bodies yeah absolutely I mean this is the perfect time to try to like prep your body right as we’re kind of starting to ramp up into the season um I

I’m a pretty fair weather golfer I don’t think I’ve been out and played around since uh since there was first snow on the ground there in December at some point so um I I have not played but uh and I probably won’t play until the snow

Gets all the way out of here but I know now that I got probably two hopefully only two months maybe three months before the snow really melts and gets out of here and tournaments start up again so that’s enough time to see some changes right that’s enough time for

Body to to to adapt so this is the perfect time to start to work some of those out first thing is if you had any sort of like aches and pains last year right like think back to to end of the season last year um you’re really winding down maybe you’re trying to

Grind out that one last tournament in September and was there anything that was painful then right that might be a that might be a spot to start working on whether it be a back or an elbow or a shoulder or kind of what was kind of dragging you down I got a couple

Patients right now from dis golfers I’ve been able to treat a few um few edga members over the winter time and that’s that’s what it is for a few of them it was kind of what they were feeling at the end of last season and they want to

Make sure when they get out to play again in two or three months that the same thing isn’t going to rear its head back up again right maybe it’s feeling good over the winter but that’s just because you haven’t done anything with it so that’s that’s kind of the first

Thing is if there is any sort of like aches and pains let’s see if we can deal with those and figure out why that was bugging you and if it’s not um if there’s none of those and you just kind of want to prepare in general for

Getting out there again um I’m a big fan of just like a general strengthening program right like a general workout program and that doesn’t need to be crazy right you don’t need to be going and and pumping iron in the gym four or five days a week it can it could be

Something small like just trying to maybe do some weightlifting for some of your like arms and shoulders and and these areas that take a lot of the strain uh of of disc golf um just to like I said make some changes make some adaptations so that you uh you’re you’re

Ready to hit the ground run in when when the season really gets here I feel like you’ve got The Perfect Space to set up it a training net so that you can just just you know just start slowly just go through the motions and then you’ll be you’ll be good to go

Oh yeah oh yeah we got uh we got more than enough facei over here for a nette don’t you worry I uh I I I’ve been uh I’ve been pestering the boss a little bit I keep telling him that as soon as as soon as I get a couple of more disc

Golfs in disc golfers in here and I push over that threshold and I’m just gonna take over half the gym and put in a put in a net yeah I mean I don’t want I don’t want to encourage people to come see you I guess that’s the wrong way to

Be but you know if if anybody is out there with an injury I guess you know Tristan’s the person to come and see yeah it’s a funny job right ideally I am uh I am unemployed in a perfect world right I always tell my patients I’m

Trying my hardest to never see you again I’m trying my hardest to work myself out of a job yeah and no matter how much I like you when you walk out the door I want you to stay out the door right but yeah hey that’s uh that’s not how it

Works as humans who like to move and use our bodies something something always going to give yeah yeah so I don’t know darl is it um we’re not supposed to treat it the same way as our plea when we’re talking and shouting out our socials and asking people to subscribe

We we can’t we shouldn’t be doing the same thing here for Tristan but I would think um have you guys set a magic number of uh dis golf patients you need over there to get more of some dis golf related uh equipment in there there not

Been a firm number no but I uh I I’ve uh I’ve I’ve got some thoughts I’ve got some thoughts I mean even like kind of talking back to like what we normally do during an assessment normally what I would do with people is I want to see

What makes the area hurt right so if it’s a runner then I get you on the treadmill and I get you running so I can actually see a like why is that thing hurting but also like is there something going on with how you move that might be

Influencing it um so with a disc golfer it’d be pretty darn fantastic if I could just you say forand hurts you okay let’s throw three or four or five forehand and let’s slow it down um instead right now typically what I get this golfers to do

Is I get them to get them to film themselves and either out at the course or at home and like throw a couple shots into a net or or out there and then we can we can break it down that way so it’s still really good info for me to

Have I would love to see it with my own eyes but second best for now until uh until yeah I can I can accom or take over half this gym for my my full training setup with a video camera maybe get a tech disc in here it’s in the

Future it’s coming you you wouldn’t be getting rid of patients that way we’d be coming like I think I’m a little hurt can I throw the tech disc a little bit uhhuh yeah yeah I guess we’re not saying you know it’s not like the socials we’re

Not giving a shout out to subscribe to can see Tristan but like if you do have an injury go and see Tristan yes yeah that’s what we’re saying and and I want to say to that that is H is is a point as well is that all physio have taken

Their schooling taken their train training and there is something to the experience in my mind and you can correct me if I’m wrong with this Tristan is what they’ve experienced so if a phys has seen a lot of Runners they’re going to have they’re going to have a really good knowledge of planner

Fasciitis and of you know tight calves and all the different things that you’re going to get um as a runner but disc golf is a relatively Niche sport still as much as we all think it’s the biggest thing in the world that anyone outside of the sport doesn’t necessarily know it

They’re like is that frol is that frisbee golf what is that so the fact that you are also a disc golfer I think to me that was a a really big appeal because you know the motion you know the muscles you know what that is you don’t

I don’t have to try and explain it to somebody else because you’ve already got all that knowledge and and being treating dis golfers you’ve seen us before so yeah yeah absolutely yeah I I I mean I’m sure there’s some people listening who have maybe gone to a

Physio and tried to explain to them like it hurts when I do a backand but what is a backand okay I kind of I move in this way and then I do this and um so yeah I I certainly get a little bit of a head

Start in that range of when you come in and say okay it hurts when I am at the back of my reach back and a backand then I can I can kind of uh combine the two Realms of of watching my own forarm and working on that and and everything and

And the physio side of things to to hopefully jump to the solution a little bit quicker yeah perfect uh now another thing there and actually darl I heard one of your breaths and I know what those breath mean that means you had a question so

You fire away oh no no um I was you know just on on the um the topic of you know what can we do to prepare you know in the off seed things like that this kind of ties into what can we do with any

Time that we go out and play around um stretching should we should we be stretching is it not just for us old guys that are you know their muscles are a little bit tighter and we’re starting to uh you know not get that full range

Of motion sort of thing is it is it stretching is a good thing for everybody to do I’m assuming so I I knew you guys were G to ask this so I I I made sure I I made sure I tuned up on this because I I got

My opinions on it so I actually I quizzed all of our other physios here we got we got four physios here and I did some a little bit of a deep dive into some of the the research journals as well to make sure I wasn’t totally off

Base because um I this may ruffle some feathers but um I don’t think stretching’s that important to be honest with you uh I I don’t think the mic hot no no I’ve actually heard this before yeah about just going in cold is is sometimes better than actually stretching because you’re trying to

Stretch a cold muscle right yeah so uh We’ve um we’ve we’ve known for a long time I say we when I say we I mean like the research community and and kind of the worldwide network of of physios and professors and such who published papers and published studies and then uh LED

Conferences and um I’ve been lucky to go to a few of those but then also just kind of reading all these research journals and such that people have put online that um static stretching so like your stretches where you hold for a long period of time um are not super

Beneficial prior to exercise in fact there’s been some good evidence over the years that it actually reduces the amount of force your muscle can produce if you hold it in a lengthen position inter um if you are in a sport where flexibility is really important so like

A gymnast or a dancer then that’s a different story right because we know that stretching can improve your flexibility but um um if uh if if that’s not the case and you’re just looking to run the fastest the highest throw the furthest that type of stuff then then we

Know that static stretching is not the route to go down um and so uh in general we’ve kind of been moving more towards Dynamic stretching where you’re kind of stretching while you move right so your arm circles and your um leg kicks and that kind of a stuff where you’re moving

The muscle as you stretch um and and that’s been shown some better results um but but even then I uh I think that sometimes we get a little bit carried away in how intense we make our warm-up um when in reality I think the best warmup we can possibly do is just slowly

Doing something at a higher and higher intensity right so yeah we could absolutely if you’re on T number one and you’re waiting for 10 or 15 minutes for the rest of your card to get there and you want to do some movement and some um warmup I don’t think that’s a bad thing

But I also don’t think you would be wrong starting on T1 and throwing some Putters at 20% and then throwing some midranges at 50% and then throwing some Fairways at 80% and then you’re warmed up and ready to go because you’re kind of doing the movement you’re working the

Muscles and you’re working them as focused on the task you want to do as you possibly can be so I think I think the biggest thing is just kind of not not going in cold but uh but also I will I will disagree with maybe some of our

Little league coaches and say that a full 10 to 15 minute stretching routine is it’s maybe a little bit overblown in how effective and how required it is I can I can see J uh Jeremy’s brain is is cannot compute this because you’re a you’re a big believer in stretching

Before every round and exactly those static stretches that uh Tristan was talking about there so how do you feel about that jery well I I think what I’d say darl is I do a combination of the two exactly I do put that arm across my chest and stretch and maybe I’ll drop

That one out but a lot of the other stretches that I’m doing are um a dynamic stretch for my back or a dynamic stretch to be able to reach and and just get a little bit of of stretch there because I have had some of those

Concerns where it is tight and then it pulls so could see um the value there now Tristan what about after the round is over do you just jump in the car and drive home or should you do anything to kind of is it the same thought process

There uh it’s going to be similar I I don’t think it’s a it’s a bad thing to try to do something to kind of slowly bring you down um but that being said um unless you’re playing a mountain course uh disc golf is usually not a super physically intensive sport if we compare

It to maybe some other like higher um higher um demand and sports like maybe your footballs and basketballs where when you finish your heart rate is just skyrocketing it’s as high as it can possibly be um unless maybe you just got off a putt like for a win at a

Tournament hopefully your heart rate is not super high as you get off a whole 18 or maybe if you maybe if you aced your last hole of the round maybe your heart might be a bit elevated there yeah yeah yeah uh so just yeah just due to that uh kind of lower

Lower intensity that this golf demands I don’t think it’s it’s required for you to do a long intensive cool down again um if yeah sure if you want to go for a little bit of a walk to kind of like bring your heart rate down just a little

Bit more or or that type of thing I think that’s fine um but uh I would not say it’s required what what do you think I I think probably what Jeremy and the point that jerem’s trying to get it maybe at least what I’m thinking is that you know

After you’ve been stretching your muscles you’ve been walking around you’ve been throwing and then to be to go and sit in a position with your knees bent you know your legs or cramped sort of thing is that a bad thing you know do do you I mean I guess you can’t really

Unstretch your your muscles I guess if they’re stretched that’s a good thing right yeah yeah I mean if we take it to extremes then we know that it can be harmful for you right so we see a lot of negative effects of stuff like uh marathon runners who then after a

Marathon jump into like a team bus and then drive for four or five hours um but that’s pretty far down the Spectrum right of like that high intensity bringing your body to the Limit and then to sit in a cramped for hours at a time then that’s where we start to run into

Some issues and and uh we we do know that that is quite harmful for us but um if you’re yeah playing around a disc golf and you jump in your car and you drive 20 minutes home and then you’re standing up and you’re moving when you

Get home um that that 20 minutes is isn’t just isn’t a long enough period to to have any sort of significant effects yeah darl it would be pretty big deal if we were building up a bunch of lactic acid in our muscles dis gulfing right

Yeah yeah yeah I I I’ll throw the caveat in there too I should have said this at the start but a lot of the stuff that I was just talking about with warm-ups and uh with cool Downs is um is for people who don’t have a current injury going on

That was kind of like general population if you do have a particular issue or a particular injury like maybe you do have a back problem that you’re dealing with right now then absolutely like a targeted warm-up towards your condition maybe really beneficial for you um but

What I was mentioning is is the research around General warm-ups for athletes so they do a lot of studies around like warm-ups that they just give like youth soccer programs across the country so they’re not they’re not targeting it to people with injuries they’re just trying

To get as many athletes as they can possibly get into the study um and then see if it has any effect and those are the ones that are showing that it’s maybe not as important as as we have been prone to think before we just need

To study on out of shape 40y olds it’s it’s right it’s a different study it’s a different study go well I don’t know where we’d ever get out of shape 40y olds darl not on this podcast right no so the one thing we had mentioned too uh Tristan was that Pursuit Of Motion

Sponsors events and you’ve got the tunder toss coming up and you guys are going to be the lead sponsor so last year we had you when this kind of just flows right through is that you led some stretches at the beginning some dynamic stretches I will make that clear now

They were dynamic stretches before we got started and uh you know you had information and tables on site what can we expect uh this year at tunder toss a similar type of thing or uh so it’s going to be a little bit different at uh at tunder toss for sure this year um

I’ll still be there um I’m going to be there kind of for um uh cuz we got a the Fantastic combo that edga has set up of the tunder toss and also our like welcome day for members at the same time um so I I’m kind of pulling double duty

On both of those so I’ll be there for both of them so um I will be there but I’m not going to be setting up a full like physio Booth with my bed and all my treatment areas and such I I’ll be I’ll be there more so from the the sponsor

Side of things so I’ll be there more so like with some um with some like information about the clinic and some business cards and that type of stuff if people have concerns I I’m happy to to H happy to help them out but I’m doing a

Little bit of a mode shift here for this year so I’ll be there hopefully hopefully I’m not needing to do any treatment hopefully I’m just there to chat with people nice is there any other events that you’re uh looking at you know we know that you’re going to be the

Title sponsor for Tundras is there any other events coming up this year that we possibly see you at as well yeah yeah there’s some in the works um uh as as you know it’s still a little early in the air for TDS to have kind of all the

The eyes dotted and tees crossed yet so um I’m looking at being out at the Edmonton area once so hopefully I’ll be at River City cup and hopefully I’ll be at Edmonton open um that’s what I did last year as I was at both of those

Events um and that’ll be kind of more a typical kind of like physio onsite treatment setup um the hours of that and exactly how that’s going to look that’s that’s still going to be up in the air we will uh we’ll figure that out closer

To nice going back to when you were at the Edmonton open there like you said you you played the round and then you went and worked afterwards as well likey long day it was a long day for me uh so yeah so Evon open was set up where um

The AMS and the pros were staggered so Pros played and then AMS and then pros and then AMS um and so I played my Pro rounds and then or maybe it was backwards I forget so I I played my round and then I ran I signed my scor

Card and everything ran right back to the physio tent and then treated people for two and a half hours and then grabbed my bag ran out on the course again played another round and then ran back and I was around for the rest of

The night so it was a long day for me um that’s kind of part of what’s still in the works is I would love to be able to grab another physio from the clinic here to kind of like help me make that not quite as a chaotic of a day uh but then

Also to provide service for the entire portion of that event that was one of the the downsides of that setup is when I was out playing around um the tent was closed so um they there like if you if you did have an injury and they were

Coming off the course as I was leaving um I just wouldn’t be able to see them for two hours until I got back from my round so um I’d love to be able to grab another physio here from the clinic but uh I that’s that’s still six six odd

Months away so um I I can’t exactly ask anyone else to commit to a weekend six months in advance so we’ll uh we’ll see I I got hopes though I I did the opposite at River City River City this past year I didn’t end up playing um I

Just ended up treating the entire day instead so I was there for both the pros and the AMS um which worked better in the sense that there’s always physio available if someone needed it um but selfishly I wasn’t able to play River City cup and I I love that tournament um

So uh so I’d love to be able to rig it so I can I can still play well the weather conditions this year maybe maybe it wasn’t so so bad that you weren’t playing it was I don’t know if I was playing if I was playing I would have at

Least been moving I would have been a lot warmer I was I was just sitting under a tent and I was I was pretty darn chilly yeah well and depending on how intensive the treatments you’re doing there too is you’re probably just as tired your hands are aching and

Everything else yeah yeah and they’re yeah cold and achy it’s even worse yeah well now if you’re gonna be out there representing the one thing I don’t think I’ve seen on you maybe you have it maybe you don’t but is uh Sunny bought into uh getting you a nice suit motion Jersey to

Be sporting when you get there full sponsorship no no he is not no he is not I I got to get on him about that about I can be I can be our Clinic’s first sponsored athlete well now that you’re on the Edmonton area’s largest podcast about discol that’s a bargaining chip

Right there yeah I’ll bring it into negotiations with me I I had a question for you I just want to bring it back to the treatment and things like that I know you know um you said about the tennis elbow or the disc golfers elbow whatever we want to

Call it um I know when I first started playing um when I first got into disc golf and I actually had a full day um to be able to go out and I played two rounds in one day it was very early on and I felt it in my elbow like it’s

Really sore and what went through my mind was okay I need to go to the pharmacy I need to go grab a tensor bandage put that on that’s going to help I know um Jeremy you know you wear I don’t know if you still do but I know

Seen you wear um tensor bandages on your knees um because you’ve had some knee problems sort of thing like are tensor bandages a benefit and what do they actually do yeah so tensor or any kind of compression right we get a very similar effect out of like a compression

Sleeve or a knee sleeve or all these other kind right yeah yeah yeah yeah um uh those are really darn good if there’s any sort of swelling in the area that’s the main thing they try to fight back against and they try to fight back against swelling or kind of puffiness or

Or edema if we want to use the medical term for for it um uh if there’s any of that going on then then I recommend patients make use of those um so if you do have like a a chronic uh like a knee issue and you know it it always swells

Up on me whenever I go running then that’s where something like a knee sleeve can be really good to kind of like stop that before it even starts um which can reduce some of the pain down the line as well um they don’t help a

Whole heck of a lot for like if you have a stability concern where like the knee is moving too much and it needs support like just that knee sleeve doesn’t add a ton of support to the area it’s a pretty flimsy guy right like it just it just

Kind of squeezes the knee um good for what it does um so certainly can be helpful for some of those um similar thing for after you did just like spraying something right if you spraying an ankle then using something like a tensor bandage to kind of compress the

Area and get the swelling out of there can be helpful um but uh but only if they’re swelling if it’s if you’re if you’re wrapping up something that doesn’t need to to reduce and swelling then there’s nothing for it to squeeze right so so from my understanding though

I mean I’m not trying to argue with you this is just way that I would think as a as a novice um trist feel free to use this line if it comes up the the the body’s natural reaction about against an injury is to make it

Swell it provides that um kind of buffer or padding or however you want to you know the extra fluid or whatever against that injury if you’re restricting that that swelling is that not a bad thing no that’s a great question I love that uh cuz you’re absolutely right you’re

Absolutely right and like you’re you’re smarter than some of our uh researchers about 20 odd years ago so uh some of hang on producer can you clip that please thank you yes yeah yeah so some of the uh some of the old old research came up with this nice acronym called

Rice which I’m sure a lot of us have heard right rest ice compression elevation um and so that was what what we were supposed to do anytime anything um got injured was rice it right yeah and those are all targeted towards getting rid of that inflammatory response where something kind of gets

Mad and angry and we can all picture that nice big swollen ankle after you sprain your ankle right um however just like you said then we did some more research into it and we learned that yeah sure those things are good at getting rid of that inflammatory response but the inflammatory response

Is the body does that for a reason right your body’s pretty darn smart and so that inflammatory response is a combo of bringing more building blocks to the area to repair the damage and building and uh bringing some other uh cells to the area that almost like suck up the

Garbage like the garbage trucks right so get rid of all the damag stuff bring in all the new stuff Kickstart that process and and then bring a bunch of blood and other nutrients to the area as well that’s what’s going on in that inflammatory process so we don’t want to

Stop that you’re absolutely right um so we’ve changed in our management a lot recently um in the in the physial world and in the medical world as well um to uh kind of take rice out of it and actually the the researcher who came up with rice then submitted a paper about

20 to 25 years ago so a while ago he submitted a paper actually disavowing rice he said I was wrong we we found out more that’s that’s no good I I apologize I was wrong I’ve changed my mind um and so uh that it’s it’s about 25ish I don’t

Know the exact date on the paper off the top of my head it’s about 25ish years back that that happened um unfortunately it takes some time for that to trickle trickle down the right it’s yeah I I have I have the privilege of reading all these things

Hot off the privilege or off hot off the press but uh that’s that’s not the case for everyone right um so now we’ve actually changed to a much longer acronym called peace and love so it’s like 12 things instead of four things um I won’t I won’t go through all of it

Because I can only remember 70% of it off top of my head but uh really what we try to do now instead is we let that inflammatory process happen for the first day or two um but typically 48 is hours is kind of our cut off that’s kind

Of the amount of like we want the we want the ankle to swell up but then we want it to come right back down again once it’s done the good job um so we try to keep it moving right we know that can start to decrease that inflammatory

Response is to just do some gentle motion uh again if we bring it to the ankle that’s like some ankle circles just moving it in some um um in some motions we try to use the area as quickly as we can so we try to get you

Walking as quickly as you’re ready for um we avoid anti-inflammatories so we don’t want to take anti-inflammatory drugs right off in that first 48 hours because we don’t want to kill that good response um and then um later on that’s when we start to if it’s still lingering

At 48 hours then we can start to talk about maybe some compression and some elevation and and even in those ice is now out of the picture as well we just know that’s that’s not very good at getting rid of swelling um so uh so we’ll focus on the the compression and

Elevation instead so things have changed but yeah great question and then just while we’re on the subject as well sorry Jimmy um well I’m always confused and always get told but I always forget which order it goes in you do have an injury is it

Heat first or ice first or is is one better than the other so again things are changing things are changing um so uh we we know that neither of them are any better or worse than the other uh typically in that first 48 hours right when we’re letting things swell up we’re

Letting things get angry we’re letting things kind of um do the good work of getting rid of the bad stuff bringing in the new stuff we don’t do either uh I’ll I’ll I’ll tell my patients just kind of let the ankle be um if they really have

To use something in that period then we can use ice but that’s really only as like a natural painkiller um if the pain is tolerable and if they can stand it then I’ll I’ll go without it but we can use ice for like the numbing factor of

It not for the healing properties uh but for like the numbing Factor then it can be useful once we get outside of that 48 Hours um then uh then if anything I’ll use Heat at that time okay because that’s always you know what I always get

Told is you know or even just mentally I think you know you’ve hurt your back you’ve you’ve gone out shoveling the driveway you know use something that’s happening right now um you feel a little bit stiff oh you know what I need I just need a hot bath and that kind of tends

To be your your your remedy your your fix for that issue so yeah yeah and and that that heat the hot bath the hot shower the the hot tubs right uh they uh they have they have more an effect of a relaxing effect than they do like a

Healing effect um we we again we we know now that our body is so so so good at regulating our core temperature um it’s going to need to be a really darn big heat pack that you put on yourself to actually change how hot your knee is

Right like our our body is way too smart for for that to be enough um and so uh so they have just as much of an effect of just kind of like letting the muscles relax and just letting you release and sink into that hot tub and and that can

Be much more of much more effective than any sort of like healing properties of it yeah but we’re getting down to the weeds of the the the the science of healing now the physiology the path of Fizz yeah probably a lot of mental as well like you said that just just the

Fact that you feel your in that hot bath you feel better you’re you’re thinking that’s make you know making your your knee go your swelling go down or your back pain go away all mental not not all not all mental say that some some mental

Yeah well you know darl you kind of led us to the next thing a little bit there because we were talking about heat and you know what one of the hot things is is the nice hot sun shining down in the middle of the ocean and you know maybe maybe that’s a

Cue it definitely could be so so just we’ve been talking about different scenarios and different things like that so one scenario I want to throw out to you is just imagine you’re on a nice Cruise you you finished the disc golf season you’re you’re out on a cruise you’re in the

Offseason uh but unfortunately the ship goes down your swim to shore luckily you’ve got your disc golf bag with you but some of the disc fell out and you end up on a on a disc golf Island and it has a nice 18 18 hole Disc Go course built on there for

You which three discs are you hoping that you have in your bag so in this scenario I was bringing my discs on a cruise with me and I was like hoping to swim to shore with them as a WRA or how does this happen here Daryl it’s your your most beloved three

Discs that you don’t want to leave behind you take them with you everywhere you go yeah yeah I’m not grabbing onto my wife or son in the scenario I’m grabbing on to my three discs and making sure they don’t they don’t go down with the ship yeah three I got three oh

Geez in in the past in the past people have typically you know like like you just did there people overthink the situation people have just you know I always say a putter a mid-range and a driver obviously if you listened to previous episodes Tim went with two

Firebirds and a firefly um s like yeah people have used zones for Putters people have you you know there all different sorts scenarios um you make up your bag however you want but these three discs which ones you know we can give you just a moment more to think

About it and tell you that Daryl right now when he lands on that island he’s rocking a Berg which is soon to be replaced by a ringer GT he’s also got an echo in there and he’s got a vandal that’s what he’s sitting with okay me

You saw me just the other night I’m sitting with that EV 7 F definitely got that for a putter then I’ve got my lazle hex and then I’ve got a Fulk is what I’ve got for mine so now what are you gonna do to slap us down if the two of

Us end up with those discs right beside you so I actually I had to make a call kind of similar to this last summer I didn’t go down on any cruise ships but um I did a uh a trip out to the island with my wife uh and out to Vancouver

Island and I knew that the town that we were staying in we stayed in kind of the the coox region I knew that they had a couple disc golf courses over on the island um but of course we were just going out for a week trip so I

Didn’t bring a big like I didn’t want to bring my disc golf bag I knew I’d be able to sneak out and go for a round um so I just brought three discs and I had to like I had no idea what this course

Looked like so I had to figure it out so the ones I ended up taking is I brought a nomad that’s my putting putter okay and I I typically don’t throw Nomad like in in uh in dayto day uh but I knew that if I threw it it’s it’s similar enough

To one of my throwing Putters that I can I can make it work so I’d bring a my Nomad electron soft Nomad um and then I would bring my favorite Buzz I got an ESP one with the memorial stamp on it Memorial Tournament stamp uh that I’ve

Just beat in perfectly so it’s a nice like dead straight Buzz um probably pretty darn similar ilar to that hex that you have at this point in time um by by how much trees I’ve hit with it um that’s one that’s got one of my Aces on

It too so a nice sentiment as well uh and then I’d probably bring another Ace disc as well I got a really beat up uh resistor which started off really stable but now it’s kind of like a pretty straight Fairway that I I uh that I throw all the time so probably yeah

Straight putter straight mid straight Fairway we can make it work whatever the course was like there you go not the first time that we’ve had anybody um say that they’re bringing a nom Kristen swirls brought brought the brought the Nomad button approach yeah yeah I I’m I’m very sad to leave

Behind my zones I think I beg four zones typically four zones but yet you didn’t want to bring one of them with you on the island you went through the buzz instead that’s a tough cut that’s a tough cut but the buzz I don’t know you’re making me

Second guess it Daryl no I’ll stick with it I’ll make it work but yeah normally I beg four zones that’s a that’s just off the list if I can sneak a fourth disc into my desert island it’s it’s gonna be it’s gonna be one of my zones awesome well you know what though

There is a first about this desert island discs Daryl this is our first guest who has gone to an island with three discs there you go yeah a real life desert ising this maybe yeah yeah that’s awesome so I guess we should ask how did those rounds go with the three that you

Brought uh they went pretty good um if I had looked at the uh the the course a little bit closer on udis I probably shouldn’t have brought any drivers to that course it was like a really short it was kind of like a lang hole M course

But with a lot more a lot more trees on it a lot more nice beautiful Island Trees um so I probably should have brought um probably like a Zone instead of that resistor instead but I don’t think I threw that resistor one time I just carried it around with me like a

Dummy the whole time and just like hey look at this nice pretty disc but hey that’s awesome done my research well Tristan that brings us kind of to the end of what we had for questions for you but what we want to do before we let you go is just give you a

Moment if there’s anything you wanted to say or to promote or to talk about this is your time so go right ahead sure yeah so um I mean if anyone has any questions about anything that we chatted about here uh feel free to reach out to me um

You can either kind of find me on some socials or find me on a course um I’m like I said I’m I’m always around especially Tuesdays and Thursday mornings on your local course somewhere as trying to sneaking around before work uh or you can shoot me Nino here at the

Clinic as well uh that’s just my name Tristan Pursuit you can find that up on our website as well um and and uh yeah look out for me at for sure at welcome day I’ll be out there with some with some stuff if you got any

Questions about Fido or or kind of uh any sort of aches and pains that you’d even just like me to kind of take a quick look at I’m more than happy to kind of take five minutes and talk through some stuff with you um and then there’ll be around some tournaments as

Well hopefully I’m not needed at any of those tournaments hopefully I’m just sitting on my thumbs all day long and uh no one’s get injured at all but uh but I’ll be around yeah always happy to chat especially with fellow disc golfers my favorite people to treat because I I

Know your sport the best that’s fantastic well thank you so much Tristan we appreciate having you on the show and and it was fantastic we can’t wait to get out there and see you we’ll see you at tunder toss we’re going to be there as well we’re playing in the

Tournament and like I said hopefully we’re just coming by to say hi that’s right hopefully I’m never needed right trying to work myself out of a job there you go all right thanks for having me on guys perfect thanks Tristan how about that Daryl we did it

Again I don’t want to keep saying they keep getting better and better because you that doesn’t that kind of doing a disservice to the previous guests but I think you know each episode I think we’re just hitting it out of the park with these guests you know we may not be

You know interviewing gurg we may not be interviewing kin heinberg we may may not be interviewing those people that everybody gets on the podcasts but we’re getting the the guests that mean a lot more to the golfers you know our level our you know people that we’re getting

The questions answered that pertain to our everyday disc golfers and and you know there’s a lot more um a kinship to the Our Guest think yeah well and and as you say that the other thing I’m thinking about with it is that last week we talked with Brendan and I couldn’t

Stop talking about course design that’s something that I learned a lot of information that I didn’t know we learned a lot about the behind the scenes of how a dis golf store Works how sponsorship works and then today you know I’ve done a lot of physio as I

Mentioned in my life but I learned so many things like you know just that whole fact that you mean for the last 25 years that I’ve been using rice it’s not been the right thing to do yeah exactly you know that I mean it’s the way things

Go right in the olden days they thought that you know giving a baby a whiskey to to on on a su or whatever to go to bed was was a nice way to make it to go to sleep sort of thing but you know times Chang you know opinions change and and

Research and and things like that and yeah just the same with um the rice aspect even with uh the stretching Dynamic stretching is is better than static stretching you know like you said like he was saying that how many times when we were growing up at school did uh

You know the fette teacher get you to put your arm across your chest get your arm across this chest um do lunges and things like that to try to stretch out those muscles right yeah and then still to this day like I just even think of um

You watch the beginning of any kids sport if it’s volleyball if it’s soccer whatever it is there is that 10 to 15 minute stretching rout routine for them to do yeah I mean it kind it’s almost counterintuitive because like whenever I used to go running or even before I go

For a hike or whatever I always feel like I need to bend over and touch my toes I want to stretch out my hamstrings I want to stretch out my calves but that’s that static stretch right I mean you know it may you know you’re I was

Always taught not to bounce because you don’t want to have that bouncing when you’re when you’re stretching is it’s one of those stretches where you you stretch and then you hold hold it for 10 or 15 seconds and then you’ll find you can push it that extra a little bit

Further but I don’t know maybe next time we go out on the disc gol course and you know me and you were together and I see you starting to do your stretch routine and maybe I can bring it back and say Tristan told you not to well you can

Do that if I’m putting putting my arm across my chest and just doing that one but when you see me moving as I’m stretching you better not give me a hard time like he said you know the the arm circles and things like that get the shoulders moving um definitely warming

Up on the putting B putting basket you know getting that motion with your your elbow your arms um and then yeah if you have the ability to throw a couple 50% mid-ranges on the first hole um that’s going to be way better than the static stretch so I think we all learned

Something today I do like that idea like you said and I have one of those little um actually another shout out to Mike Cary on this one was last year for winter Clinic he had 3D printed us like um a a piece of a disc and then you take

A zip and you put it onto um a rag or a towel and then what you end up having is you have a nice light piece item where you can kind of whip it and snap it and get the motion so as you said you know

That’s something I can do to warm up and actually do the physical motion of dis Golf and then throw a few Putters throw a few mids I I that just makes so much sense once you hear it and it’s not necessarily maybe you know we’ve talked

About this before is 10 people can tell you it but it takes the right person to tell you it I think tonight was the right person to to tell me that that tip and it makes sense really when you see the pros you know you see them running

Up to the teapad and they do their mock throw and they do their follow through you know we all think they’re just practicing their throw but you know there’s something to actually getting that range of motion as well so yeah another great guest a lot more information hopefully people you know

Leave comments in the or leave us a comment um how much information that new information that they’ve gained and hopefully they enjoy these guests that we get on yes exactly well we’re towards the end of the episode and you and I like to talk and give everybody an

Update on what’s happening in the Edmonton area in the disc Gulf uh scene and two of the things that are going on right now are winter league of course and putting league so ABS yeah so winter league last week was at Rundle Y and I was out there chasing a

Plus three is what personally I’m going to give you a little personal cuz I guess it is our podcast I can talk about those things can I yeah yeah you can you have the floor so in order for me to improve in winter league when we’re at Rundle I

Need to get less than a plus three but when we got out there Daryl the weather was nice it was warm enough I didn’t feel too bad had a you know thin pair of gloves but there was a wind out there which is typical for the river valley yeah yeah I’m guessing that

Didn’t fa too well in your favor well you know whole one okay hole two okay I don’t want to go through hole by hole but as we get going there you know even things were looking up with a I think I was had a nice try

At a birdie on hole three so was just kind of a nice par type round that was happening and then got out to Hole five which is at this point in the winter league layout is the long hole right and I’m typically a Hiser thrower as you

Know so I pulled out my musket but with the wind as strong as it was it turned it over it went right to the Mando tree m is not in play but still right you know that’s trouble that’s yeah and yeah and by the time we got through that hole

I think I shot a seven um and I was happy at the end of the round that I finished with a A plus seven I believe or a plus six it was uh it was up there so there was no records being broken by me right yeah but yeah yeah I mean

Conditions are hard right disc golf is hard if it was easy then uh we probably wouldn’t find it so enjoyable but it just gives you something to strike for next time well that’s it and even with all of that I still had a great round I still enjoyed myself it it was fantastic

That way now normally who are the two names you hear when I say who had the best round of the week there’s probably two names you hear over and over again Dylan Frolic Uncle Steve Newman what would you say if I told you neither of those people had the hot round of the

Week I would be amazed well be amazed my friend who you’re going to give a new name this week someone we’ve never heard of maybe well you’ve heard of him because he’s the only one so far in League who has actually aced a hole right okay so that would be Jacob

Newfeld so congratulations to him he had the hot round I I I I wish I was better prepared to tell you exactly what the number is I can just throw one out there and offer a correction later but I believe it was if you don’t say it if

You just if you just open your mouth and don’t say anything I’ll put the score up on the uh bottom of the screen so it like let’s do that get ready but don’t don’t tell anybody we’re going to do this though no no we won’t tell okay

Producer get ready here we go we’re going to do another take on this one so Jacob newfeld he had the hot round with a with a minus two this week I I don’t oh my goodness that that’s insane what we’re gonna do after we finish recording we’re gonna get you

Saying minus oneus two M and I’ll just pick and I’ll cut I’ll cut the right score and no one will know Jeremy it’s like seamless that’s right and I think I made just enough mouth motions to cover it there were not any extra ones there at all

Yeah exactly yeah awesome but yeah he had the hot round so um good good good for him yeah we had a great turnout and guess what the p a person came out who we haven’t seen at all this year at winter league we thought Easter budy yes

It was almost like that it was almost like the the Sasquatch or you know like you said Easter Bunny those those people you never see but the one and only and I’m using the one and only president of edga Tim plamondon came out wow yeah nice for him to

Probably one of his um you know got some free time and where else you’re gonna spend your free time if you get a if you get an open weekend where else you gonna spend it yeah so it was great to have him out there so thanks for him for

Coming out and playing around with us as well and then uh putting League was just last night yeah and we got to do a number of different things with that including of course the putting game and I know you love to guess putting games so what do you think Terry had in store

For us this time okay so let’s just recap we’ve had the straddle putt yes we’ve had the elevated basket on a chair nope no we didn’t have that no oh that’s what I thought it was going to be I thought she had it elevated we had the

Chains tied up we had the push butt right we had yeah chains tied up with an anheiser putt anheiser putt we had the push putt over the table yes from the knee well then I’m going to go again and say it was an elevated basket no but I’m gonna think she’s GNA

Have to do one of those soon because it I I just don’t know how she comes up with a new one every week do I get another guess or is that my guess is that open well that’s the official guest but you can always go for

Your um side prize if you want your participation sorry um I’m going to say this was a putt around an obstacle she put something in the middle of the directly in line with the basket and you had to pick a side left or right oh you are so

Close with this one okay Jeremy put me out of my misery what what was uh Terry’s game for this week well what she did is she repurposed a rolling coat rack that was in the space right so what she did was she rolled it over and then

She took two of the table cloths and H those over the uh coat rack making like a tunnel right in the center of the coat rack and then she pushed it about 5 feet in front of the basket so now you had to they they what they were saying was it

Was pretty much it was forcing you to do a spin putt because you had to keep it low enough that you didn’t go over the bar of the coat rack and you had to keep it straight enough because you couldn’t let it float left or right because you

You’d never get past the the tablecloths yeah okay yeah so I guess you said last week you went over the table which was like your push but and this week was underneath the curtain rail or the uh the coat rail so forcing you to a spin putt yes yeah and

I do like to toot my own horn once in a while so I thought you might like that that yeah that was good and that wasn’t even me putting on actual sound effects that was perfect that’s right I think I’ve told people I’ve got a second career as

A Foley artist I can I can do these sounds and make them up but yeah no I don’t know what it was darl it was that’s the putt I need to do is 25 feet and I need somebody to put a coat rack in front of the the basket just drag one

Around with you every so you did well yes I uh so we when we do that we have five Putters in our hand and we do a total of 25 putts that’s what we we do so we do five putts five times that’s how many did you get in yeah five five

Yeah I went 19 straight wow before I missed one right and then I missed one more so I had 23 out of 25 so I was the hot hand baby wow that’s awesome yeah maybe you need to change your putt because you typically like you say you’re that floaty um push putt maybe

And you’re you’re putting with the fee so or fi so it’s not like you had to change your put no maybe just need to change your putting style yeah I don’t know I think when I we were talking and Mark our friend of the show there he said you

Know what I’m going to do Jeremy is I’m going to get you big horse blinders and just put them on your head when you putt he’s like and that’s about as close as we’re going to get to set you up for the same style of putt yeah get the horse

Blinders on you get a baseball cap and pull the brim down low so that you just have this tight little toe that you can see that’s right so I guess what it is is I’m easily distracted is maybe really what this comes down to a really good jump 23 out of 25 yeah

Well and then the other two things of course that happen at putting league is that we get um the 50-50 draw that comes out and this was just for some money Kevin padis he won it this round another buddy of ours and he took the money home

I think he took like 15 bucks home there wasn’t a ton of people out this week or participating in it okay and then Frozen Ace comes up again right yes and guess whose name gets drawn well friend of the show Mark nope Kevin Patterson nope yours nope but you

Know what maybe if I tell you you heard this name just in our last episode that might help you um well maybe I mean could it be Wall-E yes it was Wall-E again wow so hopefully I’m hoping that this is leading up to the there was a different

Outcome this time well there was a different outcome you are correct so I think there’s $80 on the line is what there is right now in the Frozen a so w he stepped up and last last time when he won when his name was picked yeah he

Stepped up there and he went a little low so he missed it this time he stepped up yeah he didn’t go low but he went a little high a bit of an over correction from last week that’s right so I think next week if he gets his name first of all

We’ll have to check that Ballot Box to make sure it wasn’t rigged but yeah I guess he’s got left and right and then he could go Center is that kind of what we got it could do yeah could yeah well you know what was funny after that was I I grabbed Kristen swirls

Another friend of the show and I said to Kristen I said okay Chris and I I think I even used the deep dark voice a bit I said Kristen your ticket has been drawn you’re on the line for $80 you’ve already got $5 in your pocket because your name was drawn everybody’s watching

We’re all rooting for you you’ve got one disc in your hand put it in the basket so we both took one disc and that was tried to really set it up to give her that same thing just to say could we do it yeah so she didn’t do it okay I

Didn’t do I mean obviously there’s a reason why it’s called the ace part right it’s a it’s a difficult part to syn so but you know who stepped up after us oh Mr one Tim plamondon and he put it in right after us with one dis so don’t draw that man’s name yeah

With his Firefly yeah that’s right it was with I think he’s got five fireflies that’s what he’s throwing for sure yeah well at least it can be done then it’s not one of those uh you know funf Fair uh Sideshow games that you know are

Rigged in the the favor of the um the fun fair just goes to show you that it can actually be done yes it can and and credit to some other people too one of the luk brothers they they put one in and you know once you get enough chances

At it but I think it’s always when you’ve got the pressure on and you’ve got one and it is for money that’s when you really get the test of of where your putting’s at right yeah cool well we I don’t think we mentioned it in the beginning but we always try

And mention it in the beginning we never really do but we always save it for the end but if anybody’s listening at this point then thank yeah good job leave a comment and you know I want to feel I don’t want to make it too obvious I

Don’t want just to say a number and then somebody put the the number in the comments to say that they listen this far but if we can if we can sneak a word in if we can say a word right now and then in the comments get someone to

Leave that word in the comments in the sentence so that nobody else can copy the the word oh good idea but nothing diso related maybe we can just throw a different word if you’ve been listening this far into the into the podcast it you know maybe that’ll be a little fun

Thing that we can get them to say well I think what we can use is if I’m sitting here and I’m looking straight ahead I’ve got uh one of my lights propped up on some board games okay there you go so one of the board games in front of me

Has the man with the top hat on it so let’s use Monopoly Here you go you’ve listened this far into the podcast don’t just write the word monopoly put it in a sentence so that other people can’t guess what the word is and then we will

Know that you’ve listened to the end of the show and maybe you’ll get a shout out next week so there you go um but while we’re talking about leaving comments and things like that if you’ve enjoyed this episode please leave a like on the video and if you’re just listening to this episode

And you haven’t please subscribe and also go and follow us on Instagram and Twitter and Tik Tok as well any platform really we’re on everywhere chainchain out podcast except for Instagram where it’s chain out podcast yeah and then while we’re talking about socials Jimmy yes we have

Something big lined up we do we are looking we do we we we don’t want to say exactly what it is but something is going to come when we reach a certain Milestone yes we’re that’s all we’ll say for now we’re we’re putting something together here it’s in the works it’s on

The way and once we get it we’re going to give a chance to show you guys on the Pod and tell you all about how you have a chance to get your own contest win there you go exactly it all comes back full circle it just our little our

Little way of of giving back if you uh like And subscribe our videos and and follow us on all the platforms it’s just a little way of giving back to you so more DL follow I think yeah and with that too you know we’ve talked about milestones in a while

And we we didn’t talk about it recently because we didn’t have one but as of today we kind of do because I think when we shouted out about our YouTube subscribers before we told you we had 20 and we were excited yeah and then we had

40 and we were excited and right before the show darl and I took a look and we are now at 60 subscribers yeah it’s amazing how every time we you know it almost seems that every time we check it’s gone up another number you know and then we think okay

Well maybe we’ve gotten to a point now where everybody who’s going to listen is going to listen or gonna subscribe sort of thing but every day just keeps climbing up so thanks for that keep it coming yeah we’re like have we got all of the Edmonton in area and then the

Alberta area and hopefully the Canadian listeners I mean you know a little bit of foreshadowing but you know we like Tim said we have over 400 edga members so Tim keeps reposting our videos I know Edmonton on Instagram keeps reposting the clips and things like that so if everybody that follows

Edgar came and followed us and subscribed to the YouTube channel then you know it wouldn’t be too long before we were anywhere near that magical 400 number would be awesome yes that would be fantastic yeah so with that another thing we haven’t done in a while too darl is we haven’t talked

About some of our big name Canadian disc golfers or pros and I wanted to talk about it because I had kind of an exciting moment for me um lately which I didn’t really realize was something that happen and it probably happens on a regular basis but I just

Didn’t didn’t even occur to me so we’ve been following Thomas Gilbert we’ve been following Casey Hanam we’ve been following Shantel binsky all the top Pros in Canada yeah and Thomas Gilbert was doing a big giveaway I think he had like 30,000 follower giveaway or something like that it was this huge

Prize pack he’ put together yeah but I guess he’s earned it yeah so when uh he went live today and I just happened to have a chance to go on and check it out and be part of it yeah and while he was doing it he was just he’s such a nice

Guy he’s so accommodating he said you know I’m gonna wait for some people to get on this live uh this live broadcast and while I do it I’ll answer questions and he like legitimately was just scanning the list of everybody’s comments and questions and trying to

Quickly answer as many of them as he could yeah and I think I threw like over the time he was on there I threw like four questions his way and he acknowledged every single one of them and I’m like what I just like had a four question conversation with Thomas

Gilbert here you go yeah no that’s awesome I was I actually did go back and watch it I didn’t uh you know he was answering the questions he didn’t always shout out the person’s name so I didn’t hear your name mentioned or anything like that but you know yeah like you

Said nice guy took the time didn’t didn’t just come straight on do his giveaway and then leave again he actually came on I think he was on for like 15 or 20 minutes yes um answering questions and then SED a lucky winner of the uh the 30,000 follower giveaway

Which is a a great prize as well so yeah I mean never have a word to say about Thomas no and the one thing too with Thomas um when he here’s a couple more things I wanted to mention about him right now was in that live feed there were some questions of what

Tournaments is he playing there people just kept asking are you playing this are you playing this are you playing this are you playing this um and a few of the ones that were asked was one was the tournament Capital open in cam loops that’s just getting ready I think it’s

Got some limited opening to their registration um but he said yes I will be at the Tour Tournament Capital open and then someone asked will you be at the Foxwood open that’s out in onario and he was yes I will be back at the Foxwood open I think he plans on being

In Ontario for most of May playing some tournament yeah and then the third thing he said was he will definitely be at Canadian Nationals apparently there’s a couple other fairly sizable not Pro Tour tournaments but big tournaments in the US and he and people were asking about those and he’s like nope that’s

Nationals weekend won’t be there nope that’s Nationals weekend I will be at Nationals so we’re really edging to get to Clear Water we’ve been tossing around whether we can do two BC trips and maybe get to TCO but if we get to Nationals we’ll get to maybe meet him in person

There you go yeah maybe maybe me we we’ve talked about it before that you know when we started our goal by the end of the year or by five years or whatever the case you know whatever our game plan was think you said five years yeah okay

I said five years because that was back in the early days and I didn’t think that anybody would listen to this podcast but um yeah we set that goal of like those are Canadian disc golfers Shantel binsky Foo Thomas Gilbert M those are the the kind of like I don’t

Even want to say two holy Grails because I think I say the royalty of Canadian discol maybe something like that yeah but they were they were like the you know what we were striving more who the the top names that we thought that we could interview but you know maybe

Everything comes you know maybe everything is done for a reason and if we get out to um Nationals he’s there and you know we’re out there with the little cameras and microphones and maybe by then he’s uh heard of us are you are you saying we’re going to be Paparazzi

Is that is that what we’re doing we’re not going to be Paparazzi we’re going to be media we’re going to have media batches yes yeah that’s awesome well you know the other thing about Thomas as well was last year and you know and he said it in his videos working on his OB

And you know he didn’t get a really high shout out there on tour lifee when um they were doing some stats because he wasn’t really the highest in some of those stats but the one thing is is I’ve been checking out some of the videos he’s posted and even in that live chat

He was talking about how he has revamped his entire backhand form and he is looking good like I think this is going to be a great season for him if anything from what we’re seeing in the videos he’s posting is a is an indication he’s

Gonna have a great year this year and he recently just won a tournament as well his first tournament that he’s won on on American soul for quite a while uh quite yeah quite some time so that just shows it it’s a step in the right direction

And like yeah like you said any any of the throws that I’ve been seeing him throw just look buttery uh sweet um I did I I think one of his videos I put a comment on it was one I think he might have said um what do you think I need to

Do this year or what do you what goals do you think I have for this season or something along those lines and I kind of posted a comment saying because I know one of the videos he posted was that he was playing with um Chris Clemens yes and he obviously we spoke uh

Before about it with Joe um that he had Chris on one of his videos talking about not going OB because Chris has one lowest percentages uh on tour so I made a comment saying just don’t forget what uh Clemen a said and I’m sure you’ll be fine and he responded he liked the

Comment he responded he’s like absolutely you never forget it so yeah I think all things are looking definitely more positive this year and hopefully yeah maybe we’ll see him at the the top leard instead of and I think too while we’re talking about Pros I do want to

Shout out a couple more um for a minute here before we wrap up and one of them is you and and I have it on our two watch list but we haven’t watched it yet so we’ll suggest it for other people is that Shantel binsky just put out a in

The bag video so you get an idea of what she’s going to be throwing from Prodigy this year uh so that’s one that we’re looking forward to watching and you guys could put on your list and the other person I wanted to shout out on the pro side of things and

Not necessarily Canadian but has a Canadian connection and that is Raven and she was uh Raven and she was um up at Canadian Nationals in Thunder Bay and if you haven’t watched the park Pro coverage it’s up there and it’s it’s really good it’s done well and that’s a really exciting

Um tournament to watch especially that last round so I’m not going to give any spoilers away at this point if you haven’t watched it because I know not everybody gets a chance to to watch the past or the post-produced stuff but she had a a great tournament there so really

Watch for the end of that but she’s just heading down on tour and we were laughing earlier today because she put out a little video with kind of a Nacho Libre background to it just showing what tour life is like and you got to watch

It it’s like what is it like 25 seconds or something Daryl yeah something like 25 30 seconds uh yeah like you said it was a good C video on Instagram um different camera angles edit it yourself together things like that so yeah it’s a good video good watch yeah well you know

Moving from that news we do have some other news it’s not the the greatest news to announce but we really want to take a chance to acknowledge it and at this point here um unfortunately we lost a dis golf store in Edmonton so Gander disc golf is now closed um they just

Would have by the time you’re listening to this they probably had their last sale on Saturday their last date that they were going to be open to clear out their discs and you know we just want to take a moment and say thanks to Calvin for everything he did for the community

Whether it was the Edmonton open and all the different events that he sponsored the fact that we actually had a brick and mortar disolf only store in Edmonton offering putting leagues all of those things there so hopefully you had a chance to go out and um you know support

Him like I was feeling a little bit hesitant about maybe going and buying the discounted discs thinking I you know I didn’t want to feel like I was a vulture or something picking over stuff but you know in talking to some other people they kind of had communicated

Well every disc that he can sell is just some more money to help with the closure of the store and something that he doesn’t have to try and try and get rid of after that so I know you and I both have bought a few discs and and by this

Point we’ve picked them up and you know we want to still Calvin’s going to be in the community we want to get him on the show um at a time when it makes sense and when he wants to come on because there’s so many other things that he

Does for the disc golf community and we want to talk about that but at this point here thank you Calvin and I’m sure you want to say something there too Dar so go ahead yeah no exactly I just want to Echo your words like you said he’s a

A great figure in the community if you dis golf in Emon then you know who Calvin is um all the work that he did the TD at the Edmonton open I did message him and he did say that he was still going to TD the Edmonton open this

Year at least I don’t know what he’s going to do going forward um but yeah you know um with the Eda Gander take down the event that they ran in the summer there I was you know I was on that event as well um always giv back to

The Disco Community um you know like I said anyone who knows um disc and Edmonton if you didn’t I mean not only the fact that we supported him during the end there we know buying the discs um like you said it had a bit of a Bittersweet feeling to it but hopefully

People didn’t just um support him during the end you know I know both of us have gone there and bought this during the the good times as well um and like you said I had a bit of a relationship with him not really relationship I guess but

Um to a few times volunteering for the Edmonton open there um he was kind of Miley a on um so yeah it’s just it’s sad news um he’ll be missed um but hopefully there’s a silver lining something else hopefully there he’ll be still involved somehow in dis golf in Edmonton in the

Future so fingers crossed and uh we appreciate all everything he’s done yes and as you said like I I think we both kind of analyzed the amount of discs that we have and I know over half of my discs came from Gander including the first three that I bought when I started

Playing and then even more recently our gyro paloa boxes had come from them as well so thank you Calvin we really appreciate it and uh wish all the best and we look forward to talking to you at another time so thanks for that and then

Uh let’s roll it in before we end the episode let’s roll it in with some good news so I’m going to hand it over to you and talk a little bit about tunder toss yeah well I mean by this we a couple episodes ago we did a live registration

Um update while we were registering for tund hos um we did tell we did warn everybody get in quickly because registration and yeah get in quickly because registration is going to be full um it was so full in fact that there was quite a few people on wait list um so

They did announce that they’ve extended it from 18 holes to it’s going to be a 20 hole tournament so you’re getting four extra holes so what do you like to say 40 holes for the round of 30 uh for the price of 36 yeah that’s right yeah

Register now and you’ll get 40 holes for the price of 36 at Tundra toss 3 in Edmonton Alberta yeah uh so that’s really exciting news it’s we knew it was going to sell out um you know I don’t think I think last year they added a

19th Hole um but this year they’ve had to add one more hole to that as well so um even if you don’t come down for chundra like like I say registration is full um but even if you come down on registration day welcome day pick up

Your bag tag sign your NCO waiver forums um there will be the little Community event happening there so we’ve already heard from Tristan that he will be on site um celebrities from the chain out podcast world will be on site as well um there’ll be other people in the

Community um avail ailable there in what capacity you know they have yet to announce but it’ll be a good day to come down and uh see everybody in the disc community and within Edmonton yes and I think an exciting part for everybody who was there last year we all know what the

19th hole is that’s not going to change that’s going to be the same one but the 20th hole is going to be a brand new hole for all of us so it’ll be pretty exciting so yeah we’ll see you there and darl you know what what when we go play

That 20th hole we’re going to be playing it blind we are and we’re gonna have some new discs in our bag that we picked up from uh Calvin there yeah and I think if you’re gonna play a blind you should take a brand new disc that you just got

From uh Calvin from Gander there yeah throw that disc at the basket It’s Gonna Fly Like a Bird it is it’s going to sail towards that basket it’s going to go towards the chains and the one thing it’s not going to do buddy what’s it not going to do never ever

Couldn’t it’s will never ever ch ch out thanks for listening everybody we’ll catch you next week sounds good thanks everybody see you on episode 14 14 Next


  1. Tristan was an awesome guest; great questions to him as well guys. That was interesting to hear the points on stretching and the RICE treatment method.

  2. Great Episode guys! I think that you guys are almost rounding the board, we should play a game of Monopoly one of these days!

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