85 MPH BALL FITTING // Is Left Dash Pro V1X The Perfect Choice?

Today we have a special guest in the bay, Ronnie, on his 18th appearance on the channel is here to get fit for his preferred ball this season. See what Ian thinks will treat him best between the -Pro V1X, Chrome Tour X and the Pro V1X.



Club Champion:
Ian Fraser:
Mike Martysiewicz:
Filmed at: Club Champion Toronto
Custom Golf Club Fitting Studio – Toronto, Canada

Right on the money that feel pretty good it feel pretty good not spectacular but solid yeah like a shot that you’d appreciate on playing in a match right I would guess that the middle ball the Chrome soft TX is the spinni of the three the Chrome 2x is the spin so far

It seems to be grabbing the face the most you feel like can you you you sort a little bit more softness to it all right guys welcome back to the channel we have a huge I have a huge streat today I have my favorite your favorite uh sort of contributor to the

Channel we’ll call Ronnie that but he’s a friend of the channel great to have you back thrilled to be back thank you our 18th video together on the channel 18th videos I didn’t realize it had been as many I thought we’d maybe done 10 or

12 18 uh next month March will be the fifth anniversary of us of me being invited to communicate to my community which is seniors in slow swing golfers so uh thrilled to be back uh representing them I love it I love it you know you and I’ve talked offline

About the big enablers to golf yeah and no specific words equipment right body and movement physical and coaching and Technical and all those three pieces they’re all coming together and working them all hard and um when you’re doing all those three things well yeah uh you have the opportunity to get better and

That’s what’s been happening so really happy with last year how young are you I just turned 69 you must be in the top 1% of golfers who at the age of 65 to on 65 to 70 that window they get better every year that must be in the so you know who

We can ask that question I Lou at uh Aros we’ll ask them that’s fascinating because I think they capture age in the profile yeah as part of as part of that yeah I’m I know I’m Defying Gravity and so far I’m winning but I know it’s not

Going to last too much longer so now today we’re going to test your gamer golf ball for right now which is the left Dash Pro v1x that is which I think will surprise a lot of people on here yeah so we are going to test that

Because I don’t know if that’s the well I don’t I suspect that’s not the right one for you and in talking to you a little bit about this I think you suspect that might be the case too if I were to go to bamk or to my golf spy uh

Stuff it would be not top three no but I did a lot of testing with my coach and the left Dash driver performance buried everybody in terms of distance and carry I looked at the encour performance so that’s why a lot of people going what’s he doing the left Dash because people

Who know me know I’m always searching for Spin and the left Dash is a little bit below the X but above the Prov in terms of spin right right ex exactly right so yes uh off the books uh on un usual but on course it performed okay so

For you and I to sort of engage in this I had two golf balls in mind that I wanted to test we done a test actually it was released last I think it was last Monday we done a test of three different golf balls we done the brand new Chrome

Tour which is the new version of the chrom soft LS so the low spin so basically left Dash from Callaway um we done tp5x another really nice golf ball and we also done Prov 1X okay right so that was the uh the three we tested last week now those balls all performed really

Well in their own ways but there was quite a spin Delta when it got in especially into the mid irons Chrome tour was much lower in spin chrom soft Sor of prov1x was much higher in spin and tv5x was somewhere in the middle and was was some people upset that we tested

Those three golf balls against one another Ronnie because they said well that’s not a fair comparison those golf balls are not like one another that was the point of the test okay because I want to give you and you options that when we test golf balls I want the

Person who’s high in spin to go yes that looks like the one for me and the person who’s low in spin to go amazing so and I think of you what would Ronnie use that’s higher in spin give him some lift Prov v1x you know Chrome t x those types

Of options so this is more of a like for like comparison today right okay we’re going to do a usual test 50 yards y partial wedge we’re going to do a full pitching wedge full seven iron and we’re going to do the driver your standard uh ball testing approach B test all right

And before we start off what am I looking for spin for sure ball speed so what are my my wants I would say to be honest the the number one thing that I always default to when it comes to the ball test standard deviation does it do

The same all the time whether it’s high or whether it’s low you just want it to be predictable okay you just need to know it’s going to do it there’s nothing worse than looking up and you get a surprise from what your golf ball does fall short maybe falls into the the

Creek or whatever it might do I just want to see this the tightness and standard deviation now if we can get high speed good launch good spin all that sort of stuff great we’ll take that too all right let’s we’re going to start your 50 yard shot with uh with the left Ash

Ronnie that’s that’s the one lovely Ry that is a beauty okay very nice we are going to move on to our first alternative golf ball so Callaway’s firm core soft cover this is the golf ball that I would say would be in the conversation for the best in class for somebody looking for

Speed and spin compression you got to be careful with compression as a metric it’s measured different ways by the oems well by the industry okay so you get some people who’ll measure it in compressions you can have as high as 100 I’ve seen as high as 113 callow used

To have a a a c was it was called a hex tour black golf ball years ago it was a rock and it was apparently 113 compression some people tell you you can’t get to 113 compression you just got to be a little bit you know in terms

Of like being attached too much to numbers on that okay um so 50 yard shot nothing changes let’s see what we get from this really nice excellent strike in those last two was lovely lovely Ronnie okay Pro v1x good perfect such a nice strike anything from your feedback

Having hit those first few so the the last two balls the Chrome tour X and the prov1x felt softer off the face versus the left Dash lovely that was good that was good that was proper very good okay Okay Chrome tour X like that yep just like that that was proper yep PR

Good nice one Ronnie fell free that was good I just think I just love I love your swing when you just let it go a little bit that felt good sounded great good yep numbers are looking nice one more good free swing are you notic anything are you are you

In the zone here I would guess that the middle ball the Chrome soft TX is the spinni of the three the Chrome TX is the spinni so far it seems to be grabbing the face the most you feel like can you you you s a little bit more yeah

Softness to it but not softness that it’s not rebounding but soft but it’s grabbing right well so I think we’ve done the friction test I would say the 50 and the wedge of the friction test now we’re getting into a little bit more of the trajectory test right so seven

Iron is where we start to often this is actually with the biggest discrepancies are shown on seven AR and then they they slim down again in driver gotcha really good Ronnie shoulder rotation an ideal one there cuz I rotated properly oh so like a flusher finally

Yeah that was that was a great sound strike that was proper yeah nice Okay Chrome tour for me let’s see if your correlation yeah see see let’s see what happens very good some of the stuff you you say and observe scares me you’re like a soothsayer nice

Ronnie right on your carry number 142 there that’s it yeah lovely very good okay prov1x that’s as good as it gets right there that was a good one right that was lovely okay right on the money Lely Ronnie Love lovely trajectory on that one I felt yeah I mean you’re you’re striking

Them really really nicely that’s a beauty Ronnie as crisp as they come okay guys for those who don’t know or haven’t seen Ronnie’s driver video in the past g430 Max 12° turned onto a small plus so plane 13 autoflex 405 tour velvet midsize 19 gam what we do 19 or 17 gram

Been 17 I’m going to say 17 17 I think it was and share with everybody why did you you went from the 22 standard was 25 is Max standard so down to 17 because because that’s that’s the the whole value proposition of autoflex is Swing me faster and I’ll I’ll send you further

It’s not going to happen if we if we slow down the the um Club speed with to heavy of a head we that’s a nice one Ronnie boy what was the peak height on that look 69 they seem low and they are low correct yeah they could definitely do with some

Spin yeah it’s got a bit of a dippy flight today doesn’t it yeah it’s not ideal is it well you know those two hits are a good example because one is just about on the equator line of the drive and delivered 1,900 worth of spin which doesn’t leave you much wiggle room

Should you stray high and you did stray high and you get punished for it so you end up losing 10 yards or so of of carry distance based on too low of a spin a Back Spin relative to your ball speed nice one Ronnie Love L little push

Draw love the push draw for you because it just it keeps the ball in the air that fraction longer okay last um go around we have Chrome t x that was a nice one yeah when you rotate semi properly that’s what happens that was 210 carry yeah two eight yeah very good lovely

Rony excellent good good good okay last ball last but not least right pro1x nice very good right on the money that feel pretty good it felt pretty good not spectacular but solid yeah like a shot that you’d appreciate on playing in a match right definitely the money Bowl Beauty

Yeah so e i purposely was not looking at the numbers so I am fascinated as to what the numbers uh summarize to so it followed a pattern it really did it was uh you can always wonder if it will start in One Direction and then there’ll be some sort

Of you know twists and turns along the way in the journey let’s just start with the 50 yard because I think we start our sort of conversation uh because that’s what this is this isn’t you know this isn’t an argument you know we don’t start our argument there because

Ultimately between the player and an advisor we’re going to talk about it and we’re going to come to you know conclusion together if we think we’re moving in the right direction left Dash launch the highest spun the least you know we would probably say from 50

Yards spin is going to be our friend and advantageous you typically pitch with that 56 degree wedge I would want you to have more spin because there was a couple that we caught and we didn’t maybe quite get them right and it ran it ran out quite a lot so that spin is

Going to help us regulate that distance between where it lands and where it stops so as expected left Dash was the lowest Chrome TX was the highest we go to pitch and wedge um we start to see a bigger difference now spin dropped down

To 5,000 Chrome TX now at 58 provy 1X at 6,000 but I’m starting to see these two perform really really similar to the point where could probably argue the direction the ball has went so if you look at the Chrome t x slightly left of the prov1x right anything that’s left is

Going to be slightly more shut face less Dynamic Loft that probably is the difference in spin but really really close between those two okay seven iron can I interrupt here is this we spoke a little bit offline is this where the balls separate and identify their

Personality as in the IR the wedge and the Seven is when the biggest discrepancies tend to happen um left Dash was quite a bit bit lower um and we can see that there between where the ball lands and where the ball runs to right we we and and you mentioned

Something about you you don’t really have a hard time stopping the ball you know on the green with the proper hit no I don’t yeah with the proper with the proper trajectory if if I look at if I kind of go in and and kind

Of take a look at land angle oh yes so you’re averaging actually across all three shots your land Ang with seven iron is about the same so it’s what it does when it hits the green beyond that what does the spin do at that point does

It does it stop it or does it let it sort of run on and Chase on the same way that if we’re going to hit the ball into Fairway with the driver we want it to be coming in on an angle of descent shallow enough that we’re going

To get that run out of it when it hits the ground at the minute you’re getting a little bit too much out of the out of the left Dash so I’m just with 10 yards a run I’m disappointed with that I would look for six seven uh so I’m

Disappointed with that number yeah so we would rather you were sort of in this territory and really you could take your pick whether you think one is the or the other is the best it probably if anything had to lean toward pro1x but these are close enough that’s well

Within well within kind of the tolerance um which is excellent and we talked about we thought maybe it comes to the driver and that’s where left Dash really shows itself to be the best it didn’t because we had a little if we look over at driver we could have

Had a this is a always think is a bit of a a exaggeration in the the picture but we had a little bit of a high strike going on today and and I think we may have selected the wrong plastic team maybe maybe but you know if if you were to go

Because we match the tea height to your gamer tea height you would have got the same experience in the golf course today so if we look at this the ball speed was lowest off left Ash spin was lowest and that resulted in the least carry right prov1x was excellent

Dispersion I mean to be honest both of those were fantastic we think the the left Ashman pick a winner good luck it’s basically the same right and and if I actually go back to seven and do the same thing pick a winner good luck right this this was the fascinating thing for

Me slightly more distance on the uh on the with the wedge on the Chrome tour ball speed was slightly higher but so I think what we’re seeing is both of the golf balls are better than what you’ve got the left Ash but there’s not that much of a

Strong argument for it it’s definitely this one they’re both fantastic priced the same in that premium window yeah uh quality uh I would say until recently now this quality is something we haven’t ever T we don’t do the cut them in half and test them we know my go by other

Independents have done that and and really shown that a few years back cway maybe didn’t have the cores as centered and some things like that it was around that time probably 2018 is they invest I think it was about $50 million in the ball plant and I think that’s story was quite well

Documented they are now adamant that they will from a quality standpoint put their golf ball up against any ones right and if you can do a test like this and and you know we’re testing these two which are like for like Chrome TX prov1x you put them against each other in the

Market you know I would see a lot of people will see a test as close as this fascinatingly close it’s nearly a dead heat and you’re seeing much a and you’re seeing that’s pretty unusual yeah very unusual I mean the the human sort of variable or the tolerance of you

Could hit three more balls and then they flip that’s how close this is this isn’t there’s there’s no winner from from it being this close right um see7 the Callaway felt a little bit softer but not sluggishly soft right um and it’s funny hitting the other two ball the X and the

Chrome my left Dash felt hard yeah when you’re comparing against your yeah if when you have that comparison it kind of yeah elevated how hard the ball is and if we can say that if all else is equal which it was you know if we if we can go

Through these testing and go we’re actually not picking up anything anywhere right we’re not picking up any ball speed with the seven iron test we’re certainly not picking up any any launch conditions um cuz the the spin was low and the launch was lower and actually the ball speed was lower as

Well largely because a strike point being a touch high but at no point did left as show me something right that could even make that argument that it should stay in the bag as your Go full of choice so here’s my thinking mhm left Dash gone y I’ll buy two sleeves of each

Ball y take him on the course exactly see how it behaves at my home course durability putting yeah putting uh let’s not think forget about putting right and make a decision after playing three four rounds with each ball what do you think that’s exactly what I would the anyone to do in

This case okay take your pick they’re both fantastic there’s no there’s as you said it’s a dead heat for the most part for me to get a new gamer in February like I’m like in Heavenly Bliss KN I’ve got another piece of the equipment to your point the the part of equipment I

Use every shot right absolutely absolutely something I think is going to be meaningful in every shot you know we’re we’re always scratching cuz we’ve optimized your equipment to a large degree we’re scratching for any games we can get so if we get some launch and some spin wins you know whatever it

Might be and and we we could have talked off camera you had a very easy time getting the ball flight going with those two golf balls it seemed to be harder with left yeah I mean you did make that observation so and it was it was telling

Because it kept happening and it was every every Club every Club every Club so I’m not sure if there’s just something in that left Dash that you know that if you don’t quite get it you can of get that dippy flight and that’s the one we want to avoid with you all

Times your golf course is lots of elevation change if you’re hitting up to a high elevated green hitting a t-shirt uphill whatever it might be the dippy one is the killer for you and my course it’s a killer then yeah so I’m hoping today’s video for my community seniors

90 clubhead speed on driver will get some good learnings from today yeah I think I think anyone at that club head speed is going to learn something um you know I I give kudos heavily to the guys at my golfs byy with the amount of ball

Testing they do and you you are the what they consider to be the slow swing speed tester I think it’s like 85 miles I’m just on past threshold but still slow swing speed very very much right there I think today you’re actually you’re right on it because I think today you’re maybe

Slower than I’ve seen you in a little bit so uh in terms of Club head speed we’re down a touch today yeah 84 and a half 80 just shy of 80 um 4 85 so you’re right there you’re talking to a large community helping a large community to

Be honest good which is good excellent love it thanks for the invite love when you can come and do it Ronnie anytime you can uh I think there’s a lot to be learned for the audience so I definitely appreciate it as always we’ve got some

Some things to look at in your bag so okay we have have a date for a couple weeks time perfect can’t wait get that done okay guys I hope there was really something in there for the golfer who’s looking at the golf ball looking for what differences are you going to see

Between something that is known to be a distance golf ball but with premium characteristics like the left Dash you see guys like Bryson D Shambo playing it uh there’s lots of players with high speed play it for its lower spin but fast ball speed characteristics I I always thought when when a new

Was playing that golf ball that maybe we could squeeze some other things out of the performance and I think I saw exactly what I was hoping to see today so little bit more spin little bit more lift no dropping ball speed if anything a little bit of a gaining ball speed I

Think Ron will see that in the golf course with all those little subtle gains that he tries to make for as hard as he works at his game those are very very meaningful so hope they would be for you as well so stay tuned for more

With Ronnie and we will see you again soon


  1. Nice to see you back Ronnie. Ian May I ask should Ronnie’s lie Angle be change a few Degrees? The Toe was till down on all his testing the Golf Ball? Would a thicker Mat be Use on Irons Shots to do better Iron Testing? On Ronnie’s Driver should he Have a Shorter Tee height to be Closer to real Play? Also on Testing Golf balls more hits in the center line be a little truer ? Thanks. And I like Callaway Chrome Soft LS

  2. What effect does dimple pattern have on ball performance and is it acceptable to discount dimple pattern with GC Quad testing?

  3. Do you know why guys get better after 65? RETIREMENT and, therefore, the opportunity to play more than once a week or less.

    Very interesting test.

  4. First off congrats to Ron!! Improving your game each year from 65 yrs old to 69 yrs old is quite an accomplishment. Turning 65 this fall and appreciate the inspiration. Timing of this session is right as I just bought my first dozen left dash Pro V1x’s a few hours before this dropped. I will experiment with my launch monitor against my regular ProV1x’s and analyze the tendencies highlighted in the video. Thanks for the superb and detailed content on the channel fellas. Appreciate how committed the program is to uncovering the slightest opportunities for game improvement. 😊

  5. Great to have Ronnie back in the bay and looking so well (damn I'm just a wee bit jealous)
    I hope that he has a great season in 24 and has many more to come in the future

  6. So.. they're all really good. But too much $ for me even though I lose one or two at most per round. I just use clean second-hand premium balls purchased from a local guy for 1/3 of the price.

  7. Great to see a video for the seniors. I found it both helpful and informative. I’ve obviously missed previous videos as it’s the first time I’ve actually seen a senior on your channel. You mentioned that Ronnie is in the top 1% but it wasn’t clear what you were referring to, please can you expand?

  8. Ronnie, do yourself a favor and pick up MaxFli Tour X. I've been gaming Left dash for 3 years and this ball is ridiculously close to Left Dash in carry and backspin. Your wallet will also thank you

  9. Good test. I get this question a lot about recommending balls for slower or older players. I tell them a prov1x style ball (chrome X, srixon XV/diamond etc…).

    Your test doesn't necessarily prove that but has some support. Would be nice to have a slower swinger test the "X" balls versus the lower compression balls with urethane cover, like the Qstar tour, tour response or AVX.

    Get stuff!❤

  10. Just a quick observation. I've noticed in this video and others when you are using the Quad for face data, most of the shots show that it was hit thin. I believe many have found the foresight recommendations for sticker placement are off and the two middle stickers should be lower. You may already be aware and are just using the horizontal info but just wanted to mention it. Thanks.

  11. Is there any particular reason you chose the 17g weight rather than the High Launch weight at 11g? I would assume it’s to get a certain swing weight for Ronnie. Just curious

  12. The only element I’d add is perhaps Ronnie would like to have a putt before deciding?

  13. I was wondering Ronnie would have done with the Bridgestone Tour RXS since it is aimed for swing club speed of less than 105mph

  14. I was really expecting to see a 2024 TP5 vs TP5x video today. Not to mention they aren't even included in your video here.

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