Kyle Shanahan Legacy, Tiger Leaves Nike, Chiefs Tease A 3-Peat, & Open Mic Q&A

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I mean well let’s don’t wishy-washy about it is the NFL scripted or is it not man I think they got billions of reasons uh to to have an interest in who’s there is the NFL scen I’m going to yell yell it a little louder cuz I don’t

Think you heard is the NFL scripted or is it not absolutely there you go okay now that we got that out of the way so you’re a flat earther NFL scripted we’re going all the way that way all the way all the other conspiracies but you know sometimes when you start labeling

Yourself Sports entertainment and there’s billions of dollars on the line I don’t believe there’s not some people you know uh blowing some wind in the sail to make the boat move that makes sense welcome to Big B daily no frauds Allowed What is going on everybody what is going on this is your man Big B welcome back to the Big B Daily Show we are live on Tik Tock what’s going on Tik Tok and we are Live on YouTube what is happening YouTube We Appreciate everybody being

Here in here today man we got a lot going on today so we got Shanahan’s Legacy that we’re talking about about what he can do to possibly change it and what has gone wrong talking about Tiger Wood’s new brand Sunday red Sunday red we are talking about that and GNA find

Out what’s going on and and also talk about his old his legacy with Nike and then what the Chiefs need to do to threepiece so we’re g to talk about all of that stuff so thank you guys for coming in today let’s get it going and like I mentioned as always again Tik

Tock keep tapping the screen need at least 5,000 likes so just keep tapping the screen want to get as many people in here as possible click on and give us a follow if you’re not following already click on the YouTube link in my bio come on over

Subscribe to Big B Sports Talk over on YouTube and if you’re not on YouTube or if you are on YouTube please give us a subscribe over there we appreciate all your all support let’s get into the show so first thing is Kyle Shanahan man a lot of 49ers fans are are over

Kyle Shanahan at this point they they are wanting to get rid of Kyle Shanahan they don’t want him to be the coach they think he can’t get over the hump the first thought is let’s pump the breakes a little bit on getting rid of Kyle Shanahan I understand that you haven’t

Won the Super Bowl but but you haven’t won the Super Bowl since 1995 okay let’s keep some things in perspective it’s not that the 49ers aren’t good it’s not that they’re they can’t compete I mean we talk about Kyle Shanahan like he’s I don’t know like he’s Brandon Staley from the

Chargers let’s hold on a second he gets them there so do you want to be an also ran because the 49ers for a lot of years were a pathetic football team let’s just be honest outside of the Jim Harbaugh years the 49ers for a lot of years were pathetic after

1995 so do you want to go back to that I would guess that you don’t I mean yeah he get you there now you can you can come up with everything that you want to say as far as him not getting over the hump I think that’s legitimate conversation what uh does he

Need to do as far as his coaching Style on how to change to be able to get over the hump I get it I 100% get it he keeps giving up these leads 10 points or more going all the way back to the Super Bowl that they lost to New

England I I I 100% understand understand that some of his his play calling he’s got to change in game and I think that’s part of it he he wants to stay Ultra aggressive I’m like how about you just get to the Finish Line That’s the ultimate goal is to win

The game it doesn’t matter how you win it you don’t have to be the smartest guy in the room all you have to do is win nobody cares if you’re a bumbling idiot as a head coach if you win that’s all anybody cares about and to me it seems

Like Kyle Shanahan has to believe or he wants everybody to believe that he’s the reason that they’re winning that’s a mistake it doesn’t matter again if you’re the smartest guy in the room if you’re the best coach on the field nobody has to believe that as long as your team wins who

Cares who cares it should be about winning and when you get these 10 10-point leads I mean there were up 10 nothing against the Chiefs and the Chiefs had no signs of life in the first half none just start running the football just get to the Finish

Line they went away from that they allowed the Chiefs to catch life and they allowed him to catch up I mean just run the football I mean you could have said the same thing hell against New England You’ think he would have learned his lesson I mean against New England and now

Granted he wasn’t the head coach but he was the one calling the plays 28 to3 and you can’t hold that lead could have just run the ball wouldn’t do it I gotta be the smartest guy got beat silliness just silliness there’s no reason for it now

On the flip side San Francisco fans have to relax you’re not getting rid of a coach that continuously get you to the big game you go to the AFC or the NFC Championship you’re going to the Super Bowl I mean look at the Cowboys Cowboys fans would I don’t know

What they would do cut off their pinky fig to be able to go to the NFC championship game they haven’t even been to the championship game since 1996 they haven’t even been so you know I I get you being frustrated but just put yourselves in their shoes I put yourselves in their shoes

Put yourselves in Detroit there’s a lot of teams that haven’t even been Detroit this is the first time ever that the Lions had been my goodness so there’s a lot a lot that you have going for you as a San Francisco 49er fan it looks like you found your quarterback of the

Future so it looks like you’ve you found him you still don’t have to pay Brock pie you’ve got another year and basically two years even when you pay him all that money is not going to go against the cap because it’ll be a big two years with Brock pie not paying him

Anything in in NFL terms let’s not kid ourselves the man made $800,000 a year I’m guessing everybody in this chat would take a job that pays him $800,000 a year but he doesn’t get paid anything in NFL terms so Le let’s just pump the breaks a little bit they they they have an

Opportunity here they still have an opportunity not to mention their team is really really good do they need some other stuff yeah are they going to have to find a way to to bring back some guys yeah Brandon auk you’re gonna have to pay him you’re gonna have to pay

Him are you I mean but other than that I mean they’ve got some some holes to fill but I think the 49ers if they just say you know what we’re going for it which I I think they pretty much did this year but they can do it again next year again

You’re not paying your quarterback anything so go get it again next year F first of all you somebody my man redneck Patriot find out what’s going on in the overtime G many Christmas I thought that was again coaching Kyle Shanahan how do your players not know what the hell’s going on oh my

Goodness just just I mean even if it hey guys you understand that the rules for the playoffs are different than what they were in the regular season this is what they are moving forward these are the playoff overtime rules that’s simple that’s that’s very very simple hell you’ve talked about the Chiefs

Players all they talk about now some of it could be hyperbole after the fact I get all of that but they’re talking about how they had meetings starting back in TR training camp and then two meetings the week of the Super Bowl One coach is prepared one coach is

Not you know and you’re right Butch on Tik Tok said that’s not an excuse it was on the damn Jumbo Tron you’re exactly right even if they didn’t I mean but but here’s to be fair a lot of players aren’t looking at the Jumbotron right before the start of

Overtime to be fair I mean that I mean your position coaches could be meeting with you you know you could be doing a lot of things which you probably should be doing versus looking at the Jumbotron during a football game I know a lot of guys look at it for replays but

There were no replays going on so I I get that part the bottom line is your coach should have went over it and I mean and the game shouldn’t have went to overtime you should have been able to win it in regulation I but having said that you’re playing Patrick

Mahomes you allowed him to come back it is what it is Kyle Shanahan’s got to figure some stuff out you’ve got to learn to hold on to these leads in the big game just get to the finish line and stop worrying about being the smartest coach in the stadium

It doesn’t matter nobody cares all they care about is if you win if you win guess what they’ll think you’re the smartest coach whether you are or not you might be a lousy coach but if your team wins the Super Bowl they’re going to think that you’re good

So perer land over on Tik Tock thank you for joining he says they need oine badley yeah outside of Trent Williams the 49ers gota they gota they gotta sh up that offensive line they got to sh up the offensive line it wasn’t bad but it wasn’t great again

Outside of Trent Williams they got to sh it up they got to figure that part out so and he also says I know hindsight’s 2020 but I’m a Shanahan if I’m Shanahan in overtime I’m running the ball up the left side every play at some point you just have to

Say the best play player on our offense is Trent Williams or and we’re going to hand it to who could possibly be the best player CMC we’re going to ride those two to a victory didn’t do it didn’t do it enough so didn’t and and I know what

People say because I my thought was come on Kyle Shanahan give CMC the ball give Christian mcaffrey the football I’ve got a lot of push push back yesterday well he had 30 touches we had five of them in overtime oh by the way it’s the Super Bowl Debo could was

Ineffective give the B Christian mcaffry could have had 40 carries what are you holding them for what are you waiting for what else is there 45 touches 50 touches if that’s what it takes you do everything in your power to win the game you do everything in your power to

Win the game no Butch that fumble didn’t spook him that fumble came off of after five touches he had 25 touches after that it didn’t spook him the bottom line is you do whatever you have to do to win a football game Kyle Shanahan just didn’t do

It he just didn’t do it I know what people are saying I get it but he did not do it and that’s the problem that I think a lot of 49er fans have is like we get these leads how come we can’t hold leads you got to do everything in your

Power to win a game and if that means you got to run it every time and just run the clock out and win I think 49er fans will be just fine with that but instead you don’t do that like I said if you’re going to beat

Me and this is just me talking and I think a lot of you all agree if I’m going to go down I’m going to go down with my best players and I’m going to let them decide I’m going to put the ball in their hands

And either we can win or we can’t but I’m not going to go out there trying to outsmart everybody trying to outsmart them do this trick people no I’m going to put the ball in my best player’s hands and either they can bring it home or they can’t at some point Kyle

Shanahan got to answer for that and stop trying to be the smartest guy on the field and just go win the game just go win the game and not being prepared in overtime is inexcusable here’s the thing guys nobody’s coming out and saying this if his players didn’t know the overtime

Rules how the hell do we think that Kyle Shanahan knew what the overtime rules were we haven’t heard anybody say that but if his players didn’t know do you really think that he knew cuz I don’t I don’t buy it for a second he the players didn’t know he didn’t

Know and that’s why they took the ball because everybody knows if you have an opportunity is just like college rules and people say oh well you kick the ball off it’s the same principles you don’t take the ball first when you get an opportunity to get the ball no matter what you’re literally

Giving yourself an extra down it’s the same principles take the ball second do not take it first make the other team make a decision because they don’t get the extra down they either have to punt or kick a field goal and and Kyle Shanahan should have known that he didn’t his players didn’t

They were unprepared they made a horrible decision and they got beat it’s pretty much that simple it’s pretty much that simple and some people are saying the defense needed a rest no absolutely not it’s the Super Bowl and if your defense it didn’t help that the defense had a rest now did

It they went right down the field on you so don’t tell me that the defense needed a rest they got three minutes they went right down the field so it didn’t help I mean we can make these excuses all we want to as 49er fans I know

They’re coming out of the Woodworks with the excuses bottom line is the coach didn’t know his players didn’t know it made another horrible decision Kyle Shanahan at some point you got to stop man this this this Legacy you got to figure out the big game does he need to

Be fired absolutely not 49er fans got to take a take a chill pill with that g miny Christmas stop the cap yeah stop the cap I’m start I told you I was leaning into this young person talk I’m leaning into it but no not fired change of philosophy once you get

The lead yes you don’t have to be ultra aggressive when you’re trying to win a game just run the football just run the football even if they’re not giving up you they’re stopping the Run that’s okay kill the clock just get to the the Finish Line just get to the Finish

Line Pat cochrell said no one is really talking about how they put the ball in pere’s hands and went three and 12 on third down not saying py played bad he didn’t that’s the difference of winning the Super Bowl absolutely Ely you know three for 12 on third down that’s

Why people say that Brock pie isn’t Joel Montana like some PE some 49er fans were trying to say that he was he didn’t play bad he didn’t but he didn’t play good he didn’t play great he made some plays he absolutely made some plays kept some plays alive he absolutely did that especially

That t that passed to yich man made some plays but if it was anybody else and they went three and three for 12 on third down they would say that he didn’t play good so py played I thought he played okay I did but again it comes

Down to can you make the plays to win one guy did because he’s the best another guy didn’t I love what Shannon sharp had to say is that the the the difference between the best quarterback Patrick Mahomes and the number two quarterback is greater than the distance between the

Second quarterback and the fifth quarterback in the league I wholeheartedly agree with that I don’t like to to piggyback off of other people’s comments but when they’re true it’s true when they’re facts they’re facts the difference between momes and everybody else is greater then second through five

So but yeah I I thought pie did fine you’re and somebody said they did they had one deep ball they didn’t take shots guys weren’t open man the the Chiefs defense was like nope you’re not getting past us you’re not running by us that was while Chris Jones

Is a bad man the strength of the Chiefs defense was a secondary by far guys weren’t open guys just weren’t open so I mean they shut KD completely down Debo shut completely down so shanahans just got to figure some stuff out in these big games man it’s just that simple it’s just that

Simple as a reminder Monday through Friday 900 a.m. Central Time people thank you guys for showing up we’re live on on Tik Tok we are Live on YouTube again everybody if you’re on Tik Tok keep tapping the screen we need at least 5,000 likes and 30 new follow so if

You’re in here and you’re not following please give us a follow and click that YouTube link and join us over on YouTube come subscribe to Big B Sports Talk on YouTube join the chat get a lot of chat breakouts shorts podcasts a lot of stuff that you don’t get anywhere else

Moving on moving on so Tiger Woods announces his new brand Sunday red after 27 years of being with Nik he has moved on mutually agreed Nike stopped making Golf Apparel like Golf Club several years back he’s been with Taylor Maid and now he’s partnering up with Taylor

Maid sudden Day red look we don’t know what the new partnership’s going to look like we don’t know anything about it we know that it’s probably going to be good it’s gonna be Tiger Woods and you know he’s not GNA put his name on something

That’s not any good but what we do know for an absolute fact is his partnership with Nike was iconic and changed Nike it was absolutely iconic everything that they did to together it was insane tiger will I mean I don’t know that anybody that’s in this chat can go

The rest of their lives without thinking two things when you think a knight you’re gonna think Michael Jordan you’re gonna think Tiger Woods I mean you just won’t look I love LeBron but when you think of Knight you don’t think of LeBron you think of Tiger Woods and you

Think of Michael Jordan when you think of Nike it just is what it is is man it is what it is I think this is going to be a crazy partnership moving forward like I said we don’t know what it’s going to look like but him and Nike it was just

It was I mean all the iconic moments of Tiger Wood’s career Nike was there I mean everything that he did Nike was there the whole hello world commercial that he had coming out iconic so I don’t know if you like Tiger Woods if you don’t like Tiger Woods that

Doesn’t have anything to do with it bottom line is I think this is what he did for Nike and vice versa it just changed the world all the commercials and stuff it changed golf if you’re a golf fan it changed golf everything that he did unbelievable changed golf he changed the

Way that people played golf but Nike was a huge part of that hopefully this new Sunday Red Brand can piggy back off of that and and make something happen tiger my man red uh redneck Patriot said tiger is the king of golf yeah even still he’s

The king of golf I don’t think tiger is going to win any more Majors I don’t even think he’s going to win any more tournaments his legs are beat up his his his feet his ankles his body his body is beat up so I don’t think he’s going to win any more

Tournaments but just having him beat out there and be around the game is good for golf period Point Blank it is good for golf lot of people are can’t wait to for his son to come out there I agree agree it’s going to be a little while I feel

Sorry for a son be honest with you because I don’t even know if he’s going to be any good let’s just say that he is is he G to be as good as his dad and if he’s not people are going to crush him because he’s not as good as

His dad which to me is absolutely ridiculous so it’s absolutely ridiculous and no I don’t play golf man I try don’t get me wrong I’ve tried to play golf I want to be good at it but I’m not first of all I think I’m too big

I can’t get my my body to swing to Club the right way but I try to play golf and here’s the thing I like it you know but I don’t take myself seriously you know how some people take themselves seriously and get mad and I don’t because I know I’m not any good

You know if I knew I was good at something like shooting a basketball I can shoot a basketball when I miss a shot shooting a basketball I get upset but I’m I’m just not any good so I don’t take myself serious I I suppose if I practiced at it maybe I could become

Bad because I’m I’m beyond bad I’m beyond bad at golf I like putt putt I love putt putt I can do that you know I can read a green but chipping I’m horrendous driving I’m even worse yeah not good at golf yeah my golf game stops at Top Golf

Yeah that’s about right for me and then even then you get about four picturers of beer in and then it just becomes a free-for-all at Top Golf I will say I’ve never had a bad time at Top Golf I will say that hell Tiger Woods might even be on why people like going

To Top Golf who knows but a lot of what Tiger Woods has done man like I said him and Nike that partnership changed Sports as we know it it changed golf made golf into a an ultra popular sport there for about 10 years for about 10 years and then things changed they

Slowed down he got hurt got into scandals all that kind of stuff but I’m interested to see what his new partnership will bring I’m I’m very interested to see what that new partnership will bring so well let’s move on here people again as a reminder Big B Daily Show Monday through Friday

9:00 a.m. Central Time we’re live on Tik Tok we’re live on YouTube If you happen to be on Tik Tok remember keep tapping the screen we’ve already hit the goal of 5,000 so let’s go ahead and make it to 10,000 today and please give us a follow if

You’re not following already we need at least 30 new follows tell a friend next time you come in come on in join the chat on Tik Tok same thing on YouTube come on over if you’re on Tik Tok please give us a follow hit that YouTube link

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YouTube any super chats your question goes right to the top and we say it immediately we put you up on screen so we appreciate anything that you do to support us moving on so what do the Chiefs need to do to three repeat what what do the Chiefs need to

Do to 3p I think the first thing they got to bring back lerus Sneed and Chris Jones that is the first thing that the Chiefs got to do if they’re wanting to 3p yeah there you go W can W can says it Chiefs need to resign important free

Agents and a big bodied receiver that is the first thing the Chiefs need to do resign Chris Jones and Leger first of all I’ll say sne and Chris Jones because I think they need to do it in that order lerus Sneed is going to play for

The chiefs no matter what next year if he plays football because the Chiefs can franchise him so if lerus Sneed is going to play football in the National Football League next year it will be with the Chiefs so you Chiefs fans can breathe a sign of fresh air with

That Chris Jones would be the guy they need to sign he says he’s made it a point that he wants to stay I think he does stay give him a three-year deal give him a boatload of money two years of it up front the third

Year we see where he is he’ll be 32 at that point and then you go from there now the Chiefs also need to get a receiver they need a big receiver and there’s going to be some guys out there but let’s just kind of go through

It a little bit like like do the Chiefs need to sign like for instance Mike Evans a Mike Evans might be available in Tampa I I think it kind of depends if Baker stays but would Mike Evans look good in Chiefs yeah he probably would T Higgins

Is gonna cost too much for the Chiefs you know I said the same thing early on but I think T Higgins is going to be too much Mike Evans wouldn’t be because Mike Evans is older and he’s already been paid and as a Chiefs Chiefs organization they can appeal to Mike

Evans and sayl we’re going to give you a ton of money but it’s not going to be crazy do you want the opportunity to win here and Mike Evans might say yeah but then again Mike Evans might say you know what I want as much money as I can I

Live in Tampa Florida I have no state income tax I already have a ring I love it in Tampa I want to be with one organization I’m staying so there’s that Chuck Miller you you had the next guy on my list Michael Pitman Jr I don’t

Think that the Colts are going to keep him they should keep him but I don’t think they will that’s another guy that they could go after T Higgins I just think is GNA want too much money I think T Higgins would fit perfect with the Chiefs but I think he’s

Going to cost too much for what the Chiefs want to pay another thing is the Chiefs do they first of all I think they’re going to let Donovan Smith go at left tackle W Morris I think they like him they drafted him last year he played good this year when he got the

Opportunity I think you slide him in left tackle so there’s some money there so we’ll see what happens this year in the off season they could also draft the guy there’s a lot of receivers out there they could also just you know what we’ll draft the guy it worked out with rashie

Rice this year once he got over the fact that he was in the NFL and got over the intimidation Factor Rashid rice was great and he admitted it he’s like yeah man the first six weeks I I was overwhelmed I can see being overwhelmed I can see being

Overwhelmed so once he got past that he was fine so the Chiefs I think were going to be they’re going to have some interesting decisions in the off season to make like I said what do they do with lerus Sneed I think he for sure is playing with the Chiefs next year Chris

Jones I think for sure the Chiefs are going to resign him they got a couple of other guys I think they should keep cooch they’re not going to sign back gay gay is not going to be there uh Bolton there’s a lot of talk about Bolton next

Year I don’t know Bolton’s not great side to side as far as lateral he could run a little bit so I don’t know we we’ll see what happens we’ll see what happens with all of that um but they definitely I think they at some point they’re GNA say okay we got

To have a receiver we can’t make this as hard as what it was we just can’t do it so I think they also draft the tight end I think they draft Travis Kel’s replacement I’m not saying Kel’s retiring this year I’m not even saying Kelce retires next year but what I’m

Saying is why not have two Targets like that yeah I I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that I 100% expect the Chiefs to go into this draft looking for a tight end a pass catching tight end somebody better than the guys that they currently have on the

Roster I think they do that early like within the first three rounds of this draft I think they look for that I do they need some more interior linemen Chief’s got a lot of things that they can do they don’t have a ton of holes but they have holes in key spots

But I think the Chiefs can make some things happen man I think they can do it what do yall think about a 3p we’re GNA move on to the Q&A but how do you guys you guys think that the Chiefs can threp I guess is a better question I think they

Can I’m not saying it’ll be easy but I think the Chiefs absolutely can I think they keep winning as long as Kelsey keeps Taylor around okay okay it’ll be hard yeah three pting is hard it absolutely is hard so your Ravens can stop them we just played very bad now well the Ravens

Had a bad game plan you know so yeah the Ravens can stop him but Lamar Jackson at some point you got to play better in the playoffs when the games matter you got to play better and I guess a better question is not can the Chiefs repeat do you think the Chiefs will

Repeat it’s never happened in the NFL that’s great great point I think the Steelers win it next year no I’m kidding I’m kidding there’s there’s still these reports out there and they’re starting to get stronger people that the Steelers are going to bring in Basket Case tanah Hill I

Look I try to be objective I try to be fair but if the Steelers bring in Basket Case tanah Hill I I I don’t know what I’m going to do how can I watch football when I know my team has no chance it was bad enough with baby hands

Picking I was willing to give him a chance but you’re telling me I gotta settle for Basket Case tanah Hill to be my quarterback I can’t do it I can’t do it I can’t now now there is reports that they’re possibly possibly going to trade for Justin

Fields I would take that in a heartbeat over what we have over basket case and over baby hands I would take that in a heartbeat bring in Justin Fields okay I can live with that but it just makes it hard to root and just knowing you have no shot and basket

K stanah Hill is not going to give us a shot I’m not sure Justin Fields gives us a great shot but he definitely gives us a better one than basket case and baby hands I’m sorry there’s a lot of Kenny picket fans that are out there that like

Them want to give them I’m done with with Kenny picket I’ve seen enough first of all he’s injury-prone that’s number one doesn’t throw the ball down the field I I’ve seen enough of Kenny picket to know that I don’t want him to be my quarterback I’ve seen enough I’ve seen

Enough six touchdown passes in 11 games get out of here people my man Pat cochrell wants to rub salt in the wound talking about go get Russell he’s talking about oh no never mind I apologize well can say if they bring in Tanny tanah Hill my condolences look here withan we go way

Back my man H oh oh well cam is available see you’re a Ravens fan K stop it stop stop stop y’all need to stop look I’m having a good day y’all know how y’all can turn my day into a bad day y’all need to stop it I’m having a good day

Today it’s early in the morning somebody’s talking about bringing in Cam Newton H I don’t know about you guys but I was never really a cam fan I mean I saw him do some stuff that was incredible I mean he was 65 250 260 running away from

Defenders I just never thought cam was great thought he was good I thought he had an outstanding one year I never thought he was great I thought he was pretty good so Kirt cousins is not going to be the answer in Pittsburgh because he’s not going to be there long enough

The Steelers don’t need a quarterback there for one or two years they need a guy that’s going to be there for a decade that’s how you get your franchise good you don’t need to rent a quarterback now for other franchises that haven’t won anything yeah like the Falcons the Falcons could rent Kirk

Cousins and say you know what we just want to get to a Super Bowl a an NFC Championship game we want to win if we don’t win again for another decade that’s fine so the Falcons would be a team that can rent a quarterback for a few

Years the Steelers don’t need to do that the Steelers need a guy that they can win and be be the quarterback for the next decade so hold on what K says something about Kirk Cousins said that he made Test free agency well yeah he’s going to he is a free

Agent no he wouldn’t be in the black and gold I don’t want that now don’t get me wrong Kurt Cousins isn’t bad and the upgrade that cousins would give the Steelers quarterback room from what it is now would be incredible I just don’t want a quarterback that’s only gonna

Because cousin’s only gonna play two years he’s not gonna play another 10 years he’s just not so Mike derer is talking about how do you feel about shadur Sanders saying no no QB in this draft is better than him what’s he supposed to say I get it I get

It but I mean if there’s somebody out there that you’re saying other than Tom Brady Patrick Mahomes Joe Montana pton Manning oh man those guys are better than me fine but if you’re you’re going to go out and say that guys that you’re currently competing with are better than

You then I don’t want you anywhere around my football team so don’t want anywhere so he’s not supposed to say that they’re better than him I love it let’s see draft Arch Manning yeah okay first of all as far as Arch Manning I’m not sure Arch Manning is even any

Good I know that he hasn’t played I know he was the number one quarterback or the number one player coming out but how often if his name was I don’t know Arch Bolton and he played at a low division in Louisiana football didn’t go to any Elite Camps didn’t go to any football

Camps would he have been the number one player in the country coming out of high school if his last name if his last name was Bolton or his last name was Johnston absolutely not absolutely not and I’m not even saying that he can’t play I’m just saying we don’t know and but

Whatever came out I think it came out because he got a lot of help from his last name that’s not his fault he didn’t choose that so you can’t blame the kid I blame a lot of the recruiting services but we just don’t even know if he’s any

I mean he’s sitting behind a guy who a lot of people don’t don’t think is great in Quinn URS a lot of people don’t think that he’s great okay well why isn’t Arch Manning playing then that would be my question so Steelers need offensive line and

Secondary help yes they do they need a center is what the Steelers need I think they need a right tackle because they’re going to move Brodrick Jones to left tackle Dan Moore his days are over as a starter with Pittsburgh Steelers so they need a left t or a right tackle excuse

Me and a Center Mason Cole should never play another snap for the Steelers he’s terrible but we’ll get into a lot of offseason stuff we got a lot of time on our hands before the draft we’ll we’ll break down each division and each team as far as what they

Know do I like ca yes I do I don’t like them I love them he’s great he’s great he is what the Steelers need brought some physicality so but yeah we’ll break down each team we’ll do it by divisions what they need we got a lot of time between now and the

Draft a lot of time between now and the draft so can the Chiefs repeat will they repeat can Shanahan get over the hum what can he do what the Raider I got some Raider nations in here go get Baker I wouldn’t be mad if the Steelers got Baker

Mayfield I wouldn’t be mad at all so Wan says would you be opposed to probably the big the Trey Lance yes I would be opposed to Trey Lance and it’s not we just don’t know if Tre Lance can play but he couldn’t beat out Brock pie he couldn’t beat out Sam

Darnold so no I I don’t want Trey Lance at all I don’t want I think that was a misevaluation that everybody put on him for a guy that didn’t play a lot of college quarterback based on Co and a lot of circumstances and he’s not very good yeah I don’t like Trey Lance

So but I would absolutely take Baker Mayfield I don’t think he’s going to leave Tampa but I would take him so somebody said Tony Romo finally made it to a Super Bowl so Trey Lance can be like Jordan love Tre Lance cannot be like Jordan love Trey Lance sat and had an

Opportunity to play and was awful well I take that back he wasn’t awful just got hurt Jordan love sat behind Aaron Rodgers where’s the Aaron Rodgers that Trey Lance is sitting behind and learning from where’s that guy I I mean Jordan love played a lot of college football Trey Lance did not

There’s a huge difference between the two I know people have made that comparison I don’t think it’s a comparison at all so I don’t think that that’s the good comparison so no we don’t want tanah hill we don’t want Basket Case the Steelers do not need basket

Case and I would boycott the Steelers if we got basket case I would boycott I’ve been a fan my whole life I would boycott who cares if Smith doesn’t like fields did he tell you that he didn’t like Fields how do we know that we don’t know that Smith doesn’t like

Fields we don’t know that the one thing that I do know Arthur Smith and first of all I don’t like Arthur Smith being our offensive coordinator but that’s a different conversation for a different day we got to do something different we got to shake this thing up in Pittsburgh Steeler land

So Fields is cheeks says somebody over on Tik Tock Fields is fine he just needs some people to play to give them Fields is fine he’s fine and no I’m not wi I am not giving Arthur Smith a chance he doesn’t deserve why why do I have to

Give him a chance I saw what he did calling plays in Atlanta it was horrific everybody keeps going back to the days when he was in Tennessee he was in Atlanta calling plays well he was the head coach but he still called the plays he had the weapons and refused to

Use them as a head coach but now all of a sudden as the offensive coordinator hey I’m not the head coach I didn’t use the weapons that I had but as an offensive coordinator I am going to use the weapons that I have what’s it what no no no no

No I don’t like it but I’m going to have to learn to live with it CU he’s the offens of coordinator so what am I going to do going to have to learn to W live with it Mike der rer comes up Big B who is your greatest College running back of

All time mine is Reggie Bush nah not Reggie Reggie was great but I go further I mean look you can think what you want about hersel Walker now but leave all the politics and all that stuff out of it Hershel Walker the greatest College running back that I’ve ever

Seen so EMT Smith wasn’t I don’t even know if he was any good in college but so that’s horrific Bo Jackson’s right there with Hershel Walker but yeah again Ricky Williams I saw Ricky Williams uh in person in 1998 no no he’s great don’t get me wrong Ricky

Williams was great but I saw him have 25 carries for 48 yards against Kansas State the year he won the Heisman I saw that live and in person couldn’t do nothing so what about QB I think Johnny Manzel was the greatest college quarterback Johnny Manzel was the greatest college

Quarterback that you’ve ever seen come on man come on come on man but what are we doing first of all let’s just say a couple years later Lamar Jackson was better than Johnny Manzel let’s just start there Tim TBO was horrific in the pros an absolute disaster Tim TBO was better in college

Than Johnny Manzel what are we doing here oh my God who was better everybody was better and again I like I’m not the guy that has to tell you that Johnny Manzel was bad to say other people were better I don’t do that because I don’t have to put down

Somebody to pump somebody else up Johnny Manzel was fantastic in college fantastic in college but was he the best no not close not close TBO was better Lamar was better TBO wasn’t horrific in the pros what okay okay JY Christmas TBO completed one pass in a football game in

The and they they won the game he completed one pass that good got it J I’m not even gonna to respond that that that’ll direct the conversation in another direction that we don’t need to go people when somebody comes in here and starts saying Tim TBO wasn’t horrific as a professional quarterback

He was so good that he got no job after the Broncos said no we don’t need you anymore so he was so good that nobody else wanted him to be the quarterback got it we see guys giving getting getting chances all across this league two chances three

Chances that weren’t any good but they still get other chances Tim tibo no other chances that should tell the story we’ll move on we’ll move on but back to Johnny Manzel yeah there it is n peterman’s been on three or four teams he’s awful but he’s still in the league Tim TBO

Didn’t even get an opportunity to do what Nathan Peterman is doing Chase Daniel was a backup in the National Football League for like 15 years TBO didn’t get a chance to do that stop the nonsense people stop the nonsense but yeah I like Johnny Manzel as a college quarterback he just wasn’t

The best ever man he wasn’t he wasn’t so he was great but he wasn’t yeah Mike derer said I’d take cam over Manzel absolutely absolutely oh and Mike der rer also says Ron Dayne do y’all remember Ron Dayne at Wisconsin now he sucked in the pros but

Do y’all remember Ron Ron danne in college Ron Dayne why doesn’t he ever get mention I think it was because Ron danne he won the Heisman he ended when he ended his career he had the the rushing record but I think what for Ron Dayne is because he had I mean the guy

Had 50 carries a game they would just line up and just that’s all they had and 50 carries now he’d get 200 yards 250 yards but he had 50 carries nothing spectacular but Ron Dayne got it done I I liked Ron Dayne I liked Ron Dayne I

Don’t think he was one of the best ever but I think Ron Daye was an outstanding College running back probably should get talked about more you’re right Mike derer you’re right should get talked about more well says two segments of fraud of the week two fraud segments of

Contenders right there talking about TBO and Manzel we’ll have fraud of the week coming back tomorrow people last week we didn’t really have anything but we’ll start being creative with frauds fraud of the week especially when we get those fraud of the Week t-shirts made we get the goon squad t-shirts we

Get fraud of the Week t-shirts we got make it make t-shirt make it make sense t-shirts and gear and merch and hoodies and all that good stuff and I’ll need everybody to get some I’ll need everybody to get some the Goon Squad makeing make sense fraud of

The week we’ll need everybody to get some we’ll have it on tick Top Shop we’ll have it available for everybody to get some you’ll throw it in the chat over on YouTube so people can pick it up yeah Barry sand as Barry Sanders has a college career he had a great

Season but it it just wasn’t the greatest career because he played behind Thurman Thomas now maybe that was bad on Oklahoma State’s part but Thurman Thomas was a man in college so Barry sat behind him and then he did his thing and then just became spectacular in the the pros

So but we’ll start getting into a bunch of lists now that the season is over for the NFL we’ll start getting into a bunch of list as the the weeks and stuff go by best quarterbacks ever wide receivers running backs defensive player we’ll get

Into all of that stuff man we got a lot of time on our hands now that football’s over but everybody keep showing up because I’ll still be here like I said we’re going to shut this one down for today but keep in mind Monday through Friday

900 a.m. Central Time we are going to be live on Tik Tock the Big B Daily Show live on YouTube especially you all keep showing up we’ll keep being here man we will catch you guys tomorrow Aloha He

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