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Ben Johnson Is Staying With The Lions | The Valenti Show with Rico

Detroit Lions OC Ben Johnson has notified teams he will be staying with the team. #lions #nfl #football

That’s all Detroit right now Ben Johnson Ben Johnson news breaking today he’s staying he ain’t bleeping leaving that’s right and that’s where we begin today we had plans that we will push for later in the show this is how we begin Jim Costa in for Mike feni don’t know if you

Noticed yesterday he sounded like death he’s going to take a day he’s on the mend yeah Rico I am confused but I am not complaining I thought Ben Johnson was gone there’s only 32 of these jobs I thought he was out the door new ownership in in DC the number two pick

Felt like a foregone conclusion I’m very confused that he didn’t leave for a big pay raise and a chance to run the show but I am not complaining I was expecting the exact opposite news I thought that at this time tomorrow they were going to say we got our coach

They were flying here in all of this crap and snow to meet with him that’s how important he was to them everybody else we can do through Zoom we need to go out to Detroit yeah a close this thing up right right to get ink dry on a

Contract so when the news came and Evan told us I was like what yeah he’s not going but then as I said rumor I mean well speculation comes out Adam shefer is saying hey his asking price was a little too high spooked some teams scared some teams away uh Jina Anderson

Came out earlier and I remember when it was the $15 million thing and his agent no no no no I don’t know where she got her information from now it leads me to wonder we all made fun of josena but maybe she was on to something at the

Time but if you’re Detroit you don’t care nope because he’s gonna run it back you don’t care because this means okay further an example that Goff is your guy because everybody was wondering what are you going to do with gol when he leaves well he’s not leaving Happ to the

Offense well exactly he’s not leaving so you’re going to bring him back Detroit this has to be something that makes you feel better this this has to be a cure for the hangover this is like you know your mom giving you some robotussin when you’re sick okay doesn’t take away the sickness

Right away but you start feeling a little better I don’t know that I’ll ever be over what happened on Sunday but you feel better than you did you feel better than you did two hours ago this softens the blow absolutely it does so that’s what I now you’re dreaming we can

Do this we can run this back pick up the pieces and get this thing back on the tracks 248 539 9797 does this soften the blow Ben Johnson Ben Johnson as Dan Miller says who Dan he’s staying people he’s staying this team going to be right back

In the mix next season and you’re worried about drop off and Dan Campbell’s harsh reality that he told the team this might have been our only shot this goes a long way to making sure you get another shot at this offensively yeah you got a lot of young pieces this helps

This helps you because the offense was designed by him I didn’t know who was going to be the air apparent you know I was is it Brunell is it Randall L like who was going to be that guy that takes over the offense you don’t have to worry about that at least

For another year he wants to come back now according to sources Ben Johnson says he’s doing it because he wants to win a Super Bowl unfinished business you want to hear that that should excite you Detroit that kind of like last year when he had the chance to go to Carolina but

I’m so glad he didn’t cuz that’s just a toxic place to go but he saw something and said you know what give me one more shot with this team now he got to sit at the table he got to eat a little bit at the table

But he didn’t get to finish the meal now he wants to go back he wants he thinks he he can take this offense which the offense was humming the way that offense was playing I’ll say it again in that first half you could have beat anybody

In the NFL that thing was you weren’t punting the ball and I didn’t think they were ever going to punt the ball because it like yeah you you weren’t even getting close to like third and long what what is that I don’t understand even the third and Longs they were

Converting all of them they had like five third and long conversions in that first half running seven yards of C any way you want it felt like all you got to do is run the ball and you’re going to the Super Bowl yeah I don’t know that I’ll ever

Get over it because of the missed opportunity but I I don’t but I don’t understand this 32 jobs I would I would I would have gone because new ownership in in DC yeah it’s not Daniel Snider number two pick overall you can go you can go get the quarterback that you want

Getting a big pay raise and by bringing in a new quarterback expectations fall off are you going to the Super Bowl next year no but you could actually build something and we saw what he did in two years in Detroit so I don’t think it

Would take that long if you get to the right quarterback yeah and and if you get fir you’ll be the OC again someplace else I would have taken it but he wants to come back unfinished business shocking but good for him 248 539 9797 and good for

The city yeah I mean listen in the confusion like I I don’t know sometimes you don’t take things at face value and you wonder like last year with Carolina what really happened and it was a toxic yeah it was the owner that’s what happened now but this offseason there

Were eight nine jobs open and he interviewed for a majority of them there was at least an Earnest interest in becoming a head coach to where he took all these interviews but only to say I’m good or or was he not offered a job see I wonder PR again I’m not reporting it

But you wonder if you’re hearing about the money it’s it makes me wonder if you really want me you’re going to pay me top dollar and it’s just like whoa that’s not how this works so why the Absurd asking price is it that he really just didn’t want to leave and he said

Make me an offer I can’t refuse and no one did or maybe it’s like Monty Williams I’ll come and coach your team but you going to pay me this amount of money deal okay let’s go pistons and we were looking up like what NFL coaches make and you said the report Justina Anderson

A while back he wanted 15 right 15 would put him on the caliber of guys who have won the Super Bowl yeah I don’t think teams were willing to pay that why did he set that price I don’t know I mean at this point I don’t really care because

He’s coaching the Lions but you know what he’s gambling on himself we hear this a lot of times with athletes and that’s what he’s doing right now because the downside to that is what you don’t want to become is you don’t want to become the the NFL coordinator version

Of Matt Campbell the Iowa State head coach who had one point in time remember when Dan Campbell interviewed for the job he even joked and said well I had to tell the fors that I was actually Matt Campbell to make sure I got the interview Matt Campbell at the time

Everybody wanted him right now yeah he he’s going to be a cyclone for life let’s just put it that way 48 539 9797 very different tone as we start the show today you know I think today was going to be about picking up the pieces and one of the biggest pieces is Ben

Johnson there’s no search for a new OC and how’s golf going to look I think you know you’re going into next season expecting another top five offense that will be creative that’s going to be physical they will run the football this team’s going to be right

Back in the mix again and he wants to go back to the Super Bowl and and you know what maybe this this motivates him to come out and have better third quarters I’m serious man like that was his only flaw like man is brilliant but it was

Just like what happens at halftime where you do nothing and then you pick it back up again in the fourth quarter yeah but he’s motivated he wants to come back and if you’re Detroit this probably was the best news you’ve gotten since I don’t know when well there’s no better news you could

Have gotten today no snow’s coming down roads are horrible looks crappy Kenny I mean I felt bad I was just like you know let’s just make this day as painless as possible for Kenny Kenny’s bouncing off the wall right now yesterday was so Doom and Gloom this could not have arrived at

A better time it’s all about the continuity of next year we were so bummed out about what happened on Sunday this is a splash of warm water in our faces well and Paul can speak to it Paul sat across from me on Sunday night as I’m wrapping up Lion’s post game

Describe what I looked like you look like a a lost man a soul wandering the Wilderness it was kind of scary actually cuz you’re usually even when they lose you usually keep some professionalism about you and you were just a beaten man Paul’s like I just want to get you home

He’s like you look so beaten so battered so broken you look like you need a warm soup I yeah well no cuz later that night as I was doing show prep I was like I wonder what people so I tuned in and it was Stony and yeah he was just dealing

With the the Angry folks and I was just like man this is you got to feel good right now saying all of that if you’re detroiter I don’t even know what the best news you’ve heard since I guess you probably feel this the first time when

Uh the Lions won that first playoff game yeah this is how you’re feeling right now knowing your guy he chose you he chose to stand Detroit he chose you over money over a head coaching job he said no I want to be with the Lions we got something

Here we we keep saying you know a new culture this is a step yeah you’ve turned down NFL jobs for two years in a row that’s why I’m not getting into this folks so don’t call about this this is be 15 seconds argument I have with Jeff

Rer because he was bringing up same old Lions I’m like Jeff you can’t do this we’ve moved past that this is another step that tells me these this Lions team is new I don’t ever recall somebody turning down not one job but two years in a row to come back and continue being

An assistant coach with the Detroit Lions team yeah think about it there is real risk here there’s risk of what what you talked about is is you’re no longer the fat of the flavor of the month there’s the risk that you never get that payday that was on the table this off

Season and you might not win a Super Bowl but he thinks so highly of this group this team this organization and their possibility of running it back not just to the NFC title but to winning the whole thing that he is willing to forego all of that money opportunity that may

Never come again and he’s 37 it probably will but he’s willing to risk it because of what’s in front of him in Detroit yeah because the reports are very interesting because you’re reading various uh people in the know saying that he told the commanders this before they even got here which I’m like

Okay that’s a little bit of a Richard move right there he’s trying to make sure they come out and interview yeah because I got a feeling if they said well you know what Aaron do you want yes Aaron we have an officially offering yes do I want the command yes yes yes

Let’s go and there’s no shame if he takes it it’s not like oh Ben Johnson’s better than Aaron Glenn or better person Aaron you get offered one of 32 jobs you take that’s just it it’s like okay it’s not going to be perfect it’s like the draft it’s like well you know yes

Everybody would like to go to some War go to Miami go to La go to Phoenix guess what number one pick you’re going to Chicago buy a winter coat and enjoy the Chicago winners yeah most coaches take over bad teams cuz teams that are bad fired their coaches typically you don’t

Get to choose right you mean I can’t go coach Kansas City no Andy Reid is still there and may again it’s you don’t know it’s hard to say he’s waiting for that job because you just don’t know but most coordinators man they’re on the first thing smoking yeah I mean look I’ve I’ve

Seen a ton of guys leave San Francisco hey you want a coach yes I do you want a coach yes I do from the Jets to the Dolphins like they’re gone the the the Texans like yep y Ryan they’re gone so to hear somebody say we don’t see this

Every day or really ever I’m good I’ll stay I’m staying I want to win a Super Bowl Matt you know what I have respect for him because he really feels and look the offense that Detroit has he should feel that way yes that he’s putting the

Needs of the team over his because he could have been a head coach I think the job with when when everybody else is pretty much getting Zoom interviews and they’re flying the organization out to Detroit metro airport in this crap I think they wanted him 248 539

9797 as Dan Miller says Ben Johnson Ben Johnson Ben Johnson he’s staying he will be the OC and he says let’s go for a Super Bowl does this soften the blow of Sunday and your reactions next 971


  1. Him asking for 15 million sounds like BS. Just doesn’t make sense. Sounds like other teams trying to soften the PR blow of not hiring BJ

  2. Good news, looks like he really wants to win a Super Bowl here. Some light at the end of a very dark tunnel of the last few days for Lions fans, some of us more than others. I was in a rough place personally as well so the loss here really stung that much more, but things have turned around a bit for me and this news was icing on the cake today.

  3. I’m sure he’s just as frustrated as we are by the last game. When I heard he was likely going to Washington (the other NFC team we lost to in the conference championship) I got pissed. Thank God Ben made the right decision. I’m sorry Ben. 🙏💗

  4. In The NFL you only get one shot at making it at Head Coach. Some of those teams don't have the right people in key positions such as General Manager

  5. Maybe I've been watching succession too much, but did the Fords promise Ben Johnson a HC gig after a year if he sticks as OC for the lions. Clearly, I'm making all this up…but if Sheila did this, she is a straight up baller imo.

  6. Awesome news! But one thing they need to do is self scout and figure out why almost every game they have that 3rd quarter lull. Cause it finally cost them big time. 👌

  7. My only criticism of Ben Johnson. The Lions could of easily rushed for 300 yards on the ground, against SF. To be honest with you, I don't think that SF defence could stop a high school running game.

  8. Why would they want him? Look how msny games he fell asleep in the 2nd half of games? It bit him in the a$$ against sf

  9. I just don't know if Ben has the demeaner to be a head coach yet, he seems to laid back. I think he wants to learn more from Campbell.

  10. Yeah, I don’t think you can build through a quarterback. That is Detroit unsuccessful speak. It’s good to stink again dear Washington and find you your left tackle this year next year quarterback, and Center or guards, etc

  11. I feel like none of the pundits are getting it. Ben Johnson is loyal. He loves this team. He has the upmost respect for Dan Campbell. He wants to help all of these guys succeed and frankly, I believe there is still a lot to learn from Dan on how to inspire and to get the most out of his guys. BJ is brilliant. He'll have his shot when he is ready for it.

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