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SFG S3 E6: IRL – 2023 Year End Review and Special Guest Ania!

We talk with our friend of the podcast and resident expert on all things New Japan and AEW, Ania! She shares her recent thoughts on AEW’s MJF Devil story and more. We end the year by giving our top matches of the year and give our wrestling resolutions for the New Year.
#wwe #aew #aewcollision #jaywhite #jonmoxley #swerve #swervestrickland #newyears #yearend #podcast #codyrhodes

Ania: You are about to enter a great adventure Michael Cascio: Hey everybody hope everyone enjoyed their holidays, Christmas whatever you’re celebrating. Welcome back to a another episode of strutting from gorilla. The final episode of 2023 I am Mikey cash and alongside me is big Vito, big Vito, how was your Christmas? It’s

Big Vito: good man. You know, we’re back in the new age here with power and internet. I apologize for missing your great episode with the man Becky Lynch. But, but I’m back. I’m ready to go. And excited for the episode here as we end the year

And kind of talk about everything that went on and and what we think is gonna happen for next year. Michael Cascio: Yeah, man, I honestly I didn’t want to bring it up. Subject for you. I know you were really looking forward

To it. But it was it was a great time talking with Becky Lynch. She was just fantastic. Big ups to Sarge for helping us get that set up. So our newest member of the SSG family so it just continues to expand. I feel like this end of the year, we really

Had had some growth here. Big Vito: 2023 is the year of FSG. That’s That’s what I’m saying from now on hashtag Michael Cascio: the year of the gorilla. Is that even on? Big Vito: Yeah, you’re the gorilla. It’s the new. It’s the new wasn’t the Chinese calendar there. It’s the year the gorilla

Here. So it’s Michael Cascio: funny you mentioned that Mrs. Cash was googling starting from gorilla. And there’s two there’s two pictures that come up. One is our icon for the podcast. And the second is an actual strutting gorilla. So I think we’re in good company. So we’re looking at,

Big Vito: we gotta give props to the leader, man, Bobby stone for the setup. You know, back in when we were in our grassroots days, Bobby Stone did a great job. So shout out to him with the with the icon. We will never change that. That’ll stay forever. Never. Yeah, in stone. So

Michael Cascio: we love you Lita Roman. So, what the hell are we talking about today? Well, we have a special guest on our podcast today. She is a longtime friend of our podcasts and a friend of ours. She’s our resident expert, all things new

Japan and a W. Anya will be sort of coming on and sharing some thoughts on the recent developments in the MJF and the devil storyline. So really looking forward to to hearing her thoughts on that. And we’re also going to end the year by

Giving some of our top matches and kind of talking about like what are what of our wrestling revolutions resolutions for 2024 feel like that’s a people are always talking about what am I going to do next year? Am I going to I’m gonna my workout,

We’re going to eat healthier? Like how are you gonna approach wrestling any differently? Big Vito: Not like that. Yeah, like that. I think that sounds great. You know, everyone needs a good New Year’s resolution. I think the wrestling industry does too. And as fans of

Wrestling, which is what we are and what this podcast is all about. It’s great to have on you’re coming on here. She’ll be on in a moment. And, you know, we’re hoping for next year, maybe we’ll have some more guests and different different lights. Maybe some people have tick tock pages, some some

Authors, maybe some some other independent wrestlers, kind of expanding it. I mean, heck, we’ll do things a little different than other people. So I’m excited for 2020 For Michael Cascio: me, too. I’m excited for it. So should we just dive right in, shall we? Should we get on in here?

Big Vito: Yeah, let’s get her on and on. Yeah, yeah. Michael Cascio: Awesome. Great to have you with us. Ania: Thank you for having me. Big huge fan. Congrats on getting the man. I know. I’m just a wall man. You couldn’t get the man today.

Big Vito: Yeah, he’s got some you got some big big shoes to fill. But now we’re excited. We’re excited to have you here on Yeah. And talk some wrestling. So Mikey, you want to fire away a question at on yet? Michael Cascio: Well, I mean, first off, really glad that

You’re here. I’m glad that we’re finally able to do this. And to you know, when I got the text from Vito that you had some thoughts about, Aw, I just I was so intrigued to hear from someone who was such a diehard aw fan like you were really

Behind them right from the get go. And I always admired that because I kind of struggled myself sometimes with how much I can sort of get behind them because I really want them to succeed. But sometimes I’ve was watching things on TV that just

Aren’t making a lot of sense. And I’ve had that problem with WWE too, but I’ve noticed the pattern is increasing a little bit in a day. Do TV recently so I’m just curious like what what is it you’re seeing what what? What led you to send veto that text?

Ania: It’s been a roller coaster I don’t know if you remember back in the Vince McMahon era when Roman Reigns was the golden boy like now we’re behind Roman but there was a moment when we all didn’t really like Roman and there was a specific suffering

Succotash moment where it was a promo and between Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns and Seth was phenomenal and Romans come back was you’re just a pile of suffering succotash that was the moment where I just clicked and I didn’t watch WWE for years

Until you know the new reign of Triple H which has been amazing pop age. And so Aw, you know, they come in they bring in some amazing talent you know, it started off with Cody Rhodes, Kenny Omega the young bucks like you don’t get much bigger than

That if you’re like an underground wrestling fan right if you’re a fan of New Japan you know I’m wearing my Kenny t shirt today representing hope all as well. And so you got some amazing talent and then you bring in some I think that’s

What really started their momentum is WWE was firing left and right amazing wrestlers who was scooping them all up. Aw, so we’re excited and they kept bringing on new wrestlers from pay per view to pay per view to pay per view There was even one

Last week last year or two years ago that brought on Bryan Danielson and Adam Cole Michael Cascio: I remember watching that I think with Vito and it was just like, I couldn’t believe it was like these are two gigantic debuts and they they put them all at the end of

One pay per view was like 10 minutes of just pure bliss. Big Vito: Yeah, I remember we talked about that. Mikey, where you were, you were like, you know, it is great, but this can only last for so long. It’s that quick shot, you know of

Excitement. And I had that worry for a while you have had that worry for a while, but But what was it? Yeah, we got that. I got that angry, very upset, which is not a frequent thing from Ania. About About aw in the latest MJF segment, what was it that pissed

You off so much? Ania: So specifically regarding that, so MJF has been wrestling tag team matches by himself for a minute now, right? He had a legitimate tag team match against the legitimate tag team just a couple months ago on a pay per view the righteous they

Had, you know, a good match. They fought hard, right? They wanted the tag titles against one man and they loose killed their momentum. Yeah, what’s next for them? You know, I’m a huge fan from them. I think their gimmick is cool. Like it’s very white family. Reminiscent where it’s kind of like that

Cult leader like you don’t really you feel like an eerie vibe from them, but they’re not like I don’t know I would guess you would call them heels but they’re threatened Yeah, they’re not mean so it’s like other interesting right so a good tag

Team that had good momentum they won their match on I believe it was either rampage or collision the night before. And so we all thought if MJF is wrestling alone oh it makes sense for him to lose it to them they’re building up this tag team right?

They got a good storyline no one man beat two men that were on fire so that pissed me off and then where does the righteous go from here right they bring on Jake the Snake. Yeah, I don’t know if you guys remember that. It happened like very quick. It

Michael Cascio: was yeah, it just seemed like he was just there one day like there’s no if there was no real rhyme or reason for it, he was just just shows up. Big Vito: It does fit it does fit the bill. He is kind of got

That weird, like look, kind of you know, and he had the Bible. Listen, if they started an off like that from the beginning, I think it’d be great but just kind of throwing stuff against the wall like I feel like that’s been their MO over the last like

Year and there’s just it’s like up and down. You don’t know what’s going to happen where the storyline ends and then when it does end it’s not very good, right? And I don’t know if this is a combination of the fact that WWE storylines have just

Been so good. And we’re seeing the flaws or if it’s a combination of that aw has just been very very bad. You know what I mean? Like he could look at it both ways, but I think it’s a combination of both to be honest. I really do

Ania: but that’s the thing and that’s where I was getting at like they brought him with Jake the Snake. Okay, you guys have a storyline now after your storyline was crushed and you lost your momentum that you’re trying to Hold it back. Okay,

Why haven’t we seen them since then? They just fell off of TV. Yeah, Big Vito: that’s what they do they go on rampage which nobody watches right you don’t see them or or aw dark which actually do they still have? Aw dark.

Michael Cascio: I think they got rid of it. No. Okay good. All right now so once they got collision I think that it was it’s now just dynamite rampage collision and they got rid of dark. Big Vito: Now let me ask you guys this do you watch? Do you

Watch collision? Like I know it was a big thing on on Saturday. You do watch it. Okay. Okay. Okay. I don’t know. I don’t know if it was a has it been good? Because I haven’t watched it. It’s Michael Cascio: fine. For me personally. It’s fine. I DVR it

On purpose so that I can kind of fast forward through things I feel like aren’t really worth my time watching. I mean, I do this. This isn’t just an AW thing I do with raw Smackdown like there’s some things I’m just like I’m gonna fast forward

Through this get to what I want to see. Big Vito: What about you Anya, do you like it? Ania: I like it. I feel like it has a different vibe than dynamite like dynamite is very like so you know if you blink

All of a sudden the match is over everybody’s brawling in the ring well collision has more of like a structure and it makes more sense to me my personal opinion so I do not Yeah, and I used to watch rampage to like I was such a fan like I feel

Storyline aside like they have such great talent that they put on amazing matches. Like just pass this dynamite on Wednesday, you open up with wirksworth Strickland, Jay white and Jon Moxley in a three way match and it was pay per view quality. Michael Cascio: It was great. It was beautiful.

Ania: Yes started the show on a great note and you ended it with who I was talking about MJF who fought one one man fighting two men in a you know, hell of a fight from the other tag team loses the tag titles in 30 seconds. Yeah, that was my

Suffering succotash moment I couldn’t sleep that night like even like my boyfriend was sleeping I woke him up and I’m like, this is this was awful. I might be done with aw and I’m the biggest person to defend them I live in Tampa and that’s

Like WWE country over here and I’m you know, the indie wrestling the second promotion wrestling like come on, give them a chance like watch them see what they can do like they got great earnings but at this moment of time like I don’t even

Know if I’m gonna watch the Pay Per View tonight. Big Vito: I you Well, I know you will you got to you got to because Michael Cascio: right at the last minute, she’ll hit mortar great. Ania: I mean, I’m hoping so I’m excited to see swear versus

Keith Lee you know, the match that should have happened two years ago that everybody kind of forgot about but Michael Cascio: Well, I think that’s you’re kind of hitting it on the head is sometimes the storylines are so like disjointed, where you’ll have some progress on something and

It seems like it gets momentum and then suddenly you just don’t hear anything about it for a couple of weeks or maybe in this case with swerve and keep late like months and months go by Keith Lee is doing something different he has these like kind

Of it’s feels like very like second tier storyline stuff with with who’s it was a chain Taylor might have that right? I don’t know who is his old taxi partner. But, but this is what I’m saying. Like, it’s not enough for us to even remember

Who it is that he’s fighting and then swerves. The swerve like loses this match and he’s like, oh, yeah, by the way, Keith Lee Yeah, let’s have a match on Saturday. Okay. Big Vito: Well, and I mean, you know, you had a great storyline

With swerving and Moxley right and then all of a sudden you just have that great match you know he’s drinking blood and then you go you go into a hey man Dory line from a year ago you know, I was hanging man I’m sorry yeah, you’re right. Not

Not Moxley my fault my fault but then you go into the story with with with Keith Lee from a year and a half ago so it’s like you’re all over the place it just doesn’t make much much sense it’s hard to hard to stay invested into it and the only

Quite honestly the only thing that’s been exciting is the MJF a little bit right and then the the storyline with the devil because like you’re trying to figure out and they’ve stayed consistent with it for you. We don’t know who it is. So they stayed consistent with it.

Ania: But do you guys remember when the devil first came and attacked Jay white? And then we didn’t hear about it for like a month. Right? Michael Cascio: It was just a bunch of nothing. They might they may be show like one clip? Yeah, like the next show. It

Might have been rampage or even collision. And then we didn’t really hear about it again. It’s yeah, I struggle with it because I do want to like And I think there’s some parts of it that are very interesting. But you had mentioned something on you

About how this sort of tag title run that MJF has had on his own is really sort of hurt the Tag Team division, in Ring of Honor, because it’s sort of like, well, do these titles even matter? I mean, so you got, yeah, he’s the AW champion. And I know that

That counts for something. But at the same time, if it if this was WWE, we would be killing them right now roasting, you’re destroying the division, you’re not giving other guys a real chance to succeed in any way. You’re saying that Ring of Honor

Is important to you, but you’re doing this and so every every weekly on TV, there’s no tag team titles going on. There’s no there’s nothing happening there. And so it’s sort of in this like holding pattern while MJF had them. And now you got the the

With these devils Massman as the New Ring of Honor tech champs and Ania: yeah, whoever that Big Vito: is. Right brings up a great question. Let’s let’s talk about it here. Who? Who do you think the devil is? We’ve been debating it for a couple of weeks. And I feel like

Obviously, in the wrestling world, everyone loves surprises and this type of stuff gets gets y’all get y’all horny, right? As a wrestling fan. So. So at least it was for me. I Michael Cascio: was not even a 30 Buy me dinner first.

Big Vito: Who do you Who do you think the devil is? Like, what’s your prediction? We’ve gone back and forth a million times. Ania: I think the realistic, um, guess would be Kylo Riley. Adam Cole. You know, maybe even Bobby fish who knows? Bring them all

Back together. Even one might be Bert Baker. That’s what the rumors have been saying. That’s what my boyfriend believes that it’s a scorned Baker? I don’t know. I kind of want it to be seen and punk. How big of an fu would that?

Big Vito: I mean, that would be that would be pretty crazy. I mean, we’ve we’ve gone back and forth. Obviously the big one is jungle boy. Right? People think it’s jungle boy this that’s not. But you know, I was this is news to you. Mikey cash. Might I was

Sitting in my bed this morning. You know, thinking? How good would it be? If the devil was Tony Khan himself? Think about it. Think about this. Now think about? Think about this. He could come on. He’s wearing the MJF. Mask. Right, the devil mask

And for when did MJF come back? We’re right after you had that contract dispute and he came back with that same mask. And what I think it would be a decent decent swerve here. And you get him involved on TV and a Vince McMahon. You know, he’ll

Way people are already talking crap about Tony Khan. Like why not? Why not throw him in there? And then the masked men are like, like the corporation remember? Like, back in the day? Michael Cascio: Yep. That’s kind of why I wouldn’t want that to

Happen. Hey, I’m not saying what everybody would complain about is that it just feels like a recycled story. Not that wrestling doesn’t do that. Anyway. Yeah. It’s Big Vito: a perfect storyline. It’s a perfect wrestling storyline. Ania: I mean, you see, Tony is like this good guy, right? Like

He’s the type of manager that everybody can push over because he’s so nice. And he wants to be friends with everybody. And he’s just a big huge wrestling fan. And he’s, he needs to be more stern. I think that’d be interesting to see that change

In him. But I also feel like that never happened because we have to think of somebody that doesn’t make sense. Yeah. Big Vito: Now but then see if it was Tony Khan, he could take all the WWE guys he brought in are the ones that aren’t doing very

Much and make him as part of his little stable and you get like NWO verse, verse WCW storyline this Yeah. Michael Cascio: If you don’t have been on this kick lately, really wanting to have an NWO in 2024? Like there’s there’s just something I don’t know what it is with you lately.

Big Vito: I don’t know. I’m just thinking outside the box here guys. You know, that was my prediction. But I liked yours too though. On your with with some of the was the Bullet Club members right that you were renting. Yeah. Yeah. That would

Be pretty interesting. If it was if it was them to probably makes more sense, but I Ania: just wonder thing like I feel like it might not make sense and we might all just be disappointed like it’s gonna be done callous. Michael Cascio: Right, just like of course, it’s not

Big Vito: gonna be Dan housing or something. Michael Cascio: To curse on him. That’s why all of this stuff has happened to him. Big Vito: Oh, 100% 100%. Michael Cascio: So is that the goal is that the breaking news now from straying from grilla that it’s actually Look down

Danaus and is actually the devil. Big Vito: Yeah, that’s gonna be that’s gonna be on all the dirt sites now MJF was cursed. Yeah, he was crystal curse you know that that was that was good. What what else is going on? On

You? What how do you feel about you know we’re going to when you when you get off here we’re going to finish our episode with the 2023 review here so you know if you were to grade some stuff What were your highlights of the year and? And? And what are you

Looking forward to for 2024 Ania: in terms of aw are all of Wrestling? Big Vito: Wrestling? All right, so we’ve been talking we’ve been pretty heavy into aw here so you can give give us your opinions on on something else if you want as well.

Ania: And you know, I feel like WWE has better storylines right now at the moment. Because with Aw, you know, they’re giving gold and they turned it into dirt sometimes. But WWE I feel like Triple H has like this slow burn mentality of how he wants

His stories to play through. So I’m really excited. You know, I love what he’s doing with Schinsky right now like he’s really making him pop and look like a villain like he’s a little anime character right now with like his storytelling. He’s like a supervillain. So I’m excited to see them build upon

That. Because lately his momentum has been like, up and down. You know, he’s had those great matches with Seth. And then he did with Cody, who’s like their top guys like the John Cena of 2023 going into 2024 I want to see that man finish the story, too. Big Vito: I know. We

Michael Cascio: all do. One pump threw a wrench in that now. Yeah. He wants to finish. Yeah, Ania: is everybody a fan of CM Punk here, I’m not. Michael Cascio: I went back and forth. I honestly, it’s like I’m in this kind of terrible relationship with someone. And,

And they do these horrible things. And I always say, I’m never going to talk to them again. And then next thing you know, you know, it’s late at night, I’m lonely, we get a text message and we just start we start chatting it up again. And

So that’s how I feel with CM Punk. Like I kind of know in the back of my mind that something’s probably going to happen, but I just sort of enjoy the ride while it’s good. Big Vito: I mean, he’ll tell you that but you know, probably 10

Years ago he was there was a photo taken which I will find by the way with Mikey cash and a cm plaid shirt. So I didn’t Michael Cascio: say I wasn’t a fan of his I just said you know, people change over time as a long time ago.

Big Vito: We call those people flip floppers Mike No, listen, I’ve been true. Through and through with my CM Punk takes. I’ve I have been steadily said I think I like him. I will stand that ground. I you know, he’s not the greatest person in the

World and life and kind of an asshole. But you know what, he makes me want to watch wrestling. So I turned the TV on when he’s on. And I will be honest, it was great. You know, we talked about this on our last episode on the interaction with

Him and Seth Rollins on raw a few weeks ago was the first time in a while I almost got like goosebumps watching a second raw like it was It was wild. I haven’t felt that way in a long time. So it was you could feel the raw emotion. Whether it was

Real fake, shoot, whatever. It doesn’t really matter. It. It was good. Ania: Yeah, it felt organic. It felt like maybe they played upon the realness of it because Seth is not a fan of him and he’s not happy that he’s back. So they went with it and they played

Into it and they developed a story out of it. But I’m really hoping CM Punk does not take Cody’s momentum. I’m going to the rumble I want to see Cody when I am also upset with Samsung for taking Jade cargos momentum like she hasn’t even

Debuted yet. Nobody’s talking about her anymore. Yeah, funny. We’ve Big Vito: mentioned that on our last podcast do well, Michael Cascio: you know what’s weird is I mean, I think something happened with Jade like family or something because she had some posts on social media that kind of indicated

That like something was going on personally. So I’m not trying to put on blast here on this show. But I’ve been if she put on social media, people can kind of go to her feed and kind of check it out. But I think it will adequately explain why she

Hasn’t been around. But But CM Punk is a good reason for it. Yeah, because not only did he steal her momentum, but also remember Randy Orton came back. Nobody. Yeah, he remembered Yeah. Oh my god. Ania: Yeah. long lost dad finally came back, you know,

After going to the store to get PopTarts and nobody’s talking about everything. He was talking about CM Punk. And Michael Cascio: he came back jacked. Yeah, absolutely. Jazz Big Vito: is yoke is your take time. Thanks. Yeah. No, it’s a

Good point on Yeah, and you know, I I agree with the CM Punk part like yeah, I don’t want to take in momentum but I also think he brings he could also if used right can bring things to another level like is this just gonna be a quick shot where he

Gets eyeballs on there and then it fades away like I don’t want that but I also don’t want him you know main eventing WrestleMania to take someone else’s spot, right, but if they use them the right way, and I think it can be very valuable

Because you know, he does when you watch him on TV, and he has some of these promos, he does elicit some emotion and inject some life into some of his opponents. And there’s so many possibilities of things you can see him do with some of the WWE

Talent that I think would be great. Michael Cascio: Yeah. I mean, I don’t know if anybody got to see some of the highlights, but his match with Dom at MSG was actually really good. And I mean, Dom is one of my

Favorites. He’s been like one of my MVPs of 2023 so I don’t get Big Vito: dirty job. Michael Cascio: The heat that guy gets his unreal. I Ania: did hard time. He did hard time. Michael Cascio: What did he do like an afternoon in jail? That was

Ania: prison. Okay, he went to prison. Michael Cascio: Oh, it’s one of the funniest jokes that they continue to run with on WWE commentary. Now he’s, it’s, he looks good. He looks good in the ring. I don’t know. I don’t know what we’re gonna get from CM Punk. I think odds are, they’re

Heading towards Seth and punk at Mania and maybe that’s good because it’s focused on one world title. And then that leaves Roman open for him and Cody to sort of have their kind of their second match and hopefully finish the story because that that’s the thing that I had trouble with with the

Devil storyline is like, if it starts to go on just a little bit too long, people are going to lose interest. And because things have been disjointed, we’re not getting like all those updates that we’d like to sort of keep our interest week to

Week on this MJF devil storyline so I don’t want them to do that with the with Cody and I fear like we’re, we’re about there. We’re like getting to that point. Even though he’s having great matches and good rivalries with with Schinsky lush

Landscape, but I don’t know. I worry about it. I don’t know about you guys. Big Vito: I feel the same way. But I I’m more excited about it. I have my I have faith in Papa H I do I think he’s not going to

Take the Vince McMahon if I hear it and very other people, I think he’ll find a way to make it work. He tends to, you know, like you think about it when there was a point where I think Becky Lynch and Trish Stratus were left off a card. And people

Were up in arms about it. So what did he do? He made them the main event and the next pay per view, right? Like it. It’s things like that, that go a long way where I feel like in the Vince McMahon era, you wouldn’t it would just be either, so I’m

Doing it this way too bad, you know. And I think he brought cm pumpkin because people wanted them wanted to see him, you know, and he did it. And I think it was good. And I think it I think it opens up the door for a lot of things and let’s be let’s

Be honest about this. There’s a lot of hours of WWE TV to go around. Right? Yeah, I would tell you that. You know Aw, doesn’t have that luxury. They still have a good amount. But I think with the hours WWE has we’ll find a way and it’ll it’ll

Be key to see what happens here at the rumble. I’m excited. Hopefully you’ll have an SF G stretching from gorilla sign up there on Ania: the back of my CM Punk sex Michael Cascio: on yet, I had I had a question for you. I wanted

To ask it earlier and I know we got sidetracked but I’m curious what are your thoughts right now about how aw is kind of handling the women’s division? Ania: It’s garbage. I mean, they’re only star right now is Tony storm. And she’s she’s just her characters great. She’s

Phenomenal. Uncommon Terry. She’s the only one who has something going I don’t even know who’s the TBS champion. Oh, Julia Hart. Right? Yeah. Who also had her momentum crushed because she was on what 23 match win streak and then lost it because she was what getting married and was going to be on

TV for a couple of weeks. Like you could have done vignettes or something. I don’t know there’s just non existent women’s wrestling and I do appreciate this of Tony I don’t want to say too, too much bad like I want to focus on something that’s good.

Is he did listen to the fans when people were out in the crowd saying like show us when Men’s wrestling Are you know, they’re just not doing anything with their women’s division. The next night the women were the main event, and they were the main event and rampage collision. Like he was like,

Okay, he knows he listens. He knows what people want and he wants to deliver. He just doesn’t. I don’t think he knows how he needs help. He needs somebody to like really guide him and I think that’s what Cody was doing. When he was back

There and ever since he left it kind of just like slowly started to fall apart. He had nothing to do with the women’s division but their women’s division is just non existent. I was looking at the roster the other day, because we see the same like

Five women weekend week out, you know, great women like Hikaru Shida was great, you know. Yeah, exactly. Now, we got thunder Rosa back. So I’m excited to see what they deal with that, you know, we have great champions, we have Tony storm, we have

Julio Hart, do something like give them a story instead of just like, oh, somebody comes out at the end of their match and challenges for next week. You know, we want like a grudge we want something and I think maybe Britt Baker missing is an

Element missing of that, you know, losing Jade. Cargill, they lost a lot with losing her because she had a great momentum going for her as she was a dominant champion. Michael Cascio: That’s true. She was she was getting better and better to that last match she had with statlander was arguably

Cargill best match. It was fantastic. Big Vito: Hey, Mikey, you know, on you bring up a good point about Tony Kahn needing help and Mikey if I know a certain free agent, creative guy who’s available. He’s had great success in the past. He’s from Long Island. If you if he were

Here in 20 con asked him to join the creative staff. What, what would he say? Michael Cascio: Sorry, it took me a minute for you to say, Well, I think I think it might be something along the lines of You know, bro, China’s not walking in through that door

Anymore. I used to write for WWF magazine in 1996. Now in that time, Vince McMahon was really struggling against W CW. And it was because of China that things started to turn around bro. So we need to get ourselves somebody like somebody who’s

Dominant. I think that’s really how it’s going to turn it around. I don’t know that’s that’s a great early early for a minute or so. So I know Big Vito: I caught you off guard I ecology. I was just curious what he would say and if Tony Khan asked him for help, but

Those are good points on Yeah. Great. Great Vince Russo, as always. Michael Cascio: I think what they’ll do is they’ll probably have he’ll probably propose some sort of contract on a pole match. Yeah. Honestly, like the contract or the main event rampage on a pole. Yeah,

Big Vito: absolutely. It’s like what it’ll do. Absolutely. Well, cool on you. Is there anything else you want to add before we let you take off we appreciate you being on here. Ania: Can we talk about New Japan for a hot second? I would

Love to so um, you know, I don’t really watch too much of it anymore because we don’t have cable and I don’t keep up with it. But I my favorite event that aw has every year now is the forbidden door because we get to see people like Okada coming

Through Tanahashi coming through. And they seem maybe because they’re on technically an AW paper view. They’re on American soil. I feel like they come here and they lose a lot of their matches. A lot of Aw, people take their titles and

Bring it into Aw, like some of them are on the line in that continental classic right now. Do you think that aw is slowly kind of severing their relationship with New Japan by doing something like that, because I would feel personally attacked. Like I’m giving you my top stars like Okada. And yeah,

You’re giving him a match with Bryan Danielson but like what is my boy gotta lose? Right? Michael Cascio: Right. It’s about like, how do you protect your promotion as well as Aw, protecting there’s and it’s it’s like it’s out of balance. Like it’s like it’s aw heavy. And and

You have to wonder, yeah, does that start to hurt the relationship? I would I would say over time that probably would maybe we’ll see what happens this year if they can sort of write that and correct it and maybe you have a majority

Of New Japan guys ending up like winning their their big matches because you don’t want to hurt those, those wrestlers and all have kind of the spotlight that they bring, especially when they go back to Japan that’s like, Well, why why am I gonna follow

This guy? If he’s if he’s worse than the other guy, you know, it’s New Japan is also trying to establish something in the US. And I think in order to do that you have to make them look credible. Ania: Exactly. Well,

Big Vito: I think it’s a really great point. And yeah, and my take on it is a little bit different than yours, because I don’t want to do Japan wrestling. So I don’t know any of the people that come over. And so every time they do the

Forbidden door, I love the concept. And we talked about this every single time, I wish Aw, gave more backstory to who some of these people were. So I understood who they were like, even little video vignettes of, okay, here’s this person. So I

Don’t really know. But if I was New Japan, I think they have a lot less leverage in this situation. And it’s more of, hey, we’re getting our TV tight. We’re getting our titles on TV. So people are going to ask about this. And, you know, I do think

That there does have to be a little bit of balance, but I think Aw, holds more cards here because they’re getting more eyeballs on their titles and their wrestlers. And it’s like, okay, if they tell us, if they tell us well, their their stars

Have to win to even put them on TV, like, you know, it’s not like aw, stars are going and they are going over to New Japan. But how often is the mix? Right? So that’s kind of how I would look at it at least. But I do wish they enlightened us a

Little bit more on who some of these stars work as they had a couple of people come over that are in a W now. And it’s like, I don’t really know their backstory. So it’s hard for me to get invested.

Ania: Yeah, and some of the fans seem to know, I’m like, you get a match with Shibata. And people are like, Oh my God, and you’re like, Who’s that? Koshi? Right. Where is he at? My problem is with that continental classic if you’re putting new Japan titles

On the line, why are there new? No New Japan guys fighting for it? Michael Cascio: Yeah, that’s right. Like none of them are in this tournament. They’re just like, okay, yeah, Big Vito: it’s like having an ECW title and not having ECW

People fighting for it. Right. Like when WWE came back with the WWE ECW brand. Yeah, it was stupid. Yeah, I, I get a complete it’s a really good point. Michael Cascio: I tend to think that, from what I’ve seen, because I I watch a lot more impact than I ever used to. And

They seem to have a way better relationship with New Japan. And the way they handle that, because they always do these little like multiverse of madness kind of things like these paper views, where it’s like, it’s impact guys and New Japan. And they do a good job of showcasing the New Japan stars.

So I feel like they’re doing a much better job of maintaining that relationship than aw might be right now. Yeah, Ania: that’s why I’m kind of surprised that will Osprey chose Aw, impact. Michael Cascio: Yeah, he seems to have a lot of great things to

Say about impact. And so I was like, shocked when he was like, Yeah, live really love impact, and they just shows up on AWS. Oh, okay. Big Vito: Money Talks, baby. And it’s true. Money. Money rules the world. Ania: Yeah, I guess we’ll see where Okada ends up. Because I

Rumor is that WWE is trying to get him. Yeah, Michael Cascio: I heard about that. I don’t know. I don’t know. And where does Where does Mercedes go? We’ve been hearing all this news back and forth. She was in Boston earlier this

Week. But now all the reporting is that those talks fell through so who knows where she’s gonna wind up? Big Vito: Yeah. Yeah. It’ll be interesting. Awesome. Audio. We appreciate having you on here. You’re welcome. Anytime. And we’ll try and get you on more regularly to you got to you got

To catch up on some new Japan. So we can we can we can pick your brain about it. Yeah. All right. Well, listen, we look forward to see me at the rumble. Thanks again for coming on. And we will we will talk with you next time. Sure Ania: thing. Thanks, guys. Appreciate it.

Big Vito: All right. That was awesome. That was refreshing your Michael Cascio: need that we need to be talking about more than just the big two. So Big Vito: Oh, absolutely. Always, always great to have on your on. You know, she might be more knowledgeable in the world

Of wrestling than both of us combined. So always great to pick her brain. And we’ll have again, we’ll have Yeah, Michael Cascio: absolutely. Absolutely. She has been a fan since day one. So we got to we got a shout out to her. She’s great. Absolutely.

Big Vito: All right. So let’s switch gears. I know we got about 20 minutes left here. We want to talk talk about some things before we get into the end of the year stuff though. Quickly. We didn’t talk about this. You were at the latest WWE

Live event and wanted to get your thoughts looked like you had a great time and Michael Cascio: heard good things. Yeah, yeah. Myself, Mrs. Cash and some other family members. We went to the holiday tour at TD Garden on Wednesday night. It was a really fantastic

Show I had been to a house show with my family, like back in like 2015. And it was a much different vibe. It wasn’t really, it was not even close to being a sellout. And this one was close to being a sellout. I mean even up in the balcony in

The three hundreds it was like over halfway full up there. And so it was it was really great to see like it was packed. And that crowd was into it. Like I know that sometimes a crack and kind of like kill a show, but they were they were behind

Everything. It felt like this might have been like a televised event but the way people were reacting and kind of the the quality that they put into the show itself. I got to see got see dirty DOM him and Cody Rhodes had a Last Man Standing

Match, which was really it was a lot of fun to watch. That’s Big Vito: so interesting. Yeah, Michael Cascio: I know. I know. It was really great. Just to throw it out there. i This is my first time really seeing her live. But Rhea Ripley has such presence. When she comes out.

You just feel like she’s a big deal. It I can’t explain it other than you have to be there. And there’s sort of an energy in the crowd when she comes out. And Big Vito: well, Wait, didn’t we see her live at the at the Survivor Series?

Michael Cascio: Oh, damn it. You’re right. All right. Yeah, he’s got more presents now. Yeah, he’s got more. Right. Yeah. All right. You know, this is your one time okay. Yeah, Big Vito: you did, right. Michael Cascio: But yeah, she was really fantastic. She had

She defended the title against IV Niall, and I thought it was a great match. IV now held her own too, I think. I think she’s got a lot of upside to. So real promising for the women’s division, just like future stars and future challenges for her.

Man, it was just a fun show Overall, like I couldn’t, I couldn’t say enough good things about it. I really had a good time. Big Vito: So. So the man Becky Lynch, you know, lived up to her interview, Michael Cascio: she lived up, she opened the show, she opened

The show, and it was a hell of a way to open it up. It was her versus always Stark. And I love Zoey Stark. I think she’s got she’s another one that that will be a contender soon enough. But yeah, her and Becky had a hell of a match. And, you know, Becky

Didn’t give us a shout out. But you know, that’s fine. You know, like, you want to keep the relationship under the radar. You know, you don’t want to be too. I don’t want to be too like God. Big Vito: Yeah, we don’t want people storming the ring when she mentioned starting from gorilla.

Michael Cascio: Like, everybody knows a hell is that? Yeah. Big Vito: Yeah. Right. Exactly. So that’s great. Well, I wanted to just touch on that. Because I know you went and that’s great. You know, anytime, WWE or Aw, or any wrestling promotions that

Matter me and you try to make it if we can, so yeah. Cool. All right, let’s, let’s switch gears and talk about our year end here. You know, I think a lot of people in the wrestling world beat this topic to death with the end of the year reviews. But

Yeah, I do think we need to give our input as as stark fans in the wrestling world. You know, from our view, kind of what we thought was a highlight and some matches that were big and what we look forward to in 2020 2024. So

Michael Cascio: well, Vito, do you want to start off? Big Vito: Sure. Yeah. I want to talk about my so let’s talk about top matches. Matches. Yeah, I think one of mine, you know, I thought hard about this, because I have a hard time

There’s so much wrestling to think about one match over a year did happen. 2023 was the year before I don’t even know. But I thought it was a great year for wrestling. And I think one of the top matches and this is in no particular order. I I

Just kind of throw them out there. But I think mine was McIntyre, Seamus and Guth are at WrestleMania 39, which is kind of shocking that I would I would put these three on there. You know, I don’t see McIntyre and Seamus is having a, like, five

Star match or anything like that on the norm. But it was such a hard hitting match. And I think good there’s such a great wrestler, he kind of brought out the best in the three of them. I mean, I remember watching that V and like, like I had that

Shocked face when they were hitting each other. Right? It was hard, man, it was hard. So I would put that one up there as my my number one are in my top five. Michael Cascio: Okay, that I mean, that’s a very hard hitting

Match. And there’s a style that those guys have that I think like is really appealing because it’s different than what you normally see in the modern style. Now it Yeah, you know how I feel about that? Like sometimes it was too much flip

Flop and like it’s all like white noise to me. So this is the this is like a nice change of pace from that. Big Vito: I agree. Alright, what was yours? Michael Cascio: Alright, so for me, again, no particular order, but I am going to throw a women’s Triple Threat and it is

Going to have Mercedes Monet in it. This is from Genesis in New Japan. This match. It’s Mercedes Monet versus zookeepers, zooming, I think this was one of the better Triple Threat matches I think I’ve ever seen. I said, speaking of New Japan, right, I,

I am making a New Year’s resolution. So spoiler alert that I’m going to be getting the New Japan World app just downloaded on on Roku, because now they updated it. And they’re making it available. So I decided I’m going to just take

The plunge and dive in first of the year, and really go for it. So through like the kind of the free preview have been able to like watch this match over again, and it holds up I think, it just shows how good Mercedes is to, you know, like she can

Hold her own in this new environment with with other high caliber talent is just a fantastic triple threat match. I would recommend if anybody can find it elsewhere or subscribe to the New Japan. They should check it out. It’s a really great match. Yeah,

Big Vito: I like that i i can tell you, I have not seen it. So I will try to take a peek at it. But I trust your judgment on that one. And, I mean, it’s not a shocker. And I can’t call her

Mercedes. I’m just calling her. So I know, I go back and forth. Yeah, I can’t do it. So that’s a good one. I will go down just to keep things going here I through and there’s a couple that, you know, I think me and you might agree on and really go over

This. But I’m gonna go for one that maybe we didn’t have the same. And I’m gonna go for Logan Paul and Seth Rollins, also at WrestleMania 39. I thought WrestleMania 39 was one of the better Wrestlemanias we’ve seen in a while. And you know, I’m

Shocked that I would even put this on here. To be completely honest with you. I am telling you hate celebrities and I hate celebrities in WWE, but I gotta give credit where credit is due and I thought that match outperform? Maybe it’s because it outperformed what my expectation was, you know, but I

Thought it was a great match. There was a lot of flip flop it be Bob, but he is going on in there, but we’ll we’ll we’ll we’ll let that slide. I thought it was a great match. And you know, again, it was kind of like that. Seth Rollins does a great

Job of making it feel real because he was yeah, he kind of was on my side he doesn’t like celebrities in WWE either. But Logan Paul is a freak man he he he like adopted so quickly to to all of it and I thought it was a great match. I could have done

Without the prime but the prime drink but you know, it added a little bit of mystique a moment a different setting, it Michael Cascio: is what it is now they’re just there’s always going to be parts of that. Limb gym sponsored match or slash.

Big Vito: Fine, whatever. I don’t care, whatever you need to do. So alright, Michael Cascio: I’m surprised I but I’m the pleasantly surprised because that was a really good match. I think Logan Paul, this. I mean, you hate to admit how good he is. Yeah, you don’t want

Him to be in those kinds of spots. But he is quite Yeah, Big Vito: unfortunately though, if he’s not on TV enough, it’s gonna diminish. I’m not saying he needs to be on there all the time. But if he’s going to be a champion, this is my biggest IRQ

If you’re not going to be an argument for you all the time. Yeah. If you’re not going to be on TV, don’t be a champion. If you’re going to do the celebrity thing, fine. Come in, do your runs and leave and do your thing. But like Just don’t be a

Champion because it may it diminishes the fact of what you’re doing here. So if you’re going to be champion, come in Russell, like just do it. So anyway. Yeah. All right. Go on to one of yours here, Mikey. Michael Cascio: All right, another one of mine on my top

Five is MJF. First Bryan Danielson. The Iron Man match. No, I did not watch this live. I will admit that. But I watched it another way. And it was fantastic. Honestly, I really, it kind of changed my view of of MJF as a wrestler, I think I

Viewed him more in the sense as like, kind of, not to quote the Jericho Appreciation Society or but as a sports entertainer, you know, and I think he really showed his wrestling chops in this match with Danielson and I feel like that’s just a testament to Daniel’s sensibility. And what this guy

Does with everybody, he’s in the ring with, they step up when they’re with him. And I feel like you have no choice, otherwise, he’s going to eat you alive. And and I think MJF did a really great job. And the way they structured the match was

Really great. I was you know, I feel like in today’s day and age, it’s really hard to keep people’s attention. You know, we’re all we’re always like, on our frickin cell phones. So it’s hard sometimes to sort of keep us locked in on the action. And

I think they did a really good job of doing that. Yeah, Big Vito: no, I agree. And I also think this was kind of the turning point for MJF. I mean, I think, you know, everyone looked at him as all He’s great on the mic, and he’s a decent wrestler,

But this kind of was his proving ground of like, can you hang with a guy who’s probably the best wrestler on the planet right now you know? And yeah and he did a great job and I think that kind of just elevated him to a different level like you

Said above just being this right entertainer so I wanted Michael Cascio: that devil storyline is even more sort of like infuriating because look at that look at where it was after that and now and then like this kind of happens and it’s just like watered it down to me.

Big Vito: I agree. Agree but no good good one I would I would add that to mine as well. But I had to make mine different than yours. So of course a couple of names Alright, so I’m gonna go for one that mean you had the same and it was I find this

Interesting. It was Cody versus Brock Lesnar at SummerSlam. Right. It’s hard to imagine us putting a Brock Lesnar match on I mean, listen, I think he’s a great wrestler and whatnot. But in this day and age with with Brocket it, I think what made it

Great was that it was Cody, right? It wasn’t necessarily Brock, I think Brock added to it. And at the end, when he raised his arm was very unique. You’ve never seen Brock Lesnar do that, but I think more so if you watch the beginning of that

Match. We all thought Cody was gonna lose, because Oh, yeah, absolutely getting crushed. Like, legitimately I thought he was injured five or six times. Yeah, Michael Cascio: yeah, me too. It really showed had this, like, there’s like this terminology going around in wrestling where

Like, I think, going through has been using it to as like the final boss of the game. And there has been historically for the last 20 years like, final boss, like right off the bat, like he’s super Shredder, you know, like, he’s gonna bring it

All down on himself rather than let you win. So I think, I think that match told a really great story I was I, in preparation for this, I tried to, like rewatch all of this. So it was kind of fresh in my mind. And the layout that of this match

Was really great. It was sort of like, it was almost like different like fights every time like he just kept like, Cody just kept trying to get in the ring gets his ass kicked comes out, gets in there and gets his ass kicked gets out and like he

Ends up kind of pulling it out in the end. And that that sort of show of respect by Lesnar, apparently from what they’re saying it was not planned, which I think kind of makes it all the more I think symbolic of hey, you know, listeners sort of

Winding down he’s he’s in the twilight of his monstrous career. So I think it’s it was good for Cody. He kind of needed that. I think everybody was talking about that. If Cody kind of loses that then like, what what’s the point of finishing

The story if he can’t beat the guy that Roman beat? So Big Vito: yeah, and anytime you rip your pants in a match, you got to be on the top top man. Yeah, so absolutely. Brock Lesnar with a little pants Rippy. You know, you got to Michael Cascio: that was your big takeaway.

Big Vito: It sticks in my brain sticks in my brain. All right. Um, all right. Well, you can go on to the next one. So we had that one in this. Yeah, Michael Cascio: we kind of shared that one. Yeah. All

Right. So the next one on my list is Becky versus Trish cage match for Okay, back. It was home. My God, man. It was just fantastic. From bell to bell. I think. I think some people have some criticisms of that feud overall. And listen, I could

Sure to say share some of that, but I think on the whole, it was really great to have Trish Stratus back. She got a legends run that you normally don’t see the women get. No, this is what this is what they give to Goldberg. This is what they give

To all these like old timers that decided to like just come back and have a nostalgia run. Except Trish Stratus did much better than Goldberg. Don’t get me started on Kohlberg. All right, I know I but I thought it was really great for Trish to be

Able to like get that chance to come back. And she was a regular on Raw. She was having stellar matches. She’s still got it. And I think she’s coming back in 2024 as well. And I can’t wait for that. But this this sort of this feud with Becky, I think

Kind of solidified Becky to think to be able to sort of hold her own with somebody like Trish Stratus has always held in such high regard. And for them to do what they did in this cage match. I mean, they went balls to the wall, quite honestly. I

Mean, what they were doing off the top of the cage. I mean, it was just so it was kind of brutal. And I think oftentimes like an American audience really struggles with that, of like seeing women in these kinds of like brutal matches. I mean, you

Saw it like with like UFC, right? People are always like up in arms, like I can’t have women fight like this was brutal. But I thought they did a great job with it. And it was one of my favorite matches of the year. I went back and watched it again.

It’s just it holds up. It holds up and so people should definitely check that out. Big Vito: Yeah, I mean, I agree with you. I thought it was great. And listen, anytime Trish Stratus comes back. It’s okay in my book. I was always a big Trish Stratus fan. And, you

Know, I thought it was a great way to come full circle. And I agree with you. You’re right, you have all these men legends coming back, why not have some women legends, and I thought it was awesome. And I think I think she helped elevate women on TV,

You know, and I thought was great. So I 100% agree with you. And it was kind of a brutal match, which was always Michael Cascio: it was brutal. And really like, there was ripple effects from that too, because Becky then took that and

Then went down to NXT it was kind of like right after that, she goes down to NXT she has that that that rivalry with with Tiffany Stratton she works with like Roxanne Perez, she’s able to work with a lot of the talent down there. And so like that

Elevates them to so like there’s actually like a ripple effect. And that’s what I like to see. Oh, 100% Big Vito: Alright, I’ll go on to the next one. This one was different. I’ll let you end it with our our last one. Michael Cascio: Is this your position number one?

Big Vito: No, I wouldn’t call this my number one. I didn’t I’m not gonna pick a number one. I don’t I don’t want to rank my I think we’re all equally as good in different ways. I thought this one was a good one too. And it was rains first. Sami Zayn.

Roman Reigns for Sami Zayn at the Elimination Chamber. And, you know, I don’t know, from a like a rest technical wrestling standpoint, you would make it number one, but I think for the storyline aspect of it. It was great. And I think it needed to

Happen. And it just the the poetry in it all of the storyline is great. And, you know, I give credit to Roman Reigns. But I give credit to Sami Zayn too, because Sami Zayn was so instrumental in that storyline, you know? And it just

Everything leading up to it. And will he won’t he turn this that and then the chair shot? heard round the world like this was, it was it was great. Michael Cascio: I am not ashamed to admit that I rewatched that Royal Rumble segment, probably like five or six times because

It’s just it was so good. That was like the epitome of like, drama, right? Yeah, it was really well done. And the crowd bought into every piece of it. Because they just love Sammy. And that that storyline got so much time to breathe. And they

Did a good job of sort of maintaining the interest giving you those little bits and pieces that that you can kind of like nibble on to keep you going for the next week. And man, that Montreal crowd was just fantastic for Sammy. Like it’s a

Shame he didn’t win. I understood why, man, like just a beautiful moment for Sami Zayn to come out to be in the main event to be fighting for the world championship against Rome. And I thought it was great. It was great.

Big Vito: A great. Alright, now you can give us there. Are we this one we had on there? I’ll let you talk about it quickly, then let’s let’s give like our just a couple guys who made it had a great 2023. And then a quick prediction for what we’re

Looking for. For 2020. For Michael Cascio: sure, sure. All right. So this is my number one across the board. It’s Charlotte vers Ria. I watched this again last night. And Holy smokes, guys. It’s a fantastic match. The way that match is structured is very traditional old school

Wrestling, they start slow, they do a lot of ground game, there’s a lot of sort of back and forth of you know, who’s kind of a bit stronger. And then you get these little bits like these little spots in the crowd, you can feel the crowd start to rumble. And

They they just they reach that crescendo at the end when she when she hits her with the sort of the avalanche finisher and she she wins match, man, I love it. I absolutely love this match. I would recommend if if people have not watched, maybe

There’s some people out there don’t watch women’s wrestling. If you’re gonna watch a match, watch that one. That’s the first that would be my introduction. There’s just so much in terms of the presentation, the structure of the match the story that they tell, and just the ability of both those women it’s it’s

Phenomenal. Yeah, Big Vito: I agree. I mean, you hit I’m not going to elaborate too much more. I agree with you. I thought it was great. But the great thing about this, if you look at our I mean, WrestleMania really was a great show. Michael Cascio: WrestleMania being but I

Big Vito: mean, it was great that we had other things outside of WWE on this, and it’s not like we’re biased. We literally just took what we thought were the best matches what gave us the most the most so I hope they continue that momentum into

2024. But quickly, you know, it gets let’s just break it down this way. Mike. Yeah, you know, I know we had like a fantasy roster. We’re gonna do this whole thing. Yeah, let’s, let’s just say if you were to pick three people that were the MVPs

Of the year, who would it be? And and you don’t necessarily need to get into why we’re running short on time but okay, and then And then let’s talk about what we’re looking for in 2024. Quickly. Michael Cascio: This is tough. So, my my three kind of MVPs

First, I gotta put Dom in there. I think this guy that has been getting his ass kicked for the whole year, and he’s handling it really well. He’s getting a ton of heat, he pulls good promos, he is entering work continues to improve. So DOM is up there MJF

To this has been a dominant run for him. And I think really kind of showed a lot about him as a wrestler and his ability to carry accompany my third is I want to, I gotta say, Becky, I think she’s she’s had a really stellar year overall Chanel do a

Lot of different things on a lot of different shows. Big Vito: Okay, perfect. I, you know, I’m going to, I would agree with with Don, I think Don was up there for me, too. But um, I’m gonna go, Gunther, I know he’s had a stellar year. I

Think mgf is two, but I’m going to do someone different. Just because you added him on there. I’m going to say, Suave Strickland. And I think I think he, I think he had a great year. But I also I think me and you would agree that Cody Rhodes

Should be on here to I think it was it was his year for, for for and I think look, you know, you could argue this more people. And if we had more time here today, we probably would go back and forth on. But we but we don’t. So let’s let’s leave it

At that. And what are you what are you looking forward to in 2024, Michael Cascio: I’m looking forward to seeing more other wrestling outside of WWE and Aw, that’s kind of part of my wrestling resolution is to make a more concerted effort. That’s

Why I’m gonna get the New Japan streaming app. And I want to just dive into that and kind of just see where it leads me I’m just gonna be like going through like favorites and people what they recommend. I’m going to keep doing my thing with with

With soon to be TNA Plus app and follow in there because they have a great women’s division, one of the best in the business. So I’m really excited to see where they go. And and maybe hopefully get to another wrestling event. That’s part of

My resolution get to another one. I wanted to go to Royal Rumble this year, but just wasn’t in the cards. So yeah. Big Vito: Those are good. I like that, you know, mine is a first I’m gonna start off by saying I’m gonna give the celebrities a

Chance because I have turned my tune. First of all, it could have been an honorable mention. But bad bunny versus Damian priest also was a great match this year. And I have to say, I will call a spade a spade I did not like bad bunny, I wish he

Was never a wrestler. But my two Chainz after that match, and I’ll give him credit where credit is due. And it was in Puerto Rico was a great moment for him. So it’s a honorable mention. But I hope you know, my my my wish for 2024 is I hope

WWE continues to go on the same path they’re going. And we get to can see continuous excitement, not just based around wrestlers coming in. Right, but around storylines and things happening. And I hope that continues. And they can elevate to that next level, because you’re starting to get

The old attitude or a feeling of how like, you know, when you get excited about a show and whatnot, which is great. I love that. And I hope aw writes that ship a little bit. And if it doesn’t, I think this is a great opportunity, like you said for

Some of those other promotions like TNA and NWA and New Japan to to step up. I mean, you know, I think aw is instrumental and getting eyes on other wrestling promotions. Right? And what’s great for the wrestling, you know, economy, but some of the

Other people have to step up and spend some money to get some of these people in there and build some of their stars that they have. You know, Jason Alexander is a great one in TNA. You know, he’s been great all year, and nobody really talks about so.

That’s mine, right there. So, but I thought it was a great year overall, I think our podcast was more positive than negative. Which is great, which is fantastic. So Michael Cascio: awesome. So all right. I feel like we’ve covered just about everything. And you know, we’re a little bit over

The hour. So let’s end this today. I think this was great. Thank you again on you for coming on. We love having you on. Hopefully we will get you back on in 2024 veto. What a great year. It’s been together and too many more. Let’s keep

Doing this man. Yeah, happy New Year, everybody out there and until 2024 Keep on struggling to bronies

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