Nerding out about Eagle’s NEW Envy!!! [office review]

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Hello I wanted to take today’s video on B to take a look at this disc the new Eagle McMahon rebirth I literally just edited that video and heard that 10 times and I still barely remembered it but it’s his new oh gosh prison proton yes prison proton mvy because when we

Were out there we actually fil we didn’t really film that much but I brought out some other envs to mess around with um but we ended up just playing the 18-hole battle he threw these Lefty and I was recording it and I thought that he was

Going to row like a lefty Heiser kind of bring it across his body but he just like completely rotated which probably the r would have do it if he’s doing it but not the way that I would necessarily thrown it so I set up the shot as if I

Was throwing the Hiser and I just like he was right in front of it the whole entire time and they weren’t the best shots honestly and then I threw them and then you guys saw that at the end of that video trying to Ace but I want to

Take a look at like the differences between these guys or at least just talk through them because yes this is just an mvy also it makes sense that eagle got an mvy because mvy is so popular but like there is a point where you get like

Mold fatigue I noticed that when I ran zones last year because I did uh banana Club zones with broadrick which I’ll show you we have some right here of the banana Club ones which are just that stamp and then I also later ran shattered van ESP zones

Cuz zones like they’re a popular mold everyone throws zones I was like Hey zones are going to sell but I think there’s like Zone fatigue there’s too many different Plastics of zones there’s too many different custom stamps of zones and so it just ended up being that

It was just too much and I think that can be the same way with enves luckily I don’t think that mvp has that same exact problem that like disc craft does because MVP is just so freaking popular all the time and so I don’t imagine honestly these are going to come out the

16th of February I don’t think that these are going to really stay on the shelves for that long but I don’t know if there’s going to be a lot more mv’s run through Eagle Through Time whoever I don’t really know um but it was fun to talk with eagle about the mvy which

We’ll get to in a second especially as compared to the proxy but I brought out these five and I did throw them and like noted some differences between them but didn’t really talk about it too much so what I have here are a just regular proton mvy not a prison proton mvy this

Is a run where it is pretty flat but um not quite like flat flat it’s like weird because this is super flat but then you get one of these which is the Eclipse 2.0 ones and for some Reon oh yeah you can you you can almost see a difference

Let me see if I can zoom in the camera enough so you guys can see get my face out of the way you can see like this has like it gets to the top of the over mold and then a little bit of a bump and then flat whereas here it gets

The top of the over mold and then just flat across so little bump flat little bump flat and Eagle was saying that he’s thrown proton mes which he didn’t know if this was one of them which is just like ridiculously overstable and I think honestly it probably comes down to that

Little thing right there maybe two ends of the spectrum to be honest uh because this proton Envy is a bomber Envy for me like this is one that the mvy is like a hybrid between Putter and midrange I feel like I could comfortably get this out to about 350 probably comfortably

340 like if I knew I had a hole that I had high enough ceiling that I can just like rip something on this much anahe iser just let it go on glide on it flatten out come out of it and not really move too much right to left

Basically just be dead straight that’s I would throw this Envy for sure or what actually turned into this Envy um but this one’s even a little flippy it’s closer to proxy this is a uh prism plasma yeah plasma proton prison plasma which is like Neutron maybe I don’t

Really know Neutron prism I really don’t know that much about these plastics it’s got like the metal flick Rim but this one you guys saw me throw a lot during the actual season at the end of last year because it was just laser straight like almost like flip up just go

Straight and because it’s mvy it has a little bit more of a finish or if you put on anheiser it just sits down flat instead of just turning over and like hitting the ground on an angle you wanted to hit it flat and so um I really

Love this mvy I’m not sure if I’m going to be bagging Ms this year again I still have to kind of figure out that slot and a lot of that’s going to come down to figureing out my putter which I have been starting putter Wars and then I

Filmed a video a trick shot video for infinite’s channel which hopefully by the time this video is up that video is up I’ve sent it to infinite like for approval and whatnot um haven’t heard anything back on it quite yet but that um that is I did that and my forearms my

Extensors the top four muscles are like killing me from some of those trick shots cuz I literally it was 4 hours in a row just throw throw throw throw throw and that’s just fatiguing to any muscle group even if you I’m not throwing full power but like that’s just extra fatigue

Especially cuz more touchy shots tend to rely more on springiness of tendons than musculature I found so like I can go out right now and just rip full power but putting touch shots terrible and that’s just what happens my shoulder was really sore this is really sore so I haven’t

Putted too much all that to say I didn’t really putt all that much but um I’ve adding a couple Putters to the putting Wars doubt that that means anything to you because that’ll all be in a later video cuz I really just got to figure

Out what I need to putt with and just practice so this started out very very overstable which is very similar to this MV now the problem here is I’m throwing significantly more nose down and significantly harder than I was at the end of last uh last season um probably

By like 5 to 7 m hour maybe even closer to 10 I haven’t tested myself with the tech disc in a long time I’m planning on doing that for a video probably actually tomorrow since it just snowed 6 in last night but these envs are the most

Overstable en that I found I think out of the box it’s going to be a tie between this and another one I have here but this is the prison plasma ones especially the shadow van run I don’t think I have anym where are all my mvs

Let me see um yeah these are all the M I have the ones that I showed you or intimated about and then these ones um another proton mvy here and then a couple others that we’ll get to but they beat in this one is gotten because it

Was in my bag for most of um this offseason I put it in the bag uh to complement this guy because of how how straight I had gotten uh and this one was like like basically ESP Zone like a beat in ESP Zone like a jawbreaker Zone

And so on backand I much prefer to throw this than a Zone um for some reason unless it’s shorter it’s weird like the shorter distances I’ll throw the Zone back can longer distances I’ll throw this odd but this is straight is now still overstable but probably just about

As overstable if not slightly less overstable than this one um but it started out a good bit more of a stable so this uh proton plasma plasma proton is going to be less overstable to start out with than the prism plasma I found at least but these beat in relatively

Fast so I don’t know if this will beat in even faster cuz I also know my protons beat in pretty fast as well so um I would say it’s if you have a flat proton the flat proton is going to be more overstable than this but if you

Have a proton that’s like this where it’s got that little bit of a shoulder and then gets flat um they’re probably going to be pretty similar to Eagles enies these are going to be very similar next are the um I don’t have all the mvs obviously I don’t even have a neutron MV

To be honest with you um I would love a soft Neutron mvy uh but I don’t have one I wonder that feels so good um but these are the electron ferment I actually picked these up for the putter Wars um and I’ve been throwing them a little bit

Surprisingly I’ll give you a little spoiler they got knocked out on the first round of the putter Wars I do have like one rebuttal that I can bring a disc back and I don’t know if it’s going to be this cuz just as it slows down it

Just kind of Glides on the Hiser instead of slowing down and going straight on the Hiser and pushing with like a little bit of fade it just kind of goes a little bit more left cuz it does seem to be a little faster like three three and

A half speed very like for a putter it just they just want to go and so I know people put with them they PO with them well but I don’t think it’s going to be my putter for this year um but these electron firms they’re very new they

Look a little beat up just because they take beatings pretty fast but these ones want to pop up a little bit more they even have different numbers they call them 3 312 and I would say that this is going to definitely be more overstable than any electron that I’ve ever thrown I’ve

Thrown electron softs and have not thrown just typical electrons and then the electron firms I maybe I have to actually throw an electron but they’re all these are all ones where they like I could see them like wanting to stand up sometimes if I hit them just right I can

Like pop them up if I throw them flat they’ll like drift and maybe even turn um whereas this one will just kind of Stay Stay Stay Stay and then finish maybe a tiny tiny bit of drift um but never going to turn never going to think

About turning it’s going to kind of this is basically your point- and shoot Envy it’s going to hold whatever line you want for 80% of the flight and then finish a little bit these ones will drift a little bit more on that line and then I found that these ones want to be

More overstable like you put them on this line I’m like hey I want you to just hold this anheiser and it’s like H screw you buddy I’m just going to get the flat and then I’m going to finish on you now they’re getting to the point where they’ll actually hold over and

They’ll actually hold the the midf fight longer before finishing harder um and they will finish pretty good if you give them time like Give Them Enough air to actually slow down they’ll finish more than these guys out of an anheiser but they take a lot longer to get to that

Point it would make sense cuz that’s how most other like discs that are beaten over stable discs react and I think that this is the case it’s just as hard because this has such a slowness threshold like it can get so slow and still stay on his typical flight so

There’s this the last ones that was really loud are going to be these uh Eclipse 2.0 ones this one was in the bag for a lot of last season um actually threw it into the water at a practice round at Casey wide opener maybe in the

Tournament um but these are flat this is very similar I found that the EnV or the putters maybe because you just throw more they beat up so much faster than a lot of other MVP discs also could be the case that I don’t bag any other MVP

Discs MVP discs which I think is the case I’m trying to remember I don’t think I’ve bagged any other ones except for this and then the proxy which we’ll chat about here in a second which I have a couple of here um but these uh Eclipse

2.0 ones they didn’t so they’re kind of in between uh when they start out they’ve all beaten in this one now is actually surprisingly a little bit more of a stable if not the exact same as this black prison plasma one but this one is now like just going to hold a

Turn and because it’s flatter I don’t know what it is about it but like it seems to be a little more understable like it just kind of holds over more and instead of like probably because it is flatter it wants to move more right and then move back left but it never has

That move back left for me anymore this one which is again the really flat uh Eclipse 2.0 is very overstable like I can rip it really hard throw it um on anheiser it’ll fight out of it and move left this is the one that I chained out

With in the video I did notice like you could see in those flights that it was more of a stable you could see that the electron firm was less overstable but that probably takes like a if you’re like newer to disc gol for you like don’t care how just fly

Differently too much like as I review so many this I’m like yes this I could definitely tell is or is not as overstable I’m not sure if that comes across as much on camera but this guy very overstable but I would say that the ranking for like starting overstability

Prison plasma starts the most overstable by far of any of them that I found then Eclipse 2.0 and then I would say it’s going to be a tie between the proton ones which would make sense like this is is a prism proton I don’t know if this

Is more of stable than sorry fing off I don’t know if this is more of a stable than regular Neutron ones or regular plasma whatever whatever the plastic is I really don’t know um there’s too many Plastics at MP but uh the protons are probably the same and then the electron

So I would say it is Neutron is prison plasma maybe Neutron and then the eclipse ones and then the proton ones and then the electron ones just based off of my experience I’m not like an Envy expert but one of the interesting things I was talking with eagle about

Was the proxy actually um I think it’s kind of cool that like Eagle definitely seems to be the Envy player Simon definitely seems to be the proxy player you can see that in their games they’re both like Power Players and this is even reflected in what Simon was talking

About as Eagle was coming and he’s like yeah like we are both very far throwers we are both very good dis golf he didn’t say in this un eloquently but he’s like our games are our bags are so different like they throw so many different things

Like Simon is much more of aiser player um Eagle definitely also a Hiser player but he likes to force stuff on hisers and just like punish it on aiser whereas uh Simon wants to finesse it a slightly bit more he does punish the disc a

Little bit um but Simon is a proxy guy Neutron proxy this surprisingly this um R2 which I want an R2 mvy cuz it might be even more overstable than like these ones cuz the R2 plastic something about this recycled Neutron is just so ridiculously overstable but then I have

This Neutron proxy which to me is going to be close to those uh electron firm EnV maybe slightly more understable probably the same out of the box but it just feels slightly different but like not that different to be completely honest cuz the core this middle part the

Green thing here the blue thing here is the exact same it’s only the over mold that changes on these and I think it’s the atom as well the anode one of those is also the same I think it’s axium atom axium it’s probably the atom that sounds

More like an axium disc but now that I say that is maybe it’s MVP there’s a disc that’s in between these um but it’s just slightly slightly different this is just slightly rounder on the top part of the um over mold and then this one is just

Slightly blunter and so I don’t know why that makes this slightly more understable but also feels a little smaller in my hands I would probably be someone to just go through EnV because I think this is what I was talking about the eagle you can find an envy that

Flies like any proxy like you can beat them in enough that they that they’ll flip like a proxy they’ll fly like it maybe maybe not like exactly perfectly but you’ll be able to find all this abilities but you’re probably aren’t going to find the overstable end of

Proxies um not that one is good or one is bad honestly they feel so similar that if you find a really nice proxy and really nice envy that you like just put them both in the bag sometimes you pull them out you might not even be able to

Tell the difference like you probably will but it’s pretty freaking close and so that was just one of the interesting uh thoughts that we had had just in between while we were walking between holes but yeah his mvs are definitely sick they’re also an Envy so if you have

A bunch of mvs and you don’t need any more mvs or want any more mvs there’s not going to be anything like crazy special about this one it’s not going to be the beefiest mvy you’ve ever thrown your life it’s going to be very point

And shoot with a little bit of finish if you throw really hard it’s going to be overstable if you don’t throw really hard um and that’s kind of what you want out of an Envy to be honest with you I do think that like this stamp like it

Just came together so well and he had a second one that he was throwing around that I don’t think I have on camera much but it was Blue on Blue with blue main Phoenix or bird whatever this bird is um and apparently that’s going to be like the rarer ones because Fire Burns

Hottest when it or Burns blue when it burns hottest so that’s pretty cool but yeah I don’t know uh if this gave you anything but I figured I had some thoughts on it it’s a little bit expost facto from the uh video I just actually posted that video and I had some more

Thoughts about this mvy and then throwing mvs and whether or not I don’t know if I’m going to bag him not this year I got to figure that out I love throwing a disc that I’m putting with but obviously I put it with p and I

Threw EnV last year but it was envs and PES and so we’ll have to see what ends up happening I do think I want a TWP speed but the EnV is so good I just like it is such a good hybrid and I don’t know if I can throw other slower ones or

Other Putters as far I’ll have to take it to a field because I also have so many EnV that it’s just a good disc it’s just a good disc that’s all I’m rambling now see you forl things bye


  1. I have 2 eclipse envy’s that I have been putting and throwing with for the past 2 years and 1 of them is like 167 and it has beat in to a really nice hyzer flip to slow turn

  2. I'm glad you got one. MVP is the supreme buzz kill. They crossed the line of building anticipation to dragging it out. I'm still a week out from getting mine and my level of excitement has waned to near nothing. Rant over. I appreciate your insights.

  3. My soft neutron (that I bought used in Denver) is the most overstable envy I've got. My cosmic neutron and glo fly super straight. Close to my proxy.

  4. After throwing a few envys in different plastics I decided on bagging a fission envy. It has the unique ability to be thrown more softly for flex shots on highly wooded courses. You can rip on it in the open where it flies relatively straight with a dependable finish. However, when looking for that dependable up shot without blowing by the pin, this disc does the trick.

  5. I have a ton too, I noticed the same thing about the prism plasma ones, mine started out very overstable, but it got straight very fast. So far the most consistent ones for me have been the soft proton with prism rims from the OTB drop. Interestingly I have some really beat up ones, a soft neutron (OG soft) but only the electron ones have become truly understable.

  6. Neutron Soft Envy has throughout the years been the most consistently overstable Envy. Had one like five years ago that was the most OS Envy and bought a new one a couple years back that was basically identical. R2 molding similarly makes sense.

  7. I am running a tournament the end of the month. I asked 10 players if they wanted 4 pixels or 4 eagles for raffle prizes.
    10/10 said pixels.

    *I still am going to order a eagle. But in the release photos they didn’t show how translucent the disc is.

  8. love talking about the small differences in runs. seeing the small details is nice to know. now go to the field and throw simons neutron soft proxy, vs eagles prism proton envy. easy views.

  9. I really appreciate the indepth review. Wish there was this style of review for every new release so yiu can know where it fits in with the current ones! Great job!

  10. I have a neutron soft envy that is the best throwing putter in the world!…straight flyer with a consistent fade which makes the best turnovers in the woods…I aced with it today in a tournament!

  11. I definitely think you should keep throwing envys. You’ve been throwing them really well in your videos and it’s such a good mold to cycle, electrons compliment the premium plastic one so good too. You need to get Neutron Soft ones though, for me it’s the most OS run and keep their stability the longest.

  12. The Plasma plastic is MVPs softer, slightly gummy plastic optimized for cold or wet weather. Plasma usually beats in faster than Proton plastic. I've never had a Prism disc (that's their name for the transparent overmold) but I've heard they usually don't beat in as fast as the standard black or colored rims. They also don't seem to have quite a much mass added to the rim. I would expect the Prism Proton to have a little less fade than Plasma or Fission at first, but should last longer before being beat in.

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