My Biggest Distance Gain Of The Year?!

TaylorMade are back with brand new versions of their TP5 and TP5x golf balls for 2024.

I gamed the TP5x golf ball all last season so I was excited to see what I could gain from upgrading to the new model.

In this video I meet up with Mike Fox, Senior Director of Product Creation for Golf Balls at TaylorMade Golf. He gives us all the technology updates on the new golf ball as well as putting me through a head to head test to see how much I can gain from the new TaylorMade TP5x golf ball. The results were seriously impressive!!

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Hi, I’m Hannah Holden; welcome to my channel!

I am a +2 golfer from Leeds

This YouTube channel aims to help you improve your golf by offering up-to-date reviews on the latest golf equipment, stats on how scratch golfers shoot low scores, and course vlogs to help improve your course management.

I also partner with PGA Golf Professionals such as @jrbackhousegolf to bring you tips to improve your golf game.

If that wasn’t enough I’ll make sure you’re on top of the latest rules of golf!

Ball speed 21 tp5 peaked at 115 okay the least amount you held a new one was so we’ve got a brand new tp5 tv5x golf ball this year I’m with the man of the moment who’s going to talk us through this Mike Fox who has possibly one of the longest job titles ever

Senior category category no senior yeah you got it keep going senior senior category director for golf ball at Ted you nailed it um it’s a big job and it you know has a big title I guess attached to it but no exciting to have you out here I know we’re at the plant

Yesterday and you got to really see how the golf balls were made and now you really get the experience how they work so what we’re doing is going to be the 5×5 challenge we’re going to run with golfers all over the world and honestly it’s a pretty easy test we’re going to

Have you hit five our old ball five our new ball and get you see all the benefits that we talked to you about so let’s have you start with hit five of the old ball this is the old tp5x and uh I think we have a long iron for you I’ve

Got five iron for the 5 by five test we figured it all worked out yeah we liked the numbers of that right let’s go oh there’s so much pressure to hit a good strike now oh it’s okay that’s why we got five y plenty more so while I’m hitting could you

Explain a little bit about the tech changes in the new bow and how like the differences the consumer might see so for us in Divine golf balls people are always looking for more distance more ball speed no surprise but they want to feel softer the challenge is always

Those two things are are not independent they’re tied together if you want to make a goall ball faster fine you make it harder more interaction more spring off the club phase and the ball is going to go faster but we’ve been limited by how the ball sounds um we’ve had

Products have been faster we didn’t bring the market because you get that off of world oh it’s too clicky and as soon as we hear clicky we we rare right back and with the new tp5x on new tp5 product this year we’re using material that’s never been used before that

Allows us to control the sound of the product without affecting speed it’s called speed wrap and what you’re going to experience is an incredibly soft feel softer than we’ve been before you’re going to pick up all this distance and all this ball speed um again at that

Lower alible hurts at that softer feel and it’s really freed us up to make the best performing products we can at a feel that we know everyone’s going to love I think it’s interesting CU people would necessarily associate like the material change with the softness they would always think like compression yep

It’s compression is definitely a component of it and that’s really been the lever we’ve pulled is hard ball softball softball softer but the advancements in chemistry advancements and materials allow us to do things to the chemistry of a golf ball which honestly in this case is density we have

A lower density core that allows honestly we can get super technical about it but when you take it down to molecular level is more sound for Trav for more space for sound to travel between and it’s almost producing like a dampening type effect to the sound of

That golf ball that allows up to build all these other layers fashion we’ve ever been able to make them before to produce this these results you’re about to see perfect have you get a couple more so again this is still the old tp5x mhm now what am I looking in here for oh

Yes of new subscribers if you’re new here and you’re enjoying the content hit that subscribe button 75% of people watching my videos aren’t currently subscribed and that might seem not important to you but actually it really helps us in terms of getting views and getting our content seen and also being

Able to produce more content in the future so if you enjoy the tips hit that subscribe how’s that one those last two were pretty good first one was a bit thin that was good all right I think we got one more on this side or Y great

Yeah it’s five tb5 5×5 five iron as high as I can count all right good mhm so now we’re going to switch over to the new tp5x the 2024 design using the new speed wrap um that you should pick up some some pretty good distance with um we’re going to use

The new pix design so we know this is the new ball just so I don’t mix them up uh this is a new design for us as well that we worked on with a lot of our tour players and our research group to just producing even better picks than we had

Before so let’s try this new ball this is very exciting cuz I saw about a million of these yesterday flying around the factory this is the first hit oh no I F it okay part of the reason we have five as well is cuz it uh it

Gives us uh it gives us a little bit of extra balls make sure we get three good ones user error alert clean my club that’s great was just too Keen toit a shot better better we can get better though yeah I think we’ll clear one I don’t have to see the numbers but

That fell FAS didn’t sounded difference we also had um we also did a little bit of a dimple change on this product um dimple is one of the biggest impacts to be able to control flight and lift actually one of the biggest pieces of feedback we got from the European market

Is get a little bit more wind out there like to keep a little bit lower the ground so this actually is a flatter flight than we’ve had before again we’re picking up a lot of this carry with this speed even though we’re bringing down a little bit of the peak with the product

So a little bit more control really at this this much faster ball speed that is the worst thing when you hear a good shot and then it just like you can see it going in and we’re in a headwind right now I can tell you if this thing

Was spinning you would this is the exact situation you seeing about maybe 50 mph headwind that was nice that was great all right one more and then we complete the 5x five and we can take a look at the numbers four my spin right yep I’m excited to see the numbers now I’m

As well although I got a pretty good idea um bragging rights of the day so far with numbers Improvement I would say 83 to 84 Club head speed with both golf balls so same person was singing the golf club ball speed 21 tp5 peaked at 115 okay the least amount you have the

New one was 122 wall speed okay same swing speeds same swing speed that is the biggest common denominator there spin rate we’re at about 400 RPMs more so 44 4500 what we saw in 21 we’re averaging 5,000 right now so ball speed’s gone up spin’s gone

Up what that’s done to carry is we’ve gone from 157 carry to 166 carry and your total from 163 to 174 okay so in the current version of the golf ball call out I would say in carry versus total you got about a 12 yard deviation carry to total and we’ve tightened that

Up to about 8 yards more spin more ball speed 10 yards further so basically just gained like a clubing distance yeah um so we’ve seen three or four today not seven and eight like that so all speed is up would you say a club’s a a big distance gain for you yeah definitely

Yeah um I mean it’s nice we talk about changing the game of a golfer if you can hit a six iron instead of a five iron you’d probably shoot lower scores well the thing is that’s like two clubs a ho isn’t it because your driv going in a

Club further and then so then you’re hitting like two clubs less into the green cuz your club’s go in a club further and you’re a club nearer it’s awesome that’s mental wow that’s great this is the quickest way I’ve just gained 10 yards I could tell you that

For one thing all those the good news is no one you forget the gym this window everyone buy s save the gym membership and buy a few new box of the golf balls that’s my tip awesome


  1. Those pants look great on you Hannah. Did you lose weight? Saint Valentine was kind to you this year, of course.


  2. The quality of your content Hannah just keeps getting better and better. Really fun to watch this one.

  3. Hannah, love your videos but cooler heads need to prevail. We did this test with the new TP5 and simply didn't see any increase whatsoever over the current gamer (BridgestoneTour B XS) and last years TP5. We saw absolutely NO ball speed increases, let alone 7mph+ from an iron. TXG did this same test and the speeds of the '24 TP5x were comparable to to rest of the contenders (ProV1x and ChormeSoft Tour X). By the way, what he is saying about the 2024 TP5x being softer is absurd. It's the firmest clickiest ball I've ever hit from both putter and driver – and TXG agreed in their testing – (it's a rock). Hopefully you mic your videos differently in the future – your clothes mask much (not all) of the sound in your tests.

  4. Caiton, £6.00 per dozen on offer, RRP £24 per dozen, various channels have tested them against all the major brands including TP5, they were as good in spin, distance and flight. My club pro gamed them for a months, he was amazed and is now a convert. I couldn’t believe how good they are, Chinese copy? Possibly, but they do work

  5. interesting stuff. some lovely golf swings there Hannah. wonder how much difference it would make for an 18 handicapper, if any. lower swing speed, not as good strike etc.

  6. Interesting.
    I use TP5x when I play in hot climates, Spain in particular, find performance better than ProV1, but, I still use ProV1 in UK.
    I’m not sure for my 10 handicap, and swing speed, I’d get the gains you did. Good test, but I’ll stick with my old TP5x next week in Espana.

  7. Never been a fan of TM balls but this makes me wanna try their new ones for sure. Those gains are nuts.

  8. doesnt TM "say" that every year, "2 clubs longer, this bubble shaft, err.. club, errr.. ball will change golf" #marketingkings not a fan of TM but enjoy your channel. ;0)

  9. Not sure i would trust those increased figures given by two chaps wearing Taylor Made caps selling Taylor Made golf balls.

  10. You think Hannah could pass as Jordan Speiths sister. Been playing this ball for years can’t wait to try the new one. Wonder what the numbers would be if they hit the new ball first, then last year’s model.

  11. Interesting video, I would have liked it if the cameras could go out where the golf balls finished.

  12. IF this is true, it is the greatest argument for rolling back the golf ball I have ever seen. Driver distance is at its limit, which is why everyone is now talking forgiveness (10k etc), but the ball, that flies forever….

  13. Crazy with the ball change longest drive ever was with TP5 last year don’t think I’ll ever beat it again 383. Will be interesting testing this year

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