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Martin Keown RULES OUT Jose Mourinho Returning To Man United & CONDEMNS How He Treated Players ๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿ”ฅ

TalkSPORT’s Martin Keown explains why he doesn’t expect Jose Mourinho to return to Manchester United and criticises how he treated players such as Luke Shaw.


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During the interview he talked a lot about wanting to get back to work being offered the England job and um needing to clean house at Manchester United this is what he said about that before you buy new furniture you need you need to clean the

House so I was I was more about cleaning the house than buying new furniture and we didn’t clean it the way I want it I want it to clean from the second season and we couldn’t for different reasons we we couldn’t I I cannot say that I was

Asking for ABC o in the third season because was not was not right I just knew because was the third season I knew clearly what um what I didn’t want there in terms of the individuals in terms of uh of the profiles I knew clearly what I

I didn’t want but didn’t happen and sometimes in football you have to to accept that I accepted that and I tried my I tried my best but I knew I knew exactly the Deep the Deep problems that we that we had there and in the third season the manifestation of of this

Problems were more were more clear so this is the third season he was talking about Manchester United where he obviously had a couple of rather positive campaigns as the Manchester United boss but this third one he wanted to change the profile of the squad wanted to get certain players out and

Was concerned about not being able to do so which left him in a terrible mood he was in a right Funk towards the end of that campaign not the end of that campaign the end of his tenure he came to an end in December and I remember it

Clearly I I remember being around it at the time and it was it was like there was a huge sort of storm cloud all over the football club but um he subsequently some of the things that he has said about his tenure at Manchester United

And some of the the things that he has said about what he achieved at Manchester United have been proved to be true haven’t they I mean the fact that he was a miracle that he got his team to Second bearing in mind the squad that they had and the resources the best ever

Wasn’t it result he claimed that he ever got in a in a he he was big on it yeah I mean I mean obviously Mourinho is we know he’s been an amazing manager I think it was more a case of everywhere he went he was what two or three years

He seemed to do the same didn’t he Inter Milan at Chelsea everywhere go in quick fix um but I think it was more to do with his behavior more to do with his manner that almost became untenable at Manchester United I remember listening to him talking about Luke Shaw and

Saying well he’s fine when he plays on the near side next to the touch line next to the Dugout but when he goes to the opposite side I’m not there alongside him and he doesn’t know where to be he doesn’t know what positions to take up that was just the motivating T

Was at the end you know Luke Shaw maybe needed that are you kidding me that you’re a player who gets to that stage and you a manager talks about you in that way well he would know he’s been in many dressing rooms he knows has to deal with big name players

He’s won Champions League’s Galore and he’s won League’s Galore I don’t think there’s a there’s much way back is there for a player when a manager talks like that had a reasonably good career as a result I just think sometimes he he yeah he’s he’s too honest he says too much um

He tries to create storms doesn’t he goes in that quick fix manager I mean he set fire to the furniture didn’t he really he’s saying about changing maybe that was the only way to do it bearing in mind that he’s already complained that the executives that were above him

Were nice people but not good enough to be able to handle a club the size of Manchester United well I maybe the question should have been asked to name names who were the players that he felt should have been jettisoned out of the football club when he went there I think

He brought he bought Pogba in and then wanted him out or appeared to want him out he had martial there rashford these guys are all still there Ibrahimovic came in I think Jones was U was there Phil Jones Smalling of course he took to Roma so who who is he talking to about

Who’s he referring to the players that he wanted to get out of the football club I think thing was a big a bit of a problem wasn’t it and and the reason it was a problem was because I think that the club itself felt that it was

Important to have a big franchise star com into the group they came in at the in the same summer Pogba and Mourinho but clearly it wasn’t working between the two of them towards the end of his Reign and I think he probably wanted him to move on well it’s a thing of respect

Isn’t it it seemed about egos between the two of them I do think he went down the Chelsea route he B Lukaku and Matik in um obious players that he’d worked with before although Lukaku was a player allowed to leave after missing a penalty

In the in the super cup so it’s you know I think by large you look back he did well there to to win the number of trophies that he did um of course in the third year though he sort of looked it appeared as if he wanted out well

Bearing in mind that Manchester United then went on another period where they didn’t win very much up until Eric ten Hog’s arrival was he not right in in what he said about the place needed a complete cleanse because isn’t that what we’ve been saying for the last little

While and is Jim Radcliffe now embarking on that I mean the papers are full of it today you know wants a new Old Trafford in five years ambition to host England matches at wemble of the north five star hotel United theme at tracton uh no big spending spree on new players they’re

All doing the same thing now aren’t they they’re changing the whole culture of the club so new sporting director new recruitment processes so if we say then in the third year that he he kind of fell from those standards in terms of the sort of that because he’ thrown his toys out

The c a little bit in terms of I didn’t get what I want but I still would like to know who these players are that he felt were toxic with within the building um and you know maybe the judgement I think his accusation is is that maybe he

Should have been given more power to do what he needed to do to get that club right bearing in mind he was the only one probably in that building at the time with the experience of of running football yeah but he had his opportunity didn’t he he had his opportunity to get

To get it right he maybe could have tried aight way but it was his way or or kind of the highway and it seemed at the end that he was like pushing to get to be sacked so you don’t think that Manchester United missed an opportunity by handing him control of football

Matters that time more control at that time they did give him an element of control that’s why he was you know reasonably successful but he just couldn’t get everything he wanted no he came in did a very good job for two years with the players that were already

There largely I mean he only signed what one or two big name players does it sound to you that he’s canvasing to get back there it sounds to me that he’s definitely canvasing to to to get something yeah I mean the reason that he’s doing this interview isn’t because

He wants to twiddle his thumbs he’s advertising his Services is they but then I think the next time if you would given that opportunity then maybe we we should treat some of the players with a bit more respect I mean I I think what you should do always go in with the idea

That I’ll treat every player as if he’s my son how do you know I don’t think you say those sorts of things about Luke Shaw but some players are absolutely devoted to him listen I listen whenever I’ve met him he’s always been incredibly polite and never never rude but I know

That there are other people that have had bad experiences with him it depends on maybe what how it is that you’re interacting with him maybe maybe he is rather demanding maybe is told that the Chelsea players who had him in the first time around said it was a very different

Mourinho that came into the building second time and it’s maybe difficult isn’t it to to not get ahead of yourself your head to not get too big when you’ve been incredibly successful as maybe he has been um and if he came back it would be box office if he came back to

Manchester United but I don’t somehow think he’s going to get that opportunity no um what about the England job though because he was offered that as well apparently I could be that coach in the national team also yours imagine we would have won something if you was the coach we would have won

Something I had it there on the table no way yeah oh come on man yeah why did you why did you say no because I was I’m I I still is I’m still there a little bit I didn’t because um I had always the national team job as something that I

Wouldn’t enjoy this is and was uh so Chelsea was 4 five 56 67 78 was was was 78 I think was when Mr capillo got the job uh yeah that was Joseph Mourinho saying that after Steve McLaren was dismissed as the England manager he had the opportunity to become the England

Boss Rio Ferd now was pretty forthright he said England would have won something if Mourinho had been in charge do you subscribe to that well I certainly think Mourinho was in his prime then and I in his pal and I think that’s when he was um absolutely different class when he

First came into to Chelsea of course he had the financial resources and he wrestled W didn’t need a lot of control from Arsenal at that point with Lampard Terry certainly being really big players for England that would have gone on he could have worked with um maybe a Miss

Opportunity but I don’t know if it was enough for him at the time because he was that’s his suggestion isn’t it yeah and I and I get it maybe now it’s um but is he still got that magic has he still got that you know Magic Touch that you

Need I think he had it then um maybe it sounds like you’re writing him off now no I I I don’t think we should ever write him off I think if he gets it right I think if he’s stable and he and he’s able to go and he’s still got the

Fire in his belly it was interesting reading something that he said this week when he said that if he doesn’t work he gets depressed um so that’s about him isn’t it working with himself to to because he’s done an amazing job over many many years I mean to be honest like you look

At the number of years he’s manager we’re talking here about stress for managers we’re looking at klopp aren’t we now saying he’s too much he’s got to step out uh not a bit of it for marinho he’s still got a point to prove um I just feel that he just seemed to uh

Overstep the mark a little bit um um maybe with the right people around him he can he can be successful again I’m sure he can do you think do you think he could be the after Gare Southgate do you think he could replace GTH Southgate as the England boss I’m not sure that’s

Where the fa will go not sure they’re going that direction I think it’s been it would be very different wouldn’t it for them to because I think G is very stable very solid very consistent in the way that he behaves um I don’t quite see

It it I mean do you know what the players now though that g SAA is collecting together is just fantastic isn’t it I was just watching foden the other night what a brilliant player he is and we’re now saying okay is sacka going to play out wide where can foden

Play you know Bellingham of course in in that Midfield Harry Kane look what he’s doing I know he had a difficult week maybe but he’s those guys what they’re doing you’re wling on about the England squad now because because Josie Mourinho can see can’t he look at the riches that

Are there now but G’s had the G’s been at that fruit machine for a long time and he wants to press that collect button he doesn’t want to just jump out of the way and let somebody else come and take all the all the money well

Let’s hope that he doesn’t let’s hope he cashes out during the European championship we’ll find out over the summer we’ll see what happens to Jose Mourinho as well Jim White and Simon Jordan Monday to Friday mornings from 10:00 on a.m On Da via the talk sport app and on your smart speaker talk



  1. Problem was he cudnt get anything out of starplayer Pogba.
    He set back players development incl Martial and Marcus Rashford.
    He bought Bailly, Lindelof and then wanted a 3rd CB.

  2. I like Martin. Met him once at Manchester Airport – chatted to me for five minutes!!

    But he constantly shows why fans get so annoyed with footballers and their petty sensitivities.

    Let's face it Martin didn't like the fact that, when Jose came along in 2005, he basically eliminated Arsenal from any talk of winning the title for the next 20 years. So shell shocked was Wenger with his early dealings with Mourinho, he was never the same again and Arsenal spent years not winning anything.

    It's also strange that Luke Shaw said, that Jose had a point.

    Strange that Jose warned Rashford to not get complacent, got the same nonsense Martin's dished out and was proven correct.

    Strange that Jose sussed out what an idiot Pogba was and of course got the same criticism from the likes of Martin.

    Strange that it was Mourinho who delivered Man U their last European Trophy.

    Strange that if Levy hadn't sacked him just before that Cup Final, Mourinho might have a 100% record for winning a trophy at every club he's been.

    Martin. It's a tough world out there. Sometimes not so nice things have to be said to these poor players. Get over it!!!!!

  3. Sam Matterface, along with the rest of Talksport have absolutely hammered Ten Hag for saying Sancho hadn't trained well, but what Mourinho said about Shaw is just a motivation tactic ๐Ÿคฆ

  4. Please don't have these two on again together. Awful chemistry, and a very irritating combination to listen to.

  5. Sam Matternonce is a flip flop of the highest level. Trying to air a point that Mourinho was correct to behave the way he did at the time at United when I bet at that exact time, he alongside other pundits were saying how his behaviour was not good enough and people even were sad enough to say he was bullying Luke Shaw. The media donโ€™t know right from wrong

  6. ๐Ÿ˜ฎmulti millionaires don't like being told what do. Jose was doing great. Just needed top players but left with dross Ole 2nd with kids unbeaten away and de gea let In 10 penalties missed his own now hags hoof ball and best mates .
    We want as We own it its Ours want Jose back now.
    Ratcliffe is a Chelsea fan so will want him
    Harry Kane back in the summer as I said Bayrtn signed him but a way to get out of Spurs and got them some money.
    Guaranteed then a proper midfielder to play with Scott not flops and kids Get rid of varane Shaw Dalot Fernandes Casemiro Hojlund Antony and malacia and start from there
    WE want this its Our club we watch them so its ours

  7. I'm not sure Martin Keown should be on this show. One minute he says Jose says too much next he says why doesn't he say who these players are. Martin loses track of his arguments and is a bit all over the place. Seems like a nice guy but don't think he can hold a show like this. Maybe better on motd or sky.

  8. He acts like Gareth has had something to do with the English players we've got. It's just a pool available to him as an international manager. This is embarrassing for someone in football to say such ridiculous things.

  9. "Varane needs to be sold, he's too injury prone", while there's Martinez who has missed more this season & then Luke Shaw that the media never mention. He's worse than Reece James & Antony Martial in terms of availability. If Shaw was a foreigner..

  10. Joseโ€™s repeated efforts to humiliate Shaw were straight up bullying. Mattefaceโ€™s idiotic defence of it is contemptible

  11. Mourinho is a busted flush. Everywhere he goes he leaves a trail of angst clubs take years to get over. If I was a CEO of a football club I wouldn't touch him with a bargepole.

  12. Martin slating Mourinho for what Arteta was allowed & praised he did. Arteta threw away the captain & humiliated him, even that signing that was a lot of money, Arteta got rid of.

  13. Mr Keown seems to be determined to be negative and won't hear that he is wrong to be. Out of his depth again on Talksport.

  14. Hiring and sacking managers at a whim is just incompetence at the highest level. United has been a poorly run club over the last 10 years.

  15. Gateth Southgate is not "collecting these players together". You say it like he's skillfully finding these fantastic players. My little brother could pick virtually the same 11 as Southgate and probably manage them just as well.

  16. People who don't understand Mourinho, Ronaldo, Jorge Jesus, AVB, etc don't understand how Portuguese communicate and operate. We are direct and use hyperbole to paint the clearest picture we can to illicit the emotion we are trying to describe. And, to the stoic uptight passive-communicating anglo-saxon it seems crude and chaotic.

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