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I Got A DRIVER Lesson From A PGA Professional…(Feat. Gary Martin)

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Gary Martin Golf =

Getting a driver lesson from a PGA (Professional Golfers’ Association) professional is an unparalleled experience for any golfer seeking to refine their skills and elevate their game.

Firstly, the PGA professional typically begins by assessing your current abilities and understanding your goals. This personalized approach ensures that the lesson is tailored to address your specific needs, whether it’s correcting a slice, increasing distance, or refining your technique.

The lesson often starts with a thorough analysis of your swing mechanics, grip, stance, and posture. The PGA professional utilizes advanced technology, such as video analysis and launch monitors, to provide precise feedback on each aspect of your swing. This enables you to visualize your movements and understand where adjustments are needed.

As the lesson progresses, the PGA professional imparts invaluable insights and tips honed through years of experience and training. They break down complex concepts into simple, actionable steps, making it easier for you to grasp and implement changes effectively.

Throughout the session, emphasis is placed on developing a consistent, repeatable swing that maximizes power and accuracy off the tee. The PGA professional may introduce drills and exercises designed to reinforce proper mechanics and instill muscle memory.

Moreover, receiving instruction from a PGA professional goes beyond just technical guidance; they also provide invaluable mental strategies and course management advice. Whether it’s managing nerves under pressure or making smart decisions on the course, their expertise can significantly enhance your overall performance.

By the end of the lesson, you’ll likely feel a newfound sense of confidence and clarity in your ability to wield the driver effectively. Armed with personalized feedback, practical drills, and expert guidance, you’ll be well-equipped to continue refining your skills and achieving your golfing goals. A driver lesson from a PGA professional is not just an instruction session; it’s a transformative experience that can elevate your game to new heights.
#golf #golfswing #pga

Hi guys I’m here today with a PGA professional in Pakistan from the UK Mr Gary Martin thank you so much for coming to Pakistan it’s been an honor honestly it’s lovely having you here and today I have a unique opportunity of taking a lesson on the simulator at defense R

Golf and country club for a little problem that I’ve been having so this is a very special occasion for me and I am asking Gary Martin for a very simple thing it seems Gary how can I increase the distance on my drives well I think it’s quite simple actually you know

Thankfully we’ve just played 18 o together so I’ve had a good chance to have a look at your game and I think um Power stems from posture and having a good posture for driving now most golfers club golfers we get a bit lazy

Yeah and we all know how to it a 7 a because we’ve all had a lesson on 7 a but sometimes we don’t specifically have a lesson on you know chipping or driving and we sometimes get a bit lazy with posture and stand you know a bit like

Yourself youve stand with quite narrow feet you don’t have kind of much tilt in your spine so you’re quite sort of you know spine angle is quite vertical yeah um and well let’s you just show me your posture sure so just just face the camera okay and show the subscribers you

Stand to a driver my normal position is justice so you your feet pretty much just just as wide as your shoulders okay what I’d like to see in fact I’ll tell you what we should do we should get you to hit a few balls first I think that’s

A better idea because then we can actually compare the distance you’re hitting it now let’s have three four shots and then the distance after the lesson perfect I think the subscribers would love to see that perfect and if you um if you’ve been playing golf a few years guys and you’ve

Not had a a specific if you’ve been playing golf a few years guys and you’ve not had a specific lesson on driving I think this video will be for you because I see this amongst 90% of golfers that I teach who come to sort of have a lesson on how to

Create more distance and power and it all comes from sort of not having the correct coaching on posture honestly it’s something that I’ve always struggled with Gary always from the very first dat I started playing golf I never had distance let’s get some numbers then

So I’m just going to put on screen yeah okay so this is just my normal how I hit it on right now honestly that’s the best I can hit let’s just get a few more for the numbers sake sure we need a better sample and what we’ll do guys we’ll be

Quite transparent we might have to delete a couple anomalies obviously Sean’s sort of like a a mid a cap golf so we might have the odd bad shot in there yeah that’s a we one that’s the shot that I think we can stop Sean doing because what happens is is when you when

You set your your spine vertical like this because you’re trying to create so much power you kind of what we get as a reverse pivot so your spine moves towards the target 100% and that’s when you start to get the 100% I struggle with loading this leg like I’ve heard so

Many people talk about Shan why don’t you load this leg and I honestly don’t know how to do it so we’re going to in a minute we’re going to show Sean how to preset that load on his leg by standing in the correct posture let’s get another one it’s a good sample

Size and this has been pretty true to what I’ve seen on the golf course Golf Course Sean either hits it perfectly straight or with a little bit of draw oh this block sometimes comes in ex when you don’t need it when there’s water on right okay so again just show the

Subscribers your posture so just standing to how you set up to the ball this is what I do with Gary so if we just put a ball down just for reference say that again on camera so we’re just going to put a ball there for reference so if you can

Firstly start by setting up to the ball all right so let’s firstly have a look at this ball position which looks to be quite good so you’ve got off your inside of your heel which is correct that’s it now where would you say the back of your shaft is in

Relation to the ball back of the shaft yeah so we’re going to call this bit the back of the shaft here it’s it’s tilted forward so I’m moving my hand is almost over the ball I feel right what I would like to see is the back edge of the

Shaft here in line with the back edge of the golf ball so you not any forward press like this we want to have that shaft slightly behind the ball and I want you to take the hand off that club okay all right open your feet up a

Little bit wider so take your back foot out wider now that’s going to feel uncomfortable right okay cuz it’s a lot wider now if you just put your hand on this leg Yeah and I want you to run it down just go down an inch so you see

What this is doing to your spine now it’s reversing it this way a little bit absolutely all right now bring your arm from underneath and regrip now that’s going to feel really weird right okay but what that’s going to encourage is your weight you feel a bit

More weight on this body 100% now I think a great tip for driving is because it’s a it’s a shot that we’re trying to create distance right and what we don’t want to do is because you’ve got weight here is we don’t want to move and then

More weight to move onto that leg on the way backis okay so what we’ve got to try to do is manage the weight I’ll give you a little bit of sure let me come so front heel get that nice wide stance I like to say insides of the feet on the

Outsides of the shoulders back of the shaft on the back edge of the ball left cheek on the back edge of the shaft now this is the most important bit we’re going to push into that leg so we’re going to transfer we into that leg but we’re going to keep

The left cheek on the back edge of the golf ball so we don’t do this and move off the ball makes sense we’re going to make sure the left cheek head on the back of the ball and we’re going to push into the right leg and turn yeah so you

Then start to feel this coil and stretchy and that’s the power that you’ve been wanting that you don’t get at the minute because your power your your you’re you end up moving over this way so there’s no power you’re losing it all precisely okay so we’re going to

Have a go it’s the first time you’ve tried it it’s going to feel uncomfortable and you know we’ve all done this we’ve had a lesson and we’ve got the pros advice and we’ve given up with it after a few shots because it don’t feel nice any sort of major change

You make is going to feel uncomfortable I feel like honestly I feel like Gary you’re talking about me precisely I know you’re talking about majority of the golfers out there it sounds like you’re talking about me honestly let me just change this into new setup right so don’t feel uncomfortable like you’ve got

To hit a good drive to impress me okay you know having coaching sometimes you sometimes take a backwards step all right so off your front foot I want to see this wider stands come on I’m doing it I’m doing it step by step right okay so first the ball position is that right

That’s correct this is fine okay then the Sha a little back so it’s on the back edge of the ball back Edge and my left cheek over here that’s done yeah a little weight over there I want to see first of all the insides of your feet on

The outsides of your shoulders so back foot out more okay that’s better okay now that’s a fantastic posture now I want you to just have a couple of practice swings first before you hit a ball so just a couple of practice swings so I can see that

You excellent well done that feels like I feel like the power is kind of well what will happen is is you load to this right side and then on the way down you feel as though as long as you keep your left cheek on the back edge of the ball

You’re not going to sway forward you’ll feel as though you’ve got all this energy ready to explode so you might have heard the saying stay behind the ball and what that is it’s meaning that you keep that left cheek behind the ball as you’re hitting so you your spine and your cheek

Don’t move in front of the ball cuz we’re trying to hit up on the ball right like you said I I do have that problem where I kind of pivot and I go forward so that’s completely stopping that in the two practice swings I made at least

So we’re trying to hit up on the ball so we want to stay behind the ball and that’s what this posture is going to encourage you to do naturally let’s hit a couple one now okay so ball wider yeah and behind yeah wider it Lord let’s hit

This that’s not from the center of the club at all it’s not in the center of the club was it better in terms of posture though but it’s your first swing right okay so whenever you feel uncomfortable naturally you know the first few shots not strike the ball so well but you’ve

Got to be persistent so this is what all the long drivers the the the pros on the tour there how does it look the post fine the posture looks like a to Pro right so if you carry on practicing that you’re going to get the results well that’s

Smacked I mean even though you feel like you’ve not struck at your best yet them two are within this far of each other all right I mean this is not the best I’ve hit and it’s already crossed the best I head before yeah thank you so we’ve got toah sat

Over there who you did a break 100 series with it in 30 days really so I can assure you guys you know the level of coaching that we’re doing here can help anybody progress tremendously no I can already feel the difference I mean honestly it’s just two three things

You’ve told me yeah but my body feels different like I have a bit of an ache over here that I’ve never had before you’re going to get stretching and using muscles you’ve not used but the main thing for me as a golf coach is you’re now not reverse pivoting so your weight

Is staying behind the golf ball so how does that look do fine you’re loading well yeah now the feeling I’d like you to get is if you can imagine like a wedge under your foot like a here okay that you try to load you wait on the

Inside of that foot makes sense so that oops C hopefully that’s okay that’s okay oh oh that makes sense that makes a lot of sense actually I mean that’s a push shot yeah and still look at that’s far more than been before yeah I mean far more it’s

One of these things you know as golfers we sometimes judge yourself on every single shot I think when you’re practicing you know you got to get feelings and no honestly I I I still have yet to hit the best one but it’s already improved we’ll have a look at these

Numbers in a minute just as a matter of interest can you just take it to the top of your back swinger just do me a just swing to top without hitting the ball so I would like to see a little bit more weight in this side of your body so

You’ve move you know this bit’s moved back behind the ball that’s so you’ve remained you know you’ve got the spine I think what Sean’s doing is is you’re setting up to it perfectly like this and then as you move back the instead of sort of going this way this way you’re

Kind of still going that way lifting yeah all right yeah that’s happening your right actually so try to feel I like to feel this shoulder Gets behind the ball and if you stop at the top you’ve still got this spine angle you so much contention over here right now yeah okay let’s do

This oh look that was such a different feeling I love how just some minor adjustments in a golf swing can make so much of a difference I mean your feel entirely changes I think the best the beauty of this is you know we’re not going to cut and edit any shots you

Because I think we need to be transparent with you guys if you’re going to make this change there will be some misses you can’t you can’t make a major change in your game without you know having shots the important bit is to know that you’re moving towards the right

Direction that feels like I flopped it so let’s give me a bit of feedback then so let’s be honest here yeah what are you feeling that’s NE what what negative thoughts have you got about this at the minute so I feel like when I’m I’m

Loading over here yeah I feel like I I I don’t know my body and mind doesn’t know how to kind of release that which is why I feel like I’m kind of stuck here and it’s going right so that’s what I’m struggling with right now in my mind of

How to now transfer this yeah forward I’m going to getting stuck over here and moving this way okay so what I would try to do is visualize a good follow through so what’s a pro doing in a follow through so let’s try not to focus too much on

How to get from here to the bottom let’s try to focus from here swinging into a follow through do what you you know you what you do always yeah you you’re bringing some sort of something into what you don’t need to do so you you’re

A good enough player play a lot of golf I want you to swing down and through and hold that finish like a pro like you normally do okay so let’s not overthink hitting from the top to the ball let’s just get preset up right and then I want

You to swing into your natural follow through that’s a little bit better yeah now look at that finish now you look like a pro again I think sometimes when you’re having lessons it can feel uncomfortable and then you start to I don’t know gets confusing doesn’t

It it’s very confusing by golf ball you know Sean as it two or three shots there he’s completely forgot out to a go it is very unsettling at times to be honest it’s unsettling so you’ve got to go back to basics and think right let me swing

Into my have another practice swing and just demonstrate swinging into a full follow through and that’s going to stop you thinking too much about how to hit a golf ball and you going to just do it let’s do it so with the right posture swing into a good follow through

Well done yep I think that’s just what went missing is that little bit of confusion about what we were doing bit of nervousness on camera yeah and you just completely forgot how to swing a golf club for plus honestly Gary we need to keep in mind that I never have been

Properly coached ever I think for you guys watching from home it’s a good lesson for you if you’re in a lesson with a coach and you’re St to get a bit and you will forget out to a golf ball cuz you’re trying so hard to do what the

Coach is doing you just think how did I used to feel when I followed through the shot and then all them negative thoughts will go away and you guys I I can’t explain to you how precious this lesson is for me because I’ve struggled with this and Gary here is just giving some

Fantastic advice I I I I I’m I want to translate this over here yeah you do well we’ll have a look at these numbers in a minute yeah we’re not expecting sort of perfection but that was a good strike though yeah I kind of pushed it but I felt like I stroke it

Well so Sean if we just have a look at these numbers um you know before your ball speed were 138 averaging um carry around about 225 total 242 now you did have a sort of tight dispersion but you only hit three balls right you’ve hit quite a few more balls

I think the pleasing thing to see is you’ve increased your ball speed so that’s you know increase your distance to 257 so there’s a lot more potential now to get distance your dispersions got a little bit worse but I would put that down to you know trying a new technique

Something you’re not as comfortable with as we saw in the video um but the pleasing thing is now you have got that ability to create you know greater ball speed and potentially more distance I’m honestly surprised to see that even when I wasn’t feeling comfortable I’ve gained

About 6 miles and I’ve gained about 13 yards and in total about 15 uh yards on my drive and this right now is not feeling natural it doesn’t feel great but already the numbers are showing and actually you’ve optimized your spin so you’ve got quite a high spin at the

Minute and that’s because you got this reverse pivot where you’re hitting down on it too much it looks to me like you shallowed your angle of attack and lowered this spin you’ve had a better deviation as well it’s only fluctuated 252 that’s nearly double the amount of

Deviation when you’re hitting down on it and your launch is better at 15 fre so fantastic I mean all around even while considering that I wasn’t hitting it well enough yet the direction the club face was a bit you know out B it’s incredible absolutely I I’m shocked to

See this data honestly I was not expecting it I thought that the couple of drives I hit earlier the before part were feeling better obviously it felt more natural so I thought that the data will be different as well but this is absolutely shocking for me and just to

Add a bit of clarity we took two out which were absolute anomalies two complete mes but apart from that the numbers fantastic fantastic this is amazing Gary guys everything that Gary has said over here makes a lot of sense to me honestly uh it’ll take some time

To translate it but already I have gained 10 yards hitting those bad drives as well so I do feel like this is some very precious advice and for everyone out there who are struggling and gaining that distance uh this will work because I really do feel that tension over here

Which I’ve always struggled with because as Gary has pointed out I tend to Pivot this way and kind of fall in the front and that doesn’t add any power to the swing but I never knew how to go around it some fantastic advice over here and I

Thank you Gary for giving me this coaching lesson which I would have never otherwise gotten you’re welcome thank you so much please subscribe to Gary’s channel it’s Gary Martin and please subscribe to shant golf as well if you want to see some more content with more improvements as well thanks guys thanks

G thanks a lot it’s been a pleasure thank you


  1. Another great video.
    I try so hard with that technique, but like yourself and many others, I find it hard to transfer the weight forward. I hope you persist.
    13 extra yards obviously means one and a bit club less on your next shot.

  2. Great video, I like how he explained it, a few things for me to try this weekend at the simulator, I've a similar issue and hoping you guys filmed at least some of your match for content? Looking forward to seeing it.

  3. 95% of golfers are plagued by chunking the ball. Everything we do is a compensation to not chunk it on the course. We cant even chip without chunking.
    Any instruction we see is thrown out the window when keep chunking it and thats all we focus on at the course. Not chunking it.
    Even thinning the ball is a compensation to not hit it fat.
    We dont know how to use the tool.
    We can all learn in 1 day to hit a nail on the head with a hammer and by the end of the day we can naturally add tremendous power.
    “Straight jacket golf” instructors twist us up like a pretzel with positions and think we’ll be able to swing freely and powerfully.
    How do we use the tool and how do we get the club sweeping at the correct height at impact?
    Teach us that and we can take care of the rest.
    Do you have any videos you can point me to that will help with this plague

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