These CHEAP TEMU Golf Balls Are KILLING The Pro V1!?

These CHEAP TEMU Golf Balls Are KILLING The Pro V1!?

A few days ago I was searching on the internet for some cheap golf balls that could still perform to the level of some of the expensive ones and I found these I got these threepiece golf balls from Teemu could these be the end of expensive golf balls as we know it such

As the Titleist Prov one now whenever we test golf balls often we think about how many pieces it has what’s the cover made out of what’s the inner layer made out of and the big thing is how does it perform today we’re going to test these

Out on the golf course we’re also going to test them for numbers and see just how potentially they might stack up against a more expensive golf ball and one of the big reasons why I really wanted to test these golf balls is because they are littered with five-star

Reviews on the teu website either these are fake reviews or these balls are genuinely very good and I’m not alone because this is the return of talking balls Chris how are you get in I’m fantastic I’m cold but I’m fantastic now we’ve spent a long time searching for a

Golf ball that potentially could replace something like a pro one or tp5 or something like that yeah we’ve now found these Bobby with gimbal we have got a gimbal guys comment below if you feel like this is smoother then let us know in the comments below um but yeah

They’re not wasting money on packaging either no they feel a little bit hard right so these are £940 for five probably ones would be around1 for three now it’s a random number that’s how much they cost mate I can’t five five balls yeah in the bag bag of five it was

Bought a bag of a bag of five so have a little match with these and then we’ll talk numbers we’ve actually already been in the studio with these to test them for numbers and you definitely want to hear how far these go so stay tuned you

Notice how some of them are different as well I haven’t mine says three piece GB on the side yeah but it depends what you get so if you look on screen now you’ll see that potentially you can get different stampings on these I’m not sure that’s a good thing no no

Consistency is not there already also guys we are going to cut these open with the old whatever that’s called pipe cut and we’ll see how consistent the centers are as well cuz I think potentially consistency might be a problem with these more budget golf balls Chris lead us away my

Friend I mean the good thing is the cheap I’ll give you a breakfast ball how’s that didn’t get the flight on that one it’s another one we’re going to cut open we might find that actually but we will nice that’s the one I wanted great ball

Flight felt a bit firm yeah I’m not going to lie it sounded God awful it did yeah you just touch it it does make a large noise that’s come out like an absolute bullet but it did feel incredibly firm how far that’s gone it’s gone a long way that’s gone

Miles and this is an interesting thing with these golf balls to say that these are so cheap How do they have to perform for you do you need a certain ball speed do you need a certain spin rate that was certainly a low spin because it was so

Penetra mine was low spin yours was very low spin mate so guys do me a huge favor and get in the comments below and let me know where do you buy your golf balls from I’ve done quite a bit of shopping on t-u recently we’ve got the driver in the bag

As well which we’re not going to use today because that is God awful and he has found that ball as well so that’s fantastic news but also I’m really interested to know if you were to buy golf balls off the internet where would you go what would you want to spend and

How good will you anticipate them to be if you’re like Chris and you lose the occasional ball budget could be more important than the proper player like Gary Martin for example I I can’t even say that with a straight face than a good player the same Ducks rob you know that

Pond there’s ducks you come to say it every time we go Ducks gosh get off malard right I think we’ve skirted through that bunker with it being a little bit washed out funny wish should mention Gary Mar twice in one hole isn’t it washed out no I’m

Joking Gary Right 130 downhill this is where you you kind of want to know what the ball’s made out of and if I have found that online I’ll put it on now cuz I’m not too sure if it’s EUR I don’t think it’s going to be EUR for the price

It is it might be Iona Iona should launch higher with low spin so you get potentially The Landing angle but you don’t get the spin rate for the control so quite important thing to understand really kind of loud just said quite important sorry for everyone’s ears

We’re going to go middle of a green we’re not going to go for That or we’re going to go straight at the flag and just stick it to about 10t I did pull that but the ball actually felt okay there with the wedge it’s come really really high actually and you can see we’ve got a nice potential for birdie opportunity on the

First so good shot there from James but interesting to see if you can fly this it certainly sounds very clicky clicky even does the ball not like Pro V1 more like a pinnacle gold no it’s nice that is all over it two good shots but certainly laun High it doesn’t feel

Like you’re a I don’t think it’s a premium cover and would you concur with me Chris that it felt a lot better with a lofted club than a non- lofted club yeah yeah I would say so yeah just a like you say you don’t know what cover

You’re getting do we yeah and I mean I’ve probably gone quite heavy with the title of this video as well citing the prov1 and maybe a tp5 being really expensive and I’m all for brands that are going to start make golf a little bit more affordable can get golf more to

The masses and if you can buy golf balls that you enjoy you could buy a load of these use them for the season as long as they perform consistently they don’t scuff up too much and you generally get good performance out of them more not even good performance but consistent

Performance and save yourself a load of money and actually play more Golf and use that money for green fees who’s the real winner there would you rather play so say there’s 52 weeks in a year would you rather play 30 times a year and use

Prov v1s or 40 times a year and use these there’s the question that I always think probably going to enjoy it more if I play more two good shots good argument that is it yeah a for me prob it’s on lean a bit not bad stoppage there so they both

Landed on down slopes yeah they’re doing a job doesn’t feel bad off the poter actually someone no reason over it I was thinking it was going to be terrible I’ll give you that thank the alignment a is not bad Chris is it no pretty good on

There I’ll show it on uh old gimbal Rob I wouldn’t say it’s uh I mean it’s clear enough I wouldn’t say it’s an obvious line no prob ones aren’t are you pay more for that yeah it’s similar to what you get from a premium brand

Fly in if you can make a birdie with a golf ball what more do you need to know one up oh dear do we now use the teu driver which was 30 pound no Rob shaking his head uh we’ll go with the normal driver

This is what you want to all see as well you want to see how far this bad boy goes don’t you um we are going to talk numbers as well I’ve been in the studio with them already and tested them Chris wasn’t present for that no how would you

Think think these perform having played a hole with them I don’t know that first ball that you hit did come off pretty fast so I think I think the spin will be low yeah the thing for me was inconsistencies so often you might think

Oh well I want a high ball speed and I found that at times um and we cut to the numbers a little bit later on the video but it’s the consistency that you want isn’t it so which is key key consistency is key to better golf golf consistency in life to be honest

Correct again it’s a penetrating ball fight it’s such a shame that that hit that tree cuz that was going to be a really really good ball flat wasn’t it as well he attacked that tree well at PACE you want a breakfast ball no all right no I don’t need a breakfast ball

Not not being one up all right fair enough looks a bit of a weak ball flight for the shot you’ve hit there oh can I ever go with that driver it out the middle it just sounded uh a bit tiny debatable let me just get

In this bag you got you got one in your pocket as well now no you picked one up didn’t you yeah it’s in my bag pocketed it this isn’t my one for the round it’s just for the test oh this is true testing right here fans sports fans but

I I often think this is how you should be testing golf balls you know having a couple of goats yeah the numbers are important but the ball flights more important that’s an identical flight to mine pretty much and that felt like a really strong flight not sure it’s gone that far

Though distance is debatable distance is debatable there you go mate thank you talking balls is one of our best series actually it through 2022 and 23 so we’re pleased to bring it back to you if there any golf balls you want us to test we’ve got some actually that are really really

Really expensive so these are really cheap got some 200 a dozen to test so be interested to test them against these Mega budget ones and see what the big difference is yeah one of the big things that I always find in talking balls is

How good do you have to be how good do we have to be to see such a huge difference in the golf ball that you’re using because the big Brands always say use the best ball you can you’re going to say that cuz it’s trying to sell it

You I’ve got a new favorite golf ball as well have you yeah are we going to discuss what that is or we’re going to leave it we’re going to leave the suspense right we’ve found a Bridgestone we’ found a Callaway we’ve found a Titus we’ve not found the teu ball and oh

There’s one there is that one I’m disappointed that we’re losing the whatever it is ball I think it’s a number two rob oh buzzing found it leave them there for now how’s it lying more to the point we’ve got a long way in have this long in

Chris is down in the Fairway it’s not lying bad that is it all right can we get over these bushes is it there’s no is it standing water there there’s not Us I think that might have been plugged oh dear we’ll go with it though that must have been we’re still only here for two we’re progressing up cuz this is yeah this is eight so it’s just there isn’t it left I think you might be all right down the slope mud

Ball all the right here we have James’s second drive he breakfast ball as it would have been again distance-wise there probably from a premium ball you’re looking at nearly being in the tree so I don’t know the numbers with these golf balls but I certainly think you maybe not getting the distance you

Would hope for I’ve got a similar shot that I did into the first I’m going try again to get it to launch low here we got it to that was a terrible oh great shot but we’ll take it again I seem like I’m complaining here but again just felt very firm there off

A wedge so it’s just trying to manipulate this golf ball but at the price point it’s a perfect price point if you’re getting into golf if you just want a golf ball that yeah if you’re going to lose a few this price point gets more people into golf that’s all we’re really bothered

About any spin there James no it actually released up the bank I’ve never seen a ball do that it landed where where Bobby is I mean I did th it it all right this is for par for me it’s actually done well that ball hasn’t it to say where we were supp

Pitched here and funneled down it did use the bank surprised it stopped positive I would have anticipated that grab more but you know what really it’s a five isn’t it from a very very bad t-shot and potentially a plugged Li which we weren’t sure about on the bottom chrish you’ve got two for

But let’s see if we can keep the birdie run going and I think the fact that we are making birdies here does kind of speak volumes doesn’t it as to yeah they’re a cheap golf ball are they a bit of imitation being a three-piece I don’t really know at least at least they’re

Not claiming to be something they not they’re just saying look cheap golf balls make birders oh they’re not claiming to be a tour ball are they no they’re not and I think that’s at least something to do we just say Pro Golf master I take it all back

Sounds like Gary Martin in a golf ball right there Pakistan golf master so five for me there four for Chris quite pleased with a five there and I can’t blame the golf ball at all any ball I would have hit would have hit those trees on the drive yeah and finished

There and realistically when it comes to that there’s every chance I was going to lose that golf but we were lucky to find it I actually found like three others a bridge down a TI in the Callaway but no Pro Golf Masters no we got it I know we

Didn’t find any more of those I’ve never seen them before either but if you were to lose them on the course would you would it make you think about so the fourth hole here is a driveable power four would you go for it more because it’s a cheap of all yeah true because

You’re carrying out of bounds and you don’t want to lose them do you know where you would find some where pix you would you would 126 playing 128 oh God if you’re wondering why you’d find a lot of these golf PS at fix bit is because of Gary Martin on screen now

126 I bet Pakistan’s littered with him probably he’s Lama bad great shot would you be embarrassed with a hole in one with one though oh that has to be close you’d like to think so but you just don’t know how far they’re going do you but which is

Consistency I guess yeah cuz so I hit pitching wedge in here the other day to a similar flag but I’ve gone one more today because I’m thinking well it’s into the wind and how good is this ball into the wind can you trust it in Into

The Wind Trust is a huge element when it comes to golf balls the old marketing trust your tight list was a huge Factor wasn’t it it was can I get inside that see that feels like he’s gone straight up Struck it well distance looks good yeah see where they finished

Where Bobby well I must say I was anticipating the worst there thinking they might have either come up short or I don’t know but it’s a funny front pin that Robinson told me on it’s not a front pin I apologize it’s not a front pin never been a front pin lucky he got

The number it looked like a front pin from back there but I didn’t give you an exact yardage to the yard yeah and it stopped exactly where it it’s landed again so but again is at the Landing angle it does blo up it seem I don’t

Think it’s spin rate no so far 100% putting making with this ball for me not for you not for me now correct the pro golf Master for the two for victory or potential Victory it’s got a big chance oh referee it was turning that as well it

Was sad to see that guys let’s jump in the studio let’s see just how these balls do perform for numbers cuz I’ve already tested them then let’s get back out here and see if Chris can snatch it and we’ll cut these balls in half and see what they’re really made of and

We’ll see what this man’s really made made off and you see really interestingly when testing these golf balls on the golf Z simulator ball speed the teamu golf ball could not match the title prov1 spin rate it was quite a lot higher as well and visibly you could

Actually see that the ball flights just weren’t as powerful with driver so we’ve got a six-yard difference in carry we’ve got an eight y difference in total distance and I think realistically are you going to see that out in the golf course potentially not depending how consistently you strike these balls but

Certainly I don’t think they’re going to be contending for the best golf ball of 2024 oh feel for you I’m even going to give you them Chris two pars guys we’re going to finish this match on the drive ball Par Four that we did mention but

First of all we have got more of these don’t worry but I promised you we’d have a look what’s inside these so threepiece ball what color are we saying in the middle blue did you know that the color in the middle isn’t actually the material it is it’s just what D they put

In so they can test different cares and then they can put them to one side we learned that didn’t we we did tailor made oh pink does it look all right that dubious or I think it looks I think it looks okay though actually it’s not cut

Very well but Chris passes yours yeah I think that is pretty even I want to see just how consistent they are actually I think it’s a little bit thicker there and a little bit thinner there so maybe it’s not perfect this is nowhere near the middle by the way Mony carrots what

Caused this one is it going to be pink as well yeah same same and if we look at that one uh I think you’re right with this one that’s a lot thinner on that side than it is on that side isn’t it right in there thicker there and this is where

You look at the expensive balls such as Callaway Callaway have invested a billion is it a billion I think it’s a billion isn’t it into the Chickapea plant where they do make the balls and make sure they’re all centered and everything else we made a couple of birdies with

Them haven’t we no the Pinter with right uh can I use that full I’ve only got the mini driver in the bike so going that I think let me find the ball into the wind probably only playing about 260 270 this Chris is it from here yep I think

So we’ll need all of it it’s into the breeze that is all over it it’s a good line is it the length I can see the flag through the trees and it’s the perfect line Bobby but what through the trees old Eagle Eye Bobby thinks he’s

Seen it he’s got a gimble and look at him now gimble thinks he can see through trees cryptonite Bobby oh Bobby gimble Bob’s lying to us he’s lying to himself don’t like being called what he’s saying Chris is the precious on we’re playing for a p here I

Can’t believe you pretended to see it he’s trying to get in your good books pretending seen it I tell you what that’s perfect as well you seen that one down Bobby the wor thing is are you a number two cuz I’m a number two uh that’s what

They guys say they’ve sent us five balls I think they’re all number twos controversial uh two two oh two all twos so why send five balls are all the same number that makes no sense to me at all it does cuz when people like Bobby can see through trees it

Don’t matter does it pant mine’s bang next to the flag can we just say that’s mine that’s definitely mine it’s definitely mine Bob Bobby saw m he said he saw yours down in the trees he saw Bobby did you see mine next to next to the flag either way

Though why did you zoom well what good is that Bobby but so I mean there’s two on the green here or is the one yeah it was so realistically is there another one just it’s two on the green yeah I thought we had bad eyes Bobby said he could see

Them from the T but he can’t see on the green that with this golf ball is ridiculous isn’t it I could stand there with a Prov one and never hit that so just goes to show it I think we’re identical this oh having a put off have a put off

They’re two fantastic drives though can anyone make a Steven on screen now I showed that Laura she’s like who’s Steven I said Steven seal e go she just laugh it’s definitely me closer by the way it’s not we don’t know which one’s which what we do that’s me Chris has

Pitched there oh man’s pitched and stopped look that’s how good good a strike man Back Spin from the driver go on just never had the never up never in let us know what you think these teu golf balls thank you so much for watching and we’ll see you all at the same time

Tomorrow that’s not how I saw that going down in my head


  1. £20 maximum for a dozen when your a high handicapper spending anymore does not make sense to me

  2. Only low h/c or scratch golfers are going to benefit from premium golf balls….the rest of us choose our favourite ….(not a fair test though as you are both professionals and hit the ball better and more consistently than most)

  3. Try the caiton balls off Temu you mate off the other channel Gary Martin tested them against pro v 1 on the simulator and they tested well???

  4. i bought some of them caiton gaz reveiwed i think what you need to remember is these sights like ali express and temu sell counterfit goods so how do we know there legal its my guess they maybe them illegal straight long balls that are re stamped lol

  5. Would love to see you test a/pearl grade lake balls Vs brand new balls – they're more affordable and would be interesting to see if performance is actually lost

  6. James , need your help, been using PROV1 balls , are they going to help me with distance on a wet day in the UK, in other words what ball is the best , in your opinion, for winter conditions , never mind the price, cheers bro

  7. Buying from TEMU, the last thing I'm concerned about is killing a Pro V1.. they'll kill your identity, your personal info, and our economy. Consider the source.

  8. In private rounds I play the kasco Zeus impact 3. They are smaller and lighter (44gr). I gain with them 20 yards with a swing speed of 75mph. This is really crazy. Easy launch. Average stopping power. Those balls going miles. I feel like Tiger 🏌️

  9. James please enough trying to beat Titleist ProV1 , next time you visit the states go north to the Titleist plant in Massachusetts. Go through the plant and see why they have remained number 1 for so long, you will understand why they are so good. You can also vis the Callaway plant in Chicopee west of Boston. But please keep trying these are the best ball reviews on the internet. Thanks you and Chris are really good!

  10. The age old comparison. Which ball to use. Do found balls, premium balls, lesser expensive balls are better / just as good. What should you pay for a golf ball?

  11. I use any grade A balls i can buy for a decent price from Facebook marketplace. But last month I did buy new a triple dozen bundle of Mizuno RB566 balls, just because it said they were good in cold conditions, and can offer more carry by extending the flight beyond the apex, and they are decent and are really durable for the price.

    Realistically though, for a high handicapper, a golf ball is a golf ball, we don't want to spend almost £4 a ball to lose a few a round

  12. Chrome Tour X…. best ball on the market Spins Goes miles runs on the ground…. Test it James…you will be a fan

  13. You buy Titleist, TP, etc… as you are guaranteed a balanced centered quality ball. I doubt you are getting that with a Temu.

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