Staying Down Thorugh The Golf Ball Is So Easy After Doing This Genius Drill




Ultimate Guide To Rotation In The Downswing

Complete Guide To Shallowing In The Downswing

Ultimate Over The Top Fix Guide

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Now staying down on the golf ball after doing this drill is so much easier and it is such a genius drill cuz everyone out there every golf on the planet whether you’re young old immobile or athletic will really improve from this drill it naturally teaches you exactly

How to stay in that posture and turn through the golf ball and it is almost impossible to stand up and actually hit the ball properly doing this and all you need for this drill is just your club and what we do here we grip the club

Really far down the grip to where with your Trail hand so right hand for right hand and golfer you are gripping onto the steel so you can see here how my thumb is on the steel of the shaft now all I want to do is hit the ball as

Solidly as I can doing this my body will have to stay down to be able to do that so just hit it solidly and your body has to do a bunch of these things so again what this drill does what it gets into your golf swing and this is why it’s a

Genius drill cuz one of course if we’re gripping the club so far down here to where the right hand is on the steel of the shaft there is no way we can stand up and even remotely hit the golf ball so this is where it’s called self-organization you have to stay lower

To the ground if you’re gripping the club really really low so you have to really stay down on that golf ball going through the shot even if I remotely stand up that club elevates up so even with the slightest moving up elevates off the ground I could so easily just

Miss the golf ball so you just trying to hit that golf ball and even making somewhat contact your body has to stay down this is where we see some really good ball Strikers out and tour in now or even in the past have gripped the club really far down one that I can

Remember who I’ve heard may be making a return to professional golf soon Anthony Kim if a lot of you remember him out there he used to grip the club extremely far down and he was an unbelievably good ball Striker so it forces you just in the Simplicity making the club shorter you

Have to stay down for the height of the Swing the radius of the GOL swing to stay at the height we want so the second thing this is really great for other than just the Simplicity of that if I hit a shot here we’ll have a little look

And that is getting you into what we call more hip flexion in the downswing so as we’re starting that downswing if we are moving our body correctly to stay down to turn nicely we will get hip flexion so that is where the hips start to move back and that’s

Going to cause the upper body to Crunch down we see all the best ball Strikers all the best Turners rotators through the golf ball do this so this is great for early extenders out there so players who have the pelvis quickly move underneath again if you grip that club

Really far down you can’t do that and hit a good golf shot the club’s going to elevate up even if you straighten the trail arm there one for a minute you are going to absolutely missed the golf ball or top it completely so your body naturally is going to get this quite

Frankly quite hard movement to get into the golf swing so by just staying down and hitting that ball as solid as you can the left hip is going to move back which is going to Crunch that upper body down and then turn through so again this

Is just a drill where you don’t even have to think about the positions just try to hit that ball solidly and you’re going to get in some really nice spots again watch this hip flexion as I go through again really nice hips Flex down as I start to turn through it’s exactly what

We need so early extenders great one for you too so my brand new winter Improvement plan is in full swing and it’s not only proven to be incredibly popular but it’s also providing unbelievable results and what this online lesson plan is with myself it is four lessons per month for under the

Price of two individual lessons unlimited communication so messaging back and forth with myself any questions you have you can you can ask me whenever and also I have now included not only on my winter plan but on all my plans on skillist free access to all my video

Courses so if you sign up to any of my plans winter one absolutely included you can get all my courses so whether it’s the new early Extension Course rotation shallowing or over the top you can watch all of them for no extra cost with that subscription and of course if you just

Want to pick up one of those awesome guides which are absolutely packed with amazing information way deeper than I could ever go on here on YouTube and with amazing drills that are tailored to you specifically you can pick those up individually also over on skillist the

Link for all of this is down in the description here and if you also want us to have individual lessons with myself so I’ve got three different packages of individual lessons you can absolutely choose from those too so if you don’t want to do a plan that’s absolutely fine

I’ll be more than happy to work with you regardless so let’s make 2024 season your best season ever link in description for online lessons with myself so third thing this gets into your swing is how the right side of the body starts to move going through the

Golf pool so just like I said a little bit before even if you stand up fire your right arm so if you’re a golfer who straightens the right arm a ton you still won’t be able to get the club onto the ground so that’s where you have to

Keep the right arm bent going through and if your right arm has to stay bent what else has to go down for that to happen the right side so you have to add Trail side Bend going through the golf ball so you have to have that right shoulder as you’re getting through

Impact from Sha parallel to the ground into the ball has to get lower to the ground so you can see as I do that what else does that do that gets me turning gets me opening up so that right side has to drop down again if you’re let’s

Say got that hip flexion moving good and now your body just doesn’t want to move that trail side down so you’re too vertical of a golfer again you’re just going to whiff it so that’s where that trail side will want to and we have to

Move down to be able to hit this keeping that right arm bent as you turn through so again it’s absolutely awesome and I’d recommend every golfer out there to do this okay now how do you get this into your golf swing so okay this is what a lot of you going to be

Asking you might think okay great it sounds like it’s going to do what I want it to do with the drill but then I want it to happen when I’m on the golf course when I’m not doing the drill absolutely I hear you so what we got to do

Integrating this so what we want to do in our practice this is all via practice the first step is let’s say for example we’re hitting 100 Balls on the driving range so we’re hitting kind of like a standard large bucket so it’s just an example you don’t have to hit 100 Balls

But let’s say it is 10 sets of 10 is what we want to do so divide them up 10 sets of 10 and then what we do out of those 10 sets of 10 for the seven balls in each set we want to do the drill grip

Down on it and then nicely just make contact as well as we can there we go that’s what we want to do there so then let’s say for example if I grab that ball back that was my seventh ball I want to now hit three balls where I’m replicating that same

Feel so that’s the second bit here we want to now get into the replication of that feel we’ve just hit seven balls so we’re going to have a very distinct feel of what that is so now three balls gripping the club like normal feeling that exact same feeling so imagine like

I’m gripping that club really far down for three yeah you definitely feel it a ton with the amount I’ve hit in this video so then from there once we’ve hit those three if we go and hit any more ones without doing the drill that feel is going to be pretty much eroded and

Pretty much gone so that’s where then we want to go back into again gripping that club really far down so right hand to where the thumb is on the steel let’s say this is my seventh ball again there we go see I don’t feel like I actually

Kept my posture all too well on that one cuz I actually hit that slightly thin so again great feedback and then again now we’ve hit our seven now we want to go into the third those three balls normally gripping it normal replicating the same feel there we go

So that’s that second point we need to go replicate the f as well as we can into the golf ball and what’s the third bit repeat it a ton the only way we are going to be able to get anything in our golf swing is If We R it out a ton out

On the golf course we are going to do our most subconscious habit driven swing always is going to happen so that’s where what is way to get a new habit into your golf swing use your subconscious so it’s always in your subconscious how do we get something into our subconscious constant

Repetition you’re going to do what is most familiar to you so that’s if you go and do a ton of reps over a large period of time you’re going to have that being the movement you’re more used to doing so it’s all in the practice is in there

What did Ben Hogan say back in the day he said the secret is in the dirt it absolutely is or in my case in the art of icial grass so that’s what we got to do and the good thing is here repetition and practicing wherever so you could be

In just like a net like myself here on the driving range is a great way to practice it staying down and that’s going to be a great way to go and here’s a thing when it comes to staying down through the golf ball there are absolutely reasons to why you

Will stand up going through the golf ball for most golfers who can’t stay down there’s things in their golf swing that will be causing it now I recently posted a video just on this a couple weeks back which absolutely everyone loved which is awesome so if you haven’t

Watched that video it’s why you can’t stop standing up in the down swing that’ be a great one to familiarize yourself with as well so it’s always important whilst doing this drill as it gets us in the positions is knowing what gets us out of the position so whether that’s

For example as a steep shaft for example whether that’s your Trail arm movement always important to know that and be work on it whilst you’re working on this new gripping down drill and if you need help to identify what you need to do with your golf swing to be able to get

Here there’s a link in the description for online lessons with myself on skillist you can be anywhere in the world and we’ll work on your swing and we’ll improve it so if you enjoy this video click that like button if you want more golf instruction just like this hit

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  1. i will definitely give this a try today as i cant for the life of me get out from early extending, ive tried every drill from the towel under arm drill, the seat behind the left butt cheek, shallowing the club, slowing my swing, etc… right before i get back to the ball between P1 and P2 my trail arm gets away from me and i loose all shaft lean. i can still hit ball then turf but the strike is inconsistent as i hit a lot of thin shots

  2. Nice new location? Looks like you’re by a motorway tho? Your drills are the best on the internet! Thanks for being a part of my 2023/24 winter golf improvement journey!

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