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OVE: Ohio State Fires Coach and will have to Pay!

Ohio State has announced Basketball Coach Chris Holtmann Fired! Gene Smith gave holtmann an extension and now is stuck with a massive buyout! Who should be next for OSU Basketball? Also, how will paying out this much money effect Ohio State Football, and in a doom’s day scenario, effect Ohio State’s willingness to Fire Ryan Day if he loses to Michigan Football for a fourth straight year?

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Ohio has a vibrant sports culture with a strong presence in both college and professional sports. In terms of college sports, Ohio is home to several renowned universities that have successful athletic programs. The Ohio State University Buckeyes, in particular, are widely recognized for their football team, which consistently ranks among the top contenders in the NCAA. Additionally, the University of Cincinnati Bearcats and the Xavier University Musketeers have established themselves as competitive forces in basketball.

In terms of professional sports, Ohio boasts teams in all major sports leagues. The Cleveland Browns and the Cincinnati Bengals represent the state in the NFL, while the Cleveland Cavaliers and the Cincinnati Reds are iconic franchises in the NBA and MLB respectively. Ohio also has a beloved NHL team, the Columbus Blue Jackets, who have gained a loyal fan base.

The state’s passion for sports is evident through its dedicated fan bases, enthusiastic crowds, and the many talented athletes who have emerged from Ohio. From notable figures like LeBron James and Urban Meyer to the successful high school sports scene, Ohio truly embraces the spirit of competition and sportsmanship.

Happy Valentine’s Day oh it wasn’t a good one for Chris Holman not a good Valentine’s Day not a box of chocolats for Chris Holman today not good was there a massacre on Valentine’s Day I think there was back in the day like back in the Tommy Gun day right I’m not

Sure who was in it I think was it was it like Bugsy Malone or something like that a bunch of it was a bunch of yeah it was a bunch of uh uh Mobsters Chicago Mobsters yeah yeah well we’re going OV podcast the torque Sam Grooms Ohio

Versus everyone of course we do Ohio Sports big National Stories the big one today if you’re just tuning in Chris Holman letg go at Ohio State $14 million buyout want to get you going on the chat today W to get that going the like follow share subscribe let’s hit the

Algorithm let’s talk Buckeye basketball remember you could follow us on meta we’re doing a Rewards program giving away a autographed photo of Lou garri that’s what we’re going to do at the end of the month but I got tons of stuff if you don’t want that tons of memorabilia

We can give you some Buckeye stuff by the way people are saying like man I want the helmet behind you TOR the helmet will go nowhere that helmet’s going nowhere uh little Herby behind me little her’s going nowhere like little her’s like worth a million you can’t buy

Little Herby from me but we got tons and the Edie George isn’t going anywhere either but tons of stuff the rewards program don’t just like our Facebook channel the OV podcast follow the Facebook Channel and that’s how you get in the rewards and we’ll do it all year

Round giving away stuff so remember the stars in meta every Star is a penny so keep that in mind if you’re given like 10 Stars it’s 10 cents so let’s get it going Sam and by the way want to remind everyone if you’re hurt at work or in an

Accident let Robert sugar go to war for youw for Sam uh poll question of the day do you agree with the Chris Holman firing uh obviously uh bad night for high State Buckey the the highest state Hoops team last night uh Tor did not get

In on the action took the d off as far as betting did uh Buckeyes lose to Wisconsin 6254 so if you’ve taken the points you had the high State the points you would have probably won but uh why would anybody do that with the way this

Team’s been playing but uh as it’s been announced or as we discussed Chris Holman has been fired has been removed as the Ohio State basketball coach Jake debler has been named the interim head coach in his instead my guess is uh a new I would imagine that the search has

Already begun uh my guess is they already had some names in in mind how prior to uh homman officially being let go but might be the uh The Parting Gift for genino on the way out the door making way for the new ad on Jan July

One I would I would think you’d include uh the new ad in this behind the scenes even though he’s not officially starting till when Gan leaves in the next semester I think July 1 is his date but I think you get on the horn with him and

Get his take of what’s going on uh a lot of different information on the buyout from what I’m reading what I’ve been told it’s a 14 million do buyout I’ve seen reports of 20 million I’ve seen reports where they owe the rest of his contract I’ve seen reports just someone

Hit the chat with 17 and a half million but from everything that’s being reported now it’s a $14 million buyout I think it got confusing when he was a couple years in and he got that extension and we’re kind of as Buckeye fans going well he’s been here two years

Why is Jean giving him this big extension and when you look at buyout Sam that was a humongous buyout so it probably tells me behind the scenes maybe someone went after Chris Holman that we don’t know about or maybe someone in the chat could help me out

And I just don’t remember the story if someone was going after Chris Holman I mean I guess you look at it and say how did we get here you know and I understand when you know you let go of Thad ma kind of later in the season when

All the coaches are gone and all the moves are gone and you’re kind of stuck with whoever you get at that point but he was never he he would never lit it on fire you know at Butler right he was three years at Butler 23 and 11 22 and

11 25-9 he hit the sweet 16 and I guess if you’re we love those Butler coaches we love those mid- major coaches don’t we and we’ve gone to that well a lot and I guess at the time hey we got Chris Holtman great guy um really good guy but

You know 20 25- n they win a game 20 and 15 they win a game 21- 10 seasons cancelled 21- 10 again can’t win a game 20 and 12 win a game and then the last two years is awful and Sam when you think about it in January right

They’ve been 18 and 29 the past six seasons and that is the meat of the Big 10 schedule this guy the last two years is not doing well in the Big 10 he has been awful in the big over the last two years they’re 30 and 30 and 9 and 25 in

The conference 16 consecutive Road games that’s awful yeah I I don’t I’m I’m a little surprised I want to go this route I’m a little surprised Gino had the balls to pull the trigger right now um my understanding was you know let’s say I I don’t think they

Would or nor do they really want to prior to the especially what we’ve seen in the offseason for football but let’s say Jean would have been fed up and potentially fired Ryan day and now firing Chris that leaves two new head coaching jobs for the new guy coming in

Don’t think that was ever going to happen I am very surprised that uh they did pull the trigger on Holman with everything that’s changing at high State highest State basketball right now but I mean how is this not warranted I mean the guy’s been terrible and you know

What I will say is the you know maybe it was just because you know the previous uh uh the previous head coach and his staff in that Ma created he he created a standard that I don’t think he towards the end of his career for a myriad of reasons could

Live up to so when we had Holman come in he was kind of a breath of fresh air if I remember correctly um it was a Duke they beat they beat uh Michigan State I think pretty handly when Michigan state was number one in the country um there

Was a bunch of a handful of wins and he came in breath of fresh air the program seemed to be turned in the right direction but man that ship has just run into some rocks or an island and just is stranded because it’s been God awful the last few years and let’s make

It clear Jake debler folks that are that are watch people are going John John’s we know John’s at Butler with that it’s it’s Jake debler who is the interim coach Jake deer I want to say Jake’s been uh running he’s been yeah he came in and he was in charge of like the

Video he’s been here a while I think he’s been here a minute I think he was doing video when Aaron Craft was playing like seriously like legit so I think he’s been here a little while so just if you’re getting confused there it’s Jake debler so we’re not being making a

Mistake here people in the chat are going no you’re the wrong no it’s Jake debler just to get that clear and move on here and you you know you’re right Sam it’s it’s just the entire thing is weird how the basketball program like if I wasn’t doing this podcast outside of

Gambling I probably wouldn’t because I do a Morning Show locally I probably wouldn’t watch a lot of Buckeye basketball now I’ve been in this season a lot of it’s duing to gambling because I’m betting against Ohio State or I’ll take the other team on the money line

Have just been golden for gamblers this year right so but the the worst thing is for a program is not just losing not just being irrelevant but just being out of sight and out of mind where you just don’t give a crap right it’s not it’s worse than irrelevant where you go [ __ ]

Guys are on oh who are they playing Marilyn on peacock yeah big pass were you just don’t oh they’re on peacock yeah I’m not gonna spend the 599 to get peacock and that’s what this program has be uh become I don’t think people out there really even give a crap about Ohio

Ohio State Hoops I remember doing middays Common Man and tour got 97.1 The Fan where we would spend shows upon shows upon shows talking about Ohio State basketball and people were into it and going to games and Ohio State versus Duke and you know going to these big

Spectacles and it was a huge event now think about it Ohio State basketball a big event I don’t think no one cares think of the spotlight it show it shines on how bad an arena that is too it’s like not only is your team bad the fans

Are apathetic they could give they could give a [ __ ] and there’s dozens of people have filled that Barn to come watch your your crappy product your crappy crappy output so man and you know what I don’t know if it it’s one of those things where it’s like I love the college

Football game way better than the NFL game for this reason I think is because my team’s the Browns and they’ve been dog [ __ ] for so long yeah it’s like who wants to watch that repeatedly I think part of the reason I’ve watched Le L and less basketball just the game itself I

Don’t I really can’t even watch if Duke and Carolina are one and two playing on a Thursday night I don’t even I don’t even care to watch it I just don’t like the game I think part of it could be attributed to the fact that the Ohio State basketball program has been so

Irrelevant for the last few years as well do you think though and I really believe this because I’m an I’m a casual NBA Watcher right and I like klege Hoops do you I I think personally the college game’s better because I think you get more hustle and and both games are

Wasted opportunities on the offensive end where you get lazy basketball meaning like force threes not moving the ball around looking you know running set plays we’ve seen the Buckeye team like late in games just be horrible when it comes to running set plays right but I think the college game if you’re talking

P pure basketball I think it’s better than the NBA from the standpoint I think there’s more hard work you don’t see guys standing around like in in the NBA there’s dudes that’ll just give up possessions where they just don’t give a crap where they wait for the ball to go

On the other side and shoot a three figuring that okay a team got a two I’ll just go down and one up him watch watch the NBA not every team but there’s a lot of teams going through the motion especially the defensive end and a lot

Of standing around I I do like the college game I’ve got into got into the Buckey a little bit this year it’s just frustrating but I think Sam with Chris Chris Hol by the way Brian thanks for pointing out it was Notre Dame a couple years ago that was rumored to talk to

Chris Holman and that’s why he got the contract extension from Jean kind of sniffing around because Sam if you’re going to give someone a 14 million buyout it means someone’s sniffing around right no and he’s he’s coming back and saying this is going on what

Kind of what can you provide for me what what kind of Leverage can I use in my in my favor you know um what happened is I think the problem with Chris Holman is let’s remember one thing we’re going to get this into a little a little bit because

I was just texting with someone and they said man are you sure so and so can navigate in an nil or the trans and and my point was college basketball has been dirty for 30 40 years I don’t think there’s any big adjustments when it comes to paying players now that the nil

Is legal than before now I think Ohio State it’s different because Ohio State’s always pretty much ran a clean program you could go back to 20 years ago about you know Jim O’Brien paying for a kid’s you know funeral or mom’s funeral and some other stuff for the

Most part though Ohio State’s been a pretty clean program compared to some of the other schools but I think that Chris Holman’s fault Sam was he didn’t take advantage right away and jump on the transfer portal he did this year they brought in new players they went really

Young but I think that a couple years ago when they had the opportunity when kids were transferring around especially with covid where they could have made some moves kind of a little late to the game in that and I think that’s part of the downfall this roster is super super

Young and one thing if you watch him play and there’s anyone out there that can chime in on the chats Sam these guys lose games and I don’t I can’t blame Chris Holman for losing these games you know what I blame iame blame lack of hustle lack of effort common sense

Stupid laziness not running the offense correctly and there’s plays if you look where they’re not they’ll run a play Sam in the first half and then they try to run the play in the second half and they’re just not executing it correctly especially down the stretch when they’re

In games I blame the play players for this of course the program ultimately is Chris Holman’s fault but if you watch this team you cannot tell me there’s Hustle No you’re right but I and and where I guess I would differ a little bit is at the end of the day that’s the

Head coach if if you’ve got guys that refuse to hustle refuse to play defense they’re lazy won’t execute it’s because you lost the room so and at the end of the day that’s 100% on the head coach I mean it’s not like football where you’ve

Got 85 to 100 guys in a locker room on on home games when you got 12 guys I mean you should be able to kind of keep tabs on them keep an eye on them keep them motivated but and to your point too and what I would one of the the

Downfalls are the the downfalls that I saw with Chris Holman were two twofold they were always a young team but then the talent would walk out the door whether it be via transfer or going to the league but then the guys that stuck around never developed I mean can you

Tell me that Zed Key’s gotten better in the 35 years or whatever he’s been in basketball I mean he’s got worse you can’t no yeah but you can’t you can’t tell me that he’s developing players I can say you you have talent you’re able to recruit you’re able to get some of

These guys in the door but then they very quickly out the door and you can’t you’re running your program that way or you want to try to run your program the other way where you’re not going after the one and duns the Uber talented five-star guys and then you try to

Develop them to build that team over three your three or four year period but you can’t develop so you’re kind of [ __ ] out of luck either way you do it yeah no you’re because The Talented The Talented guy’s gonna walk out the door and then you can’t develop players so the three

Or four year guys don’t there’s no continuity and they don’t they don’t gel together yeah the one thing fad ma did is he developed an identity and developed and established a program Chris Holman was never able to establish this program and have the credibility in the program right so like this year’s

Team Sam I don’t know these guys I I’m not involved enough to know how they tick but clearly you like you mentioned it before it’s the head coach’s job and I I agree with you but clearly what he was doing wasn’t ticking with these guys and I don’t think Chris holan’s

Established enough where he could be a Coach K or a John kipari or a different guy where it’s like this way is my this way or the highway and this is how we establish and this is how we work with an Ohio State program certain guys can reach players clearly Chris Holman

Couldn’t reach these guys you’re really watching these games Sam they’re not they’re they’re letting defensively wideopen threes in in the wrong time like I mentioned not executing the offense lazy on defense when you playing Illinois you know Illinois averages I don’t know what it is today but at the

Time I think it was like 82 points so you know if you’re gonna uh stop them you gotta play D and if you’re not playing D and you’re allowing them to score 80 82 I think they scored 86 in that game you got to D

Up and that’s how you beat them how do you how do you beat teams that score a lot of points well we got to play defense we gotta out rebound them we got to get rebounds we got to show hustle clearly Chris Holtman wasn’t reaching these kids to get maximum effort right

So yeah that’s on a coach and also it is too is when you’re young that you should have veterans on a team that could kind of teach the way because let’s be honest this isn’t a team of five star guys where everybody’s racing in the NBA

After year one and and even in thad’s best days he still had those player bench guys upper classmen who contributed and could be leaders right uh look at Aaron Craft was there forever so that kind of you know tells you that you can have established players in college basketball they’re not all run

Into the NBA or the G League or Europe or wherever they have they have more options now but boy it’s the next guy coming in re you know $44 million buyout you really have to establish this program and and mean something and just try to get a foothold in college basketball this

Team’s really irrelevant and it’s really scary so let me before we before we start trying to you know hypothesize who the next names are who the candidates are let me ask you a question because I I’ve got an answer to it I want to get

Your thoughts and in the chat I want the chat to chime in on this as well but do do you think that a highest State the the men’s basketball coach at Ohio State is a desirable job no not now it’s not and I think do you think it was when he

Took the job well remember he took the job later in the you know it was it was really like holy cow why are they doing this move now with that so it was past the you know if they fired Thad right at the end of the like right at the end of

The season right then you would have a free open game of the because usually the way it works is coaches get fired a team surprise a guy in a smaller School surprisingly takes a team to the final four or the elite eight and then bigger schools take up the little guy kind of

Take him away we were even past that in the Chris Holtman hiring right so was it desirable I think we got the best guy available at the time of the other guys who were hired so I think you you got the best guy available at the time you

Can’t knock it it was just a weird time when they hired Chris Holman to begin with yeah I I don’t I mean I there there’s two ways I would approach this one I think if if you’re a coach that knows what he’s doing right I assume if you’re

Going to get to this level you you have a pretty good grasp of the program you’re running how to get the kids how to recruit kids and how to keep them motivated I would think this would be a great job for somebody to come in because you’re not Kentucky you’re not

Duke you’re not even you know UCLA to a degree you’re not these giant programs where there’s immense amounts of history and let’s be very clear you’re are flying under the shadow of the the monolith that is Ohio State football so you could pretty much be as inconspicuous as you want as

A program but you still have all the resources at your act at your disposal so I would think is is somebody that’s coming up and again that knows what they’re doing would seek a job like this out I mean Columbus isn’t a bad place to

Live they’re going to pay you a bunch of money the salary goes a long way and you’re you’re under you’re never going to out Shadow the Ohio State football so I think it’d be a great place for a very desirable job for for a coach that’s

Coming up to to want a coach that’s not going to like I said to UK or some of these other you know to the North Carolina any of these other programs but on the other hand like like I mentioned earlier this is a ship that’s been

Around a ground like it’s bad right now no it is and what I would also say is if if we think nil and football’s bad think of how bad it’s been under the radar up to this point and now it’s legal so it’s got to be even worse now

Just to deal with these guys yeah but do you think it it the nil gives Ohio State an advantage from the same point of okay we spent a lot of money on football right I think these same uh boosters nil would spend more money if they were

Given a reason this can kind of revitalize that right especially when we know the Kentucky the Dukes the Kansas’s the arizonas teams like that have always paid for play right so now it’s more I think it’s more of an advantage for Ohio State because it’s a Le uh Level Playing

Field meaning that we can go out there and we can pay for players too right so before before the nil Sam we weren’t paying players like the can I mean there’s wir taps with with Shawn Miller and Duke talking about paying players we weren’t doing what those guys were doing

Do you think the even though that nil exists and you know albeit Loosely There Are Rules do you really think that there’s not shady stuff still going on in basketball no I think they’re abely my point is though is now we’re paying players as well I think I think it’s the

Dirtiest sport in the game and not even close actually my second pick for this job when we get to it when we start talking about is one of the dirtiest players in the game and oh it’s absolutely the most dirty sport in the NCAA for sure my my whole point is

Though with the nil now we are paying as well that’s why I mean it’s legal to pay now and I think that would benefit us because listen are you going to if if you’re an nil and you’re booster are you really going to let our program get to

Dog crap right now because at one point this was a second tier College basketball program at one point right the singers the William bufords the John debers the Aaron Craft I mean they had a good group for a good seven eight years coming in and out here Sam we’ve had Jim

O’Brien was successful Randy aers was successful I mean we’ve had successful coaches in the past at Ohio State it’s not like this been been a dog crap Wasteland of college basketball I mean we’ve seen Peaks where I agreee I think this could be a decent job no you’re not

Getting John kapari or you’re not bringing Coach K out of the retirement but when they do this coaching job unlike before when there was a limited amount of guys and you’re quick to the draw right now where you can even make a deal where you hire someone on the

Download let him finish his season and then take the job here yeah I I really think it’s it’s a really attractive job it’s not a Kansas it’s not a Duke but it’s think do you think there was some strategy in firing him during the season versus at

The end of the season do you think it gives them a one up on the ability to go after a guy or to to attract a guy to the program yeah we talked we talked about this a couple weeks ago where I said you should fire him now because of

That reason because now you’re the the one job that’s open and everybody knows about it you’re not waiting till the end of the regular season you could start contact you don’t think they’re going to start contacting agents right now on the down low and these agents are going to

Talk to the coach and then or the agents will talk to their you know clients who are coaches go hey by the way Ohio State’s open yeah I don’t know if we want to start talking now but they’re going to pay such and such and such and

Boy this could be a really good job the nil spent a lot of money backing football and I’ve been told they’re going to back basketball are you worried what do you think on because the reports are this was Jean’s decision that Jean had a meeting with Chris Holtman last

Week and said listen we need to make the NCAA tournament it’s a must now they did win against Maryland in that double overtime game but last night was an ugly basketball game and and Wisconsin’s lost four straight that game was kind of there for the pickings if you were a

Competent team Wisconsin’s kind of the but you haven’t you haven’t won on the road in a year so I think that’s the why Jean did it Sam is because hey I’m gonna open this up and that will let everybody know we’re open for business and they

Could think about this job and we could take our time looking I just worry who’s making this call is it Jean Smith when the call to hire a new guy is is it Jean Smith or is it the new ad or are they working together then that was a question I was

Going to ask you do you do you think and I I do I think there was a phone call made between Jean Smith and Ross bork as far as hey what do we want to do here I don’t want to Jean’s probably give him a little bit of a professional courtesy

Saying listen man I don’t want you to have to come in and write off the rip this is what you got to deal with but I think Jean like I said grew a pair of balls realized the decision needed to be made it was inevitable um I think that

Making the decision now versus in July 1 When Ross walks in is obviously going to be far better um for for Ross Bjork and his I guess his uh docket of what he’s got to do as far as the being an athletic director of Ohio State but I

Also think it gives the program a little bit of a head start like like we just discussed on being able to go after a guy and get a guy in the door so I absolutely think a phone call was made and they probably did talk about this a

Little bit amongst saying like listen I don’t want to leave you with this this uh this you know giant issue you’re going to have to deal with what do you think we do and how can I help and then they kind of went made the decision from

There yeah and by the way there’s people on the chat saying oh you can’t blame it on the players go if you don’t think that the players had something to do with this and and ultimately it it is Chris Colman’s respon go watch the Michigan game when they’re shooting like

12% from threes and those weren’t horrible shots they had good looks in that game maybe they had three bad looks in that game but but when you can’t make shots and when you choke on the chicken bone like they did in that Michigan game make your shots these guys weren’t making shots

They’re not hustling there’s open threes where they’re leaving Guys open there if you watch Chris Holman’s postgame press conference he talks in the postgame where they’re trying to execute a play and the play just blows up where they’re not making a pass inside to an open man

Look at the get go get a subscription of the athletic go back a couple games they die diagram of play where they’re just not bringing the off off the screen they’re just not getting the pass inside where they just they forget that that was the play that was called so you

Can’t tell me oh the players had nothing to do with this make your shots hustle on defense try to outrebound anyone ultimately Chris Holtman has to get them up for games duh that’s why he’s not here I’ve been saying for three weeks Holman has to go they’re not winning but

If you could say oh you know maybe someone else could come in and get something out of these players cuz these are probably going to be the guys they’re dealing with next year but Chris Holman wasn’t reaching him so I have a problem where you know the problem

What’s going on is lack of hustle and lack lack of execution and this is the guy who recruited you and brought you to Ohio State and yet you’re still playing like crap it’s not like these guys were playing good right so ultimately Chris Holman pays for his job and rightfully

So but to say these were All-Star players and Chris Holman was just like a big doofus who was like taking bottle caps and going you go here you go there pass ball shoot come on that’s ridiculous no but there’s always they they’re especially in a sport like that

I mean defense is 100% hustle right like it’s all about want to and if you can’t if you’re not doing it that that players should take some accountability or the the majority of the accountability for for just that like you said the pure lack of hustle so obviously now with

Holman being gone um I guess inevitably the next question is going to be what are some names or who are some names that we think would be a suitable replacement for the head coach of State basketball their program all right Sam I’m going to tell you one call to make

There’s just one call to make and you call them today and we’ll let you know who it is next on the o podcast we go to war for you and sugar schar trial attorneys we don’t back down accident call us today at 877 War for you or visit War for free

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Stink two years in a row they’re not going to make the tournament never reached the sweet 16 just bad just can’t win haven’t won a road game in a year and you know what will be interesting Sam and we’ll get let’s get the super chats going let’s get all the stars

Going in meta let’s get it pumped up you can steer the direction if there’s someone You’ like let us know in the super chats who should take over the poll question do you agree with Chris Holman’s firing and by the way if you’ve been hurt ask worker in an accident let

Attorney Robert suger go to war for youw for we were we were wondering Sam where did it go wrong did Chris Holtman just you know like bump his head and become a bad coach like how did this how did this happen I feel like within

The last two weeks you could tell how he was answering questions at postgame interviews and stuff or even on his shows on on local radio that you know he more or less he’s like I I don’t know what the problem is or more or less said

That I I think we know what the problem is but it doesn’t look like I’m going to be able to fix it so it’s like when I started hearing a John Davidson he’s John Davidson when I started hearing a coach talk like that I’m like all right

Well this this is up you’re gone yeah ah all right so hang on I your teas before you pay off on it we have not discussed this chat viewers we have not discussed this but I want to take I’m gonna take a guess I’ve got a name that I’m gonna

Throw at you too but I’m gonna take one guess and I’m gonna see if this is where you going all right okay you ready yeah because I got a list in order sea Miller That’s number two oh but that’s the guy that you think that that that’s my

Second call I call this guy and I don’t know if he’s good let me throw this name at you and if you want to chime in and I’m even gonna P right when I right when I add this we can can you I’m gonna write his name in the chat and

Then I’m going to see if the OV militia agrees with me all right I’m going to say it first and I’m just copy and pasting this right now do you want me to throw my name at you you just gave Sean Miller well no no no I was guessing what

Your name is my name is not all right give me your name I I’m going uh Buzz Williams okay that’s your name that’s my name that’s the guy I want here’s my name here’s my name you make one phone call and this is the only phone call you

Make and I just put it up there right now you call Jay Wright that’s the only phone call you need to make is calling Jay Wright Jay Wright quit because it just he didn’t have the passion any anymore he was kicking ass and taking names at Villanova and what more could

He do talking about two-time National Champion four times in the final four dude just just said hey I wna it’s the old I want to spend more time with my wife and kids line come on when a coach says that that means call me up I’m

Available when any coach says I want to spend more time with my family that means he’s available next week that’s what these guys do for living you have to call Jay wri so I send my name uh I’m going Jay right because that’s that’s that would be that would be perfect uh

He’s obviously available so you don’t have to wait on a contract issue no buy out and and think of how good his suits would look on the sidelines at Value City Arena yeah that man that I want his wardrobe that man dresses nice yes oh and he’s just a great basketball coach

Man and just crushed it I mean just crushes it I mean winning the Big 10 tournament I mean or the Big East tournament I mean he’s won the like the Big East like eight times the dude’s a monster the Big East is a good good conference he’s a great coach he’s only

62 you win today’s show that that’s that’s phenomenal that’s a name I didn’t even think of oh it it it Jay Wright is the only person you need to call I mean it’s the one phone call Sam you have to make and you know I was me and Zack

Smith were texting before the show and he goes man do do you think though Jay Wright would want to get back in the game especially now that the nil and the transfer portal and stuff like that but to me I don’t think college basketball has changed that much I’m not calling

Jay Wright a dirty coach at all but the game is dirty you know and now it’s just kind of legal to do it I don’t think college basketball has changed that much compared to college football when it comes to paying players no absolutely not players were under the table before

Now they’re above the table and it’s it’s known where they can drive their car and not be worried about like hiding it right no you’re right Jay Wright is The Only Name you call he would make this program relevant right away we’d get better recruits better coached he

Could and you know what he could do what he did at Villanova where he could just leave it to his top assistant and his top assistant could take over whenever Jay Wright decides to go and I don’t know is is Jay Wright a guy who is gonna

Say oh give me such and such amount amount of money because I think if Jay Wright comes back and he decides to coach this team you don’t have to worry about a buyout because I think this would be his end game right Sam I you don’t think you don’t think Ross bork

With his background wouldn’t back up the freaking bring truck oh I no I do think I’m thinking about no that’s what I’m saying like I I don’t I don’t know that money’s the issue it’s about I think it’s about if Jay Wright wants to get back into coaching if he’s sick of his

Wife yet yeah and his kids don’t forget the kids I got a couple teenagers what all right so so let’s say let’s say uh you know J R is is perfectly content with with being a stay-at-home father and he you know he loves his wife loves

His kids okay he doesn’t want to get back into it where are you going after that okay I got two more names and then it I I do have some other guys on the list that we could talk about but the next guy call and I told you Shawn Shawn

Miller and I kind of have it one a and one B right Shawn Miller from the standpoint of this dude the bout’s only two million I believe for Shawn Miller he I know he signed a new deal I think it’s two million if someone on the chat

Can correct me that’d be great but I believe his buyouts two million right he knows how to navigate this game from a dirty standpoint right we know Shawn Miller hasn’t and and the great thing about Shawn Miller he’s like a wrestling villain who blames the manager when they

Cheat because if you were familiar with Arizona they got like lost like 50 wins and all the assisted coaches took the took the hit the program took the hit nothing happened to seaner Sean exactly Shawn Miller Le right all the assistants get hammered and then the team loses like 50 wins and

Then Shawn Miller here I go going to Xavier now right here I go going to another team all good yeah I I think Shawn Miller can coach I think Shawn Miller can really recruit right maybe uh Sea’s brother Archie might be out of a job soon he can be his top assistant

Coach but I think Shawn Miller is another call you make Jay Wright first Shawn Miller second and then the other one Sam and my in-laws are going to hit hate me because they’re season ticket holders to this team Tony Bennett no oh absolutely he can

Do it is boring and they also won a national title and they win no oh it’s boring as hell but they win that’s a winning program and they and they win without the top recruits they win with a bunch of three star and four-star guys

And it’s a smart school I mean it’s I’m going I’m going skeezy Shawn Miller over Tony Bennett well Tony Bennett’s my third or or or Buzz Williams on the sideline just sweating through suit and tie um what do you thinking people are bringing up uh Dusty May from Florida

Atlantic who got to the final four last year I I young guy he’s a Midwest guy I believe he from Illinois um doing a hell of a job down at FIU I why not I mean that he so so he sounds more like a guy High state would higher for their

Basketball program than Shawn Miller or Jay Wright or any of these other guys right it seems like we always get like that but why is it like that I don’t know I’m just telling you it would be on brand for Ohio State but I also think Ross Bor coming in is GNA completely

Rewrite the brand because he’s when it comes to money when it comes to winning when it comes to building up programs he is he’s and and the president of the University again we something I touched on this is the first president that Ohio state has hired that’s a

Non-academic so he’s gonna put he understands the emphasis that they’re going to need to put on the the the sports programs the athletic programs because that is the lifeblood that’s what helps supplies the university for the funds they need to run it so you know I would not be I wouldn’t be

Surprised if they go a little bit different direction than they have in the past but no Dusty May would I think would be a good candidate as well based on what I’ve read why do you think like Tony Bennett who competes with Duke and North Carolina and kicks their ass on a

Consistent basis wouldn’t be good because of the style of play I just I’m not saying he’s a good that’s not what I’m saying I just saying he’s boring brand of basketball that’s all it no you’re correct there but they they Absolut look at them this year I mean

They win with three star guys they win because of coaching that’s a guy where you can look at his team and I think if I go back I think they had one Mr Indiana basketball on that championship team I think it like Kyle guy or Keith

Guy who never made it to the NBA I think it was a second round pick someone could correct me on the chat but I mean they’ve had some stars at Virginia but I think he’s made them Stars right they’ve had some first round picks I mean there’s some good play players in the

NBA who went to Virginia but he’s a guy that’s not cashed in like making total bank I think he just really liked charlotteville you know I’ve been there a million times a really beautiful city nice area with the mountains right um two hours away from DC you’re kind of

Buy different things and D we’ve got the old Tangi River yeah and a hill in Mansfield where he can go ski if he wants but see so I think if Jay Wright Shawn Miller Tony Bennett are wow go fort hires and then when I think like

Greg mcder of ceton who I’m not sold on Dusty May uh I know they’re going to uh different guys who’s uh Nate oats has been talked about a lot do you know anything about haris has been talked you know about him uh South Carolina having a really good season this year but if

You look at his I I don’t know a lot about him except for that he’s doing really good this year but I look kind of like at his track record and and he didn’t blow me away with what he’s done but maybe it’s one of those where he’s

Tak taken over a really bad program and because of his recruiting and coaching he’s kind of made them relevant I think they’re like 21 and three this year or something that I mean they’re just crushing it so maybe it’s one of those where this this dude is a young Gem and

You hire him now because he could take this program to the next level I I I I would think that the uh basketball people would probably know more than I have no and that’s the thing too it’s like it’s it’s hard for me to obviously

I know Jay Wright I know Buzz Williams I know some the m like I know those names and I know their history and how they coach and you know maybe how or how not they they dodged uh some charges being thrown at them in their program but it’s

It’s hard for me because I don’t watch a ton of basketball anymore just again like I said kind of off the top that it’s not something that interests me anymore well that’s because Ohio State’s programs are relevant well but but what I’m saying is this is a great

Opportunity for them to kind of re rewrite the the model that they’ve used in hiring coaches because I think again when you you’ve got an ad that’s that’s all about it he wants to win he wants to put money into the programs and you’ve got a a president uh a university

President that’s gonna do the same thing this is your opportunity to make a splash and and like I said too I mean Jay Wright was basically all there was at Villanova there was basketball and no football program I think they they’re the FCS or you know onea but you you

Don’t have to be the big dick like you can come in and you’ve got your program running because you know the football is always going to overshadow you so um I think it would be a great opportunity and you get some of those bigger names and maybe with a guy like Shawn Miller

You may have to do the See No Evil Hear No Evil a little bit but yeah um you know hone him in or make sure you have somebody following him around telling them what the rules are what you can and can’t do but oh I think he knows the

Rules well like like doesn’t doesn’t Calipari have a guy specifically on staff that follows around or follows him around and tells him what he can and can’t do as far as don’t know I know thatly certain unbelievable but I think if you do something like that it’s an

Opportunity to make a splash it’s it’s what does Ohio State want their basketball program to be and I think who they pursue in their head to replace Chris Holman is going to tell us a lot about that yeah and Nate SS by the way and I see a couple people throwing his

Name in the chat the chat he’s got a $10 million buyout so are you going to spend million on the buyout for Chris Holman and obviously they’ll stretch that out as long as they can and then a T10 million buyout too you know 24 million

In buyouts and then a salary on top of that I’m not sure I mean you got a big spender you know athletic director uh you know coming in but it let let me bring up a point too and this is why and I I’ll bring this to football

If Ryan Day loses to that team up North this year he’s not going to get fired okay you spent 14 million on Chris Holman’s buyout does any anyone know out there Ryan Day buyout is $4 46.2 million you as an athletic department are not going to pay a combined $60

Million to buy out two coaches in one year so if you’re out there going oh this is Ryan day’s last chance they have to beat Michigan if they don’t beat Michigan he’s gone 46.2 million there’s no way you’re going to pay out two coaches thanks Jean R Ryan

Day is and I don’t have a problem I think he’s done had a great off season but Ryan day is here to stay I have a big issue with giving extensions or contract uh increases when you don’t have to and we’re we’re reap you’re uh reaping the

Rewards of that with Chris Holman right now because he got a contract extension he didn’t need to get yeah so I didn’t I never thought of that but that’s a great Point too but man can you imagine that sour taste is if he loses to Michigan next year and we’re freaking

Kicking ourselves in the groin knowing that he’s not going to get fired unless we Pony up $42 million $4 46 million 4 that point who cares about the extra four you know I guess I guess the good news with this 14 million with Chris Holtman and we talked about this a

Couple of weeks ago and I was calling around of can Ohio State because it’s not football can Ohio State come up with this $4 million I said absolutely like they’re it’s gotten such been so down for this program there’s enough people enough boosters the athletic department

Is it I’m sure probably Jean made calls obviously because is there anyone and I’m gonna use this term but I don’t mean it in a negative way is there anyone more greedy when it comes to making money for as his athletic department than Jean Smith where Jean wants nothing

To do with the nil because Jean doesn’t want to have a penny leave the athletic department and that’s what he’s paid to do so I don’t I don’t knock him for that I wish he would be a little bit more more willing with the nil but he’s gone

Anyway so it’s irrelevant right so I’m sure Jean doesn’t want that $14 million doesn’t matter if he’s leaving or not I’m sure Jean got on the horn and talked to people said so can I count you in for two million call it I count you

In for five million I count you in for five million all right we’re almost there we need one more million who’s working the phones like a ton we’re working the phones trying to get people going I can almost guarantee and we can look into this Sam they raised the 14

Million Maybe that’s why they did it Tuesday because they were working on the money um you know this weekend and then finally got the money like yesterday 14 million you know it was like a ton in Jean’s office where they had the little thermometer and they have

A bunch of people reporting with the markers and then when they finally get to the top bells and confetti start going off and then he picks up the phone and calls Holman yeah you I’ll say this though I think Chris Holman gets another job oh absolutely job absolutely this year well

Yeah this year for next season so so how many division one basketball programs are there in the country versus division one football programs oh God so much more it’s like double isn’t it oh it’s just so much more it’s way easy to field way way easier to field a basketball

Program than it is a football program yeah but but don’t you think for once in this program’s history Sam just for once I just want to go out and I want to get the top guy right and and that doesn’t mean if it it it can be Shawn Miller

Even though he’s kind of like at at not a top school but well I guess Xavier’s considered but they’re not he’s a good coach though he’s a really good coach and he knows how to play little loose on the rules little loose on the rules but

A good coach yeah check your phone use a burner account Sean burner phone um but I want to go get our top three guys I want to make every effort possible I I don’t want Jay Wright to say no to me what do I have to do so Jay Wright says

Yes what do I have to do so Shawn Miller says yes if it’s a money thing get the money what what what do I have to do and and I Tony Bennett’s had a lot of offers and I just don’t think he’s going to leave Virginia but you call Tony Bennett

You say what do we have to do to get you to Columbus Tony Bennett has beat the big boys man he slays Goliath every year have you been to like that Arena small small campus campus don’t have the resources of the other schools just got a a unique Elite coach that doesn’t want

To leave they struck gold a son of a coach I believe uh is dad dick was the coach of Wisconsin Right Wisconsin and then uh Green Bay so he’s a coach’s kid I mean those three guys why can’t we go get the best guys at Ohio State

Why I mean what has been that problem that we can’t I understand last time hiring Holtman it was just the situation we were in and Thad was a great hire so let’s go out now and get the top guy if if Ohio state is able to hire Jay Wright

I am not wearing pants on the show for a week well that will that will get me that will get me to watch basketball that will get me to watch Ohio State basketball yeah and I may or may not wear pants who knows yeah by the way

It’s it’s is shottenstein a good big basketball fan that’s what we need to know I think they’re big AIO State people and I mean hell their name’s on the building so they better be yeah let’s get it going let’s get I’ll buy some furniture guys right if we all go

Out there and we buy an end table from Value City Furniture will the shot steeds come up with the money to hire Jay Wright because every guy every person has their price right I mean everybody has Jay Wright might be sitting down you call Jay Wright go oh we’ll give you

Five million here no not we’ll give you 10 all right now I’m listenting now I’m going I think everybody has a price you uh you topics someone someone chimed in with uh Anthony Grant of Dayton and he I actually had him lower on my list they

Having a good year at Dayton this year uh Jeff BS is also another guy at OU former Thad top assistant ah boy yeah if guys are not answering my calls I guess I get down there’s funny of people to call but I say go big yeah right go big early go

Big let them tell you know yeah and we’ll have more I mean to this is this is fresh news we’ll have names tomorrow and we can run it down we’ll probably have more of of what happened with uh Chris Holtman quick break we come back what’s on X a little more Buckeye

Basketball tell you the poll question next hey let me tell you about my guys at River Valley restoration if you have a project I know it can be overwhelming let them take the stress out of it for you give them a call and it doesn’t matter if you got a huge project small

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Ohio a call at 7443 6739 or at evented OV podcast the Tor Sam Grooms every day 3 o’clock men Sports channel subscribe like follow let’s get the Super Chat going if there’s a coach that you want to see at Ohio State chime in with your ideas on the Super Chat remember the

Stars on meta follow us on meta on the Facebook page we have a Rewards program someone at the end of the month is going to walk away with a very cool Lou garri autograph frame picture and it’s got the certificate don’t worry it’s not me in my basement signing luk garri I probably

Couldn’t spell garri so uh very cool piece of memorabilia that we’re going to give away to someone who follow us follows us on Facebook the show page so it’s the OV podcast and remember get the Super Chat going if you got some ideas I think there’s going to be a lot lot of

Names in this program and today’s poll question Sam was do you agree with the Chris Holman firing I don’t know if there’s anyone out there who disagrees I guess the question would be they better upgrade or right I mean that’s kind of a demand now right you’ve you’ve jumped

The field you’re the first team to fire someone the big boy I don’t think anyone else has been fired this year I mean I think Jawan Howard should have been fired because he likes to punch everybody in the face but we have jumped everybody there is no reason why Ohio State

Doesn’t get the best coach unless someone with one of the Blue Bloods decides to retire you know what I mean Sam and then no you’re right oh crap we got to compete with this team let’s say John kapari wants to quit which isn’t happening but you know what I mean and

Then we’re like ah well we’re gonna lose Jay W to Kentucky but in this case I I think I mean I don’t I don’t want uh by the way someone chimed in uh Bobby Hurley um Bobby Hurley’s at Arizona State I I’ve heard that Bobby everybody’s telling me Bobby Hurley ain’t

Leaving I don’t know do all know Arizona to colus Ohio would be tough no no no I I I know but is is Bobby Hurley turned Arizona State into a superpower right or maybe there’s something I’m missing I I’ll I’ll make some calls to uh uh Arizona tonight and find out what

The deal is with Bobby Hurley well like you like we’ve talked about money talks and obviously Ohio State’s a big program so he could teach too well I mean Arizona state is a program where I mean not tons of success over there and he’s he’s made those guys

Into a winner I mean they’re not recruiting the top guys in the world 12 and 12 this year by the way eight in the back 12 yeah okay so and they’re going they’re going to the big 12 next year is that right uh yes I’ll find I’ll find

Out if Bobby Hurley’s in play I know people who cover that team we’ll find out tomorrow because I’ve heard not only in the chat are people comenting well hurly’s not going to leave but I’ve heard that from members of the media as well that Bobby Hurley’s not going to

Leave which I I’m wondering because I I lived in uh oh someone’s talking Dan Hurley his brother okay I gotcha now you’re talking I was wondering for a second they’re like why would Bobby Hurley not leave Arizona State then why would why would Dan and hle leave a program like Yukon to come

To Ohio State yes well good point I don’t think he would I thought when someone said hurly’s not leaving I’m like why wouldn’t Bobby Hurley leave yeah I mean there’re what 22 and two yeah apparently number one in the yeah I don’t I don’t think we’re getting I

Don’t think we’re getting Dan Hurley I don’t think that’s I mean you could try again make them tell you no right yeah oh yeah make a call I’d be make I’d call anybody right or really you have to do is the agent should already be on this

Right all these guys have agents the athletic director’s talking to the agent the agent is probably if if if you’re for instance Dan Hurley right and your your agent would just text you or call you and go hey Ohio State’s open and then he would just say yeah pass or hey

Call me in two weeks so I think that’s how it go I think the agents are already playing the game behind the scenes and they’re going to have a good idea in the next couple days of of who would want this job who wouldn’t want this job

Money Talks also too we you know and we mentioned this earlier for someone just tuning in Sam I think the Jay Wright thing who I think where he just won enough two national titles and it was just kind of one of those things where he lost the passion you know I was

Reading a couple articles where he just lost passion for the game sometimes it takes a new environment and a new challenge to get someone you know enthused again and Jay Wright could look at this and go all right Ohio State great program they’ll pay money they’ll

Support their team I’m kind of under the radar where it’s a football school but I really could have a lot of advantages with that and really it would be a huge challenge for anyone to see if they could win a National Title get to the final four again Ohio State sometimes

The challenge is good and it’s it’s a it’s a big boy basketball conference too I mean let’s not forget that I mean it seems like up and down year to year ACC you know sometimes the Big 12 Big 10 who’s the best conference but it’s a it’s a big boy basketball conference so

I I told you man I didn’t know your I didn’t know who you were going to recommend before the show and I think you absolutely killed it and I think that should like you said should be the absolute first phone call you make I i’ say this and it’s not the same thing

Obviously but when I you know got let go at the fan and I started at qf 96 my partner Jerry dude I was obsessed with being number one again it just I was absolutely obsessed a maniac about it we got to do this we got to try this we got

To do this let’s do the you know just crazy [ __ ] I threw out there just because I was so and eventually we got there but I was so obsessed to being number one again that I couldn’t handle not doing it where like oh we’re down here now like starting over new demo new

Format I’m going from Sports to music I’ve done the same format before at a high level in a different city so man it it re rejuvenated me to kind of inspired me to get hey let’s get this going get back where qfm should be and we did but

I mean putting on a new challenge for guys I bet that’s really rewarding if you’re a guy like Jay Wright where you look at and go all right top of the mountain but can I do it again well think too if he delivers a a Natty here

In Columbus OH in the Bas for the basketball program like they’re building statues oh absolutely they could they could put one they all they all they have is Brutus the Brutus now they have one outside doing the the the H so you stand next to

Him right or is he doing the O what’s he doing I got a picture of my kid with it we just at a game uh we were doing but uh yeah they they get a statue you ready for what’s on X let’s hit it all right let’s start college football Chris

Venini I have no idea who this guy is but he reports college football is closer than ever to allowing widespread use of helmet communication after the positive bll trial run all Rules meeting later this month could finally open the door it went as well as we hope that is

Called the Michigan rule or they should call it the Connor stallion rule right Sam how hasn’t and why hasn’t it happened yet that’s the only question I have on the topic the Connor salion uh Connor stallion rule uh let’s keep it in football we kind of talked about this

Off the air pro football talk tweets the NFL kickoff the XFL kickoff is not likely to get the 24 votes needed to be adopted by the NFL now that was a longstanding rumor and correct me if I’m wrong Sam but the way the XFL did it is

They had guys lined up like what five 10 yards from each other the kicker’s way back in his normal spot and then the defensive players cannot engage on the returner until he touches the ball correct correct yeah so it’s you don’t have the you don’t have the as much as

The head on collisions yeah but it also kind of keeps it in in the sport and my my thought is either you’ve pretty much completely gotten rid of it right now so either just find some way to completely get rid of it outright or change it to something like this where the kickoff

And the return can actually mean something again figure it out because this this gray area sucks yeah they dropped concussions dropped something like 20% but I think returns dropped like 20% as well uh do you think it’s something that the NFL because they’re the NFL and it’s known as the XFL

Kickoff rule that the NFL has too much pride where they don’t want to adapt rules from a failed football league is that have anything to do with it because they feel like oh you could down it you know you could you could fair catch it or whatever and it’s you’re at the 25

Yard line we’re seeing more of that our system’s working I think the people that run the NFL are pretty smart in a lot of regards but they’re stupid in a lot of regards and I think this falls into the stupid category yeah I I actually like the XFL kickoff rules that’s like the

Only thing I liked about the XFL I love their kickoff rules I tell you what bring back the no unnecessary roughness rule from the original X XFL and then we can talk oh here’s another one from awful announcing is it time for CBS to move on from Tony Romo Sam he’s pretty

Bad I I don’t understand like people so the one thing I did kind of like but it still was really annoying is when his first year when he’s basically telling you what’s gonna come before it comes which I you know it’s kind of it’s great to see a mind like that work but

Also as somebody that’s watching the sport not dissecting the offense or the defense or the formations or the Motions I to watch it to see what happens not have you tell me what’s going to happen and since that he’s just gotten annoying yeah he’s not doing as much because I

Think they change up the plays and and you know he’s kind of got a little cartoonish I don’t mind him I like him better than Greg Olsen and maybe Olsen’s fault or the reason I don’t like Olsen is because he’s not with a topnotch play-by-play guy right he’s not with a

Too or Joe Buck or you know H Al Michaels you know it’s just Greg Olsen and who’s this guy from Fox Kevin Burk who what I’m also so so I’m also the guy that with the with a couple of I don’t watch football games for the announcers

However some announcers I’m like oh God like I gotta listen to this guy for this like the Super Bowl uh you know like you’re a Browns fan you get Kenny Albert every week well yeah I mean let’s be real it’s and and hopefully I’m watching

At a bar where the sounds not on anyway but like I hate Gus Johnson so obviously fox has been doing all their games and it’s just like I roll my eyes every time I hear him I just well you have to admit this a lot of people don’t like Gus

Because of the excitement level right but I think Gus maintains the excitement no matter who who the play benefits meaning like Chris Fowler gets a bone War when there’s a play against Ohio State I think Chris Fowler’s probably rubbing it during a big play against the Buckeyes watch Chris Fowler folks it’s

Probably rubbing it for him well if if Chris is wearing a wig in a yes but Fowler gets super excited gets a hty anytime something goes against Ohio State watch games folks that extra he’ll go touchdown Ohio State then when someone stores and a touchdown for Penn

State he he gets really animated my my issue and I guess I kind of see what you’re saying about Gus Johnson but my issue is he gets really excited and says a bunch of dumb [ __ ] when he doesn’t need to it’s like the I always say it’s

Like the equivalent of false hustle it’s like he gets excited and says all this dumb stuff when you don’t have to and it’s just like God shut up you know who did that I love him and I think this guy’s the one of the best human beings

On the planet and he made every game when it was like seven to one he made that one goal exciting was George Matthews I love George I love George and Bill davage they were I missed those guys I miss I can’t handle Rimer I not I

Love Jody Shelly can’t handle so I I think Jody does a great job but one of the issues getting with all of them as they all and I understand the Blue Jackets are your employer but quit trying to shove sunshine and lolly pops up my ass when I know that’s not the

Case like you’re allowed to be a little critical uh I love George Matthews I wish he was still calling the radio B mck Elliott’s got a little bit of the false hustle says dumb [ __ ] when he doesn’t need to that like Gus Johnson does so he’s kind of hard for me to

Listen to sometimes as well but I’m I better start liking him because my guess is he’s going to be the one rep replaces Rimer I agree I agree and that’s a crap flavored sucker with the blue jacket Sam up your ass uh Fall Guy for the Super

Bowl pro pro football talk reporting or just tweeting could 49ers defensive coordinator Steve wils be in Jeopardy when asked about wils on the Tuesday press conference Kyle Shanahan didn’t provide a qu uh clear response um is Steve wils going to go down for the 49ers I mean look at

Defensively I and I might not be spot on with this but I think like points third or maybe second 17 points a game rushing top three passing in the middle middle defense eighth overall I mean top 10 defense you gave up 19 points to moles and in you know the the regular time

Before the overtime like I understand you lost the game but are we really gonna overreact because you gave up 25 points including in overtime to the Chiefs in the Super Bowl and a record-breaking field goal I mean they were kicking long field goals in that

Game I think the defense did their job I really do yeah he he’d be that’d be an absolute scapegoat and unnecessary firing based upon those results yeah I I guess it’s the 49er fan base is upset they need a scapegoat uh Aaron ports line last night reporting goalie Alvis

Under the weather again how many times because he wasn’t available last night they lost six to three how many times is Elvis gonna be sick how I’m sending give that K some vitamins I’m sending him some zinc and some vitamin D yeah that guy gets sick more than anybody I’ve

Ever seen man that is that is unreal of how often he is sick what sucks too is like by the way Steve wils is fired just breaking news 13 minutes ago we mentioned it Steve wils is fired from the 49ers we we put

It out by the time we put it out put it up he got fired by the 49ers how about that there that’s that’s an overreaction yeah wow that’s unbelievable that I’m with you that is a bad move for the 49ers blaming him for the Super Bowl loss holy

Crap yeah I don’t get that but hey you know what they’ll figure it out yeah when you’re when you’re a mediocre defense next year because you’re changing coaches and schemes with all pretty much all the same players yeah well we’ll we’ll probably be readdressing this at some point which

College head coach is going to leave to take the 49er job [Laughter] Chip Kelly’s on the phone like hey uh I know I’m on the offensive side but that’s the first thought when someone put it on the on the chat thank you so much I I didn’t know you know it

Just happened like right before this segment started um that that yeah really don’t you do that now for every opening wonder which college head coach is going to take it now like which coordinator or we had it at BC you know I I think guys are trying to

Get out of the NFL Chip Kelly try to get to Seattle you know from UCLA try to go to the Seahawks so I mean I think Steve wi’s a pretty good coach pretty good track record by the way I know people are chiming in on the chat listen

There’s going to be a lot of stuff this summer to talk about we will throw out a day best announcers in sports and let everybody chime in we will absolutely do that and no Jim nolles is not leaving to be the 49ers defensive coordinator uh

One uh we hope we hope yeah we hope uh f d RIS GRE love the show guys and your past radio show with common man I am happy they fired Holtman bleep herb Street and Desmond Howard uh more herb Street than Desmond Desmond’s just a bad commentator

Desmond’s a piece of [ __ ] too like some of the stuff he’s gotten away with and he has Herby though has gotten away with a lot of stuff yeah yeah but herb street is the king of getting away with stuff I mean I don’t want we know why Desmond Howard’s on on the

Show and it’s not because he’s a great analyst that’s what drives me nuts about that guy there’s a lot of guys too though if to be fair look at the Fox NFL Lineup with Bradshaw come on I mean oh he’s that guy he’s well and and you know

Backs we’re friends with Gordy gronowski but grank is gr’s got to get a little seriousness to him or he’s gonna play a character do you know what I mean but back to game day too like let’s also be honest like they keep they keep rolling uh uh coach out there like I know

Corso’s like he’s he’s long past like the time that he needed to be retired he’s such a nice guy and he is and that’s I’m saying I know I know that’s why it’s I don’t want to say anything bad about him because he’s a really nice

Guy at some point or another like either you or the people producing the show have to realize like this is not good this looks terrible no I I I I I hear you all right tomorrow uh tomorrow we got our a lot of people got to if you’re

A wrestling fan chime in tune in tomorrow because we do a wrestling segment right so people people will comment wrestling like on Monday Tuesday like after raw and Thursday you have a wrestling show you can comment we do our final segment of the show is wrestling so when you’re commenting Monday or

Tuesday about wrestling and I see it in the chat Thursday is when we do it save it for Thursday and we’ll talk about it I just I just got a text from my high school basketball coach he said listening to the podcast he said be nice to coach coaches coach I love coaches

I’m being as nice as I can but calling it like I see it man were you a basketball player yeah I played basketball baseball couldn’t uh had a neck injury after freshman year couldn’t play football anymore oh okay I got you that’s why if you ever see me doing this

Where I’m rolling my neck around it still hurts Oh I thought you just shaking your head because I say something stupid well that’s I mean 90% of the time that’s probably accurate yeah uh tomorrow on the show we will talk more outside of the wrestling seg we’ll talk more about Chris Holman we

Did not touch and will do it tomorrow a buckeye coach could be on the Move got new rule changes the college football we didn’t get to a bigname college coach could be on the radar of an NFL team we didn’t get to that we got a lot of stuff

Tomorrow including a possible Blue Jacket trade so we got a lot of stuff tomorrow thanks Sam we’ll talk to you tomorrow OV podcast out


  1. about time this happened. Gene has balls after all. Time to move on and get a real coach that understands how to win in the big ten.

  2. We all know this will NEVER happen so don’t respond with some smart ass, slick ass, sidity, snarky reply but how absolutely WILD would it be if OSU brought Coach K out of retirement to be the new coach? 😮🤯🤯🤯

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