More Spin, New CG Placements | Vokey SM10 #TechTalk

Kris & Blake are joined by Titleist’s Vokey Project Manager Aaron Luttrell to take a deep dive into the technology behind the Vokey SM10 wedge including new center of gravity placements and a refined Spin Milled process.

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Hey everyone welcome back Chris McCormack joined by Blake Smith and Aaron from tidalist and today we are out at the Titus performance Institute and we are checking out new vogi sm10 so Aaron thanks for joining us if you want to give us a little rundown here what uh

What do we have to look forward to in new sm10 wedge well you know obviously we’re always going to keep that beautiful vogi package that we’re we’re used to seeing so uh great shapes great looks nice new thing that we’re going to introduce this year that uh we don’t

Have directly in front of us but we are going to introduce a new finish so rather than our brush steel finish we’ve come up with this new nickel finish that’s a little bit flatter a little bit darker so it’s that perfect tweener finish in between tour Chrome and jet

Black nice so something fun to look forward to also you know from top to bottom we made uh made some improvements so uh if you look at the overall shape of each of these wedges what you’ll notice especially in the lower lofted wedges so say like a pitching wedge or a

Gap wedge um one is the shape you’re going to look at a very nice blend from the hosle area into the Leading Edge a little less offset look to it and just a a great overall pitching wedge gap wedge shape that should blend really well off

Of any of uh any set of irons into a set of wedges the other thing that we looked at and we got feedback on from uh our tour staff and and other players was the the CG location we needed to to move a bit they felt like our our pitching

Wedges in the vogi line maybe a touch easier to turn over so we took a look at where our CG location was relative to um say our T100 CB MB iron sets even T200 and t350 and we realized that as irons continue to progress we need to progress

With them so we took a look at where the CG location was and we moved it a little more toward the center okay that’s going to help uh our pitching wedges and GAP wedges blend really well with iron sets so as you move from a nine iron into a

Pitching wedge or a pitching wedge into a gap wedge the the sensation as you’re you know kind of going through the set is going to be much more similar nice yeah cuz I know that tour players never really want to hit a wedge left so if

The CG to move out more toward that toe um that’s just going to be a good thing and that’s going to be on the pitching wedge only or is it into like the Gap wedges well into the Gap wedges so it’s it’s this nice progression what people

Might not know is you know the CG on some of these is always a little bit heal word even in in iron sets throughout throughout the industry um it’s just a a relative way of looking at how uh a club’s balanced uh if it gets too far out toward the the toe then

You’re going to have a high lofted club that wants to dynamically Loft a bit too much and it’s not going to go where you want it to couple other things that we’ve also done uh I think you probably noticed it during your fitting as you’re putting each of these wedges down within

The the category that you’re looking at say you’re you’re putting down two 58 degree wedges they should look identical other than how high the Leading Edge is sitting up off of that off of the deck so what we took a look at was you know as we would change our grinds or change

The amount of bounce on a wedge you do a measurement to through the ground plane since we do all these in CAD now we can actually measure them within space so now what we’re doing is instead of looking at everything relative to how far something is from the ground or up

Or down from the ground we can actually duplicate the the profile exactly and the only thing that’ll change is the sole or slightly some hosle length nice that’s that allows us to man manipulate CG location but also have an identical look within the set so if you put down a

K grind or an M Grind they should look identical and the only performance difference is going to be how it goes through the turf yeah as far as fitting goes when I can put the vogi in front of somebody so say we we land inoki which a

Lot of times in our fittings we do um now I got to figure out what grind what bounce works for the person if I can just start putting it in front of them and and not let them know that’s the best way to go yeah as close as they

Were before now they’re even better so that’s one of those things that we’re just continuing to try and refine and improve all of these things and then the fun stuff under the hood this is all the you know chassis type stuff the fun stuff under the hood is in the

The higher lofted wedges we’re looking at we we’ve moved the CG up and more forward so I think you all remember the cool diagram with sm8 where we had that those those two balls you know coming off the front of the face showing how far CG moved forward that was great that

Allowed players to square the face up really effectively really easily um and return it to where where they had set it up the neat part about this is you know with sm9 we moved it up a little bit higher to get that flight down now this

Is a little bit of The Best of Both Worlds where it’s as far almost as far forward as it was with eight but even higher than it was with nine so you’re going to get this nice penetrating ball flight maximum amount of spin maximum amount of control love that that’s why I

Play Voki because I want to hit those I want to hit the controlled Spinners and it just it just depends on kind of what the person wants to hit but majority of the time that’s what people are going to try to hit tour players love hitting that lowlighted high spinning controlled shot

And our job is just to make it make it easier for them to do their job and make it easier for everyone else to hit that type of shot as well it’s it’s the most accurate and it’s most controllable way of playing playing your wedges around the green 100% And revisiting grind

Offerings so vogi has more out there than anybody giving us in a fitting environment an opportunity to really fine-tune Turf interaction and for that better player giving them an opportunity to manipulate that wedge to hit the shots they like absolutely so taking a look in our bag of goodies here I’m uh

I’m noticing a couple of grinds that uh have not seen available on the retail offerings before so at the tail end of sm9 we brought in the tea grind in a 60 and 50 58 degree that’s going to stay in the line one that we also brought back just because

You know set makeups are getting the Lofts are getting stronger we felt like we needed to bring the 54m back in as a lower to medium bounce wedge uh just because there’s so many more 54° going in people’s bags because of the stronger lofted irons I absolutely love seeing a

Couple of those additions uh added and uh a couple of fan favorites coming back this is exciting stuff it’s always fun when uh vogi launches a new line so definitely looking forward to adding this to our fitting Matrix and make sure give us a like subscribe to the channel

And when you’re ready to book your next fitting and check out new sm10 book your fitting at your local trpc we’ll see you next time

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