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I Had The Nelk Boys Play On My Pro-Am Team…

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Okay guys we got something special today playing with the N boys Kyle and selem oh my goodness oh oh yeah oh yeah yeah that nine holes pram this is episode two in the daily Core Series excited to showcase the NK boys let’s do it what’s up brother great to see you

You know right s my man good to see you by way thanks meet you how do we what how do you feel Oh I thought you said how do we uh I feel good yeah F I’m just going to go over real quick for you guys so we’re going be playing a

Shamble today so Bryson’s going to be playing his own ball and then you three are going to be playing the shambles so just the drive yeah just the drive scram 8:30 tea time please welcome Bryson D Shambo and his playing Partners Germaine c s and Kyle for great Ball yeah that’s right that was out that’s short how we feeling today Kyle good a little shaky actually feeling good but a little shaky let’s [Applause] See it all right is that the first ball of the day yeah breakfast what’s the ru on breakfast breakfast ball there any teeth Mulligans nice nice ball good ball oh all Right yeah beautiful nice tiger right there baby tiger i f great let’s go so tell me about uh the business man what’s going on it’s going good bro happy dad’s like our main focus business-wise yeah we passed like truly in uh White claw in a bunch of States

Arizona so we’re hoping to be like the number two Seltzer Nationwide by the end of this year that’s impressive dude and then just yeah keeping the content going what Distributors it’s a different distributor in every state oh okay so it’s every state like a New Journey different laws different process are you

Like going to them directly personally or you have somebody working on it for you no I don’t really handle the operational side of happy Dad I’m just in the Lo overall marketing yeah strategy Direction but in terms of like trucks and shipping and all that oh you’re you’re out no I’m totally hands

Off that’s the way to do it though yeah how many rounds you playing this year play many I’ve just been really trying to get my swing shorter got it no this gu plays every day bro not every not at the course though like I’ll go to the

Range a lot but you’ll be at the range pretty much every day yeah try to with the Golf Channel coming out now I got to get better you know wa so oh yeah yeah exactly lunch yeah yep that’s right so what are you going to do with that what

Do you want to do with the channel I mean I like golf so I want to well I know that yeah I just I mean we did the our first video we did a 10K like me and him nine holes um but just kind trying

To keep it our style still of no on the course any more we a 2v2 vers chicks oh did you yeah but the chick shot like 68 or they destroyed us it was hilarious uh should I go for it I’ll probably just lay one up [ __ ] it by o go stay right there

Oh get out that’s a good shot though shot good shot 185 I’m going to see if I can just get a nine iron up there what’s it just how many on is it 12 it says okay so there’s plenty of room 15 sorry 15 oh yeah yeah we got plenty of room

There 89 oh my gosh Gio oh good shot nice shot it’s going so far that was a nine iron from 195 and this a part five yeah guy’s hitting nine on a second shot okay so Grant Horvat has challenged me to get to a million subscribers before him he’s at

What is he at uh 550 he’s like 50 60 ahead of you he’s like 50 60 ahead of me so what you it’s a race I’m at 480 480 480 480 something like that it’s a race to a million we’re going to see who gets

There first by the end of the year our goals are a million subscribers I want to see if we can be Grant I’m excited I think we can do it that’s cool a plane in the water nice get up all right good bur good go oh good shot there we go thanks oh

Knuckle boys I just had to get the Jitters out there you know we’re launching our full s Golf Channel too soon but uh we got to get Bryson and some [ __ ] let us know if you guys want to see see it that was a good shot oh that’s where they do the stim

Look at that see there’s a black te so there should be another one somewhere right here that’s how they measure the speed of the green you good with lines or what up you good with lines or what shot shot nice if I drain this I’m bringing him to tow beach with me

Saturday let’s go what do you think little right to left go to little right right get in slow slow slow nice roll good roll sit sh play this like 17 ft jbo okay oh no no less than that 15 20t you said yeah yeah it should be like 15 I like that ah

A little left wish you guys could use well you can use my score actually it’s a birdie can we use your score H I think so yeah yeah nice good it’s a par it’s a good par right off the rip good knock it in yeah beautiful pot there’s some pretty decent slopes up Here kind of what you see is what you get kind of the fountain that guy’s got a good swing who’s that is that am yeah that’s an Amer it’s not that’s not Paul Casey he’s Lefty that’s true is there only two lefties on this tour uh I think

So Phil and Bubba Phill and Bubba what’s the uh Target line the water fountain there’s water right here here yeah it’s uh that’s kind of like left of center I feel like that water fountain so okay feel like it looks a little closer on the artid book than it does it’s

Definitely not like anything short right no it could be that water is right along that it’s not as close as it looks not really is that a left spin axis yeah it is a left spin there’s a little wind off our left too shot I like how he outd drove us all and

We played probably 60 yards probably 100 yards more I POS that Kyle I definitely know you have that speed what that speed that ball speed yeah 100% it’s just a little cold though right now yeah just got to warm up things are shrunk up you know yeah beautiful

Hi it’s a good swing dude thanks man now I’ve seen you progress now for a couple years and I got to say it’s it’s much improved I love it appreciate it just got to keep that swing shreder though yeah it’s a little long it’s so

It’s I don’t know I can’t process it I don’t know it’s weird is this not comfortable just doesn’t feel comfortable oh my God all right that’s the most important thing though with uh golf in general is like doing what you’re comfortable with yeah you have to go back with what you’re comfortable

With like I know people say oh keep it shorter do this or do that but whatever makes you play good is like what’s most important I’ve kept it short but like it just progressively gets longer and longer but if you’re comfortable with that and it’s not really technically

Affecting you that bad you don’t really need to change it like if it’s not affecting you that’s that’s why you see so many different golf swings out here some are long some are short some have weird motions and everything whatever gol it’s whatever literally whatever works one thing I’m really working on

Right now is turning that hand over like this like just that’s just going into um you need a lot of reps turn around you need is that where you get the high right ball if you don’t do that if I don’t do that I come if I come here it’s

Gone there if I come here and just turn yep and kind of just end off like that yep it’s works it just helps me get a better divid in the front too for sure that’s when you start hitting solidly struck shots I mean if you ever watched me slow-mo my hand definitely

Turns down and over it’s way Lean Forward just creating that nice dip yep just the best nothing better than a nice divot yeah 147 oh especially if you fly this bu you can fly this bunker and kind of be okay yeah so see with some helping wind I it’s not anything with driver

Yeah huh here’s this with some helping wind it’s not anything with driver what do you mean it’s not anything with driver it’s not anything but driver oh anything but driver got it look at cam hey zoom in on cam real quick looks like he’s going snowboarding over to the left

Right there look at his [ __ ] look at his hat oh think I a there okay what’ you hat it’s six it’s like a little into the wind God 10:30 45 let’s see what happens here we have 45s 55 so you’re thinking about a 140 shot well no it’s going to go

Farther so what I want to do or out of the rough it’s just going farther in general okay so this is where like this is going like 165 probably you think that’s stock 65 right now yeah okay so I’m going 10:30 to see what this does just over 1030 326 oo go

Go oh that’s way short you just started playing didn’t you yeah about like two years ago two years yeah n actually three I’d say three now like once you start it just yeah you don’t want to stop yeah once you hit that first flush shot that’s when it’s over yeah when you

Get like a good one or decently good one you just want to continue to play that’s what happened to me I couldn’t stop like literally all I think about yeah my swing are you uh are you retired or yeah I I saw I retired in

19 oh yeah yeah that’s a great shot nice shot yeah beautiful it I want hit a couple uh bunker shots I actually um plugged in the face of the lip so nice shot yeah I get a relief I think this is all ground in repair this looks like it’s ground in

Repair so I don’t know almost made it spin oh hit oh which way is this going Bryson uh it this is right out there U maybe a little bit more and then Kyle it’s hard to tell right to left yep like just right about there all right

Okay oh broke a little bit more didn’t it yeah you got it SL yeah this is probably going to be just a fraction let’s good yeah m breaks like Crazy damn good try broke a little bit more let knock it In do we have to hit driver here you think or no you think it’s the right thing to hit driver here or I mean not really not early you can hit today it’d be like six iron Sand Wedge it’s going to be into the wind or even like a six iron because

We’ll probably hit five iron eh well it’s into the wind tomorrow right five iron in into the wind tomorrow will be yeah that and that’s what I’m going to play yeah you want to hit the club off the te not necessarily leave us where we will be Tomorrow perfect few swings deep how we feeling feel great I have both Fairway so let’s see if I get this One ball good ball over the bunker yeah nice ball nice shot good shot Thanks the way the way I look at it is like having your hands aligned with your chest and just following it it’s like I feel so great how’s Dana he’s awesome right oh he’s hilarious bro is he he’s so funny wait till you see this pod he

Just went in on Bob like so hard yeah but for me though like I’m not hitting driver here cuz the OB is right and I flare it fractionally right it’s it’s gone and I going to have a wedge here it’s like no problem if I drive up there

Yeah cool that’s great like you can do it but I’m going to make bird every single there’s not really a big Point especially when I’ve got a wedge into this hole back in the day would you hit driver here could you change your no I

No cuz I was scared it was going to go OB it’s too tight yeah even now I can actually I should be able to hit driver and have no problem but I don’t know I was just trying something different okay what do we got Jibo 140 149 49 yeah I

Don’t really think it’s worth like if I get up on the right side that’s not easy out of the rough from anywhere it gets weird it’s kind of a weird hole yeah look at that I just hear Born in the USA when I see that what oh yeah BN okay what is it

149 the green slow we got to bring it down on it just right of it and the green slopes away from us I oh it does it’s down off the right 49 I mean it slopes away from us but it’s still super soft so yeah I think it’s still a 1030

Shot okay um so 149 I want to land this two short three short three short I feel like two two is fine two is fine we’re going to land this two short 147 downwind six five yards 142 seven if you Rite it yeah 40 okay not that far right I mean it’s

Right of it jeez price that was perfect distance another one yeah I made one more nice that’s some hands there good shot thank you nice nice shot think’s still rolling Nice Shot go get up man ah those wedges are different though right yeah to little bit spin good chot that’s what work

Oh get in get in good try shot these things are fast sit give my hot be pretty straight yeah do it do it do it good pot thanks that was a good pot yeah nice nice nice easy this is uh pretty pretty dang straight yeah at least twice nice pretty good part that

Birdie oh no that’s a birdie that’s a birdie birdie yeah that’s a birdie nice got us on the board nice go let’s rack up some birdies right yeah right sty in real quick Well the boys are couple in now through uh three holes which is great six more holes to go the right and off the right yeah I wish there was more more room for my driving but it’s okay just got to be precise just like last week we we have not

Started at at Liv on the easiest of golf like okay this is an easy golf course on the widest of golf courses they’ve been really tight my aoba looks so tight oh my gosh you gives you Theo the heebie jeebies yeah it looks so tight yeah yeah beautiful good ball now he’s

Swinging it got a little warmed up now yeah sun’s coming out it is starting to warm up a bit oh my God what uh what fight are you most excited for the sugar Shan one yeah that’s going to be sick Miami yeah that’s going to be

Sick you got to come out to a fight soon I know dude I have to that’s an Area 51 plane right there that that’s an Area 51 plane with the red strip yeah the red stripe our area 51 planes you’ll see it you serious yep all right farthest from the pin has to

Slide in their X DM’s or what actually that would be hilarious I’m down I’m just kidding I can’t do that you’re kidding no I’m just kidding yeah I can’t that’s the worst of the year One what 127 127 probably just going to go with like a it’s in the wind

A little bit just go 10:00 45 right I think it’s in the wind well it’s off the right off the right yeah yeah I like I like the 10:00 one of those look like you want to land a little right of it yeah oh my gosh why is my wedges so off

Right now that’s so bad I’m going to need one more guys like that’s perfect ah nice shot oh that was disgusting that was better holy no that’s what I want to work on a little bit it’s afternoon shot yeah good shot great shot see I have lost that I know you far you

Have here yeah you go 105 oh nice that’s a good shot swing great div it beautiful you see you would have beat me I know [ __ ] I know you’re soft spot now cut get right go right is that my first one yeah you want to

Put it just dial in the speed yeah I’ll putt it all right s 100 bucks get it up and down right here all right it’s not the easiest sit okay there’s a chance there’s a chance got to make that 100 bucks I’m getting it all right well that was a

Terrible wed shot probably one of the worst you’re going to see hopefully of all my better 39 ft I might hit this 40 ft makes sense I don’t think it’s 40 ft it’s a lot less but it might hey oh should have taken the flag out no it

Would have gone right over the hole actually it would have not even touched the hole have time to drop all right come on it’s for Hondo I love the I love the pressure that’s right no way bucks no oh try that would have been nice it’s

Good try this is yeah what do you see I want to knock one down that was nice it’s a good part I know I mean where do you land at starting line I think I should have went way right left go oh yeah oh yeah yeah that

Way yep oh I said it too early my bad okay it’s my fault all right Next 189 yeah 189 you like an eight iron yeah just a 10:30 over 10:30 with what we’ve seen I feel like it normally would be a normal one but yeah I know what you mean let go got to go right where is that this bunker so it’s

Just a normal one okay let me one more 152 I feel like get seven there so what you think full Club ah a little right get get some all right that’s good we’re putting so water was that the right club though oh you’re the right Club yeah no no no not in the front I’m in I’m in the back he’s on yeah he’s on the GRE work oh stripe nice

Shot oh nice shot shot thank you thank you oh no nice shot that’s right here nice un plug right there this would not be fun I’m going to knock this one in here keep rolling oh went over the hole it’s a good effort know get in get in there [ __ ] do

It well if you tri like that you tri good job f good that looks good go ooh that turns like crazy yeah go more should I aim where his ball is I’d aim where that right ball is yeah where his ball is yeah where his ball

Is do any of these guys Strokes yeah they do they all got a y stroke you’re good that’s good that’s true good pot nice that’s good good y that’s good yeah you guys are good we stro too good Far it’s like it’s only like 265 over the right one wind off the left yeah even just on the right side of that there is some room right especially if you hit driver so okay so I can go a little further right yeah just know that

Tomorrow the wind will be off the right just off the so yeah we got to aim go left Aim left Here it was creamed is that okay over there Jibo I don’t how far right did it finish of those two at the at the how far right did it end up past what are you talking about I was going to say the two it ended at the left edge of these

Right trees that’s probably that wind’s off the left my ball kind of did that where do we want to aim here at the golf carts uh yeah yep at the golf carts it’s perfect a beauty good ball smoked sir I kind of that’s that’s Fairway you good what clubs do you

Have um dude it’s a long story so it’s a long i i what does that mean I I just ask what club you have a long I had I had Munos but uh a buddy well a buddy of my buddies um he was taking care of like

So he just moved to Miami and stuff so I just paid him to like help with the house and traveling he forgot my clubs in the back and Uber okay and he’s just he couldn’t get contact with that guy anymore like he was taking care of like bringing everything from like he’s going

To get my clubs back he’s just I don’t know how you forget those got what clubs are they M Mauna what the driver um Cobra Cobra gotcha like the redhead and then um I used to play that yeah I like dud my I loved them they’re good they’re

Good let’s go Club shopping how about you go get fit no that that’s I find time to do that yes th% dude okay we should do that yeah good drive great Drive ooh perfect I said 145 yeah let go what 145 oh it’s coming back come back yeah

Wow that was crazy oh that was deep wa yeah I’m going to hit a nine damn is that was that the win or was that the your shot I think that was the win for sure I think it was the win for definitely the win oh yeah yeah shot man

Shot it’s on the green you’re on the green you’re good I’m Comess Scully I punch shots I always I always go after it man well everyone does but I love all right in oh my God oh my God Nice Shot thanks get up go are we actually or no trolling we’re 5 under Bryson what do you think here I

Think I think it’s 6 in deep my Pace has been nice and BR been team me up with lines right there I’d say hit it and hope cat right over There oh my try nice pot ah little left that’s good not easy that was not an easy bunker shot huh yeah that was tough the downhill ones are just weird to me brutal man you got to tilt yourself to the slope so like when you’re in that situation you’re like this yeah yeah

Yeah so just feel like when you’re and then put the hands down and try to get the heel into it so you can dig into the ground a little bit easier it should help Yeah yeah it’s just so just pump it over the bunker is what is the wind going to be when we’re playing wind it’ll be off our right of a combination of down off the right or in off the right okay okay you’re basically obviously it’s off the

Left now but you’re basically just going at the bird yeah got a lot of room on both sides okay more more than it looks just more than enough gotcha that thing is flying man that’s there five left spin axis is perfect yeah oh yeah you go

Oh stripe think he’s going to run ni he’s warming up he got loose had the shakes at the beginning feels in our face and that flag is showing kind of going away I’d play it fraction in it should be in yeah should be in if anything uh yes I don’t know man that

Flag’s yeah just I’m just going to go just under 10:30 okay the thing is just more left or right so it’s not going to hurt that much so I’m going to go just under 10:30 yeah yeah now it’s down you feel that that’s fine 2.7 let spin a it’s perfect go go

Go let’s get out go too get up it’s a little more than you yeah it’s a little into US oh my goodness that’s the club’s fault dude it’s not your fault all right what’ you got how would you read this let’s see pretty straight a little right to

Left yeah it’s definitely right to left I’d go right where the stairs are pretty much the middle of the stairs that’s what I was thinking yeah perfect oh go go go be good be good go go go I was right line dude is going to be pretty straight where his ball is pretty

Much just outside his ball like two and that break harder than that or no I pulled it okay I left it short ah oh I was about to Say all right okay boys yeah closest to the pin challenge let’s go right here from this this okay what do you guys want to put the stakes on you want you want to text your ex no I definitely don’t that’s a whole can of worms bro I

Want to but I don’t you know yeah I know I know what you mean 1,000 bucks th000 bucks all right let’s do itose and get to hit two shots though no that’s fine all right all right two shots Two Shots no 150 I I’ll split the money with you if

You give him the wrong Club it’s 150 you said yeah 150 get a ball wait wait wait let me check that one more time that might be the cover one second Close to the pin yeah sorry 167 this perfect CL for um is it down for 1550 got it let’s just play play like cross I’m do a full shot here yeah just hit it hard yeah just bang it that’s hitting the building oh my gosh all right

Bo he said we can split the money if I give you the wrong number you’re you’re serious you did you actually give him the wrong Club what club is that pitching W I hit the perfect shot almost broke a window told him it 20 yards longer than it

Was well I’m down a thousand now well you never know oh L I got I got one more that’s one he’s got one more yo that’s hilarious bro you’re already over the ball so I had to change 15 I was like it didn’t look like 167 like that’s a long 167 but

Whatever I’m going to trust him cuz he’s such a trustable guy not anymore you’re fine all right boys how we do it dude that thing Flew oh that’s a great shot go you [ __ ] a oh that’s Co that looks like the closest one to me you going to give him one more try that’s a great shot awesome I hate it’s 150 167 151 to wasn’t helping as much it’s like downwind now too yeah you got to play downwind just under

1030 watch it go in the hole shot Nice Shot I got duped to Bryson’s shot right There wasy it oh done it shot it’s a little long oh long good shot Nice Shot I got duped by my own caddy I mean I don’t I trust him I’m supposed to trust him I don’t know how I can trust him now that wasn’t even my idea that was your camera guy’s

Idea too so the whole team just whole team shaky this is a cool backdrop man yeah this is sick they did a really good job with this that’s a ridiculous pin dude you got me good the whole switch oh wait that’s the cover not the pin number

Actually that was a solid play I actually believed you 4967 not 33 50 I guess we’re all putting here right yeah right here this is an easier putt you guys uh want me to go first or you want to go first what do you want whatever

You want well you got uh I don’t think I don’t think anybody gets a stroke here well Kyle I think you get a stroke what’s your handicap I don’t know 18 yeah so you get a stroke a hole so yeah I’ll go first is the ball good uh no

It’s long you got VMO right zel zel yeah I don’t have zel 167 I told him it cross figure it out Yeah oh you got it’s just left Ed yeah it’s like flies in the right here no trust me too much go go go go go go go go do it do it oh yeah slowed up that’s good you say it’s left Edge yeah it’s just left Edge that was a playing pretty well scrambling pretty well um Kyle’s got 18 shots s’s got a few Germaine’s got five so he helped out quite quite a bit need some big bombs for these guys so we’re we’re doing pretty well for these guys Excited problem is getting over these trees a little bit win to be honest is it’s it’s a five wood man you see it’s going to go far obviously we got good wind off the left you want to finish it on the on that line where you were starting it yep

That should be that should be perfect right yeah maybe the left side but that’s perfect you guys are uh the culprits of making me not trust my caddy now I know just kidding all right that work drop kick make it drop kicker straight down the middle you’re right he all right

Oh [ __ ] [ __ ] what happened me bounc I didn’t even see it I think it hit a rope stick and shot back to the right one of those thin poles like that right there I’ll take it I’ll take it did that go over the bunker it might have came back over yeah oh yeah

Beauty good ball that felt great man that was nice so what are you guys are you guys doing anything on YouTube in the nek Channel with golf uh no no just in general for for Neel and cuz you guys nek we’re just it’s been tough to try to get a video up we

Uh yeah they just keep age restricting everything but the pods the pod’s good on YouTube yeah but we might make the full move to X oh really like yeah like for real you talking to on the ne channel are you talking to him John’s tight with Elon like we just we posted

One yesterday got it we did the surprising Tucker with the Zin container yeah that was awesome so we uploaded like the full 7 Minute Vlog on on X yeah cuz YouTube was was just going to age restrict it yeah and then it’s at like 2 mil in like 24 hours Elon just replied

To it like 30 minutes ago that’s crazy so I’m going to play 1030 7 iron this is a par five right yeah is a par four is it really this can’t be a par four where is that it’s on the front left Edge covered by like a yard too oh my

God I’m just going lazy with him is this still up no way really four iron get up and down from there just like this go no that’s oh go go go go close huh hi it’s lame Friday we got power slap try all right guys thank you can’t

Thank you enough for coming out and having a good time that was awesome we have to thank you it was a lot of fun thank you and uh there’s some geese flying into that pond sick uh what the I’ll send you myelle oh


  1. mark my words, Bryson will never get to top level professional play ever again. Never win another major, never be in the top 10 of world golf rankings.

  2. This was odd, nelkboys are so awkard when they're not in character doing planned out bits. We have an inside joke here in T dot about how they're kinda acoustic off camera lol😅

  3. Whoever doesn’t get to 1 million Subs first has to wear women golf clothes for one round of golf against the winner 😂 that would be hilarious! Wouldn’t be much different then what Martin wears with those tight ass shorts and shirts lol jk

  4. So interesting hearing fellow amateurs talk about what we need to work on with our swings. We really don’t know what we are talking about most of the time.

  5. Hahaha, classic stich up, love it. The trust you have with the caddy you didn't even question it. That's an awesome thing with a team you have, Bryson hope you do really well this year mate

  6. When Kyle & Salim launch Fullsend Golf, Bobby Fairways and Coldcuts will officially no longer be the worst golfers on YouTube. Cheers

  7. Dam – the blk Nelk — is terrible 🫢🤭 he should never talk about golf in any capacity at all moving forward

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