Golf Babe

Shannon Tan reflects on historic debut win | Aramco Saudi Ladies International

Singapore’s Shannon Tan speaks to TV one week on from becoming her country’s First Ladies European Tour (LET) winner at the Magical Kenya Ladies Open.

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So you come here to Saudi Arabia after a wonderful opening week in Kenya how do you look back and reflect on what happened that week um thank you and I guess looking back I guess I’m definitely happy my performance last week but at the same time I I’ve also

Make mistakes last week that I’m trying to brush up today and then get ready for tomorrow but it was quite a way to win last week in the end I think it was four shots that you beat Alexandra finale by quite dominant in in the end has the

Victory sunk in yet are you appreciating what you managed to do there I think the victory sunk in but now I feel I just feel normal now I just feel like it’s a new week and whatever it’s in the past will just stay in the past and I’ll just

Focus on this week and just try and do my best from now on yeah because we we spoke there but just to recap you turned pro at the last minute to play on the ladies European tour just explain again how that came about so I played Q School

In this December last year and then finished 9 so got my full card and then I was like still in college at that time I was like um halfway through my sophomore year is like my second year in college there were quite a lot of factors in my decision process it was a

Tough decision but I spoke to my college coach and she just supported my decision a turn pro so I’m thankful she supported that have you heard from her at all or anybody else from the University after you won in Kenya yep they were actually watching me on YouTube

Um while I was playing last week and then I checked my phone after I finished and I text from like my coach and teammates so that was really good it must have been a wonderful feeling for you and also there’s been very big reaction back in Singapore the main

Newspapers have really captured the story and it’s been on television as well how does that feel for people to be talking about you and your golf back in your home country I guess it’s I kind of feel happy and proud at the same time like I kind of want golf because golf isn’t

As big of a sport back in Singapore so I guess I just want it to get bigger and like it’s really great to see more people wanting to get involved in Golf and More Juniors picking up the game as well so I guess that overall is a good

Reaction you’re going to have more of the spotlight on you now you’re going to have interview requests you’re going to be featured a lot more I know you said to me that you have an interview tomorrow with the the main newspaper in Singapore do you enjoy that attention

Does it distract from your game or is it just part of being a golfer I say it’s part of it like if you’re playing well definitely people want to talk to you and that’s definitely a good thing if people want to talk to you that means you’re playing well so yep well

Obviously you were playing well last week but getting here wasn’t so straightforward tell me a little bit about what happened about you getting here this week so really long story so I my like original flight was like Mombasa Nairobi Nairobi Dubai Dubai Riad but my my connecting flight from Nai to Dubai

Got delayed which what I would just miss my flight from Dubai to rad get here like 2: p.m. which is too late to do a practice round yesterday so I completely canceled it rebooked on a different Airline got here at 8:00 a.m. yesterday got the golf CU like 10:00 a.m. and then

Hit balls part plate practice round yeah so a 24-hour Journey almost no sleep and how do you feel this course is going for you it’s very very different from Kenya I feel like this course is really different and from what I’ve heard like it’s playing tougher this year than last

Year like the par fives you can’t really go for them in two whereas like last year you could kind of go for in two so I heard it’s tougher but if it’s tougher then it’s tougher for everyone else so it’s basically the same like same playing Ground I guess and compared to

Keno I mean Keno was like more tree line but here it’s more kind of wide open as well so kind of different but yeah and you no strength to aramco backed event you played your first time in the team series out in Singapore part of Maggie

Zak’s team I believe did that give you a little taste of what events like this are like I mean yeah it was like it was great to play with them and like I kind of saw where my game was lacking in at that point so I kind of tried gaining

Distance and just brushing up some stuff so it was great to play them and see how they’ve played like up front and then also get like their experience what can we expect from you on this course this week after what you did last week it’s very hard to keep momentum and

Energy going on a different course in a different country but you do seem confident so what do you expect from yourself here oh I expect boring golf for myself just hit the Fairway hit the green and just play as much boring golf as possible where do you get that

Mentality from is that something that’s been coached into you or do you get it from another source so why do you like to play as you call it boring golf it’s like the less stressful thing in the world like when you hit the fway it’s like perfect like I hit the green it’s

Like yeah I got my poter out like it’s the easiest thing and the less stressful thing ever so yeah let me ask you this if there’s a 50% chance that you can hit a par five in two or an 80% chance that you can get there in three with a good P

For birdie what do you do uh maybe go for it I would say my longer clubs like my woods and hybrids are pretty accurate so I probably go for it if I miss the green I just try up and down for body so like kind of same ztish

So not that boring then you’re still you’re still attacking the PA fives I mean it if I hit the GRE it was kind of boring though well hopefully it won’t be boring this week and obviously this is going to be the the strongest field that you have

Probably ever played in you know you got the likes of Lexi Thompson and I think two or three of the world’s top 10 are here as along with lots of major winners in the field so it’s a different test again isn’t it yeah I would say it’s

Yeah it’s a I wouldn’t really say it’s a test though like I kind of feel like I’ll just play my best and just control the stuff that I can control I can’t control how everyone else plays but I can only control how I play and what I

Do on the golf course so they’ll be the there’ll be my own test is to just control the things that I can control well I think you’re probably the calmest and mo most relaxed rookie I’ve ever come across good luck for the rest of the year thank you so much

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