Golf Players

LIVE: Pull Hook Podcast Recording 2-13-24

Waste Management Phoenix Open Recap
Upcoming Genesis Invitational
LIV Golf Las Vegas Recap

The grass at Riviera is Kikuyu

And we are live once again everybody welcome back to pull hook golf the podcast I’m your host Matt Cook and tonight it is episode number 106 I canot believe it all right I just I can’t believe it it’s 106 episodes in man last week we were had double the

Action double the fun with the good old butsy on with the Waste Management Open special we have had Sam Han on who’s the CEO from Lab golf later in the week and now this week you got me we had a bunch of guests all in a row and I’m like man

There’s so much going on right now in the world of golf that we need to have a one-on-one moment to where we break it all down go through it all and uh really get to the bottom of all this stuff going on because the Waste Management Phoenix Open we’re going to recap that

Tonight um some people are calling it The wasted manage open which uh for good reason we’ll get into that so you’re going to hear the full scoop here because I was out there all week long um experienced all of it uh then we’ve got Tiger’s return so Tiger Woods is back at

Riviera this week we’re going to be talking about that we’ve also got the upcoming Genesis Invitational we got to talk about that at Riv because Rivier is one of my favorite courses we’ll get into that we’ve got the swanie style segment because guess what folks Tiger Woods just launched a new uh clothing

Line so we’re going to be getting into there and then live Golf Las Vegas we’re going to recap that entire event which folks that is one of my favorite portions of this episode that’s why we usually save it for last is that Las Vegas recap people absolutely love our

Live golf side of things and I love it so we’re going to get into a full breakdown there as well but before we get into to this episode I do want to thank our sponsors for this episode so first of all Swan’s Golf and I got a

Cool little story that came up with swanie so I was going in doing Instagram live at the Waste Management Phoenix Open fan shop and Swan’s had a great setup there absolutely fantastic and the shirt that you see on me right now this has beers it’s got uh or beers are over

Here you got glizzies over here so those podcast list listeners you got little images all over the shirt of beers and hot dogs and then it’s got the waste management uh logo there with the 16th hole I mean this thing was hot and it sold out so fast so I was there

Wednesday I was there on Thursday and actually it was on Thursday when I was doing an Instagram live coming from the swanes uh portion of the Waste Management Open fan shop and sure enough if one of our audience members did didn’t DM me and was like I love that

Shirt would you do me a favor and actually pick that up for me I will venmo you right now and sure enough I’m like I’m a man of the people the people’s open I absolutely love it so I go absolutely I’m going to pick this up

For you so did a little segment in line waited in there um and got that polo for him and then I’m like I liked it so much I went right back over to the SWAT guys and I’m like all right I need one myself as well and was actually out uh playing

In a little skins action today and uh everybody complimented the shirt they’re like dude that shirt is so dope swanes folks so if you like the swan stuff make sure to go to swan. use promo code pole hook golf 25 get 25% off your entire order what I love about swanning 2 is

Not only are they well priced Great Value great quality in performance but also they use recycled water or plastic bottles in their materials which makes it even that much more awesome so make sure to go to Swan and get yourself 25% off using promo code P hook golf 25 all right now

For our other sponsor which is lab golf tonight so we had Sam Han on last week sponsoring this episode as well and I will tell you guys the lie angle balance is no joke uh I was talking with some Pro out there at the Waste Management

Open about it U even further and I was like I’ve got man on the way because guess what I went through and after talking with Sam I was like man I need to go and get myself this Potter and originally I was going to get a mes

Onean because those that know me I tend to miss every once in a while those three four-f Footers that I know everybody struggles with from time to time and So after talking with Sam though he really convinced me to go with the df3 their brand new putter that

They’ve just come out with so if everybody remembers the lab putter that first started at all it was the DF 2.1 and that DF 2.1 was it looked like the mothership I mean this thing was big it was black it looked like something out of Star Wars um and so that being said

They have gone ahead trimmed that model down they’ve gotten the same effect out of it they removed the ping noise from it um so check this out this is the df3 model and it’s just clean looking I don’t have the other shot of it from the

Top side but this is the bottom of it and guess what you when you hit it so close on your lag Pots if it doesn’t go in that is you also have the hole there to actually pick up your ball so you don’t have to bend over and do that so I

Went through their fitting process online and I mean it is so simple took me about 5 minutes to get everything done came back and the fitting was spoton so I know that it works and I was talking with Sam about it and he was telling me that almost all of the pros

So about 90% of the PGA Tour Pros have actually gone through that remote fitting process and I’ve got fit that way so don’t think you need to necessarily go into um a custom fitter and get custom fit for it and everything the remote fitting Works awesome and

Again did that in about 5 minutes so make sure to go to labg use your path and you’re going to make a lot of pots all right let’s get into the episode now with the Waste Management Phoenix Open recap and I know a lot of people on social media are calling this

The wasted Management Open and they’re not necessarily wrong I mean it is a I’m going to tell you this the weather really screwed up everything this year at the Waste Management Open I’ve been going I mean I’ve been going since I was 13 years old um and during college I

Went every single year and then I lived out here for a while in Arizona and I stayed out here for quite some time and then from there now that I’m back I’ve gone the past couple years and I will just say this I have never been to the Waste Management Open with weather

Poorer than what it was it rained the majority of the week it was not it was cold I mean when I say cold there was a I don’t know if any of you are on Tik Tok but I will tell you this right now

There was a PSA that went out so if you listen to The People’s open special with the butsy we talk about the fashionistas right and with the fashionistas there are the scantily clad well I will tell you that there was a PSA going around on Tik Tok that uh W was pretty much

Verbatim to this don’t wear what we normally wear out there at the Waste Management Open it is so cold I am telling you I froze don’t wear what you normally wear and I’m just like it was this young girl clearly like you look at the Tik Tock and you’re like okay this

Is you’re you’re in that place of the scantly clad so there was a PSA that went out about that and then the biggest problem with the weather is that the actual dormant Bermuda Hills that they have for fans to sit on and to stand well those turned into m

And I know a lot of you have seen the aftermath of people sliding down the hills and everything when I was out there on Wednesday people were falling down the hills then throughout the week the hills got muddier and muddier and muddier and if you were not on a cart

Path by Saturday then you essentially were walking through mud I had my Jordans on and it became impossible if you were going to get anywhere to actually um not be stepping in a ton of mud so it was not the best experience especially on Saturday Wednesday was a

Great experience I didn’t have a problem on Wednesday then on Thursday um I did not go because it rained pretty much all day uh and then Friday was gorgeous so Friday was actually the best day of all um in my opinion but Sunday was beautiful as well and then Saturday was

Just the complete debacle so here’s the Scoop folks what ended up happening and yes it got out of control because they did the same thing last year as well the entrance at the Waste Management Open needs to be fixed this has been a problem now last year it was a problem

This year it’s a problem they got to figure out something to get people into the golf course in a better fashion than what it is um and this year well last year I’ll just say this nobody was expecting them to all of a sudden just open up up the gates and just start

Letting people in because it became a public safety risk everybody was jammed in together couldn’t move and that was at the gates for the ticket check in right well last year they let everybody in that was the first time that I have ever experienced them doing that and I’m

Like oh wow this is crazy this year guess what as they did it this year people that were locals I we overheard multiple conversations as we’re getting in as to calling up buddies and going hey man get down here now they’re not checking tickets so what did that lead

To that led to apparently I have heard the number as to a half a million so 500,000 fans were on property at one point that is why and and they actually closed the gates however the people revolted at the people’s open and they just powered through and then it became chaos so they

Ended up cutting off alcohol sales at 2:00 which I mean there’s one way to get drunk people out of a golf course it’s by not serving them any more alcohol um only the private areas like the greens keeper passes as well as the 16th hole

If you’re up in a suite those were the only ones that were still serving alcohol at that time uh but they wanted the masses to start leaving there and I get it I mean the players the players were frustrated especially you got Billy horel you got Zack Johnson two guys now

Billy Billy horel is a f he gets fired up right he is a Florida Gator you know he’s got that mentality for getting angry sometimes and chirping at some fans and everything this is not the first time for him so with Billy horal I was not surprised that he gave some guys

The business while they were out there the one that was surprising was Zack Johnson Zack Johnson was getting uh his chops busted up by a fake that was giving him [ __ ] about being a being a poor Ridder Cup captain and uh was saying some stuff that he shouldn’t

Have been saying and Zach just finally lost I think it was three holes that they were going through all of that and uh Zach finally lost it on them and just had enough and I’ll say this man they played 54 holes sat between Saturday and Sunday so because of the rain and

Because of the weather everything got pushed back so they played a [ __ ] ton of Golf and to deal with that crowd for as long as they did in shitty weather throughout the entire week I get it I get why they lost their [ __ ] I would have probably lost my [ __ ] if I was

Having to listen to that the entire time as well because you can only be so Zen and in your head um and just not really worrying about what people are saying and having fun with it you know the one person who actually did a really good

Job with it all was Jordan spe Jordan spe was fantastic out there there were multiple times that people were were just screaming out at him and there was one time on 18 to where he hit a shot and he looked up as if to get pissed off

At somebody and just realized how many people were there on in in whether it was the tents or down below and he just kind of said what the [ __ ] so he certainly was taken back by everything uh but kind of in a chuckling kind of manner to where he’s just like what the

[ __ ] like this is crazy as to what he’s experiencing so this by far was the craziest year it broke all the attendance records by far I don’t think they will officially come out and say that there was 500,000 fans on property on Saturday but uh that is the word that

I have heard U from several people including um some within the Thunderbird so that uh that whole thing is just a challenge and then also by the way they cut off alcohol uh well one because people ran through um the gates so it became a big time public saf safety risk

Didn’t want to continue serving people um so that happened and then uh sadly a woman fell 20 feet out of the stands um I don’t know which hole that actually took place on um but I read about that I’m like gosh you know we were joking

About the fact that how do people not like die out there at the Waste Management Open apparently she’s got serious injuries but it’s going to recover so that’s good but again the mud was the story it was like Woodstock from back in the day um people just in the

Mud sliding down the hills I mean people still found a way to have an absolute blast it was not my favorite year for the Waste Management Open and here’s the thing I think it can be fixed I think there’s some ways that we can go about getting this tournament back to being a

Fun party atmosphere being respectful for the players to a degree cuz there’s always going to be people yelling and everything like that’s still going to happen but we need a better entrance into the tournament we’ve got to figure out a way maybe on both sides of the

Golf course I don’t know how that would play out but it was a nightmare this year even uh because the rain the grass parking lots a lot of them ended up being non-usable so VIP uh parking passes basically all parking passes were eliminated um and everybody had to go to

General uh parking and that took a long time to get just to the tournament Gates and then from there it took I mean on Friday it actually took me a half an hour to get through but they were still checking tickets um on Saturday it took

About 15 to 20 minutes and gr it they were not checking tickets so that’s got to go to show you something there but they’ve got to issue out less tickets especially for Saturday Saturday is a nightmare a lot of people don’t go because Saturday is just absolutely crazy anyways so a lot

Lot of people know that uh but if you want that party atmosphere Saturday is it I just wish it didn’t take me 30 minutes to move from one section to another because of how packed it was but again a lot of that has to do with the

Weather itself and for the action I mean the golf was actually really really good it’s always good at the waste management because that Golf Course is phenomenal they had it in great condition those greens were as pure as pure as can be and you got to give it up for Nick

Taylor it’s funny I had my buddy Blake gave me a call he’s been on an episode previously and he was asking me he’s like is Nick Taylor for real and I think at the time that we were talking we’re like you know he might have just had

That great run last year so I mean only time will tell and we’re talking about him heading into the waste management and sure enough goes out there and in the first round a lot of people forget because the first first round was just absolutely a mess in terms of weather

But he goes out there and shoots 60 goes out there shoot 60 had a chance to shoot 59 and these scores that we are seeing right now are just insane out on tour the talent pool is so crazy good right now and goes from a 60 follows

That up with a tough 70 68 in the third round and again these are all throughout the days because of the weather that once again is the theme from the week but Nick Taylor goes out on Sunday shoots a 65 birdies three out of the last four holes to force a playoff with

Charlie Hoffman now Charlie Hoffman was playing on the heartstrings of everybody because he W is sponsored by the Waste Management Open there’s obviously the other side to it too that the live golf fans which granted I don’t know why live golf fans [ __ ] on the PGA tour because

And I get it it’s the whole back and forth PJ tour said all this stuff about Liv and now we got to defended I get the whole dynamic right but it’s funny because he is also sponsored in apparel by Greg Norman’s apparel company um and

So you got the big shark logo on the back and it was just very ironic you had live fans pull it for him you had other other people pull it for him because he’s waste management and then you know you got the Southern Cal who just absolutely love Charlie Hoffman he’s

Great guy Bobby Brown has talked about him on this podcast before that he’s just a really chill good dude and everybody was pulling for him I mean heading into the playoff and I thought he wanted in regulation and then you just see Nick dor doing what he did on

The last four holes you’re like dang he is lighting it up and I thought it was going to be tough in the playoff for Charlie to really come through um and sure enough on the first playoff hole both of them hitch great shots Birdie the playoff hole and then they have to

Go back and do it again and you got Charlie Charlie’s in his back braids like it was that was so much golf for a guy like Charlie Hoffman I mean that is tough at his age um to be able to perform at that level and play so much

Golf in a condensed period of time I give him super props I am super impressed by him uh but then in on he got a bad break h it into the bunker on the left um off the te has to hit it up and over these uh I don’t even know what

You would call it because they’re kind of these slots throughout with grass um and so he hits actually a really good shot but he had to get it up and over had to make sure he had enough Club so he ends up deep misses the putt obviously and then from there Nick

Taylor had stuffed his from the Fairway and uh sure enough played absolutely a beautiful Putt and knock that that in to win once again and he does it in dramatic fashion just like he did up in Canada at the RBC so kudos to Nick Taylor he’s the real deal man he’s

Playing very very well he’s cleaned up a lot of stuff in his game and you got to love that um now run PMC we got a little uh comment from you here so how did sh look out there saw he was on the leader board early so Bobby has not been on his

Bag this year once again due to some things going on there personally um so that being he’s taken some time off and uh one of the things that I will tell you is that sh looked phenomenal out there I was very very impressed with SH

Uh we made some eye contact at times um I like to think that he still remembers me from the the Shriners walking 18 holes of golf with him uh but that being said him and his new caddy looked pretty comfortable out there I mean fill it in

For Bobby and uh that being said sh he’s just he gets into these patterns I feel like I feel like I’ve paid enough attention now to where it’s like he gets into this pattern to where he makes a lot of pars and he’s just not dropping a

Ton of birdies um on a consistent basis and that’s the one thing that I noticed with him but uh I’ll do a leaderboard rundown here in just a second I also want to get toh Charlie Hoffman with the fact that granon he loses the playoff and misses some bigger tournaments that

He could have gotten in because I don’t believe he’s exempt anymore I was hearing while I was on site that uh he’s not exempt anymore for the Masters and for some others so this would have pushed put him into those tournaments once again uh but I’m just looking at my

Notes Here his last win was at the 2016 Valero Texas open and so he’s had a long stretch of not winning a golf tournament and this actually got him into the Genesis Invitational this week so he had a ski plan or a ski trip planned um and

That is canceled so he is no longer going skiing he is now going to be playing in the Genesis Invitational which by the way folks is going to be a signature event but we got more on that in a second the big names all right let’s go

Over some of the big names because uh hang on I got to take a little sip of Bushwood real quick these Onan shows sometimes I just get a little parched little winded uh but the big names so they showed up as well and in a lot of

Ways I’m not surprised that we’re seeing some other names at the top of the leaderboard now sure enough if you’re I know what the live people are going to say well that’s because we took all the big names no you didn’t but I will say this the talent level has risen and it’s

Risen another notch which is crazy to think about because PJ tour Pros are so good but this is one of the things that I love about the PJ tour is that you have these larger Fields people can play their way in through a Monday qualifier

And they can go out and compete and you got guys that areund something on the uh on the PG tour and they’re coming out and they’re able to go out there and perform and potentially shoot four great rounds of golf and win a PGA Tour event so I I

Love that now that being said Scotty sheffler Scotty Sheffer loves this place the Waste Management Open you wouldn’t think that Scotty Sheffer loves all the partying all the people and everything but he seems comfortable in that environment in the czy crazy environment and everything um and he was on fire at

The end of his third round heading into his uh fourth round and came out the gates firing as well so Scotty Sheffer looked like he was going to take this thing then Charlie Hoffman kind of put like was right there with him and eagled

A par five and so it was back and forth and then Nick Taylor kind of comes out of nowhere and and all of a sudden gets up there as well but Scotty Sheffer all right I’ve said this on this podcast before I’m not going to call him a choke

Artist I did that for um entertainment effect back back when I said it last year but this guy there is nobody that strikes the ball better than he is there’s nobody Strokes gained approach like he is just stuffing golf shots and his potting was at the beginning of the week he was phenomenal

However you get the pressure going and I’ve said this before I believe that his putting woses have nothing to do with the putter or a setup or a stroke I believe it has everything to do with him mentally Under Pressure being able to handle that and I really do think that

If Scotty Sheffer starts working with a mental coach because it’s not The Yips that he has doesn’t doesn’t have The Yips he gets off aligned and I don’t know like looking at the stroke it doesn’t look any different Under Pressure versus not he just misses pots

And so to me that’s to me a mental issue I would love to see them add a mental coach in there I don’t know if they already have or not I’m not super tight with that crew um I did uh throw out there Teddy let’s go for a little three

Pat he loved it gave me a nice little wink saw the pull hook hat gave me a thumbs up so uh that being said that’s about all I talk to within their group and uh with Teddy himself uh Scotty’s caddy and I just I really think it’s mental I really think Scotty sheffler

Needs a performance coach to come in help him mentally with working and being able to perform under pressure and once again his golf swing still looks great Under Pressure a lot of times I don’t see a whole lot of difference there it’s more so just the putter once the putter

Starts to go that’s when you start to see everything else struggle because that’s when he starts putting more and more pressure on himself I was talking about that with Lance Bennett who we’re going to be talking about here in a little bit because there’s some big news

There as well and then also uh who finished so uh Scotty sheffler finishes T3 I thought he should have won that tournament easily by the way he also in the third round putted a ball into a bunker so there’s that um now that was just a bad break uh ball just didn’t

Stop it wasn’t that bad of a putt but that being said he put it into a bunker um now T3 also Sam Burns as I just mentioned Sam Burns he’s just a solid solid player I mean shoots seven under I believe in the final round let’s see yeah shoots a 64

Out there in the final round you know who else loves this golf course sahi thala so sah he had a whole fan base out there with his face all over a bunch of shirts his dad was out there um and that was great we also got to see um minwu

Lee with his uh new sponsorship with Lululemon they just trucked out a ton of people that I think there was I was talking to one of the guys he’s like yeah we’re all through Lululemon they had the minw Le Chef hats on if you’ve seen some of those images U and they

Were saying there’s 200 of them they were all Lululemon people so Lululemon put out a great little promotion for minwu Lee to have all those guys out there they all had the red Lululemon shirts on um with the chef hats and it the chef hats said let him cook so I

Thought that was fantastic U but back to the leaderboard so sahi finishes fifth got Jordan SP T6 Maverick mcney T6 Adam Scott T8 um and Adam Scott man this guy I’m telling you sometime soon he is going to break through once again because his game is so good right now

And he is putting phenomenally So Adam Scott you got Kirk kitama TI eth cam young he didn’t look great in his practice round um but played pretty solid in the first three rounds ended up shooting a 71 in the final round so kind of a let down there in a little bit but

T8 for him Andrew Novak was up there seiw Kim T12 my guy Justin Thomas he looked great this this week he just couldn’t get it done on Sunday so um and Saturday really so he went 7068 over the weekend not great there but Justin Thomas T12 Doug gim Davis Thompson got a

Little Keith Mitchell um action up there and Tom cim made a great move on Sunday I almost hit a parlay with a bunch of guys in the top 20 uh Tom Kim moved up there I missed out by one player uh not going to throw anybody under the bus

There um but it was uh let’s see it was a local and he’s got my trainer this week too so I’m a bit bitter he’s got my trainer out in uh La Ando is out there with wendam Clark I’ll just tell you who it is it’s Windam

Windam let me down on Sunday um if he had finished in the top 20 would have hit a parley for a couple Grand there that would have been nice U but yeah Windham Clark he did not uh play particularly well 75 for him on Sunday and again you know you’ve got the

Weather that just wore down guys all week and uh there you have it so that’s the rundown on the Waste Management Open let’s get into this week of course and we’ve got a uh tiger sighting this week good old Tiger Woods returns sorry folks I had to get another

Little sip of that bu actually I need one more of those there we go all right so Tiger Woods is returning if you don’t know now you’re about to know that this place is pretty sentimental to him it’s where he had his PGA Tour debut uh back in 1992 you want

To feel old Tiger Woods debut 1992 makes me feel old um I still remember it so that being said and God my wife was born in ’92 uh oh side note now as we look at Rivier and Tiger’s return people started questioning who’s gonna caddy for tiger and I remember

Talking with Bobby about this back when uh Joe laava came onto the bag for tiger and there was basically like auditions almost to where a bunch of caddies just started reaching out to Tiger’s agent and from there you know just kind of putting their name in the Hat and

Everything and Lance Bennett who was on just a couple weeks ago two two weeks ago to be exact Lance Bennett is Tiger Wood’s new caddy I couldn’t be more stoked for Lance this is absolutely awesome for him um granted it’s got to be absolutely nerve-wracking I invited

Him to come on tonight he was like it’s too early he’s like but I will be coming on um in the near future so be aware of that he’ll be coming back but that being said he was with Austin or Yeah Austin Smotherman and then um from there he got

Onto a bag for a rookie so he actually the night that we did the podcast um he couldn’t say it on the show because he still he was hoping to talk with Austin before but left him a voicemail so there was all of that going on Lance likes to

Do that the right way and everything so that was kind of cool to hear from him hey let’s not talk about it on the show because I got a new kid at the waste management we’re going to hopefully get into it so PJ tour rookie uh he was on

His bag for all of one week and then Tiger Woods calls and all of a sudden Lance is now Tiger Woods New caddy now keep in mind Lance caddied for Matt coocher for close to a decade he is a veteran caddy he cadd for sunjay recently they had a great run together

Um Davis Riley amongst others so Lance is a great caddy that uh I I’m really really excited for him I hope that this is a long-term deal because him and tiger this could be kind of the uh the final moments of Tiger’s career and I

Would love to have uh a person that is on the bag that we know um so that would be absolutely fantastic let’s get into a little bit around tiger well we’re not going to get into Tiger’s launch of his clothing line yet okay but he also launched a new

Clothing line which he is going to be rocking out there Viera they had the launch party yesterday for it and yeah we’ll talk about it in the swanie style segment uh but once again this place is sentimental to Tiger PGA Tour debut and here’s the crazy thing he’s never won at

Riviera so a lot of us are going to be curious to see what kind of game Tiger has he’s walking a hell of a lot better swing looks phenomenal so could it be that we’re going to experience a a tiger run like is he going to get comfortable with this new schedule and

Routine that he has because when you’re playing week in and week out and you’re competing and winning and making cuts and everything and then you know you take time off that’s difficult to do and getting into the right mindset mentally um with kind of this three-week prep and

Then go play in a golf tournament that’s tough to do so if tiger gets that down and really starts to hone in his game we could see some great stuff from him I think there’s still golf in the tank and I still think that he’s motivated to win

Golf tournaments so he always said he wouldn’t play if he didn’t think he could win and he wants to win so we all know how competitive Tiger Woods is outside of Tiger Woods though the Genesis Invitational at Riviera is one of my favorite not golf tournaments per

Se but it is one of my favorite golf courses that they play on tour and what I love about it so I played Riv a couple times I played in a couple tournaments there and the cool thing about Riv is that it sits in this Valley where all

You got all these Mansions around the perimeter of the property it’s in Pacific Palisades and all of those homes are just massive a lot of movie stars and everything own a lot of the homes and whatnot but it sits down into this Valley and it’s just got almost like the

Stadium effect around the entire golf course and they’re playing on zoa grass so say zoa five times fast okay now for a lot of you that are not in Agronomy do not go know the different types of grasses that these guys play on and everything well the joa grass around the

Greens and the fairways and everything it’s very spongy so why do you need to know about this because you’re going to see guys that are not going to bump a shot Into The Fringe or play a bump and run because what that does is and I didn’t believe it when people told me

Before playing out there but you could hit a low lining pitch shot and that ball just kind of Pops straight up in the air and comes straight back down it’s like hitting it into a sponge so what does that mean short game wise it’s going to be tough you have to carry

Everything onto the surface of the green chipping wise so this is a ball Striker dream out there and that’s why we always see great ball Strikers win this golf tournament and I’m just going to go back to last year here um I’m just pulling up the past results real

Quick and you’ve got John ROM who won right Max hom won the year prior to that um and you’ve got Adam Scott who was won out there so you got guys who are were great ball Strikers that have won Patrick Klay is always up there this

Week um so we’ll get into our betting segment in just a few moments but it’s just an awesome awesome Golf Course a lot of history out there Ken tiger win one of these I don’t know is he too old at this point to win at Riv I he loves the golf course it’s

Once again very it’s a very sentimental Golf Course for him who’s to say that he doesn’t go out with Lance his very first week and wins it how cool would that be if Tiger Woods comes out brand new caddy Lance Bennett who’s been on the P hook golf podcast multiple times goes out

Wins the golf tournament I think that would be pretty damn cool I’m going to be rooting for him that’s for sure and certainly the cameras are going to be on him I love that Tiger Woods is doing this and has fought so hard to come back

Yet again and to compete I mean it’s not as bad as it was because Fus the ankle to the foot and everything that they did there with the recent surgery that was done and he can walk he can play so I’m looking forward to it I think tigers’s

Got a decent shot to make the cut and to play well this week now with this event it is one of the Signature Events so I don’t want our fan base to get um confused here because Signature Events you’re going to hear a lot about it in

Uh the prior weeks as well as weeks to come uh with these events that they’re no cut and everything well there’s three signature events that actually have Cuts so it is a limited field still but within this limited field there is a cut after 36 holes and the three events is

The Genesis Invitational which is this week you’ve also got the Arnold Palmer Invitational a little bit later in the year as well as the memorial tournament so you got arie’s tournament the memorial which is Jacks and then this one is basically tigers with the Genesis Invitational

So take that for what it is you’ve got a cut this week after 36 holes what I love about that from a betting perspective is that you can actually bet on players to make or miss the cut so I like that as far as the signature uh event going on

Here this week for the Gen is Invitational but my bets for the week so I was talking pretty highly about a gentleman by the name of Adam Scott Adam Scott is putting lights out his game looks so damn good he played well last week and I really feel and that’s a golf

Course by the way at the Waste Management Phoenix Open that not only do you need to hit the ball well but you need to pot well too so you got both of those aspects effects there and I really really think Adam Scott is going to have

Himself a week not a day I think Adam Scott is going to have himself a week and he has won there prior so he loves R Riviera loves to play out there and you got to keep an eye on guys like Patrick Klay Patrick Klay always plays well he’s

Went to uh UCLA if I’m not mistaken oh God I don’t know why I just blanked there and all of a sudden became unconfident as to where Patrick Klay went uh but he’s a la based guy you’ve got Tony feno um who has played out there um and played well out there once

Again great ball Striker not the best Potter in the world so he can play out there at Riv and have a really good week and then former winner Max hom those are the four guys that I would look out for this week now as far as making the cut

You can go in take a look at some of the guys that you like there I love throwing in Five Guys make the cut you know sometimes 10 because making the cut and turn it into a parlay so if you do that you’ve got some pretty good options

There to make it a decent amount of money um I hit on the uh the made Cuts last week and I missed by one on the Mist Cuts uh one player played a little bit too well um and it was unfortunate or fortunate for them depends on how you

Look at it so those are the betting picks for the week Adam Scott Patrick kley Tony feno Max hom throw them into a top 20 throw them in making the cut um throw some money on one of them to uh go ahead and win the golf tournament uh I

Just ask you to gamble responsibly now let’s get into the swanie style segment which ties us right back to Tiger Woods Because unless you’ve been living under a rock Tiger Woods launched his brand new brand yesterday last night and people are going nuts on social media and not

Necessarily in a great way okay this new line from Tiger Woods it is Sunday red so that’s three words Sunday red okay and we saw weeks ago what the logo looked like um that they were doing SDR and then Sunday red we saw that all

Broken out so that wasn’t news to a lot of people but apparently it was because people lost their goddamn Minds about the logo they’re like how can tiger not do the famous fist pump with the Potter back and everything um you know good point good point by those that made that

Reference I don’t know if tiger because there’s always been a rivalry between tiger and Phil I don’t know if tiger felt like I can go and do this because Phil has where he jumps up in the air at the Masters as his logo um when he was

With Callaway so I don’t know what the process went into it um if they just wanted a very flat design I don’t know you can make Tiger’s fist pump into a very flat design as well so I’m not quite sure why they decided to go with the tiger some people are reminded of

The Slinger logo and are claiming it looks a lot like that um just it’s interesting okay and again the criticism on social media I totally get it anytime there’s something new people are going to critique it people are going to talk about it like when John ROM’s team name came out I was

Just like what um so now it has I’ve digested it I’m like oh that’s a great team name um things like that so I think the same thing’s going to happen with Tiger’s clothing brand I think um and I was out there at the golf course today

And a lot of people were talking about the fact that you know it’s a little Bland there’s not I was like look at tiger style though like this brand is Tiger Woods so if Tiger’s going to be authentic and real to Tiger he’s not going to do anything out there and crazy

And everything I do love though that they’re coming out with a cashmere hoodie so that’s the one thing that I’m just like man that I like it was in the tan color I’m just like that looks good I would wear I would rock something like that so kudos to Tiger into that

Um but yeah just a lot of criticism around it um a lot of people said that the golf shoes now keep in mind think of Tiger Woods he needs to be able to wear these golf shoes out there on the golf course they’re like they look like the

Squares or the Sketcher golf shoes like damn man people people are ruthless on social media but I’m just like no you know what nothing like it nothing was surprising to me nothing was out of place I was just like everything kind of made sense it’s like when Dustin Johnson

Went to live golf I’m like yeah makes sense lifestyle guy tiger comes out pretty straightforward clothing line didn’t really expect anything different um I don’t know what a lot of people were thinking about it but um if you do feel free to add it into the comments

Here I’ll be talking and I’ll be doing some audience Q&A at the very end if our audience throws in some questions for us and then part of our Swan style segment the Waste Management Phoenix Open collection by swanes so like this shirt’s apparently going to come out

Later in the spring or summer um there’s some others that were there as well like the Camden hoodie and they’ve got the Camden hoodie on the website right now the white one with the black H that thing in person that was the best Camden hoodie I’ve seen so far so I’m

Going to certainly be asking for one of those um from swanes they did not have my size I thought that they would still have it they were almost sold out of those camed in hoodies by after Wednesday so I went in on Thursday and they didn’t have any left so I’m or in

My size all they had was small and I think extra large I’m like I started debating I’m like well I can try to lose a [ __ ] ton of weight or I could just gain some more weight so there was that but the swan collection that’s coming

Out because a lot of it hasn’t hit the website yet is going to be phenomenal you guys are going to love it there’s some desert stuff in there too so um I know they just launched their core collection so definitely take a look at that but uh Swan’s doing some great

Stuff and that wraps up our swanie style segment now for the part that a lot of people wait for in this podcast good good old live golf I got to take a sip of this bushw before I do though all right props to live live Golf Las

Vegas I tough to get a golf course for one so Super Bowl they probably only committed to this for this year I would imagine because they wanted to be out there and guess what people who are out there for the Super Bowl they’re looking for stuff

To do on the days before Sunday and live golf changes from Friday Saturday Sunday to Thursday Friday Saturday they had a Saturday finish and I will tell you when I was out at the Waste Management Open and it was a debacle out there I popped on live

Golf on my phone and I was watching the finals nine holes of golf coming down the stretch and it was it wasn’t it was a great tournament in its own right like there was nothing there was nothing that was like holy [ __ ] I’m watching literally the best golf that I could possibly watch

Right now and that is not a shot at live that is because the golf course was tricky like these guys at the beginning of the week there were live golf accounts I love that they deleted their tweets because I went back to go like take some screenshots and everything um

And by the way when I talk about live golf accounts not talking about the fan base the the real fan base is great the cheerleaders Fanboys and Bots that are out there are what I’m referring to I’ve I’ve actually started to really get into a mode to where I’m just like I can’t

Deal with any of these because they’re so over-the-top ridiculous they’re insane and they’re not funny like that’s the other thing like some of the PGA Tour U Fanboys and haters like that hate on live they’re funny like they throw in some humor in there gets the live guys

All riled up but going back to live for this okay it was a tricky course I heard early on in the week uh from one of ROM’s people that uh he was not enjoying the golf course at all um there were some issues that he did not like about

It did not like the way that the greens were rolling certain things like that but where they won where where Liv won is with all the celebrities that were out there they had a great pram like phenomenal and outside of that the golf it led to a

Really good finish from a lot of great players so at the top now I know PGA Tour Fanboys are going to say in the PGA Tour guys that are loyal that hate live golf because of what it is are going to say well this shows that you know it’s

Not that competitive because Dustin Johnson hasn’t touched a club until Mya COA and you’re going to tell me that he got his game in form well Dustin Johnson is just that damn good okay because Bobby Brown he caded for Dustin Johnson throughout pretty much his entire career until got to the

Point to where Bobby was done with it and you know Dustin and him went his separate ways and DJ brought his brother on board but the amount of conversations that Bobby and I have had about Dustin Johnson in his game he’s just a freak athlete and he is that good at golf to

Be able to just take off a ton of time and come back and just be nonchalant about you know what he was surprised with his game at mayakoba maybe this is the entire type of golf format that DJ has has needed for his entire career because he looked

Great I mean it wasn’t like I said it wasn’t going out shooting 59 now again a lot of those live golf bot accounts were like we’re going to see Pat Perez shoot 56 and we’re going to see the course record the lowest score in professional golf history out here because this

Course is so Gable blah blah blah like I saw those tweets right and sure enough you don’t see him anymore because that course actually played pretty damn difficult but DJ went out and did what he needed to do in round one and two well round two really shooting eight

Under that’s what we expected this week is eight under par and really I mean we kind of expected it to be even lower like 10 under par um but again good tournament we it was a tight tournament so you got Dustin Johnson winning at 12 under Taylor gu finishes at 11 under

Peter Uline at 11 under Matthew wolf at 10 yes folks we have I I said it correctly Matthew wolf we have a sighting folks of Matthew wolf I almost almost not yet it’s too early not going to put my foot in the mouth about the trade because guess what Taylor G still

Finished two slots ahead of him in second place and that’s who he was traded for but good to see Matthew wolf playing well nobody wants to see a young talented kid like that playing poorly and it really seems like and they did a great job even during the broadcast

There was a great little segment on um it was on Thursday because Thursday was the first round where they had from range Goats Head headquarters Bubba Watson with a couple guys that he has with him that help consult with him for the team and everything and they were

Talking about the trade for Matthew wolf and the way that Bubba was passionate and explained it I get it but still okay we’re just going to leave it at that but the range goats we had an appearance from the range goats they played very very well and they actually

Got on the podium this week in third place you got the four races finished second so good to see that as well and then smash GC I told you guys man Mash GC is going to be the team to beat this year I know The Crushers are good they

Have the same team Chucky three sticks D shampo Casey leiri yes they’re going to be up there every single week and I like that but smash GC and kka is not even playing well there is a thing about having a kid and in that first year of having a kid

And playing professional golf that it takes a lot out of you and you could look at stats for players that have had kids and what did did their year look like well K’s coming out so far not looking the like he is perfectly on form yet which he’s got time so don’t beat

Him up too much but you know kka did not play well compared to the rest of his crew McDow kraak gu I mean those guys so let’s see where did Brooks end up finishing I’m scrolling down the leaderboard here scrolling down scrolling down where are we where is kka Jesus all right

There so kka why oh 13th so he finished 13th you had gr mcdal finished fifth he had kokra finished seventh and gu finished second so they ran away with the team win for live um and then from a well Legion 13 they win the first team

Event they come out and uh they finish fifth Crushers fourth tqu GC uh six and then the rest of the crews I am not here’s the thing with this particular tournament I’m not putting too much day they’re going to have a little bit um of time off until

They have to go and their next tournament is going to be March 1st through the 3 over at the Abdullah economic City Royal Greens Golf and Country Club so again that’s their next event March 1st through the 3 so they’ve got two weeks off this is what’s tough

For live golf fans they get this nice little stretch of two tournaments in a row now you got two weeks to where you’re just going to wait on it that’s why I just really feel like all fans just need to at this point drop the politics forget the politics we can’t

Control any of the politics okay so stop worrying about the damn politics it’s all going to get figured out but live golf fans should watch good golf on the PJ tour PJ tour fans should watch live golf because lot of great names and it’s a tighter field I was talking about this

With one of my friends in the golf space and we were talking about the fact that you know do you like like the fact that you know you’ve got a condensed field so you’re going to see some of the big names always up there at the top of the

Leader port and he was like yeah it’s kind of nice to see uh top guys that are on top of the leaderboard however he comes right back with but I’d love to see great golf also being played by guys that I don’t know that I would love to

Get like to find out more about and get to know I think that is the ultimate battle right now with the PJ tour and live golf’s doing a great job because they have a select field but they’re doing a great job of the segments during the rounds of getting to

Know the teams getting to know the players even on a more intimate level beyond the golf course and I like that the PGA Tour does none of that really so it is and that’s what I always talk about with the promotion side it is tough for the PGA Tour live golf wise um

I really do think that uh they do a great job and I’ve been very impressed with the broadcast I think they’re doing a tremendous job there I think the PJ tour needs to learn a thing or two um from the live golf broadcast one of the

Things that I do not like I will agree with all the media that talks about that puttting line get rid of it don’t like it um it does not help I wouldn’t mind seeing a like highlighted like they used to do in hockey a highlighted ball or a

Highlighted hole um so that you can actually see if the pot is going to go in or not and if it’s looking good that would be kind of cool uh but yeah I don’t know it’s live Golf Las Vegas once again smartest thing that they ever did

Was put it in the same location as the Super Bowl do it for the three days prior to the Super Bowl got all the celebrities in the world out there and uh again even the segment with Phil Mickelson and a couple of the football players that was great at the beginning

Of the week and live golf really delivered this past week in Las Vegas but don’t sit here’s the thing folks this is a PSA for all the Liv golf fans that try to say that it’s better all our fans are more whatever okay Waste Management has always been and will always be the

Winner this week and I was pissed that the Las Vegas event was going at the same time as the way Management Phoenix Open but I get it cuz I would have loved to also go to the live golf event drive up to Las Vegas go up there watch this

Event and everything would have been great but you’re not going to get the same crowds the tournaments are different you’re just not it it’s comparing apples to oranges so please just let it go in terms of trying to compare the two we just have two totally different golf products right now and

That’s where I mean me as a host and doing a podcast and being on Twitter and everything it’s exhausting to have to go back and forth with people on this stuff it’s just like let’s all come together as a golf community and appreciate really good golf and what’s going on in

The sport because we’re seeing some of the best golf in the world right now and that is what’s most important so now let’s turn it over to some fan questions um and one of the questions here looks like we’ve got and feel free by the way

If you’re on uh X I always say Twitter but if you’re on X go ahead and just add a comment to this and it should show up here um I’ve seen them before pop up during the live stream broadcast if you’re on Millions go ahead and put that

In I got to check Millions here for some questions as those don’t come through for me but uh do show up on millions. go and then also on YouTube so if you’re on YouTube go ahead and feel free to put in uh into the comments as well but one of

The questions that uh I just saw over from Millions is during your experience this week what was the best story that you took away from the Waste Management Open all right so the best story that I I and I wouldn’t say that this is the best

Story I would just say that this is one of those stories that that really made me chuckle um God you have so many different types of fans at the Waste Management Open there was this guy must have been 80 and it is Wednesday so this is before

All of the chaos if you’ve watched the Phoenix Wast or the people’s open um special with butsy and watch the YouTube version of that because there are visuals I swear this was the old guy from the visual uh he had he had pants on but they were

Like up to his belly butt and he had the long white socks underneath that you could see he had like the brown alligator belt with a a cane and sure enough one of the Waste Management Open like grounds crew comes by in just a regular golf cart it’s a gas golf cart

And this guy in the most angry tone you will ever here goes thanks for using a [ __ ] gas golf cart and I’m just like wait a second did you just chirp at one of the guys doing the greens keeping and everything who’s like trying to get from one thing to the

Next and it’s Wednesday and he just drove past you in open air and you’re chirping him about using a gas golf cart as if he had has a choice between oh I mean this is one of the maintenance workers so I’m just I just started dying

Laughing the guy looks at me with like a nasty look and in my head all I could think about is hey bud you might have like a couple days left on this planet like just just enjoy yourself like don’t don’t be don’t be miserable and then uh I did enjoy seeing

All the characters out there as well from uh all the different backgrounds that we shared on the podcast you know you had the Chads out there and I’m sorry they’re they’re name chat is not the problem here it is and granted the Chads are great because they’re just party

Animals they’re Frat Boys that you know still want to get together with their boys and go out and I’ve been that guy so I mean it’s perfectly fun it’s just you know you get some younger guys out there as well and uh the Chads were out in full display the disappointing part

Of the tournament really was the fashionistas because you did not there there was a lot of clothing on this year because of the weather that was the disappointing part uh but let’s see any other questions as well I think that sums up the questions so that wraps up

Live Golf Las Vegas Swan style segment the upcoming Genesis Invitational at Riviera Tiger Woods’s big return and then obviously we had to break down what a lot of people on social media were calling the wasted Management Phoenix Open it’s out of control it’s always out of control but you know I do

Think that it can be better next year and I hope that it is and I hope the weather uh helps out as well once again thank you to our sponsors so for one Swan’s golf uh they’ve been absolutely phenomenal love you guys loved hanging out with them at the Waste Management

Open and uh sure enough swan go to swan. use promo code po hook golf2 at checkout for 25% off your entire order and then lab golf once again folks lab golf over here they have been phenomenal to me as well um that fitting process that they

Have is so easy and it’s just like going in getting a professional fitting done um I really do encourage anybody that hey if you’re struggling making some pots out there go get yourself a lab golf Potter because these things and I’m telling you if you have pro golfers who

Normally can putt with anything that just absolutely like a cult following are just preaching about lab golf you got to see what’s up and now I’m starting to see them everywhere I think this df3 this new df3 putter is going to be unbelievable um I can’t wait

To get that into my hands um but yeah that being said I uh I’m signing off so hope everybody has a great week and until next week and by the way next week not going to be a solo show so uh we’re g to have a nice little

Guest on next week and uh can’t wait till then see you everybody


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