The BEST Drill For Powerful Hip Action In The Golf Swing

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This drill will help you feel what the pros feel when swinging the golf club. You feel real power from the ground and you’ll eliminate early extension and hip spinning from your vocabulary.

0:00 Intro
1:20 What is the BB Drill
3:55 Setting up the Drill
7:04 Joint Alignment at Impact
8:04 How To Practice The Drill
14:00 Final Reps and Thoughts
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We’ve got to stop doing intros and talking to birds and helicopters and people that are driving by here on the car path staring at me like I’m some sort of caged animal and we just got to get to work this is what we call the belt buckle box drill it’s a drill that

I designed personally and I know a lot of you keyboard Warriors at home are going to probably say that hey this has been done before if it has that’s fine but this is a great drill that’s going to help you simplify the way that you move your lower body in the golf swing

It’s going to help you overcome a lot of the catastrophic faults like early extension or sliding of the hips or spinning out this is going to help you dial it in perfectly now if you caught last week’s video you saw that we worked on weight shift you saw that I worked on

Simplifying the way that you moved your body in Space by allowing your head to move if you have not yet seen that video do me a big favor I’m going to put it up on the screen now and I’m going to put a link in the description below go watch

That video first come back CU you want to have that good Baseline movement in place before you start taking on today’s drill today’s drill is going to be a pretty serious drill here this is a drill that’s going to help you start freeing up your mind and freeing up your

Body so that you can move like the best men and women in the world and you can start moving the golf club in space a whole lot faster if you want speed in the golf swing you got to use the ground if you want speed and Power in the golf

Swing you got to use your legs and your hips properly and in the right sequence welcome to the belt buckle box drill let’s get to work this drill is basically a simplified way for you to keep your center of mass further away from the golf ball than where it was at

A dress through the point of through the point of contact that’s right when you watch the best men and women in the world if you study their golf swings if you look at some of the gears models that we’ve had published we can see that the center of mass moves a slight amount

Off the golf ball we see that it moves a substantial amount in front of the golf ball and the way down but we also notice that the center of mass is further away from the golf ball at the point of contact than where it was at aess that’s

What this drill is going to teach you to do now the way that I’m going to have this drill set up is I’ve got two alignment sticks that are back on the ground here but I’ve got one out for visual reference here for you and I have

Three pieces of painters tape on here and the way that I’ve marked it is that this middle one that’s a little bit wider is going to be an indicator is to where my belt buckle is the ones that are on the sides of it are going to be

An indicator is to where my hip sockets are now a good way for you to be able to set this up on your own is find the belt loops on the front of your pants and find your belt buckle and mark the belt buckle first and then find the belt loop

On each side of your pants and put the piece of tape in that area or you can use a marker whatever you want to use if you don’t wear pants that have the need for a belt or a belt buckle like you’re wearing stretchy pants or DM shorts or whatever you’re wearing then

What you can simply do is figure out where your belt buckle would be put a marker there and then find the pointy pelvic bone on the front of your body and just about two finger widths inside of that is going to be right around where the hip socket is now this is set

Up for reference this doesn’t need to be perfect it’s just kind of the the rough guess to okay when we start rocking and rolling here there’s going to be some movement that you’re going to be trying to tie into now the way that I want you to think about the

Hips working in the golf swing if I were to take this alignment stick and I were to bend it kind of in a u back towards me the way the hips are going to work in the swing is they’re very Dynamic they’re going to work kind of in this

U-shaped movement and if you kind of follow along with those blue dots that are on the alignment stick you’re going to see that they move both in a horizontal sense in a rotational sense and a ver vertical sense those are the three forces that take place in the golf

Swing you’ve heard me say it before the three forces are horizontal rotational or Torque and vertical forces so you’re going to learn how to keep your center of mass back and you’re going to learn how to balance those three forces perfectly in your golf swing just with

One simple little drill I would call that a slam dunk a home run a turkey that’s what they call it em bowling if you get three strikes in a row okay so now that I’ve shown you how to get your alignment stick set up and showed you exactly how the hips are

Moving in the golf swing let’s show you how to work the drill that’s what we’re here for right now I want you to remember 110% across the board under no circumstance is this drill set up in a way where you’re supposed to become very technically minded to where you can’t

Move this drill is designed to create some good visuals some good visual cues this drill is designed to take those visual cues and start turning it into some feels and then turn it into movement and if you can start creating good movement and you’re backchecking things on camera and you’re doing

Adequate numbers of reps then you’re going to start to see that hey this movement becomes a piece of cake now how I have the drill set up here is I have two alignment sticks now marked exactly the same way this first stick this Red Stick that’s closest to you when I stand

On it is going to be directly underneath the ball of my foot the back line this green line is going to be about a club head width away from it it’s parallel to it and it’s going to be more or less kind of underneath where you have the

Tide not in your shoelaces now I know a lot of you at home are going to be probably pretty uncomfortable standing on some alignment sticks and I get that I understand that you can certainly do this drill with taking some Turf marking paint or some Dr sches foot spray or you

Can even take a piece of tape and lay it on the ground if that’s more comfortable for you okay that’s totally fine again remember the purpose of this drill is to create some good visuals that you’re going to turn into movement now when I stand on these lines you’re going to

Notice that I’m about an inch and a half to two inches wider than where the center of my hip sockets are on both sides this is a great way for a lot of you at home to start getting the stance width agenda checked off the list making

Sure that you’re not having to dance around to find that proper stance width so about an inch and a half to two inches out on each side is going to be your stock stance width here I’m also have a ball teed up for a reference point here today as I start to go

Through the drill and the reason why I’m using a te is so I don’t have to be moving all around and move the camera with you right now what I want you to think about here is that this front line this red line is going to be your

Horizontal line the back line is going to be your rotational line okay now what I want you to do here is I’ve got a seven iron here today and I’m just going to go ahead and stand up here for a second and I’m going to put the club

Head in the ground and I’m going to put the butt end of the club in my belt buckle here and I’m just going to move the butt end of the club back and forth so it’s in line with where the center of my hip socket was on the trail side and

My lead side it’s going to feel like a ton of movement it’s going to feel like you’re sliding or swaying all over the Place why well because you are sliding and swaying all over the place what you want to remember is is that we don’t just use horizontal movement in the

Swing in fact we use small amounts of it going back large amounts of it going forward but we blend that with rotational force and vertical Force what we do in order to find that proper blend is we’re going to use this back line to start rotating the belt buckle and

Getting it over the top of the green line to know that we’ve created that sort of dynamic blend that’s the point of this drill now what you’re going to find when we we start to go through this drill is I’m going to use this terminology that’s a lot of you at home

Might find it to be fancy and it’s not really that fancy of a term when you hear me use the term neutral joint alignment okay all that really is is if you were to take all of the skin and fat off my body and I was just standing here

As a big bag of bones when I get the center of my knee the center of my I’m sorry when I get the center of my ankle the center of my knee and the center of my hip socket all stacked right on top of one another that’s what we call

Neutral joint alignment now at impact that’s what you’re trying to achieve during your takeaway and your back swing you’re actually going to be slightly inside of that so when we start adding this movement you’re going to hear me say when you start to shift and turn to

Your Trail side I want the belt buckle to come to the inside part of where your Trail hip socket is and you’re turning it back and staying on the inside portion of where the trail hip socket is on the rotational line then in the downswing you’re going to see that I’m

Going to ask you to get your belt buckle all the way in front of where the lead hip socket was at impact in order to get yourself into neutral so let’s go ahead and start working through this a little bit now so again I’m about an inch and a

Half out on both sides my belt buckle is not going to get all the way on top of this line like it would on the lead side it’s just going to work just inside of it okay from here keep the belt buckle on top of this green line not going in

Towards the red line at all okay and then pull it back and away after it gets on top of the lead hip socket so drill this a few times pull it back to a lot of you at home it’s going to look and feel like a much smaller movement than what we see

Happening in the golf swi that’s right so many of you at home get all of this big big extra movement that you don’t really need to have in the golf swing we make golf swings short tight and concise on purpose because all of that freedom of movement yes it looks elegant but

What it’s doing is is making harder for you to get things matched up properly in your downswing and it’s also making it harder for you to be able to remove timing variables in the golf swing the modern day golf swing is a beautiful thing it’s short tight Compact and put

Together and if you do it properly it’s a whole lot safer than a lot of that big robust movement that we saw back in the early 80s okay so now once you start creating that good visual in your brain and that feel okay I’m going to get the ball out

Of here and I’m going to start making some swings okay so belt buckle is going to start to move and turn staying back on top of the green line so I’m trying to keep the belt buckle back on top of that green line as it’s shifting and as it gets to that

Lead hip socket line I’m pulling it back in away to help move that left hip into a 45° open position and move that lead leg into a passively straight position position what you should look for on camera to see if you’re doing it right is you should be in neutral joint

Alignment go ahead and take your setup okay so my belt buckle is going to start to shift to the inside part and turn staying back on top of the green line so you’re going to see that I’m going to start picking up the pace here ever so slightly right this is how I

Want you to be able to practice what you’re noticing is now I’m starting to move faster and faster and faster I’m taking these visuals I’m being aware of them but I’m starting to create movement creating the movement into and through positions is what this is all about once

You start getting it to a point where you’re at 70 to 80% of your normal speed and you know that these movements are being done accurately because you’re backchecking things on camera then start trying to introduce the golf ball back to the mix when the golf ball comes back

In the mix I don’t care where it goes at first I care about you staying committed to the movements get committed to the movements practice it properly let the golf ball get in the way of those and start getting success the proper way here so we’re getting ready to hit some

Golf balls and I will tell you that it’s probably beneficial for a lot of you to hit it off a small T so you’re not having to move your reference points all over the place um it’s not needed but it might make the practice sessions a little bit smoother

For you I just want you to watch now now that I’ve taught you how to do the drill how I’m going to practice this every single practice session needs to be centered around the idea that you’re going out there trying to get a good solid number of reps done somewhere

Between 100 to 150 reps is a good number how you space out your practice session is very dependent on the time that you have available to you don’t go out there and try to do this new movement with 150 golf balls go out there with 25 golf balls and really start getting yourself

Connected to the new movement and you’ll be able to see really quickly if this is a drill that’s designed for you at home now watch How I practice this move the ball out of the way okay I’m going to start real small trying to get really connected to the visual

Okay so follow me again so the hip socket or I’m sorry the belt buckle is going to move back towards the trail hip onto the inside portion of it okay it’s now on top of the green line it’s going to start shifting but staying on top of the green

Line the way to the point where it’s now on top of the hip socket where it was at a dress once it gets there you’re pulling it back in away and now you’re in neutral joint alignment ready for a party you just learned the whole load process and what

The lower body is actually doing in the golf swing and now you’ve started to turn it into movement have some fun with this drill and practice it properly okay so you know what I find the really big problem with amateur golfers not getting better at the game of golf is I find

That so many of you get lost in the abyss of golf instruction it’s never ending there’s so much that’s available to you and so many of you find that message that really resonates with you and unfortunately that’s what gets you into trouble in the first place because

The big mistake that a lot of you at home make that you don’t realize is that you work on the wrong things at the wrong time there’s a very specific order in which you have to work through things in order to be successful and I know a

Lot of you at home quantify your success through two metrics and two metrics only how you’re hitting the golf ball in that current moment and are your scores in your handicap coming down that’s exactly how you quantify your success what we do at my golf DNA is we help you with

Understanding who you are as a golfer we help you work on the things that are pertinent to you and your golf game right away we design a plan for you and we help you follow through on that plan from beginning to end that’s the most important part you need support and you

Need to work on the things that are pertinent to you in your game come join us at my golf D sit through the consult with me you’ll spend 20 to 30 minutes with me alone before you start the processes everybody loves this part of the process sitting down with me after I

Look at your golf swings and look at the history of your golf is a very important part of the process as much as I learn about you and as much as I get to hear how you like to do things and what goes on in your world helps design your

Practice program helps design your plan and the people that have gone through it so far are getting amazing success don’t go out there and start working on cookie cutter golf instruction anymore work on things that are for you work on getting better at the game of golf and have

Support every single step of the way here’s to playing your best golf


  1. It's a lot of information but you're going to like the simplicity of the drill. Timestamps below and in the description for those with shorter attention spans…

    0:00 Intro

    1:20 What is the BB Drill

    3:55 Setting up the Drill

    7:04 Joint Alignment at Impact

    8:04 How To Practice The Drill

    14:00 Final Reps and Thoughts

  2. Another great video. My ball striking has changed considerably since finding your channel and my irons are making a sound that I’m now addicted to. The only problem is that all I want to do is golf. Good thing I’m not married.

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