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Découvrez Abidjan, la Côte d’Ivoire c’est un autre NIVEAU 1/2 🇨🇮😍 (cc anglais)

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🌟 Dans cette vidéo live, je vous fait découvrir Abidjan en direct et je partage avec vous quelques anecdotes.

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👇 Partagez vos réflexions sur la ville d’Abidjan dans les commentaires ci-dessous. Qu’en pensez-vous ? C’est la plus belle ville d’Afrique que vous avez vu? Aimez, commentez et partagez pour continuer à explorer ensemble les richesses culturelles de l’Afrique.

“Hello, hello, hello everyone, how are you? There, we are in Abidjan, opposite what we call ENF ivoir TR Center. What’s funny is that they kept the word in French, so ‘ivory’, then after, they put the term in English ‘Trade Center’. So it’s a brand new

Shopping mall, it was opened I think in 2021, really with very modern infrastructure. You see the clientele, they are expatriates. If you go inside, you will find a Monoprix, you will also see small places, cafes, etc. to work in. Well, there is everything, eh, it’s that’s what I’m saying. There are expatriates,

But they are both European and African expatriates. So, you will find a little bit of everything. There you go, with the cane, with the images of the cane, you see Abidjan as you do know, there,

We are in full swing. The Ivory Coast is in the final, so Sunday it will heat up. So, I am accompanied by Mr. Thomas, good evening. So, Mr. Thomas is a little reserved, but he will be our guide during this little moment. So, we’re going to leave now from the lake, where

I spent most of my time working. We’ll be able to go out a little, there aren’t too many people. Yes, you see, in my last video, I talked about the fact that in Côte d’Ivoire, there are a lot of traffic jams, there are a lot of traffic jams. People were angry,

Tired, they told me that yes, it’s the cane. So there you have it, we only have 1 million people, all the countries in the world would be like that, etc. There, look just opposite, there is the Hôtel Ivoire, the famous Hôtel Ivoire. So, it has now become the Sofitel Hôtel Ivoire. So

It’s 100 meters high. And remember that the Hôtel Ivoire was built in 1963, so 3 years after independence. So you realize what an old historic hotel it is in which, there you go, a lot of things happen in Ivory Coast. And it is the first and only

5-star hotel in the country. Frankly, the title of the video is ‘Ivory Coast, Abidjan, it’s another level’. Compared to all the videos that I had made previously, namely in Cotonou, Lomé, Accra, et cetera. Even in Accra, frankly, Accra is a beautiful city,

But if we are objective, the way in which the city is designed, etc., the things that we can see in Côte d’Ivoire, there, I will show you again the Ivory Hotel. There you go, it’s big. And next to it, the large

ETA tower. So, there were several phases, there was an extension of the Hôtel Ivoire. So, what neighborhood are we in? We’re in Cocodi, aren’t we, the Cocodi center. There we are, we are in Cocodi center. Cocodi is really big. I myself am in Cocodi, but to come here,

Maybe it’s more than 12 kilometers away, and well, it’s a totally different setting, etc. Some said that Cocodi is as big as Île-de-France. Well, I don’t know if it’s true or not, but look at how the neighborhood is laid out. You see a lot of greenery,

Vegetation, it’s clean. So you see how the city is designed. It’s really great, even in Accra, I couldn’t find that much. These are things that are now developing in Cotonou, which are being done in Cotonou, but you should know that it has been done for years in Côte

D’Ivoire. So, it’s true that people talk about it all the time, all the time, all the time, all the time. They say that well, President Houphouët-Boigny had seen 100 years ahead.” Yet the Ivory Coast, but it’s true that, no, it’s really, well, when you’re Togolese,

That you live in Lomé and Lomé is the capital, my compatriots are going to hit me when I come back. When we live in Lomé and we see Abidjan, no, it’s really another range. And then, we can see how point also there are investments in terms of infrastructure,

Whether it is the alleys, whether it is the main streets, the crossroads. No, there is really a development that has taken place in the city of Abidjan, capital economic, I remind you, of Côte d’Ivoire. It is not the political capital, the political capital is Yamoussoukro. There you go,

Yamoussoukro which is the village of the founding father of Côte d’Ivoire, isn’t it? So, in this city, there is the largest basilica in the world which he bequeathed before his death, and which he financed with his own funds. So, here we are in the embassy district, right

. Yes, there that helped in VO here, on the left, an embassy, ​​or is it just a large building? No, I have no idea. Okay, we’re going to, are we going to get closer to there, or

It won’t be safe there, it will be further ahead. Okay, it will be more in front, because there we have the first lady’s office. Okay, here it is, on the left, the building you see there. So, there you have it,

The first lady of Côte d’Ivoire has set up her offices right here in Cocody, in the neighborhood where we are. Look, there you go, see a lot of cars too, I have the impression, in any case, of very nice cars. We see few carcasses in this area. Is there a law that has

Been put in place to avoid, perhaps, cars that have been imported from other countries, etc., or is it, yes, we have a law here Who prohibits the importation of vehicles over 5 years old? Ah, yes, so it’s really, if we want to import vehicles into Côte d’Ivoire,

There you go, currently, we are in 2024, that means, there, it’s the vehicle embassy, ​​it’s at from 2019. Okay, okay. So, this allows us to have a fairly recent vehicle fleet, with beautiful vehicles. You say, normally, you are not convinced? No, not that I’m not

Convinced, because there, still in the territory, we still have vehicles which are really old and which continue to be used. Okay, you see there, again, very large vehicles, etc., 4x4s. There, you see, there it is, full of, that’s essentially President Bédié’s house. Ah,

Okay, Henri Konan Bédié, who died very recently. So, there you have it, even the former President of the Republic, the late HKB, whose new bridge bears his name, right, with these neighborhoods also here? No, see, really, when I talk about planning public space, vegetation,

Well, these are stupid things, but having traveled almost everywhere in Africa, I won’t hide the fact that it’s not everywhere will we find such a level of cleanliness, greenery and urban planning. So, there, I have the impression that we are entering into something. Ah,

It’s the military, should we lower the camera a little? No, come on, okay, ahead, we will see the house of former President Laurent Gbagbo. Ah, okay, so it really is the very neighborhood of presidents, that’s it. Are we going to see Mr. ADO’s house, Mr. ADO, his

House is in front, but now we no longer pass there, like here for example. Okay, okay, it’s blocked, it’s locked, that’s it, it’s there so you don’t come and disturb it. The house was Laurent Gbagbo’s house, yes, yes, there they destroyed,

No, actually, as you see, why did they destroy there? There are the military. No problem, no, it’s a Togolese thing, we’re afraid of the military. I believe that in Ivory Coast, you are not afraid of the military? Not really. You look,

These are the witnesses to the events of the 11th. Well, that’s okay anyway, it was in 2011, that’s it, in 2011, with the, as you know, what happened, eh , many civil wars in Ivory Coast. And that’s what is even more surprising, because Côte d’Ivoire reaches a

Level there, it is the Red Cross, I think, being the headquarters of the Red Cross in Côte d’Ivoire . I don’t really know anymore. So, what is even surprising with Côte d’Ivoire is that we are reaching this level, let’s say, of development, while the country has experienced hours, already in the 90s, it

Began in 2005, it started again in 2011, it started again, but ultimately, when we see the result today, we have the impression that nothing ever happened in this country. It’s quite strong. Then also in terms of infrastructure, so there for example, again, it’s still, it’s

Another head office of what, no, that’s for one, uh, there you go, we continue, we continue here, that’s it, it’s purely even the embassy district. We passed the Belgian embassy , ​​behind, ok, there is Algeria which is there, there you go, and in front, there is the embassy on the

Left, ok, really a very beautiful neighborhood. So, the embassy district, have we missed the United States embassy yet? Isn’t the US Embassy here? Ah, ok, she’s not in the embassy area, no, no, not here. Okay, I’ve been there,

It’s that, well, fun fact is that every time I go to a country, I show the United States embassy, ​​I don’t know why. And which has an Iranian embassy, ​​it’s in between, the Islamic Republic of Iran, its embassy is right here on the left. Well, we are still in

The embassy district, which is very well thought out. You know, when we talk about Master Plan, so the master plan of the city in Africa, we have a lot of master plans, they are generally not respected, it’s not funny, it’s not funny. But so, sometimes,

We see the plan and then we see that people, well, build a little in places where it should n’t, et cetera, we have neighborhoods, well, for once, it’s very well respected , and it’s very well thought out, it’s the embassy district, there are only embassies, and this one is really

A peak, there you go, so there, there are, there you go, perhaps authorities who have passed, is that it? Yes, in 2023, it’s for the CAN, right? Yes, for sure, maybe teams, a football team? No, not a team, it’s the, what we call, officials, certain officials.

Okay, there you go, so the country lives to the rhythm of the CAN, there, you look, there is the flag of Côte d’Ivoire which is here, therefore Côte d’Ivoire which is a finalist, which will play against Nigeria will be the big shock of this CAN. What are you putting up with? Do

You support the African giant, the Nigerian giant, or do you support the West African giant, Ivory Coast, the biggest economy in West Africa after Nigeria, if I’m not mistaken? Or, there is perhaps Ghana which is ahead, but there we are, we are in the

Top of the best, with a country whose investments never stop coming, coming, coming. And like you see, a city of Abidjan which brings together approximately 6 to 7 million people, very very dense. So when we say 6 million people in a country where there are 22 million inhabitants,

That is, we are doing the figures very quickly, it’s more than a quarter of the population which is here in Abidjan, eh. While the surface area of ​​Abidjan itself is very less compared to the Ivory Coast. I know that we have also talked about, we also talked about in my last video that,

Well, there were quite a few things that I didn’t appreciate less, in any case, there you go, there’s Snab who says that Ivory Coast is ahead Ghana, so he affirms, he affirms and he signs. So, I was saying that for me, Ivory Coast, there were things that I

Didn’t really appreciate. And one of the things that I didn’t really appreciate, perhaps it was the fact that when we arrive here in Ivory Coast, I don’t see that many people speaking African languages, I see not people dress locally and so on,

Well traditionally. But there you go, I got screwed, I got mixed up, that, but I repeat the term again because, in fact, you also have to see that my point of view is that of a Togolese. So when we arrive in Togo directly, we enter the capital,

People spoke Mina, uh, a lot of Boubou, a lot of loincloths, the fabric, it’s really very important for us, we offer it to everyone. occasions, weddings, dowry, funerals, uh, even, FO, we don’t have any gift ideas, we’re going to treat ourselves to fabrics, et cetera. So these are

Things that are very important to us, for us, it is very important. But also the choice names, as you know, for a long time in Togo, it was forbidden to have imported names, Western names, et cetera. So it surprises me, it’s my point of view, but as a

Togolese, for someone who grew up in Ivory Coast, it’s totally different. And the Ivory Coast is also thought of in a different way, with an ideology which wants every Ivorian, the one who contributes to the development of the Ivory Coast, no, that’s it, whatever the

Color, the ethnicity, population, et cetera. So it’s a nation that is much more, let’s say, open to the world. And that’s one of the reasons, that’s who makes it successful, who makes it successful, because everyone comes to invest here and feels at home in Côte d’Ivoire.

I even meet Togolese or Beninese here in Ivory Coast, and who say that this is where they feel at home, and they do not feel at home in Togo or Benin, it depends on the people, it depends people. There you go, don’t hesitate to do the three lifesaving actions, I didn’t say it

In my video, but don’t hesitate to like the video. Liking the video is very important for video SEO. Feel free to comment on it, like Snab did. Don’t hesitate to share it with those around you, don’t be selfish, you have the chance to be on my

Content, to be on Web Act Africa, and to see the beauty of Abidjan, the beauty of the Coast d’Ivoire, uh, so don’t be selfish, show it “Hidden Africa, yes. I see you mentioned earlier about the US Embassy, ​​so that’s where the “the United States embassy,

​​there you go, there you go. There, we pass, we’re going to pass next to the United States embassy. There, I’m starting to get scared, I shudder when I see the car OM which is in front of us, but

A priori we should be able to avoid traffic jams. Well, to come back, there is a slowdown, ok, there is a little slowdown, but there you go, we’re not really going to get into traffic jams,

There you go, there you go, That’s it. What also surprises me in Côte d’Ivoire, finally in Abidjan because it’s really in Abidjan that I am all the time, and I didn’t go to Bouaké, I didn’t go to Yamoussoukro, I I didn’t go to the north of the country either, et cetera, uh,

But the buildings are finished, the buildings are finished, that’s it. I criticize no country, I don’t criticize my country, I have no problem when I return, but the buildings are finished here. So there is also, well, it’s also when we bring in the game of competition,

That is to say that a building which is not finished, if someone else can buy it, et cetera, and finish it, well, that’s done in Côte d’Ivoire, while indeed we in Togo, we

Also have this chance that, we have a chance and which at the same time also a bad luck, that’s- that is to say that only Togolese people can own houses and so on, uh, but ultimately that’s okay, a Togolese family who decides not to build, they are, because the

United States embassy- United, there you go, you see the United States Embassy, ​​it’s the building that is there, there you go, there you go, there you go, it’s a building, ok, still branded in the same way, we’ll come back, that

‘s it. is the United States embassy there, next to it you just have the Moroccan embassy too I believe, in any case there is a Moroccan pavilion. So there you go, there you go, there you go, uh, here is the road that leads to the

HKB bridge, ok, we’re going to go through there, go no, no, no, we’re going to go back to Marcory, ah, zone 4, there you go , that’s why there are several names, why we call it Marcory,

Zone 4 or it’s Marcory, it’s the commune, it’s the commune, there you go, zone 4 are neighborhoods in the commune, there is zone 4 and there is Bi, ok, ok, so the first time I came here in Ivory Coast, I was in Biétry, so in Marcory myself, Marcory I knew Marcory

Before come to Ivory Coast, but it’s because of DJ Khevara who said I am, I was born here, it’s the Riviera, Riviera Golf, Riviera Golf, all that is in Cocody, OK , And still with the embassy there on the right. Otherwise here it’s Riviera Golf, OK, and straight ahead,

Normally when we go, we go to Riviera 2, ok, Riviera 2 on the right, we go with Riviera 3, 4, 5, why did we demarcate that like that, it’s for, well, it’s just a matter of ease, to know where we are, but that’s all, the Riviera that’s why we call it the Riviera,

There is no river here , no, or, no, no, no, in reality, I don’t know, ok, we’ll find out that, I’ll put in the comments what we’ll find out why the Riviera 2, 3, 4 et cetera. Ah, the Ivory Coast, the Ivory Coast, the Ivory Coast, so the Ivory Coast

, unlike its neighbors, you see, it has seen itself stand out too, it’s not the colors that have been chosen, it’s not green, yellow and red, no, it’s green, white and orange. Orange is really the color in Ivory Coast, here you see a lot

Of buildings are branded in the colors of the country, even the taxis are also branded in the colors of the country, in any case, orange which puts its share of singularity. And this is where, in fact, I find it quite strong, is that we will find white and green quite easily. Green, we

Will find it in nature sometimes, white, we will find it on buildings, etc. And also, in fact, orange, we will or in other things. So that means that, we really see that the country is branded directly or indirectly in the colors of the Côte d ‘Ivoire. So there we go,

We continue, we continue to go through the streets of Abidjan, there, we pass through the center and from there, ok, we go to the Plateau, great, great. So, we’re going to go through the Plateau business district, a district also which was imagined, you imagine, in the 60s, post-independence.

President Félix Houphouët-Boigny said “here, I want the same thing as in New York, that in Manhattan. He says “I want the same thing”, and you imagine that we transfer or replicate what was there in the most beautiful Western capitals here in Africa in the 60s. And that also leaves

Well from agriculture. Agriculture which financed a large part of this type of project. So cocoa, as you know, Ivory Coast is the leading exporter of cocoa in the world. A lot of deals, a lot of financing are also linked, in English we say PEG, to cocoa. So it

Really made it possible to finance a lot of things. And this openness to the world, as I remind you, this openness to the world, the fact is that people from everywhere were able to come and invest, themselves, of their own money in Côte d’Ivoire and know that their investment would go well. be

Protected. It helped all that, it helped all that. Please like the video. There, we are here, you are watching the video, you are benefiting, you are looking at the Ivory Coast, you find it chic, you are happy, you are smiling, but you don’t like the video, that’s how guys , you

Don’t want Africa to move forward, it’s because of you that Africa isn’t moving forward. That’s really the, that’s really the comment you make to piss people off. There, I still see six of you. Six people now who have understood that thanks to him, Africa will move forward. You have to love,

You have to support the content of your brothers and sisters. There we are, here we are in Yopougon City. There, see, even the Middle East is investing in Ivory Coast, it’s so chic. No, but there is something which, who sees who is going, which directly shocks me as a Togolese,

It is well it is the state of the roads, eh, it is the state of the roads. Afterwards, it’s also a joke that I think the Ivorians or other African countries make, they say “but yes, it’s nice to have roads, but roads cannot be eaten”. But roads are also a first step

In commerce, they allow goods to be transported from point A to point B, which allows the different peoples of the same country to be connected. I had someone who put in a comment that before, we might have done Bouaké-Abidjan in 10 hours, now it’s 4 or 5 hours,

Do you agree Mr Thas? Yes, before Bouaké-Abidjan, Bouaké-Abidjan, it was 6 hours, 7 hours, now how much is it now? Well, normally we’ll say 4 hours, 4 hours wow so no, 4 hours 5 hours maximum, it depends, it depends on the personal vehicle, it’s 4 hours, no,

4 hours maximum. 4 o’clock, my 4 o’clock, ok, we’re lucky, we passed by this side of the street, we’ll have more difficulty driving, the luck we have is there, people are starting to get off, people to actually come home. Ah, ok, and we are going towards the Plateau, and so we

Are in the right direction of traffic, we risk being confused on the way back, well that’s fine, that’s fine, so you’re in luck, there, there is “Back to the Otherland”, so who had made a video on “Web to Africa” ​​too, eh, don’t hesitate to go watch his video,

Which says “we watch the video”, and then I didn’t see the rest, I didn’t see the rest, there you go, there you go, there you go, there you go, beautiful Abidjan. They say Abidjan is the sweetest in the world, that’s because of,

What do we call it, “eSport 2000”, they sketched it, we were in Paris, we sang Abidjan the sweetest in the world, we had never seen Abidjan itself. There you go, there you go, look, eh, there is “B to” which says “a biodegradable road”, what, when it rains, the roads deteriorate or

, so she, who is from Abidjan, Ivorian, so I am not me who says that, me leave me alone, as you already attacked me on the last video, I no longer have a problem with you,

HM, so there you go, there you go, we continue, we continue to visit beautiful Abidjan. There, on the left, we have the PDCI headquarters house, OK, PDCI which is the headquarters, the headquarters itself, the big headquarters,

That’s what is there, OK, there you go, PDCI, so it’s the Party democracy of Côte d’Ivoire, as thought by Houphouët-Boigny, so at the time, they had an idea, which was that well, there were two doctrines, there was the doctrine of Monrovia on one side , there was the Casablanca doctrine,

So there were two types of pan-Africanism, one of the pan-Africanisms wanted us to create a federal Africa, so all the states would be part of Africa, but there would be a federal state of Ghana, a federal state of the Ivory Coast, etc., and then the other doctrine

Which wanted precisely that each state remain independent but that each state remains open to Africans and that each African can walk almost everywhere. So the PDCI, initially, the goal was that, there was also the PDC notably also in Senegal, and well, rather strong PDC,

Democratic Party of Côte d’Ivoire, and that had variations in all the countries, so the idea was to open up Africa but for each state to remain independent. So the P essay which worked in Ivory Coast and still one of the best known parties, since well Houphouët-Boigny still enjoys

Great popularity a bit like de Gaulle in France, that is to say that Gaulle, no one criticized de Gaulle, here in Ivory Coast, few people criticized Boigny, right, and everyone claims to be Houphouëtism. There, look, look, look at me what I

Really like is the urban planning that we manage to mix a little, when we manage to blend the urban decor, so the concrete, the cement, with the vegetation, I find it quite chic, and this is something that Abidjan does quite well, so there you go,

What do we see there? It’s a statue of the Virgin Mary or, indeed, also see how religion is very important. Oh, there, it’s “Carrefour”, but it’s not “Carrefour” that we know in France, it’s an imitation “Carrefour”, yeah, we can say that.

So, in “Carrefour”, they are in Marcory, they are in the Riviera, there you go, they have invested, “Carrefour” invested, “Monoprix” invested, B, you know that well, the Ivory Coast is. .. It’s one of the places that is praised, eh, by the big French agencies saying

That there you won’t have any investment problems, and we will find a large French community in Ivory Coast. Me, I want to say things, but hey, I don’t want to have problems either. But it’s, for example, when you look at Ivory Coast

Or Senegal, that’s what’s quite surprising, now, you’re going to tell me in the comments if anyone has heard of that, but it’s in Ivory Coast or Senegal that you have more people voting for the FN. So you see people, in fact, who are expatriates in Africa,

But who will vote for extremist parties even though they are expatriates in other countries. So, in short, it’s things like that that are a little inconsistent, or maybe if it’s coherent for some, don’t hesitate to say it in the comments, and then give me my likes. There

We are, there are 14 people watching but you don’t want to put the likes, it’s because I say things that are shocking in the videos, right? No, frankly, the African continent is a beautiful continent with a lot of things to see, with differences almost everywhere,

And you also have to see what suits you when you decide to come to which country you prefer to be. I came to Ivory Coast for the holidays, especially for the CAN, and then, uh, and then, no, but it’s still, I recognize, I recognize, there, it’s even for that,

That’s why the title of my video, is that it’s at another level, so Côte d’Ivoire is not a friend of someone in West Africa, if that is perhaps Senegal, Ghana, Nigeria, but even that, even Nigeria, which we call the African giant, uh,

It is insecurity that reigns, etc., it is not the same as in Abidjan for example, because you can walk, etc. So there, we are going towards the Plateau, faement, look, so the Plateau, so for those who have never been to Côte d’Ivoire and who are wondering what

It is, you have to imagine, for those who are in Paris, La Défense, there you go, we are going to the business district there, here is a glimpse straight ahead of us, there you go, a little glimpse,

There, we are a little, I think, against day so there is a little mist so you can’t see but you still see the big buildings, there, there, there, there, there we are, we enter the Plateau, Treichville, Marcory afterwards, but first the Plateau, look at that, the bridges. I

Heard who is making jokes, it is a Cameroonian who is making jokes, you know that, Cameroon, the Ivorians make a lot of jokes among themselves. Look at this building, B, I think it ‘s magnificent, like it’s a bit reminiscent of things in Singapore and everything, with

A swimming pool, well, in front, a very beautiful view, etc., but there you go, the Ivorians and the Cameroonians make jokes, and then there is, I don’t know, it’s… I don’t know if it’s true, because I’ve never been to Cameroon, but there is a Cameroonian who said I’m tired of people saying

That yes, in Ivory Coast, there are bridges, and the bridges are very well thought out, but there you have it, Ivory Coast in Abidjan, there are bridges, and that the bridges are very well thought out, but he says,

But in Ivory Coast, in Abidjan, there is a lagoon, ah, in Yaoundé, there is no lagoon, so why are they bothering us with bridges? So, there you go, we’re arriving soon, but in any case Yes, you know that these bridges are really marvels of engineering, eh, it’s very

Complicated to do in any case at this level. We have several bridges in Côte d’Ivoire which allow … It’s the cathedral, it’s the cathedral which is very big, yeah, yes. So it’s… What do we call this cathedral, on the left there? Saint Paul’s Cathedral. It’s simple,

Okay. So there you have it, as you see, there is the bay of Cocody which is in the process of being created, therefore which is financed, I believe, by the government, it is part of Moroccan investors too, we see

Everything that is being built here , there, maybe it will still be hotels or business districts, but look at all that. And all this, you imagine that it was imagined in the 60s. Huh, in the 1960s, and that the city plan is well respected. I put another layer

On the city plan because it is not easy, for example, in certain countries, to make a city plan that is respected, because we have to expropriate people, we have to recover property that belongs to several families. You know that it depends on the

Crops too, but I know that for us in Togo, it is land ownership that is very important, you can have nothing but in the end if you still have the family land, that’s good . But then, now, for a State which wants to develop, which precisely wants to attract

Investments and then create coherent districts with commercial places on the one hand, with business districts on the one hand, with residential places on the other. ‘on the one hand, et cetera, it’s something else but they are also choices, they are societal choices, a way of living that

Is different. You may like it or you may not like it, in any case, I’m putting these two big West African capitals in parallel that I can compare and that’s it. So there, it’s also a large building which has thirty floors there. There’s my neighbor there who’s smiling, that’s it. You

See the Ivorian hospitality which makes… On the other hand, one thing, I am tired of hearing the hammer there, if once again the Ivory Coast, land of hospitality, welcomes Africa. No, I’m just kidding, it’s really very good, everyone hears it, as soon as it plays, everyone

Is happy so it’s also things like that that give pleasure. Look there, it’s the headquarters of the BCEAO, there you go, the West African Bank, the African Development Bank, there you go, it’s its headquarters which is here. I myself had dreamed of working there, the seat in front. There is another

Seat in front too. Ah yes, in front, I know that there, they had left precisely at the time when it was heating up, even each time it heats up, they leave, no, I think they left each time

It heats up a bit. little in Ivory Coast. Well, I hope it doesn’t heat up, but when it heats up, they leave straight away, but that’s normal, they’re not going to stay, we’re not going to put

People in danger. Someone says “how do you compare Abidjan to Lomé?” I tell you, I’m even going to make a video on it, sir will be with me and we will talk about these two cities because

I think that we underestimate Lomé a lot, we underestimate capitals that we know less about and in particular the quality of life. The quality of life so you will discover Lomé a little and then why in my opinion, we can compare them afterwards. There you go, that’s also my somewhat chauvinistic character.

Give me my likes too, there we are only 1 person who liked while there are 11 people who follow, you are like that, you want to benefit from the things you see from this but you do not want to support the Afric Web project, don’t hesitate to like the video and then those

Who are not yet subscribed to Web to Africa, subscribe, it’s very important, OK. Ah, it’s when I say “at the same time”, that may surprise people who are French-speaking and more in the French space. When we say “at the same time” in Africa, it means directly,

It doesn’t mean in the same way, ENF at the same time, that’s it, as you are used to. There you go, there we are still in region B, in the region, in the Plateau district. What are we called Plateaus? De Plateaux is another neighborhood but a residential area

Where people live and why was it called Plateaux, you know? There you go, no, OK. There you go, look at the big buildings that were created years ago. Are we going to pass

In front of the pyramid, no, the pyramid, there, side, we will pass there, OK. There you have it, the Plateau region with the Plateau district. Why do I say the Plateau region? It’s because in Togo, there is a region called the Plateaux, sorry, so I’m confusing, I’m confusing the two,

My long fork. So there are 12 people looking at us, looking at Abidjan, Babi, Babi, the sweetest in the world. I might even rename the video, I’ll rename the video, “Babi, the sweetest in the world”, Abidjan, the sweetest in the world. There are several nicknames for Abidjan, there is

Babi, what else is there, is that all? I’m Babi, at the time, well, I’ve never been to Yopougon and Illes, it’s a good point to emphasize. I have what I have when I did my first and, I said yes in Ivory Coast it lacks authenticity and etc. A friend from Voiren,

He told me simply, he said to me “you, you have already gone to Yopougon”, I said “no”, he said to me “well, so you don’t know the Côte d ‘Ivory, leave us alone.’ So, but in Yopougon,

There was a street which was the pearl of the lagoons, do you also know this nickname? It’s Back to Dioland that says that. So, Patricia, the pearl of the lagoons, did you invent that for us, Patricia? Don’t lie to us here, eh, don’t make up names, no, I don’t know, I’m

Not saying it doesn’t exist, OK. So, there you have it, Civil Servants Medical Service, so there was also, it’s the hospital functioning, there you go, there was also, Franck, who is in the Web community, who had sent a video precisely to the president to who spoke of the increase in the living conditions

Of the service of, well, medical personnel in Côte d’Ivoire, that the salary has often doubled, and these are great achievements that must be highlighted. So, it’s a video, well, which was filmed in the Webacka community, I don’t know if it’s verified and if someone can verify it there,

Here, live, we don’t have a fact-checker in the Web to Africa community, but hey, in any case, these are beautiful things that are happening in an African country, it must be said, it must be said and it must be emphasized, so it is health that is really something which is very

Important in a State, health, school, all that, it is the sovereign domain. No, it’s true that we see a lot of police there, they don’t bother when we’re filming the city, it’s quite nice, it’s

True that I’m not used to that, if you’re filming in Lomé like that and then there are, there are police officers, it’s something else, so there are nine. People who follow the video, you see, and what we call this large building which is here on the left, this one is the headquarters of

The Société Ivoirienne de Banque, ah okay, logical. So, it’s been, it’s Moroccan, no, isn’t it? No, that, I don’t know, I think I’m wrong, it’s Attijariwafa Bank. If you look at the logo here, it’s, ah yes, Attijariwafa Bank which bought, I don’t know if it was always

Them who had this bank, but in Togo, for example, it’s the BIA, the Bank, I know well, I don’t know what the acronym is, but they still have a bit of the same logo that the name will change and they will adapt according to the market. So, it’s a good Moroccan bank

That has a good presence in West Africa. We also see this bridge between North Africa and West Africa in particular, well, Morocco which wants to be a bridge between these two worlds and which has even applied to be an ECOWAS state. There, a little further on, you see the Noun,

The N, yeah, the N rather, the N there, there you go, there is the park gallery, I’ll show you a little, really, so always commercial galleries, etc. ., there are everywhere in Côte d’Ivoire, in Côte d’Ivoire in Abidjan. I would like to point out that it is Abidjan that I know. There’s my

Friend there who sends me a message saying: “Ah, you really need to stop clickbait”, so stop putting titles so that people click on my videos, but it’s me , I only say the video, I only tell the truth. And as Zulu’s music says there, “Tomorrow, and

Who cares about telling the truth”, that’s it, that’s what I do. So, there is the N there, so if we pass by it, maybe you will see it, very nice hotel, I had the chance to go up to the 7th

Floor and I thought I was in Singapore with really a swimming pool that borders on the city, etc., wow, impressive. I think there are plenty of hotels like that in Ivory Coast. In the interview that will come out with Ben Africa very soon, she explained precisely that in Ivory Coast,

There are many, many hotels, there is a huge choice of hotels, but it’s true then, in terms of accessibility, is it cheap to come to hotels in Ivory Coast, it’s a little expensive, it’s a little expensive even for the service which is average . You will find

Hotels that are quite expensive anyway. There you go, the seats of Ethiopian Airlines, there you go, look there, it’s, what do we, what do we call this pyramid there, it’s the pyramid that is there, what do we call it, it’s is just “Pyramid”, the pyramid. When we say “Plateau”, the pyramid

Is Paul, we passed, Paul, we also passed Sakan San which has a gourmet restaurant, so, but the pyramid, what exactly is in it, it’s , it’s for the, the companies, it’s for, well, currently, the building has been unused for a long time, ok,

So if there is someone who watches the video, who has the means, who means, in other words, to invest in the pyramid, you are welcome. So, I think we’ve done a big tour of, of the region of the plateau there, it’s already been recording 35 minutes, so we’re probably

Going to stop the video soon or do you think that ‘there are other things that we should show, Mr. Mr. Thas, earlier I heard you talking about the hotel when we were still Cocody, I don’t know, he’s in it, ok . So, we’re going to maybe

Stop there if it’s on the road and we can see beautiful things, so see, it’s the No Hotel which is there so very. Beautiful hotel, I think it is, it must be new because yeah, yeah, how long has it been? 5 years,

No, not even, not even because it is, yes, no, frankly, when you get inside, you will see how very modern it is. There’s the Pullman too, you, the Pullman, I think it’s a little older when you look. It’s like the Hôtel Ivoire, it’s really from the time, we’re making a

Hotel, we’re making a big building, and we’re building floors, I have to stop making fun of it. In Togo, we only have, well, I’m not going to talk yet, if I go back otherwise I want to go back to the country,

But I have my big brother who makes jokes, who said that, uh, that the Ivorians called our woman’s hotel, so the hotel of February 2, hotel of February 2, not hotel of February 2, which the Ivorians call it the only child since it is our only hotel which is so big with

So many floors, but there you go , it’s jokes that we make between us, uh, it’s family, it’s not about in-laws but it’s family, the West African family. So there you have it, we’ve finished the video tour, it’s really a pleasure to show you Africa in this

Way, uh, doing city tours like that where we can, we can, there you go, chat, interact by putting your messages, uh, and no, it’s nice, it’s Africa that’s moving forward, it’s Africa that’s developing, we can all, we can all work to make it a better

Place for Africans on the one hand, for those who want to return, on the other hand, for those who want to visit and who do not know Africa. Really, we can all do beautiful things and then we see beautiful things happening without you

Being there but you can also contribute so really don’t hesitate to take a look, to come and travel first time and why not settle down if you like it and you fall in love with the city, if you fall in love with the city come or the country totally

So come, there are several choices there. I talked to you a lot about Lomé because that’s where I live and that’s what I know well so I compare a lot and I really like my city, I like it

A lot, I like it a lot , I like a lot of jokes and everything about, on most of the views that I visit even Lomé there I criticize a little but it’s, I love, I love,

I love living there after that it also depends on the character of each person when we like the calm when we like the atmosphere a little more family-oriented and so on it seems perhaps more appropriate when

We also like the hustle and bustle of the big cities, the party and so on Abidjan will correspond more uh so that depends on what you like and then well all these cities they are what

They are 1 hour flight, 8 hours 8 10 hours drive by car these are capitals which are close to the whole coast so you go to Cotonou DEP then to Lomé it’s 3 hours to Accra 3 hours from, I think

That from Accra to Abidjan it’s 4 or 5 hours isn’t it, 45 hours no there I’ve never tried never tried but these are things that are accessible there it’s the mosque what is this mosque called great mosque of the plateau there it is the great mosque of the plateau we didn’t miss it

But I think that when we go in the direction of, ticket office there is a, there is a mosque which was financed by Morocco by the king of Morocco soft when we go to who is crazy at the Grand Mosque

Hassan 2 of Casablanca because it was financed by Morocco and then well in fact it is, I think it is the same architects it is the , it is to show finally, it is a part of Morocco and

Here in Ivory Coast, indeed there are a lot of links, I am talking about banks initially but there are a lot of links whether between governments, between people, there are many Ivorian friends who go to study in Morocco and so on, so here I am

Finishing my video, I salute you all, don’t hesitate to like, comment on the video, share it around you, it’s Messan F. Akakpovi from the Way Back 2 Afrika channel and then we’ll see you soon for a next video as we say in Mina “E yi zin dé” (See you soon!)


  1. Merci d'apprécier Abidjan. Mais avec politesse , la propreté d'un homme ne se juge pas par sa chemise, pantalon ou chemises. Il faut aussi voir les sous corps, sous corps et slips ,s'ils sont propres .La CIV ,ce n'est pas seulement Abidjan.C'est aussi Bouaké Daloa ,Korhogo , Man , Gagnoa, Divo , Soubre , Abengourou…..

  2. J'ai partagé, parce qu'il s'agit de mon pays. Cependant le manque de connaissance minimale sur ce pays que vous voulez présenter au reste du monde, dénote un certain manque de professionnalisme.
    Veuillez un temps soit peu, vous documenter, afin d'éviter toutes informations complètement erronées.
    Sinon la vidéo est claire et bien filmer. On croirait est en voiture dans les rues d'abidjan.
    Par conséquent, mieux faire !

  3. Merci pour votre visite guidée des beaux quartiers d' ne suis pas d'accord avec vous quand aux pagnes ,les tissus africains.chez nous, nous portons des pagnes mais pas sous la forme de nos mamans.Allez dans les quartiers populaires pour voir les pagnes portés à l'africaine.Nous donnons aussi les pagnes et tissus africains lors des cérémonies.Ah ,le pagne n'est pas africain🙏

  4. On appelle riviera c'est Houphouët boigny qui a donné le nom et aussi faire référence à la richesse au personnes riches résidants là-bas et surtout à la rivière du golf club pas loin de là. J'allais oublié c'est un nom italien et une rivière en Italie et FHB a mûrement pensé réfléchis ce
    quartier pour ressembler à sa soeur italienne.

  5. On a commencé par la Riviera qui par la suite est devenue la Riviera 1. Il s'agit de programmes immobiliers commencé dans les années 1980. Donc quand on commençait un nouveau programme, on attribuait un nouveau numéro ainsi de suite. Donc on a Riviera 1, 2 et jusqu'à 6.
    Mais à côté on a d'autres programmes comme Riviera Palmeraie, Riviera Bonoumin, Riviera Faya
    2 Plateaux 1ère tranche, 2e tranche jusqu'à 9 tranche
    Rosiers 1, 2 et suivant
    Star1, 2 et suivant

  6. J'ai ressenti la même chose lors de ma visite à Accra. Le Togo devrait s'inspirer de ses voisins, car en termes de développement et d'infrastructures de la capitale, nous avons du pain sur la planche.

  7. Le conducteur à manqué de te montrer l'ambassade de Russie qui est à 20 mètres maximum de l'ambassade des États-Unis. Les deux ambassades se font face.
    Très singulier dans le monde entier !

  8. Un ordre de grandeur: Abidjan fait un peu plus de 2000 km2; Yaounde fait a peine 200 km2. Abidjan est donc 10 fois plus grand que Yaounde.

  9. Abidjan est bien developpé certe, Mais 30% du PIB vient des compagnies étrangéres. Ce n'est pas une fiérté ça pour un pays Africain. C'est une honte. Mais les Ivoiriens son't fiéres de ça, qui montre qu' ils sont toujours colonisés economiquement, culturellement et surtout mentalement

    Houphouet a developé la Cote d' Ivoire, mais au detriment d' autres pays Africaines. Il était un colon noir qui a facilité la francafrique et le meutre de plusieurs panafricanists y inclut Thomas Sankara. C'est pourquoi Blaise coumpaoré vit la-bas

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