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Maple Leafs’ Morgan Rielly Takes Exception After Senators’ Ridley Greig Slapshot Goal On Empty Net

Watch as Toronto Maple Leafs defenceman Morgan Rielly takes exception after Ottawa Senators forward Ridly Greig wires home a breakaway slapshot goal on an empty net to seal the win for his team.

[Applause] neander for Marner slot to Baris and kby got a stick on that it’ll come to Matthews time running down neander can’t get it through it’ll be sent ahead and rley gr is going to P the finishing touches on an onwa win and Series win and Morgan Riley takes exception to that

Ever and the Battle of Ontario will boil over here a reaction you don’t usually see from Morgan Riley but he’s all over it that’s been a good game and a hard fought third period And I understand the response for Greg you you don’t need to be showing up like

That but the reaction not a good one and now they still going as Riley was separated and sent in you got another battle going on as tarus is in the middle of it as well doy in the middle of it pinto and Matthews with words but most of the guys that aren’t

Involved in the rough stuff for the leaps are out there and you it’s just a good defensive play here as Greg gets the block the game’s over you know the time is ticking away you don’t need that but you don’t need this for Riley too and you got to be careful You don’t take more than just a two-minute penalty you got to have a better look at how bad it was afterwards as Riley came flying in and then Pinto trying to oh yeah there’s the cross check the battle continues in the stands yeah I don’t think that play for great

Was needed at all but the response by Riley will Be


  1. The first time I saw the cross check, I assumed Greig had deflected Riellys stick upward when he raised his left arm, but Rielly flat out aimed for his head. That's nuts.

  2. This behavior is not okay. The National Hockey League (NHL) needs to act now to keep players safe and prevent future tragedies. The league should not allow anything that puts players in danger. The NHL must make sure that all players follow the rules of the sport.

  3. Well…. that is one way to lose EVERYBODYS respect.

    Cheap shot after the buzzer.

    He lost Senators respect and guaranteed that he has to face the consequences next time.
    He lost his team mates respect by doing this and leaving the ice.
    He lost every other teams respect. If he does that to Senators, he can do it against everybody, so whos next?

  4. That was a sociopathic overreaction.
    As the currently longest serving Maple Leafs player, one would think Rielly would be well used to getting a loss rubbed in his face.

  5. Unwritten rules in hockey . Never slap a puck into an empty net . Never go after the teams best player . Never chirp the opposing teams bench after a goal or good play and Toronto never can get out of the first round of the playoffs . 🤣

  6. Fuching bush league move – an empty net slap shot? Bush league. Bet he wont do it again. Worth every game of suspension.

  7. It's absolutely insane to me that the first take from the announcer is "I understand the response."

    You don't need to take someone's head off just because they were showing off lmao

  8. Buncha Canadian cowards.
    Take his number and line him up the next game. Jumping someone like that shows how embarrassing your team is. Don’t like it?? Maybe don’t give up a breakaway then champ 😂😂😂😂😂😂

  9. so he took a slapper so what // Reilly tries to take his head off // throw Reilly out for the rest of the season

  10. Its funny how everyone is mad at Reilly when it should really be both of them. When ur clearly winning and are about to grow ur lead anyways u don’t need to show off like that. Obviously that hit was too much but a fight was called for. In the NBA, where fighting isn’t allowed if anyone shows off like that the average response would be a shove to ground. Even tho it’s stupid how the last 30 secs to a minute are mutually run out when a team can clearlt not catch up it’s still better than showing off when u r winning anyways

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