Golf Players

NRL 2024 TEAM PREVIEWS: Penrith Panthers & Brisbane Broncos


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Levels Podcast:
Willie Mason & Justin Horo present Levels Podcast, twice a week reviewing & previewing all the NRL games also giving their best tips.

Willie Mason is a former Kangaroo and NSW representative, is considered one of the most successful front rowers in NRL history. In 2004, he was a part of the famous ‘Dogs of War’ team that won the Grand Final, and he also received the Clive Churchill Medal during that match.

Justin Horo is a former NRL player who played 120 games for Parramatta and Manly from 2010 to 2015. In addition to playing in the UK Super League, he also represented the New Zealand Māori team.

13:30 YOUTUBE Q’S – Taumalolo, Townsend & NZ Warriors
24:00 broncos preview
33:00 panthers preview
41:20 Ivan on the Coaching Mt. Rushmore
1:01:30 new concussion training rule

This is the levels Network I Justin H joined by the triple OG W Mason OG how’s your weekend brother it’s good man very lowkey cuz the week before the go Coast took a took a couple out of me we had a big weekend and we got some big

Weekends coming up yeah I need to lay low for a couple weeks yeah real quiet just family time train all weekend got at it got after it EAB um Friday Saturday Sunday s a good time Good Man Randy mature breakfast with him a couple of times couple sessions with him yeah

He’s doing really good couple weeks own cleaning company yeah he’s been training been training you know ever you know people come in es and flow especially after Christmas and everything like that you know he just needs to get back after it and you know he trains a brai with that strong dad

And all those guys they all get after so Ren just needs to get back into the mix mate you know I just try and we all try and help each other we’re all say same similar ages we’re all still best mates and we just go all well if someone’s

Down a little bit or they’re in a little bit of a rut so [ __ ] you know how to get out of it yep you been in deeper you know what I mean like just start training your ass off and just start getting into start eating right food we

Got to get off the Pierce all this sort of stuff that’s said promote balance here lify and balance and everyone you know not everyone’s up we can’t stay up all the time for sure we’re always like this sometimes we get some little bit of a lull especially after Christmas you

Know you got business things happening here there you know you know life life goes on and um just need to get back on track bit of routine isn’t it and I went and saw the the um SG ball boys at bmore oh awesome how they looking it was good

Man it’s like I’ve never seen a bunch of uh you know kids that were just so nervous before a game brought back so many memories I said I said to I said to little Mitch Woods’s [ __ ] going to be a little rock star this kid I said to

Woodsy I was like I think I was more nervous before Jersey flag and SG ball games that I was before a test or An Origin yeah I said that’s how [ __ ] nerve-wracking it is because because of the expectations when you’re supposed to be that dude and you’re you’re shooting

For the Stars right you want to play NRL you want to play for New South Wales and austral and everything like that and they your dreams make mistake yeah they’re your dreams I’m I’m looking at some of these boys that are like you know they ey level with me and they’re

Sitting there like they’re really nervous I’m like dude big foe young young Polynesian Brothers he killed it Mitch Woods is everyone knows about Mitch Woods yeah Woods’s going to be that he’s the next any other young kids that you love young back rower big prop and big fo was

Like he was nervous and I could tell and I just went up to him and said just breathe mate just breathe I said you can’t control the outcome there’s a lot of overthinking you know what I mean you can’t handle if you know there’s a lot of external pressure from these younger

Kids from family friends social media totally different from when we was 17 when I was 17 18 year old kid true you just went out there and played no one give a [ __ ] you know what I mean you knew the selectors or someone was watching just like yeah I go out there

And just like you just wanted to kill it I could feel that they could feel that pressure right of the families you know if you played bad there it’s all over YouTube it’s over here so I like oh isn’t he the next big thing he was he

Was awful so they must be thinking about that YouTube you could be embarrassed and all this kind of stuff so I just went up there a few words with him and said you can’t control the outcome you can control what you can control 6′ 520 kilo wrecking machine be that yeah

Breathe control your breathing get through the warmup go out there and just be an animal that’s it great advice great advice for the youngsters yeah but like I’ve never I can never I’ve never felt I look zappy was um you feel a bit nervous for him I was nervous for him I

Was sitting there oh God like and um like like Stevie Turner’s um he’s the coach and Roy aetas he’s like the the trainer and like part of the coaching system so we’re all around we’re just like on I feel so do yeah I’m like I’m like I feel

Nervous for these kids I’m like they see that I could feel it and I’m and I love it and I said guys you should be embracing this [ __ ] this is the stuff this is the start of the dream this is it you know I mean this is where

It starts at Belmore I did this [ __ ] in 98 like I’ve went through this I know exactly what you’re going through just [ __ ] love it represent the club I said goes quick I said look at that [ __ ] jersey look what you’re playing for look where you are and then [ __ ]

Get out there and rip in they went toe-to-toe of the roosters The Roosters were great and M momentum can ruin everything from NRL all the way back down so we were head by Four Points we make one mistake they scored five tries in a row oh wow anyone any uh I don’t

Know if you know the names but were there were some impressive kids in the kids in the roosters were very impressive was and they bought all their plac there was there’s a couple couple local Juniors but there was a couple of kids that obviously they’ve bought from

Um oh they’re out westle in New Zealand like little clone of Sam mower back in 2013 oh my God he he and I don’t think when you’re at that age you don’t know how to hit you don’t know how to handle a Sam Mo runaway train like that you don’t hit him

He you manage him I didn’t even learn that but you learn learn you take the pressure you like you go up you hit grab the ball and let him have his 5 m or something like and you get help levers can and then just take the pressure you

Know what I mean you can’t go out and try and hit this young kid this this kid’s running beautiful lines beautiful lines be happy with it for any NRL level beautiful and you try and put a h bang bang bang try you know what I mean about

1015 out another one started outside B Mark has come out bang off his right inside b c bang try I was like oh he’s dangerous do you know his name I don’t know his name find out I find his name and another and another yeah number 15

He was I was like 15 is going to score again and I was just I just I sat by myself and like obviously there was a lot of other people around Ro supporters and I said 15 to score here okay bang just running those beautiful lines

Number 10 there SG B was it SG so if you’re at the game or or you’re watching us and your friends and family 15 give us a shout out give shout he works on his Fitness and he works on couple little things there him and the number

10 the good they got some really good kids there got some good midds there yeah and we got some we had some we we had them on the ropes but as I said momentum’s hard to hard to get back in any any level how do you get it back so

Just say in 2006 we’re trying to get momentum back we’re under the pump Shifty kick it out yeah so you kick it out so there’s 30 seconds 45 seconds you walk to a scrum 20 m in you got to wait for us to get to the scrum and during

That period you can suck it in you did that and the rest hurry up will he [ __ ] off didn’t we didn’t say [ __ ] but like no way we’re bugging you know what I mean no we’re we’re stuff so there’s you there’s the breaking momentum you get to the scrum calibrate

And then you’re attack in defense right and try and get a really good defensive system you kick it out now they pass it straight back in and you’re under the pump again and I’m like so the only way to break momentum right now is defense and working harder and then completing

Sets getting the ball back getting into completion then kicking it back in the corners like penth do and then hopefully get a mistake and then like it’s so hard to it’s so hard to get mentality it’s a mentality right and so if you get back toback sets of six resilience man it’s

Hard to like some some kids just they just break you know CU that what the game was on a tilt yeah the NRL team teams break imagine SG ball when it’s on a tilt like that they’ll both go on at it it’s hot as hell 36 35 degrees at

Belmore no one feel sorry for you no one cares I told him I I said hey we all got to go through this you got to earn your right to play 730 100% you know like you got to sit out here and just deal with

It and I said but it was it was hard and it was like this you know 55th minute now like it was like four-point game then one mistake and then it went boom five tries was good watching it it was good that they just watching these young

Bulls cuz I seen them um all preseason going at I’m like I was [ __ ] impressed I don’t care about the five tries you know momentum sucks but like it’s early on it’s early in the season started first round 35 degre at bore so they get better was it was good but it

Was good yeah it was really good oh that’s awesome mate um all right mace next week let’s get into we’ll let everyone know that hasn’t been watching the show to begin the year we will be hosting or be there presented by the tab at the official party in

Australia for the Sydney for the Super Bowl Super Bowl 58 party you can join us with NFL Australia and the tab for the official Super Bowl party on Sydney Harbor tickets are on sale right now for more information follow the link in the bio I’m pumped I’m yeah conspiracy theories conspiracy conspiracy theories

Taylor Swift and Kelsey did did Baltimore throw it has it been written is Mr fer in there I don’t know is Mr fizer and Taylor Joe Biden imagine all these conspiracy theories like you know we read them and all that g I’m like bro that surely is not true

It’s hard to uh it’s hard not to get carried away with stuff like this because they believe their own [ __ ] I’m I’m not saying I’m I’m not not a conspiracy theorist I believe in a lot of [ __ ] man but it’s like can are you serious like does does Baltimore throw

It throw a um an AFC Championship game so like Ravens tlor Swift and Kelsey can be come on bro so Biden can get reelected again5 the presidential that’s what it is bro that’s what it is that’s what they reckon it is like Taylor Swift because like all the whatever her side

Is whatever Biden yeah and fisa they paid Kelsey like 50 mil for fisa she’s sort of come in gotten 300 million followers all want to vote all that demographic vote for like Biden to get him reelected that’s what this conspiracy is I’m like [ __ ] surely

Not well if you want to talk about this with us on the boat tickets are on S right now for more information follow the link and bio like I said before ly will Chuck that in the show also want to give a massive shout out to factory

Sound thank you Jason the DJ equipment is the best the highend audio for events probably like the Super Bowl party as well they got everything uh and I just want to thank myself too Ma boy what’s up what’ you do I just feel like I’m in

Career best form at the moment feel like I’m in good neck we trained this morning you on been training hard told you your form is a elab thank you got you mate got you I feel like I’m in a good Rhythm at the moment and you know why it’s cuz

I’ve been pumping the body sides energy drinks mate they’re the ultimate solution for boosting focus and mental performance what was sitting on my bench when you come in got change this morning you little micro do in the morning give yourself a couple little sits not a micro do Smash It

All uh they have 160 Mig of caffeine uh clean energy boost to power through your workouts you can enjoy them guilt-free because they have no unnecessary sugar and carbs as well mate and uh mate honestly um jokes aside having a really good 2024 I’ve been super focused and I

Really think these cans are a big part of it we all getting after it luy Stow y getting after it every weekend I’m getting after it you’re getting after it’s it’s a good vibe it’s good energy shout out to BC for helping us get after it you want to give it another crack

Give it a crack you love pumping him during the show love it and yeah and it helps it helps ly I was chatting to luky about it really we were we were heading off we did a an episode with the how was the golf how’s the golf unreal unreal

Shout out to parata for the invite obviously with tab tab sponsor the paramed eels this year so we went on out went out there and had a chat to all the players um I went head-to-head with six of the boys so I took on Junior bolo Big

Boy how’s he how’s he looking good just I talked to him about I brought up I said Ben hannet when we told Benny Hannah last week I said can you not fight again please you’ve got eight kids I love you B I love you the hits to the head I

Really worry about said please don’t fight a person like Junior Paula who’s he’s about it right fight someone just it was interesting what Benny has said he said like obviously GS got the runs on the board and uh and and a beast and he and this is what Benny Hannon said

But he goes man Junior was different Junior was different Junior can fight bro if he fought he went Toe to Toe with G when gal was at his Peak and Junior was just sort of like he would 23 back then 24 I think like you know obviously

They’re never going to fight gal’s done you know but gal’s a [ __ ] machine yeah junor wanted to go but Junior yeah you could probably ask G and go that was pretty even fight yeah for sure yeah yeah I think he always G’s always shown respect to Junior yeah Junior can fight

Big boy big boy who can move and generate that power he just got yeah you’re right the movement the movement man look at the way he moves on the field he shouldn’t move like that at 125 kilo they’re saying he’s 125 I’m being generous here he shouldn’t be able to

Move like that man he’s so thick man I asked him a question about how we value the props um so what make sure you watch the episode it’s coming soon L is going to be getting into that we’ll have that by the start of the season for sure gim

Power episode took on six of the boys Junior bryy cartright um rean Campbell Gillard Jermaine hop good Clint gths Mitch Moses do you reckon the front Row’s got a bit of swag now a little bit of extra swag we ask him about I’m saying just just don’t worry about him

Just saying like we’re like one of the highest paid yeah in the in your team well I ask them about the importance of a front row know themselves you think you think you’re talking to and and I said I said where do they rap themselves

Him and up the top yeah right up the top forward to that we also want uh everyone to make sure they’re continuing to subscribe if you’re a new listener um I had this one made me laugh mace um we had a message from a guy fix fix a tomato I

Don’t know if he’s a new listener that’s his name on on YouTube but he goes he’s not a mar boy is I hate that I’m starting to like mace with a laughing emoji so if you’re new make sure you subscribe that yeah sorry mate I think we get that

A lot like life after footy where they might have a perception of you that’s changed now when they hear you talk about the game um 28,000 on Instagram we’re growing nicely we’re going to get to 30k for sure and subscribe on Apple and Spotify and a big one probably from

Last year that we sort of haven’t translated into this year is YouTube questions really big on them we it helps build out our show I really want to know what the fans and all our listeners um think that are current in the game will all want to know questions and we can

Help these out so let’s start off with one of them mate off the back of last episode uh this one is from a username with a cstl 123 what do you guys think about Jason tomama goat to Melbourne looks like they’ll be they’ll really need his X Factor in the forwards keep

Up Mah Lads Love that question that would be so dangerous with that guy because what they do lack in that forward pack is leag speed Nas he’s a big boy kamaka Welsh big bodies and everything like that do a lot of the you know they do a lot of the little things

They run hard they tackle hard but they don’t have that extra leg speed like a Jason T Malo even even Josh King um like just just toilers you know back even C is a massive big unit fit Jason T Malo he would take them to the top four easy

Even though they are a top four team they would have a definite strike yeah did you reckon they’re genuine contenders gen they’re genuine contenders anyway let alone have pissed off Jason T Malo yeah I don’t want to see that I want to see him carve up this

Year just just in spite of all the [ __ ] I think he’s got that he’s made of that he’s he’s got that dog in him I think there’ll be one more big year for him at the Cowboys and then might become available next year yeah but some he’ll

Be 301 maybe next year he’s still got another two two years Max like of me and depending on what bellam is doing as well yeah that’s a big thing I don’t I wouldn’t be going there if I if Bellamy was is not there yeah well he’s been

Saying for a while now but the whispers are that this is his last year yeah but he just and they brought Jason rolls back so much that’s that’s a bit of an indication Jason roll went to the roosters come back he was going to coach the dragons he decides not to coach a

Dragons with a great opportunity to go where and then he’s back at Melbourne that’s probably an indication that there could be something Jason talo in any team is dangerous let alone Melbourne and that structure and the the culture down there like he would go and just say

If he’s if he’s fit if he’s 95 90% fit he’s destroying the game for sure Josh King can just drop back to the bench or’ll be starting prop something like that I don’t know it depends how they want to play depends if they would be ball players or they want to just go

Straight through the front door would you be happy with Jas at this point if his carea to be coming off the bench for a team like bring in that extra no way no you want him he starts games he sets standards he’s Jason T he can still do

Jason T things I don’t know I don’t like the narrative that’s changing on him and it’s only because of his injuries move King up the front R don’t get it twisted with the how that kid can play he’s a [ __ ] beast you just got to get him

Fit yeah and uninjured as in healthy yeah healthy I need a healthy Jas you know like he needs to be bouncing off both that much impact off those legs man you’ve seen the highlights on that you seen his YouTube highlights yeah I’m on it it is awful it’s one of the best

Highlight re I’ve ever seen both feet no one should be able to move like that yeah he’s what he don’t sleep on him it’s only because you’ve been up in North Queens if he was playing for the roers or anyone like that oh my God you’d be putting him in your starting 13

Of all time anywhere anytime any era he’d be he’d be do not [ __ ] with him and I’d hate the narrative on it and I don’t like what’s happening so I’m just going to keep sticking with it and just say he just needs to be healthy yeah I’m with

You mate um but yeah if Melbourne would pick him up that’ be crazy it’ be perfect for M perfect cuz you know what he wouldn’t come here he ain’t he ain’t coming to Sydney I just don’t think he’s to Sydney boy I think he get he’s either going somewhere else Newcastle like I

Don’t know just not anywhere but Sydney okay I think he’s he’s got that sort of that energy he likes the the quietest get me it yeah you ain’t going to be flashy y all right this one’s on the Warriors mate Adam fahe uh can hope we

See Zion Mayu beat out Bunty for the bench bot kid will be something develop a lot under AFB this year to be left off the leash come 2025 so me ma we were watching the New South Wales cup when we were over for that Warriors episode and we were asking everyone who’s this

[ __ ] ter that was playing in the middle and on back he playing a bit of back row as well maybe they moved him out to the back row it was Zion M and uh we were super impressed by him he dog mate he goes he can go I was surprised

That he didn’t finish year in first grade but I can understand now because how good they went that a good system good system there but if he comes like you’re going to have F Blake you know obviously leaving after next year but like Bunty of F and all these other

Young young cats coming off the bench they better be doing their job bu I’m I’m ready for Bunty to take the next step he been he been around for a minute you know like he’s he’s um he does a job he’s been a few little injuries here and

There but he’s he’s got that in him he can go like but I just need that I need that young kid I’d love to see him at training going at it pushing these old dudes as I said iron sharpens iron you need that young kid coming in there

Going I’m taking you not not saying it but like he you know that he coming for your spot you slip up one or two games you know you you know he has a couple of better training sessions than you next minute he’s on the he’s on the a side

You’re starting on the reserve grade team and he’s on the bench for the first what’s happening cuz he’s murdering training go and grab uh go and grab go and grab Bunty go jump in there for a second you’re like roll what’s happening here you know what I mean like that

That’s what would be happening cuz I think he’d be just a tear away at training there’d be no handbrake it’ be just at doesn’t look like he’s got a hand just straight away and for no BL hopefully he can learn everything off AFB we speaking about Jay before he

Looks like he’s got a bit of Jay about him the way he moves can move man he can move I just want to see if if that translates to first grade yeah because Reserve grade is obviously a totally different beast in first doing it consistently big minutes in the middle y

Doing all the little things so he’s well coached over there by Webster and he’s very detailed when it comes to that because he’s from that pen system so um’ be interesting I want to see if that if he if he can do what he does in reserve

Grade cuz cuz he’s a he’s a beast if they have sort of um guys like Zion and and Ali L um really you know we say it all the time it’s one of our favorite phrases iron sharpens right if we have these those sort of kids coming through the grades

And really putting pressure on it and if not even better forcing their way into the side then Warriors are legit are legit because they got some good vets they sleep on C and all those guys that they just got now yeah that’s a nice as well

Speaking of eyes he’s off the back of the chat on Chad Townsen last week obviously with the news that the the co- captains Bren Kell’s got a spot for him he goes man I reckon Chad would be a great buy for the Dolphins they are missing a simple half to steer them

Around the simple comment is actually a compliment similar to what Broncos brought Adam Reynolds to do at at Brisbane I like it I don’t I don’t mind that yeah don’t mind it if they got some room in the cap yep they will do too yeah I’m pretty sure town and I think

Right now he’d be like he’s on some pretty decent coin and well deserved y he can still do a job he’s going to prove it this year and he’s gonna and then he might be on the market for like a you know Wayne loves his vets and he

Knows how important it is like that young CAU is still 19 and 20 he’s a baby he still needs two or three years of growth before he even hits the scene as hard as people think that he is y so to have a Chad towns in there just a

Controller you can play 58 we almost even say like and not meaning to disrespect Shan solivan or Chad town but Sean o Sullivan’s like a younger Chad Townsen right like that’s a sort of player so um even he just hasn’t L he hasn’t led a team to O Sullivan hasn’t

Done it for a long period of time like Chad’s done but it took Chad a while to build Chad’s all he’s never really been up and down from first grade soon as he hit the scene he was in first grade of pretty much his whole time no remember

It didn’t work out he had to go to the Warriors remember and then he come back and then that’s when he sort of kicked on again okay but it it took him a while he was sort of in and out of first grade at Kella early

Ear let’s get this right I’ll make sure I I’ll get up his um I’m thinking it was Robson yeah snag was around there y shout out to Robo one of the greats I think it was like late 2000s he start he debuted like 2009 or something like that

He debuted for crenella yeah I’m getting it now is that Daniel holsworth and all these sort of BLS there so Chad so he debuted for cral yes yes here we go right so he debuted in 2011 he played 11 appearances but then in 12 and 13 he8 he

Played three and five so I don’t know if that I remember coming back from France and I was playing against konala and he was I don’t think he was in the team yeah so so Robo played at parah in the 09 Grand Final who played with me in 10 probably

Yeah he would have moved to Canal in 11 and 12 so who else would have been playing six with him anyway so like it took a while so then he goes to the Warriors he plays 19 games in 22 builds his confidence comes back 2016 Grand

Final year 27 games then 25 then 27 then he has stopped since so it took it took him about three or four years to cement him himself bit like sort of you know if you if you’re a you’d be looking at a player like Chad and G yeah you would be

Looking at him and just go can I just kick really well control the team make my tackles y you know just know what you are locker room guy know what you are just good person I mean don’t think you’re JT don’t think you’re Joey don’t think you’re anyone else coer like

Understand what sort of player you are and be the best player that you can be it’s I like this I like this comment in particular from Braden they are missing a simple half to steer them around the simple comment is actually a compliment sounds like a backhanded compliment but

That’s exactly what some of those young kids at dolphins need but the guys like uh Adam Reynolds and town they make it look easy yeah because they just simplify things it’s [ __ ] hard experience it’s reps Cooper Kon was the king of that yeah for sure yeah he’s the

He’s the uh and I say again with the biggest in the greatest compliment the best game manager of all time all time all right scope massive fan of the potty I play for sadell over in England and we’ve drawn your Club wakey in the challenge cup next week any chance of a

Shout out next week’s pod to get the boys red up that’s from Henry Turner sadell I’m wakey till I die brother all right no shout out for sadell I hope everyone stays healthy you get through the game but go the cats baby go the cats oh

Yes all right let’s move on to the Brisbane Broncos mate we’re going to break down uh the the two teams the bridan Broncos and the penri Panthers um couple of I think this is an undercover signing for the Broncos this year Fletcher Baker comes from the roosters

Big boy I think he’ll have some sort of role jadden hunt from the dragons but they had huge losses Herby farnworth Dolphins Kanan palia Titans Jersey fla also Dolphins Logan balis is unsigned and just recently Kurt Capell made the shift over to the Warriors so that’s

Four out of their started in s mate so I’ll do my best to come up with a predicted lineup for 2024 fullbacks are like Reese Walsh the wing spots this looks like because we got to the mail from Kev himself a couple of weeks ago Katon Stags is going to partner s Cobo

In the centers to get him more on board uh so therefore I think it’ll be Jesse Arthurs deserves to um be starting on the wing he was Unreal in the Grand Final had a really good back end of the season I think the OG Cory oats will

Come back on the other spot maybe young kid who’s the young Dean Mariner pushing in Mar yeah yeah I think Dean marinina be pushing both s Cobo and Cory for that spot uh the hars are a lock and I think they just got close to extending both of

Them Ezra M and Adam Reynolds I think they’re trying to extend Ren for at least one more season this is a this is a big spot they need to fill though so outside of pay har with Billy Walters hooking you’ve got I think three guys that will be

Competing hard for that job Cory Jensen who’s stud from the past also Kobe hington who adds a little bit different to to Cory J more of a Defender and the name I mentioned before Fletcher Baker from The Roosters could potentially be uh competing for that starting spot so

Out of those three I’ve gone with Cory Jensen I agree yeah you like that as well uh in the back row I think it’s a straight swap for Kurt katwell I think Brenan pikura is an up and oh jeez I forgot about him he’s a gun yeah he’s a he’s a weapon

Ricky yeah yeah yeah that’s I don’t think they were concerned about leaving uh getting capable out there played so he you couldn’t find a spot for him y because cbell deserved his spot yeah so yeah had this young kid who was just like getting 10 15 minutes

Sometimes they trying to force he’s gun bro I like him he’s going to only get better man I like him Patty tough carrian he’s at the 13 as per um and then there’s a for the 14 jersey they just extended um sa smoothie Tyson vary

So I think he will be the 14 but jock Madden uh played all right in spells and the young gun that everyone’s been talking about up there for for a minute is Blake Mozza uh he’s he’s the one that’s played Queensland reps um he’s supposed to be the next big thing who’s

The big boy that played Off the Bench last year Xavier willson where’s he I got him in my 17 I got him so because I’ve got Cory Jensen starting I’ve got Kobe heatherington and Fletch Baker on the bench and then I got Xavier Williamson in my 17

With the old follow Marty tapao pushing them for that 78 spot I think he’ll probably be thereabout as well but I’d prefer to go zavier Willison because I think he’s a future he’s a fure a big kid I saw it on he’s about 6’9 coming through their their ranks there’s

Some kid in the under 18s or 20 he’s a beast I think 6’9 is a little bit too tall yeah for rugby league yeah too much too much real estate was he 69 69 they said what yeah I said that’s too much real estate to hit no that’s too big

Yeah well that’s what they said okay it might be one of those I don’t know what it was watching it might be one of those the top yeah the top 10 biggest uh people in the NRL and he was like the second it’s not the guy that they’ll

Talk cuz there’s a kid that’s left and has gone and started to look at um Rugby Union cuz he was too big I think he should okay 69ine is Too Tall yeah 6 you get a 67 like a big Nas 66 67 that’s that’s what is about 6 6 67 he’s got

About that much on me yeah what you I’m 65 65 and a half okay n is big man my player to watch is Blake Mozza predicted finish one to four still stack team um to win the GF with our friends our partners at the tab $450 to make the

Gf40 that’s almost a lock that’s the way the the betting agencies are seeing it $4 for the minor Premiership $160 for the top four $15 for the top eight and to miss the eight $4.75 all right I got a question here about the bronos about these two teams

Because both teams are stucked right what three players would you take from one team to make a super team so I’m going to simplify that even more I’m going these two teams I think I believe they are still the two most stacked teams in the competition

If you could pick one player one one player from any any player in the comp to put into the Broncos or the Panthers who would it be and why there’s a couple there like I think we’ve had I’m thinking maybe the nine Billy Walters but then I swap I because

I I like the way Billy plays it simplifies simplifies cuz he gives early ball to payar he gives early ball to the forwards you know cuz that’s the strength but then I’m thinking like you just lost flegler you don’t have another big dog you just got pain har another

That’s just about it y you got pain harsh you’ve lost cable you got P cor is not a big body um Ricky’s not a big body the log carigans he’s he’s he’s he’s a big body 110 yeah like he’s decent good size but I’m just saying like that other

Like just if they had a flegler I would have like so who replac FL so if you could cuz FL I want F Blake Adam fenal Blake I just har is an absolute Beast straight line Runner and he just will just non-stop 70 minutes in the middle does everything 95% effective tackler

Does all these little things fbl adds a little bit more finesse a little bit more footy little more a little bit more ball playing or he can like charge straight through your chest he’s got a little bit more variety where flegler had that but he just used to get off the

Back of pay pay house sets the standards there and he gets a quick play the balls but who’s going to go off the back carrian yeah but they need that three-headed monster like they had last year yeah and they don’t have it how important is it with if you got two guys

That can bang specifically if you’re going to come up against and it’s hard it’s hard in in today’s NRL right it’s but Pen’s got it because he got Leota fish and yo yeah so you need that other and Jensen’s got a big job he’s probably

Gonna go you know I’m gonna do that I’m gonna do that because I think Jensen should be the one that’s who’s who takes that play one or play two for pay house to get on the back yeah I want him to do that so pay house can get a [ __ ] line a scattered

Line so he can do whatever he wants you know and then and then carrian comes off the back of that like I don’t need pay har taking Play One play two yeah or you know what I mean I just need Jensen you get a quick play the ball you get pay

House or or carrian they have that play play three or play Four kick it yeah you know that’s that should be their plan that should be jens’s plan he’s going to get the nod I think for the starting position he’s going to have to know his

Role and just do it and I think he can do it he can do a role for them easy you’re just gonna lose sorry you’re just gonna lose the flegler you know flego just come and hit the scene massively we always have big RS on him but he just

Hit the scene proper last year a whole whole season for him origin got a strangers at the end welld deserved yep one you go a big front R Adam Fel Blake um I like it I think it’s a big part of the game for sure uh and Billy

Walters did a great job I’m gonna go with baby goat I’m gonna go with Harry Grant playing nine move Billy Walters uh potentially to the 14 jersey because he can play multiple positions he’s played six before and uh I think Cory Jensen or or even a guy like I really think zavier willson’s

Going to build into a guy maybe by the back end of the season that he’s got that starting spot the first one off the bench and and one of those uh real x-factors in the middle and therefore you get a guy like Harry Grant coming off the back of that you know because

Like Adam Reynolds is he’s your he’s your game manager so if you’ve got another option for just say if the short sitting down a Shore like a wide four which is on the post you got Harry grah that can pop out one so i’ use asra M and then get out

And keep those middles nice and honest I think that would take their game to a whole new level with with all the strike power they got I like it I like I I was just this and that like because I’m like I like the way Harry Grant run like

Plays but maybe like if I was a front row maybe he runs too much y you got to find the balance I you need to find the balance I think Billy wals has sort of found that he’s gotten tougher in defense um he just it’s just from the

Ground right early ball all that kind of stuff where Harry Grant can just he’s so dynamic in his running game it’d be a shame for him not to run yeah for sure you know like it’s a double- Ed sword you’re like I want you to run but what

Are you going to run behind yeah you know like it’s and I and then take pay H’s game back but imagine if pay takes that carry on play three they got momentum [ __ ] Harry gets out and off that quick play the ball that’d be game over yes yeah so that’s that’s I

Thinking if you had another prop I was just I TOS up F Blake Harry Grant Yep they’re both pretty good all right we’ll get to the pen of panthers after this yeah all let’s do the penrith Panthers their 2024 gains Dan Lorie Brad comes over from the Tigers Brad Schneider from

Hkr Paul alamot from your Bulldogs mace losses again some huge names Steven kryon goes to your Bulldogs Spencer lenu goes to the roosters Jam salmon is also at the dogs Jack coger he goes to the knights he’s underrated peacan Jack coger he did a good job Tom Jenkins also

At the Knights Chris Smith unsigned Eddie blacker is unsigned Zack hosking just recently went over to the Raiders so I like Zack Hoskins yeah so do I so do I he’s um he’s one of those players it’s like respectfully you’re not going to build your team around but he’s just

A nice piece and he’s and he’s super like he he was always almost even think he was better at the Broncos before he went to pen but part of the old man coach Toronto scorpions back in the day yeah there you go yeah I don’t they’ve had some big

Losses right well you the names you just called out then they’re not like reserve graders they’re all first graders right let’s get to the back five Dylan Edwards I think is a lock obviously bizer is going to be on One Wing but there’s some question marks with the wing position

Because Critter is moved on right so you’ve got three options Isaac tongle is going to be one Center and for the wing and Center position on the other side do you go I’ve gone with Tor May on the wing oh and I’ve gone with terver in the

Centers no I’d swap him You’ swap him that’s it yeah that’s I’d swap him I think I think I think T he’s built for a center I don’t think t is I like I love his play twos I like tera’s soft hands that he’s got from playing fullback

Though so I don’t think I’ve seen enough of Teru at fullback I’ve only seen dominate on on the Wing Spot maybe you could play center If he if he’s got that skill set Maybe Taylor May is that Winger you watch him play the World Cup playing fullback when he’s sweeping out

Of the back of those plays got nice soft hands I just haven’t seen that from Taylor May me personally maybe he’s got in the bag but he he missed all the last season with the ACL too so it’s going to take some transition and I think if you

Keep it as simple as possible for him to begin with maybe you check him on the win get his carries up his play ones and play two really good as well especially if they’re on one side too yeah the same side yeah good luck why kicking it that

Way we’ll kick it to the other way with like Biz like some they’re just coming at you it’s awful yeah it doesn’t matter where you kick returning hard alamod do you think he can push for the center yeah he’ll be pushing yeah his skill set

Is high if you know and over there like he just didn’t fit in like he was just he’s a young kid he’s got a lot of talent if they can get half that Talent out he could there’s a there he’s going there is a massive play there it could

Be one of the biggest regrets in the Bulldogs if if he turns out to what they thought he was going to be he’s been a prodigy since he was 12 yeah for sure so there there’s something there if they can bring that out and depends what position he’s playing and you know in

That system and culture and all that kind of stuff it’s just yeah he’s there’s a play there um yeah sometimes it’s just for some of these young kids like it might suck in in the short term to let go of a player like that he and

He thrives at another club but maybe he might not have thrived at your Club just because that point of his career and where he was he’s young just he’s 19 he could play over there for two or three years come back I’m not sure six and seven jome La Nathan clear locks

Yeah middle middle third actually everyone in the Ford packs a lock M leot Mitch Kenny James Fisher Harris Le Martin Scott senson isai yo it’s the same pack bench it’s the same pack Grand Final despite losing Spencer Spencer was their impact Off the Bench so that’s

Going to be missed for sure so let’s get to their bench in the 14 I’ve got three options Tyron pachy danne lry or Sonny Luke oh yeah jeez I’ve gone with peach I’ve gone with peach because of Versatility me too yeah and and I think penrith are the best at

Playing players in multiple positions and and no one really does that better than better than the peach Mitch Kenny goes hard too he needs a little bit of a break can come on and and he’s very cre creative out of he can play 15 20 15 20

Minutes a right play in the back roow play anyway um I think it’s look they’re going to Miss Spencer on the bench but these guys are pretty much the makeup of what they’ve been doing in the last couple of years I think Lindsey Smith is

A lock he’s a he’s the big tall body that they like come off the bench Luke Garner uh he’s a hybrid he can play centers back row for him gives that versatility and Matt Eisen Huth has been around the system for years now too yeah I think but they missed that spenc

Trying to think and I know they’ve got someone coming through the ranks they would have about two or three going for that uh 16 or 17 spot yeah so they’ll be under the pump the gers and aen yeah they will they’ll probably stick with them for the first like you know 10

Rounds but if you got some of these young kids just biting it in reserve grade they’re going to be hard to keep out yeah I was looking at some of the names so there’s um surely they’ve got another there’s a kid that I was looking at the other day Harrison hasset he’s

More of a back rower um I think it’s Liam Henry I think it was Liam Henry he’s he’s he’s more of a front row as well um but there’s no real names that stood out that I was aware of anyway there might be you know pen fans let us know if you

Think there’s a young terway in the spencil Inu mild coming through the grades that we should be excited about um but my player to watch out for and he played one game and it wasn’t the best game last year it was when they got um dusted by the Paramount HS at the back

End of the season Jesse McLean he played right center for him he’s a bit of a hybrid Wing Center fullback but um he looked like a player he got a little bit frustrated cuz things weren’t going their way remember when per got him at the end of the year and did it quite

Comfortably with by a couple of weeks out from the end of the season he played in that poor game did he he was in that game and they targeted him too they wented him Dill Brown had a day out I think Miko scored three um yeah they had

Some real joy down his Edge predicted finish though one to four obviously to win the GF $375 very short to make the GF almost a coin flip 210 minor premierships 325 top four 145 top eight $106 and to miss8 a massive $7 if you think the Panthers are any chance of

Missing the eight they’re going to be hard to beat again I’ve got a really good question for them mate so before we get to this question actually if there’s a player you could put in this penri line up who would it be what do you jeez no one in I’m not putting

Anyone in that forward pack because I think it’s the best most I’ll go first on this one I got I got I got a name that I think would be really uh intriguing to see foot of the mountains the spot that I’m struggling with is Center I love terver and ton may

As a as um as Wingers yeah I’m putting Joseph Manu oh yeah nice I’m putting Joey Manu I’m think I’m thinking centers as well yeah right like I was thinking Katon Stags yeah like just a dog in that don’t take me out another super team say

Sorry M I should have told you leave leave the other super team because these two teams going to play GF I’m still thinking I’m still thinking C maybe TR maybe turbo in the centers imagine let trell at left Center give me a tril at left Center you know

With Loui and like Dylan Edwards around the back and I’ve got Joe Manu on the right I’ll move tongo over to the left cuzz he’s you know they just need that they’re just missing that strike Center cuz we’re talking about Tera and mate cuz he’s so versatile he can

Play Wing fullback AR one of the most clutch players at pen over the last three or four years couple of those plays in the Grand Final if they’re not made they probably don’t win over the last couple of years he’s [ __ ] ridiculous he’s so big God he’s a freak

Athlete um let us know who would you add into either of those teams to just make them go the next step or or because they lost some really big players maybe at like a like a another front rower no that’s no oh no I’m just saying just to

Be on the bench like just cuz Spencer lost cuz they lost Spencer coming off the bench give me pain half oh yeah so we’re going from the bottom so yeah yeah give me Tino yeah Tino someone like that Tino or will you put Aden in the other team to this team

Imagine that all right this is a good one I really like this question to finish off Justin we have up for this next year we are loving the podcast as the NL continues to grow in Texas shout out to Austin Texas one of the great places to visit too Austin Texas by the

Way here is a question for the podcast horns down is it horns down Yeahs down Texas long ons um at what point can we give coach clear’s fls for the creation and inflammation of the Panthers system or was this system created prior to clear and that’s why his status as top

Coach has not been cemented I think it’s a great question great question um so there’s layers into this there is do you so let’s I’ve got some stats as well for us I got the top six currently from basically the N era but I also have to

Go back because Wayne was post and pre eror because he’s just an OG been around for a minute so obviously Uncle Wayne’s involved um does clear sit in your Mount Rushmore top four coaches in the current NRL era yeah he has to yeah like you got

Way bam me I don’t know who the other two are Ricky Stewart and and and clear who else would there be Robo Rob yeah fighting out for that fourth spot then Robo and Dez yeah yeah yes so it is a good question then you think of it

Like that cuz Dez is up there yeah all right let’s go through the stats and then and then we can make the decision after this so the OG Uncle Wayne 9912 games with a 61% win rate 74 finals games at 51% he won seven premierships from 10

Attempts that’s crazy he and one of those was a super league by the way Tom Brady Tom Brady I’m almost untou seven from 10 he’s the first one in there so Uncle Wayne lock is lock for you lock of course all right next one I think is

Going to be a lock for both of us as well Craig Bellamy 552 games with a 69% win rate 50 finals games at 62% in finals crazy with five premier ships from n attempts seven a little Aster no no little asteris two of those with du

To celery cap oh so he would only have three if you take them away he’s five he’s got five so he’s got five five from nine cuz he lost he lost two seven and N Manley yeah oh they they won seven and N yeah but he

Did lose to lost to the roosters he lost to the sharks so he lost four lost four five’s he’s got five from nine I’m I’m giving him the the five giv those two yeah easy bam a lock lock one and two I’ve gone back and this is in order of

When they started too so we’ll keep working back next one is Ricky Stewart and this is like surprising me his um pre his finals record is really good as well 492 games for stick 50% win rate which is still great for people that don’t know to win 50% of your games in

The NL so hard as a player or a coach 24 finals appearances at 62% with only the one Premier ship from four attempts so just not as uh he could have easily won 2 three four yeah that was like way that 02 yeah yeah well 02 like he got that we

We like pretty I’m not going to say we wouldn’t we would have won it but it would have been [ __ ] thereabouts would have been there with the roosters then you knock him out in 04 yeah 03 penth just got him won got I’m just saying like both those three [ __ ]

Premierships he could have won couple plays there’s a couple of plays off that you’re talking about right that right Dez hler 458 games with a 56% win rate 30 finals 30 finals of games sorry let me do that again 458 games with a 56%

Win rate which is gr as well uh he took his team to the final 30 times again 56% and he’s had five attempts at premierships and he’s won two of them I love is yeah does good stats depends who I want to be coached by right then let

Me finish off with the last two the next one’s Ivan 424 games with a 56% win rate that’s obviously got better in the last three years he he’s went down at the targ 25 finals appearances at 64% which is the best out of any of them with three Premier ships from five attempts

So um he obviously you know he coached uh the the Warriors to Grand Final early and then he lost the first one against the storm but they were coming home strong in that Grand Final as well potentially could have been full and the one with a perfect Grand final record

Trent Robinson 284 games with a 63% win rate 24 finals games at 58% and he’s three from three in the big dance yeah I didn’t know clear has coached that many games like in the 400s that’s crazy yeah cuz he starts at the Warriors obviously and he goes to

The Tigers comes back to the so he goes Warriors Panthers tigers panthers 2011 was his first year of coaching I believe so yes yeah like that’s crazy no it wasn’t sorry mate it wasn’t no Ian a coach for a few years got them to before that sorry so it’s before

2011 yeah I think it was 09 yeah so let me look I’ll get it up here [ __ ] it’s before it’s way before 2006 he started the Warriors see 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 gets into the Grand Final him then he goes to penth then goes to Tigers then

Goes back to penth tigers for two years awful that brought his win percentage down won three games no he did he did better than you think actually so he he still won he won 50% of his games in the last year at the Tigers remember they

Finished ninth all those years for a few years he’s [ __ ] he’s been slept on as a coach massively CU there’s no way in the world I would have thought he’s been coaching since 2006 I thought yeah I’m thinking more 2010 I thought he started in the 2010s

Yeah yeah yeah I didn’t know he played that long play here’s myh question to the question do you think people don’t with Ivan give him respect you give him respect because his success has come later in his career yes whereas all the other guys had at least played or or

Coached in the Grand Final so early or won a grand final like Wayne I think it was one of his first couple of years um Raiders get to a grand final they get beaten but he was there and then he just goes on a run Craig Bellamy almost won

Pretty much straight away as well Ricky SCH won in his very first year uh Dez won pretty early uh for the for the mly team but Dez is B Sim I think he’s just on the outside and Trent Robinson he won in his first year in third a I think

So you can’t help that can you but I’m just thinking they’re probably like they’re probably going oh he’s winning now because of the the the nursery out at penth and that like and he’s he’s got such a great team you know how hard is

To win games in the NRL now so hard and to build cultures like this like he’s been a big part of that massive part of it like I’ve heard some rumors right from some pretty good sources that like he’s coaching X’s and O’s that isn’t like what everyone thinks it is everyone

Thinks [ __ ] clear is like this [ __ ] genius out there yeah you know and I was just like because I always asked I said what’s he like as a coach they’re like you know like so it’s more his leadership like he something it can’t be it can’t be just him just

Turning up and going okay we’re just going to win now because you’ve got good um assistant coaches can I ask you a question about then Wayne Bennett because I always heard Wayne wasn’t a massive ex as an O guy either he was more of a just like controlled

About him Wayne has got that aura like he could be like a [ __ ] admir Admiral in like the US Army he’s just got that [ __ ] Aura and presence where wouldn’t matter what he do he just like demands respect it’s like [ __ ] like he just want

To play for the guy you know what I mean like he’s just got that he’s just got that or like you never want you never want to come off the field and like disappoint Wayne because it’s like disappointing your dad yeah or your granddad or someone like that he just

Has that a and it’s just like cuz he cares about you so much you know like some coaches they have that real like care factor for you I played with some coach don’t give a [ __ ] about you you I definitely know Wayne cares about me I

Can still call him now we still chat about things and like life after football and everything like that yeah I go around his house when he at house and just sit there oneon-one talk footy and life for like for about two hours he’s sitting up

The other end of the L of the the [ __ ] table like this he’s up the other end I’m up here this go and we just talk about everything so he’s just got that he’s just got that aura clearly just he’s very quiet he’s not out there

Can I throw can I throw a clear thing at you that we spoke about I just want to remind you that we spoke about in the car he must have a really good relationship or know how to coach Pacific Islander kids going to the Warriors um coaching all the Pacific

Islander kids over there the competition is 55% Pacific island now 60% he obviously got Western Sydney there’s a lot of Pacific Islander kids out there he must be really good with communicating or have an understanding of how the culture works like Wayne does there is something there you canot I

Like and some of these people that I’ve spoke to it’s they’re [ __ ] great sources you know what I mean they would know and I’m like there’s got to be something he’s got to be able to do something you can’t just have good assistant coaches where Wayne you know

He’s always had pretty good assistant coaches but it’s still Wayne Bennett he knows the game is very simple it’s not people some coaches over complicate the game right he simplifies the game you run hard you tackle hard you play for each other all that kind of stuff and

You probably win games probably have better players in other players just like but like so maybe maybe with coaching it’s not necessarily about the x’s and o’s and it’s about more about building culture and building standards but people just like you know you know what everyone’s trying to do right now

Is trying to manufacture what’s happening out at penrith where penrith have grown it organically these guys have come through the system playing Harold mats SG ball boom boom boom got absolute love for that penth Jersey right where other and and this is like this is an anomaly right for other other

Clubs don’t have that you don’t have Juniors like like eight like 10 to 12 Juniors coming through in your grand final that played Harold match for that team you scouted them from the country as a 17y old kid and they grew up grew up grew up then they’re playing in the

Grand Final it reminds me just say in ‘ 04 we bought one person Luke Patton everyone else come through that system yeah yeah and Marco and Marco mey everybody come through the Bulldog system either as a 15 16 or 17 year old kid yeah and that’s rare and it’s very

Rare now because everyone wants to buy buy buy and just sort of just you know like stick it together somehow but you still need those kids you need those kids coming through the pathways back six or seven or eight of them coming through within about 3 or four years of

Each other and then bang then you then you start building stuff that’s why PE people putting so much money into their Pathways now trying replic they’re trying to replicate that you can’t buy penrith penth have built that every What teams do you think obviously the Bulldogs got a big nurs bulog doing that

Param is doing that West tigers are doing it West Tigers Con on we just everybody is concentrating on SG ball and Jersey flick and that’s from 17 to 21 you know as well that I think Todd Payton’s doing a good job in North Queensland with young kids coming through and and they

Got some North Queensland love their foot man love it love it brisbane’s got a nursery like red Cliff’s going to like try it is like it’s such me being being in the pathways now and understanding it like they’re just trying to grab like kids [ __ ] 12 13 years old you know

Like thinking he’s the next pain har and you know it’s it’s a business man it’s a business but it’s a it’s a whole thing about recr you know I pick um Gus’s brain all the time just like how does this happen he’s got recruiters everywhere all around Australia just

Just like sending him like videos of a kid who’s playing Under 12 for like [ __ ] some local team up in in central Queensland kaas or something like that you know like look at this kid look at this kid like nonstop people like because of the day this is the age of

Information and phones doesn’t matter you can get anything to Gus or any or any club here my son plays for [ __ ] Toronto scorpions you can watch on YouTube yeah put it on YouTube Bang and then you got oh [ __ ] he can play and then like you got to scout oh it’s so

Complicated it’s it does it nearly does your head in like I’m just looking at go I didn’t really know all the the details of all this [ __ ] the teams that should be really taking advantage of it while you’re talking about that for sure is the Warriors yeah they’ve got the best

Opportunity they’ve got their own country over there they should be digging into the nursery over there the Cowboys and probably the Broncos are the ogs of it yeah like think back to the Broncos want play for the Broncos right but then the Storm come in started taking some players then the Titans

Obviously going to take some players the dolphins are there now next door so so we we need to get back back oh we need to get back to like just say the Bulldogs and all these uh Sydney teams right where players want to play for the Bulldogs right [ __ ] look at that team

That’s a mad team I want to [ __ ] play for the Bulldogs when I was playing Sunny Bill and like you know all those guys we had a whole generation come through wanted to play for that group right want to play for paramal you know like that you got those young kids like

These really impressionable young 10year olds going F and play for like Paramount West Tigers roosters you know CU because they follow their favorite players they’re not like us when we’re younger they follow Stars right I got forced to follow St George and got traumatized cuz

They lost 92 93 96 and 99 yeah sorry s George but it was like that my my old man forced me to go for the dragons right and I’m like [ __ ] I used to love CRA because of Mal mininga Ricky Stewart Bradley Clyde and they won they my dudes

I love them the way they played Brett Mullins and all those guys and I’m like that’s what that’s what players do now cuz that’s why players trying clubs trying and get stars now so you can get these young kids trying to go through the grades wanting to be Josh Shadow car

Kick out all these sort of guys it’s hard pong everyone wants to be K pong man a young kid be I’m going to Newcastle cuz kin pong plays for Newcastle and be the fullback for Newcastle like every other seven who plays cursed up there because of the

Eighth yeah you to play seven for Newcastle that’s that’s a curs little job because of Joey you know you want to play for Cameron Smith cuz Cameron Smith melbour Billy Slater GI all these guys are we you know all the players love Sunny bill that would be cool to build

That down in Melbourne where some kids like thriving to be you know cam Smith but got a pretty good one called Harry Grant there all right let’s Circle back finish off Mount Rushmore go pick us your four off the back of those okay um Wayne Lo Wayne belly lock M three and

Four is going to be hard I love Ricky SCH I think it’s probably a personal thing because I play this is your yeah because of the fact like when I said look when I who I followed was CRA who f the ball when I played my first game Ricky

Stewart Ricky Stewart was my halfback Australian coach New South Wales coach got the best out of me as a player that’s why Wayne did as well so Craig bellam me so I’m probably been a little bit biased because I’ve been coached by all three the fourth one I’m

Going to have to go with clear I think I’m going to give him his flowers because he deserves it he’s been here since two I didn’t know how long he’s been around for so 2006 and what he’s done like with that group out there and cultivated that whole Western Sydney and

That everyone wants to play for penth everyone hey you you’re from out there yeah [ __ ] but but but everyone just stole all the players in the 2000s you know in the 2020s now everyone’s like I want to be a [ __ ] penrith Panther it’s great for the game and he deserves

It mace if before we left in 2015 to go over to the UK If someone had said to you in five years penth is going to be a force that no one can do with what would you have said in 2015 hit f [Laughter] what great girls coming back look they

Had some gun teams early on but they never really were consistent like you know a couple of I’d probably say early 2000s where they you know had off the back of presto Craig G you know um Luke Le was coming through I’m talking Dynasty we were in 15 we were said no

Way like lock top four winning comps for like five six seven years I got a question for you I was on uh back on uh Instagram a little bit now person goes with how quick the game is and how taxing the game is fatigue Factor all this kind of stuff what would

You do with the interchange would you extend it would you put it to 10 I didn’t really want to answer him because this like it’s a conversation yeah okay yeah like what what would you do what would you would you think if you got it out to 10 you could probably I don’t

Know would the player like I don’t understand like the fatigue would you get more fatigue could you leave them on there longer you leave them off there less you know can bring them off in 20 minutes are they managing it you know what man [ __ ] hard man to be honest

Think about this in terms of training right just say if we do a circuit and if we’re doing a five um just say for instance we’re doing five exercises but you drop it to four exercises but what you do is you the Reps go up and you go

I think these athletes these days just adjust they evolve they evolve they evolve I trust I went through when the whole no interchange unlimited interchange when I first started to 12 were you unlim unlimited interchange so I remember playing against Brisbane I shut up I remember playing against

Brisbane and they had Shane webkey Pro Gordon Talis um all these big b just walking up and down the sideline I’m a 19yearold kid just going these guys are my Idols I loved them just getting pumped Wendell ly locky tons of Tony Carol Harvey Howard big Harvey Howard

Was a [ __ ] beast web key I was just like holy [ __ ] and they just coming on and off on and off on and off and just Terror Brad Thorn was there only P be two on the bench as well but they just I think there was four and it was just

Nonstop so they used to stack it with just like four big BLS maybe just one like one back I think it was Johnny PL or something like that and he just come on and just like Luke prce was the [ __ ] hooker and that so the evolution

Of it then it went to 12 and then 10 obviously it’s eight now so I’m like what’ll happen if you do do it I think we can manage yeah easily with eight a little bit of coaching involved as well because I Reon if you had 10 it’d be

Easy for the players because you got these Premier props that can play the first half pretty easy Arin even if 30 35 minutes easy you don’t let the pain har as a te knows if you want to play put them on there for 40 they’ll stay at there for 40 mul of

Them yeah a lot of them can so I’m just like I don’t think putting it out to 10 would help I think keep it at eight but stop changing the rules to fatigue them more yeah we don’t need to bring we don’t need yes cuz the thing is like cuz

I was talking about the fatigue factor and that like they’re fatigued enough they are they’re redlining it we spoke about this last they’re redlining it every single session that they’re doing and every single game that they’re doing they’re redlining it yeah you know their heart rate is sitting about [ __ ] 19500 for

The whole time they’re out there we don’t need to fatigue them we don’t need to fatigue them more obviously when you fatigue more then technique goes out the window and all that kind of stuff back back ends of halves that’s when the the the that sort of happen so yeah I’m like

I think if it went to 10 as I said before that we just evolve as players you just get fitter you just get fitter we just we got fitter as it went from unlimited to 12 to 10 to 8 you just had to get fitter adapted you adapt the

Every all the Polynesian Brothers have gone oh he’s not going to play to Malo perfect example oh he can’t play more than [ __ ] 15 minutes guess what 80 he trained his [ __ ] ass off he can play 80 in you destroy you all right mate um before we wrap it

Up you had 17 teams in your top eight so what what we’re going to do is we’re going to go through we’re going to do our proper top eight on Thursday I want to get predictions I want top TR scorer I want daily M I want top Point scorer

All the stuff that we can look at in the odds for our friends at Tab and we just want to remind everyone what are you really gambling with and for free and cont confidential support visit gambling help or call 1800 85885 and for people that wanted to know

My Mount Rushmore before weish give it to me Wayne Craig Bellamy Ivan and Robo I knew it I knew it I knew it see you Guys must record recorded yeah right all right M we finished the show but we got some breaking news we’ve got a article here from Adam penelli penelli y penelli nrl’s concussion Revolution contact training limit on cards as League looks to NFL so every NRL will be under a big

Brother style super Vision at every contact training session this year with an army of medical staff and spotters to be used to detect possible brain injuries as rugby league’s concussion Revolution gathers Pace in the same week the Australian Institute of sport recommended all adults and children in

Community or youth sport spend 21 days on the sideline their El’s taken its strongest step yet in attempting to combat the brain injury threat during practice session so basically they’re going to be filming all contact session so if anyone was and you these guys have been in the Forefront of this last year

Gus got told everyone about V Miko getting injured at training he therefore missed a couple of weeks that was huge that really kicks was one of your best players so that really affected how you performed for those couple of weeks now they’re going to be filming every contact session and if anyone shows

Symptoms that they sh in games bang they could be missing games huge yeah I get it like I think I think this is this is great uh for the NRL and the players the player safety and everything like that but like I’m I’m not sure how they’re

Going to police this like just say if you if you want to hold a contact session that’s not at Belmore or not at penr stadium and you went off off campus like some coaches want contact s sessions this is a contact game yeah what do you do do you have one contact

Session a week I don’t think that they’re not telling them not to have the contact sessions they just want to watch it so it’s not necessarily you’re not getting rid of contact sessions they just want you to film it so they can see what it’s going to end up being like

That it’s going to be end up like being like the NFL where you got like two contact sessions a week yeah and it’s going to be filmed is going to be like you’re going to be they’re going to be all over you so I just worry about like what what happens to save

Pathways they’re hitting just as hard yeah the contact sessions are just as hard yeah you know so like I just think with they need to be careful what they do there they could open up Pandora’s Box here I know they’re looking after players and everything like that

But we go so here here’s a bit of a summary from luky as well each Club will be required to film every contact session they conduct through 2024 with with footage to be used to analyze and potential concussion risk during training the club’s football staff MK

Also log with the NRL how long players spend doing physical contact each week you’re right mate yeah the duration of Team sessions the data will be used to shape a LC’s view on whether it needs to make a policy on contact training limit that’s what I mean yeah they’ll they’ll

Try and limit this is a study this year this is a study and then in a year or two they’ll they’ll be like okay you only have two contact sessions or one contact session a week this game is all about Conta you know what I mean and

Like it’s it’s a contact sport obviously but like I know a lot of teams there’s [ __ ] about four contact sessions a week everything every day is contact in pre season would you say minimum of three yeah it’s nonstop that’s including wrestle too yeah like wrestling is like it’s intense like

They’re doing one or two wrestling sessions a week and then plus you’re doing like some like there’ be a defense day it’s just all defense and that’s all contact it’s just you can’t help but I’m not sure how they’re going to police it because you want these you want players

I’m just this is me speaking from just knowing what’s going on in training you’re [ __ ] going at 90% yeah you’re getting told to redline it all the time especially so some players don’t know how to switch it off and they don’t know how to turn it back on when they play at

An NRL level so players need so players need to understand like play you play how you train that’s the whole old ethos the old ethos of the NRL you need to go at 100% that’s what you’re getting told your whole life now you got turn it off

At training all the time and then turn it on on the weekend yeah right you just only vets can do that you don’t get train when you’re coming through the system in the pathways you’re [ __ ] going at it these guys are [ __ ] going at it at like at

Pathways two three times a week so do you think they’ll be recording Pathways or purely first I think it’s purely first purely first grade well if they want to care about the the the protection of all players they need to be recording [ __ ] from 17 all the way

To first grade cuz these guys are copping as much contact week in week out not it’s not as heavy but these guys are 120 kilos they’re going at it and their contact sessions are [ __ ] brutal it’s a lot of extra work for the staff to be always checking in with the N sharing

The data um it’s a big job I love I love what they’re doing I love what they’re doing yeah take care like just but it’s going to be it’s going to be [ __ ] hard for you because guess what if your coach says you’re not doing enough contact and you’re just getting run

Through the [ __ ] front door every single weekend you’re going off campus I remember the uh NFL when they first imped this it felt like for the first couple of years there were more uh contact injuries because you can’t you’ve got to find that balance because you need contact otherwise you’re going

To get injured so don’t like obviously you you worry about head injuries but also during the preseason you need to be getting some good contact in so by the time you get the trials you can’t replicate your body needs to calcify to how to get hit right and you need to

Know how to train like just say when you’re all playing when we’re all playing you get [ __ ] hits like guys arm they’re like brick walls man you need little corks yeah like you touch me on the arms now I’ll be like ah don’t touch me when I was playing like you

[ __ ] you can hit me with a sledgehammer most of these players are like that because you build the calcification all over your body you train hard you’re hitting hard every single day you’re just used to it it’s a [ __ ] sport this is a contact sport here’s here’s what I’d do if I was

Coaching a team and almost like you know how probably now you do obviously a wrestle session maybe two and a full contact session I’d go I it’ll get to the point where they’ll have a wrestling session still but I’d go maybe limit my time with the playing group and go all

Right boys here what we’re going to here’s what we’re going to do we’re going to do 40 minutes don’t worry about 80 don’t worry about 90 we’re going 100 as in you can [ __ ] get legs you can chop hard we go full scrimmage and we

Bang it’s going to be 100 but it’s going to be a lot shorter than what you used to so you can so you can really double down on it get that contact that’s required how you reck Ricky sh will handle this that’s how do you reckon he’ll

Handle it how do you reckon some of these young coaches will handle it when they know what it takes to be to be that guy to be that team Ricky Dez how do you think they’re going to deal with it can’t tell those Co Craig Bellamy how do

You think he’s going to deal with it that’s what they’re built on these guys train the hardest B Bell might retire because of this B will retire you just bought him into retirement like imagine being if a Coach right now and you’ve got to that’s

Another drama you got to deal with and I get it you’re looking after the players but understand we know what we’re [ __ ] getting into as players we want this yeah want contact we want the contact we need contact I no no I’ll limit it to the head and everything like

That I want people getting knocked out all the time but this [ __ ] sport is brutal it ain’t for everyone it ain’t for everyone and I’m sitting here as a [ __ ] ex player I know exactly what it takes to get to the top and if they’re going to [ __ ] limit this [ __ ] ain’t

Going to be many people getting to the top 95% of us that’s what draws us to the game wa wa some of the boys hey hey a lot of us aren’t cut from that cloth about 98% aren’t cut from this cloth you know but you know I am yeah like most my

Mates are we all understand this [ __ ] that’s why this conversation will be [ __ ] everyone go oh he’s such a [ __ ] brute and [ __ ] it this is the way it is built this is what the game is built on yeah this is not for everyone this is why [ __ ] half you guys are

[ __ ] accountants and Builders and all this other [ __ ] you do your own thing we played [ __ ] footy and we want to be the best at it I love [ __ ] whatever you do [ __ ] do it the best but like bro like this is this this what we

Signed up for this is what we signed up for we know the [ __ ] repercussions of like what’s going to happen we know the risk if we don’t want to [ __ ] play it don’t play the game simple you get to that age when you’re 15 16 you’re like

[ __ ] I used to love it when I was playing with my mates and [ __ ] now I got to go out Mount Dr play against a 6’5 [ __ ] tongue and he’s going to rag doll me I don’t like [ __ ] rugby league anymore dad [ __ ] it I’m going to

Go surf guess what yeah then you’ll [ __ ] know but then all the rest of all the rest of who want that who are [ __ ] from a different upbringing got different got got dealt different cars when we’re younger we want that [ __ ] smoke yeah all right this will develop

More as the week goes on we’ll chat about it more on thday


  1. Millie Boyle, Keeley Davis better shut the "F" up cos I got secrets on em' alll when I was and still am innocent of all the shit they say aint true!! My Nephew & Niece plus family know I am the Protector' . . And Punisher if I must be! . . Or else'!!!

  2. Talk about Qld Coppers & nsw one's for that matter ICAC . . My step father changed my passed away Mum's/Mom's Will and he ex Cop!!! So fuck all ch 9 who think otherwise!!! Lady (Princess) Diana must charge on! Or else!!!

  3. I am Scum!!! I am, u are, we're all Australian! . . Scum!!! Oh wait, hang on, hold on, hold out, . That Eddie Jones & Aus Rugby hehehe! . . What society we live in where we praise ourselves now . . Oh Lord'! Rugby, Six Nations is our's . , Ireland, Eng,!! Then British Irish Lions' tour, then next W C! Thankyou Australia i love and miss the Sydney/ Darling Harbour Mono Rail but hey, yo, hell, who cares right'!?! Sorry Brooke Boney i secretly love you!!!

  4. Remember Millie Boyle (Missy Elliott) was the one that said Tamika Upton "Doesn't look good" . . . No, you forgot Millie, she looks great, stunning, amazing and so so classy it aint even funny how Tamika show's everyone up! Along with the Southwell Sisters! . . Esp. on Dally M Medal awards night 2023' where she (Tamika) outshines everybody!!!

  5. Love the Podcast. Ezra Mam signs big deal with the Broncos. Can he step into the 7 jumper when Reynolds retires? Lads did you hear the Rat on SEN yesterday talking about the QLD origin side for this year having Walsh at fullback with Munster on one side and Ponga at 13 with cherry Evens on the other side.

  6. Hey boy! Love the poddy! As a roosters fan watching the OG as a young 10 year old was me favorite part of my weekend back in the day!

    Thoughts on how over looked do you think the roosters signing of Justin Holbrook to the coaching staff is? Roosters probelm last year was attack which is the one thing titans never had an issue with. Opinions boys?

  7. Hey lads, loving the pods.
    In regards to a potential replacement for Leniu.

    Their is a player called Ativalu Lisati who during the off season seems to be performing really well. He’s been a part of our system a while and close with Fish and Moses.

    Also a young kid called Luron Patea who is very like for like with Spencer and played in the under 19s origin last season for nsw and actually stood out a lot coming off the bench

  8. After hearing your stats on the coaches Here’s some of James Maloney’s stats to aid the cowboys for a crack this year

    2011 – makes GF with warriors
    2013 – wins GF with roosters
    2014 – minor prems (roosters)
    2015 – minor prems (roosters)
    2016 – wins GF with sharks
    2018 – takes Penrith to week 2 (20-21, just loosing to sharks)

    (In 6 years makes 3 grand finals with 3 different teams and then takes Penrith to week 2 of finals)

    Now that’s some new age passion with a Bit of Larikan

    Aswell as all his other accolades the man played in a lot of teams and was very successful so you can only imagine how strong his leadership is haha and also shows you don’t need to go to the gym you just need ticker and that his heart is as big as pharlaps

  9. Cleary should've made the finals in his first year 2006 as well, if the Warriors hadn't been docked 4 points from cheating the salary cap the year before

  10. What do you think about the Cobbo move to centre? Would Jesse Arthars be more of a like for like trade for Herbie (hard and fast all runner out of trouble piercing gaps and leg drive, rather than Cobbo looking for contact up top). I worry about the Cobbo move disrupting the defence of two edges rather than only moving Arthars one spot in and putting Mariner on that wing spot and keeping the rest the same

  11. love the podcast as a bronx fan im confident we will go good but losing herbie flegler capes and pelasia was huge but we have piakura is a gun and some boom young kids mozer willison etc coming through and everyone else got finals experience mam and walsh to keep growing and we will see how we go

  12. “Life’s about balance. Not everyone’s up. We can’t stay up all the time” Cracking episode – Needed this one today. Love from the U.K.

  13. Mason is so good doing this type of thing. Who knew, he was a bit annoying as a player haha.
    Great analysis by both these guys honest and detailed, every angle covered. Great show

  14. Remember rabs comment every body needs a big Willy after he did a great run in a game. haha. He was on another planet rabs most of the time. Hilarious.

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