I Visited The TaylorMade Golf Ball Plant To Find Out How Golf Balls Are Made!

Alex visited the TaylorMade ball factory in Liberty, South Carolina to find out how the new TaylorMade TP5/x are made and much much more. Watch the video to find out more! is the #1 online golf website for news, reviews, tips and instruction with more than 3 million monthly users and growing.

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So how are these golf balls really made let’s find Out so Kenny from the core of the golf ball to hitting out of bounds on the first T tell me how a golf ball is made here at Liberty South Carolina so there is an immense amount of work and process that happens between that that and it

Ended up out out of bounds and I think when we get done with the tour you’ll have a whole different level of appreciation Absolut I know I know I do I can hit one out of bounds and or in the water and it almost it breaks your

Heart after you see what’s going into making it right so we’ll we’ll get started first with you know the first piece of the process which is our manual cool room okay so we’ll start there and we’ll work our way through the factory and we’ll end up in the end where we’re

Actually putting the golf ball in the sleeve and we’re putting it in the box and it’s off to the consumer posting it all to our viewers Good Start should we do it we should do it happy day so how long is this uh this Factory been here

So we’ve been here for 10 years in this location okay um they existed I don’t know the exact number but several years prior to that maybe 30 mil from here okay but this facility has been 10 years 10 years okay is there more factories around in in the world for tailor made

For gol so there is in the world we are the only presence in the United States sure how many how many members of Staff Ry do we have work so we have right at 300 people 300 people in the building okay and you guys open 47 as well yes I

I laugh and joke sometimes if there were an eighth day we’d find a way to run it right yeah it’s around the clock we we do take major holidays I think people need to spend times with the family sure so we take those down but other than

That it’s just wide open I guess go never sleeps right never sleeps right what you takeing me so that’s this is the beginning of the process so the the mantle so I use sometimes mantle and core interchangeably so you’ll hear both of those but this is where the process

Begins the the manels and cores are made in Asia yes and then they’re shipped into Liberty so the first thing that we do in Liberty is we do quality income and receive an inspection okay we make sure that it’s the right type the right size the right everything there’s all

These parameters wrapped around there the important piece of this to maintain consistency is to have it at a certain temperature and under a certain humidity okay so there’s two attributes we have to meet one is time and the other one is temperature so those barcodes that you

See that are on The Hoppers there so there’s a whole lot of data that’s recorded there so if if I try to scan a hopper too early yeah or not at temperature will not allow you to move it for really that’s one of the ways that we control that and what

Temperature is it controlled at so we’re trying to hit that we’re trying to maintain that below 60 we want to be at 56.5 so where we have the room now that’s cold 30 yeah so we could go in there for a few minutes but after a few

Minutes we’re going to want a coat or a par the jump it’s a very cold room I see so the different colors that we can see here of the of the mantels is that to categorize which type of golf for is it is know that’s a great great point so

Part of that is that’s a fail safe and a very easy one yeah absolutely so I know that you know a tp5 is a certain color a 5x is another color and I can’t so I can’t mess that up yeah you know you could argue that if you had people that

Were color blind but be a problem but that’s one of the ways that we keep that separated okay so how long are these these mantels kept in this room for um up to you know 8 hours and they can be sooner it can be sooner if they meet

Temperature okay cuz that’s really what we’re after certain temperature okay interesting 8s 8 hours is quite a long time in terms of this is already I think people could think a golf ball takes no time at all but I mean this is only the first step yeah it’s a long process

Right looks complicated it’s very complicated very so what you’re looking at is the most advaned Cas your theme molding line in the world it is highly automated it was a it’s a major investment but as we spoke earlier in the day there are 30 different attributes and checkpoints in that line

Alone to protect the quality of the product right what type of uh inspections do you guys do if you go an example we have so we’ve got things as simple as I’m going to check the weight yeah right and then we’ve got things as advanced as I’m going to use artificial

Intelligence deep learning to look at different attributes of the ball wow I didn’t expect that yeah that is good it shows how much detail you guys go into here just for a golf B people think it’s tiny little thing made out of feathers like 50 years ago but I think it’s

Changeed quite a bit has takes a lot of Technology a lot of people and a lot of time so that’s cashier thing so you cashier line this one’s capable of doing roughly 90,000 dozen a month own its own 90,000 90,000 dozen so that’s something we get used to here yeah instead of

Talking pieces you talk dozens doz okay how many gol balls does this Factory churn out a year we’re sitting about 3 million to 3.2 million dozen a year right now are you trying to make that number higher absolutely have you got a forecast to that you can tell me we want

We would like to be around 4.2 within the next year and a half two years and half of those are mine as well well I lose a l so between me and you we got that we got cover that’s right that’s right that’s incredible that’s so

Many that’s so many now I kind of understand as to the 24/7 aspect of it as well to turn out that many I’m assuming you have quite Punchy targets here as well as to what you do as you should as well team Taylor all right what’s what’s next should we go next

Step of the proc good Start right where are we now Kenny so we we’ve gone past your thing we put a cover on the ball so now we have to prep that surface so there’s a process next that that requires a smooth surface it requires some things to be done that’s the department we’re in there if you

Will there’s some rough edges that we’re going to smooth out with all these machines I can see behind me that are just pumping out golf boards how long is this individual process here so this is pretty quick there there isn’t a lot of weit time so in the process there is

Some cure time at certain points like we talked about Manel having to cure there’s some other pieces of the process where it’s specific this this isn’t so you can you can move really fast and we typically you know we’re we’re on that 10,000 dozen a DAT Cadence

I have extra capacity in here so we can actually do more than that you can do that 10,000 dozen in less than 24 hours let’s call it you know 20 21 hours I’m still it’s a lot to take in it is and you know this is just this is a Surface

Prep area yeah it’s only going to get better isn’t it that’s right so next we’ll move in to where we actually start to finish the ball yeah I find it so cool I think since some of the viewers to see when you think of a tailor 25 you

Think of the logos everything on this what we’ve been able to see in this tour today is like hundreds if not thousands of just plain white golf balls that don’t have any logos on them that are taing to be high for me to wrap my head

Around that is so weird cuz they look like range balls almost cuz they’ve got no branding on them so it’s really cool to see the process of then going from that as you said to get the finishing and package in the up so they’re really moving past this point they’re going to

Really each Ball’s going to get a real identity I see so right now all you’ve got the performance kind of already ticked off and now when you get the personality of the GOL for what you say a little bit of so you’re putting that performance in every step but yes now

You’re going to get some personality to this the fun part I think it’s the fun part that’s right all right let’s move on now we’re going to move into what we call our paint department so we’re actually going to start applying the white coats of paint which is a finished

Ball you start to really see that beautiful white glow up until now we’re kind of dull we’re surface PR we’re going to move into that now so this is where putting the makeup on the ball a littleit we’re to put the makeup on okay let’s see it I’m excited for this Bit right Kenny this to me seems a little bit more like a place that you find ad doctors or a hospital right A lot of people walk around a white coat right very very smart people I imagine as well do stuff like this what what what is this place what we see what

We’re going to do now is is we’re going to start giving the ball has identity but it’s not visible on the side so we’re going to work on that now now we’re going to say is it a tour response is it a tp5 is it a 5x and we’re also

Going to as we walk further you’ll see the PX machine which is our multi head pad print technology right which produces the PX ball yeah I don’t think anyone watching this video have any idea as to that machine over there and thinking that would make pretty much the

Entire pix population from Taylor ma let’s see it this this should be fun oh my God yeah that that’s really really cool don’t know if we can show you that but those are some pretty cool pools in there so that is again how many golf

Pools are in this this so so that’s a great question usually there’s anywhere from 400 to 410 dozen is in a hopper right wow and that’s how we move the product through the factory all day long why between that amount 400 to 410 dozen was there a certain reason is it weight

Is it practicality we would have gone bigger but then you get an ergonomic issu now a big lad like yourself can push a great big one right 400 dozen is that’s good number that’s a great number yeah so let’s let’s focus in on the PX machine and talk a little

Bit so we’re giving the balls that we’re doing here you know we talked this morning about the new 24 which we’re calling the P 3.0 that is stamped on the machines that were in front of entirely so the important piece of that is when you look at that ball those emblems are

The same location on every ball and you want that repeatable right right so in order to do that we have to rotate we call it clocking we have to rotate that ball a certain amount of degrees stamp that ball rotate it stamp that ball and

That has to be precise so all of that is controlled in the control and automation aspect of the equipment we have some really smart people that tune that you say it’s on the exact same spot every single time is there no discrepancy at all with that if it’s 00 1 mm somehow is

That got we’re going to catch it yeah you’re going to K it wow okay so there really is no leeway at all in terms of that and that’s where the that’s where the the AI the Deep learning AI That’s where that comes into place cuz you and

I we couldn’t do that I see we’re different our eyes are different but with a automation going in depth it can make those decisions for us so you have for that QA period you have an array of obviously AI but also human trial as well putting it forwards do you have

People when these BS come out do you have people looking at them as well absolutely you do okay so you so what what and that’s a great Point you’re now you’re getting the different levels of how we control quality because we still have to audit it we trust it we believe

It we know it’s smart but we’re going to audit it yes so we come out at routine intervals throughout the shift and we make sure okay we take audit samples those are gone through we get the results of that we always double check good so computers aren’t taking over the

World just not yet if you watch the if you watch the news it sounds like they are maybe in 10 years or so but not right now so how many times is this so I can just looking at how many times is this ball going through this and getting

Getting punched how many we can actually do it 16 times There are 16 plates so you’re going over and picking up ink on a Surface you’re coming back and stamping that so in the balls we were looking at earlier that could be the black outline well then I’ve got to go

Get the color right and then I’ve got to go get another piece of black line so I can’t do it all at one time if you were to cuz you said you’ve got the PX 3.0 going here if you were to change that into another variation that you that you

Have certain array on how would you go about doing that does that take a while to go through can you just plug and play almost I feel like it’s not going to be Plug and Play so it used to take a really long time okay and you know to

The tune of 8 to 10 hours yeah and over the period of 3 years we’ve reduced that time down to a little over an hour sometimes we’re a little less than hour and we did that through continuous Improvement right and that’s quick change fixtures that’s things that that

Why are we doing that ask those questions why are we doing that how can we do it better and we want to get it even further what you want to be able to do is have a seamless change over we’re not there but we’ll keep I’m sure yeah

I’m sure you’ll be right that was incredible what’s next now now the balls have a somewhat identity yeah now we’ve got an identity we know what we are we’re ready now we got to pack it out so we’re actually going to go into sleev into tray and lids and we’re going to go

Off to the consumer oh okay wow so you’ve got that there as well let’s see it this’s be fine right Kenny I think there’s about I don’t too many gol fors behind me what is this place say I’m packaging up now getting ready to send to our viewers and

The consumers it’s exactly right so we we’re complete with the process we’ve gone through inspection everything is good these are sitting in queue waiting to be packed out right so these are all perfect good balls beautiful the best in the world so you can see just by here

I’ve got tour respon stripe in blue we’ve got an array of golf BS here though don’t we so I can see over there as well we got the new Pi 3.0 and these are categorize as well which is which how do we get from this to the finished

Product so in the Box ready for someone to open for Christmas or their birthday let’s go take a look at it yeah let’s do it if we known each other longer i’ jump on one of those but I think I’ll probably get fired so everything that we saw a second

Ago when you pick the strike ball up it’s waiting and queued up to be final pack and that’s what we’re going to look at now so these balls that we can see behind us there they’re going straight to the consumer is that correct they’ll they’ll go to a distribution center and

Then we we also have the Ecom facet which is direct the consumer you could order three dozen golf balls well you know they’re coming straight to your house so we handle both okay wow I I’m looking at the machines that we just walk past as well I can see and what

Kind of marbles me a little bit here is the sleeves of gos that we can see is that done by humans is that done by computers as to how it’s put into yeah that’s that’s a great question so there’s a there’s a little bit of of human interaction here one of the

Examples behind us is we’re we’re going down a path of what’s called a cobot okay so it’s a robot that’s actually allowed to work around you and I in terms of the factory here Liberty what what’s next if you’re looking at a the next 5 years are you just trying to

Upscale it as much as possible upscale as much as possible and continue to drive as much as Innovation into the process because again we control the process quality is the process not the product the product is the end result of a process well defined and controlled through our qms program and that’s where

Our emphasis is going to be we’ll automate where we can we’ll take advantage of AI and deep learning but all of that is to to build that process even better than it is today yeah cool well I’m looking forward to seeing it it’s been an absolute Delight Kenny

Thank you very much for the trip you’re welcome sir thank you cheers right so I think I found my ball for 20 24 but I’m not going to reveal that just yet guys let me know what you thought of the tailor made golf ball Factory in Liberty

South Carolina there is so much that goes on behind the scenes of making a perfect golf ball that I wasn’t even aware of so I hope you’ve enjoyed this video if you have leave a like and if you are new to golf magic make sure you smash that subscribe button to improve

Your game going into 2024 could it be a new golf ball could it be a new driver we’ll find out till the next video guys see you later Need


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