Golf Babe

Woman Gets Publicly Embarrassed By Education Board

People don’t want to let teachers teach! Leave a comment with your thoughts below!

#RebelHQ #Education #School

This revision wants to teach a first grader who’s still putting notes to the Tooth Fairy under her pillow about following Gandhi’s lead to a peaceful protest a first grader CRT is already rampant and baked into our curriculum and we don’t want to be good little Global Citizens where our

Border is considered a military zone I don’t know what grade that was added into but why it’s a border and it’s good teach that hey everybody comedian mazj brani here what you just watched was a clip of a mom at a hearing complaining about the Texas state board of education’s curriculum for social

Studies which includes some lesson about Gandhi and peaceful protests to first graders and she’s upset about it cuz she says this is part of CRT critical race Theory which is running rampant and she she’s just taking a lot of mumbo jumbo she’s heard and throwing it all together

Uh because the truth is critical race theory is something that’s taught at The Graduate School level and using Gandhi as an example for peace is just using a historically world leader to just say there’s peaceful ways to resolve issues it’s as if she were at this meeting complaining about saying they’re

Teaching trigonometry to my first grader by teaching her about Trum triangles you see you got to learn about triangles before you can understand the concept then later on you’ll learn about trigonometry so therefore teaching peace does not mean that they’re teaching them critical race Theory these are two

Different things but it gets worse because the lady then is complaining about borders and then we come to find out she doesn’t know much herself so let’s watch that clip I guess I want to understand if what what of what of the history um on how borders were created

Do you know about what what did you learn when you were in school I’m not an expert I I don’t I don’t appreciate your um belittling I didn’t here with a PhD I didn’t come up here as an educator or somebody on one of these work groups I’m

Coming up here as a parent but what is in the standards is understanding our indigenous roots and understanding how uh indigenous communities have been impacted and those sorts of pieces of our history are very important and so again I ask what do you remember about learning about indigenous

Histories I don’t remember very much about indigenous histories which is the point you go to school to learn America has one of the worst education uh you know in the world in terms of rankings we’re really low in the world and God forbid you ask an American about other countries we don’t

Know nothing I’m a standup comedian I perform all over the world I swear whenever I ask ask anyone in my audience in America about another country generally speaking we don’t know much but the problem is we’re part of a world we can’t just isolate ourselves and pretend that the rest of the world

Doesn’t exist we can’t pretend Gandhi does not exist we can’t pretend indigenous people weren’t here before we came and murdered them you need to know your history you see the problem with people complaining about iCal race theory is that it’s just history you can’t just say well let’s get the good

Stuff from history let’s get the uh let’s get the time that we uh uh you know won the the the the gold medal in basketball in the Olympics but let’s not talk about all of the slavery or overthrowing governments in the Middle East or overthrowing helping overthrow governments in South America or Latin

America let’s not talk about any of that stuff let’s just talk about the good stuff let’s not talk about slavery let’s not talk about indigenous people let’s just talk about the good stuff it doesn’t work that way because if we do it that way we end up with moms like

This lady and it gets even crazier cuz in Florida they’re teaching about bias and there was an actual lesson and I’m going to tell you what it was right now bias bias can be created by inserting suggestive blank into statements the media is often biased and will add words that persuade you to

Think one way over another and it says read these two statements that were made by reporters after the 2020 election statement one president Trump made claims that the 2020 election was stolen statement two president Trump made false claims that the 2020 election was stolen the first sentence is just giving you

Information while the second sentence leads you to believe he is wrong before you have all the facts no no both didly didly no you can’t no the reporter has gone and studied and done the research and can clearly say that President Trump made false claims that the 2020 election

Was stolen how does he know because 60 courts said the 2020 election was not stolen Republicans the Trump Republicans people that were on his team said the election was not stolen we’ve proven the elections were not stolen so the reporter can put the word false in there

Now don’t get me wrong I know that media is biased there’s right-wing media there’s left-wing media they use different words to get their points across but there’s certain things we need to agree on and you can’t be teaching sixth graders in this form that the election was stolen because it

Wasn’t stolen so Republicans are losing their minds trying to say we shouldn’t teach about history the the bad parts of History we shouldn’t teach about that we shouldn’t teach about the fact that the Star Spangled Banner written by uh Scott Key whatever his name was

Was it was actually uh u a a he was actually a pro slavery guy and there was slavery and there was uh racist undertones in that oh say can you see that song is actually comes from a racist history and we should know that we should it’s okay doesn’t mean all

White people are bad we should know that and it gets worse cuz Republicans in Wisconsin are now trying to ban certain terms watch this Republicans in Wisconsin are proposing Banning this insane extensive list of terms and subjects from classrooms in their state and I just want to read all the terms to

You because uh you’re just going to see how ludicrous this is it’s in alphabetical order but they they said that um and we’re putting critical race Theory at the top of it anyways obviously so here we go critical race Theory action Civics social emotional learning diversity equity and inclusion culturally responsive teaching

Abolitionist teaching Affinity groups anti-racism anti-bias training anti-blackness anti- meritocracy centering or decentering Collective guilt colorism conscious and unconscious bias critical ethics studies critical pedagogy don’t know if I pronounced that right critical self-awareness which they should learn and the list goes on and on and on you see here’s what’s happening Republicans

Don’t want an educated population because if you’re an educated population you read between the lines you see the grift you see that Donald Trump is the biggest grifter in the world pretending to be poor and getting people to donate money to him so that he can go and do

Whatever he wants to do and yet pay $750 in taxes bury his former wife at his golf course so it’s protected if uh his assets get taken away I mean the guy’s the biggest grifter in the world Republicans don’t want any kind of Regulation to force corporations to pay

Their fair share of taxes they don’t want people to get wealthier and move their way into the middle class why because the Dumber you are the easier it is to manipulate at you the less critical you’ll be of them the less critical you’ll think of what they’re

Doing that’s the problem that’s why they don’t want education at a young level or at an older level they’re upset about the $10,000 to $20,000 loan forgiveness that Biden just uh uh implemented they don’t like colleges famously there was a an economist uh who was under Reagan who

Said we don’t want to subsidize educ education at the college level CU colleges used to be a lot cheaper but they said we don’t want to make it cheaper because we don’t want more and more people being educated and if there’s not enough work for them then we end up with a

Proletariat that is out of work and will work towards overthrowing the government rather than saying let’s create jobs for everybody they said let’s just keep everybody dumb so that’s what’s going on so if you are a Republican and you’re hearing all this stuff about critical race Theory and you’re hearing about

Like oh my God gender studies and all this other chill no one’s trying to manipulate your kids to think in some crazy way they’re trying to educate your kids to think critically and they’re trying to keep you dumb so don’t be dumb read between the lines go find out why there’s

Borders why are there borders what’s going on at the borders how did the borders ever come about who was in this country before we were here doesn’t mean that you were the one who killed the Native Americans but it does mean we should know our history so with that

Said on behalf of Mahatma Gandhi I just say namaste stay educated please next time you’re at one of my comedy shows if I ask you who the Prime Minister of England is have an answer ready even if you’re wrong even you say Boris Johnson I’d be like well he was he’s no longer

Let’s let’s know about the world just a little bit just a little bit to quote to quote Robert daero in uh Good Fellas a little bit little bit little bit little bit I’m majani follow me at majani i s I’ll be funny if you come to my shows ah

These people are crazy educate yourself bye


  1. We can teach that slavery was racist and that who was a slave and who wasn't was based on race without telling people which race did what to whom though, right?

  2. We went over atleast very basic indigenous hiatory in school. Shes just stupid in that im sure it was taught to her but she just didnt GAF. The curriculum has t cha ged that much it just gets updated overtime.

  3. Psalm 137:9

    "Blessed is the one who grabs your little children and smashes them against a rock"
    The Bible was written by some truly sick people. Remember this Psalm when Christians claim to be good people

  4. Give poor low informed white people someone to be mad at and you can pick their pockets all day. President LBJ said that.🤔

  5. A fact seems to no longer be a fact. RWers like to degrade LWers by calling them 'snowflakes', but they are the ones who always fall back onto their feeligs. After all, their preferred source of news (Fox) has come out in court to say that their content is less news and more opinion.

  6. The school board administrators response after she nailed her down on admitting she knew nothing about the history of indigenous people in America should have been, "Precisely, that's why we want to give your daughter a better education than you had."

  7. The right has stealthed in and ramped up the racism to such a degree that this woman spit out Ghandis name like it was a pejorative. I got news for this delusional twunt, even with educational intervention her daughter will be lucky to survive the dysfunctional home that she is subjecting her to without ending up in even more dysfunctional relationships or going down some pretty dark paths.

  8. Also, the karen is only upset about this made-up talking point because she was told to be outraged. Anyone who is upset about critical race theory isn't doing any critical thinking themselves.

  9. Obviously, Ms Mom didn’t pay attention in her history classes. I’ve rarely heard a group of words strung together that mean absolutely nothing. No value whatsoever. A prime example of ignorance on so many levels. So confidently ignorant, she doesn’t even know what an embarrassing ass she makes of herself. Good example she’s showing her daughter.

  10. If she wasn't white there would be no mockery of her. This Karen crap reveals the double standards with leftist Democrats and this guy.

  11. Christian Nationlist conservative Republicans want an uneducated population so they can force their religious rules back down our throats.

  12. To your point: I grew up in a town that carries the name of the English Lord who gave smallpox-infected blankets to the indiginous tribes to wipe them out! That is US history.😢

  13. Bottom line: Americans starting in the 70s-80s started valuing education less and less, they had kids and propagated their values to them and now a good chuck of 30 or older Americans didn't give a damn in school and don't value an education. They lack critical thinking and an interest in learning about things they don't understand. They'd rather just remain ignorant and hang out with ignorant people.

  14. @6:08 Francis Scott Key wrote the lyrics to the Star Spangled Banner.

    Fun fact: The music for "The Star Spangled banner" was plagiarized from the song "To Anacreon in Heaven" written by John Stafford Smith and was the official song of the Anacreontic Society, an 18th-century gentlemen's club of amateur musicians in London.

    Can you imagine some school in Florida or Texas teaching that? No, of course, you can't.

  15. The biggest mistake America ever made was telling willfully ignorant people they have a seat at the table. We have Americans fighting for their children to be ignorant. Ignorance isn't a point of view. It's a character flaw.

  16. She's a poster child for the blind leading the blind. Hopefully her children will be a little more knowledgeable than she is, but probably not! And yes, I lived in the south for a couple of years….many of them are ignorant and proud of it! 😂😂😂

  17. This woman spent hours preparing for something she knows nothing about. She then traveled, using time, fuel, and personal energy to arrive at a place and wait her turn to speak on an issue she has zero actual information on and has identified incorrectly. The simple question “what do you know?” Puts her on the defensive, until she must finally admit she knows very little about the thing children are being educated about which she objects to. STUNNING. White entitlement in America is destroying us, and hiding racism behind concern for children makes this woman and everyone like her the villain of this narrative.

  18. Cross a border, and you will discover that the "average" American doesn't stand out from other nation's "average" citizens on a geographic facts ignorance scale. Russian comedians have made street videos asking "simple" questions and revealed how very poorly informed Russian residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg were. The results were entirely comparable to similar stunts in the US. The aspect that distinguishes this Karen is her entitled attitude toward her ignorance. Somehow, she sees herself as "belittled" by a question that seeks to determine how to address the gulf between what she imagines she knows and reality. Before things drift off into a debate about "reality" though, you need to accept that regardless of the profoundly confusing debates in philosophy about whether reality is even real, those debates are irrelevant to the survival of a society. Societies persist through the general acceptance of a consensus about how things should be.

  19. Why is the Star Spangled Banner racist when it’s addressed to an Hispanic person? It’s inclusive.

  20. Context for your viewers:
    O say can you see, by the dawn's early light, What so proudly we hail'd at the twilight's last gleaming, Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight O'er the ramparts we watch'd were so gallantly streaming? And the rocket's red glare, the bomb bursting in air, Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there, O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?
    On the shore dimly seen through the mists of the deep Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes, What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering steep, As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses? Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam, In full glory reflected now shines in the stream, 'Tis the star-spangled banner – O long may it wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!
    And where is that band who so vauntingly swore, That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion A home and a Country should leave us no more? Their blood has wash'd out their foul footstep's pollution. No refuge could save the hireling and slave From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave, And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.
    O thus be it ever when freemen shall stand Between their lov'd home and the war's desolation! Blest with vict'ry and peace may the heav'n rescued land Praise the power that hath made and preserv'd us a nation! Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just, And this be our motto – "In God is our trust," And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

  21. You are arguing against what some people want. They don’t want to talk about indigenous history or other countries. To these people these things are not important. They don’t want their kids wasting time on it.

  22. We should know the anthem was written by a racist, and that shouldn't stop us from using it either, what better way to give the finger to a racist than take something of theirs and turn it into a symbol for anti-racism

    I personally think it would be hilarious that if every state that codifies some form of abortion rights (or really any right the southern conservatives oppose, like voting)they start waving the Confederate flag in honor of their "states rights"

    Make a mockery of their racist symbols

  23. I learned about Jesus leading people to a protest when I was a 1st grader. I guess this was more politically correct than Ghandi…

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