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Jim Harbaugh’s high hopes for Chargers, Stefon Diggs’ interesting quote, Are Chiefs a dynasty?

(00:00) Do the Chiefs need to win the Super Bowl to be considered a dynasty? /Kyle Shanahan is 0-2 in the SB as an OC and HC. Can he afford to lose again?
(27:50) Jim Harbaugh has high hopes for Justin Herbert and the Chargers. Are they too high?
(44:49) Has Bill Belichick coached his last game?
(56:58) Joy’s Friday Flowers
(1:00:40) Are Stefon Diggs’ comments on the future something or nothing?
(1:03:50) More Stefon Diggs’ quote debate
(1:07:22) Is Patrick Mahomes already a top 3 QB of all time?

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What’s up family it’s a Friday edition of speak right here with the Super Bowl champ James Jones James what’s the war big dog man I’m not feeling too good man no hoodie I came out here I didn’t have my hoodie hoodie what happened to Hoodie Friday just you know i’ be traveling

Backing for some sometimes I left can we get this man a hoodie please can somebody get this man a hoodie I don’t feel good now right like bro like hold up man we got to be consistent on the show try to tell the numbers is going

Good great Andy you watch a Friday what you doing you ain’t even dressed for work I’m not I’m not man we got we got the hoodies on Deck though can we get him a hoodie by the V block please thank you thank you we will work on that James

Working on that GE Taylor how you feeling got it I’m I’m ready for for the big game to get here love it well we only got to wait about eight more days that 2 five are you ready for this a block topic can we get the first and 10

Please the whistle means we’re first and 10 Pat Mahomes he has already won two super bowls six straight AFC Championship Games his partner in Prime Travis Kelsey you just see and the head honcho Andy Reid on your screen the question is very simple can they get a

Third Super Bowl that is the Talk of the Town eight nine days away from Shady Vib into the music I love it now remember America Shady won a Super Bowl with the Chiefs in 2020 that was Patrick Mahomes first Super Bowl but here’s the question Joy

Do the Chiefs need to win another Super Bowl to be considered a dynasty I think so in sports we have a general agreement a sort of unspoken rule that a dynasty is cemented when you have three championships that’s that’s really when it starts wa wait you said that’s an

Unwritten rule I mean yeah I’ve been doing this a while I’m not I’m not really a big rule F me I’m not a big rule follower but I look at it like this if they if this was their last Super Bowl they ever went to yeah they don’t

Win M they don’t win this is the last Super Bowl Patrick Mahomes and Andy Reid ever go to which is super hard to visualize but just stay with I’m I’m glad you set that part super hard to visualize super hard to visualize cuz I’m not saying that they’re not this

Close he ain’t even 30 yet but go ahead yeah I think the way back I’m saying for the purpose of this the practice of this question okay it never happens again is this stretch a dynasty or is it Dynasty like are there other there other stretches that we can compare this to

Going to Super Bowls going to AFC championship games there’s certainly AFC Dynasty but you mentioned you won a Super Bowl with the Bucks which is an NFC team the Rams they won a Super Bowl during this time it’s an NFC team so you have to go through the AFC they’re an

AFC Dynasty but to me they’re very close like I’m not I’m not slandering the Chiefs in any way I just think if they never went back to another Super Bowl if he never won another Super Bowl if he never got another Super Bowl MVP it would be Dynasty like but to me it’s

Three or more you you asked question question can can I answer yeah so if if if I would answer your question you asked about the honesty I would say well how many teams can you think of right you’ve been doing this a long time that that been a six straight

NFC champ AFC championship games right and then five and in five years been the four Super Bowls M I mean do you think that the bills well they didn’t win though they didn’t win they yeah but but do we count winning or do we count going

To count winning I mean no no no no hold up they been right years the same as as winning no I’m saying they’ve been to five of them though and five they’ve been to four of them in five years and they won two of them so far yeah right

So who else is doing that though that’s my question but we’re talking about in the history of sports yeah history of football who’s doing who’s doing that every year this the thing though about the Dynasty and I’m not I’m it’s still your I’m just I’m just saying like

Overall like who just keep going to the as championship game and going to Super who’s doing that dynast every year that’s what I’m saying but they they year they in there are lots of teams that have won multiple Super Bowls but three or more yeah like them so we so

How to me like there are certain words that I think we like to stretch a little bit to fit people in rather than saying like this is the standard for True ultimate greatness and that’s just what it’s been to me like if you win three or

More it’s in your stretch that to me is a dynasty so what so I like to use like like being dominant in in Dynasty put that together right and in their air in their time they’ve been the most dominant right when Tom Brady had his

Air you got to win though they’ be been the most dominant so we get there all the time every year it’s like if you have to guess who going to be there they G to be there every time you get a new season comes up no matter who’s injured

Who’s hurt who’s traded who’s not traded who who’s young who’s old who’s experienced who’s not experienced the Chiefs we know one thing they going to be there at the end they going to be there every year so that’s one part the second part is they have won championships they back again if they

Don’t win this time knock on wood I got to win we can all say that yo in the next three years they GNA probably beat here again yeah but we talking about right now we’re talking about I’m saying if they never went back and they never wi

Again which I think they will go back and I think they will win again I’m picking them to win this one but if they don’t like right now are they considered a dynasty I think it my final question is just for y’all so if they’re not a

Dynasty the way they’re the way they’re rolling every year the AFC Championship Game almost every year in the in the Super Bowl who else is doing that that’s a dynasty I’ll let y’all tell not right now I I truly believe that if Patrick Mahomes and Andy Reid and Travis Kelsey

All retired today I think we have witnessed the dynasty of course straight AFC championships two Super Bowls four Super Bowls in five years and I know what Joy getting at because when Tom Brady was on the Run dynasties usually equal three Super Bowls but to me as much as they have accomplished six

Straight AFC championships four appearances to the Super Bowl and five years to me I truly feel like if they retire today this is a dynasty that we have witnessed I don’t know if we’re going to see another team in future years consistently get back to the AFC Championship at Super Bowls like Patrick

Mahomes Andy Reid and Travis Kelce so I think we are witnessing the dynasty right now with what they have put together um but yeah like yall Said Knock on Wood I ain’t saying who I’m picking in the game but you know and last thing is like they didn’t have to

Like warm it up got to get this draft pick to they happen got get nah Pat came right up in there and started balling you agree you got to win to be a dynasty though I mean but they but but they are James I know that’s what I’m saying but

I’m saying at first you said they just getting there to no no no but what I’m saying I’m saying they they get to the dance all the time and they get to the as Championship all the time not all the time every year they do this right and

Then another chance to get a Super Bowl win how can you not look at them as a dynasty they get into the dance all the time they’re the most dominant you can’t write them off they got Superstar players Superstar coach they got everything you need to be a dynasty they

Going to win this Championship this year going to be in what five years four chips come so it’s the AFC championships to you that that surpass the extra Super Bowl win it’s all of it Joey Taylor’s all of it I’m thinking about this because we had this conversation a year

Ago we had this conversation a year ago did and to me the reason I would say that the Chiefs are a dynasty is because what they are doing is actually harder to do historically speaking based on the numbers than the teams that have won three in five years there are four teams

Particularly what you mean about that there are four teams in the history of the NFL that have won three Super Bowls in five years you got the Steelers you got the Cowboys you got the Patriots you got the Patriots right those teams there are four of them but there are only two

Teams in the history of football that have won two Super Bowls plus six straight Conference Championship appearances in a six-year stretch so when I’m thinking about dominance like shady referred to when I’m thinking about level of difficulty what makes a dynasty a dynasty to me is are you

Winning but also are you the gatekeeper for championships I always said like LeBron James was a dynasty I don’t know about the heat I don’t know about the Cavs I don’t know about the Lakers but from 2007 to 200 19 you had to beat LeBron James to win a championship or he

Was winning the championship I even think about right now from 2018 until now either the Chiefs are winning or you have to beat them to win they are the gatekeeper what would you take would you take six AFC Championship appearances two Super Bowl rings or would you take

Three Super Bowl three Super Bowl rings of course I’m but it’s not for much as what I would take is it’s about what’s more difficult and what is more difficult based on well not historically because historically it’s been Les what has happened less often is what the

Chiefs are doing than winning three in five years yeah I’m not I’m not angry at you like I’m not going to get excited if you I’m never angry at you I’m not angry at anyone who thinks that this is a dynasty and I don’t I don’t really feel

Very strongly that it isn’t it’s just to me it’s harder to win Super Bowls than it is to get there it’s harder to get it’s very hard to get to AFC championship games so we don’t give people that get to AFC Championship Games the same level of credit as teams

That make it to the Super Bowl and then we don’t give them the same amount of credit that they get for winning the Super Bowl so I don’t want to like move the scale to find a way to define what we’re watching with the Chiefs which is historic and tremendous and extremely

Difficult to do and is honestly astonishing and I think that they will win this I’m picking them to win the Super Bowl like whatever we’re past that now but if they win or they don’t win or they go back I’m saying right now contained as it is it’s an incredibly

Dominant stretch maybe a historically dominant stretch but I don’t like to just I feel like we throw words goat you know y Elites like all time generational we we try to apply these words to a lot of things that we’re seeing to Define excellence and to me that is three or

More and I don’t care about the six-year stretch I’m saying if you if this if this block like this star and this coach win within this time like to me that is a dynasty but my thing so if we just look at all the the the the better best

Teams right that talk about dynasties right so you want the Steelers they won four Super Bowls in six years in the 70s that was dominant right every year you see they in there with them five six years they going to be up in the top the Cowboys they won what three Super Bowls

And four years in the ’90s yeah I remember back then like yo you know the Cowboys at the end of the year going to be at the dance right the ners they won five Super Bowls in the 80s and and the 90s around that time you know they going

To be there you look at the the Patriots now that was a long span from 20 uh 2001 to 2018 but nine times out of 10 they going to be there it’s the same thing with the Chiefs and this small span three three Bros in five years six straight ASC Championship games like

That’s dominant to me though because because and then when you actually a player right in the whole out of the whole league and it’s one team that no matter what every year I don’t care who’s on the team they gave they got rid of a all proo top seven of alltime wide receiver

In Tyreek Hill I’m saying it top seven all time and they go in Super Bowl and then he leaves right then the after super then the next year where they’re younger more inexperienced not as good they go back they go B now how the hell y’all telling me that ain’t a dynasty I

Don’t even care think how that sound though I don’t care who they playing with it’s special bro and last thing about give him a dynasty because like you always talk about this it’s more just the players right it’s more just the the caches the exes and OES it’s the

Culture that the Andy re built right Brett V GM we lose Tyreek Hill okay Who you gonna bring in here to replace him can’t replace Tyreek Hill we can’t we going to get a collective guys as young that’s might be as not as good but they going to get there then you keep

Building on that building on that you get linebackers you get safeties like this is what he does you GNA get your seventh round running back that’s one of the M the key players on your team that’s what a dynasty is all about from head to toe they are good and they are

Dominant well a team is trying to keep them from winning another Super Bowl led by KY no doubt the ners bang bang Niner gang trying to keep that from happening Kyle Shanahan he’s LED his team to two Super Bowl appearances but now the question can Shanahan for to lose in

This game what do you say Joy yeah of course Kyle Shanahan is very bright he’s considered one of the top coaches in the league he’s there you want to talk about going every single year they got a win so they’re definitely not a dynasty yet but he’s there every single year in the

NFC championship game or in the Super Bowl he does it with different quarterbacks with different Personnel he does it with stars everywhere they have a great culture they have a a an identity within the building so if they don’t win much like the Chiefs we can’t assume

They’re not going to be somewhere around this within the next few years that’s what Shanah Hannah has proven the ability to do I know how hard it is to get here I know how hard it is to get back we know that we say that all the

Time Dan Campbell said it very openly we may never be back here you don’t feel that way about Kyle Shanahan he’s not getting fired John Lynch isn’t going anywhere nor should they they’re going to retool and and and draft and develop that’s what they do so look can he

Afford to lose if he’s trying to cement his Hall of Fame status this year no but he ain’t done coaching he’s young he’s got many many decades left of coaching he has a system that works it’s proven and if he isn’t able to validate it with the Super Bowl this year our

Opinion isn’t going to change that much of Kyle Shanahan here’s why I don’t think he can afford to lose at first I said yes start of the day I was like of course you can I love Kyle shanan I think more than probably most people on television reason Shanahan cannot afford

To lose to the S lose in the Super Bowl he’d has to change his business model Shanahan has a business model Andy Reid has a different business model business model a lot of talent around the quarterback I will make my quarterback great right Andy Reid’s business model have a great quarterback Donovan McNab

Patrick Mahomes amongst others different business models now they both have led their teams to the Super Bowl but if your business model when it is at its best because this is the best quarterback Shanah Hannah has had cannot beat Andy Reid’s business model when Andy Reid’s business model is at its

Worst this is the worst team that the Chiefs have had got to change your business model now James you give me a look it’s the best quarterback Shanahan’s had when Shanahan has been a head coach I couch that obviously just making no hyperbole so if Shanahan’s business model can’t win when it’s at

Its best versus Andy Reid when it’s at its worst now you got to change your business model because clearly this way will get you there but it can’t work Shanahan is only missing two week one starters so the team is healthy P’s playing well mcaffry is playing great

And all of your all Pros outside of Trent Williams are probably in their Prime every single one of them KD auk Debo historically R Pro mcaffrey Fred Warner Ward all of them in your Prime if you can’t beat Andy read now you got to R retour and rethink and you got me

Almost picking the 49ers it’s on you brother go ahead he can afford to lose and that’s was a good take I just think that I don’t I don’t believe it though I break it down break it down break it down not because like this is Andy

Reed he might not play he might not go against him every year I mean you do know record against Andy re do you he 0 and3 over it can’t be Andy but I I love see I love K Shanah him though I think the this the the Mel of what

He’s done with the ners right like let think about this for a second you took Jimmy G to the Super Bowl you know and we know how bad awful he is Ryan to the Super Bowl then you then you take the last pick in the draft to the Super Bowl he

Got so much heart and and and he put so much into this game even I was he about how him and the owner was talking about how um they paid Jimmy G the 20 million right and then uh they traded three draft picks for their quarterback uh

Trey Lance and he goes to meeting with the owner say I got to talk to you he’s oh man what’s to talk about he said listen brother our third quarterback is the best one we got to playing telling the owner that most coaches don’t do

That they gonna go with the the the the the the investment draft pick or they gonna go with the money so I just love what Cal sham who he is what he’s done for this franchise and I can’t this um dim light on on his ESS right because

He’s going against Andy let me ask you a question second time Andy re in Super Ball you were on the field um in 2020 Andy Reid faces Kyle shanan is the Super Bowl Lan McCoy is on the field so privileged to have this conversation with you particularly because you were

There watch there wasn’t that big a talent gap between the teams there wasn’t as much because Ty Matthew was on the Chiefs then Tyreek Hill was on the Chiefs then Patrick Mahomes was still on the Chiefs end Travis Kelsey was still on the chief then Chris Jones was still

On the chief then you’ve since lost Ty Matthew a really really good player you since lost Ty kill a really really good player meanwhile the ners have gotten better so now the talent Gap has skewed heavily in the ners favor true but if quarterback is still greater than

Talent then Shanahan’s going to have to rethink because team is not greater than quarterback because Shanahan’s team is way better than the Chiefs team compared to the last time that the Chiefs team beat him so my thought is of course Shanahan can afford to lose that as it

Compares to his legacy but if you can’t beat him now and the disparity between team is as large as it likely will ever be I think he’s going to look and say I have to change my philosophy he cannot afford to lose this game he can’t when we sit here and we

Talk about greatest T Shanahan we say he’s arguably the best coach in the NFL besides Andy Reid oh yeah yeah yeah besid that’s very very very very high praise we say that year in and year out and you are going to go to another Super Bowl and lose and we going to continue

To come back on this set AO and say he is one of the best coaches in the National Football League to me he has to win a Super Bowl if we’re going to keep labeling him and putting him over guys like Shawn McVey and putting them over

Guys like Mike Tomlin because we put them over those guys and those guys have won the big game so this game right here and yeah as a head coach you only been twice but you went as an offensive coordinator too and lost the lead lead

28-3 right so and I know a lot of people might not count that but you was calling plays in that too he cannot afford to lose this game because if he loses this game I truly believe the conversation is going to be like cool he he’ll get you

There can he win the big game but we just talked about how the Chiefs are a dynasty for just going I understand that but we also know how good this ners team is too now listen personally I’ve been talking about Shawn McVey so I’m going be right back where I already was I

Think Shanahan is right there at the top of the league and I think he’ll stay there as far as his resume goes how how are we going to count like we just talked about the Chiefs being a dynasty because they’re there he’s he’s here or he’s there he’s here or he’s there he’s

Conference Championship game or Super Bowl Conference Championship game Super Bowl he don’t win it but if we’re counting the the appearance for the Chiefs why wouldn’t we count the appearance for the ners because the Chiefs have won to no no I feel you but like the thought is that they’re going

Like I can’t we can’t drop him out of the top if he had if he had two Super Bowl wins and he’s ended in the next two years we going to give him much more credit if he had if he goes to the Super Bowl two

More times after this and goes 0 and four we still gonna be sitting here like that’s say I would say depends because what Shady says like McVey his own Shanahan has only ever lost to Brady and Mahomes we’ll have a conversation later in the show of where Mahomes ranks all

Time but Shanahan has only ever lost to the greatest of all time in Tom Brady and somebody who people say is the second third or fourth greatest quarterback of all time so I don’t know James that we can penalize him and obviously we will but not to the same

Depth that we would penalize others because he’s losing to the best or the second best no I hear him though you got to win like that I hear about that but that’s why I’m always talking about Shawn McVey yeah but even I’m like cuz you went there and won and mcy is great

Yeah yeah but I’m saying like how far are we dropping KY Shanahan down if he doesn’t win the qu I I can’t because again McVey saw Tom Brady and he didn’t beat him now thankfully McVey saw Zack Taylor and Joe burrow and he beat him

But when McVey saw shot great on a curve like that the team that got there is the team that’s in the Super Bowl a is a a as a b is a b so you you got there you beat who you’re supposed to beat otherwise you really not like that so

That’s really what the conversation is either you can’t beat the greatest so you not you shouldn’t never be in that conversation can I ask you a question also and I get it you you guys have valid point right because Winning is Everything but all these coaches in the

NFL active non-active how many of them coaches is doing this though that part like bro but that’s why we talk about him the way we talk about that’s why we need to keep talking about it because yo every year no matter who the quarterback is we going that mattered to me right

All the grace we talk about he always going that matter for something if I’m if I’m a if I’m a president or a GM or owner of my team right of course I want to win a big dance I want to win it right but yo if I can’t win them I this

Is what I want I have a chance to win him every year who knows Pat one day might just have a broken shoelace can’t go out there so how many does he have to H right like how many does he have to lose before we start saying that you got

To win this big game so say he loses this one and we believe that Niners have a really good roster like you just said they have an opportunity to be back in this game and he loses and we gonna keep on saying he’s in these games why I feel

Like you talking like he’s not a a great coach no he is a great coach that’s what I’m saying that’s my problem labeling him as such a great coach and his other coaches accomplish more than him to me the only thing is who you lose to because if he loses to somebody we

Already think he’s worse than I’m not going to now think he’s worse than cuz he’s losing to somebody we already think we don’t think he’s better than Andy so if you lose to Andy I’m not going to drop he’s already below Andy you start losing to somebody who I think is below

You now I got no see that’s that’s what I’m saying my opinion of him is not going to change because if he doesn’t win the Super Bowl he’s going to be exactly where I think he is below coaches that have won Super Bowls within his own division like and so what so

He’s still like a top five coach you saying below like it’s people up here on this table that put him in front of Shawn McVey and Mike Tomlin and all that just because he’s going I’m speaking from my just because you’re going I don’t think that you able to put him over coaches

Like sha mcy and all that just because you’re going you ain’t one one sha MC is tough they toss sha MC’s a bad it’s not toss up CU sha McVey won a Super Bowl and they’ve won the same no no no I’m okay with that Sean’s better that’s cool but I’m saying they

They they they S at the table though and Sean might eat first right maybe but the kicker is it gets a big piece because with the bone on in n in nine days like we that’s like to me is Shan mve been the two shanan been the two Shan mve

Don’t wanton one of the two shanan you got to go win one of the two for me B still get the big piece of the meat I’m with that yeah I that I just I just the only reason I prefer Shanahan the only reason I prefer Shanahan is

Because I thought about it and Shanah Hanah has to take some of this blame but Shawn McBay has only ever coached the number one pick ever from Jared G to Matthew Stafford okay so obviously Shanahan got to take some of the blame cuz you missed on Tre Lance so you got

To own it but to me what Shanahan has done is just as impressive because SE I got to cut you off come one dude won a won a Super Bowl correct and other one hasn’t they with the quter that had never won a playoff game oh I forgot

About yeah right another thing is yo your teams are way better too they are but here I’m winning shames with less yes I can’t say that why not you can’t say because the team remember Shan McBay went with Jared G and Jared g wasn’t enough and so sh traded Jared g a number

One overall pick for Matthew Stafford another number one overall pick a number one overall pick who was number one out of high school then number one out of college what does all that matter the quarterback’s the most important position matter playoff game before he got toan M I understand that neither is

Brock pry so what I’m saying is this is if you have the number one quarterback and he had Aaron Donald and he had Jaylen Ramsey and he had Bon Miller I’m not going to act it yeah it’s just a Hall of Famer Hall of Famer Hall of

Famer French Hall of Famer so I’m not going to act as though like that team was I believe that Kyle shanam also could have coached that team go to the other side or we just going to leave to the ners H nine all Pros eight All Pro

What they yeah but I’m just I just said up Hall of Famer Hall of Famer Hall of Famer so I don’t what are we penalizing Sean McVey for I’m not penalizing I am saying that what Shawn McBay did and what Kyle Shanahan has done to me is

Comparable because he’s the man won a Super Bowl a has only ever number one shot by get shot by as the youngest coach in the league and took Jared G who everyone thought was a bust to the Super Bowl and then leveled up with Matthew Stafford who had never

Won a playoff game in his entire career and then won a Super Bowl I don’t I I’m not not I’m saying there’s a huge gap I’m just saying if I had to pick a coach to start a team on any team one year is a gap like as as that’s what I’m saying

See no see that’s at at this at this current point in time the Gap is 60 Minutes at this current Junction in time because if Kyle wins a Super Bowl now M Shanahan’s resume is better cuz now Shanahan’s gone a four in five years you

Got to win it but what I’m saying is the gap is currently 60 minutes so it’s not the Gap can’t be this it’s 60 minutes he J you be saying like man that side of the table’s tripping this like so not it’s that part of the table’s tripping I

Had to get up he I had to get up so now now it matters if you’re a number one like it’s it’s coaches that done took their teams to Super Bowl without number no here’s why it matters because I love Andy Reid I love Andy Reid but I have

Also acknowledged that Andy Reid started winning when he got Patrick Mahomes I love Andy Reid but I’m not so ignorant as to a with MCN you were really good lab Andy correct but it took him having that quarterback so all I’m saying is Shawn McVey had GF said golf you’re not enough

Had a number number one overall pick I Here’s my thought and I’ll end it with this I believe if Kyle Shanahan had number one overall picks and that’s all he had ever coached so I think that’s his design got you have him over Mike Tomlin Mike Tomlin W one with Ben RSB

And been to another one Shan is see I don’t want I want to disar mik now here giving him all this credit and all that and he does not have one of those Super Bowl rings and we’re labeling him as think Mike tomlin’s better than C right

I will take Mike Tomlin over C Shanahan 100% you mean today right now to do what when in what league the NFL which he’s never had a with bich like yo bich he L Tom he can’t do nothing Mike Mike Tom anyar still making a play and that’s the crazy thing

Because if he does lose you guys are still gonna be sitting here saying he’s better than these coaches yeah and yo and real quick I know we got teas but we got to keep and re out of this though because I say because like I don’t like

When he’s he’s the greatest coach of all time right you said he just start winning start wining to that’s not true oh say Super Bowl because yo this dude took the Eagles right they had MCN at the quarterback they had James thrash wide receiver they

Had Todd Todd P so get some respect to my man and he lost he lost who went with them dudes those my boys y’all are something boy I tell you that he love Mike McCarthy he W superl years ago best qu in the NFL of all time they can’t win

Two playoff games this guy’s crazy in Shanahan who yall saying is the greatest of all time more ring than Shanahan he has more ring than Shanahan he has one when we return our Jim harbar hopes too high for Justin Herbert he’s talking about bringing championships to La that

Is next don’t forget check us out everyday Fox Sports channel something Boy family we are in second and short Jim Harbaugh officially introduced as the Chargers head coach yesterday Harbaugh paired up with Justin Herbert Herbert has zero playoff wins in His Four Seasons but still had high hopes that is Jim Harbaugh did for his quarterback take a listen and it needs to be multiple

Multiple championships uh and that’s we’re going to be hum humble and hungry uh but you know that’s our goal that’s our goal is to um you know treat people in a first class manner to win multiple championships hoodie James is back before we address this Jim Harbaugh I

Know it’s good to see you in the hoodie yes sir good to see he started to show off all crazy I know what that she got stuff he got on you know what I’m saying here’s the problem we offered James Jones a crazy work hoodie during the break to

Change into he aggressively vetoed it to put on a neutral hoodie I don’t know why the only reason why I did that is these crazy work hoodies is hot out here right now they hot so everybody been asking me I need a crazy work hoodie so I didn’t

Want to toss it all stank it all up and be like here go your crazy work I’m looking out for other people cuz he ain’t get no crazy work oh takes the day put this away he say he earned it talking crazy and I and I don’t and I

Don’t know your homies and they not wearing my star it it crazy uh let’s get back to Jim Harbaugh Jim Harbaugh said he expects championships from Justin Herbert shady I think that that is way too lofty of a goal I’m thinking about it Herbert hasn’t won

Anything not yet no not not just at the NFL level let’s talk about Herbert’s draft class for a minute because I wanted to do enough homework to go and do a deep dive Joe burrow won a national championship to Tong of vioa won a national championship Jaylen Herz won a national

Championship but Justin Herbert even in college where if you’re a quarterback you can win think about the quarterbacks in the college football playoff this year JJ McCarthy first- round pick Michael penck supposed to be a first- round pick Quinn yers next year supposed to be a first- round pick so if you are

A quarterback in col colle you can win okay so in college you don’t win in college you are the least winning quarterback of your draft class of your peers then you get to the NFL let’s look at those same peers Joe burrow gets drafted ahead of you so he goes to a

Worst team goes to a Super Bowl Jaylen HZ is a second round pick he wasn’t even a starter he was a gadget quarterback goes to a Super Bowl tuab baloa leads his team to the playoffs two years and you’ve gone to the playoffs once so in

College you weren’t a winner in the pros you weren’t a winner and now Harbaugh talking about winning championships plural oh them hopes is too high for me to5 what do you say I didn’t go back to high school by the way in high school he also didn’t even win

State I didn’t want to go back to high he killing him though say after he killed him he the last thing to make sure he was theread just like he is not breathing he’s done bro I mean I I I like Herbert of course and

And I got to disagree with you I think the the praise is is deserved right because out all them quarterbacks you name he might not be the best but I think he’s the the best fit the most Talent of all them guys would you agree sure he’s the most talented all them

Dudes yes physical Talent yes whatever so I think with a coach like Harbaugh who’ll have a shot I’ve watched Harbaugh take Callen Kaepernick to the Super Bowl and you know how he played as a quarterback so I think he has a chance with Herbert he’s the most talented a

Quarterbacks he can make the the best throws of all the quarterbacks he got a chance championships I mean I mean he’s in the division with the Patrick Mahomes none of them dudes is going to be winning championships you know what I’m saying keep real it’s like nobody really should

Even play for yeah so they playing they playing around this game so I’mma play the game with them but I just feel like none of them guys win in champ like that we might have one still here and there but overall Patty gonna be running that

Thing it’s a new Tom Brady it’s the new P Patrick Mahomes ER I mean used to it what’s he supposed to go up there and say yeah you know I don’t I don’t like when people get crazy with it and I don’t like when we get crazy with it all

Are superow contenders now no I’m not going to do all that let let him play a little bit see how it works you know give him some time to adjust I don’t need to jump into all of that but everything you said about Herbert is

True yeah he he dang I just read the facts it is facts no one can argue that go to the funeral to make sure he G oh man what’s wrong with this he I mean is he still breathing like um but that one is a winner yeah

That’s true so true hope is that hara’s really high level of winning and excellence and resume and reputation and facts can overcome all the facts that you just read about Justin Herbert because at the end of the day that’s the reason why he picked his job Herbert’s

The reason he took this job cuz he’s going to have control cuz ain’t none of the Chargers can walk into a room and say to Harbaugh other than we own the team cool good luck with that how’s that going for you what coach you on now with

Your Young quarterback love that for you call me when you want to one so I actually think that this is a fair estimation for for Harbaugh for Herbert it sounds crazy you Haven even won a playoff game and you were going up against Trevor Lawrence right so you had

An opportunity there so I I don’t I mean he’s at a press conference he’s supposed to say things to get people fired up obviously multiple championships is a let’s start with one let’s start with the playoff win but it’s harau so I understand why he has that confidence

Yeah and and I agree with him listen my man’s excited right my man’s excited he out here in la la land right got the mic the best quarterback that he has ever coached in his coaching career yes I don’t care if you’re talking Andrew Luck I don’t care who you talking he’s the

Best quarterback yes he’s the best quarter Andrew Luck walked in and started winning Andrew Luck Andrew Luck walked in and started winning get a couple more wi walked in and start win we are talking with what Justin Herbert is at the talent at the quarterback spot this he saying Andrew Luck is more

Talented yes bro yes yes he had a stronger arm he’s just as good a processor he could run just as well T his nails super tough he played with he play they play like elated kidney or something what does that even mean we saying this dude got is a better Andrew

Lu have 40 tugs bro 16 don’t give him don’t let him get my hoodie my hoodie crazy wait can we just get past can we just put in the sa Place bro crazy what’s wrong with this now we talking like 11 and 5 11 and 5 11 and

Five Andrew Luck’s first three years I’m cool with when we talking at the talent at the quarterback spot you guys are going to sit here and say Andrew Luck is better than her and is better and all no sir no sir but anyway quarterback that he has ever

Coached oh man this is the best quarterback that he’s ever coached so if I know this is the best quarterback yeah let a little something in there that check you got do that check that I ever coached I’m going to get up there and I’m going to talk like this I have won

With a whole lot less no disrespect to Alex Smith no disrespect to Colin Kaepernick no disrespect to uh JJ McCarthy disrespect to Andrew Luck no disrespect to Andrew Luck but this is the best quarterback that he is going to coach at any level he’s ever been at and

That’s why I think he’s coming in there with that energy and talking like that because he knows the man came in there talking about he was star struggling Justin Herbert he know bro it’s different and yes he ain’t turned it into the winds on the field but when you

Talking about an athlete at the quarterback spot I can not sit here and say Andrew look as a talent at the quarterback spot is better you have shady and AO stressed out the sad part is that this young man Hees he believes this I do believe it

I’m I’m not going to sit here and say Andrew Luck is a better Talent at the quarterback spot than Justin Herbert here this this is why I think you are the problem James is the problem James is why Harbaugh has his hopes too high because if Harbaugh actually believes

This nonsense that James Jones is saying that’s why he’s saying championships cuz he believes that but in what world can such a talent win so little that’s the only question I’ve ever ever ever had for Herbert fans like I remember Cam Newton in college Shady you don’t like

College ball but I’ll talk college ball I think I know more about college ball than most people hosting daily shows because on weekends when I leave this show I go host the college show for 12 hours Cam Newton won a national championship game with Nick Fairley and

Him that was it it was them two they had two offensive players that played in the league that’s it that’s it C Newton I’m talking both because Herbert didn’t do it then but it’s fine it’s College Shady don’t like college just College really good quarterbacks in the National

Football League no doubt but it’s not a lot of really good quarterbacks in the National Football League that aren’t really good quarterbacks in the National Football League and as it stands right now Justin Herbert’s not a really good quarterback in the National Football League cuz there aren’t a lot of really

Good quarterbacks in the National Football League that don’t win he has the most passing yards in the who L the league in passing yards this year how you going dude in four years came in most passing yards everybody I want shot I don’t want a shot Sam how the

Quarterback of Washington that got benched was leading the league in passing yards I believe through 16 weeks find another stat please okay so I think you don’t want to give me a camera cuz he sound crazy this man four years has the most passing yards of mahs whoever you want to talk

About her is a very very talented quarterback he is a very good talented quarterback a good quarterback he’s a good quarterback he is a good quarterback and I said he’s not really good I he’s good I didn’t say well get a little crazy I don’t think he’s really

Good a little crazy so now now we can all get back on the same page what Andrew Luck is really really good and he’s better than Justin Herbert did something to you no not at all no but I do Li do why don’t he it’s not about man

Has not shown you the numbers that he’s put up to be a really good quarterback in this league I he’s not he’s not a top 15 oh he’s top 15 of course for sure for that’s not he’s top 10 he’s top 10 but top top 10 isn’t really good nah cuz

Only 32 so top 10 30 top 30% Shady here’s here’s where I’m at here is here’s what I do is trying to get together he doing it again he buy I move you keep going have to hold on the only thing I don’t understand is if you that

Good if you’re that good why you don’t never win well I we can’t say he doesn’t he we can’t say that he’s never won he didn’t make it to the playoffs like we don’t we don’t really like let’s just say we don’t hold rookie years against quarterbacks right like in general we

Don’t I don’t we don’t hold rookie year so if you don’t go your rookie year which he had a tremendous rookie year we don’t hold but if we can’t hold it against him can we praise him for it I’d like if we going not hold it for against

Him CU his rookie year is a highlight of his career do you judge rookies I do but I got judged as a rookie so I Ain had no choice Jud I mean he did go to the playoffs like it’s not like he did not not win anything correct I’m saying

Winning is subjective right winning is all based upon our interpretation so compared to his PE is two or half none he’s been twice well so compared to he’s let his team there twice so compared to compared to his peers James let me talk to you for a I’m I’m trying to

Listen cuz you you saying two and all these dudes wi got the same playoff wins is Herbert he’s a good quarterback and Herbert ain’t that’s like it’s hard for me to understand this compared to Herbert’s peers Herbert has won less than his peers at every level eventually that has

To matter he’s won less than his peers at high school he’s won less than his peers in college he’s one left than his peers in the pros let me ask one question right I I just want to see how you how you view this you the GM you’re

The owner you all that right and one big and you got you got uh Joe to get you got Tu you got Jaylen Herz and you got Herbert right you probably take Joe first of course okay so if you take Joe out of it right out of the other three

Quarterbacks who you taking who are you taking to be your cor for your franch right now look at them tell the America let let him go let him go let them go clear your glasses do that you got to do you know you can glasses truth be told I

Am taking Jaylen Herz second I’m taking Jaylen Herz second I’m taking him second I don’t feel I don’t feel great about it but I’m taking him second who are you taking third now you I forgot Jordan love in that draft you stop stop so you telling us right so you telling us on

This on air right now and you been as honest as possible Right is you gonna take Jaylen Herz over over Herbert yes but here’s why I believe that if you put Jaylen Herz on the Chargers he would have a better record personally I believe based on Jaylen herz’s ability

To both run and throw the ball and his ability to find a way to win you’re sitting on national TV right now saying that Jaylen Herz is better than Justin Herbert at the quarterback spot Jaylen Herz leads to winning more than Justin Herbert leads to winning saying so so you taking party

Behind Patty in the whole league then hold on if you care about winning so what what we talk he might do that though but here’s here’s the question though we are talking about the question that we that’s on the thing gone now our our Jim but this is why we’re talking

About this our Jim Harbaugh’s hopes for Justin Herbert too high so if you take someone you care about winning as as as much winning as Hara does as excellent as turnaround an organization as established a culture build up a defense with with quarterback talent that is is lower than what Justin

Herbert’s is even if you have questions about his talent you don’t think that Harbaugh having the expectation that he can based off of what he’s already done resumes behind me I’m coming in with off of a national championship I’ve gone to a Super Bowl I’ve turned around programs

That people still haven’t had the ability to turn around I don’t have confidence in just the raw forget winning physical ability and wow that we see with our own eyes with Justin Herbert you don’t that’s why I don’t find this to be too out of pocket the only thing that’s out clearly Justin

Herbert he got all this he got all this so clearly something’s lacking I’m not on the locker room with him I’m not on the field with him but I’ve play could it be culture the Chargers don’t have no culture they have no identity love I

Love har if you love har that much you always prayed about how he’s great college and all all that so what if you got one of the most talented quarterbacks that we’ve seen in years you don’t think he would do well together with him I think when you said

Championships that’s what don’t sit well with me like you about to go win multiple he’s going to go up to the thing welcome to Los Angeles I’m very excited to get Justin Herbert to one playoff win that’s uh that’s a realistic go I would prefer like our goal here is

To win a championship they brought me here to win a championship that’s my goal to win a championship singular but look I mean if Justin Herbert’s that great James I’m assuming he would have won by now I’m just you you you beat down Justin Herbert and you praise these

Other dudes and they got just as many playoff wins as him and then you taking this thing back to college and all that dude is a special talent at the quarterback’s spot yes I agree with you it has not turned into a lot of wins understood why not bro this is the most

Ultimate team sport we play we can sit here and bring up millions of numbers of how bad his defense was we can sit here and say ball in his hands too many drills some games he did not deliver but we can’t sit here and say all these

Losses and since they ain’t been here and there they that he’s a bad quarterback I’m not saying he’s a bad quarterback I have never in my life but you saying quarterbacks that are worse than him are better than him that’s basically saying he’s not a good

Quarterback I I believe that if you are great it will translate that’s just my belie I believe you just lied to the National TV saying jayen Herz is better than Herbert cuz I know you don’t believe that cuz I know out of all of us up here you watch the most not

What he asked me that’s not what he asked me he said who would I draft there were a lot of really that means who’s better so so you’re GM you’re going to draft somebody that’s not better than the dude and you go I’mma take the dude

Who I believe can help me win so who think’s better than jayen her and uh who can throw the ball further is just this guy okay I’m it’s Friday Friday yeah we can I get that crazy workie family when we returned if y’all thought it was good now wait till the

Next segment Bill bich he didn’t land with the new team during the coaching cycle but has the Hall of Fame coach coached his last game that’s next on speak ain’t nobody getting no hoodie oh man that was as we celebrate Black History Month I’d like to recognize Kobe Bryant for

All of this cont contributions to kids like myself encouraging them to be the best that they can be but also to not forget about your community Kobe Bryant and his wife Vanessa did so much work in so many ways through their Foundation every day he wanted to make a difference

I can’t thank him enough for the impact that he’s had on me thank you Kobe Bryant for everything you’ve done for us and everything you did for us while you were here family all eight NFL head coaching vacancies they are now occupied but get this bill bich maybe the greatest coach

Of all time he didn’t get a job how does that happen they passed over Bill bich eight different times Well seven because his team they fired him they just did so kindly eight teams no bellich chady his bill bich maybe the greatest of all time has he coached his last

Game hope so um I’m tiing here this bill hope so hope so yeah I’m saying man like let’s like he’s did he’s did great for himself man six championships Dynasty coach the best playing football right he carried you for so long ride out in the

Sunset right go go join Nick Sab and go golfing or or go get with the grandchildren something right it’s like at this point you you begging for a job and you was and they say you the greatest of all time yeah it’s time to let it go bro right because if you

Don’t it’s going to be more evidence of you was not like that this whole time it was number 12 the whole time right and I’m big on that because I’ve always said this like yo if he didn’t have Tom Brady he cannot coach the way coaches if he

Have Tom Brady he can’t even relate to the players a certain way without Tom Brady now you see it so I just think that bill bich man just just enjoy yourself man you did so much for this for NFL just just enjoy yourself take it easy my answer was yes come on man

But I don’t think so h M I don’t think so I think he’s going to take a year off I don’t know what’s going to happen in the National Football League but it’s going to be some coaching vacancies at the end of this year and I think he will

Take another job I don’t know how good B bich will do to be honest with you I don’t think he’ll do that good I think this is why I think this is a young man’s game right now I think personality wise he does not click with the players

If it’s not a true veteran team I don’t think Bill bich fits any these organizations but the only reason why I say I don’t think Bill is done is because he’s chasing to have the most wins in the National Football League you can tell he’s chasing that or he

Wouldn’t even went on any of these interviews to become a head coach for another football team so I think Bill bich takes the year off I think he comes back he might even land in a spot with a really good football team with a chance to compete at another championship but

We can say what we want to say about Bill bich he had the seventh ranked defense in the National Football League this year right and yes he did not develop his players and his quarterback and all that but he still knows what he’s doing on the defensive side of the

Ball if you ask me so I think that he will be a head coach running a defense from one of these organizations he will take this year off but I think it’s an owner out there a GM out there that’s going to give Bill bich the greatest

Coach of all time another chance well keep your hand we keep your fingers crossed right cuz these owners are not fooled no more um I hope not I hope not cuz I hope not because I’m already up here fighting for my life to defend his resume from years ago and that’s with

The knowledge that he has been terrible as of late since Brady left we gave him a pass okay Brady leaves you you get one year after the greatest of all time walks out the door okay fine that was his best year too then you get then you get a a new Young

Quarterback to reset with and it it’s okay and then it gets worse and then it gets worse this is his Worst season as a as a head coach he’s coming off of this is like they were like competitive or something it was a disaster and you you’re going to risk coming back like

Say he does fool one of these oh fool him again yeah okay so say he does come in with some unbelievable pitch right he’s the way sometimes you got to go away for a little bit how people miss you and and it’s bad again then what

Then he done yes Benny’s done be done be done go golf fishing Pottery naps snps take some nap I love naps I can’t wait to nap for a living it’s it’s it’s look Don schula has 347 wins he’s the most wins as an NFL head coach where Bill how many bill got

333 the way things looking right now he might have to stick around for a couple years to get close to schula the way that he’s coaching right now so no I I don’t think that he is going to get another opportunity I don’t think he should even wants another opportunity

And I say that understanding the competitive nature of this game and how people don’t want to hear that but the real what did you say yesterday there’s reality like there’s what we’re talking about then there’s actual reality the reality is that’s a long way to go to

Get sure that is a long way to go well you know he’s on the on the rank to have the most losses of all time I just don’t know in what world you’d want a below average head coach oh like why why like why would you want to

Hire a below average no no no I this is the most the strongest note I have and it’s I did I did half of it in real time just now and I did half of it before the show the most damning thing one could say

About Bill bich is what I am about to say in the 18 games before Tom Brady took over as a starter in New England bill bich was there but 18 games occurred before Tom Brady took over as a starter bill bich was five and 13 and the 18 games after Tom Brady took

Obra as a starter in New England same organization Tom Brady was 15 and three winning a Super Bowl now that I prepped before the show what I’m about to say I prepped in real time in Bill bich che’s last 18 games with Tom Brady his last 18

Games he was 14 and4 and won a Super Bowl in his last 18 games most recently without Tom Brady he’s 4 and4 nothing is more damning than what I just said 5 and 13 to 15 and3 in a Super Bowl 4 and 14 without Tom Brady to 14-4

With the Super Bowl there is no further Evidence needed no further Evidence needed so by that math we know who he is that he is what 14 games down from schula how many years more would he have the coach too many can I ask you guys whatever you like because it’s been a

Lot of shots up here fir truth these just facts truth I’m just facts so are you are you guys telling so yeah we telling on Andy Reid’s side where do you rank bill bich as the head coaches I I I just want to know that for myself I mean

Now now that you know who he really is he’s asking no I’m just saying bill bich with his resume however you want to slice it or dice it and who he had who he played coach all that six rings Dynasty whatever you want to call we

Just talked about the chief where do you rank him as head coaches and before you answer cuz you rank him at two right no behind Andy Reid you think I R him that high are you are you kidding me so you guys rank him before you answer this

Question that he trying to you this little soft question this put in into the fact that wood he is without Tom W he was before and what he is after just put in the six and put them in there put put them in there and second most wins in the

History of the NFL put them in there too I don’t be rude he asked you first he did ask me yes all only answer all only answer since the turn of the century because I’m not going to go into Don Chula and Bill Walsh it’d be it’d be a

Lie like I don’t know enough about these dudes to answer that question I’m I’m 33 years old with all due respect Tom Landry I don’t know where to put him yeah Vince Lombardy I don’t know where to put him I apologize turn to the century let me get Andy Reid hello let

Me get Mike Tomlin see okay just it’s just know get mik get mik Tom um let me can I just name three speak name sure sure sure sure three I wish you would say it we we need one more you no I’m just I want to let you get the third one man

The break colle it’s a collective process no but like even the Mike Tomlin thing though which is which is funny like I watch Mike Tomlin win games and go to the playoffs yeah with with real real bad quarterbacks right and I love my and I watched Bill bich lose the

Greatest player of football and look awful yeah where do you guys put up Pete Carol’s not a bad answer either shady I like I mean Bill somewhere one Super Bowl mean don’t exclude uh I don’t I don’t count out schula or Jimmy Johnson um Johnson Phil Walsh Joe Gibbs

There are a lot of great coaches for me it’s really hard to just rank coaches outright obviously Andy Reid I think you know I think Bill bich is up there because I have the perspective of the game changing that’s like what what he is now isn’t to isn’t to me what he was

When they were him and Brady were together I think the league was different I think the consistency of that organization I think the the pieces some of the pieces that he brought in contributed to that I think the defense I think the Special Teams so I have a

Bit of a more nuanced take on coaches in general I don’t think you can just blank at Le say this coach is the best because if we did that then we would go with Bill bich but I don’t think Bill bich is the greatest coach of all time because

We have seen him without Tom Brady to and I can’t ignore that right um he’s not that good bro yall are you don’t accept that it’s hard you beened your whole life he still his eyes second place crazy no he Ain second place how think about this for a second

Y I don’t care if Patrick Mahomes wants to go to play for the bills the chief still goingon to be good wake up James it’s still be good no Super good everybody Ain winning Super Bowls though unless you got them pieces he won six of

Them he and he had and he had and what he had it don’t matter it don’t matter it don’t matter me if you always you are saying Andy re is the greatest coach of all time and he only won Super Bowls with the second greatest quarterback of

All time what I’m trying to tell you is if if Andy re was with was with the Patriots right and Tom left what I’m telling you James Jones for the eighth time they’re gonna be a good team that’s what I’m telling you okay so so why

Isn’t my tomin the best coach ever then he ain’t never had a losing season one of them I I don’t want to take the conversation don’t do that don’t do it we got we can’t James I know what you mad about I hear I I know he wanted to

Say serious do you hear what I’m saying though do you get what I’m trying to say so for your man be so great this my thing if you so great like everybody want like you’re saying why does it look so opposite than what it used to be like

You know what’s crazy you’re not answering this question he never you know what I’m done it don’t matter by Lookout the boy has six championships could you imagine you have six Super Bowl rings and somebody saying you’re not a great player AO that just sounds

Crazy Robert Ory got six don’t he so now they got six without or he got seven oh Robert Ory I got seven wow yeah and and and like he has a name now now we put now we putting ay and Bill Bell in the go go go we got to get out

Here hey no crazy work hoodies for him but flowers are being handed out on the other side of this commercial break it’s time for Friday flowers family this boy is confused you all are crazy wow and he has a ring welcome back family it is time for

Friday flowers Joy telling us all the stories that we need to know about go ahead Joy all right flowers to the NBA for putting together a Three-Point Shootout between the queen and the king of three so Steph Curry the NBA’s alltime three-point leader will face off against the W wnba’s reigning

Three-Point Shootout winner Sabrina yonescu and here’s how this whole thing came together first Sabrina challenged Steph after after her record setting 37 point final rounds in the WNBA Three-Point Contest last year then Steph issued a challenge while he was miked up during a game recently and she accepted

So it’s a little extra fun thing for the NBA Allstar weekends I don’t know who I’m taking in this but I know it’s going to be very fun to watch so flowers for them putting this together for the fans this is a very very interesting story I

Fly a lot and I’ve had a couple of these instances on flights that I’ve been on Raven tight end Mark Andrews came back whoa I don’t know what’s happened to with the uh what just happened guys I skipped around for me sorry this is happen to do live television the

Prompter just freaked out on me this is why we have these Cs and now we’re going to talk about Tua so my Dolphins aren’t in the Super Bowl but Tua will be in Las Vegas making an impact nonetheless the Dolphins quarterback teamed up with the NFL’s salute to service program to gift

A military veteran and his brother a trip to the Super Bowl staff sergeant Jon Jonesy Jones earned a Purple Heart during his 12 years of service Tua who comes from a military family like I do as well had this to say about staff sergeant Jones and to those who serve

Whenever I face setbacks challenges or adversity in my football career I can always find inspiration from the men and women in the military who bravely serve our country flowers the Tua for showing this very deserving former Marine a little love during the Super Bowl season and now we’re going back to the

Desk or we’re not okay we’re going to talk about Mark Andrews now thank you guys for doing this to me on live television this is why I am a vet I will keep making noise until we get back to where we’re supposed to Raven inside end Mark Andrews came back from injury to

Play in the AFC Championship and he did a very heroic thing that week as well he jumped into action on a recent flight when a female passenger fell into distress according to a witness Andrews offered up his diabetes testing kit so he has a test for diabetes constantly

Even on the sidelines he instructed the crew on how to use it and once it was determined that she actually had low blood sugar and that was the issue she was given some juice and recovered enough for the flights to continue to its original destination so he acted

Quickly and uh act like a hero and we appreciate Mark Andrew for that and I’m sorry for all that that will not happen again but I’m not going to lie you acted quickly in that moment because that is much more difficult than it looks I’m like trying to read prompter that does

Not exist is about the hardest thing one can do that’s why I have the cards like if you ever wonder it’s little behind the scenes TV stuff that’s why I have the cards but it all happened too fast to get on them no that was really really

Good but look what’s harder though doing that or trying to get an answer from him he don’t answer no questions though honestly that’s a and then he loud too like bro you getting loud but you still answer the question crazy thing is is you about to respond like you answer all

The question I will say to deflect on the show you you answer the questions she said we you talking I know you’re not don’t want to answer a question he goes like this he’s so quick to be pointing him fingers y I tell let me get

Let me be quick to get the commercial break Stefon Diggs he chimed in the bill Superstar wide receiver and he said his future is uncertain in Buffalo here the specific details of what all pro Stefan digs said the tenure could be over oh my God you got to return to hear this one

That is next hell little breaking news family Stefon Diggs at the Pro Bowl had some comments about his future for the bills he said obviously there’s a lot of changes going on a lot of things I can’t really put the carriage before the horse you know what I’m saying but I got a

Great offseason in front of me to put a lot of work in and kind of build around what we got what we got and what we’re doing here’s the most important part the last sentence I can’t tell you what the future holds but I’m still being me got

To go to the wide receiver at the desk James Jones this is the wide receiver speaking an All Pro Caliber wide receiver speaking but in the last eight games he was not the leading wide receiver for the team Shakur actually was so break it down what do you make of

Stefon digs saying yo I can’t tell you what the future holds but he is under contract family yeah um what I make of it is he’s probably going to be on a new team and the reason why I say that is I remember my coach Edgar Bennett always

Told me uh when I was with the Packers he say never let them figure out they can win without you and through the six-game win streak that’s what the Buffalo Bills found out Stefon Diggs does not have to get the ball or be super involved in this

Offense and we still can find ways to win in six games 31 catches 266 yards zero touchdowns that’s not really help right to be a allp pro wide receiver um especially what he has done in Buffalo until that six game stretch so for me the Buffalo Bills have found out that

They can win without Stefon Diggs once you figure that out and your quarterback and still play at a high level and we all can say Josh was playing at an extremely high level through that six-g game win streak I think we have seen the last of Stefon Diggs in the Buffalo

Bills uniform I honestly do I think he will be playing somewhere else do I think he will ball and get busy absolutely he’s that type of player but I think he be in the new uniform before this season starts absolutely that’s crazy I hate that cuz you might be right

And I don’t I don’t want to see that you know I had a chance to see uh his his brother a couple days ago um and you know he’s not gonna get too in depth of the conversation about his brother leaving or staying but I just told him

That man your brother’s a beast he’s one of the best in the league for sure yeah and I think that Josh Allen and him together are a great Duo that’s all they showed us and it’s like they every year they get better and better and better

Right and they get closer and closer and closer and I just think that this is this is my opinion Stefon this before Josh Allen he probably still really really good I didn’t know that did you no sir I didn’t know that I did cuz I’m just a receiver

Josh Allen you a know he’s this you a know he’s this I know he was that he receiver I get better okay he know 100 catches a year almost all all pro almost every year cool Josh Allen yeah before you had SE D I thought you was a good

Player yeah I didn’t know you I didn’t know I didn’t know you was that true and I think that when you put them together they make magic so I love when I watch Stefon dig out there 14 getting busy and I love when I see 17 throwing the ball

That’s a that’s a d that you you love to see so I hope they can work it out hope he stays in Buffalo Bill cuz he’s that good on the other side of the break Joy you and I were wait in on this I’m wondering though Josh Allen how much

Does he still want step on dig a because at the end of the day it’s a whole lot of headache and the is year it wasn’t a whole lot of help we’ll weigh in on the breaking news on the other side of this commercial break that’s next on speak don’t go Anywhere Stefon Diggs at the Pro Bowl he says I can’t tell you what the future holds but I’m still being me that’s in regards to staying in Buffalo or leaving Joy what is your reaction yeah it’s tough um I think I kind of agree with James cuz there’s

Been smoke around this situation for a while now and generally I don’t really get too much into the drama like when you lose everybody’s upset no reasonably like they have expectations of getting to him winning a Super Bowl you’re not getting where you want to go you’re

Losing to the same guy over and over again there’s questions about your you know what your antics on the sideline you get along with Josh Allen it’s a lot and and usually the season starts and start playing well and everyone forgets about it but this year it didn’t really

Go like that they were in a tough position and everyone had to play their best down the stretch in order for them to even be in the postseason so I I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s not there I I don’t I don’t think he is unaware of the conversations that have been had

About him in his time in Buffalo and whether it was coming to an end so I don’t think he’s unaware of saying something like this and what it’s going to stir up also yeah for me I think he’s done there and the reason is like we

Know Stefon digs is tired of the bills he been tired of the bills last year cam he was like no I’m good on that Josh Allen uh Bengals game throwing his hands up in front of him his brother says come on now Josh Allen Stefan digs made you

So we know Stefan tired of the bills but I think finally in James you alluded to it the bills tired of Diggs I think finally the bills are tired of him too the players get tired organizations all the time but the player so talented you keep them around but there comes a point

In time where the coach is finally like you know what we good on you bro you you’re not worth a headache you know what I’m saying like I saw it in Philly when Chip Kelly for a lot of reasons with a lot of them people was like you

Know what you talented it all but you not worth the headache not the right decision all the time but once the organization gets tired of the player out every time you say chip it kind of you know what happened unless I saw I saw a grin out the corner

Of my eyes like what you who got tired of who chip got tired of certain star players in Philly and so they you know they were no longer there you know what though I can’t blame the organization for that that’s a Chip Kelly thing because when I left they were CRA they

Were begging to get me back who’s they the Eagles the Eagles how calling calling Shan mad all the time to try to get me back begging and they wouldn’t do it and I remember going to the front death I said listen man can’t get into all the details right cuz it might

Private private private legal private but anyway I say um yo what we doing here go get this dra you get drafted uh a Ricky recter back I get it I don’t have time to wait from him the grow and then you you you you ship out Samy Watkins you bring in Calvin

Benjamin tight in wde receiver I know what what they was doing with him so I’m like what were we doing with me I’m still hot I’m still got this right and he was TR they preached me that they doing this that third so I was trying to

Get up out of there I was trying to win how this become a LeSean McCoy I don’t know did you say something you up Chip Kelly yeah but I I mean I didn’t even say sh I just I thought you was talking Jack or somebody no that’s who I I

Didn’t you know hit dog Haller I but he’s hot triggered something on I mean I just want to clear the air family when we return Patrick Mahomes he might already be a top three quarterback in football but do we agree that is next on speak he just wanted to

Clear the air family let him clear the Air Patrick Mahomes in the Super Bowl once again that means three Super Bowls in five years but the question has now been asked of his dad if his son is the greatest quarterback ever and said he’s third trailing only Tom Brady and Joe Montana but he is quote on the right

Trajectory close James Jones Patrick Mahomes already top three all time yeah Patty it’s it’s Tom Brady and it’s Patrick Mahomes in my humble opinion I think Tom think Patty Mahomes is the second greatest quarterback in NFL history and to me I don’t think a third Championship outweighs what Patrick

Mahomes has accomplished six straight AFC championships two MVPs two Super Bowls MVPs I’m taking Patty uh I think his dad has it right um I still have Montana as number two um Patrick Mahomes is three and that’s there’s no shame in that I mean Montana’s a four time Super

Bowl champion three time Super Bowl MVP two time NFL MVP five time all pro Hall of Famer four and0 record in the Super Bowl I’m taking Brady Joe Payton man please and then I’m taking P five times NFL MVP under four Super Bowls with four different head coaches but we’ll talk

More later to5 I think his dad’s right Patty’s three Jo’s two Thomas you already know M had hey ra his next


  1. Oh dats Sherm. N he should know bout Kobe being from da CPT!! Jus like Oakland cats give reverence ta Old School Bill Russell n Glove Gary Payton n even JTA a Champ wit GSW Hoop

  2. 49:OO I'm getting sleepy wanting ta take a nap rit now off top!! Even Joy wit no makeup n no hairdresser cuz her hair is nice already. N her lovely attitude let's go ta sleep even w our clothes on 🍯 pie!!

  3. Let me say this. When Jimmy g was in the 49ers they depends on the defense to carry them. N now with Brock they depend on the offense to carry them. "EXAMPLE' chief first depends on the offense but now all they can depend is the defense. So what I'm saying is that Jimmy gotta manage the game and count on the D n just like mahome as of right now he just depends on the D. Am I'm wrong? If I am explain cuz mahome himself even said it

  4. Wow shady hate on Bill Belichick he’s childish just because you won a Super Bowl with Tom even though you ain’t do nothing Shady is the worst analyst ever.

  5. The hate on bill is tiring. It’s clear that shady takes it personally lol just please stop talking about bill topics I gotta skip it everytime now smh

  6. I don’t understand how people can take Kyle of McVay. We’re trying to discredit McVay by saying he had 1st pick QBs but neither of them had don’t anything in their career until he got them. And McVay won with far less. Yes he had hall of famers but the team wasn’t as fleshed out as Kyles

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