Do These 3 HIP MOBILITY Drills for your GOLF SWING!

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In today’s video, Anthony Vessecchia, Level 3 TPI Certified, shares 3 simple hip mobility drills that’ll help you improve your golf swing takeaway. Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned golfer, this episode is a must-watch for anyone looking to enhance their golf game.

With years of expertise and a Level 3 TPI certification, Anthony Vessecchia is a distinguished figure in the golfing community. His insights into the mechanics of the golf swing and personalized training methods have helped numerous golfers elevate their game.

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Hello and welcome I’m Anthony vasia owner of body Crafters Inc level 3 TPI and I’m here on behalf of scratch Golf Academy to talk about your hips do you are you immobile in your hips are do you have issues getting through the ball or do you have issues in your takeaway and

You’re having to straighten your right leg to try to get more turn well here’s some drills for you to help with that so here’s the first drill this one is going to be seated internal and external rotation one thing I failed to mention is that if you can get more mobility in

Your hips and a bigger turn through your hips it will allow you to get a bigger turn it’ll also help with some lower back and knee injury prevention as well usually will help with that you know your knees aren’t having to your knee’s a hinge joint so it shouldn’t be

Rotating if your hip’s tight it can sometimes get a little bit more rotation starting to happen in the knee that can cause some uh irritation in the meniscus and maybe some ligaments as well the lower back will then start to take over and turn a little bit more than it

Should if the hip hi aren’t you aren’t working the way they’re properly supposed to work so again these are very important let’s get your hips ready to go so this one seated internal and external rotation so we’re just going to sit down we’re going to spread our feet

Out a little wider if we were sitting on a mat but if you can go pretty wide a little almost as wide as you can go without feeling a large stretch in your groin and I want you to internally rotate keeping your knees locked and then externally rotate internally rotate

Externally rotate we’re not really watching to see what our feet do cuz you can help with some rotation with your ankles we’re looking at how much our knees are rotating Inward and outward more so than anything so we’re going to rotate in and out in and out you do

About 15 to 20 of those I would do three sets this isn’t something you have to rest on from day to day knock these out each day this will help the next exercise is going to be hip drops so on hip drops we’re going to be about that

Same spread that we were on the last one for the internal and external rotation we’re going to bring our feet in now and we’re going to drop our hips to the left and then to the right left and then right I’m going to go ahead and turn for

You so you can see it from this angle you’re going to drop them here and drop them here so you can see I’m at about a 90° Bend in my knees and these are hip drops these are going to help with both internal and external rotation of the

Hip now in the same position your third exercise this is going to be what I call hip 9090s I’m going to show you the regressions and progressions of each each of of this exercise so we’re going to drop down just like we did on the hip

Drops but now we’re going to rotate over and drop our sternum on our knee not over here but straight down on top of the knee and it’s called 9090s because you want a 90° Bend here 90° Bend here and a 90° Bend here then we’re going to

Rotate to the other side this is the easy way to do it with your hands behind you and then put your hands down and sternum right on your knee again and then you rotate to the other side and you keep doing it that way now a progression is to do it without

Putting your hands down so you’re going to roll through this way hips down you can put your hands down here and get down stretch the glute in here we’re working the hip mobility the adductors and back down to the other side now to make it extra hard you keep your hands

Out the whole time now we’re getting full control you’re still getting the stretch but you’re getting control through your body as well and your hips and your core to rotate to each side so hip 9090s hip drops and internal and external rotation to help with some hip

Mobility make sure you subscribe get the notifications from us and I’ll just keep pushing them out for you you take [Applause] Care

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