Does the SHAFT matter when BUYING Golf Clubs?

Golf shaft flex is a crucial factor in a golfer’s equipment, influencing various aspects of the swing and overall performance. Here are five reasons why golf shaft flex is important:

Swing Speed Matching:

Golf shaft flex is directly related to a player’s swing speed. The flex of the shaft helps optimize the transfer of energy from the golfer’s swing to the clubhead. Using the appropriate flex ensures that the shaft bends and releases at the right point in the swing, maximizing the efficiency of the energy transfer. A shaft with the correct flex for your swing speed can help you achieve optimal distance and accuracy.
Trajectory and Launch Angle:

The flex of the shaft influences the trajectory and launch angle of the golf ball. Different flexes can affect how the clubhead makes contact with the ball and how it launches into the air. For example, a softer flex might promote a higher launch, while a stiffer flex could result in a lower, more penetrating trajectory. Choosing the right flex helps golfers achieve the desired ball flight for their playing style and course conditions.
Accuracy and Consistency:

Shaft flex plays a role in shot accuracy and consistency. When the shaft has the appropriate flex, it can help control the face angle and reduce the likelihood of mishits. Consistency in shaft flex allows golfers to develop a repeatable swing, leading to more predictable outcomes and improved shot dispersion.
Feel and Feedback:

The feel of a golf club is crucial for many golfers. The flex of the shaft contributes to the overall feel of the club during the swing. Golfers often prefer a specific feel, and the right shaft flex provides feedback to the player about the swing and impact with the ball. This feedback helps golfers make adjustments and refine their swing for better performance.
Injury Prevention:

Using the correct shaft flex can contribute to injury prevention. If a golfer uses a shaft that is too stiff or too flexible for their swing, it may lead to compensations and increased stress on certain parts of the body, potentially causing injuries. Selecting the appropriate shaft flex based on swing characteristics helps maintain a more natural and efficient swing motion, reducing the risk of strain or injury.
In summary, golf shaft flex is a crucial component of golf club fitting, impacting swing speed, trajectory, accuracy, feel, and injury prevention. Selecting the right flex tailored to an individual’s swing characteristics can significantly enhance overall performance on the golf course.

Hello and welcome back to Josh aie YouTube today we’re going to be finding out how important is the shaft for your Golf Club do you need a good shaft do you need a light shaft do you need a heavy shaft how much difference is this shaft going to really make to the

Overall result of your golf shot well we’re going to do some tests today and I’m going to give you some numbers and some feedback on what shaft might suit you and benefit your golf game let’s go okay so starting off test number one one we have got my dad’s titless driver here

He has got a 40 G regular shaft in this um completely wrong for me I don’t know how this is going to come out um he’s got the TSR one head as well 10° so super high for for me on my setup we’ve got the Ventus

5x with the Ping g430 LST so it’s a low spin head and it’s a 9° so two completely different drivers we’re going to hit H couple of shots with each one and get some immediate feedback on these and I’m just going to tell you for why

This driver suits my dad and why this driver suits me let’s hit a couple with the Ping to start off with this is my driver okay pretty poor shot that one quite necky it felt like it was out the bottom of the face but still got away with one okay ball number two

Lovely that is the money one right there right out the middle of the face pretty good carry releasing out over to that 300 mark perfect wouldn’t want anything more from a driver than that okay now for my dad’s driver no idea what this is going to be

Like but let’s find out why is this driver not made for me let’s hit a couple wow so straight away look at the height difference on that Sky High coming down with snow on it still went pretty straight but definitely a lot different to mine okay one more with dad’s

Driver wow super straight this one actually a really nice flight on that just super high really spinny um but we’re expecting that with with dad’s driver right let’s talk some numbers here um ball speed you can see that they were both pretty similar my dad’s Club

There on the last three and four shots was at 165 the first one was just a touch lower ball speed but as we go to the launch angle you can see that it dramatically increases goes up to 14 degrees with that third shot uh which was my first one with my dad’s driver

Now notice the Back Spin numbers 3,700 with the first one and 3,900 with the second one so you know way too spinny we’re looking for around about that 2,000 Mark with a driver so you can see there as soon as that sha goes in the loft of the club’s up you

Know the spin rate dramatically increases so you know overall this equates to a driver that’s coming out too high too spinny and just not going as far you can see the difference there of 20 yards um you know almost well 30 yards between shot two and three so you

Know that is a massive massive difference when you’re out there on the course you know you’re looking at something like a seven ironing compared to a four iron um which you know equating that into a score you’re going to be much better off hitting it 30

Yards further um and you know this is solely down to sha so something like this 40 G Sha for someone that swings it a touch slower this might be great for um you know a mid- handicap that’s really struggling to get some height with his driver and wants a bit more out

Of their driver for someone like myself that needs a bit more consistency needs something that’s going to tighten that dispersion and overall we’re looking to get that launch angle at around about 10° the spin at about 2,000 and that is Optimum numbers as we talk about Optimum numbers all the time

It doesn’t matter what type of player you are if you want to hit your driver as far as possible they’re the numbers that you need to be getting so um you know very very important that when you’re trying out a new driver or looking at a new shaft you’re looking at

Launch angle and Back Spin that is where you’re going to find your Optimum numbers so you know straight away driver shaft made a massive impact we saw 30 yards increase in mine compared to my dad’s Club um and let’s go to something like a mid iron and see what happens

There so we’re now going to go into a mid iron test now I just want to address one thing that isn’t really spoke about a bunch but is very very important when talking about golf clubs is Swing weight now my swing weight is normally around about D1 D2 and I say that normally

Because a lot of clubs that you buy just off the shelf the swing weight can be all over the place um you know and from Club to Club you might have a eight iron in your bag that just feels fantastic the weight of it feels great you know

Your for iron might be two or three swing weights higher or lower that could just throw you out completely so very important to note that when you’re changing shaft be aware that it’s going to massively affect your swing weight a bunch so you know you need to have a

Swing weight that’s pretty similar throughout your whole set and if you don’t know much about your swing weight your clubs I suggest getting them tested out seeing where they’re at finding a club that you hit well and going off that swing weight so let’s try my dad’s

7 iron first this time I’m looking at around about 180 yards with mine he’s got the Ping G10 um pretty retro and he’s got the TFC 129 regular I don’t think that’s 129 G um these feel super light so be pretty intrigued to see where these go let’s

See what happens with my dad’s 79 okay good strike quite high again and I think that’s going to be a really similar pattern with my dad’s clubs because they’re a bit softer um you know a bit lighter I just think the spin rates are going to be a touch too high

For me so let’s go one more okay felt like I middled that one a bit better still not really get into my total number but a fantastic shot finishing on the line okay we’re now at my seven iron I have got the Tacomo CB 301 um I’ve got T 130x KBS shafts in

This so you know this is a completely different feel to my dad’s Club um but let’s have a look at the numbers difference see there just a window lower um pretty similar carry actually that one interesting okay that one was definitely struck better just turned it over a

Touch but a much better strike releasing out that’s about right for me so pretty interesting test there on them two so first off let’s look at the bull speed numbers very very similar you can just see that that last one there that I hit with my seven just jumped up by 3

Mph there so you know a few yards longer um launch angle was completely different by two de and you know backspin numbers again look at the average of my dad’s up that top end of 7000s mine are down the bottom end so you know a much better

Number for controlling the spin rate and having that under control so you’re looking at roundabout normally with your irons I would go say if you’re a seven iron 7,000 if you’re hitting 6 iron 6,000 8 iron 8,000 um you know so pretty good numbers with my seven iron there a

Touch too high with my dad’s um you can see as well that the carry distance maybe just a touch further with Mine by three four yards but you know overall that makes a massive impact to to my game and I would probably see more flyers with my dad’s Club you’d probably

Have that inconsistent number um but definitely more right and left probably going to be a lot more controlled when you’re Mis striking them compared to mine so you know if you mis strike mine you’re really going to know about it my dad’s clubs you’re kind of going to get

Away with it a lot more so you know two completely different irons the shaft as well I think that shaft just massively affects that backspin number and also increases that launch you know where that spin is up the launch is going to go up with that so you know another very

Interesting test and definitely you can see there there is a big difference between sha to sha and Club to Club so to round up this video we’re going to do it a versus challenge we’re going to see who comes out on top can the tacos knock

One in their tight from 205 yards or is my dad’s Tacomo 101 made up five iron that he just stuck a random hybrid shaft in um you know the world funkiest Golf Club ever made I think um Can it beat my five iron let’s find out right I’m locking in we’re

Taking this serious my dad’s clubs cannot beat mine okay nice soft five IR on the flag stick and this one is looking pretty good go wow I mean that was a firm bounce wasn’t it beautiful shot though in there to six 15 ft okay ball number two very good shot

With the first one see if we can follow that one up bit higher similar flight as well just a touch to the left another great shot in there 2 22 foot getting better right we’re going all out people over the water nice draw oh wow come on then kick right for

Me oh baby oh baby 7 foot 6 in the old man’s irons are going to have to do something special to beat that so there I am on the leaderboard 7′ 5.5 in can we beat it with my dad’s irons I don’t think I’m ever going to live this down if these

Beat my current clubs come on oh my god I’ve just absolutely flagged one look how far this one’s carried sit down oh my God that 101 head just flies a bit further okay we might have to do a bit of shot making here maybe go front foot

Little bit higher take a bit off of it oh oh no tried to fade one in there and started it right it’s wet it’s not looking good for Dad’s clubs okay last ball can we work some magic so going to try and start this one left fade it in come

On okay this one looks good flight okay dad’s clubs just find the green 27 foot that was a fun little challenge to finish that one off guys shaft does massively impact what happens with bull flight spin rate launch angle everything so make sure you get that part right the

Head is probably going to be more forgiving or probably a tighter dispersion you know you need to decide which one you want in terms of a club head the longer the ball is in the air I would say the more impact the shaft is going to make so driver most important

Irons I would say you can kind of get away with it but you know you still need something that’s suited for you so to round that up shaft is important make sure you get something that’s right for you get them numbers spot on and then there’s no more excuses with the clubs

You know the clubs are going to be right you can start them blaming the person on the end of it if you did enjoy that video please be sure to smash the like button press subscribe as it really really helps me out and we will see you all for the next One

1 Comment

  1. Hey Josh, thanks for the video. I currently have a stiff flex 60g shaft, but I am only swinging at around 95 mph. Would a lighter and regular flex shaft improve dispersion? I.e. my occasional banana slice? 😅

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