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❤️ LIVE: Jamie & Britt’s Casino Confessions + Bingo!

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Featuring slot play in our favorite casinos! Please Play Responsibly | © The Betting Belles LLC

Hi you think we’re live you know the rules let us know if you can hear us yes I know let me go put on some like light background music here let’s do something okay I feel like I look so grainy I’m on my um do I look really grainy no it’s

Not bad it’s a little bit I think it’s just the dark I’m on my work or not my work I’m on my laptop and I just feel like I look so Pixley oh you’re okay no worries uh well how was your Super Bowl yesterday it was good we went out to

Dinner with a friend um we watched kickoff in the um restaurant you know I lost it when I saw Rea come out because you know something about southern woman um and I enjoyed it I enjoyed the game I was originally cheering for the 49ers just because I liked the quarterback I just

Thought he was precious seeing all the things but I will say kudos to Patrick momes because he when he when it went in overtime he just decided he wanted it so I mean hi David and Pam do we have just three people in here got like nine people on YouTube so

Far and they’re trickling in over on Facebook they’re getting here uh but thank you what’s itme for the Super Chat I know I am a huge Reba fan too I actually I think it’s the redhead thing um but also like when I was in school I did um a biography on her I

Remember so it was I’ve always had an affinity for Rea for sure I just love and I know you were obsessed with the halftime show oh my God Daniel was like you need to calm down because I was jumping up and down on the couch like especially

When Lil John and little Chris came out I was like oh my god this is my prom because see that’s what we we got down to at like Proms and like what all my teammates and I listened to on the bus rides to sporting events and so I called

My mom and I was like Mom it’s it’s my demographic now that they’re like doing the Super Bowl after so AKA you’re getting old I know I like getting older and so I really I I enjoyed it I know it wasn’t everyone’s cup of tea but um I

Got down with it so still a baby though she’s a whopping 26 so I don’t think you get to call by any means hi everybody Doris whisper we I know things look a little different Britt and I um are doing something different something new um so yeah so

I’m gonna pass off to Brit because I have no idea have not touched it so we’re all going to learn together tonight yes so we thought we’d hang out on chitchat we’re taking a little break um tonight and live play Bingo had reached out to us recently um and invited us to Joy

Their family of creators um and so I was a huge huge fan of this they launched at perfect timing right during covid um when everybody was stuck at home and was looking for ways to connect with people but this is an app that lets you um play

Bingo at home but with a Live host and with a live chat going on um so the thing is mirroring my screen up there so you can see what we’re doing and how the app works and I want to tell you guys about it um because I I honestly truly

Really love this game and I think you will too and it’s totally free and something you can do at home all the time um so this is live play bingo I am just going to play one card at a time but you pick how many cards you want to

Play it looks like they’ve got a fun little thing going on right now with some Plinko but all those flashing things are telling me which numbers have already been called since I’ve joined in um late to this round of bingo um it’s it doesn’t mirror the audio on here but

If you were playing at home with your phone on you could hear that Evan is talking there’s a chat going up the screen you can see kind of through here um and people are in the chat hanging out with each other Jamie and I will be

Verified in the chat so we can play along together um and do bingos and I’m missing numbers here so there was N40 I know they’ve got some promos right now for uh be my Valentine it looks like I need b77 for a Bingo I’m only one away in like several

Different places where I’m hoping some hi Dennis and Tisha so if you’re AO fan it’s super fun way to play at home um and engage with people and just to hang out and kind of a a l oh I got a bingo I had a bingo

What does that mean that means I get some points or whatever you get some like it was the 598 Bingo that uh got call wow yay so the number of bingos available before a new round starts depends on like how many people are playing live um and then randomly so

Here’s my rewards I get one extra Bingo bonus um some Bingo buck and some XP but then you can use those to like I don’t have no K allocation turn down okay so then I could use those to buy like an upgrade or something like oh and you can

Play Lots while you’re waiting so for the next round to start I’m playing I’m uh trying to win some extra little coins here that can be used powerups and stuff so like with this you can send like gifts and whatnot or like add these power up things so see those like

Rockets going off you you can use like your little Bingo bucks and stuff to send those fun things in the chat so it’s super fun um super cool way to do it um and just play at home and enjoy some bingo so I thought we would just

Chitchat while I play Bingo and if you guys have any questions about Bingo you can let us know um our link is bingo we’ll take you to the download page um so that we get a little bit of credit for it and we’ll put that towards our next Casino live stream tomorrow

Tomorrow um Pam I I can’t see who signed up I show a couple people have signed up but I appreciate that you’re making sure we get credit for that thank you here I’ll put it in the chat no I have to share the funny story about how um hi

Chen where this this was born at um so they had reached out to us and Brit I don’t remember if you called me if you texted me but you were like oh my God live play Bingo reached out to us and I absolutely love them um they were so

Much fun to work with and then Brett really talked big about how the like the people in the chat that we can see on the screen um how great the community was um and we know something that’s very special to a lot of our viewers is just

How much fun the community is so it’s just another Outlet um of community you know that we all like being a part of but um if I full transparency if I’m grainy on here at all my hi plot um Wi-Fi again technical difficulties just follow I’m I’m we’re at our and we’re in

South Carolina right now and um bad storm Wi-Fi is out so I’m using my almost dead phone um to uh Hot Spot off of but I’ve got it on charger um so yeah more technical difficulties yeah John this is Brit formerly from BC slots um BR the Brit

Carter so that’s also how I’m familiar with life play bingo I don’t think they realized who they were reaching out to at the time when they messaged betting Bell um but I worked closely with Stuart their founder um when I was over there with Brian and I really fell in love

With the app and so was very very excited when they reached out to us and I was like oh I know these guys I have a lot of fun with this app still had it downloaded on my phone and this is definitely something that I would love

To share with you guys Jamie and I both work from home you’ve heard of talk about it we get lonely sometimes you know this is a fun way to be able to chat with people oo I got leveled up look at that I get some extra bonuses and stuff

There fun times next round starts in 20 seconds and until then I can spin the slot machine try and win some extra stuff on that s my mom oh Mama’s coming uh TJ says says hey Jamie went to Caesars in Danville Virginia had a good time the full Resort in Casino will be

Up in summer about $50 in free slot play nice I wonder how far that’s right we’ve got to look at how far away that is a new one right that’s they’ve got like a temporary one right now oh no Jessica the are the Link’s not working the link isn’t working the the

Bingo link how are you spelling bells are you spelling it like Jingle Bells are like Southern bill yeah make sure you add an Es at the end um otherwise uh we can put it in chat again um for chat Jamie you got to make sure we put in the HTTP otherwise

They can’t click on it well there we go yes so um I want to talk about all of the players shoes from last night because I know my sneaker girl was was checking those out was really Daniel and I we like were specifically it was so funny cuz he was

Actually watching like the plays which I let me say this I was captain of the trilling squad so I know the sport of football I’m just not like you know I’m not crazy about not that I don’t like it but I know what’s going on but um he was so funny because

He was actually like watching the plays and I’m like did you see his shoes are those Jordans like somebody I swear had on a pair of dogs out there I swear it looked just like my sneakers um but I guess they got a cleek version um Jessica is it giving you like an

Error I’m just curious on a computer or are you on a phone because I know the link takes you to the app store for your phone um whether you’re on Android or iPhone it should go directly to the App Store um so maybe it has to do with

Whether or not you’re on phone I’m not sure we have to we can get that if Jessica I don’t know if you follow follow us on Instagram or Facebook but please message us and we can get you on the correct link um because we thank you

So much for trying to sign up um notifications going off I’m sorry I need to how do I mute on my I never use this laptop how do you um they said Do Not Disturb if you’re on your Apple um yeah I saw this the one pair of shoes was like

Completely blinged out like full on rhinestones red rhinestones the entire place I was very surprised that they were so blingy for sure interesting Pam says if you’re on a computer that if you install the Google Play games beta you can send it to your phone interesting for I’m gonna play

Dumb here how do I mute on my computer the messages um top of your screen like by the date and time and stuff the one that has like the two little liny things next to the hour that on Focus I don’t think we get credit if you’ve downloaded it before but that is

Totally fine it is all we just want to give you something fun that we recommend okay I think I muted it we’ll see um we totally appreciate um supporting us and yes it does help contribute to our gambling budget absolutely if we refer you guys um we do

Not you know no obligation no pressure for it and if you’ve already done it because we promoted it heavily with Brian for sure so you if you watched us for a long time there’s definitely possibly already on there for sure um yeah we’re having fun with it I know I

Guess people Denis I know tonight it’s we didn’t expect a big crowd tonight because people come to watch gambling and we’re not gambling so um Casino confessions oh my god um Mary you asked apologies that I missed I saw you asked earlier will you be posting where you

Will be for the casino lives um yes when we are together which we will be together next week um hi Joseph um we will be posting if you follow us on Facebook and Instagram um and that’s where I update everyone Britt I believe is pretty good

With the patreon so um make sure to subscribe we do have a free um patreon group um I always like to say free we do have a paid one which we’re very but um we do have a free one so you’ll know where we are

At hi Ro yeah next week we’re GNA be at hara’s Ain which is outside of Phoenix um I have to go back to Mayo Clinic for some things and so haris uh has offered to host us so they um are got us a hotel room so that we can and gave us

Permission to go live stream there so we can film and live um and if you are in that area please let us know cuz we’d love to say say hello um we’ll be out and about in the casino primarily Tuesday Wednesday um Thursday I have lots of doctor stuff um and then Friday

We’ll do a little bit more um before we head out and then we’re driving to uh Vegas we’ll be in Vegas for like six nights um so that’s super fun and then we fly up to Reno um we’ll be at the Peppermill for another six nights this

Is a long trip for us I think we’re where we at like 16 days I don’t know I am freaking out because I really do not want to have to bring two suitcases so we’re gonna have to do laundry okay we can do laundry I really yeah really don’t want

To have to take to but um and we also got to fix our flights because my I still have a Raleigh to yeah big budget listen low we are still low rollers um have 16 nights though that we are doing so it is super exciting uh my mom is GNA eat for the

First couple nights and she said that she would uh take some of my clothes home for me if I wanted to well isn’t that just nice maybe she take some of mine to your house if you came have lived closer to me then just saying we

Wouldn’t have to deal with all of this I am like begging Jamie to move closer to the no Brit and I we’re starting so I always joke around that like my husband and I we 100% codependent on each other and so we don’t do well when we’re like

Apart from each other we very much like to be together all the time and Brit and I are starting to do that that when we’re not together we’re both like just sad and not as motivated and just you know kind of in like a little Funk and um so

We’re we’re talking about it I you know I’m at this place um where you know because Daniel is possibly he’s getting a remote job and so we will have the ability to move but um I don’t want to make any quick decisions you know like moving across the country is a really

Big deal and so um we’re just and I’m very impulsive when it comes to that sort of thing I know it’s yeah so we’re we’re just taking a day at a time um Bev fun fact a lot of y’all don’t know this so Brit and I work promote um so our

Jobs don’t let us off a lot so a lot of times since my job is like East Coast based I’m actually on my computer by 6:30 or 6:00 in the morning um and I’ll just work from like 6: to 12 um and then after lunch britne will go and and film

So um if I ever look really tired it’s because you know I was I’ve been up since 5: in the morning yeah it it’s tough um one of the things I am excited for though we so we’re going to Vegas for slot Fiesta um March 29th um and then we have a

Conference in Anaheim on April 10th so rather than make Jamie fly back and forth uh we decided to just make the best of it and hang out the whole time but that means we’re going to be in Vegas from March 29th all the way through April 6th 7th I think April 7th

So we’ve got like a good week and a half there but I’m excited because we have managed to do comp rooms for all of those nights um and so I plan on making a video about like how we’re managing it how we’re getting those comps as low

Rollers you know who only spend a few hundred dollars a trip and stuff your direction and be a Southern bell and then fly by slot talking about residency I know this is our residency Pam I’m going to say this I the only place I I would move right now on the

East Coast would be to Florida um for for Disney clearly um but for opportunity because who my husband’s goingon to be working for is based out on the west coast for opportunity the West Coast just makes more sense um so well Justin I don’t get a

Ha oh so we are hopping around we’re we’ve got comps that we’re using between Resorts World and palms and Cosmo and Durango through stations um so we’re hopping around and we’re going to focus our budgets on those um one of our strategies is that we do because we’re

Sharing our money anyway we try to play allinone players card yes and because we’re filming most of the time when we are playing and frankly I have just as much fun fun sitting next to her playing on one machine as playing separately yeah so we tend to take turns and uh

Play all on the same player card so but some of these players cards are in her name some are in mine so we um have to be very strategic when we go um so that we can use those comps keep the comps for next you know future times uh you

Know plan the budget but I want to make a video about how we’re doing it so that other people can like do the same thing as we are because yeah we don’t lose that much we don’t we don’t lose that much when we go and so um there’s a good

Way to to be able to maximize it and I think that’s something that our audience would hopefully love to see no well B I can I give away one of our little tidbits we discovered with the S Rich game so I don’t know if yall saw the

Video we posted a few weeks ago um our stink and Rich challenge where I you know we bet a penny and we’re trying to get the on bonus well each penny y’all we got so many comp points from that and we only spent what $27

$23 yeah in the end so many um it’s fascinating how you can uh use those um those multipliers and stuff so there was a bonus multiplier that was on there and um we were able to maximize it but one of the things people don’t realize a lot

Actually here you go that’s what Pam’s saying is comps are not just based on your total budget your total bank roll how big your bets are um or you know what your starting amount is they it’s a very complicated system that uses also the length of time is a big one that’s

Actually more important than your your bet size is how long you’re playing for so if your budget is you know say your budget for your day is $400 then it’s better to do a smaller budget smaller bet and make that $400 last eight hours then below that $400 in one

Hour you’ll get much better comps on the small bets over eight hours than big bets for one hour because of how that algorithm works for them um yeah and then playthrough is a big thing I think when you are doing those small bits too you often don’t realize like how many

Times you’re playing through that like that you’re you’re winning a little bit back and you’re putting it back in and stuff so it’s a a way to keep a lot um a lot of money in your bank and rack up comps on there without actually losing a

Lot of money so that’s the nice part about it I remember one time this was I think y’all saw it it was last March Brit and I got upgraded at the Palms to a penthouse suite and with the penous sweet it comes with a butler and we are

Like hate using this word but we’re cheap okay like are very much like we’ll we’re gotta girls like we will do things like but like we you know like we we don’t need someone to do things for us and it was the weirdest thing like having someone cater to us but then Brit

And I were like you have to tip them each time and we were like holy cow like oh my gosh but we were so spoiled it was it was just funny because we were like we did not know what to do with ourselves because we don’t ask for we don’t we don’t need

Anything you know I think like we could use some like um like some apple juice or they they got we so we were like we we could use a mixer like pretty sure yeah we asked for [Laughter] juice which last time we were at The Palms they always give us um they always

Surprise us with a tequila and last time they did bring the the mixer that was special thankfully they realized that uh we are not shots girls really I made Jamie take a shot that first time but uh normally we’re more drinks girls and so this this

Time they they figured that out and they brought us uh extras to go along with the tequila we need to reach out to James by the way I don’t know if you have you or we only one we need to email him um so but I’m excited to stay at the Durango

Yes so we’re staying at Durango for our March trip March April trip um this trip we’re actually not staying at Palms um uh because the stupid International Builder show the IBS show is in town the dates were going to be there and so Palms is 100% sold out they are

Completely sold out there’s not any room that is available for all of those nights oh I’m missing stuff I’m bingo yes and so like a bunch of the casinos on the Strip are also this is one of like the biggest shows on the Strip conventions and stuff and so um there

Are no rooms available so we’re actually staying out at alante next time um and I’m pretty excited to check that out I know cherish the IBS show I was using that intentionally because I’m not very happy with them for taking all of our hotel rooms alian is a boy property that is

Out there and I’m super excited Justin we are playing live play Bingo um we are one of their Partners now so we if you go to bedding or um Bingo Bells it’ll take you a sign up um it’s free to play we just get you know a little

Credit for the sign up link but it sounds like you’re familiar with it so um so yeah something you know free as low rollers we don’t like to spend our money all the time and so um figured this would be a fun way to keep the community and energy going um while also

You know keeping the light bill on so they typically do usually also like hourly like giveaways or maybe it’s not every hour but it’s you know often peak times where they’ll do like Amazon gift card giveaways or they’ll do merch swag giveaways and things like that um that

You just have to be logged into the game you don’t necessarily have to even be like playing or winning anything so that’s super nice oh and apparently you can use credits to hatch eggs and finish your Easter collection to get into a tournament interesting I haven’t done

That oh Justin plays it yeah so here’s how we can um you can give gifts and stuff so like what gifts should we give to Evan right now I have 74,000 Bingo bucks um I think they loaded me up we can we can do um a martini should we send him a drink

Yeah send a cocktail so now that’s going to see it’s going to countown till it goes off and sends it to him and then we’ll see oh sunny days then some champagne and then I think where’s my cocktail going sometime there’s oh maybe we’re still in Champagne I don’t know it

Says they sent him a cocktail oh that’s so cute I love it wow nice Justin said yeah every hour they do an Amazon gift card that’s awesome so like yeah play for free get your Amazon gift cards and hang out working it on Amazon oh and another

Thing because I know people are gonna be confused and I I haven’t even told Brit this yet that um Dan and I decided not to go to Disney this week we were supposed to go to Disney this week no we’ve just got too much going on and

We’re in South Carolina trying to get both of these properties ready to be sold I have an event I have to be at this weekend for family and then Brit and I are traveling next week and I just told Dan like I think I’m going to get

To Disney and just be stressed out because I should be here so um we’re going to try again after Brit I you know finish traveling the West Coast together so exq do they know who the bells are they find rooms with the big names like you not sure we’re quite that level but

Like literally like I couldn’t go on the website like we the only way we could have made it work is if like we changed rooms like every night there was room like like one night there was a room in the fantasy Tower and the next one it

Was available in Ivory Tower and then it was the two queens and then it was a one king so like but each one of them was only available for like one night so we would have had to hop all around everywhere I hate changing room I I

Talked to a host on the phone um who was like yeah we should find you something she’s like oh actually um no and then I called the M they were completely sold out out I couple places on the Strip were completely sold out so I was like

You know what let’s do alante it’s a boid property uh it’s pretty nice I’ve seen some other people there um who have stayed there and had a good time so I I’m hopeful I’ve never been but it’ be something new for us Kim good question do you ladies use

Any certain apps to get discounts while flying or talking like flying um so I we use primarily like flights to like search for the most options on like flight times and um routes and that sort of thing oh it’s cuty Blingo now um but Jamie and I

Mostly stick to Delta and Alaska so that we can get like Loyalty Rewards and stuff um and build that up because then we get points and can use thank you frequent flyer miles and stuff like that um so that’s mostly what we do um yeah and Google has like flight alerts and

Stuff so you can set like you can either set it for specific flights or you can set it up just like the route like notify me anytime there’s a really good deal on flights from Raleigh to Vegas kind of thing and then it’ll like and

You can even then narrow it down if it’s on a specific Airline or whatever and it’ll alert you and tell you that send you an email so I set those up um when we’re looking at trips and whatnot so that we can uh keep an idea of what’s

Going to be the best deal for it yeah um cherish oh been on try way I try to go to Disney like every two three months but because I think Brit and I are going when we are in Anaheim we’re going to Disneyland um together when we’re in

Anaheim in April but um oh BR did you freeze did Brit freeze or am I you yeah now you’re back you’re just a little glitchy my WiFi um back you’re you’re glitch differently you’re just like whoa there’s and the game’s reloading there it goes okay okay am I

Back um yes you’re back as far we have I got to go um we went in on our July trip I froze again again and I got to play the his pop and is it is it called poping plays um so I got to see because

Brit designed a few of the elements in that slot machine so it was really sweet like getting to see the things that she uh she worked on so you are so right searching for flights in incognito mode absolutely that is something to do with like your like geographical location

They say to also use a VPN um so uh that that that is good I haven’t done all all that but I’ve heard that that’s good um and um when it comes to I have to give you more context on like why I hate changing hotel rooms um I am literally

Like a hurricane when I’m in a hotel room you can ask Brit and I’m it’s funny because I am not like that in my own house I am very much organized and stuff but when I’m living out of a suitcase I’m gonna have it everywhere I’m gonna

Have my clothes all over the floor I’m gonna have my makeup everywhere like I am like a hurricane so and you know when you change hotel rooms you gotta pack it all back up and then you got to and then I pack so much stuff that I have to be

Strategic with how I pack it and it’s just a yes so yes it’s it’s for sure I don’t know what happened I turned off the game uh because I was wondering maybe it was my computer was glitching out having too much going on maybe I don’t really know

Um but just in case I turned it off um but yeah we’re going to Disneyland so the Indian gaming Association conference is in Anaheim it switches between Anaheim in San Diego every year um it’s in Anaheim in April the week before my birthday so we are are definitely going

To go to Disneyland um as part of that long uh trip between Vegas and California I think we’re going to um hit yamama on the way from Vegas over to Anaheim um and then probably do a day of Disneyland on the Friday or two or know it but for my birthday we’re

Gonna go Disney World so doing Disney World again duh so much fun like it’s just so much fun love do and beev over here are in the chat planning a Meetup at Hard Rock Tampa I know we’ll have to plan to do that so okay we got to plan in advance

This time because okay Casino confessions time um I may have told Jamie that we got permission when we went to Hard Rock Tampa last time to film we actually didn’t because they were like yeah we need 14 days and this is only n days before you’re coming and

I was like well I didn’t know were coming until now and so we didn’t actually have permission and we kind of got in a little bit of trouble so I need to put in request now while we are uh on back hopefully on the good lists and get

Approval to come film uh because I know there are quite a few of you out there including Doris uh our flyby slots over there Matt uh and other people that will want to come and film if as long as we’re going to be down in the area I think so

Yes if you haven’t seen uh Jamie and flyby slots did a contest on Queenie to see who could get the bonus first um and Jamie slaughtered him oh has never been that good to me it was and here’s what’s so funny y’all I so it was two slot

Machines like beside each other and like they shared the cabinet or whatever it’s called and um one of them had a much larger mini and so I told fly by slot like hey I would feel guilt like I just would feel guilty sitting like I noticed

It before he noticed it so I just would have felt guilty taking that slot machine because the mini was so high and so I took the one with the much lower mini and y’all I tore it up I guess that was good karma but at the same time Queenie didn’t give him

Nothing oh my goodness yes we definitely want to get to Detroit Detroit is on the list uh with somebody that is hopeful this year um yeah we’re Florida we’ve got Pepper Mill um and Reno obviously Vegas trying to do some California stuff trying to get Jamie back up here to Washington um

And do we have do um we have to do Detroit yes got a friend there yeah and like we have lots of subscribers who are in that area who’s hopping now Bradley Jones just hopped in m just hopped in love ity look at all I cannot believe we’ve

Got 40 of y’all hanging out with us I was worried I was like they’re all nobody’s gonna stay and so I’m just surprised um Doris has left the link to that challenge video um in the chat if you want to watch it over there on

YouTube um Facebook I have to see uh I think I posted it on Facebook double check I I’m trying to get better about making sure I always post them in both places because I am not good want say hi Erica if we go to Detroit you I I want I

Would love to meet you um so you would absolutely have to come join us so um I was say I could tell I was like is Brit itching her leg or she no tby wanted to come say hi Oh her listen y’all have got to follow us on

Facebook and Instagram because I tell everybody where we’re going to be at when we’re going to be there so Disney Meetup I’m I’m totally done for a Disney Meetup oh my gosh that would be so much fun do you all know where the slot machine is in Disney World because there

Is one there is one there’s a slot machine Hi lucky lady slots if you go to bingo Bells so Bells spelled b l l s um that will take you to our Bingo link um so thank you all for signing up for that your support means a lot um

There is a it’s not like can’t like put money in it but there is a slot machine OT actually there’s your hinge it’s an Epcot and we’ll we’ll tell you where it is before we say no more suspense where is it herma stumped anybody else got a

Guess it is located I I’ll keep narrowing down the hint it’s located if you walk in through the I call it the golf ball the big golf ball you walk towards the right past like Finding Nemo and where saurin is and it is inside of an attraction over there it’s not in the

Country’s area it’s like in where soaring and kind of that stuff is I had to turn my blur off because it was weirding me out when Tabby’s head was getting blurred out it doesn’t have no hair sometimes my hair will get blurred out and makes my

Head look weird there we go ER figured it out got it we get skunked yes so what do you think should we have a Disney day let’s have a Disney day and we’ll plan to meet up for a little bit and when we go for Jamie’s birthday and

Then we can hang out and maybe we can go to Epcot and drink around the world and play the slot machine on pigment one drink around the world I like our our Wonder drink it non-alcoholic drinks around the world oh Seth figured it out yes there we go

I um yeah no we would probably not we would drink non-alcoholic drinks around the world how about we snack around the world we will snack around we in France the Brit I or no it’s not France it’s Morocco I think it’s a there’s a drink um that I I like I don’t

Think you can drink it because it has vodka in it but um my birthday in I’m a Gemini yeah Donna Tabby is giving the licks I put on some lotion and I think she’s trying to taste it I don’t know so yes J’s birthday isn’t uh June um we

Will definitely be going easy on it yeah popcorn for sure um because I don’t handle heat super well and last year I tried to push myself too hard in the green heat for G his birthday so we will not quite go as hard as we did last time

We’ll prepare a little bit better we also have more tricks do know what I’m saying like especially um planning we we were trying to rush it all in one day for Jam’s birthday while we were there and we just pushed ourselves too I’m June

4 I’m a June 4th baby look at the little June baby F you do not live in Georgia and have not gone to Disney World in over 31 years wow that’s a long time and she lives in Georgia okay I I wonder if Disney does group ticket or any a group

Stuff like wait we can do that for we have that thing that’s true we have a travel agent yes okay they can put together a group for us because like even then you can sometimes get better rates like on a hotel or sometimes even on tickets I think if you have enough

People that you’re buying them all at once um so maybe it seems like there might be enough interest to look at that no we look at all these June babies that’s so sweet so we I’ve never stayed there I’ve been several times to that casino I’ve never actually like stayed in it

Though um I’ve stayed in it I stayed we were in like The Spa Tower I think it was called um or relaxation Tower or something um that we were there so that it could be a little bit quieter cuz we were there for a conference oh wait and

Then the second time we were just in the regular Tower um so it was nice it was a nice hotel except the second time the elevators went down for after um a lightning storm and they were down for like two or three hours and you you there was no elevator

Like you had to climb the stairs to the 16th floor if you wanted to go back to your room kind of thing so yeah no that was not happening for me Brian did it I did not I was like I’m sorry I I can’t I physically can’t do that many ser

Uh it’s just not going to happen so um I waited went up to the hotel later for sure but yeah it’s a nice nice place for sure what is your favorite slots that you would keep playing on Justin said oh Jamie shop love that lately I’ve Loved

Mystery of the lamp that bonus is so much fun so much fun yes myy lamp was a great one I love um the Shamrock for for um and like or no leprechaun’s gold leprechaun’s gold I like shark fortunes too but leprechaun’s gold is the one that has like the Leprechaun on the

Beach or at the pyramids and um it is super fun and nostalgic for me yeah is liking that lotion I know she’s she’s a liquor she is just it’s you know it is what it is what can you do she just likes motion yeah exactly be says I live an hour from

Disney and haven’t been since my kids have grown and moved out of the house at least 10 years geeez 10 years and you live an hour away all right we’re doing it Jamie we’re planning a Disney Meetup let’s let’s start working on it uh yeah

And yes we do have a travel agent uh partner that we love and uh Kayla can help put something together for it what sort of challenge you think Justin what kind of thing on on the slots at Disney let me know what you’re thinking ah so by thought is May 20th

Yeah great way of keeping you in the casino when you can’t get to your room you just can’t unless you’re willing to that I just got it you can’t get you can’t get to your I mean yeah what else you gonna do but sit down and I guess

Eat and uh Gamble more for sure gosh I always feel like we have to go gamble gambling I don’t care what anybody says gambling is very at least for us mentally taxing and so we had to go RIS like we’ll film for like three hours straight and then we’re like we gotta go

Take a day out rest and breaks are good you know it’s really healthy like we actually had somebody comment on a video I think it was over the weekend where they were like anybody who gets excited for a win under $25 shouldn’t be gambling and I was like

I’m sorry anybody who doesn’t get excited for a win under 2500 shouldn’t be gambling because gambling should be fun like you should be having a good time and if you’re not excited by your wins then you need to slow down and or stop like that no you should be having a

Good time no matter what you’re winning that’s what you’re there for we’ve been getting a lot of uh snarky comments lately I will say that it’s so funny they come it they they happen in clusters we we won get any for like three months and then we’ll get like

Five just like I don’t want to say nasty just like snarky um that’s the thing it is 99% of the time they’re over like I can’t believe you’re so excited for such a small win and I’m like I don’t care that’s happy to me like you know it I

Doesn’t bother me so it doesn’t bother me when come in yeah I love to mess with them so like I I have so much fun with it cuz I I I don’t want to say I’m not I’m not mean back or anything but like I’ll like I like to mess with them I

I’ll I’ll give it back to them and Brit Britt handles it really well too um be sassy exactly Justin we should br we should do a a slot challenge we’re gonna be with a few other channels um in Reno um so I think that would be a lot

Of fun um to to get up with them and do do something I don’t know if I could do I I don’t consider Brit and I aren’t competitive so like I couldn’t see doing like a challenge like again like us against do you know what I’m saying

Like that be like more fun to do it with another Channel when we like I want us both to win because it’s our money going in so like I you know I’m I’m not going to sit there and be like okay I’m about to you know I hope she doesn’t win any like

Anything um there is one there there’s one fun challenge though that like I actually always wanted to do with Brian but we never did it um and that was like a race to the top or bottom so you both for example you pick a number you both start

At $100 in the machine or whatever and then the winner is the person who either gets to 200 first or gets to Z zero first and you play it on a game that you know your max bet is you know whatever $250 $3 $4 so you can’t just like do

$100 Spin and be done kind of thing right but like then you got to be strategic like am i g to try and go fast and get get all my money down low but then what if you do hit a bonus and now you’ve got a $100 bonus but you start

Way down and now you’re back up to 120 and now do you go to the 200 or do you try to go for a zero like I just feel like that could be kind of fun and interesting strategically you know how you’d have to like change up your bet

Style how fast you’re betting you try and just go slow and wait it out just like the other person does like that’s my fun idea that I a love you never told me that I think that would be so much fun and so stressful I love

Itag how awful that would be if you were playing like zap like oh my gosh yes that that would be super super stressful for sure have y’all played that slot machine BR introduced it to me when we were on our cruise and like I don’t know Colette Brit did she

Was uh she was with Brian yep SE says I used to love those challenges when Brian would let Brit choose the machines I know because I we finally get to play like the princess ones and the fairies and stuff like that like all the fun cute things but now I

Get to do all the time it’s it’s Jamie in my channel and we both like those things and we wrote we actually really good at I don’t think we’ve ever told y this but when it comes to like picking a slot machine we normally just like

Rotate like brle pick one and then I’ll pick one and then BR pick one and um we’re really good at uh rotating so we do we take turns it’s it’s a collaboration for us and it’s you know we want to have fun together and that’s really what the channel is about is our

You know experience of hanging out and having fun oh cherish I need to find that one again because Jamie would like giggle the whole time and would love it um girl let okay I’m gonna go find the a video of it here and show everybody what she talking about

I you keep chitchatting while I go find it I’m like super okay stuff like that like I don’t want to say makes me uncomfortable but like I’m I don’t want to say modest but like I get very like embarrassed I guess so one thing to speaking of farting unicorn so on the

Teslas there’s a feature where you can make the car like toot it’s I say toot you you can make it toot and y’all Daniel does that to me so much like when I’m getting out of the car or if I’m unloading the trunk he’ll make the like

When I’m bent over unloading the car he’ll make it too and I am like mortified and it’s loud it is a loud toot um I think I locked him out the house oh my God I think I locked him out the house I locked him out

Okay and then I will show you and everybody Pony because uh lucky pony is the most I didn’t mean he’s like it’s okay I accidentally left the uh front door open earlier today cuz I saw my my security camera was like a pet alert on

The front porch and I was like uh what and Tabby was just on the front porch I’m like how the hell did she get out there but I just left the front door open I’m sorry I didn’t mean to lock you out so Dan and I had found a game on the

Tesla arcade y’all we went on a date night the other night after work we went and got ice cream and we were sitting in the Tesla playing this game y’all we accidentally sat there for five hours no you did not I’m not kidding we got to

The ice cream place at like 6:30 7 we didn’t leave till midnight we had no idea we looked around and we were like’s closed um because my phone automatically goes into Focus mode at like 9:30ish and so I wasn’t getting any messages and we it was so funny we’ve left so he was

Sitting in the car while I’ve been on here playing that game um I my gosh that is crazy hours I am going to share with you and the rest of those people who may or may not have watched this um lucky pony hi Britney this is the most ridiculous lot

Machine ever what’s it called it’s called lucky pony uh all right let me add it to the stream add to Stage hold on let me take off the little thingy no girl you got this layout all missed well I’m all missed there we go okay all right and make sure it didn’t

Mute us you can still hear us right okay this is lucky pony s unbelievable okay four picks fine apples two BS okay yes you want to get the apples no And that was Good oh that’s that’s too funny I mean than I want to play more I’m lucky pony I gotta find the lucky pony song though it’s on the free games I’m sure he got free games at some point here because it’s just hysterical um where are the free

Games you’re still there right you can hear me yeah I can hear you you do when you talk during when the machine’s playing though you’re a little like fuzzy so here’s Pony wild I’ll show you this part all right this is goody [Applause] wild that puts me back in the

Game look at that I think I got a wild live very nice you can kind of hear the song in the background there where’s I got to find the lucky Point slot machine song we got to we got to listen to it here’s the thing along Okay lucky pony lucky pony W you be my lucky Dre come true I couldn’t live without you and I just wanted you to know I’ll never let you go St in the metal let me break your pony hair just you up in CL you all [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] your lucky pony lucky pony Oh my gosh this is like a pop sensation like this that’s like a pop so like that’s legit part of the game so when you get the free games it goes into the full lucky pony song um and yeah it’s it’s the funniest most hilarious game

And you can tap the unicorn and it’ll fart out like rainbows and hearts and stuff like that is so oh my gosh so adorable and creative I would love to play that where where is it I gotta find where you can still find it I don’t know go on a trip just to

Find just to find luck you Hy right I know where yamama had it that’s the last place I think I’ve played it there was a place uh Oklahoma had it somewhere um was it Cherokee or was it uh I don’t remember where it was from I think it might be in

Every game I’ll have to look and see who makes it and maybe they can tell where we can find it oh my gosh because I would love to play that and I know y’all think I’m crazy but I swear older slot machines always pay us better than the

New ones except mystery of the lamp that one’s good to us but so my theory behind that is that it comes down to volatility games have become more and more and more volatile as they’re newer and I think that’s because a big chunk of the people

Who play they they do want to have you know those big giant wins or whatever and on a low volatility game you’re not going to have as big of wins but you’re going to have more frequent wins that’s what I like when I gamble I like low

Volatility I like lots of small wins to keep me going and just have fun um but some people want those like chance of the Million dooll jackpot kind of thing and that game because it has a million dollar jackpot is not going to pay you a

Bunch of little stuff so I think that’s really where it all comes down to is not necessarily the payback percentage is different on older games versus newer games but that the volatility is different if that Mak that makes sense yeah I still love that she’s a rich girl that is my

Jamie that song came on in the Tesla the other day and I was like Dan this is my you know Broke Girl Dream song right here um exactly cherish no I want the chance of an oil bill amount right a couple hundred bucks I’m happy like our a$

Thousand win on money Mania the other day like if you didn’t see that one crazy was biggest one ever we crushed did had such a good time like I don’t need a handay to be happy sure handay would be nice we were waiting for that day and it will come eventually I’m sure

But in the meantime I am fun just hanging out with my best friends and having a good time at the casino um we definitely are planning to do more and more travel stuff too I think we got a pretty good response to our we we did one video I think about a

Week ago that showed some more behind the scenes type stuff of us like getting to Arizona and getting kicked out of the casino and that sort of thing so wanting to do more of that too and just really mix it up not getting kicked out part not more

Of for sure so let us know your recommendations especially as we’re coming to cities near you um we I think we’re trying to like rent car a lot of the time too when we go so that we can explore the cities and whatnot so if you have a recommendation for us near your

Casino let us know Facebook message or Instagram message us so I looking for recommendations yes um or you can email us too um I do have it sent up now where you can email helloing and it’ll go to both of us so if you that

Both Jamie and I will get those emails um so we can both read them and respond to them too so that one we’re we’re sharing uh as a way to get them both yeah hi Chris and Lou we see y’all in just a few weeks I can not get over how

Busy next month and April are going to be I’m super excited and then we’re going to crash after and we’ll have to plan something else big I know because Jamie will only be she’ll be home for one two three weeks we’ll be home for three weeks between these two big trips the first

One is like 16 days the second one I think again is like maybe not quite 16 second one it’s probably 14 or 15 days so yeah two two um very back-to-back things jeie I will post it in the chat but it is hello betting that gives an

Email to both of us if you send us message on patreon um or Instagram or to the page on Facebook we both try and check those um Facebook is not as good about giving us notifications when you email messaged us though so Instagram and patreon or email are the where

You’ll generally get us to respond fastest yeah M I’m so glad you have lucky pony stuck in your head now you’re welcome I I’m cannot wait to show that to my husband like it’s gonna be so much fun so much fun the other fun thing that Jamie just

Discovered that I’m like yes I want to do this now is this um place called handshake bets um it’s like a it’s mostly on Instagram and stuff right I think they do Tik Tok a little bit too but most Instagram we like it’s these friends who they bet on like anything

Like they’re you know be standing I bet it’s going to take our TSA line 10 minutes and who’s got the over who’s got the under kind of thing and they they shake hands on it you know us sometimes it’s for a couple bucks sometimes it’s

Like all right if you lose you got to do this kind of thing um and I’m like that is so much fun just like betting all the random daily things in life they do mostly like sports bets and that sort of stuff um but we’re like well we can be

The girl version of it so it just sounds like a lot of fun so we might try and add some other new challenge type stuff into the content as well along and I think it would Bey easy to do because like you and I are never like by

Ourselves like I’m either with Britt or with Daniel you know what I’m saying so like there’s always someone to like bet against do it with um and Daniel and I um don’t even realize it but we do that now a lot of times we were talking about

That earlier like you know oh yeah for sure you don’t realize how often you’re like guessing and betting on things in your daily life for sure well I think we are gonna wrap up tomorrow we’re back in the casino um I’ve not 100% decided where I’m going

Yet uh somewhere in Washington I might drive out to Lucky Dog um first because we did BJs last week and I wanton a lot of BJs last week so I don’t know I haven’t decided we’ll see I last week was a good week yeah if anyone is going

Gambling in the Washington area tomorrow let me know where you’re going and maybe I’ll meet you there well thank you all so much for sticking it out with us I am super surprised how many people hung out on this with us so I’m super humbled and

Thank you all for taking time out of your day um just spend it with us it means a lot you all say we make your day bright but I promise you make ours um brighter promise oh and if you’re a patreon member go check your mail because you might have some love notes

In the mail I see a couple people have gotten them and sent us pictures and that makes us happy so perfect thank you all love you all make sure you subscribe and like and we’ll be back tomorrow live stream same time five o’clock Pacific 8 o’clock Eastern we will see you then

Have a good night bye

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