Golf Players

“The Wagyu Filet Show” with Johnson Wagner & Brendon de Jonge – Episode 5

There is a lot to unpack in this episode of “The Wagyu Filet Show” as they tackle the Waste Management Phoenix Open both on and off the course with Nick Taylor’s finish, Charley Hoffman’s week, Scottie Scheffler’s putting and some fan behavior and reactions to it that will be a topic of conversation moving forward for the Tour and some of their own interactions with fans over the years at the WM. They also dive into the second LIV event of the year in Las Vegas, the upcoming Genesis Invitational and return of Tiger Woods… and of course immediate regret in picking against Patrick Mahomes.

You think this is only a grip it’s only in my hands on every single it’s an extra 2 yards of carry when it matters most respect the group and with that welcome to the wagu filet show and uh we certainly Wags have a lot to break down from an exciting weekend yeah we

Certainly do uh WM Phoenix Open the Super Bowl but Brena and I I gotta start with this we played golf last week you told me you went on our our buddy Jeff Eisen band’s podcast and he he found in his research he found an interesting article on you from

2015 uh Memorial uh they were doing sort of a a player profile and you had played the President’s Cup there in 13 and and and you told me about this which I I’m really glad you did because this article has made my day I’m just gonna read a

Couple quotes uh in the what has he done section it the the first line is he has won a lot almost I think alluding to the fact that you couldn’t quite cross the finish line um he goes into some other stuff what does he do well and then this

Is my favorite part what he doesn’t do well for for a man of such heft the six-foot dong is listed perhaps only a little generously at 230 PBS he doesn’t exactly bomb the ball off the tea what did you do to this guy and then when when I was telling you know when

You’re telling somebody something and as the words are coming out of your mouth you’re saying in your head just shut up shut up stop talking stop talking when I was telling you about this article and uh well that Jeff had brought this up uh I was saying to myself just please don’t

Tell Johnson but it was too late and and this is this is the tail into this he says why is he worth watching for starters it’s the way he looks dong is no schlub but in general his shape more resembles some of the male fans in his galleries than many of the

Seny athletic wisps on the PGA tour you know well let me tell you how this all came about so Jeff eisenband who we both know very well for from uh PGA Tour live He’s a fantastic host and he’s a lovely guy I really like Jeff I

Liked him a lot more before we did this but uh he uh he sends me uh sends me a note and he’s like hey I’ve started this podcast called eyes on golf it’s a play on his name Eis on golf yes e and uh he’s like would you be willing

To come on so I said yeah I would love to so Jeff being the professional that he is sends me this awesome rundown and I read this rundown I’m like you know what I’m going to leave this podcast looking like I’m a hell of a lot better

Player than I am I mean it would goes into President’s Cup and how well I played here and there and everywhere and I’m I’m I’m thrilled to do this this interview with Jeff and right off the bat he leads with that and I’m just sitting there in my mouth’s getting wider and

Wider I’m thinking Jeff what happened to this rundown about where I was going to be like this guy that was an unbelievable player and now I’m this fat slob that’s walking down the fairways at the memorial you got to break you got to break them down before you build build

Him up I guess I guess so but I have no idea what I did to this guy but I obviously pissed him off at some point and and to go a little bit deeper so after this article I did some research into this guy and I found another

Article that he had written about me that the the uh the headline was dong treats cadd like dirt I’ve always viewed myself as like pretty even tempered on the golf course I didn’t get too up too down I didn’t really yell at my Cades but I guess at

Some point I threw my putter at the bag and it kind of bounced off and God forbid my caddy had to make three or four extra steps to pick up the putter but this guy was watching me obviously and that was the headline dong treats caddy like

Dirt H that is classic I always thought of you as a bit of a catty killer especially you know you you never blamed anything on yourself you always put it on on dbear or Phil or whoever it was well it was their fault most of the time

Uh that is classic all right WM Phoenix Open thank you WM Phoenix Open incredible finish Nick Taylor but I think the story Nick Taylor and Charlie Hoffman in that playoff was was incredible but I think the story of this week is always the spectators the the the fan interaction I mean they they’ve

Stopped counting attendance now for three years by all they closed the gate on Saturday that’s the biggest day there and by all accounts there was over 200,000 spectators on that property which is nuts all clamoring to try to get into 16 there was a couple incidents this week you

Have a little more uh knowledge of of what went on but uh you know talk to me about what you think about these fans you know I I’m kind of mixed on this one I we we live at a time when it’s kind of a game of one-upmanship right so you you

See these guys doing crazy stuff and then the next year you know somebody’s going to do something crazier I I still don’t mind it like you you accept it for that week you you know going into the week that it’s going to be nuts it’s not

Going to be like anything else but it does cross the line when it starts affecting golf shots like you know I I don’t mind these guys doing crazy things as opposed to a guy yelling in someone’s back swing where they’re actually trying to create a a a difference in the golf

Shot yeah and I mean it was an interesting Saturday because they were finishing up the second round and there was that big gap in action especially around the 16th hole uh I think uh Smiley Kaufman and Kevin kizner had a little setup there on 16 and and they

Were throwing footballs into the crowd and riing people up and there’s one video of a Streaker coming out and kind of trying to do some sort of handspring flip into the front bunker which in the video it looked like he broke his neck as smiley apparently had to get in there

And rake the bunker but upwards of maybe six eight streakers they weren’t really full streakers they were still wearing some clothes on Saturday alone uh it’s it’s it’s gotten a little bit out of hand I mean the guy last year was pretty incredible when he he was juking out the

Security guards and then ran all the way down the 17th hole but and jumped in the pond but I mean they had to stop serving alcohol pretty early in the day Saturday I mean they open these Gates early the everybody runs over to 16 it’s it’s

Great for a week it personally like back in the day I loved it for a couple years never really played well and then the one year I played great I had I had you know not not so good of experience did you did you ever have any interesting

Experiences with fans um yeah I did I had a couple I um I was playing pretty well one year and uh I was standing on a tea box and and this wasn’t a bunch of fans there was probably five or six guys and these guys broke out out into song

And they started singing Dong’s got a hungry bum and I guess I was kind of sporting a bit of a wedgie at the time so I I honestly I thought that was brilliant I thought that was really funny um I never had anything where some guys were intentionally trying to trying

To put me off you know it was listen you get to 16 it’s it’s just it’s loud it’s it’s so loud that you’re not going to hear one guy yelling over the rest typically um again I think that’s where we get into trouble is where guys are intentionally trying to trying to put

Someone off I and I have no problem with um with someone saying something personal to somebody walking down the Fairway I I think it’s just it’s part of it it’s part of the week I know Zach Johnson obviously heard some comments about his writer cup captaincy that he

Didn’t take too kindly to actually confronted a guy um I don’t think the guy ended up getting thrown out but um there was that and then there was an instance where uh Billy horel was actually standing up for another guy in his group he was walking down the right

Side of the 15th Fairway while one of the fans was yelling at uh someone else hitting in Billy’s group and I and I don’t like that yeah I and I I don’t either and 16’s its own 16’s its own thing I anything go anything and everything can go inside the Coliseum uh

My my problem is when it spills out and back in 2012 I played really well Thursday Friday I was in the third to last group on Saturday and we get to the 10th green and and obviously the the 16th is right next to it I know you know

That um and there’s the entrance to the public grand stand this stairwell going up and it we’re the third to last group so 16 is hopping at this point when we get to 10 and the stairwell is is packed with people trying to get in uh and the

Shadows just so happen to be leaning over the 10th green and I’m over my putt people from this this staircase are screaming at me putting shadow puppets over my ball I mean it’s kind of funny to talk about now but while I’m trying to putt trying to remain in contention

In this golf tournament and then get to 11t which is the hardest t-shot on that golf course and they’re just yelling at me while I’m pulling the club away I think I probably sniped it into the water uh and made double there and basically ended my chances in and it’s

It’s fine it just it’s gotten to the point where there’s so many people there’s over 200,000 people on the golf course only 20,000 can get in to the Coliseum and most of that’s corporate hospitality and so it spills over everybody thinks that oh this is what

You do at the Phoenix Open we’re just going to yell at people all over the place and and it for me I I wish I had I kind of quit playing there and I had a few opportunities to go back and I didn’t take it I would love to go back

And play it again because looking at the way they’ve built out 17 and it is such a wild scene it looks incredible on TV and when you look at a guy like Nick Taylor the way he made those three putts in a row on 18 in regulation and then both playoff holes

The amount of people around and the vibe like I’m getting chills just thinking about what that experience had to be like for him yeah it is they they’ve um I mean they’ve made it bigger and better as as far as that goes as you said that

Build out on 17 and 18 looks absolutely amazing now um yeah you know I was watching even on the front line that The Spill the amount of people that have Spilled Out under the front line number four was like a mini number 16 and they started booing people when they missed

The green on four as well so it’s you know it’s it’s it’s where where is the line that that is the thing that does kind of worry me a little bit you know as I as I said at the start of the segment we are in a time of one

Upmanship and where is the line is is it going to take somebody getting seriously hurt or something really really bad happening before we start kind of maybe just bringing things back a little bit well I mean a couple years ago when Sam Ryder made that hole in one I think they

Still had aluminum beer cans yeah and and they were all getting chucked out I mean that’s if you had a full can of beer it hit you as you’re walking like that could seriously hurt you I know they’ve stopped I think everything’s now in plastic cup so that’s not much of an

Issue but I mean what’s to stop somebody from running out and tackling a player or even you shiv them or something I mean it’s it’s it is scary there’s no amount of security that can that can handle a mass like that no it is it’s impossible for those guys and and they

Do the best they can but as you say it happened last year with that guy taking off down 17 security couldn’t get him obviously this guy that’s doing snow angels in the bunker on 16 they couldn’t get that guy so yes if if a group of

Guys really want to get out of the crowd and onto the golf course and they don’t care about the consequences they’re going to do it there there is no way that security can stop those guys from getting out there uh so Phoenix Open is always Sunday of the Super Bowl

Clearly that was going on last night Chiefs versus the 49ers uh I think having all the delays they had usually that tournament ends right before the Super Bowl goes I I had two TVs going fortunately so I was watching both I I don’t know if everybody has the luxury

Of moving TVs around I think it’s been made easier with streaming uh that you can get get multiple things going at once but um I thought the finish of the Phoenix Open was enthralling I to the point in the start of the super Super Bowl wasn’t very exciting I mean it was

Such a low-scoring game early that I I was listening to the Phoenix Open and having the playoff with Charlie Hoffman who by the way had a terrible year last year took a top 50 career earnings take a guess can you take a guess how much Charlie Hoffman has made in his career

On the PGA tour oh I’m going to guess Charlie he’s been out there a long time he’s got to be 40 million maybe somewhere in that range that’s a good guess 34.4 five million Charlie hoffin made four-time winner on the PGA tour he’s served two different uh stins on the PGA

Tour policy board just coming off January 1st and I think given I know we were on the board together for three years kind of leading into covid and during covid and then Charlie had with one year off came right back on the board now he’s dealing with all this

Live stuff I think being off the board and not having all the questions by players all the time is probably going to help his golf game and it kind of proved to do so this week in Phoenix yeah he he certainly turned back the clock a little but um you know Charlie’s

One of those guys that I always thought Charlie would play well late into his into his 40s get close to 50 he’s always been very very strong never struggled to hit the ball a long way um has dealt with a couple back injuries as well as

Dealing with with all the stuff on that policy board so it’s nice to see Charlie playing really well and uh man he he was so close to winning that tournament I thought Nick Taylor’s Putt in regulation there was just going to miss off to the right uh caught the right side of the

Hole but uh yeah the the finish to the golf tournament was a lot more enthralling than the first quarter of that the Super Bowl that we had going on last night and and the way Charlie finished in regulation but then in the playoff Nick Taylor on the first playoff

Hole made the birdie putt crowd’s going crazy Charlie settles himself down and tops it right on top of him from about 10 feet kind of a left to right breaking putt not the easiest putt on the golf course uh I don’t know if you noticed

Charlie waiting to go out for the see if there was a playoff he had that Venom back brace on you know what I’m talking about I do yeah I saw that and I just he’s 47 years old I mean we’re only 43 I just found it humorous on TV that he’s

Got this vibrating heating back brace on while he’s going out to play a playoff but smashed those t- shots down 18 both times uh Charlie’s been one of those guys that has worked really hard physically to uh remain relevant with length and and it certainly has proved

Proved well for him also with that finish moves into the Aon swing five and got a spot at the Genesis next week which is massive I mean so many so many more FedEx cut points if you have a good finish in a signature event this year uh

It really sets you up for Success yeah obviously the the win would have been fantastic for him given him that two-year exemption um uh but on the on the flip side of that yes he starts to get into some really big events now and you cannot underestimate how much that’s done for

His confidence it’s been a long time since Charlie’s been in in contention in a golf tournament and deep into a golf tournament the way he was uh unfortunately his second loss in a playoff at that tournament now lost to to Kenny Perry all the way back in 2009

Um but you know that tournament for Charlie’s waste management or WM has been a huge sponsor of his for a long time he’s been sporting that green glove uh gez for as long as I can remember so uh to see him perform that well in front

Of a what is a lot of friends and family and and sponsors was really cool to see it was that would have been an amazing experience for him I’m sure he’s uh enjoying it and relishing his family was there Stacy and his kids I know our kids

Are similar ages so uh it’s it was cool to see them out supporting Charlie uh Nick Taylor second last year it was a designated event last year was in the final group with Rah and sheffler Nick lives in the Scottsdale area and uh he finished second last year wins this year

I was looking to in his tournament history before that not very good he had played at eight previous times going into last year four miscuts best finish was a t49 what do you think changed with Nick in that golf course and did you ever have an experience where you really

Struggled at a venue and then it all of a sudden it just kind of snapped into place for you yeah that’s that’s actually a great question um you know sometimes you just you figure out how to play a golf course you know you go about

It the same way over and over and over and you don’t get any results um you just completely sort of start aesh and play the golf course in a very different way um I was that way with uh TPC with um The Stadium Course so we played for

The players and it took a conversation that I had with Nick price to uh really understand how to play that Golf Course um I hated it I hated the design of it I felt very uncomfortable out there and he said to me he said take whatever Club

You can hit off every te to get you right around that 150 yard marker he said that is going to be the widest part of every Fairway with P Tha golf courses Nick’s got a wonderful record around there I think might have the tournament record um so was willing to listen to

Him and then he you know he went deeper into it explained how him and whoever was cting for him it was squeaky at the time he would stand on the front of the 17th green he would walk back to front squeaky would stand on the left side and

Would walk left to right and where they met that was where they would try and land the ball to all four Flags he knew that if he made four threes there he was never going to hurt himself in the tournament so just little things like that I think certainly help and you know

I don’t know if Nick Nick Taylor sought out the help of anybody to play that Golf Course or just you know figured out I need to try play it a different way or just got comfortable out there yeah speed was so good on the greens all week

His short game was excellent I know ball in hand certainly makes uh chipping a little bit easier when you’re in the Fairway but it was just a wonderful performance all right Super Bowl I I was on the Chiefs the course I know you’re a huge Taylor Swift fan I’m

Not surprised at all for no seriously for for the last two weeks I was like I’m not gonna go against Patrick Mahomes I’m not gonna go against Patrick Mahomes and then right before the game I decided to align myself with the San Francisco 49ers and I I did I did have heads in

The coin toss and then it was kind of basically I had heads in the coin toss I thought it was going to be high scoring so I took the over and I took the ners and it after the coin toss it was just a a downward spiral that kept hanging on

To the over for so long going to the new playoff the new overtime format I was like oh if they both score touchdowns then I can still possibly uh have success here but uh you know did you have action on that game last night I didn’t I left it completely alone but

You you knew that that blocked extra point was going to it was going to come back to haunt them at some point um I know even if if they’d made that you wouldn’t have covered but uh that that Block’s extra point was always going to

Play a big big uh part of the outcome of that game um I I thought the the first quarter was shocking I thought the game from there actually picked up a lot thought the second half was really good and uh you know what Mahomes he just

Finds a way to get it done it was with his legs this time he’s a he’s a winner he he’s he’s a winner and since he sat his rookie year behind Alex Smith and then he’s made the AFC Championship game every year now played in four Super

Bowls the only two playoff losses he’s had were once to Brady in the AFC Championship game and once to Brady in the Super Bowl as a Tampa Bay Buccaneer I mean it’s obviously too early to put him in the conversation with Brady but given what he’s done so far I mean it

Has to be one of the the greatest Beginnings to a career ever oh very much so and they they played some stupid cartoon commercial where they showed Brady running down the track and handing over the Super Bowl as if it was a a baton to to momes um and I think it is

It’s uh you know what it doesn’t matter how these guys performed in the regular season it seems like as soon as these guys lace it up for the playoffs they’re going to perform and they’re going to carry their team over the line put them on their back however they have to to

And get those results yeah I’m going to have to remember I’m going to have to remember never go against Brady and I that’s the same thing I was thinking about Mahomes and I went against him and and it it it stung a little bit but uh I

Will be just fine because uh my picks are doing pretty good on in golf this year not that I I would never wager on golf I’m a professional golfer but uh the occasional fun FedEx Cup points race between you and me uh going through the year so far I have

8288 points you have 4688 FedEx cut points so uh quite a lead I’ve built on you so far um we are still on the west coast why why are you adding these up now well I just wanted to have some I just just because I figured I had

A big lead and I’m gonna gloat about it while I still I still can interesting you’ve been going to the Scotty sheffler well quite a bit which he had another solid performance this week and when he birdied he birdied for row starting Sunday and played really well finishing in the morning in the

Third round and he birdied two through five four in a row starting out the fourth round I thought oh my gosh he’s gonna win this thing by five shots and then the putter again Brendan what’s going on I I don’t know Wags but it’s it’s bad you know he he’s right there

Where he needs to be hits this beautiful forine right into the middle of the green on 13 he’s got 25 30 feet right up the hill one that you’re probably thinking about making leaves it 4 feet short misses that hits it just off the green on the right side on 14 very very

Basic Chip Shot doesn’t get that up and down comes to 15 does the same thing he’s just off the green on the left side maybe should have used your strategy there of putting from way off the green but anyway chips that one four feet by and misses that so three four Footers

Five Footers in a row but I tell you what I I cannot believe and he does this week in week out the resiliency that he shows in the long game it’s like water off a duck’s back I’ve missed three four fter in a row but I’m going to stand up

On 16 and hit it to six inches and he he does it every single week you just unfortunately if you’re pulling for Scotty Shefler it’s very very frustrating to watch him play and you can only imagine how frustrated he is having to deal with it every single week

Yeah it’s gotten to the point inside 10 feet I just fully don’t expect him to make the Putt and and and I would I would have to imagine I mean you know you’re a terrible putter uh how frustration how it just would Linger on and on throughout but you you you said

It you hit the nail on the head it’s it’s remarkable what he’s able to do with the long game um my pick this week was sah thala he really kind of strung me along he’s had now two really good uh WM Phoenix opens in just three years on

The PGA tour obviously winning the fortnet last fall for his first PGA Tour Victory I love the way way he plays he’s so creative shapes the ball both ways and sometimes when he’s out of position it’s more exciting to watch than when he’s in the Fairway because he hits all

These sort of Escape shots I mean in winning fortnet he was doing it he was doing it this week in in Phoenix reminds me of like a Phil Mickelson who’s never afraid to take it you know to take a shot on uh oftentimes to sahi’s demise I mean I go back to uh

I go back to the uh Travelers Championship his Rook year when he was in that Fairway bunker on 18 and tried to hit it on the green when all he had to do was lay up Pitch it out maybe make a part of win but guarantee a playoff he

Made double to to end up uh you know missing out on a playoff there but like have you watched sth much and I mean what do you what do you make of that I have he’s one of those guys that I’ll I’ll kind of tune into he’s he’s a bit

Of a throwback with the the way he doesn’t mind shaping the ball you know not one of these robots that just sends it dead straight in miles I mean hits it long enough but he is he’s a throwback moves it left to right right to left

He’ll stand there and hook a wedge um I mean in a in a way it’s like your buddy Bubba Watson actually he doesn’t mind hitting these big shaped shots I I know you hate bringing up Bubba Watson any point but uh he he does he plays he

Plays kind of that sort of game and he makes you a fan favorite pretty quickly you know somebody that’s a little bit different plays the game slightly differently doesn’t see straight lines definitely see Cur sees curves and yeah it is it’s a it’s fun to watch

I I I just think I think he’s got tremendous potential he was a standout at Pepperdine and I mean I as we talk about like Nick Taylor most likely locking up a President’s Cup bid this year I think sahith is g to be playing for the US

Team like looking at the the European side of Ryder cups and the youth that they have going on with Oar uh dietre hoard both Hoy guards and you’re wondering like is is the US side coming up and I think you look at a guy like

Siah he would be a ball to be partnered with uh in any sort of format um and getting back to Nick Taylor you obviously played the President’s Cup in 2013 I mean he’s got to be a lock right for c for Royal Montreal I I would think

So now that was that was actually another discussion that Jeff and I had on his eyes on golf after he kicked me and stood on my head um we talked a lot about the President’s Cup and yeah you would imagine that Nick Taylor Mike we

Was a a big role model of his a big probably a hero of is growing up so I I think there’s going to be two maybe three Canadians on that team I think right now Nick Taylor is the top of that list this this is a big event it really

Is um I wouldn’t be at all surprised to see McKenzie Hughes play as way onto that team I think Mckenzie was genuinely hurt by not making that team for Trevor imman um couple years ago at uh at qu Hollow there I think McKenzie’s going to use that motivation in the right way

Yeah he’s one of those guys that’s not going to sit around and pout I think he’s going to use that to to make him work extra hard and make sure that he’s there for that team but yes I think the short answer there is yes I think Nick

Taylor is a is a lock because this guy’s good I think he’s gonna he’s gonna continue to to produce good results he’s got a really solid game not flashy by any means but very very solid there’s no holes in his game and uh he he putts the

Ball very very well I think I read a stat that he made just under 500 feet of putts for the week which is unbelievable um so yes I I I think Nick Taylor is a lock and and I think he’s going to be just so excited to to play for his

Captain Mike wear at Royal Montreal yeah I mean he’s got four wins now and he he won at Jackson Country Club back when it was an alternate event um and then Pebble Beach the Canadian open which is arguably the biggest tournament in the world to those guys and then now in

Phoenix so he’s he’s he’s winning at pretty big places I I think he’s a lock for sure and I’m gonna go even further and say I think there’s going to be potentially four maybe even five Canadians on that team when you look you’ve got I think Nick Taylor Cory

Conor are both locks for me you got Mackenzie Hughes Adam hadwin and then Taylor pendrith who played at Quail Hollow now pendrith to me he played the President’s Cup at Quail Hollow I think I think pendrith has not really performed well since then but I mean if

These guys get hot the buzz I mean watching Nick Taylor coming down the stretch at the Canadian open last year the crowds were massive and they were so uh pulling for Nick and all the Canadians that week I think I think the international team needs to win this

Year and I think having four I think having at least four Canadians on that team would just the the crowd the fan support it would it would probably feel a bit like playing for the US team playing on European soil and I I just think that that would be a huge for for

International team do you think if uh if Canadians are sort of just on the outside relying on Captain’s picks that Mike we will go down that road say he has two Canadians that have qualified and there’s a couple that are just on the outside and I know obviously

Where’re this is way down the road and a lot will depend on form but do you think Mike we will will pick Canadians with those picks i i c i I certainly think so I mean just for the vibe in the atmosphere that’s why that’s why these

Teams have gone to six automatic and six picks to have the the the ability to kind of go off the map and pick somebody that’s going to that’s going to really rally the team and the and I I don’t know I think Canadians get on well with

South America I mean South Africans and Australians you know and then you’ve got sort of it’s tough on the international team where you’ve got such a language barrier between you know you’ve got great South Korean players sunjay seu Kim I mean KJ Choy back in the day I

Just think the language barrier is tough so to have like pods you could have like a Canadian pod and and and an Australian pod and and it makes sense to me but what do I know I’ve never been on no you’re you’re exactly right it is tough

It’s um and you know I think Trevor imman and well Nick started it Ernie carried it on and Trevor continued from there they they’ve done a great job you know starting with the shield and sort of that that’s what the rest of the world wants to play for that Shield you

Know I remember when uh when we played in 2013 Hideki was the only Asian player on that team and it was hard on Hideki his English at the time wasn’t great um had his interpreter with him and there were a lot of times where you know he

Felt more comfortable sort of doing his own thing and I think as the week went along you know he be he Incorporated himself more and more in the team and I think we did a better job of you know sort of inviting him in bringing him in and then making him feel more

Comfortable but at the time ADI had only been on tour for I think maybe one year so didn’t really know the guys that well plus that language barrier was difficult um I think the fact that there there’s definitely going to be several South Korean and Asian players on the on the

Team um no doubt about it you know there’s so many guys playing really well certainly helps um but yeah there will there’ll be some kind of pod system no doubt about it all right I I hate to say it but uh Saturday during the Lull in the coverage uh when the second round

Was ending and the third round was beginning I actually flipped over to live golf in Vegas I I was entertained I mean I was I think it was a great call for them playing a tournament in Las Vegas with the Super Bowl going on in Vegas I

Watched for probably 15 minutes I didn’t think the quality golf was very cool uh was very good but and the music kind of bothered me but it was great like you said last week it was great seeing Rah it was great seeing these guys play there was actually kind of a pretty

Decent scene out there it looked like they were playing Las Vegas country club which was right off the strip I mean so location uh the vibe of that City had to be electric so I mean good on them for for for doing something different and

Trying to get in the mix like that yeah it it’s definitely different it’s it’s an acquired taste I would say um it’s it’s going to take some some getting used to I I’m with you there I I have no problem with the guys in shorts and

Honestly I I really don’t mind the uh the shotgun start either it’s different I don’t mind it I I know you’re not big on that um I don’t like the music I think the for some reason I feel like the music takes away from it a little

Bit um you know I I saw John Ram was was complaining already he was he was up yeah he was upset with some guy that was getting a little bit unruly there and maybe trying to get some guy to shut up while he played but you know the the

Fact that you’ve got music blaring and guys yelling there’s going to be some disturbances out there no doubt about it but yeah I think it it is somewhat of an acquired taste um but there will be a lot of people that will take to that there’ll be a lot of the younger crowd

That’ll really enjoy that the guys that aren’t the tradition traditionalists excuse me yeah and I mean I think Dustin Johnson won um the my problem with the shotgun start is that when I turned it on I didn’t know where they were in the round I had no clue I didn’t know what

Hole they were on I could see it but I didn’t know if they’re playing the 14th if they started on 10 or if they started on one I had a problem with that but uh you know the team aspect as well I think that remains to be seen if people are

Actually gonna get behind a team if if you have a favorite player that’s on a team is that the team you like even though they have two guys on the team that you can’t stand I just but I’m I’m I’m my mind is opening up I’m gonna I’m

Gonna give it a fair crack because I I I feel like I need to be a little more fair to the system and if if things come together I I don’t want to have made such a ridiculous stance that that I there’s no coming back from it so

I’m I’m my mind is now open let let me ask you this now I uh I I loved college golf I really did I love the fact that there was that team aspect of college golf me essentially meant more than the individual right um I I love that and I

Like the fact that you hack it up the first round you hack it up the second round you still have that ability to help your team win the tournament um you know some guy might be 40 shots off the lead but he knows if he goes out and he

Shoots 65 for that final round he’s not going to help himself individually but you still might help yourself help your team win that team title I really love that I I I think there’s something there maybe there might need to be a couple tweaks here and there but I think there

Is something there as far as that team golf goes uh and I agree with you completely on the college golf thing obviously for those that don’t know you and I were teammates for three years at Virginia Tech and there was nothing like it some of the most some of the greatest

Memories of my life are from us playing with uh you know for years together and and we’ve remained friends since I I’m with you there I just don’t feel like on these teams there’s necessarily a ton of Allegiance yet maybe that’s because I haven’t been following it too much the

Way they’ve traded a couple players back and forth I I’m with you and my mind is open I’m going to start paying attention to it uh a little bit better I thought it was brilliant that they finished on Saturday not even thinking about competing and they really got a good

Break with the weather the way the last two weeks they’ve gotten a good break with no Sunday at uh at Pebble they had Sunday where was the only golf on television and then this week with the timing of uh the Phoenix Open finishing the second round Saturday and starting

The third round there was like a two-hour window of golf you didn’t really care about that that’s when I switched over so I think a lot of people probably paid attention to it the last couple weeks yes I’ll tell you what else guys are paying attention to some of

These scores that are getting shot on this corn fery tour I I know that they were playing a short golf course at elevation there in bogatar but we saw a 57 and then a 59 the next day the uh the scores that are being put up on that

Corn fairy tour are just absolutely unbelievably good and I don’t brenon I don’t care if you put me on the forward teas at some golf course shooting 57 you still have to get the ball in the hole and I mean it’s the lowest round ever

Shot in PJ tour sanction event so it’s h quite something for sure yeah it’s been I’ve been very impressive the guy that shot 59 alri poita young young South African guy the uh the word on him is that this guy could be the next Superstar was the youngest ever British

Ham winner um he’s now one on the corn fairy toy one in the Bahamas there and uh from everything I’ve heard from guys this guy is a is a name to watch as I only 19 years old so they they get younger and they get better as we get

Older Wags they do say his name again for me one more time alri Pita you really you really put in the uh the accent there that second time um all right moving towards Genesis I am personally fired up I am on the ground walking this week Tiger Woods is

Committed he’s in the field I think there’s a good chance uh so I’m going to be with Golf Channel next week and Aaron overholser and I are the two Walkers so I’ve reached out to Aaron he’s got seniority on me and I and I reached out

To him and said hey if at all possible I would love one day of walking with tiger and he said absolutely that’s not my decision some of the producers may say differently um but I’m particularly fired up to to potentially walk with Tiger but even if I don’t the field at

Genesis signature event it’s outstanding one of my favorite tournament venues I’ve ever been to uh the way Riviera sits down in that Canyon and when you play late on a Sunday the the The Echoes of the crowd I mean the crowd noise just Echoes and reverberates

Through the entire property uh so I am particularly fired up about this week yeah that’s a you know as as I said last week playing Pebble there’s there’s not many golf tournaments that I watch now where I feel a little bit jealous uh Pebble was one Rivier is another I I

Love that Golf Course I think it’s absolutely it’s it’s a brilliant design there’s no tricks to it at all everything is straight in front of you essentially no hazards there’s that baranka that runs through the the eighth all there and runs through the golf course um but essentially no no penalty

Areas on the golf course um what you see is what you get and you go out there and and you hit it from A to B and if you can do that you’re going to you’re going to shape in this tournament the weather looks good it’s been good for the last

Five or six days in La it does the forecast is trending towards possibly rain on the weekend which uh I’m not particularly excited about I’m G be out in it but at least I don’t have to play in it the West Coast could really use a

Good weather week I mean it seems like San Diego was a nightmare Pebble was a nightmare this week had its challenges with rain on Thursday the West Coast really needs a good weather week and it’s going to get it for the most part but I think we’re going to see some more

Issues come the weekend I tell you what that’s a hard Golf Course when it gets wet and cold out there it plays so long that kikuyu gets thick that the balls don’t bounce in the fairways um I remember one year playing there where it

Was just so bad you could just get it to the top of the hill on 18 and and that was back when I was hitting a little bit further than I am now I remember hitting three woods and rescue clubs into that 18th hole and it’s it just plays so so

Long for a man of such heft it’s shocking how little power he has that was in 2015 when you uh claim to hit it further uh all right you got a pick for this week I I got mine I do I I’ve got a

Pick um I’m going to go with a with a horse for a course this guy has uh he’s won there twice one of them was unofficial they just played two rounds but as one um seven top 10 he’s coming off a very good weekend at um at uh WM there

Uh I think shot 6566 over the weekend so I am going to pick a veteran uh another 43y old Adam Scott for my pick um had to go pretty far down the list to find Adam but really loves that Golf Course has spoken outwardly about it how it’s his

Favorite golf course on tour so I look for him to perform and and Rivier is one of those places that I do feel like you need some knowledge around that golf course there are there is putting on those screens is very very difficult there’s some breaks That You Don’t See

And I think Adam Adam’s going to shap this week well I love that pick he was on my short list of picks as well and I think he got a sponsor exemption correct me if I’m wrong so that’s the first two Signature Events uh well excluding caloa

Um that there were no sponsor exemptions he got one at Pebble and he got one at Riv uh so yes I’m with you on Adam Scott that’s a great pick I’m taking a page out of your playbook this week I’m going with world number one Scotty Sheffer finished 12 here last

Year finished seventh the year before the way you were talking about the greens and the trickiness of the putting really concerns me with Scotty we’re back on we’re back on poana he hasn’t won since the PLAYERS Championship I think he I think it’s time I think Scotty’s gonna come through this week

And he’s gonna get it done he’s gonna find something on those greens and uh yeah world number one well the the good news for Scotty is as poorly as he’s putting if he misreads them there’s a good chance that he’ll hit it on that line and it’ll go in so it might it

Might be exactly what he needs where he can’t read the greens but um you know what even if he doesn’t win there’s a he’s going to be up around that lead as good as he hits the ball and he’ll probably get you a bunch of points so

You can add those up next week and we’ll talk about it again well you got to be careful with your picks in in these Signature Events you don’t want you don’t want to burn like you did you don’t want to burn Scotty sheffler at the AMX or Phoenix Open you want to take

Scotty when it’s uh when it’s a big Point tournament because you you’re pretty much guaranteed top 10 um it’s funny the West Coast Swing I remember back in 2008 I I I I loved playing the whole West Coast Katie and I my wife we

Used to travel in an RV so I would just stay out there and play every tournament and it was at Riviera in 2008 I was so frustrated with my putting and I I’ve I’ve always considered myself a good putter that I actually got a belly

Putter made and putted at I played it at Riv and then the first two rounds in Puerto Rico with this belly putter because that’s just what the West Coast does to you it makes you question everything you’re doing then I switch back to my Putter and had some success

Weeks later but uh I think I think ri’s a great way to end but I think guys are GNA be really excited to get on some uh Florida Bermuda smooth surfaces in a couple weeks I remember talking to a manufacturer several years ago um talking to the titlist Reps or the

Scotty Cameron reps and they they said you know exactly that you would not believe how many putter changes come off to the West Coast putter changes and caddy changes were always after that West Coast guys that got off to a bad start they were ready to get rid of that

Caddy and guys that weren’t putting the ball well they were ready to put a new blade in the bag but um yeah you’re right that these guys will certainly be ready to get get on some good Bermuda that PO is it’s it’s difficult it’s hard

To make putts on and it can it can drive you mad well said anything else you want to discuss no I think we’ve covered everything um I think you’re going to have a a really fun week anytime tigers’s in the field I think it adds that much to it obviously ly um first

Time we’ve got to see him play since uh since he played The Father’s son there with Charlie and uh you know what all I’m hoping for is though those first couple rounds there’s less of a limp I’m just hoping that there’s very little limp in that gate I

Think he’s always going to have a slight limp but I’m just hoping that it’s less than it has been yeah and it it certainly is going to be a barometer for the rest of the year as it was last year turned out he played made the cut at Riv

And then played masters with through and that was basically all we saw from Tiger so I I’m hoping like you that would be great if we could if we could just see him a little bit more often the game of golf would be in a better place yeah

Without a doubt um well you have fun out there Wags and thank you for everybody for listening uh this is always a lot of fun for us and we’ll see you guys Soon

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