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Get ready for an unforgettable cricket experience – it’s time to witness the West Indies take on Australia in a clash that promises fireworks on the field! 🚀🔥 #WIvsAUS #CricketLive #RadioCoverage #CricketFansUnite

Work well we’ seen a few issues with the the Bales I they’re a bit heavier than the traditional wooden Bale and Alex KY got a bit of a life um in the the Test match up at the Gaba um a few times that they lift and

The light up but fall back down onto the stump so certainly been a good Innovation though the uh The Zing Bales to help the crowd get involved going to open up with ail Hussein here the West IND shades on long sleeve shirt and just spinning the ball to himself as he gets

Ready looks like The Zing Bales are sorted ready for their television broadcas and technician scoots off the ground irees in Readiness going to start from the cathedral end of the ground which is the Northern end of the Adelaide oval shorter side out to the leak side the fielders out only two in

The power play a long on in a deep Square leg here one slip in place Ringfield on the offside just two in the ring on the onside hoping for a better start the D Hobart ail Hussein got the Aussies off to a bit of a flyer P techniques go

Off what P techniques will we see between the stumps they’re just shifting that long on towards the c corner boundary David Warner on strike to start engas leaning on his b at the non-striker end here comes hin bowling left arm around the Wicket forward goes Warner pushing out to cover point a DOT

To start for the wy’s nice start by us it be interesting to see how Warner goes he obviously hasn’t been in the greatest form but as we’ve seen in the other formats he he gets himself up for his 100th game again with his slow left arm Orthodox around the Wicket to Warner

Switch it up and over backward point and all the way for six left-handed right handed it doesn’t matter Warner dispatches Hussein to start and might have just pitched in the field of play they’ve put it up as a four now changed it to six that’s not a great delivery that by

Her but Dave Warner he’s been doing this since he was a 16 year old the old switch hit um and well he show made his intentions very clear here this afternoon okay around behind the stumps goes down hin bowls Warner goes straight Lofts him down the ground doesn’t quite get it as

Well as the first blow but it will trickle into the rope and back to back boundaries for David Warner who’s picked up where he left off he certainly has this a bit short the wall before and a touch full that from H and War he slices

A bit but the Outfield here at Adel o is looking Immaculate so that uh makes to the long off boundary with ease and and like you said all things are pointing towards another high scoring fixture here so D with without loss Midway through the first over here Australia moving that Fielder from C

Corner back to a wiish long on H to Warner he goes forward and just nudes it back to the Bowl up they said that the surface down in Hobart was was very good the other night but you look at the big bash stats and this was the fastest scoring ground

During the big bash closely followed by Hobart soain in and bowling here to Warner on the leg stump and he digs out a full delivery it’s squared up slightly it dribbles out along the pop increase one ball to come in this first over 10 without loss the Aussies courtesy of two David Warner

Boundaries little arm ball there from ail Hussein seem upright beautifully about a little bit of Swing Here Comes hin again bowling H to Warner back and cutting straight to point can’t beat the Fielder so four dots and two boundaries after the first over ail Hussein 10 runs coming from it

Warner on 10 English yet to face a ball Ben Cameron and Tom Cooper calling all of the action here on grand stand Cricket the second T20 between Australia and the West Indies yeah nice positive start that from the Australians it looks like Jason hold is going to come

In with the job here at the riverbank stand and well engas it’s been in fine for over the last couple of weeks he’s a just over 30 striking 158 in his 16 2020 International so certainly put a putting a case forward to be included in that uh

That World Cup squad and he can bat anywhere as well which certainly goes in his favor I missed your answer pre play do you have room for him and Wade in the same team at the T20 world World Cup I don’t they the backup keeper is probably not

As important in a in a 2020 World Cup as it isn’t a one day World Cup here goes holder running away from the River Bank stand end bowling to engas who’s defending just dropping a ball nearly a mix up shot that STS diving back I think

He’s back there was a brief thought of running on the Ricochet away from the stumps but Warner decides against it so engas and Warner getting all mixed up early on yeah bit of uh forun almost as we go to the third umpire to have a look I don’t think he’s

In too much trouble as he just strolls back to the striker end but I I think what goes in his favor is he can backat anywhere in the order which um has obviously helped him in the past so he’s laying out on the dive here coming in ready to make my decision

So not out goes up on the big screen about half a bat aler again bowling to Engler who’s going forward and pushing out to point on the straight bat so 10 without loss a couple of deliveries into the second over here our Australia the interesting point about the backup

Keeper though over in this world cup is how far away it is I was about to say I said I said with obviously Spencer Johnson and Jason barendorf if Mitchell Stark who’s obviously the the first pick the left armor goes there you can always

Fly them in but with the best part of a couple of days to get there here goes the two M tall hold up bowling to engas he’s flashing a play and a miss through to the keeper it goes nicely ball behold was getting a little bit of shape and

Just gets that one to to hold its line and beats the Inside Edge of Josh englas but yeah that is another thing that you go through this team can can anyone else Warner has potentially done the gloves at yeah some point um three dots in a row they’re like gold

In T20 cricket hold up to engas who’s flashing at top Edge it flies away down towards third man and a hop skiing a jump over the Rope a little loose from Engish but it gets him off the mark Australia none for 14 two balls to come in the second this

Is the top in cricket is well it’s the best place to B looks to to smack that over midwicket and gets a Leading Edge and with two bounces down to that third man or the bacon Third Man boundary that straight down his throat yep slip still in place holder past the

Umpire balls to engas who plays and misses trying to force off the back foot make of Chay hope in the wide brim cap as well as the keeper yeah it’s interesting isn’t it it’s uh well if you ask the traditional Keepers they wouldn’t be liking it very

Much I know Darren Barry was mentioned as a an under 19 World Cup winner and yeah heed always winding especially the short sleeve shirt on a keeper used to hold they trying again to engas who’s pulling out towards the man in the Deep right on the Rope swallows

It engas perishes out into the deep he’s out for four and the first Australian Wicket Falls they one for 14 in the second over he just picked that up off his hip and well I guess a bit like the West Indies the other night that they just picked out the men on the

Boundary and who’s that Johnson Charles well looks he didn’t have to move at all and Josh engas finds himself heading back to the Pavilion the skipper Mitch Marsh comes out to the middle and well that’s the perfect start for the West Indies English for four off six C in the

Deep by Johnson Charles and he’s frustrated as he the parts down the tunnel back into the Pavilion interesting note at the moment here Tom is the biges that we have the over the grand on what is the western side of the ground we have half thech in and half thech de

About not as it’s made out to be I don’t think I think a lot of grounds around the world a lot of stadiums around the world now do have that it tends to pass reasonably quickly and I think as as a batter if you’re concentrate on that

Then you’re all already behind the eight ball You could argue at work there though aari Joseph to ball the third over from the cathedral under the ground slip in place they Rumble BS in now bowling to Warner it backs away and he’s hit tumbles onto his backside David

Warner just chased him as he tried to give himself some room and looked mightily uncomfortable there did Warner as he tumbled over just cramped him up nicely didn’t I think alari Joseph saw him saw him back away and just a little bit of shape and

As we become accustomed to here in ad a bit of extra bounce so he ends up hitting it with the end of his handle almost Dave Warner and you could say he’s fortunate for not to lob up to for an easy catch to the keeper so an early knock down through alari

Joseph ban goes down behind the St so Zari in and bowling down the leak side puts it down no bat in b p a wide as such didn’t flick anything on the way through just need a little tickle on that and he had four runs didn’t he in it

Probably go show that maybe aari Joseph didn’t see him going the ball before it was just the the line that he was was going with already but uh well they certainly wouldn’t mind a couple of couple more early wickets here to get themselves right in this fixture

A deep Square leg and a fine leg the men out Joseph right arm over to Warner strikes him on the pad Ricochet is out towards backward point a brief thought of a single before deciding against it one for 15 the two balls into the third over Warner on

10 Mar the gree yet to face the ball there certainly bit of shape which we’re not going to see last for for too long as especially when the the ball gets hit in the pickets a couple more times but early wickets here that L over is key otherwise as we mentioned before it

Generally is a high scoring venue Joseph in and bowling Warner struck on the pat again this time it SS out through Square leg and they’ll get through for a leg by 1 for 16 Warner on 10 and Marsh about to face that first delivery for him at the crease

Joseph Hees the new B playing with him years ago he was coming through in the CPL and Le and they all said no I’m not facing him overse I got Chu in there all the time every single session had a new certainly very good practicing with the

Ball man down at third man on the boundary deep Square leg Joseph bowling to Marsh who’s cutting up isly beating the backward point it flashes away to the Rope Marsh taking it on early immediately Off the Mark with the boundary 1 for 20 Australia nice shapes

Again but it just created a bit of room for Mitchell Mar who wellan B medalist he’s been in4 for the last 18 months he’s come out sh catch but back stand a chance it’s about a me wide of sh hope at backward Point still a slip in place Marsh facing

Joseph gets a ball back of a length just dabs it down on the onside scurries through for one yep yep one for 21 one ball to come in the third Marsh on five warner on 10 how many of the West Indian players out there have you crossed passs with in

Franchise Cricket Tom or most of them cuz that’s all they do is it we saw with their uh with their test side out here a lot of the big names were missing CU these uh these guys they go around and they they line their pockets with the

2020 leagues don’t they and that’s what they’re well known for Joseph to finish the third over to Warner down the league side it flicks off his Pad it flicks past pan as well on the dive and they’ll get at least one they’ll come back for the second good running by the Aussies

And leg barys to finish the Joseph over so three bow 1 for 23 our Australia Warner on 10 and Marsh on five asking questions there Su didn’t come off his was looking for the wide but over well I just think we listen to Jake FR mcer who you spoke to yesterday about

Playing test Cricket as the ultimate goal and I just hope I remember R the attard who he’s one of the greatest 2020 cricketers to ever play the game he also went with that line when he bur onto the scene that test cricket was his ultim

Goal so I just hope that there’s a bit more truth to Jake Fraser mcer than uh than there was with young K and polard all those years ago Andre Russell with the p Mohawk little bit of D through the top of it as well Entertainer he is very

Entertaining they were in the game until he was out the other night F at backward Point deep Square leg Dre Russ in and bowling to Marsh who’s playing and missing trying to Stand and Deliver it’s good to see him bowling he used to bowl fast I remember he came out

And he well he started off with the Renegades when he was just a young puff he come out Dwayne Bravo was out there as well we had a bit of a West Indian flavor there and well the reports from opposition was they loved facing him on the short short Square bands at Marvel

He just bash the Wicket but and had a bit of pace on and then he he didn’t Bowl much through injury so it’s good to see him back bowling and picking up wickets here he goes again in now to Marsh who comes down the track and Lofts

Him down the ground a beautiful lofted straight drive into the Rope four more for Mitch Marsh who looks like he’s in a mood tonight one for 27 two balls into the four certainly doesn’t he that wasn’t a bad ball at all from from Dre Russ was nice out swinger probably top

Of off and Mitch mar Just Dances down and smacks him back over his head for in Trinidad long to Andre Russ uh took a hattick and scored 100 in the same 2020 fixture in and bowling now to Marsh back of a length he’s pushing having it quite fine the Fielder comes

Around from backward Point has a bit of work to do but successfully runs it in and they’ll settle for a couple good return throw from out in the Deep keeps it to two 1 for 29 yeah nicely played by Mitch Marsh and yeah was we couldn’t get

A couldn’t get a lift home he was playing for uh was he playing for Jamaica at the time against his um against the trinidadians and he got dropped on not many but then proceeded to hit the ball out of the stadium as we’ve seen so many

Times over his what’s he played now 475 games Russell trying again going full digging it out Marsh out towards Point very wide Yorker and the do ball nice comeback from Dre Russ but rumor is they didn’t see before the game down in Hobart obviously flying in

From was he over in uh Dubai I believe the UAE I did look at his uh Crick info profile and I counted 35 different franchises or teams that he’s played for it’s remark I think IM tah was 57 or something that was saying the other night Russell right arm over to Marsh a

Straight delivery can only defend it just pushes towards Extra cover it’s a lot of different helmets and colored pads isn’t it it’s a lot of uh training kits lot of Air flight a lot of well why my experience with the West Indies they don’t do a whole lot of training they

Just turn up for the for the show time but it’s a lot of kid it’s a lot of hours spent on airplanes and well it’s a lot of paychecks isn’t it yeah also a jeel World Cup winner with the West Indies in 2012 and 2016 as well Johnson

Charles the other member of both of those World Cup winning teams trying to finish the fourth over to Mar down the leag side he can’t finish the over a wide he’ll re rebow that one for 30 one ball to come in the fourth Marsh 11 Warner on 10 doesn’t

Look overly comfortable does he as he sort of trudges back to his marus that’s what happens when you get a bit older not saying that he’s old he he’s come out saying he’s got plenty left in the tank although this 2020 World Cup could be his last in West Indies colors 35 now

Here’s Andre Russell trying again to finish the over to Mar short and wide cut away over the Rope for six it was a gift waiting to be unwrapped by Mitch he said please and thank you certainly did it’s a very expensive wide that what should have been the last ball

And that’s a lovely shot by Mitch Mar is it Rockets into the advertising fors here over deep backward Point bch Mar continues his fine start to in here on a w adelade night 1 for 36 our Australia after four Warner on 10 going in a run of ball and

Mitch Marsh 17 from just eight even looks bigger in the dark green that Australia are wearing in this T20 man they call Bon he is a big big man he’s a strong man he came out himself saying he enjoys a beer and sometimes he’s bigger than he should be but

Certainly h a very long ball Jason holder switched ends from the cathedral end right arm over to Warner who’s pulling him away to the Man Down In The Deep it’s F of him and skipping over the Rope four more for War and the Aussies are off to a hot

Start one for 40 one ball into the four poor delivery that from holder bit of shape but just dragging it down leg side a free hit for David Warner who hits it wide of alari Joseph down there fine leg and helps himself to another boundary should say one ball into the

Fit deep midwicket deep backwards Square five in the ring on the offside holder in and bowling Warner dabbing can’t beat the backward point B line from Jason hold be disappointed with that first ball he he’s a very skillful bowler he’s will sought after around the world in

2020 comps hence while we didn’t see the the ex test Skipper out here on our Shores for the test series and we made it very well known that he’s fighting for his spot in this West India side for the World Cup rles in again balls to Warner who

Yorks himself coming down the track and can only squeeze out a single to Mid off nicely bowled he looked to we looked at what Mitch Mar did last over and run down the Wicket bang it over long off but like he said he’s yed himself and BRS the destructive Mitch Mar on

Strike you can only think with just nine balls left in this power play that if anything he’s going to go even harder three balls to come in the fifth over man out at Deep Point deep Square leg holder bowling to Marsh is driving down the ground doesn’t quite time it it

Gets over the mid off Fielder at least one they’ll turn and come back for two run in just in the field of play and they’ll settle for a couple Marsh along to 19 Australia 1 for 43 two to come in the fifth Brandon King thought he was a chance there Was pull back from the he cou what for the W IND Marsh picks up his Bat holder balls he tries to Club it away to the onside and lifts it into the St over wide long on I’m not even sure he got all of it but such is the strength of Mitch

Mar one for 49 another six one more to come in the Fifth’s off well didn’t look like he got over it at first it looks like he got a bit more looking at theay it looked like it was just straight up the chimney but ends up

About six or seven rows back in front of the sir Edward Smith stand here at that oval what can holder do bowling now to Marsh who’s just slugging it away to the onside and fin of the Fielder at Square leg he finds the ropes again Mitch Marsh is putting on a show

Here at the Adel oal Australia are going going at more than 10 and over they for 53 after five war on 15 13 29 from 11 and Corin middle is coming in to join Tom Cooper this is ABC Sports Coverage the first six overs when you got just the two men outside the 30 yard Circle uh Jason glesby was just reminding me David Warner was 10 after the first over so he’s only on 15 and yet now it’s Marsh they’re trying to contain there’s always somebody in this format that’s coming to

Get you and at the moment it’s Mitch Marsh who’s 29 off 11 that’s remarkable that’s what’s so good about this Australian when when someone’s on they’re good at letting him get on a run and if someone’s not on they’re happy just to to let the other guy take the

The front seat and lead the show elari Joseph has the ball in hand again from the riverbank stand end of the ground bing two Warner they had been able to dry up last over at the power play Warner trying to clip it off his pads it

Swings away from him down the leg side and Nicholas pan he’s diving out underneath that floppy hat takes it behind the stumps and a wide signal so tack on one more for that one for 54 start of the six poor bowling again byari CH really eared their line down

The Le side and they’re probably lucky that David Warner is only on 15 with the line and length that they bowled to him his first over went for nine seven against him with a couple of leg barys as he bowls here to Warner Who’s down on

One knee whips it down to F leg and he wants to come back for two he’s going to force Marsh’s hands sprints makes it in the end comfortably after the misfield in the Outfield and they’ll be filthy about that the wy’s it was r fit out in the

Deep supporting that their Skipper spoke about their field of being sloppy and well he just stood there casually waiting for it and then ended up making a bill ended up on all fours just trying to stop it can snake a bit in the Outfield here at that L over but David

Warner quick between the wickets gets back on strike they’re up on the offside as Joseph pushing across the left Warner Clips it off his toes down to ruford again get the Bron cheer from those in the front of the Hill Zips it back in and an awkward half volly that pan can’t

Trap so single for Warner moves to 18 one for 57 the Aussie start of the six not a great period of play for sure fford is it a little misfield and then a half volley to the keeper so crowd we certainly getting right on his back here at that

Late oal but well what they’ll be glad about is Mitch Mar is back on strike who like I said 29 off 11 and just a what we got four deliveries left in this power play be a brave man to think feel them aren’t going to go to the fence again

He’s certainly looking healthier as well we saw him at the toss after about a CO as Joseph over the Wicket to Marsh hits it high up into the air catching chance back pedaling holder got it Marsh is out goes for 29 off a dozen balls quick in

During the power play but it’s over now Joseph gets his wi and the7 in the and he’s do with himself there Mar he got the length he wanted he looked to hit it over midwicket just Leading Edge to the bit and well Jason holder a little bit

Of an ice cream cone as he hung on to that but it’s a a very underrated catch running back just got into the sun here at that late oval and you can see the relief on his face that that uh that stuck in those massive hands of his

Would have been a big one to put down the form that he’s displayed so far Mitch Marsh as he trudges off 29 off just 12 PS Joseph gets his Wicket here so sixth over two for 57 not the old New York Yankees team that that were dumped murderous that you down and was

Justall of Of few rooms up in that Hall of Fame this Australian team likewise so MCH walks off Glen Max walks out to the middle to come in at four joins Warner with the Aussies 2 57 in you bring me to it there’ll be a lot of size that you’d

Almost want to keep the bloke in so that Glenn Maxwell doesn’t come out he’s played 101 T20 Internationals averaging just under 30 striking at 152 so he’s really he’s changed the way this game’s played hasn’t he’s played 47 2020 games all up and well on a good batting surface here

He’ll uh be looking to put the West Indies to the sword has 4 T20 International hundreds only Rohit sha has five he’s about to start his Innings here with three balls left in the power play there’s a whole lot of middle order options with stus David Wade the next

Three still expected at the crease they got a slip and a galy against him to start elari Joseph comes pounding in balls to Maxwell who defends confidently out on the offside well actually like that they’re attacking because well he doesn’t particularly like the short ball and as all batters are early in their

Innings are a bit success susceptible so if they can knock him over early here it’s going to go a long way you said they’ve got a a pretty strong middle order but we did mention earlier that Adam zamper is up at number eight so if they can continue taking wickets

Throughout it’s certainly going to help them at the back end of this Innings then Johnson the new guy barol and Hazelwood at 910 Jack Spencer Johnson 28 years of age fourth International for Australia but the first one he’s played on home soil Joseph second ball to Maxwell short Char

To pull it popped up on the leg side land safely just eludes Charles as he comes charging in from midwicket and Maxwell’s Off the Mark hit high on the bat as you can see him sort of R rubbing the shoulder of the bat and high on the

Sticker just beating for Pace a bit Glenn Maxwell there alari Jo bit of extra pace and extra bounce here at that lad oal and it’s four just out of the reach of the almost diving forward Square leg and that would have been a huge Wicket for the West

Indies Square leg F leg back last ball of the power play Aussie two for 58 they’ve DED up Warner as Joseph to him now Warner is beaten hit on the back leg bounces once through to pan half a shout from the bowler no one else is interested and that’s the end of the

Over so six down the Aussies after the power play 2 for 58 that’s a good set elari Joseph got the Wicket and just the five from it there certainly is and that’s the some it’s almost the hardest over to Bowl in 2020 we we haven’t seen

A lot during the big bash here with obviously the rule change the four overs and the the power play or whatever it is throughout the Innings but that six over especially when batters are in on a good Wicket they really look to line it up so it’s an outstanding over from Al Zari

Joseph and well you mentioned Glenn Maxwell’s got four 2020 Inter National h I know at least one of them was opening the batting but the more remarkable thing roit Shan with five does open the batting in every single game the majority of Glenn Maxwell’s 101 games

He’s coming in the middle order and for anyone that knows the game it’s obviously getting easier because the players getting better but to score hundreds in the middle overs of a 2020 game is well it’s ridiculous really isn’t it ball softer Fields Back exactly right yeah it’s uh it’s it’s an

Astonishing record he’s second last hit got 100 end of that series over in India following the World Cup here’s Romario Shepard for the first time tonight down the leg side that’ll be a wide another one added into the sunre column two for 59 start of the seventh Corp middle mass

And Tom Cooper on grand stand Cricket second to the T20 Internationals from a sunny out late oal Shadow starting to lengthen across three4 of the ground the flood lights are on but yet to take full effect after a hot sunny day reached the top of 33 and still hovering around

Around the 30° Mark just after 7:00 local time as Shephard bowls to Maxwell and just pushes it out through point for one oh Bow and well that’s that’s seven extras already for the West Indies three of them are leg buys which you can’t help but there’s been four wides which

In a game of they get as close as they do um it’s almost you’re almost asking to lose aren’t you when you’re giving away fre runs like that and we saw that one off Andre Russell the wide and that extra delivery sail over deep back with

Point for six so you could almost argue that one was seven Warner had 10 off the first over he’s 18 off 16 now got three back on the leg side for him and also two square on the offside so that up straight As Shephard pushing across the left H short

He pulls looking into the sun he’s picked the Gap four runs for Warner he busts out of his slump with the boundary he’s 22 he tick over to 2 for 60 it was a nice shot that and we saw backwards Square he he didn’t see that at all with

The sun in their eyes out there and fortunately he’s picked the Gap so there was no drop catch or such there’s nothing worse to the Fielder when you can’t see where it’s going and you end up spilling one but this a little bit what he’s been liking the last month

David Warner obviously lifted for his 100th game down in Hobart Here Comes sheer again to Warner backs away gave himself some room on the leg side and in the end the ball pass pass between the batter and the leg St thrwing into the gloves of pan a do ball his form over in

The ilt2 was um well was nothing short of of average for a player of his caliber so he had 10 hits or he had had before the other night 10 hits in the format since the Sydney test averaged 16 with a top score of 42 so that includes his two

Hits for the thunder shepher on his way again to water G put up he’s hit it strong right up in the air trying to drive down the ground catching chance he’s out to rubford hangs on to it and Warner to pass a boundary out next ball goes for

22 the windy slowed him down and now they’ve got him out of there the 64 and the you heard his groans of frustration as soon as he hit that it was probably in the slot but just threw the shot a bit early toes it straight up and Sh

Raford who had a little moment down at fine Lego before where he made a couple of mistakes was uh was safe as houses there and that’s a huge Wicket for the West Indies as like we said Adam zampa is listed to come in at number

Eight out for 22 of 19 balls having hit 10 off the first over David Warner stay at the creas is over 6.4 overs the Australians now 3 to 64 and they got two fresh batters and Maxwell at thee now that’s a great effort from the West Indies they did a similar thing the

Other night uh in the end he was actually stared of the strike for long periods found himself down the other end wickets were tumbling after he had such an explosive start basically got DED up and ultimately got out you saw how fil he was with himself the other night he

Was sort of punching his Bat and he knew in his Milestone game he was hunting 100 as he has done so often in in other formats but not to be out for 70 the other night a little bit cold here and ultimately cost him his Wicket trying to hit out

Straight yeah certainly did and like you said it’s never easy to back through that middle order which I guess emphasized even more how good Glen Maxwell has been to to score those four T20 National hundreds and as Marcus stus hasn’t been the greatest form either out to n the

Other first on his leg to tuck it off his PS got it very fine Chase on out in the Deep won’t get to it four runs Jason hold up tried to stop it with his size 16 sh skips over the rope and a boundary for the Aussies it won’t count

Off for the Aussies if that was sha Abbott for the Aussies chasing that a big dive and he pulls that back Jason holder didn’t want to get dirty and like said throughout that it’s almost a size 20 shoe that isn’t it it’s huge but probably under him I think sheer oh to

Stus he’s hit high on the Pat the leag before Nicholas pan really likes it behind the stump shepher went up late says no not out uh DRS hmer is ticking no one else is at King including the bowler so that’ll do us seven overs done 3 for 68 the Australians it’s another Wicket

Taking over for the West Indies as ramario Shepard he’s able to get the Wicket of Warner out for 22 C raford stus a confident lbw shout at least from some members of the team score Maxwell Australians Comas 079 20 tri2 looking forward to the call great

To have dizzy in the Box thanks reckon the wy’s are within a chance and our Fielding was poor in Hobart so thanks major nice to hear from you and Warren in Black town I hope the wy’s can score 200 again it’s a it’s a great score and

We’ll make for a good game of cricket there’s a lot of us that coign those sentiments perhaps not the the bowlers amongst us as Jason Gillespie’s back with us ail Hussein’s back on to Maxwell who backs away Cuts straight to the Fielder picks out ruford at cover no run

He hit that hard Glenn Maxwell that first ball is just a little bit short little bit wide from the sign luckily for the West Indies straight to the Fielder with the helmet on shouting out next to the St Mark Maxwell on strike H around the Wicket Maxwell Mis the

Drive and it ends up down at long on for a single collected by ran power the skipper what have your observations been of the first seven overs dizzy one thing I was just saying back in the the back of the box here I thought the West Indies bowled exceptionally well to

David Warner it was clear they were Bing to a plan no width whatsoever didn’t give him an opportunity to free his arms so we saw David trying to move around the crease to try and create that width um good Planning by the West Indies good execution brings stus on strike he’s yet

To get off the mark he has a back foot drive here down to Long off for one to holder 3 for 70 in the eighth over the Wicket so far engas out for four caught by Charles off the bowling of holder and then Marsh for 29 off just

12 caught holder off Joseph bowling trying to hit out and Warner likewise caught popped it straight up in the air ruford off the bowling of shepher for 22 Maxwell awaits he rocks back pulls out into the deep sheay hopes there looking into the sun picks it up at

Midwicket keeps it to a single 3 for 71 I think the other observation um Corbin is I think it is a very good surface uh and we’ll see some good scores here although Australia You could argue probably bit thin with Adams AER at eight around the Wicket again quicker

One stus on the back foot Cuts finds the gap on the offside but there’s a sweeper out there keeps it to a single andari Joseph so one more however you pick your side with the have your best players doing the bulk of the work and zamper in the past has had

Some really important performances white ball Cricket particular domestic level he scored a lot of lot of useful runs so max back on strike they’re back straight and square there’s no one that can stop that down on one knee slop sweep into the second deck that is enormous Clint Maxwell checks it out the

Park last ball of the eth over Hees to and the Australians after baseball turn they call that aner Decker jeez that was a big hit got down on one knee Glenn Maxwell looks we almost a step hit from H just with his little arm balls do really put a lot

Of turn on the the ball and hit that sweetly in the middle of his Cricket B and that’s gone miles Corin oh that’s back in the second and I mentioned just as the ball was being they had back on the leg wasn’ted even though we’re quite Central

Here today are slightly it’s one pitch over towards the easn side and that’s still a 60 OD me hit 62 hang the and it’s only coming back finally return to it’s interesting normally the umpires will have a quick look at the ball just to make sure but Romario shepher to continue on his

Way in balls to sters who PS not quite out the middle of the bat out to deep midwicket on the western side it’s collected by raford in a single for ster so 3479 the Australians start of the ninth jonesie on ABC Sports still blue above still high 20

Temperature after it reach top of 33 a hot sun day in Adelaide sheer on his way in holds to Maxwell who tries to pick the gap down to Third Man you hear the reaction can’t beat Shay hope at backward point just the the way the Australians are are

Striking the ball and hitting the sweepers here it just suggests that this surface the ball is coming on very nicely the West Indies haven’t boled badly by any stretch as I mentioned earlier that they’ve come up with some good plans to David War it’s probably not as clear what their plan is to

Maxwell sheer on his way in again balls to Maxwell who clubs it hard but one bounce to Dre Russ at Mid on thanks to throw down the stumps hangs on to it another dot ball so just one off the first three of this over beautiful old ad over scoreboard is

Still in sunshine most of the rest of the ground in the shadows certainly the plain Arena I was lucky enough to grow up going to plenty of cricket at the waa ground so I have particular love for the old school traditional scoreboard there something beautiful about it here at the adlet over that

Still exists in the modern day is a full ball on leg St off the P of it could be run out the keeper misses the stumps gee had a clean look at them ster sent back Maxwell trying to get a leg by pan picked up through missed the stumps and

Then backing up was Shephard who threw them down himself but it was too late Maxwell was back the second time it after all that drama Jason gesp it’ll go the books a top ball certainly will Nicholas por missed by a little way still let his glove

On that’s it was M well he just turned when the turned around and the ball was already on the way back in a lucky break from Maxwell hits over the offside what a shot cover drive over the Rope for six reaching for it the off ma theare the again the5 was

Delivery is just open the face which he does when the ball’s outside the off St Maxwell minimal foot movement it’s all risk all power and that hasn’t got up very high at all that’s flat batted square of the Wicket beautiful shot last ball of the over Shephard F down the leg

Side we’ll have another one tack on one for the wi so 34 86 the Australians in the ninth over that wide there is a direct result of the previous delivery he outside off stump maybe a foot half outside off stump got hit for six and doesn’t want to make the same mistake

And with his with Shephard’s slightly slingy action if he doesn’t quite get that right he’ll have a propensity to slide it down the leg side that’s what we saw we’ve seen a couple of instances with a wide the last ball of the over this Innings already with the last ball has

Gone for a six let’s see what happens long on goes back Third Man up as Maxwell just rocks back in the drops it away on the leg side for an easy single he keeps the strike he moves to 17 and the Aussies after nine of three for

87 stonis is three Maxwell is 17 Corin middle and Jason Gillespie starts for Warner at Marsh Marsh made 29 of 12 and Warner 22 of 19 the AIS making one change Spencer Johnson is in for sha Abbott and the West Indies have the same team that lost a high scoring run Fest

At Hobart on Friday so same 11 backing up again the grass Bank underneath the scoreboard is always a popular spot well populated again today in the lower ball even the members side of the ground there’s plenty of people in a really good roll up for a T20 game in what the

Middle part of February there’s been a lot of cricket obviously right around the country already this summer are you are you a coach dizzy that you will sit in the Pavilion all day or do you go for a little bit of a stroll particularly in Shield CRI When there’s less people here

And if so where’s the best spot on the ground if you could see anywhere and come and watch a game as a punter where would you be uh on occasion Shield Cricket actually every now and again will come up into the meteor area because it’s a great view you look

Straight down the surface particularly if you want to see what the ball’s doing Dre Russ starts new over balls to Maxwell Hees it away on the leg side for six 18 Rose back minimum and Maxwell finding his Groove it’s his third six he moves to 23 the Australians three for 93

Maxwell has picked that up off a Leng Andre Russell about the top of the Bales so not overly short Glenn Maxwell has just hit that right out of the middle of his Bat kept a good head position Glen Maxwell and just used again that powerful he must have the strong he must

Have forearms like pop High just so strong they’re well h under all that head he’s got his forearms there could be all sorts of stuff going on under those forearms as Russell on his way in Maxwell drives picks out the Fielder here at Mid off uh talked about the

Fielders on the Eastern side shielding their eyes from the Setting Sun Also The Spectators on that side as well you might need a hard hat over there the way Max is going to that boundary definitely it’s just this time of the night with the Western Sun setting um it does for a

Little short period of time it becomes quite difficult um difficult to see on that Eastern side he the side boundary for Maxwell look out as Russell balls Maxwell Inside Edge onto the pad balloons on the offside they take a single 3 for 94 maxf to 24 so Media

Center great spot behind the Bowers arm what about on the ground level ground level uh off anywhere really I the hill is a great spot without a doubt um anywhere it’s hard to pick a pick a favorite spot Corbin it’s just a just a beautiful cre ground it feels like the

People that are on the hill underneath the scoreboard I think they’re having the best time out of every everybody at the ground judging by the early vibs as Russell short stus is back and pulling the ball quite straight down to long on to hold her for a single so he moves to

Four and the Aussie 3 for 95 it’s just taking Marcus stus just a little little bit of time to get going he he always tends to give himself a you know8 to 10 balls Marcus stus before he looks to really impact predominantly that’s his game plan sometimes that can

Change but he’s got time in this Innings to be able to give himself a chance Dre R his blond mohawk flowing on his way into Maxwell hits it over the head and mid off bouncing away for four it is magnetic the boundary off B at the moment Glen Maxwell he moves to

28 and the Aussies on the pre of 100 3 to 99 ball to come in the 10 again it just highlights the tress of this surface Andre Russell hasn’t really looked to mix things up change his Pace at all he’s just looking to hit the pitch hard

Mid off stays up Russell on his way again a slower ball Maxwell tries to turn it down to long on and Russell fields on his follow through nice bit of work from the bowler so with 10 overs done theis 3 for 99 stus on four and

Maxwell on 28 at the halfway mark 29 earlier for marsh and 22 for Warner the top scores the batters that have been dismissed so far we got a change here Ben Cameron’s on his way to join Jason KES He 18 oh that’s absolutely superb baller hasn’t done much wrong there Sor take a little bit of pace off it but it was probably the length yeah there yeah a little off cutter there but it was the length that allowed GL Maxwell just outside off stop to be able to

Execute that shot very well played three out on the L side two out on the offside Maxwell facing up to pal again pulling flicking it away and F of the man at Deep backward Square Maxwell is finding the boundary of will now trying to mix it up he went

Full and got reverse swept he’s just got a little bit ma The bmh what can he do it’s it’s a really good question I think need to do Max Max infeld beats the again in a glen Maxwell who races to 4 Australia for2 to get the ball really full or take Pace off into the pitch Maxwell facing up again this time he’s a little cramped can only Force Through the offside and he’ll get one 3 for 1 13

Maxwell 41 now stus is been waiting at the non strikker and best seat in the house at the moment is certainly is with this is allowing stus get into his Innings still 9.1 overs St has got a long time to have a real impact here and while the other end is finding the

Boundary it’s just buying marus a little bit of time pal right arm over bowling to a little shimmy and flicks it away very fine no one’s back to stop that and pal has no ansers 15 coming up is over and Australia 3 for 117 11 in to their first

Innings the first Innings of this match and Glen Maxwell very much the story 41 from 21 stus at the other end n not out yeah this is a fantastic platform by the Australians 117 runs for 11 overs one would suspect that we are going to be looking at a 200 plus Score

Tom Cooper before alluded to the fact that this was the highest scoring ground in the BBL the surfaces here are beautiful particularly for batting not so much for bowling um but what we what the West Indies don’t have um a RIS spinning option who can potentially spin

The ball both ways hit a length is where I think from a bowling perspective the Australians have the advantage with one of the best wrist Spinners on the planet in Adams AER in their lineup now Zari Joseph the ball from the riverbank end of the ground bustles in and Bows here

To Maxwell trying to flick it away it’s f diving foran and either leg or runs it won’t matter to the Aussies it will be leg four more to the total for1 the again AAR Joseph I know he tried to keep it the lines tight to David Warner

But also seems judging from that first delivery to keep the line tight to Maxwell I think Joseph’s his weapon speed top of the at off stump with air speed that will give himself the best chance to impact Joseph bowling to Maxwell who just Hees it over wide long

Ons it away into the second deck again wow that is a big big hit it wasn’t a step hit byar Joseph you didn’t a lot wrong here but what Glen Glenn Maxwell did was a lot right we know he’s got a fantastic swing AR strong forearm strong

Wrists ball it was the top of off St it was a decent delivery but that’s just a superb Cricket strike flicks his wrist through it and see it to the ball it’s got the eye of a dead fish yeah it just and and his head position is outstanding young players watching should take

Note he’s on 47 what can Joseph do goes full and straight that’s a very good delivery as Glenn Maxwell commentated as he knocks it out through midwicket for one and that’s about what you have to do to keep Maxwell at Bay today Yorker 48 is on Australia 3 for1 to8 three balls

To come in the 12th to elaborate on point there Ben just when when Glenn Maxwell makes contact with the ball his head position is absolutely still so there’s that’s why you don’t see a lot of foot movement with him he gets his body into a good position and

But his head is so still stus facing Joseph he goes with a bouncer and stus immediately looks to the square leg umpire I thought there might have been a what in it nothing doing you can see why Glenn Maxwell would hit a very clean golf ball yeah with that

His head and body position and with those strong forearms and wrists when he stays away from the golf cart and he’s he must stay away from a golf cart that’s for sure hasn’t had the best of luck with golf days recently Maxi two balls to come in the 12th here

Goes Joseph again bowling to stus who squared up Edge balloons just fine at the backward Point dribbles down to the third man fielder for one that’s good petrol from aari Joseph there 146k an hour that’s good Pace that hit Marcus stones’ bat on the stickers high on the bat it’s good length to

Ball no a heap about it Marcus stus had a bit of a chuckle on the way through that hit the bat a lot harder than he than he thought thought it was going to No Doubt 3 for1 129 the Aussies Maxwell back on strike Joseph arriving now ballington Maxwell he lifts it down

Towards wide long on holder hairs around to his right retrieve it they’ll come back comfortably for two little stretch at the end from St this well run three for 131 and that’s 50 for Glenn Maxwell of just 25 deliveries and we know well what this man can do and he’s proving a game

Record again for Australia Jason Gillespie and myself Ben Cameron calling all of the action Australia 3 for 131 after 12 sounds very simple but to be able to do it takes a lot of skill four fours and four sixes in that knock oh superb batting so good to

Watch what would be your plan to Glen Maxwell D um not ball hard from the captain H with his slow left arm Orthodox bowling to join us clubbing it down the ground the Fielder at long off will for it in and Maxwell on strike so hin will have to bow to Maxwell

Here I think Maxwell’s going to look to reverse him over backward Point here and see the Fielding change there been they’re moving cover Point his behind point now on the fence maybe for that shot Maxwell faces husin bowling now goes with the reverse again doesn’t matter where you put the fielders maxw

Clubs it into the dance don’t worry about the short Square boundaries of the Adelaide oval that’s six just about anywhere it’s just a left handed pull shot isn’t it pull shot off a spinner just superb absolutely superb but not surprising is the modern players practice these

Shots all the time put a lot of time and effort into grooving these different different strikes up to 126ers in T20 Internationals Glenn Maxwell only five away from Aaron Finch with the most for Australia hin come back delivery to Maxwell tries to go again a play a miss

Good take by Nikki P behind the stumps he’s literally got try and do that again didn’t he yeah there’s a bit Fuller there by hin as well B hin in now to Maxwell this time he lifts it up towards long on and just chips it down there a little pitching wedge for

One one coming the over Maxwell 57 Australia 3 for 139 and stus hasn’t got out of first gear yet he’s 11 off 11 Ben big papy will to free his arms trying here to stus who’s caught behind is he the West Indians like it St stands his ground he’s shimmy to the

Lake side to give himself some room there are a couple of noises it might afflict the pad and pal eventually says let’s have a look at it the onfield decision coming from the Umpire Sam nski was not out third director we have a player rev for behind original decision is not out

I’ve checked the feet it is a fair delivery can we start with front on please thank you okay clearly got impact with the pad but the ball goes past close to the bat can I go to the leg side Hot Spot please to there’s bat

Involved okay I have no hot spot on the bat there can we move through to RTS please okay thank you I have a clear gap between bat and ball and then first impact onto the pad no need to go to track us cuz pad is well outside leg

Stuff if I can have the Umpire back on screen please Sean stay with your original not out decision signal now so not out from the onfield Umpire of Shan Craig Sam nagowski the third umpire running through the process there actually don’t mind the process I think it’s if we get the decisions right

Ultimately that’s what we we want isn’t it to finish the over to stus who’s pulling out towards the man in the Deep has a bit of work to do can’t do it they beat Joseph in the a bound to finish the over for for the aies stus 15 Maxwell on

57 and hin three overs for 32 it’s a tough ground to defend for a finger spinner finger Spinners have arm balls some have deas but you got to be really ruthless with your lengths your lines you need a little bit of luck as well and two guys who uh can impact like

Maxwell and stus very difficult assignment being a finger spinner Jason hold up back into the attack so just explain that why why is it different say for a finger spinner and harder to defend the Adel o than someone who is a rist spinner yeah spinning the ball both ways I think the

The ball comes out of the hand a little bit differently um wrist Spinners can get a little bit more little bit more drift little bit more drop um but I think they’re being able to have the option of spinning it either way sides of the both sides of the bat I

Think is is is advantageous three out on the lake side take back with square deep mid Wicket long on Deep Cover and a deep backward point it’s not to say a finger spinner can’t have an impact because of course they can hold up bowling to Maxwell full

And strike good good option Maxwell digs it out down towards long on and just a single I think when someone like Glenn Maxwell is in a mood that he’s in now I don’t think it matters what what you you might have pulled out the theor little on the

Way very much the last resort did people mention you flapping your arms as you ran into bow often quite a bit yeah people call the albatross the eagle hold up in now to stus slow ball Yorker and stus digs it out again down to long on for one that’s excellent

Bowling by Jason holder back of the hand slower ball it’s it’s a distinct change of pace as opposed to an off cutter type delivery that a lot of Bowlers will Bowl it won’t have the same impact um in terms of speed bit more dip as well AB yeah

100% holder past the Umpire now to Maxwell who’s cutting short and wide and he puts it out towards deep backward point for only one protection out there I actually really like that field to Glenn Maxwell they have point in the ring right on Square have short third

Man but have deep point which is about 20 M behind point so deep backward point and and then just someone in front at cover point on the on the fence I think that’s a good field to Glenn Maxwell stus on strike facing Holden now he’s trying to pull stus out into the deep

Catch should be taken and is nice catch in the there by Brandon King running around to his left goes he’s out for 16 Australia 4 for 146 in this yeah just a little bit high on Mar’s didn’t quite get going tonight gave himself a chance Face 14 deliveries 15 deliveries

Sorry with Glenn Maxwell being really aggressive at the other end Australia 4 for 146 in the 14th over they’re well placed as Tim David walks out to bat to post a significant total yeah that was the that was actually the off spinner that one shorter ball off

Spinner so Jason holder pulling out all his tricks out of his tool tool kit need all of them I feel like yeah out the back of the hand slow Ballers underutilized compared to you I was a big Harvey fan as is Steve War obviously with it really early on

Y Tim David out in the middle now probably the perfect scenario for Tim David heck of a T20 International Record too so 34 T20 Internationals averages 35 a strike rate of 160 high score of 92 not out some of his early t20s were for Singapore against lesser opposition but

Still got to score the runs though great record holder into David who’s driving pushing p the short extra cover for one so actually started out playing for Singapore his nation of birth and 14 of his first 34 T20 Internationals were for them for playing for Australia one to com in at

14 147 I think the advantage Jason holder has with his changes of p is his height he’s a very tall man so when he bowls his changes of pace or into the pitch we saw with stus Wicket off Pace but it bounced hold up to Maxwell he’s pulling

Not timing it down towards long on again along the ground that is the end of the 14th over 4 for one for R Maxwell on 60 David on one Jason Gillespie steps out and Tom Cooper will step back in Australia making a good fist of it

Having being sent into back 60 from 31 David just to the crease Tom Cooper what have you made of the enigmatic Max austral to surpris Mario Shephard bowling a new over Maxwell cutting and beating the infield it’ll race along the grass and another boundary he’s got the Midas touch tonight Glen Maxwell 64 he’s on to one ball into the 15 4 for one5 to Australia he certainly

Does and that’s a back of a hand slower ball and one thing this ad over will surface can do is it can slow up a little at times but some of the shots he’s played here show that this has got pace and bounce and well if you’re going

To be chasing a 200 run total which it looks more than likely this is the surface and the ground that the West Indies are going to want to do it on shepher bustles in again to Maxwell who’s lifting him out through Square leg a little bit of an issue for Joseph out

There in the Deep he was looking at the snake in ball coming towards him eventually keeps it to one 4 for1 53 two balls into the 15 I’m got his but if he’s tuning in I guess you call a record got the and his record is well 65 off 33 balls with

5.4 overs left and you’re hitting balls in the second tier left right and Center there’s not many better places you’d want to to bring up your fifth T20 International 100 Shephard bowling now to David cting and again through the infield piercing them and thei out of cover Point had no

Chance Tim David Gets going with theary he’s on Australia Midway through the 15 just bad bowling that from Romario she he’s got three out on the leg side long a straight de cover and he justs a short wide cat on to Tim David who we

All saw how well he hit him the other day it’s just asking for trouble just carving it away three balls left in the 15th shepher right arm over to David cutting again up is this time it goes absolutely to True point and the Fielder had been moved F four more for Tim

David and the West Indians aners well they th the long off up put a deep backward point but if you’re going to run in and B short wide cut shots it doesn’t matter how many points You’ got a player of David’s caliber is going to find the boundary

Every single time so Romario shepher looks surprise there but that’s money for Jam two balls left in his over he’s in again David this time clubbing it down the ground flat batting it down to long on sa’s through for one I thought he’d gone again there so did I short and wide

But fortunately for Romario shepher he rolled the fingers on that and Tim David muscles it down to long on but it hasn’t been a great over so far from Romario Shepard who has one for 29 off his 2.5 overs finishing the over now slow ball to Maxwell who knocks it

Through b Wicket immediate call of two he’ll turn and come back as well so two more to end the over and Australia are well on their way to posting a massive total here at the Adela oal 15 B 4 for1 164 Maxwell 67 off 34 David 10 off four at the other end

Cor middle mass is coming in Grand Cricket this is ABC Sports coverage of T20 A warm day here like go to the back of the commentary box it’s absolutely freezing back there but 16 off that last sheer over and he’s certainly feeling the heat as Dre Russ back into the attack David in good form quick 537 unbeaten the other night he’s 10 not

Here he drives through cover for one Maxwell 67 I heard you set it up beautifully in the previous over Tom Cooper that uh they couldn’t get a better opportunity there’s still the better part of five overs to go was he’s 4 for one65 he’s 67 KN off 34 seen them

Well and he’s got short Square boundaries absolutely and I was going to say at end the last over it’s that he obviously duffed it in the leg side for two that’s when you you don’t want to get get to you want hit it a bit too

Good so you keep the strike for the next over David’s helped him out by just hitting a single first ball here but he’s liked the look of Dre Russ who’s going at 12 so far they’ve brought Square leg up inside the ring and Maxwell plays and misses again just

Throwing the hands out at wi of off stump and he’s frustrated as he runs almost out to the square leg umpire well that’s extraordinary from GL ma he tried too cute there he’s tried to straight B it with an open face up and over backward point and short man which is

Where he tried to hit his reverse sweep but he’s tried to do it with an inside out straight bat ridiculous shot Maxwell on 67 digs out a picks out the field short third that’s ail husin so no run a couple of halls for Dre Russ well in the

Other night just to catch you up if You’ just flicked on the radio it’s followed a similar script as the H up match wy’s winning the TOs same 11 decided to field first Aussie’s Explosive Start they made 2 for 58 in the first six overs during

The power play Russell on his way agains to Max jams out a full back with a point Chase on in the jph won’t get to it Maxwell into the 7s moves to 71 beautiful plac on the back a third time lucky that Ma well it’s almost the perfect Yorker that from

Andre Russell and Maxwell just as he does it’s almost like an a swing in the open blade and just squirts it basically off the middle of the bat just in front of that backward point and the the sweeper had no chance whatsoever cutting that off on this lightning Adela oal

Outfield F leg midwicket long on Long off and point the five men in the Deep Russell short pulled away by Maxwell finds the G backto back boundaries for Maxwell in a Hees to 75 say that’s a win for the West IND Russ a very Maxwell the Gap but it’s only gone

For four on a on any other day that could have been a second tier as well Mitch Mar made 29 off a dozen 22 for Warner 16 for stus but Glen Maxwell fast becoming the story 75 FS theat around his hands Andes to lap it down to third with the fielders up

Inside the ring and you hear the screaming frustration and now he punches his leag with his gloves on it’s been quite animated tonight Maxi we’ve heard a lot from him through the stum mik he’s 75 not out that is the end of the 16th four to go Tom and the Australians are

For3 11 Maxwell just shows how dangerous Maxwell is that’s a def a very good over he’s got three dots a perfect yker that’s gone for four and you can say the Second not used to missing that reverse sweep of his but well a very big score is on the cards here is Al Zari Joseph who’s Bow world tonight with one for 21 off his three comes back in the attack having a trundle here from the cathedral end of

The ground it’s on a good length pulled away by David top Edge over fin leg goes up inside the ring lands safe and robman power runs back to retri it five in from the boundary and David gets through for two so start of the 17th the Aussies to four for

175 I’ve got an observation for you by the way as uh the flood light starting to take over the full ground in Shadows was a hot day beautiful conditions for Cricket the Aussie all in green yes GRE previously we black in T20 cricket like we for home World Cup but Bing Green Sing what a it with a flat crunching moves to 19 things that go in your when you got momentum on your side you see the ball beforei Joseph say beat David he top edes it and fall safely over 45 but that one he patched it into the Wicket and

Tim David with that front foot pull shot that we’ve all seen so many times smacks it up into the second tier of the sir Edwin Smith stand and lari Joseph where’s he going to Bow this one mid off F leg third man all up inside the ring

David Gets a full ball squeezes it out on the offside get a single now the problem we’ve seen from teams wearing green in all levels of cricket whether it’s for Tasmania or for Pakistan or whatever it may be the different manufacturers that produce Cricket equipment have never

Reached a consensus on the p on the shade of green and you might be able to see Tim DAV who’s got these what we refer to probably as a lighter shade of green with the dark green strides and Glen Maxwell is wearing more of an olive green to go along with his

And so feels like same guys in the same team all have different shades of pads to go along with one consistent them of p as Joseph BS to Maxwell and that’s just all muscle hamers it to sh hope Extra cover but there’s no run well you

See quite you see with the Indians don’t you with the sky blue their helmets all different colors and well the team I was lucky enough to play for the Dutch we went away from Orange and orange pads because we had seven different types of orange pads there’ be light orange dark

Orange bright orange fluro orange like no one could get it right it’s it’s got to be like um it’s not a great look is it like ceiling paint or like wall paint where there’s just one universal color they have to come up with as Maxwell goes legs side picks the Fielder though

Just get a single whips it away out towards rord in the Deep so four for 183 the Australians one to come in the 17th over Maxwell to 76 I know even with the red the Renegades a few times they could that right and the boys be painting actually getting paint out and painting

Their pads and then as that dries it cracks and it starts flaking off and it looks like it looks horrible you’d think in today’s day and age you could you get the right color code for amazing whatever pads green seems to be a huge issue and has been for a long time as

David Gets a short ball and he’s trying to pull he should have been hooking it was that short in the end plays underneath it flies through to the keeper David 20 off n Maxwell is 76 not out and three overs to go the Australians are four for 183 Corin middle and Tom Cooper

Throughout the night we’ll hear from Jason Gillespie and Ben Cameron now the SMS number Tom 0467 920 triple2 High guys enjoying the commentary from the comfort of my bed in the home of the stunning Blue Lake M Gambia B nice to hear from you love the pop reference

Maxwell has had his T finished today Ma focused on restricting his scoring rather than getting him out is this the right approach I think especially when he first comes in you have to try and get a man like max out here I know when we used to play in the big bash used to go

Hard at his head he doesn’t like it there yes he might get it over the boundary but you put three back maybe a guy just Pine Square up and we saw him second ball he almost LED one straight to that forward Square fin third and mid

Off all up the ring he’s reaching for one he’s it f over third down the for four another boundary for Glen Maxwell he is into the 80s that’s remarkable from and this is why you have to try get him out if you don’t try and get him out

He still scores at 200 he’s gone wide and would have been a wide to reach that and slice it over slip it’s not even a shortterm it’s a deep four slip and he’s just sliced as easy as you like over him and what that’s three bounces to the boundary you

May as well be trying to get him out if you’re going to if he’s going to strike it to under then just try and get him off strike Here Comes holder on his way again it’s short outside the Maxwell muscles it over midwicket for six it out the park again maxwell6 Theary but you want the ball to where you want him to hit the ball he’s only 14 away now from triple figes hold a short and wide outside the off upper cut from Maxwell out on the offside it lands safe Russell running back short third mans in the end scrambling to get back

On the dou as the throw comford out the de had to work around from the sweeper really at Deep point and in the end Maxwell gets two to take him to 88 Direct Hit he would have been out there I think he I think he thought that

Was going to be caught when he first hit it because he hasn’t really he sort of jogged or maybe he’s got caught up behind the bowler here and gone hard a direct hit and he’s out by meter but the throw is wide and Maxwell lifs another

Day and like you said he’s he two hits away from be his fifth T20 in a national 100 200 very nearly up we’re still in the 18th over Maxwell gets a full ball on leg stop he steps inside it it’ll be a wide play a Miss through to

Pan 196 on the board for the Australians down in the 18 the sunry is up to 17 yeah that hurts it then you you throw in the that extra ball at Dre Russ that went for six yeah could hurt West Indies in the long run still 15 balls left in the Innings

Maxwell on the 88 gets a full toss Miss hits it down to Pal at long on he’ll collect a single still two balls to come in the 18th over the Aussies 4 for 197 that’s not something you see every day is it No the grown told it all he

Got a got a knee high full toss which normally would be landing probably just about now and he managed to tow it down to long on for just a single Glen Maxwell’s made Glen Maxwell made 10 on Friday night in Hobart before that his previous Innings at T20

International level 104 KN out third T20 International in India back in November trying to make it 200s in three hits at this level hold a fall to David turns it away out to deep midwicket for one when you throw in what he produced at the World Cup the 50 over World Cup

This may well sounds silly to say but he’s taken his game to a new level has he there’s been all this onfield drama all had to do with golf courses and maybe having a couple too many drinks but his performances on The Cricket field well they’ve simply been Sensational haven’t

They 100 against the Dutch the double hund against Afghanistan as hold of Boston Maxwell here and he just turns it along the ground out to deep midwicket for a single Brandon King collects has two overs to go Maxwell’s on strike he’s 9 KN and the Aussies are 4 for

199 now the alltime record by the way T20 International at this ground is 233 for a total so that’s only 34 away Ma the OD 2 for 94 won the toss and batting first this is the under 19 World Cup final against India Sam constant was out for an eight ball duck unfortunately Q ween is’s on 48 fulls Maxwell says I’m going to get that out of here depit over Back Square for

Six that was a gift he’s one clean blow away 96 not out yeah I don’t like obviously don’t have too many more to go to but I don’t like this bowling change from pal here he went for 16 his last over RAR she the ball over the

Place and no surprise Glen Maxwell just tapped that last ball of the 18th over the midwicket for a sing um and deposits that one way back into stand 96 not out slower ball hits it through cover for one sheer just took the pace right off it Maxwell walks it

Through to get to 97 you hear the Gran again he’s in that good a form when it doesn’t go exactly where he wants It he’s not happy with him what a knock it’s been for Glenn Maxwell coming in with the team well set at 2 for 57 in the power play and for bowlers out there you get Maxwell who’s on what’s he on 97 on strike and Tim David’s on strike

Sheard’s coming around the Wicket to him David pops it up out through what would be regulation mid on the field is back in Russell and they’ll just get a single oh probably could have got two for that as well as Russell comes Ching in and he

Wasn’t even there as they decided not to come back for a second so Maxwell on strike over to 22 there was a long two there wasn’t there yeah not sure who decided that obviously well Max old blowing has been out there a while and well he’s probably more chance of

Clearing the pickups than Tim David if that’s even possible at the moment as he’s on 97 sheer on his way in to Maxwell down the leg side it’s a wide and misses four for 208 lead swells the total more so for the Australians batting first here four for

208 the second of the T20 Internationals best of three series concludes Tuesday in per 97 out to make it 200s in three knocks at this level Shephard bowls to Maxwell Tri to jam down on a four ball wide of off St plays and misses well Bow by Mario Shephard

So oh he’s a scatter gun isn’t he so he takes wickets but he goes for run of Mario she and well Maxwell he’s got that many shots in his mind maybe it’s a good thing he can’t line him up as long as he doesn’t bow any shinai leg stump full tosses

Again Glen Maxwell on 97 a short [Applause] Ball 101 out he [Applause] the no0 internals he equals with in the forat at International level what a star he shows us the whole bag again 101 off 50 unbelievable from Glenn Max as soon as that left his Bat the raar went out he knew he’d pick the

Gap and come straight out of the middle of that cabar Ridge back of his shepher to Maxwell Again full on leg St finds the Gap once more between mid and long on for he’s now and the Aussie total grows 26 for the loss of just four wickets and

There’s still an over to to certainly is and sheer goes to 17 off his last over to finishes one for 4 off his four but he witness something special here at Maxwell he’s come out he we missed out last game on a good batting track in

Hobart but like you said CS he second 20200 in his last three games which is it’s simply unheard of and some of the shots we’ve seen here tonight have been well playing ridiculous haven’t they yeah and really apart from the Nicholas poran shot the St the mix up

With Chan it he was probably 5 me down the down the pitch if pouring out of throwing the STS and well what a miss that has been for the West Indies who they constantly took quicket throughout aamp number eight they would have would had High Hopes as Dre Russ

Who been expensive going bow the last they don’t have a bowler which hurts them 104 76 105 got out Russell BS a full it out of ss it as aeven a no for aul and a free swing to come the 20th over Tom Cooper hasn’t officially started and the Aussies are already

What’s that 223 well what 236 the high score here I think it was uh 23 three two three well that looks under a bit of strife and well that’s the issue when you don’t have a death bowler in your side you look you can go through the

Aussie team Nathan Ellis is injured at the moment very good death bowler Kane Richardson who’s played a lot for very good death bowler sha Abbott does it for the Sixers very good death bowler like it’s a massive part of the game and I know it means they bat deep

The West Indies but we’re chasing 40 more than they should have started poly a full toss low directed at middle stump and it’s cranked Away by David out to hold her it long on for a single so he moves to 29 the bad news is for the West

Indies that means Maxwell’s back on strike he’s 105 KN out of1 and the auss move for 4 for 224 remarkable we just seen on our Screen from 143 the max had the 94 Innings [Applause] Maxwell that’s almost and I say almost we’re looking for Perfection it wasn’t perfect it’s almost a beautifully B from Andre Russell but just enough Maxwell who missed this shot probably five overs ago and well was very upset with himself dispatches Pace over backward Point Gets this over’s gone S14 off it so far off two balls off two official balls Maxwell 109 of 52 the O 228 on the board four balls to come Russ Maxwell Square 232 they no answer for the west and Glen Maxwell now 113 out it’s not well bowled that with 45 and Rood

Square up in the ring Dre Ras go leg up with a full toss and for a man hitting them as well as Glenn Maxwell he’ll pick that off every day of the week well they’re only allowed four out given the fact they’re slow with their override and it’s no surprise they

Late given the fact been balls disappearing to the boundary at will and over the fence so they’re going to have to bring mid off up there’s only four portions of the ground they can cover that’s deep backward Square midwicket long on they got a sweeper on the

Offside but F legs up third man’s up mid off is up Maxwell is on he’s 113 not out full on leg flipped away over the head deep back for six 10 balls for Maxwell and the started long ago but it keeps on rolling it’s 119 out second highest International

Score and count well Dre Russ he’s followed up the leg stump full toss with a leg stump half fley and doesn’t matter how many guys you get out there Glenn maxell’s here in this well it doesn’t matter where you put them 119 not out Russell on his way again full outside

Maxwell one so he’ll finish 120 something Dr and there’s still to come in the Innings the have completely burst through the previous high water mark of 233 they’re now 239 four wickets down Glen Maxwell has showed us something special here today straight out of his play 120 55 unbeaten

Interal the all record last of 12 not out on 55 and the Aussies produc the highest ever T2 total here 241 at the conclusion of their 20 overs just four wickets down and Tom coer to thinkman asked them to bat first 241 the target is42 yeah if we’re going to get what

I’ve asked for and a a playoff in per the West Indies are going have to that very very well but I think what’s been so good about this australi it’s all been about Glenn wax Maxwell but you look at Mitch Marsh he come out and smacked him everywhere Tim David we

Barely men his name he’s got 31 off 14 you can hear the crowd erupt as G Maxwell raises his back walking off the Adelaide oval with 120 KN out to his name but Mitch Marsh and the rest of his teammates just made him on the boundar

Edge to high five him on the way off what what a what an unbelievable Innings a guy that just produces it so often at T20 International level he grabs his Aussie cap and he’ll ahead and take the pads off and come out and pick up the duties in the field and probably

Expected to ball a few overs as well well potentially is it’s going to be well they’re going to come out and play some shots for the West Indies you can be sure of that and well 241 if if a side’s going to chase it down it

Probably is the West Indies they do come out they their shots and we’ve certainly got a game on our hands here in if they can get anywhere close score in a T20 by an Australian fourth highest T20 score for a team for Australia sorry ever so four high total the aies have

Racked up 241 they’ve made up their 20 overs thanks largely to Glen Maxwell 120 out of 55 and Tim David 31 of just 14 at the end he Mak the 37 the other night so tough going for spots in the 11 for the World Cup but Tim Davis two excellent

Auditions here to start this this T20 series with the World Cup to come later this year in the Caribbean and the United States the inning started with Josh engas he was out for four caught by Charles off the bowling of holder next man to go was Mitch Marsh quick fire 29

Off a dozen balls caught holder B Joseph David Warner was out from 22 hit 10 off the first over but then got bogged down off 19 the she the team was 3 to 64 at that stage they then were 3 to 146 it was Maxwell who was going Banas though

Withus eventually out for 16 15 he was caugh by King of holders bowling and as mentioned mwell 120 out International 100 and David 31 unbeaten 19 in the 20 overs four to 241 so they got a lot of bonus balls in the end the Australians that is their Innings complete

The SMS number through the if you want to have your say 0467 92022 the aie under 19 are in action in the World Cup final they won the TSS in a batting first against India Hugh wean is out for 48 of 66 delivery and Harry

Dixon’s now out as well so out the 42 constant got an eight ball duck and the Aussies now back in a more precarious position in the 24th over 3 for 102 so we’ll we’ll keep you up as to how the teenagers are going there in the World Cup another excellent call of the

Crigger looking forward to Perth on Tuesday and the women’s test starting Thursday cheers from Kylie and dford and from Andrew in Salsbury Salsbury Downs I pronounce that correct hey guys loving the call and listening to Max he go nuts while eating homemade fried rice what a way to do it Andrew appreciate your

Listenership tonight uh so we’re at the halfway mark it’s it’s been quite something so far uh Tom w we’ll hear from you shortly in the Run Chase Ben Cameron and Jason Gillespie about to make their way back in the Target is a whopping 242 as the flood lights start to take

Full effect what has been a glorious day in ad got to as many as 33° temperature now in the mid to high 20s the Run Chase is coming up shortly but in the meantime let’s get the latest for the ABC News Most White Oh Old Wased by the police across several brisban suburbs N A A N N N A A N In N N A A and he’s able to just execute that perfectly it was just an absolutely superb knock you were on to that too dear you spoke right throughout the Innings about uh his head position how still it was and how he was watching the ball right down onto his Bat and also uh

His ability to manipulate with his hands and uh slice the ball away through the offside yeah CU batting is about your head and hands if your head and hands are are in sync and close together it gives you the best chance to to implement the shot very exciting times

Here in South Australia because Spencer Johnson the hometown lad who you’ve had a lot to do with as the local coach of South Australia is about to come out and Bowl uh on home debut he’s played two T20 Internationals overseas they were last year in South Africa late last year

He’s got 40 to 50 family and friends I think I can see their box over there they’ll be excited he’ll be nervous you’ve been in his situation what’s he going through right now oh he’ll be nervous as anything big spawn um he’ll be excited uh in front of family friends

Colleagues teammates everyone’s willing him on it’s it’s a great moment and one that he’ll remember forever this is uh this is wonderful I wonder I know Baron D will probably Bowl the first over but jez it would be great to see Spencer take the new new pellet and have a bow

Here I’m sure the crowd will get up and about for it uh how are you trying to get him back to the the strikers D oh look he he he was with the strikers a few years back and um did couldn’t quite crack the team he was he was coming back

For some injuries and took some time but then had an opportunity to go to Brisbane and uh look it’s been great for him you know first and foremost it’s great for him and it’s great for Australian cricket if we could if he could ever come back home um absolutely

But we’ve got him with the with the South Australian cricket team um in in four day create and one day create we haven’t seen him this year he had uh a number of hamstring issues the first half of the year so I think we’re all treading carefully with him he hasn’t

Actually bowled a lot outside of you know four to six over spells um so you know he he needs to probably do some more work to get him ready to be considered for selection in the longer form Cricket um because there there is not only the short term but the medium

And longer term to to uh be aware of there some big money to think of because as Corbin mentioned 18 months ago he was working as a gardener didn’t have a state contract all of a sudden he finds himself on the end of a one

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