Golf Players

Calls of the Year and Super Bowl LVIII with Baldy

In a room full heroes – Dan Haznus, Gregg Rosenthal, Marc Sessler, and Colleen Wolfe get you caught up on news from around the NFL. Before the news, the heroes take some time to remember Chris Wesseling, followed by ATN’s Calls of The Year. After the break, the guys discuss Kliff Kingsbury being named the Commanders OC and then look ahead to Super Bowl LVIII with Brian Baldinger.

00:00 START
03:20 Wesseling
20:00 Calls of the Year
01:03:12 Kingsbury
01:16:02 Baldy

The around the NFL podcast otherwise known as Connie Fox and the Boo brade from the Chris wesling podcast Studio it is around the NFL I’m Dan hes I got Heroes Greg Rosenthal Mark cesler and yes the afor mentioned Colleen wolf leader of the bozo Brigade yeah I’m a bozo too so like

That’s fine I like that that’s come Ry and uh we’re all bozos together it is Super Bowl week it’s official yeah and we could say that again after Greg went pretty deep in the hole financially oo got many mentions in Twitter that we didn’t catch everything Eric might have to funnel those misses

Onto your account I think that’s only fair um we’ll work that out financially uh from our don’t say Super Bowl episode on Thursday and it’s been a very super rainy um Sunday into now Monday so I’m glad that everybody got got here today from various points it was dicey I’m

Glad I’m not living in the hallway or control room right next to our studio which is they just built this place right now well hold on so they yeah they like literally opened up the floor outside the studio um and they’re fishing around with like a a broom to

Mop up water and stuff this is a low-level hollowed out Death Star about to be shot into like this building has always felt slightly fraudulent and uh it’s being completely exposed like we’re three levels below the roof and it’s leaking that is concerning also the fact that water was coming through lights um

And there were like dumpster sized containers catching the water and tarps everywhere concerning reminded me a little bit of the Titanic when the Titanic started to Spring leaks but I another Monument to humanity that uh turned out to be a little the mo like the most concerning element is that the

In the very hardworking people that you know deal with maintenance and things here seem to have zero like they seem to be in awe of what is happening to the building but this is everywhere around when you hit the iceberg everybody’s like we’re fine wait a minute what we

Weren’t we we never thought this would Unsinkable Molly Brown was like ah we’re cool let’s go dancing well check you later there’s slides by me there’s there’s a lot going on in La like everyone everyone’s calmed down with oh it’s just raining what a little rain and

Like the whole city shuts down um yeah because this area can’t handle all of the water gang yeah well I was accused of that well that is and my wife did the thing on Sunday no I I said I looked at my window and it didn’t seem to be that it

Does depend where you are in some areas it’s totally fine think about this think about this this is sobering my pool is getting very close to overflowing the Common Man ranking ring to just think about that what happens if that happens though by the way don’t know and that’s

What we’re dealing with here you should be draining your pool before a big storm but you know I do that Aquaman I don’t know what to do um all right this is also hard to believe but is the been three years since Chris wesling uh left us this is the Chris wesling podcast

Studio Chris was one of the founding members of this podcast and our good friend and uh passed away from cancer three years ago on this very day it’s it’s still hard to believe Greg um that that he’s gone at all and that three years have passed uh and yet here we are

It’s a it’s a tough time of year I think with the Super Bowl coming up every year when this this date happens um but unlike you know a lot of people we have these these video recordings of our time with West and not that the podcast was

Our only great times with West but it is crazy uh to go back and and to listen to those at times like this I have an idea well it was kind of Greg’s idea but well take it as your own I would I think Wes would appreciate this this is this

Is fun because yes um it sucks that he’s not with us but it is great that we have these memories that we could listen to and it is Super Bowl week and and it is um Wes you know from I guess it would have been about

The 2014 Super Bowl um and the next five or six years after it was it was the four of us uh doing all those shows together and and we are coming up on an anniversary is it the 10y year anniversary of this well this this occurred after the

2014 season so this would be yeah nine years right now yeah so um Chris famously uh had this he was a avid softball player uh both in uh at tyby Island uh where he lived before relocating to Los Angeles to take the NFL job and then of course here in La

Where the shield the company softball team went to three straight Title Games winning two chips proes are in my attic every year when I go up there to get the Christmas decorations there they are just staring right back at me it’s very nice makes me think of Chris also and uh

So Chris uh we had a there was a two-part situ sit ation one year on the podcast he said it was something about the Raiders and how many wins they would get to or something he was very down on the Raiders as I recall the Dennis Allen

Raiders that he did not believe could get to eight wins and now that you mentioned it that would have been our very first season as he round the NFL that would have been the 2013 season this Super Bowl is capping our second full season that was Seahawks Patriots

There you go uh so Wes said if if the Raiders reach that Benchmark um he’ll eat his own softball pants and it it came down to the wire but he actually ended up winning that wager he he looked it he looked right in the face and and

Ended up not having then he doubled Down Chris and the following year after your boy Johnny Manzel Mark enters the league as a first round pick and all the hype around him Wes said I again will eat my softball pants if Johnny Manzel is not the weak one starter for the Cleveland Browns

Which at the time uh what West didn’t know and what we didn’t have clear idea about was like how Much Madness was going on beyond the scenes with Manel which and they end up going with Brian Hoyer to start that season um anyway so Wes loses the wager cut to the Super

Bowl Media Center uh in where would this have been New Orleans no Arizona Arizona and uh guess what uh it was time to pay the piper at that Media Center I’ll never forget it they had a a random we didn’t know it was going to be there but

A random hot dog stand in the middle of the media center and it was a $20 hot dog it was like a gourmet hot dog thought I thought I thought our producer had to go find it out on the town it was true literally in the media center it

Was a $20 what we needed to do was get uh the NFL to clear paying for the hot dog which was a chore back like oh my God they didn’t want us to doing the podcast it’s was like now all a sudden here we go they get the clearance here

Comes I think it was like a three- Foot hot dog it was in that realm and outrageous all the fix hot dog so we decided the move would be uh to cut up uh the softball pants and sprinkle it over the dog and West because he was

Always a man that was good uh you know for his word uh ate up let’s listen to a clip from that show we will find out will Chris wesling eat his softball pants first time I’ve ever had heartburn before I ate something wesline was seriously nervous earlier we were doing some preparations

Behind the scene with the softball pants Wes is getting a little nous a little n i mean he’s eating polyester zipper and other composite parts so we’re just get ready Wes it’s it could be dangerous I’m concerned for my friend I’m just openly concerned Wes softball pants it’s literally minutes away where’s your

Where’s your where’s your mind at I think of everything I’ve consumed this week softball pants are not high on the list of most that’s really fair and he did uh true to his word he he took a couple of bites he took down the polyester he took down the composite

Part some zipper and then I remember about still about 87% of the hot dog Left Behind when we just we’re like do we throw it out does somebody else we just walked away and there’s a photo if you’re watching on the fast channel of

Wes at the moment of truth a great one a million great memories with Wes and that’s in terms of the Super Bowl that one’s at the top we had Conor or with us and that was the when they would do the radio row where we were sitting up on a

Bigger set than they tend to have these days for our show but like uh there were like 60 to 70 people standing there watching with no context clues of what was happening other than Wes eating a 3-ft long hot dog with with composite parts and softball pants cloth on it the

Including Keith and Keith anas in my brother yep they were right if you look at that photo if you bring it up again that was uh they’re right there they’re there it’s uh it’s incredible and uh the other fun part and this was also part of the West experience obviously if anyone

Listens to the show you know something like this I would be hyper invested in and be excited about the bit um and I asked Wes like 10 times I said Wes you got to make sure you bring the softball pants can’t forget to bring them we need

The softball pants and then what happens once we get to Arizona I forgot them oh no that was a different version of West back then on some level I think that’s a good Segway and we did eventually get them but Greg uh you pulled another clip

Too that I connects a little bit to what you were saying Mark the whole show is is fun uh to listen to It’s much different we’re much more concise maybe we have to get out of there but that show is under 35 minutes we did like four segments I brought up to him

Because he’s suddenly uh was big on Dan Quinn I believe or or maybe it was Patriots and I was getting on him for falling in love basically with whatever team that he covered for the week then he suddenly thought like the people that that that team was were the greatest

Things ever that’s a fair point I I I credit I credit Pete Carol because I think he made a lot of mistakes early in his coaching career and I don’t know how good of a person he was but he seems like a more self-actualized individual learned for from his mistakes do you see

A little of yourself in PE Carol no I have never learned anything and I’m not good at evolving I wish I I just say I’m like getting dizzy right now because Wes conceded a point now what you said Mark connects for me is that Wes uh before he died

Absolutely evolved a lot of that went back to Lakisha uh in my mind and and what a transformational effect she had but also it’s not just a person entering his life Wes kind of made a concerted effort to evolve change not that that Wes was bad but it was different than

The one that we knew before he got there were multiple Wes and I also think like that so Greg like what that clip you displayed was because that was the version of our show where I got tagged tracking the Patriots all week and Wes had the Seahawks and so but there was a

Day we won’t we both B went to Seattle like media a media session and sat and talked to Dan Quinn for like 25 minutes and like both just fell in love with Dan Quinn so I think that’s where that was coming from it’s like Dan Quinn I know

Today it’s like oh it’s bit of a boring hire by the commander it’s like Dan Quinn dazzled in this like one-on-one like hanging out with a couple reporters and Wes fell Wes is not a hardcore journalist in terms of like a reporter person and like he just fell for Dan

Quin you know what I I learned listening to this which I never would have remember Dan Quinn had read something Wes wrote and told him oh it’s nice to meet you and and mentioned how he had read something so now I’m rooting for Dan Quinn now all right yeah we’re all

Back in what a hire yeah we love it when we were talking yesterday about things that we could potentially do for West today the softball pants for me was like such a pivotal moment in like my friendship with you guys how much I wanted to be friends with you guys that

Was my first season at NFL and I’ll never forget when he ate his softball pants and I remember specifically the zippers will just like stay with you talking about the zippers about the zippers for 5 months and I it never left my mind it still lives in the recesses

Of my mind somehow but it was like wi West is toaster the softball pants episode when Wes was in taibe and he called in from the bar we called the bar and he was uh he was there no it wasn’t we always called him cuz part of the fun

Was tracking him down you hope to find him you get you would get you would obviously get him at the bar Huck aoos more often than not but if you didn’t get him at the bar he was at the garage with Wayne and Rose like really one of

Those two spots yes specifically and and he was in such his element and in those early days we were taping all those like random segments for NFL now and I didn’t get a chance to like truly see what Wes was until we would go and hang out

Offsite and things like that but on that on those episodes the taibe episodes he really was able to show all of the listeners like who he was his true spirit and it was so beautiful to see and it was just so fun to be around him

And I just miss him so much yeah we all do like today I was thinking about like the best way we can honor him like he always when there was a good time to be had anywhere he was he was going to make sure he had it so I think that that’s

The best way to to try to honor him today do that yes I I was on this um pro football Ireland did a live show last week and I and they were at a bar and uh as often as the case that I was in on

Zooms and I was talking to a bunch of Irish people holding guinnesses and uh always get asked about West love getting asked about West and he said what is it that you remember about West and it was that’s what I thought of I was like I am

Personally someone who likes to keep a smaller tighter Circle people I have people that I’m comfortable with I have people that I like which all you guys are included in that group as was Wes and Lea and uh I’m yeah I’ve just got in Wes Wes was the opposite Wes was like

The more the merrier and he was always comfortable uh no matter the uh the Gathering so obviously um to lose somebody like that is uh unbelievable you never kind of you never kind of get over it because it’s he was like one of those one in a million type people and

Then when you have that person enter your life and then go um the the immense the immense nature of the loss never really dissipates but getting to talk about him this way is is it helps I’ll never forget when I first started listening to the ATN podcast it was I

Was on the flight to take the job to move out here to LA and I started just like downloading as many NFL podcasts as possible and I just like list blew through all of your episodes and I remember thinking to myself okay Dan is going to be probably the easiest one to

Become friends with um and and then I wasn’t sure where Mark and Greg fell yet but I thought that Wes was going to be the most difficult one to win over and it could not have been more of the opposite when I met you guys

Well and we had like a we had a like a truly if you write a book about the whole thing a fortuitous encounter at the at the wher where it was just a random offseason Sunday and I was out with Wes which you know the minute

Football went end I know he was the hardcore football head and we miss his analysis but like when the football season would end Wes would decare like make a declarative statement of like football check you later for a little bit of time oh and he loved to go go

Looking around La for something that felt like Tai Island and the whaler which was an upstairs bar overlooking the sea um felt close to it and we were out there having beers and you were there with Kristen your friend and your dad and your mom and we didn’t really

Know you at all we had never hung out and we I think that started this idea of like wait a minute we should all be friends and like a week or two later Dan was there Greg was there like everyone was there and it just like Grew From

That moment and Wes I think showed you how easy it was oh my God like there’s the West the football person that everyone listened to and then there’s the Wes The Hangout person that’s like wait a minute this is a whole different Universe Wes and my mom were like thick

As thieves immediately my mom was just like crushing Pete Carol for some reason hated him and Wes absolutely loved that I I guess I kind of forgot about the Carol wesling beef but now this has all been brought back up um and speaking of West program note uh we had been taping

These over the course of the season and now they’re starting to roll out on NFL plus where we uh we watch each of the last five Super Bowls leading up to of course uh this upcoming Sunday’s Super Bowl 58 well too many Roman numerals tell it’s enough already we’re done with

Roman numeral I’ve talked to a bunch so many people agree with your Roman thank than we’re done with it we’re not going to we the NFL’s not though we’ll lead it though so oh if the NFL’s not done with it we’re not done with it we’re in we’re

Back unfortunately we’re back in um but uh we go through yeah each of the last five Super Bowls you know like we said three years ago today we lost West that also happened to be two days before the Chiefs bucks Super Bowl that year um so when we go through that game uh

You’ll see that on NFL plus if you want to check it out we actually talk about West we play some um a clip that Lisha produced about um you know the loss and the life that they shared together so check that out on NFL plus all right

What do we got going on today yes the Super Bowls this week and it’s a it’s a two it’s a two- week ramp up we don’t need two weeks like in terms of breaking down the game the game is the game there teams that we’ve been watching all

Season long we got the Deep dive all through the playoffs the two weeks is really about the NFL as the machine getting the Death Star in place in Las Vegas so I don’t feel bad if this show for instance doesn’t hit it too hard because we’re going to Vegas uhuh on

Wednesday and and just so everyone knows we’re going to have a big uh lineup of three shows at Radio row with a bunch of great guests uh so that’s and we’re going to continue to dig into the game a little later today we’re going to get Brian baldinger uh the great bald

Yes and we’re going to start digging into the game uh but before that we only have a finite amount of time with Colleen cuz Connie Fox listen she’s one of the faces of the network and uh the fact that we got her booked her today the clock’s already ticking as a matter

Of fact so why don’t we move some things around uh and uh get into our first big subject which is something we’ve teased um for a while uh the top 10 Radio Calls of the 2023 hyphen 24 season now this is a this is a big one for we’re I’m getting rid

Of hyphens too this 23 this is 23 I don’t care but it’s not it’s like we’re deep into 24 we have to just make a choice well yeah um Eric the producer uh who does great work how are you Eric I’m doing good guys how are you doing Eric

Are you packed yet are you packed for Vegas yet uh well I’m worrying about my pool swallowing up the rest of my house so that’s kind set a littleit I’m driving so I just throw it in the back of a car and I’m leaving tonight park it

Underneath the hotel in the basement the hotel that’s a long drive for the S dog and it’s got me a little nous I got to say I did I was partially surprised but Mark is Mark’s an outlier so when they when I heard about this I was like H I

Could see it happening I think there’s some Fair concern on the part of the league but I I don’t think they should be I don’t understand where where they’re coming from there’s meetings Eric so um you know the uh don’t say Super Bowl show not withstanding I guess I messed up I

Didn’t see some comments too but yeah I guess I totally blew it but if you could tally up uh because I still have to share what we’re going to do with the with that slush fund um but I want to wait for uh some Randy Chavez to be here

He’s not here today um we need you we ask you all season to collect the calls that we hear in real time on Sundays that really resonate with us and connect and we did some uh took some time and made our own list and then it was up to

Eric the producer to put it together in a top 10 calls of the 2023 season season so let’s get into it Colleen what do you think I’m ready for it I feel like there’s a lot of pressure though for Eric always never it’s it’s a

Lot of heat in that chair it’s a hot seat it is I mean it’s like drumers of spinal tap they they tend to disappear after a while one way or the other we hope Eric exactly like that will be the one that sticks around we’ll see how

Vegas goes guys I might just stay in the desert yeah well you know uh you know what they say all right here we go any other anybody have comments before we move into this conversation I can relate to the stain in the desert comment by him so that’s why we’re concerned that’s

Why the league is a concerned sure about this Vegas trip for you that’s a long drive for the sesar you’re going to put a tracker on your car I know you’ve been driving more I have been driving more I know but how much is he actually driving

He’s a really good driver right very wait are you a are you a front seat driver you like the passenger in a two-car Journey with the significant other no I drive in the same car I I’ll drive as much as you behind the wheel sure a bunch of the time yeah split it

Up that’s how you do it I think no I don’t split it up split it up wow I mean I live with the I should drive the entire the entire way absolutely I know but I’m also preparing for a show and taking you know thorough notes and researching I mean my love uh

Emica wife doesn’t doesn’t literally doesn’t drive I have to just drive to the grocery store I live in my car Greg’s wife is still mad that they moved to California so her way of getting back I’m never getting a driver’s license in Los Angeles to make your life 29% L

That’s a pretty like fantastic piece of Revenge what a plan by her yeah she definitely would rather be in New York or Tokyo all right here we go New York or Tokyo not Los Angeles problematic uh the number 10 Call of this season belongs two should I just should I set these up

I have the top 10 here yeah you got the top 10 so you just want to toss to and then you give him credit after the end okay the number 10 call uh goes back to the playoffs and it was the dagger throw by Jordan love first and 10 football at

The 38 of Dallas play action of bootleg left half bootle throw back the other way he’s got him wide open down the right side mus out touchdown touchdown Luke Musgrave and a dagger a dagger right through the heart of the Cowboys great call by Wayne larvey of course of

Wrnw and credit to Fox too because we’re seeing if you’re watching this on Fast um you’re seeing a woman in Arlington at J World just throwing her arms up like I can’t believe this is happening the dagger just cutting through everyone in the in the town through the heart

Stunner that woman makes this call so much better the Cutaway shot of her it all kind of like plays together and makes it perfect do we ding laravie because he’s not seeing that necessarily my overthinking this dagger through the heart is great and it was the last

Dagger of the season I felt like the last two months every Sunday was some version of a different dagger and this was The Logical conclusion great SE forar I like it I need a little bit more um in general from these calls so let’s see what uh comes up next that’s why I

Came in at number 10 and remember if some of these feel underwhelming it’s not because it’s not Eric’s fault it’s because in the moment we said we said to Eric no we want to make it clear we say to Eric oh put that in the folder so if Mark you’re underwhelmed maybe you

Should have said something in the moment like don’t put that in the folder I I had point the finger at myself number nine uh let’s go to uh Tennessee uh where uh the new kid quarterback finishes off a masterpiece of a week eight performance right second and

11 play fake Levis rolling to the right looking looking firing deep downfield going for Westbrook a In The End Zone touchdown Titans will Lis on his back gets to watch as he has just thrown from his fourth touchdown pass of his NFL debut hey that dude has got an arm whoa what a

Big time throw there it is four TDS for Levis Mike Keith with the call Dave mcginness I think part of the reason maybe on that one Greg that we were like put it in the folder is you were expecting oh this Levis is the start of an every week occurrence he never did

That again but it was pretty awesome in the moment I think just having Mike if we went back and listened to this year after year and like a alltime power ranking I feel like Mike you just get a Mike Keith call in every year got to get

Keith in there Mike Keith is awesome all right number eight okay so Cowboys had a big year dur Bland had a big year setting an NFL record for pick sixes uh this was the point of the Season where you began expecting it and just saying when will it happen I believe this might

Have been the last one uh but it was a memorable one second and 10 Jones is back plenty of time rolls right bottled up throws back to the intercepted d Bland call the house hello house house it’s me Don hello house TouchDown for donon Bland I love

That one yeah that’s one of my favorit and bonus points because Mark we were at Cowboys camp this summer we met with Brad sham the Sham God yeah who has a close relationship with Oliver Stone or at least was in a film of his that’s right and uh we had a long conversation

With the Sham God so to hear him and and and and that call I like that one well and that happened so often for him uh to cover and he found a new way to do it right I don’t think I don’t think that was pre-planned that’s why I love it

He’s an innovator hello house all right number seven okay this one’s a little bit controversial because you would say oh it should always be some type of exciting call but this was a call that took place uh in the second half of one of the most Grizzly blowouts in NFL

History and it happens to involve in the booth Matt money Smith and uh Bucky Brooks’s uh podcast partner that they they just launched a show together what his name uh God I wish I could remember let’s have them look that up at 42 nothing and uh with the Raiders

At the goal line uh here’s the call from money you decided whether you want to stand up or sit down yet I think I want to lay down under the desk I was looking for a blindfold but apparently you can’t do this job with a blindfold we have to

Watch do our best to bring you some aining play byplay and Analysis of what has been wildly disappointing here’s a double pass to the end zone and hey why not just humili him oh my God I didn’t know this was eligible for some reason I thought it was some separate

Category this might be my number one uh but wow that’s an Aller I I would have saved that for future use we need that I am the nerd that drives around listening to am sports radio in Los Angeles and Matt money Smith and Petro like whole

Like they have a a show that ranges from like 1 hour to 4 hours depending on when the Dodgers play or someone else but like Matt money Smith is ready for anything and like I think he’s got a underrated sense of humor and a sort of sarcasm and it played out right there

And it’s like I love that kind of thing I like when our play byplay like when play-by-play people are not just robots there are a lot of robots he’s not a robot that’s funny because I’m listening to that call and did you know power rangs for a couple years with Matt and

Got to know him and and he just sounds mad he sounds like like it’s embarrassing for everyone like it’s so it’s so he’s using it yeah that type of tone there but they’re part of the team some level they’re they’re a part of the team they get a they get a Super Bowl

Ring if they win the Super Bowl and let’s not they’re mad you get points to critique then it’s not it’s not jamus Winston uh you know and the running play with Jamal Williams but Antonio piis calling a double pass to get Devonte Adams a touchdown up 42 nothing uh kind

Of flew under the radar a little bit in terms of uh dick moves but listen what it got him a head coach job in some part honey just being like yeah why not just so defeated he said just humiliate them and I think he’s talking about uh the

Booth as well just tough one tough one all right uh all right let’s do something more positive for the Raiders um the Patriots pop up a couple times here Greg in negative ways but that’s that’s yeah this is M Jones’s second total blunder to set up an opponent all

Right here we go how about we finish this off with the safety shall we anything but a deep bow four down territory obviously Jones standing in his own End Zone to our right snap back to pass pressure again off the edge and he’s set for the safety

Crosby and Nicholls they met in the end zone They squished into the turf and the Raiders defense has that safety Jason since you predicted it how about you give me the lottery numbers for next week J harowitz and Lincoln Kennedy with with the call the krlv You’ Bas you’d think based on

The first half of this top 10 that the Raiders are playing on Sunday but that’s not exactly what happened uh but they had some exciting moments Connie any thoughts there I just like how Clairvoyant he was in the moment bonus points for that I just like throughout

The course of the Season you could feel a catastrophic M Jones play coming and then it always came it’s truly one of the worst quarterbacks Seasons from a quarterback I I feel like that we’ve seen b okay ever I mean that it was an all-time bad quarterback where is he

Going to be next year like what kind of Market will he command if he’s not with is he going to be with Patriots I mean he has a contract under contract someone will someone give up a seventh round conditional pick and just to have a new

Start I I would think so um like that on draft day all right this next one I had slightly higher but in the uh the averaged weight it it ended at number five the Texans and uh the Titans and this one was on my radar and a lot of people out there I

Like this one uh because mar Just perked up the uh Titans um had the G the G yes uh after ownership abandoned the city of Houston abandoned them and went to Nashville okay to then have the absolute audacity to then wear a Houston Oilers throwback jersey uh for their throwback week when

They’re playing against the Texans the team that replaced the Oilers after to borrow a cesler ISM they ripped the Oilers out of the belly right Terri Houston terrible manners and uh they pay for it I love disgraceful to the Highlight 1616 2 seconds to go overtime 54 foury attempt left hash mark here’s

The snap here’s the spot here’s the kick by Fair band good the Texans win yes legendary Fair bear knocks it through from 54 as the Texans defeat the former Oilers put those uniforms back in the trunk in the trunk they go they go I think you want the voices of your team6

To feel the same anger and fire and joy that you feel and like they speak for the fans right there and that one I think I had it ranked higher because of the mark vmir and Andre wear with the call for Kil that’s what you get that’s

What you get many of these are on the list because of the tag from the color analyst to cap it is the winner you’re always going to get bonus points when the color an analyst goes full fan and just starts screaming celebration number four oh it was a special uh second half

For Cleveland Browns fans as Joe flacko um stepped in and took the team into the playoffs uh here was one of his many big plays that season Flo on fourth down and three play clock is at five I don’t know if they’re going to snap it play clock

Is a two they do he rolls right he throws the middle it’s wide open down at the 25 at the 20 15 10 5 touchdown it’s David Bell oh my goodness they forgot to cover David Bell it was The Parting of the Red Sea Jim David Bell who has been

Searching yearning Desiring to get into the end zone in the National Football League while desire no more my friend Jim Donovan and Nathan siguro the call the great Jim Donovan uh was that the game where we went with the onside kick play call on Sunday oh no I’m not sure about that one

Uh well you producer Eric is David to joku that day yeah it was onsite I almost there was a slight part of me where I thought about sneaking that into this list a surprise for you but I know we’re on a time here um but yeah that

Was the play and then we also played an in joku highlight later in the week too it was multiple times I I like Jim Donovan we all know he struggled a lot he’ been through a lot of Health battles to come back and um just I think what of

All these guys he’s got to be in a top three of enthusiasm that when something good happens to the Browns like he cannot control himself and they are incredible him and Zager Zager also is like a ball of energy but like they have like video shots of these guys up in the

Booth and you think like they’re sitting down with like notes like they’re standing up going crazy and like Jim Donovan is right at the top of the list so I like that call and a special shout out even though not on the list but easily could have been on the list

Andrew ceciliano who who stepped in uh for Jim when he was dealing with health issues had some really great calls Chris to um during that those some of those unlikely Browns wins throughout throughout the season um all right number three all right we’re on to the

Metal stand Connie okay here we go uh oh you knew wolfley was going to be on the list let’s uh go heroic Cardinal Steelers week 13 third down and a yard on the nine three tight ends Murray under Center Conor behind him one receiver to the right they hand it off

Connor to the left first down Connor dies for the End Zone touchdown James Conor with two scores in the welcome back party in Pittsburgh oh the Cardinals just broke out the black and blue Brigade baby line up and suck the Beating Heart metaphorically speaking out of your opponent

Metaphorically speaking of course wow as opposed to literally murdering your opponent by sticking your hand into the chest Temple of Doom style I mean it was top five the second he just goes oh start it that just comes from such a deep place within himself I

Love it does he does he talk like that when he’s at the deli counter like so I think that’s who he is he’s just sort of like a strange he’s won this before like you top five we’re going to go with a half pound of the turkey all right number

Two the silver yeah the silver do you would you rather be two or three ultimately two what because you’re so close to one at that point yeah but three you’re so much farther from one you recently celebrated Your Birthday Connie I did and you sent a clip of

Doing an incredible was it a triple axle no double ax just a little scratch spin pretty damn impressive I have to say um but you’re saying silver medal beats bronze yeah Michelle Quan always getting that silver how about carrian getting edged the Olympians always say silver

Hurts because then you just wish you won whereas Browns you’re kind of happy to be there carrian went through a lot carrian gets whacked in the knee yeah I you know and then I think it was Quan Maybe or no Katarina vit maybe I refused to watch the the event after carrian was

Whacked I I thought that it lost all Integrity Eric the producer please look up who defeated Nancy carrian in the Olympics by fractions of a point it wasn’t Linsky yet I don’t think was in the mix she was definitely after yeah I think it was maybe karovic he was

Definitely in the mix I don’t think so either but number two silver medal goes to oh our buddy at the barber shop second down and goal from the five how’s this now helmet High looking left now middle pressure he steps up he throws right side End Zone caught caught back

Right pylon Demarcus Robinson with the go-ahead score Matthew Stafford playing like an ellipsis dot after dot after dot touchdown La the great JB along with the call kspn just I love uh JB style uh because he’s he’s economical but also Vivid in his descriptions and that’s truly an

Original call an ellipsis half the people might need to look up what is that and then you see it oh dot dot dot and that was Stafford all season long right in a time when Grammer has you know been thrown out of the side of the

Car Ming car like he is a technical assassin it was one of like the literally the best Drives By Any quarterback All Season cuz he’s right like Stafford on that drive made like three or four ridiculous uh throws I don’t know if this going to make it

Awkward when we see JB next um that he was so close to the Mountaintop and he’s like what you couldn’t just uh can just give it to me guys um or if it is motivation something to strive for for our friend for next year so he doesn’t

Rest on his that’s good to a little bit of both little bit of both and I think it I think a little bit of him will be like as disappointed as he may be oh wow those guys had crazy amounts of Integrity I’m sure that’s what he’s

Going to think uh do we know by the way who who beat Oxana Bay who beat uh carrian b in a big SP Bay in a big spot mhm ukra yawn just a massive yawn to her all right number one here we go timsbury Connecticut resident give me my

Grandfather give me a little Tony drum because there can only be one there can only be one the greatest call and maybe the Super Bowl will bring a great call itself but the one that from all these games that was better than any other to the wild card playoff round we go Ford

Field here we go golf works out of the gun second down and nine 2 minutes to go there’s GF back looking looking throws it is caught I’m R st Brown first down that’s going to do it that’s going to do it that’s going to do it Jer G delivers

Against his former team now all they have to do is take a knee three times and this game will be over for the second time since 1957 for the first time since January 1992 these Detroit Lions are going to win a playoff game whoa of course that is the voice of Dan Miller

Wxyt a man who’s been calling Lions games for a long time now and doing an incredible job at it and so happy now to see uh Dan uh calling a big-time team and uh with that said oh what fortuity that now joining us in the Chris wesling

Podcast Studio the Integrity is off the charts there is Dan Miller welcome to what’s up guys how you doing better now Dan well that was very nice I appreciate that that was very kind you earned it you’re the Oxana bayul of this particular competition uh uh Dan about

What would have been it would have been about eight years ago now um when I was wri in the pain rankings I wanted to talk to someone who truly understood what the Lions have been through over these years and it was you who I thought

Of and you were so nice to to talk with me on the phone um and here was the first question and this is a tough way to open an interview but listen what did I know not a real journalist Dan here we go in your first six years on the job as

The play-by-play guy the Lions went 23 in 74 and I asked how that made your job more difficult and and you you spoke expressively and it was very interesting now we’re on the other side of it uh what a fun season that you just went through with the lines and Lally two

Years with Dan Campbell yeah I like this is uh much better I will tell you that and and that that call and that emotion was just really just everything that I think we’ve all been through and believe me I’ve done this for 19 years there’s a lot of

People out there that that felt the release of that Victory and that moment that have been around it a lot longer than I have decades longer than I have and and have known really nothing but heartache and disappointment and just that wind was just so important for so

Many people so many reasons for the franchise for the city for the moment and it was just um I I think you know it was just it was relief it was being thrilled beyond belief and it was just a million emotions that went into one and just an electric night downtown in

Detroit it was just amazing it’s um I some of my earliest football memories are like driving around with my dad uh to go do like various chores on a Sunday and like listening to football on the radio and it’s it’s such a different um visceral experience than television for

Obvious reasons like you’ve got to paint this picture um and it’s weird that my memories of listening to radio are still visual in some way just by looking out the window at the same time but like how do you like attack a radio broadcast verse like when you’re so connected to

These Lions fans and you’re painting the picture of this historic incredible game and moment like how do you even just go into it and just bring that energy I think it’s like instructed to people because it’s not a job that very many people could do well I think there is

Something magic about radio I mean I I grew up in in Washington DC and and Maryland Virginia and I was a Washington fan growing up and I still can in my mind’s eye see John Riggins going around the left side to win the Super Bowl and

Although I watch that game on TV in my mind it’s Frank Herzog the radio voice of Washington at the time that I always hear his call even though I didn’t hear that until later but I’ve heard it so many times since that is kind of the the

The soundtrack of my mind I you know I think I don’t operate with a restrictor plate I just kind of go and I just let my emotions go and I am emotionally involved I make no bones about the fact and I think every person that’s doing play-by-play for a team is rooting for

That team to win it’s a little different than when you’re covering it as beat writer or something like that um you’re fair you say when it’s bad you say when it’s good but at the end of the day you want to see that team do well and I tell

People all the time there’s nothing better in my job than seeing the fans happy and in that moment they have not been that happy in a long long time more than 30 years and I knew what that was going to mean to them and I knew what

That was going to mean to this team and and and I’ll tell you flat out in in my 43 years in this business I’ve never wanted to see an athlete win a game more than I wanted to see Jared gof win that game and there was just I think just so

Many things that went into that um but Ju Just ity you’re look you’re trying to bring the game to them and I think if anything probably resonates with fans at least what I hope it is it’s that I’m as excited about what I’m seeing as they

Are I mean I love it I love the fact that I get to bring it to them but it’s real because it comes from a real place and it’s just you know that’s the expression you get and I think you know that’s what I hear from them most is you

Feel our pain and you feel when things go well just the same way we do yeah I I love that you mentioned goof because you got that angle in there on that call right away within all the emo that’s that’s I’m going to break

Down why I think it had to be the call of the year you know other than us showing our integrity that we chose you over our our friend JB long because it had I’m just glad JB explained what an ellipses is I I appreciated that so

Because I was like lips of steady went dot dot dot like got it you had you had the emotion obviously which that that’s like the most important thing you knew the moment but you also understood before getting that first down exactly the scenario of everything that

You need you needed to get that first down but you immediately followed it up with the nuts and bolts of that they’re going to have to kneel here but that they’ve won the game and sometimes that’s all difficult to keep track in the moment you got the golf angle in

There right away and then after that you got in the historical context of it all all in like very quick succession all sort of different things that you have to serve are you thinking as that’s all happening I know the the emotion is just coming out that’s the emotional part but

Those key sort of points that you’re getting in that quick call are you thinking about that ahead of time or you just thinking about I I want to get all of this in in the moment so I I’ll I’ll kind of take you inside our booth when

They went to timeout with two minutes to go and my guys TJ Lang and lus brown are both saying throw it throw it throw it so we were kind of expecting they were gonna throw it we know Dan Campbell and he’s a throw it guy and then

When we went to that two-minute timeout I’m looking at my spotter I’m looking at my stack gu I’m going if we get a first down they have one time out the game’s over it’s over and I’m doing math and it’s actually very simple I just want to

Make sure that we got it right I mean even if they call a timeout you get the first down you run first down 40 you run second down 40 you run third down 40 that’s two minutes right there so it’s G to be over so once I got the mechanics

Of the clock in my head and knew that I could sell out if they got the first down then you knew you could just kind of Let It Go I did throw in the have to take three knees thing because I didn’t want to say it’s over and then they mess

It up and then I have to come back and say okay guys sorry about that so I wanted to spell out the fact that yes they do have to execute that and I did ask Frank ragnow about that later I said is that an easy play and he goes not

Always he goes the first one you want to make sure of and then you relax a little bit but no I look the golf angle was so embedded in my head all week long knowing what in my mind this meant to him and what this meant to this team um

That I think that just came out that was just natural and I and I do honestly believe that was a that was a closure moment for Jared that was a you know what this thing is finally behind me now because I’ve I’ve been in the front row

To watch everything that Jared has been through since he’s come here and everything he’s endured and everything that he has handled like an absolute Pro and I just think if you lose that game and you lose to that coach that team that quarterback again and nothing personal against any of them but it’s

Just the way that this business works I think man you got to live with that and then when you win even though yeah they got their Super Bowl but you know what you knocked them out there’s peace in that you move forward in the playoffs

You did your job and and in my mind that just meant so much and I think that’s why that came out in that moment kind of a follow on this one and then we’ll let you go Dan 24/7 at halftime you know like at the at the at

The Grammys for instance which just occurred Taylor Swift’s going there she’s no she’s probably going to pick up some Hardware so she could act like she doesn’t have anything pre-prepare pre-prepared but she does and I’m just thinking as a play-by-play guy once you get to that point in that game in the

NFC title game which of course ended up not working out um for Detroit but knowing that once you get to the end of that game that becomes potentially one of the most famous play calls in the history of Detroit Detroit sports did you have something kind of in mind to

Weave in if it got to that point and they did close that game out yes and I and I’ve had it and I’ve done it many many times driving down the road um yeah no I I absolutely had it and I’ve still got it it’s in my back pocket I hope to

Use it I hope to use it next year um but yeah that was that’s that’s a as as high as you know you get winning two playoff games there’s the gut punch of being that close to a Super Bowl and and not getting there and um you know Brad

Holmes had his press conference today and talked about expecting to be there again next year so um the answer is yes um and and those moments are are hard sometimes to prepare for because you never know how it’s going to happen is it going to be a 31 to7 game and it’s

Kind of anticlimactic or is it going to be an interception that ises it or a touchdown that happens but I think I I did have something of a historical persp perspective of what it would mean to Detroit because I think we know what that would mean it would be incredible

Because it’s something that everybody there has dreamed about for a long time it has never happened so I think that’s ultimately what you want to capture well this makes up for it though right like you finishing number one on our radio call you know this is cool I appreciate

That I know I appreciate that that’s uh listen we we we’re just checking boxes in Detroit this year so won a division won a home playoff game won another playoff game I won this so just just one by one we’re just checking boxes here and Dan it doesn’t feel like it’s uh so

Anymore like it feels like things have really changed and turned around I was lucky enough to be in Detroit for the game against the Bucks I learned all about better made and fago and so like I didn’t know what same old Lions was until I got there and I feel like I got

There after the fact which is a good thing yeah I think I think you have to retire that I mean that’s that’s been around for a long time and you know what they did figure out ways to lose things and do things that just kind of defied

Logic and and you just never thought could happen and you would just kind of throw up and say same old Lions but look I if if they truly were there’s so many times this season where they would have found a way to lose a game be it late

Against Minnesota when you’re trying to clinch the division or even that Rams game with Matthew Stafford driving down the field you know you don’t get the play that makes it fourth and 14 and and you know Aiden Hutchinson doesn’t draw the holding penalty you know so many

Things have happened where the old Lions would have figured out a way to lose the game so I think you know In fairness to these guys who have changed the conversation and done so many things that haven’t happened before that I think you have to say you know let’s put

Those three letters away and let’s let these guys say that they changed it what’s your dog’s name even my dog agrees dog’s like I want to hear the speech that you have um Dan thank you so much buddy you’re the best and we can’t wait to hear you again in September

Thanks Dan thank you guys I appreciate it thank you very much guys that was fun all right there he goes I still want to know what his dog’s name is we’re going to have to take that offline shoot take it offline that’s a follow-up there you go classic Connie followup I like

Interviewing class announcers I think we should do it more often I think there’s uh anybody listens to the show knows we have a level of fascination with the the craft and I don’t know too many other podcasts and General that I’ve ever really focused in on that side of of the

Game which really connects with the fans in such a more direct level than the national calls not that there aren’t great calls by all these guys that do the national games but it’s those local wolfle you have to get wolfle on next you know I think we did no I don’t do it

Again sounds a little bit familiar way back I don’t know did it not go well yeah I think it it would go well is he on the hit it and quit it list no it would have gone well if we I think it was the season when he did

The like on the dusty on the flower the sunlit moon I think we thought we did but you know what I think it’s funny cuz we don’t remember who’s been on the show but then someone will remind us in the next St 40 that is absolutely huge right

There his dog’s name is Murphy for anyone that’s wondering did you just just connect with that I I just like yeah my energy kind of locked in if that’s right shout out to Madison oh there you go all right uh Connie you’ve said it all and here’s the good news uh

For everyone Connie’s got to get to a meeting she’s part of the opening night festivities yep uh for NFL Network tomorrow is my F-16 flight whoa you’re flying to Vegas tonight right yeah oh so you’re doing opening night from Vegas no I’m doing opening night here from LA and

Then flying to Vegas for some reason but just be careful with the the flight I will I will no we worry about you but have fun okay okay all right I’m not going to pass out and here’s the good news for all of us eat before the day after that

Flight although we learned that women are better than or better than men better than men generally yes um and we keep learning we’re continually learning that but certainly uh when it comes physiologically the G’s yes they are Better Built to handle the G’s for some reason ex slang term

Greg we got it 60% let go g we go G’s on this side you don’t need to explain G’s to me I’m surprised I’m surprised you said GeForce yeah you should have just said yeah gez GeForce should be your nickname I got too many nicknames yeah

What do you think I got too many nicknames but Colleen after he should like his own nickname after opening night after um G’s Wednesday at Radio row you’ll be with us so we could talk we could talk about everything that happened I can’t believe we’re all going

To be in Vegas together ah it’s going to be great all right so excited all right all right Connie we’re going to say by bye to Connie we’re going to take a break and then we’re going to do some news and then uh uh talk about or talk

With Brian baldinger about you know this Super Bowl game love it we’ll be right back all right welcome back what a show so far our last show here in Los Angeles before we jump on the bird we don’t get G’s up there but we move pretty quick on that plane a a quick

Little jump over to Vegas about a 45 minute flight no one’s complaining and then we are touching down and then we are going straight from McCarron airport to radio row where we will meet with Colleen and do the first of four shows from Las Vegas culminating of

Course with the Super Bowl 58 recap flagship show that’s the show we have a special Big Time guest Mark will be very excited for Wednesday oh yeah I mean Mark knows who the guest is but you’re right I well the listeners don’t and maybe that this person will cancel and

We don’t want to you know put them in a bed but or maybe they won’t it’s a good showman tactic right there don’t overpromise could be anyone well done Greg I’m just happy we’re not there now it’s a that’s I’m showing my age but I am loving that we get there Wednesday

Versus I I saw everyone there yesterday afternoon at radio world I was that’s too too early a lot too early I remember being on a a boat in uh New York Harbor or something for the Payton Manning press conference on a Saturday ex the week before the Super Bowl you were sent

There because Wes was a day late because of some sort of flight issues and showed up in New York with no coat and he and I were down in like hackin sack New Jersey while the two of you were up in it’s about me I believe you were in Hoboken

Hoboken well no it was actually Jersey City and it started a 6th process of him trying to get a winter coat expens that was like the subject of way too many conversations he cuz he yeah did was the luggage lost is that what happened yes this entire um Fleet of luggage uh was

Completely lost and he showed up to Jersey City and it was that Super Bowl was lucky because the temperature you know it started snowing after the game but it was fine but the the days leading up where he and I went to a like a Chili’s three nights in a row down in

This like Russian landscape um was freeze absolute dead winter and he had no coat and you guys were up in Manhattan you know having like you know bubbly with unbelievable I know I don’t know how that how that came to be caviar every night for Greg and I on top of the

The Chrysler Building not quite but uh yes because what happened was I get a little more shading on that one the year before weirdly was uh the um Niners uh Raven Super Bowl and we were in the top Rafters of the super doome and it was so cold up there the air

Conditioning this is before the power outage maybe this caused the power out power outage was so um freezingly cold like shooting down and everyone that worked in NFL media that they actually green lit people going to the concession stands to get jackets and hoodies to

Wear for the for the game I didn’t do one myself but a lot of people did so I think Wes in the back of his mind said oh uh we were able to do that last year he did the same thing and bought like a $175 uh Super Bowl winner jacket and

Then the expense report came back with a big old he they reacted sharply to that and Greg as his boss at the time did you get him the money I don’t remember I remember actually I I believe a promise was made to him that it would be okay from uh my

Boss at the time I’m not going to throw him under the bus friend of ours but uh and then I think it got he he was kind of talking out of his butt like he often did um oh that could be so many people um all right let’s uh we have Baldi

Coming up uh to break down some interesting uh plot lines heading into Niners Chiefs on Sunday but first let’s get caught up in some news kick tack toe Tic Tac Toe nice has a chance to win here The Crowd Goes Wild CL got he won what a win for the AFC

Congratulations to Justin Tucker that was awesome man way to play like a raven listen you know I love kickers and I love me Brandon Aubrey I mean what a what a season he had Justin Tucker is maybe my favorite player who’s ever lived um in our league I just some notes

For that if we’re gonna have a kick or tic-tac-toe let’s get let’s get some bodies in there let’s get some crowd in there let’s get some audience yeah that was weird because the rest of the stuff they did indoors and then certainly on Sunday with the games and then the extra

Stuff where they had amazingly 60,000 people there like had an audience I don’t know why the kicker thing let’s funnel some of that 60k uh into the the Fieldhouse for the kicker game or go judge judet and pay some people to be there and then let’s put some music

Underneath it if we’re looking to change how the the kicking game is viewed I mean that was a little we could we could do better that’s all yeah I’m free reach out to me and I’m happy to help yeah it’s continued um you know enthusiastic disrespect for a

Position that I think could have had a lot of people cheering a win for the AFC or that also they don’t even they literally don’t allow kicking in the flag football game which is just more disrespect the kickers have no role um by the way the when I was doing

Speak of we talked about the uh the West thing uh uh the Brian Hoyer wager with Johnny Manzel just to refresh my memory of that moment in time um because obviously and if you we talked about that Johnny Manzel documentary recently that was really obviously Illuminating and how

Messed up he was behind the scenes uh it came down to a exhibition game against uh Washington Mike petton was trying to figure out who am I going to go with and he wanted somebody to win the battle and obviously Manzel was a wreck but Hoyer was play playing terribly he missed most

Of the previous season and they both played really poorly in that game uh but what gave Hoyer The Edge was in addition to Manzel struggling he gave the finger to the sideline during the game which is outrageous like that that’s the first round pi he did and like that it’s

It was a moment in Brown’s history where their preseason games were like watched by way more people than you’d ever imagined but I will say one thing about West that around week seven or eight because I think they started that season around 6 and three or 7 and3 before they

Lost all the rest of their games but Hoyer under Kyle Shanahan who was the one-year offensive coordinator right was because of play action and the way that Shanahan like does what he does with quarterbacks was having this pretty great season and W this was back when we

Could kind of write whatever we wanted as articles it was just like if you’re fascinated by this go write an article like Wes wrote this Brian Hoyer Kyle Shanahan article that I think predates a lot of other people’s manahan analysis in general and despite the fact that he

Was losing he lost that sandwich bet he turned around and made this incredible written piece about it and that was kind of West in a nutshell yeah well said and and Manzel then also said in that documentary like the one place I couldn’t go was Cleveland you had a

Young Kyle Shanahan there if you just would have had your head on straight but he did not um all right I think Shanahan left because of man well there were yeah there were a lot of issues with ownership he asked to leave his contract all right here’s the

News because ownership made them play Manzel yes and the GM got suspended for using you know the cell said you know when Mike Pon called them to tell him about that he thought Mike penon was joking as like a veteran Leever leader like Hey how do you think everyone will

Handle this and he literally laughed thought he was being sarcastic uh let’s start with the Washington commanders we are all absolutely thrilled about the Dan Quinn hiring now uh and they have also filled their offensive coordinator position hiring Cardinals coach Cliff former excuse me uh Cardinals coach Cliff kingsburry the team announced that

On Monday kingsberry uh some Palace Intrigue here had been very close to joining the Raiders as their OC until contract talks broke down on Saturday uh Washington talked to Kingsbury that day the deal completed the day after that I don’t I don’t know Greg I don’t know how

This works and I saw some percolations on Twitter around something you sent out uh that Cliff Kingsbury could be so hot in demand after you know quite frankly disastrous tenure certainly the end of it with Arizona and yet here we are two teams fighting over kingsberry only one

Gets them and it’s the commanders it it’s crazy to me cuz like what about their run offensively did anyone like like they underachieved in terms of what he had and it just sounds like he was going to sign with the Raiders and then the Washington became interested and

Since he hadn’t signed on the dotted line yet uh they said contract negotiations broke broke down and he just decided this was a better spot for him and uh I’m rooting for Dan Quinn I don’t know I don’t know if I’m excited for Cliff kingsberry to have the number

Two overall draft pick and he’s you know obviously with USC ties a year ago he’s tied to Caleb Williams and you wonder if Chicago goes in a different direction like that could be his quarterback um if they could trade trade their assets up just to go one to two sure they could

Trade up I I guess I’m I’m I’m with you in the sense that like I never I came out of that Cliff Kings experience cuz I went into it like this could be one of these sort of fascinating turning points in the NFL and it was kind of marked by

Chaos and like increasing disorganization and upset players by the end very static offense like uncreative just the same thing over and over and that yeah the thing you were referring to that I mentioned was like I still think some coaches really play the media game hard and the Agents obviously do

Too so it’s like a combination and and I do actually one of the things covering the league for 20 years I I wouldn’t have thought that it mattered so much and now you realize like it it only matters so much you have to have some Goods but it can matter and some coaches

I think really have a way of befriending a ton of media and it’s usually not just one or two guys or in women it’s everyone it’s like they’re friends with everyone and the agent is too and they get a lot of good press because of it I

I thought Jeff fiser was like the old king of it like Cliff kingsberry is one of the the new Kings of it and I I think that helped him get get a job and helped them be like a a hot command the opposite is whatever’s happened with Ben

Johnson who turned down this Washington job apparently and now Washington and some of the same people are pumping up Cliff are giving this smear campaign against Ben Johnson because he turned them down so this is an ESPN report that Johnson had issues with Commander ownership after interviewing to be their

New head coach in the wake of Ron’s firing Johnson according to this report considered the ownership group led by owner Josh Harris uh 76ers owner also as well as Hall of Famer Magic Johnson one of the great basketball players of all time uh he saw them as quote basketball

Guys and that’s going to that’s not going to work you know why it’s not going to work football is completely different than basketball and he believed that they were according to this report overly confident about their football knowledge the report then also threw out there that Johnson fared

Poorly in his interview so back and forth they go well it’s but here’s the thing Washington started and then I don’t love that started it that Ben Johnson’s agent very likely is the one that comes back with this basketball guy stuff but they started it immediately saying like he didn’t interview well now

There’s this report in the athletic that he he seems not really like a leader that he’s more just a guy in a lab you know cooking up schemes and doesn’t deal with players you were going to hire him and no one was denying that they were

Literally on the plane to hire him first of all that’s completely disrespectful to Aaron Glenn who they were ALS o going to interview it makes it obvious that that was a sham interview that they were just doing to check a Rooney Rule box so you’re saying like oh how is this going

To make them you know Ben Johnson look around like how does it make how does it make you look uh and I don’t know I this this stuff drives me crazy sure does I think it’s if you’re if you’re a commanders fan like you just exited a

Completely dark as night ERA with Dan SN now this is happening with new leadership I remember what I was trying to think of was part of that athletic report was uh they were gonna hire Mike McDonald too they wanted to hire Mike McDonald and McDonald was that M Quinn

The fourth the third the third choice and McDonald chose the Seahawks over him because according to Washington and I don’t necessarily believe this but that Seattle outspent him I my guess is the money was good in both places and McDonald picked the place that just seemed like the better option it’s like

I guess if you’re Ben Johnson like I why burn Bridges like I I know that was I know that the Washington organization started a lot of this but it’s like Ben Johnson’s Camp has responded a couple different times like you’re back in the coaching search mix a year from now and

It’s like all we we now think different things about you than we did weeks ago we Chip Kelly when he kept turning people down too and he still got if you said that yeah but Chip Kelly also became well Chip Kelly was a pretty difficult person to work with by the end

Too true and it was the commanders who leaked at first that he interviewed poorly he it really started that way yes so you can kind of understand if that if Johnson’s Camp wants to say wait a second that’s not NE it’s just it’s all soiled now we’re like like literally a

Fortnite ago Ben Johnson was like the bell of the ball I I just think though the idea though that oh he turned us down while we were in the plane that’s not how you do things I think it’s just like these billionaires not liking getting looking bad and getting turned down and having

Like a commoner like say no well you actually you’re not good enough what commoner what if um that’s how they look at the coaches Mark what if stugots came out and said I don’t think uh cesler had show today uh would you come out publicly and return fire or would you

Let that sit untouched I think my history uned my history suggests what I’ve what I’ve done with you know stug got’s initial slash at my identity which was kind of play ball with it in a playful way not I didn’t reach out to him personally it’s like he doesn’t

Really know anything about me but if he if he if he dug in if he dug in like you know as a trenchant listener and thought I had a bad show I’d have to think about that a little differently right but then I’ll go I’ll go listen to his show and

I’ll you know I’ll see what I think I’m not trying to start a feud there I’m sure he’s a capable nice person why don’t make don’t ask me this question because then I just go down that road that’s not helpful Sessy made it cesler I mean how about that guy who is that

Guy you set the table for personal chaos and I don’t need it the whole key is just to just keep your mouth shut and let the talking continue um all right good to know uh all right in other news in other news news news uh let let get on the coaching

Carousel that was merely Illuminating like the idea that if somebody comes after you I know but you know how I am I’ll I’ll just walk right into the Lion’s Den on the on the situations that’s all Ben did Ben was like whoa you you’re making me look bad I’m still

Looking to get a job down the line like yeah I’m not going to stand for this we have agents you could leak something oh you should leak something I will try that that’s perfect cuz then you don’t have to be out front but South

I will I’ll just do it on the on the slide before we get to Vegas let’s get involved with some media shenan that would be fun like right here there’s this like article I was about to click on but I didn’t Greg that connects with you I would feel like in a personal

Way headline Mike Florio rips Adam scher’s irresponsible reporting as he reveals broken friendship whoa like let’s get I I got to admit I I I’d click I know I’m going to but I Ros thought will leak a couple things yeah Rosie lean I mean I I thought great

Like an old Buick let’s start a fire all right in other news yes let’s spin the carousel here we go uh Saints higher Clint kubak is OC Raiders higher Luke getsy as their OC after Cliff says aone uh Liam Cohen he’s the Bucks OC the Patriots hire Alex Van Pelt as OC Steve

Belich one time thought to be a potential heir to the throne in New England he Eon he goes to Washington to be their DC so he’s going off on his own now the Dolphins hire Ravens assistant Anthony Weaver is there DC the Seahawks there’s a guy that’s uh bounced around

In fact he was in our building this past season Leslie Frasier uh I never saw him once by the way I did you know what’s funny never once down in the lock now he’s gone down in the locker room I saw him having a very hushed conversation with one member

Of our media team and I was thinking like something’s going on there and then bang this happened he is now the assist head coach of the Seahawks uh so that’s cool and uh there you go anything on those appointments fellas I would say one thing I I I I

Know like Liam Cohen has been a kind of hot and cold guy he was with Kentucky but like he was Baker Mayfield’s offensive coordinator when Mayfield was with the Rams and executed the Raiders after that like two-day stay with the Rams and so I wonder if that helps or

Hurts or what like he knows Baker may I think it helped but he is one of the only only guys that’s kind of come into uh working with McVey and then McVey kind of lets go very quickly gsy felt like a little bit of a backup

Choice uh he loved Justin Fields so you do Wonder like is there a connection there that the Raiders might go get Justin fields and then Alex Van Pelt just feels like the Patriots are just kind of getting scraps scraps here Eric bemy doesn’t have a job either right now

Like that that would have been a totally different direction for for instance the Patriots to go or or even the Saints Clint kubak just cuz the last name you assume is going to be good but you don’t really know good point about the enemy it’s that’s there is I admire him his

Decision he made because he wanted to um try to ascend and eventually get a head coaching job so he left the nest in Kansas City which was a nice Nest to be in uh but now what can backfires you end up on a coaching staff where it doesn’t

Work out and now he’s he’s floating he could always go back though uh and it’s crazy to think uh Mike McDonald gets hired as a head coach right three of his assistants are now defensive coordinators that’s outrageous for one offseason so Weaver is in Miami right dard Wilson is in Tennessee and then

Connor or’s buddy Zach uh is taking over in it’s also a reminder that the NFL is painfully unoriginal everyone just copies each other and this year it’s like we want the Ravens defense all right quickly developing tree finally in the news uh it is time Greg to say so so

Long to really one of your old all-time favorites before Gino Smith it was Teddy Bridgewater who is your guy and he is announced after a final year of uh holding a clipboard in Detroit that he is retiring from professional football he’s going into coaching at the high

School level uh so never again Greg can you tell us that Teddy Bridgewater would be a great sign for a team looking for a quarterback well I never again what a way to pitch it says you okay we can take him out of a high school coaching

Game I uh will miss what what a career he’s had sea pton said to Peter King uh in Monday Morning Quarterback this we that he was an alltime leader uh and that those kids were lucky that he was like Ferris buer he compared it to didn’t matter where he goes everyone

Follows Teddy Bridgewater one of the best leaders he’s ever been around well you never heard Mark or I ever disputing his character not at all I don’t I don’t that’s that’s for damn sure what he came back from and in general solid career a good guy solid

Career solid is as far as you can go in in terms of the career though like to be fair Greg right he’s 33 and 32 I would say a good career I mean better than the average first round dra get to Baldi yeah better than the first- round draft

Average first- round draft pick considering the injury that’s pretty good all right that’s a certain bar you cut you butter knife that one a little bit but yes and it’s a shame what the injury and how that impact imped the the trajectory of his career uh I still

Remember doing that show it was at the end of the summer and it was like oh my God all right here we go let’s welcome in as we now it’s official now we’re going to turn our attention to the big game and uh and Super Bowl 58 uh coming

Up who do you want to talk to when you want to get into the X’s and O’s and what makes these teams tick well of course you pick up the phone and you ask for Brian baldinger and and baly was there for us here was a coners ation that we Had welcome back our next guest is listen he’s he’s in the Hall of Fame for guests for around the NFL one of our very favorites uh no one tape dogs quite like Brian baldinger and now we welcome welcome back to ATN Baldi what’s up bud well uh nice to

Join you guys thanks for the invitation um you know we’re we’re at the Finish Line you know we’re counting down days here you know like 10 days left until this thing’s going to come to a close I everybody I know uh most of the people I

Know I should say are like they’re sad that there’s just one game left and there’s not going to be anything after Super Bowl Sunday for a while so you know let’s uh let’s soak it all up right now is are there weird parallels because once you hit offseason Baldi and you’re

Doing your tropical vacations and you got the women everywhere around you and some ways there’s a parallel here but instead of women all around you you’re doing podcasts with doy uh pale whites such as ourselves that’s true that’s true so whoever wants to um you know

Invite me in and talk about this great American game of ours like I I try to make the time I never really get tired of doing it uh because it’s just so interesting on so many different levels but yes when it’s over like I always say

Like the bet the only thing better than working is not working so you know if I’m diving with reef sharks in bise two weeks from today like I’m not gonna I’m not gonna miss any of this you know but while I’m here I’m gonna give it everything I got all right let’s get

Into the game then the game because I know and Baldi you heard it and maybe you felt the same way too the way Championship Sunday set up uh there was these this idea that Super Bowl Sunday could be really unique uh and then instead what we get is Chiefs Niners

Which from one um point of view is a little redundant but from another I mean doesn’t this feel like we’re set up for you can never guarantee Classics or games that are going to go down to the wire but you look at these teams you see

Them as pretty even yeah I do I see them pretty even I see I mean you can pitch a case for both teams it’s at this stage of this uh Dynasty that the Chiefs are in the middle of kind of hard to root against or just think that anybody has a

Chance against Mahomes and Andy Reid and spags and Travis Kelce like it just seems hard that anybody’s going to beat him but if there’s one team that is set up that can do it that has the coaching the Personnel the talent like it’s San Francisco and so I feel like uh we we

Got a good match up but I I think any one of the four we could literally without even thinking draw up 20 story lines and we could just like off for those storylines that would just be there obviously if Detroit was here said um you know we’d have a field day just

You know see him another another shot of Barry Sanders you know on the sideline just doing anything just being Barry Sanders is fun but or bigan but this is what we got so I think it’s it’s fascinating and it’s repeat and you know can this uh this kid at quarterback uh

Named Brock pie that nobody seems to really want to respect at this stage can he rise up and slay you know can he slay momes here and like all those things are out there it’s going to be fantastic Baldi you uh you have called this week

Brock pie you titled um and I love this the Silent Assassin and I there is this discourse of and it’s been going on all year and and last year it’s like it’s too good to be true because of his draft stock where he came from it’s simply

He’s supported by the team around him but I it’s clear that you see something else so for the people out there that believe in Brock what is it you see why is he the Silent Assassin because first of all he he plays the game with no fear and you

Could put up any bad play that he’s had we’ve seen a few of them um especially down a stretch it never affects him in the next series like he can flush it the way you have to and he doesn’t he doesn’t need a psychiatr on a sideline

To to get him out of any kind of a fun he doesn’t go into a funk like you know and and and then he can make every single throw um you could say like they love to attack attack the middle of the field that’s what Shanahan does that’s

What Mike Mars did with Kurt Warner they attack the middle of the field the middle of the field is dangerous balls get tipped balls get intercepted uh you have to layer throws in the middle of the field you have to layer them over linebackers and dropping defensive

Lineman sometimes all that stuff and yet he makes those throws routine uh he made a throw to Debo Samuel we all saw it uh at the start of the third quarter and like he just hit his fifth step and let it rip like the way you have to throw it

With no fear right in the middle of a four-man Zone Detroit’s sitting there and he hit Debo like it was t-ball you know he just like he just took it right off the tea and just kept going and you know that sort of ability to do that I

Mean I didn’t think Jimmy grappolo could do that on with regularity the way this kid does and and so I I just think whatever they ask him to do he can do and he’s got a Scramble for 52 yards on three runs in the second half or whether

He’s go to you know roll out of the pocket and avoid pressure he does that and whether he’s gota understand the situation where just get rid of the ball was better and go to the next down he does that uh and then you know somebody has to feed all of these talented

Players that the 49ers have and he feeds them all they’re all having good Seasons all of none none of them are not eating and not feeding off of this and so it it starts with him yeah I I do want to get to the 49ers defense which to me is so

Different than the last time the these teams played in the Super Bowl while we’re on Brock just thinking this match up with spagnolo and the chief’s defense just how do you think pie and Shanahan will react to all the different looks that spagnolo throws at him because Lamar Jackson obviously didn’t

Handle that very well and and one thing we’ve seen with this Chief’s defense also different than the four or five years ago is man they can change a lot throughout a game throughout a week to week throughout a series they just never show you the same thing twice how do you

Think like per and and Shanahan deal with that I remember one time I just I’ll answer your question Greg but I remember one time spags was on Jim Johnson staff in Philly and they went up to play Tom Brady and the Patriots and to your point about versatility and

Changing fronts and all that stuff literally Jim Johnson gave Brady a different defense each quarter he started because they knew he would adjust at halftime he goes we can’t wait the halftime to change so literally Jim Johnson came up with this idea let’s give him four different defenses we’ll

Play a different one each quarter and let’s see if Brady and the Patriots adjust so I mean even in the playoffs now spags played a totally different defense against Buffalo in the playoffs than he did week 14 um and so last week he said well we’ll play three big

Linebackers we’ll play Bolton and tranquil and chanal and we’ll stuff the run but we’ll leave our Corners exposed and if Lamar could beat you know larius or you know Trent or Jaylen or Joshua whoever out there then they beat him and they couldn’t beat him you know they

They got one deep ball down the field and one for a touchdown on a scrambled drill other than that like they were 0 for eight on some of those deep shots so what’s I think spags will start by saying okay mcaffrey is a guy you got to

Stop like I feel like and how now how are they going to do that what front are they goingon to play their their minus nauy their minus amenu their down numbers like what is going to be their method to basically stopping mcaffrey from getting going and discouraging

Shanahan from just feeding him the way they they have all year long so I I mean that’s just one take Greg but the good thing is you know they they they had the the the six rookies a year ago they all got on the field they started four

Rookies in a Super Bowl like all these kids now are very experienced players and you know I saw this t-shirt down the field in Baltimore the other day spags hates it but um they all have a t-shirt says in spags we trust and I really feel like they’re all like they’re all like

They’re in the classroom and they all want to be in the front row they all like what’s he going to do this week how are we going to do this what’s what’s the plan and I think he’s just got them all buying in right now to whatever that

Plan is I have an idea by the way because everybody knows one of baldi’s greatest hits is and what he regularly um it goes off on social media and virals the hashtag baly breakdowns we have some very talented people uh that listen to this show in in terms of AR

Merit can we get someone in the vein of the in spags We Trust uh but in baly we trust and then make sure he gets the the laser eyes also study like tape dogging if we can get some type of t-shirt design maybe we can make click up let’s

Just get the clicker cck involved good not good I have a great idea Baldi can you can we get like an action shot of you with the clicker we’ll screen grab it and people could use that as the basis for the T-shirt that would be very helpful absolutely we get that done all

Right now my question to you back to the game you know we’re always trying to build the Baldi brand because it could always be bigger the Kansas City offense is a subject of Fascination to me and uh confusion quite frankly uh based on how much they struggle and just think about

Where they were Christmas Day and and that horrific performance against I think against the Raiders and then once they get to the playoffs they turn it on and now here they are in the Super Bowl and they took care of business against Miami in the cold in the first round it

Was a pretty vintage performance against the bills um in divisional play the initial game script um was Flawless uh in the AFC title game two touchdowns in the first two drives and then things obviously dried up a little bit for them when you look at the team that went to

The Super Bowl against the Eagles last year and the team now that’s going to go to the Super Bowl against the 49ers do you think they have um another vintage performance in them against the San Francisco defense or this is is or is this who more or less the Chiefs are

This year where they do enough grind it out and it’s spags in the D that takes things home like is there is there a huge game left in the tank for this team in this core oh for sure I remember uh I had Andy Reed on my podcast like

Mid-season and i’ I’ve known Andy since he came to Philadelphia 1999 so I said I told him I said you know big red for the first time since I’ve known you I’m talking more about your defense than your offense and he didn’t disagree he didn’t disagree with it the way they

Were kind of struggling quite frankly I I I feel like they’re bored during the regular season they look bored sometimes it’s just because they know what it’s all about they know all it matters is how you play in January and February and I I I feel like and some of them have

Just been through it for so long now maybe Creed Humphrey doesn’t feel that way or Trey Smith but like I feel and Rashid rice but to a certain extent there is a little bit of fatigue that we got to get through this thing to when it

Really counts and we just and so now the ball doesn’t hit the ground when it goes to Travis Kelce it hit the ground a bunch you know during the regular season the ball to hit the ground like the game plan was brilliant like how like if we

Had a stopwatch and how long the ball was in mahomes’s hands for most of his throws it was less than a second and a half like because they know Ravens are zone defense they’re just sitting there waiting well but they’ll took all the four yard throws that you can get and

Then we’ll turn those four yard throws into four yards or six or maybe eight yards and we’ll just stay on schedule we’ll March and that’s what they did Baltimore tightened things up for the second half they didn’t get much but I I I I think that to answer your question

Yeah I think they have another vintage performance left in them I thought you had an interesting tweet because you’d have a perspective that you know if you outside of Youth Sports you don’t know what’s happening with a lot of these teams where they’re not on the field

Plane you talked about the way that the Chiefs um pregame warm-up how they practice in general that there’s something about them that stands out to you and it’s like whether they were bored or not um they’re very consistent and like is that different than the ners to you is that different than other

Teams in general I’ve watched Brock py warm up he’s kind of an amazing guy in warm-ups because you could like literally go out there to Brock pie in pregame warm-ups and you could ask him about that ice cream shop in Ames Iowa and what his favorite flavor was and he’s like he’s

Giving you an answer you know but but this this routine of the Chiefs looks different to me it looks very pton Manning like from the moment that Mahomes takes the field it’s like I’ve done I don’t know since Mahomes has been I’ve probably done 20 Chief games for

National radio over the seven years like literally his routine it doesn’t matter if it’s 25 below zero like a couple weeks ago or if it was Sunday in a Misty Rain um he comes out in his warm-ups three hours before kickoff he sits on a bench he talks to the trainers he talks

To equipment guys and then about an hour and a half before kickoff he starts he starts whining that arm up and literally it you could take that game versus the game against Buffalo versus the game on week two against Jacksonville it’s almost identical and he must get at

Least 100 throws in and I just think like the throw obviously you know to Kelce for the touchdown against Kyle Hamilton we’ve all watched it it’s an amazing throw but I felt like he threw that with just the exact same amount of ease as what you just showed right there

In that throw to Travis Kelce it it feels like it it isn’t anything different in the mechanics or how he throws it or anything else in that pregame warm-up versus the game and I don’t know that other guys that warm up treat it the same

Way my favorite warm-up I I ever saw and we don’t get on the field anymore at the Super Bowls was was Colin Kaepernick just throwing fast balls as fast as he humanly could like 40 straight times I don’t know what the purpose of that was

But it was it was very exciting to watch before that Super Bowl uh last one I have for you Baldi just watching these last three games from the 49ers that mattered for them the Ravens game and then and then these two playoff games I I’m just struck with and you’re you know

What you’re seeing better on on tape than than any of us do but what I’m seeing is kind of shocking to me is a team that’s like maybe not that physical that if you only watch these three weeks you would say for those three weeks both playoff games the Ravens games they got

Pushed around a little and they didn’t play very well and that that’s very surprising to me I know they have some weak spots but they also have some great players do do you think the chief’s offense could could out T this this 49ers defense definitely I mean the only

Guy that looked like he played good on Sunday was Bosa to me I didn’t think Armstead hardgrave given Chase I didn’t think Edan played good surprising I didn’t think they had good run fits in the Run game I mean Fred Warner’s going this way and there’s you know or Burks

Is going this way and like they’re leaving the middle open for David Montgomery I’m like that’s not good defense you know and I thought they got pushed around I didn’t think the effort was great it wasn’t Championship effort by a number of players and so while Fred

Warner does cover up some of the mistakes because of how fast he plays and how aggressive he is along with Dre Greenlaw um like I I I didn’t see a great defense on Sunday and so the one thing the Chiefs have leaned on though is they become a good power running

Football team even with you know um you know Nick Alig in at left guard they still did a good job of pushing Baltimore around at times on Sunday and beo got some good runs and I feel like they they’ve leaned on that power Run game a little bit Donovan Smith’s a

Better run blocker than onean way Morris so I mean I just think if they need to um they’ll lean on it and I think based on what we just saw uh why wouldn’t you MH um all right Brian baldinger who you of course can check he’s all over social

Media at baly NFL he’s got a couple podcasts All City Sports and on Odyssey check those out you have a daily podcast Baldi like how do you have time for a day two daily podcast two daily podcasts and the best football show with Brian balding two daily podcasts for two

Different networks the room that he sitting in honestly I’m just a football and whoever wants to pay me a check like I’m going to work for him like you know I like that just I’ve never read one of my contracts ever I’m just like people want me you got me

You’re normalizing football promiscuity and I think that’s healthy um by the way just because I like to live vicariously through you so once the season’s over and you’re going to B are you more a uh sniping some moo sharks uh in the Crow’s Nest with bikini babes around you or are

You more like swimming with the dolphins uh with the bikini babes around you like where do you go on that well I I I like both species actually all three species I’m a fan of all of it to be honest with you so I mean I could elaborate but I think

I’ll just leave it right there I think everybody knows where baldi’s coming and finally Eric can we go to full screen on Baldi Baldi it’s time to get out the clicker we’re going to get the the screenshot that our talented people let’s go with that let’s make sure it’s

In the shot you want to do some type of uh take us back to your playing days you’re focused and intense well here we go let’s like let’s just take a look right here at Trent Williams and his backside cut off block and nobody can emulate this nobody knows how

To do it it’s strictly the Trent Williams block how he could just take somebody’s head and just Ram it right into the ground and mcaffrey cut right off him like that it’s just a beautiful piece of film right there beautiful and all the all the uh all of the proceeds

Of this t-shirt will go to repopulate the makeup shark um population in the ocean there’s way too many sharks that aren’t making all right Baldi thank you so much buddy appreciate the time you’re such a busy man this time of year and we really do appreciate you doing this with

Us until next time thanks Baldi thank you see you guys all right there we goes baly uh we spoke with him late last week uh he’s a very busy guy as we alluded to and and he gave us some time really happy to talk with him and get dig into

This game which is going to be so great I’m really excited about uh this not in spags We Trust in baly We Trust merch people always asking about the merch Mark and I feel like this one could be a big time winner uh he is the perfect

Candidate for a wide variety of creative uh input from people listeners that uh see the different aspects to Baldi I you know there was one thing about him like I think we’ve come into this Super Bowl week a little bit like oh it’s Niners Chiefs again like is it the same old

Thing well it’s obviously not but he elevates your interest in any matchup and uh whether it’s the merch it’s the game itself there’s only one Baldi cool and just to give you an idea of like what you’re up against big Funk who’s not in today but uh here is a design

That he put together uh you can check this out on Fast channel uh baldi’s breakdowns I mean that is I mean that’s what we’re looking for if you are a creative person and you want to design a t-shirt around Baldi and his greatness and look at that finger in the shot you

Got to get the pinky in the shot Eric is that as someone that has a thumb issue to see the uh the pinky a skew like that is that are you guys part of a club that no one talks about I did think about it when we were recording that interview I

Was like there are a handful of people here and several people with faulty digits I mean I mean his came on the battlefield of you know the grid iron W did you hurt your finger the battlefield of the kitchen slicy potatoes okay well it’s not the same origin story also Eric

Calling it a faulty digit I don’t believe you have a faulty well sometimes when you get slow on the hit it is a little faulty I agree with you it’s hard picking up things sometimes that little extra you need that little extra weird yeah it’s too real all right uh yeah I

I’m sure we’re going to end our 11year uh strikeout filled uh attempts at making merch now and somehow gonna be about baly right and he gets all the money um all right that was a action-packed full show on Monday before we get on the plane and so we gave you a

Lot to chew on and just want to before we go one more thing and we mentioned Chris at the top of the show and again three years without him and it’s hard to believe um you know we’ve been at this company for so long now and you get to

Know people um on a personal level Beyond just professional and uh we were shocked to learn um yesterday that Larry Campbell um uh who known by everyone in the office here as LC uh who was like just like a a great dude and um someone that was always you know friendly and um

Great at his job uh he passed away suddenly um this week this past week so uh really a Paul and and a gray and rainy time in Los Angeles like that’s hanging over uh this building right now because Larry was a main stay in that Newsroom and in terms of our NFL Network

Team to so we lose Larry and and we really send our thoughts and our prayers out to his family and friend yeah it’s a big loss such a kind soul such a kind guy and a big part of when we were first going on on the

Network um working with him on all those old NFL Now hits and whatever the name of it around the league when it was around the league then around the NFL right um and and just a great guy he will be missed really yeah it’s like he

Was a real supporter of what we were trying to do but I also know that like particularly Wes down in Marina del re would see Larry out a lot and like they had a special friendship and it’s like someone that you just saw like a week

Ago and then you find out you know it’s terrible these days you find out over text that this person is gone on and it’s like I can’t I don’t it brings up a lot of stuff for all of us and it’s like he was a genuinely kind um fun person

And like there’s really no one like him and it’s just another loss and uh and I’ll I I implore you um because we I say it not in just because I mean it but when when Steve we is on the show I I call him the the conscience of The

Newsroom um check out on his on his feed Twitter feed uh Andrew and Steve talking about Larry um because he can say it more eloquently than any of us um so yeah uh we’ll be in Las Vegas in two days join us for another ride to the Super Bowl till then he the Call


  1. Thanks for explaining Wes and the intro – I'm a newer listener and was wondering what the situation was. Sorry for your loss.

  2. I really hope the chiefs win as a football fan. Don’t need another fraud qb to win a championship

  3. Hopefully eating the pants isn’t what caused or, exacerbated his symptoms. Miss you Wes. wish you could have seen that rams bengals Super Bowl

  4. I love you, Legends, but when do we get the REAL top 10 radio calls list?? I didn't see Mitch Holtus..

  5. Chris Wesseling was the tape dog and was #1 on the common man power rankings. He simply cannot be replaced

  6. I didn't notice any missed superbowl references or superbowl team references that Eric missed last time but I guess I can't have been paying much attention

  7. Man when you think that Kingsbury would rather be at Washington instead of the Raiders, how bad are things in Vegas?

  8. There are no credible reports that Washington was "on a plane to hire" Johnson. Gregg is speaking out of his behind. They were on a plane for a 2nd interview, that's all we know.

    There are so many conflicting accounts of what really went on I think most of the reports are echo chamber rumor mill stuff and not legit leaks.

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