It’s Easier Than You Think to Have a Smooth Powerful Golf Swing

Want to learn how to swing the golf club smoothly and effortlessly? You can when apply 3 simple steps for wrists, pivot for a smooth and powerful swing. Learn more +ELMT sample pack

Perfect for seniors looking to improve their game or anyone wanting a simple and effective golf swing. Hit the ball farther and smoother with these tips!

How to swing the golf club smooth with a backswing wrist hinge that is gradual and not snatchy

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The golf swing made simple and how to swing the golf club smooth like many elite pros golf swing, there is a gradual angle increase of the wrists hinge and specifically the backswing. Not a jerk angle. If this resonates with you let us know! #golfswing #golftips #pxg #fullswingsimulator #simplegolf

#alexfortey #simplegolf #howtogolf #golf #pxg

Alex Fortey from the Art of Simple Golf gives you a simple golf tip to improve your golf swing Enjoy this golf video to help you get closer to having a perfect golf swing.. YOUR perfect golf swingLet us know what you think in the comments below!

You know that feeling when your swing feels rushed when it just feels snatchy and the sequence is all out of whack I bet you do so I’m going to make this dead simple three easy steps that you can do today to have a much smoother effortless and yet more powerful golf

Swing and the best thing is it’s going to be reliable the first step which is actually going to really assist the final two steps is all about reducing the amount of variables and the focus of this reduction is going to be the wrists now the wrists are very useful in a go

Swing it’s how we can generate power it’s how we try to actively consciously Place yourself into certain positions and what it starts to feel like is somewhat of a manipulation if you will and this manipulation okay it leads to lack of distance a poor sequence because we start off snatching it away here

Trying to find out certain placement so what I want us to do we’re going to almost take the hands the wrist specifically out of the swing and that’s going to feel a bit strange at first because as I said most of you are going to be starting your swing with the wrist

So if you’re like well if I’m not starting the swing and if I’m not actively hinging them up how do I swing well that’s where we get on to number two and three before we continue the lesson I wanted to talk to you about something that I have dealt with pretty

Much all my life even from when I was a wee little kid playing tennis and that is the need for electrolytes even as a kid I used to have to have little packets of salt when I was playing tennis because I would cramp up so much

I’m just a bit unfortunate that way I need something to give my body what it needs and I know many of you do too electrolytes they are essential for our body to function properly to give the muscles the right Hydra ation the minerals vitamins various things like

This the body needs but like most of you I have tried tons of different types of electrolytes ones I found online ones from Amazon ones people have tried me even pickle juice but none of them have been successful in stopping cramping and actually feeling like I’m hydrated most

Electrolytes that you buy are full of additives tons of sugar and really have very little benefits when it comes to sodium magnesium and other key ingredients I’ve been taking element for about 3 weeks now and I have not had cramps once I’ve been feeling more energized in workouts in work and I’ve

Been going through various sample packs which you can get one of too with different flavors to choose from from lemon raspberry you can even have a warm hot chocolate and it tastes surprisingly good if you know me at all I don’t talk to you about anything that I don’t truly

Believe in an element has really surprised me with zero sugar the correct ingredients has made such a difference and it is noticeable in The Taste and in the results I’ve arranged just for you a bonus sample pack with every purchase you just have to follow the link below

If you want to give your body the hydration and minerals that it needs to thrive look no further than element I’m going to grab a golf club and I want you to without thinking too much about specific technique I want you to just make a back swing and I want you to do

Zero and I mean zero wrist hinge okay I don’t want you to consciously at all hinge your wrists whether you’re you know extension whatever whatever you call it whatever you think about if you do I don’t want you to do it at all and have a little swing if you’ve done this

Relatively correctly you’ll find that when you make a back swing here okay and you’re doing your normal sort of Swing you’ll find that the club sort of doesn’t travel very far unless we have our body working a bit better which is what we’re going to do in step two

Specifically but before we get there I want you to just have a few swings okay where we’re making almost a no wrist Gul swing just a sort of half movement if you will just arms through about 9 to three okay that’s all we’re going to think about

But I’m doing zero wrist hinge okay and if you can next time you’re at the range or you’re at home in a net or wherever you may be I want you to just try and feel a swing where you’re literally not using the wrist okay and what you’ll

Find is it’s very difficult when you don’t use the wrists to snatch it away I mean you can but it starts to feel a bit ridiculous cuz if I snatch there okay the whole movement looks very forced and unnatural so if we try and do that task

Of not moving the wrists and we just try and smooth out that Tempo if we just think all right no wrists no wrists and start feeling what that does what does that sensation do and one of the main things I want you to notice and if you

Film yourself you will notice this as well without consciously doing it if we have suppleness on these wrists here and we take the club back your wrists will hinge more than enough so I want you to try a few shots next time you can hitting half swings if you will but just

Smooth no wrists okay now these are nothing exceptional but this is a pattern and a sensation that I want you to have to get away from the wrist movement let’s go on to number two okay taking that principle on board the next thing we need to do is realize that the

Swing is not going to go too far unless we have a better sequence and a better pivot and the quickest simplest way I can show that to you is with this drill what I want you to do is put your feet and knees together now this drill is

Actually as old as it can be when it comes to golf instruction because it is so good one of my first videos I did on YouTube was about this so what I want you to do is put your feet and knees together here and you’re going to hold a

Club just as if you’re tossing a c right and you’re going to not snatch it away but I want you to feel a nice smooth Tempo where we’re turning our pelvis this way and we’re using the movement and we’re winding back down so we’re going to wind up rotate behind us I’m

Looking behind me there and then I’m going to throw the toss the the the club that way right it’s just this very easy movement that you should be be able to do all day every day and the reason why this works so well when it comes to a

Smooth golf swing is because it’s very difficult when you have your feet and knees together to do the faults that make a jerky swing aside from the takeaway it’s going to stop the upper body moving this way it’s going to stop the leaning back this way where we’re

Trying to hit it too hard and it’s going to stop the lunging at the ball again trying to hit it too hard so when you’ve practiced that for you know minutes don’t even worry about a club initially whether you’ve got a club to hold or not but just working on this movement making

Sure that you get behind and get through with balance that is it then what we can do is see how well we can perform this task with the first one of having no wrists but before we do let’s see what it looks like if I

Do this and I try and use you know trying to get really focused on there so it’s going to be like that okay I’m trying to get as much power where I’m using the wrists it’s not a particularly great result but if I do the same feeling and I have the ball

In the middle of the stance I’ve got my feet and knees together I’m just letting my arms hang down naturally here okay what I’m going to do is just allow my body to look behind me and I’m going to have a nice smooth Tempo working through but I’m using

Minimal none I’m actually thinking about no hinge okay so I’m going to go there all right that’s going to give me a little bit more compression a little bit more control and that effortless power now the third one is more focused on the intention that we

Have a lot of snatchy golf swings happen not just with too much wrist hinge as I talked about or not rotating enough and kind of getting stuck a little bit here so we end up throwing ourselves at it a bit too much it’s because we’re focused

Too much on hitting at the ball so a smooth powerful goal swing the goal of it is to send something that way right so what do we need to think about something abstract something specific it is just the easiest thing in the world but I’ve seen it help golfers time and

Time again but what we’re going to do and this works so well on the golf course is the only thing you’re going to think about is as you get through to the Finish as you get through packed and through the ball I want you to touch your knees together it sounds weird like

Why is that going to help me have a smoother Golf String because of all the stuff I’ve showed you before that it’s going to stop all these hitting at it it’s going to stop the the lunges the snatching if you have a goal of just touching your knees together it’s very

Unlikely you’re going to do something like this or swing down harded it combining all of this together with that nice little balanced finish where your feet and knees are touching does so much wonders as you get more comfortable doing all of this you’re going to start to be able to

Accelerate with a bit more speed with a bit more power with a bit more effort but it’s going to feel effortless so we piece those things together no risk nice and centered and balanced and get those feet and knees together at the end and we should be getting a little bit more

Distance with no real forced effort at all so give that a try three steps I want you to try that work in harmony together to give you a smoother slightly easier effortless powerful Golf String let me know how you get on now I want you to go and check out this lesson

Because it’s going to help your whole sequence perfectly check it out


  1. great video that makes a lot of sense, thank you. (btw, there is a bit I am not sure about, the "feet and knees together" at the end, I see the knees but the feet don't touch each other at follow through. Have I missed your meaning here or did you not literally mean what you said?)

  2. Great tips, #1 is a shot I use for 50,65,75,85,100 yard wedge shots. Same swing different loft. #3 Is also helpful when explaining the proper stance width to new players. Start from the finish with knees touching for irons, slightly spread for driver, and your feet are automatically set to the proper width for your body.

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