2024 TaylorMade TP5 + TP5x Golf Ball Review

Ryan tests out the new 2024 TaylorMade TP5 & TP5x golf balls which TaylorMade describe as their fastest tour ball they have ever made featuring new speed wrap core.

Find out what Ryan thought in this video as he puts both golf balls to test at his indoor fitting studio at Howley Hall Golf Club in Leeds utilising Trackman data analysis.

00:30 – 2024 golf ball overview
01:35 – TP5 tour level golf ball
01:52 – TP5x golf ball
02:24 – Indoor testing
07:40 – Data analysis

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Hello there and welcome back to the channel we’ve got some brand new golf balls from tailor made to do a little bit of a review of today for you so we’ve got the brand new tp5 and tp5x loads of you will used these balls over the years they’ve been out since I think

It’s 2017 the first tp5 and tp5x balls came to retail there’s been different modifications throughout the years and this year we’re seeing what Taylor Made call the fastest Tour ball that they’ve ever made so we’ll look at the two different models see how they compare but first let’s have a little chat about

The technology so the headline story for this new version of tp5 and tp5x is the new speed wrap core so they’ve changed the core in the golf ball to make it faster but also work really well with the other layers so some of the technologies that were that have been

Brought out over the years with tp5 and tp5x such as the uh the Tor flight dimple pattern and also the speed layering system so these balls have five layers inside the golf ball to really maximize different areas of the game so some areas make the driver spin a little

Bit less others will make your wed shots into green spin a little bit more so hopefully throughout this video as I hit them and give you my feedback as to the shots I’m going to hit I’ll tell you kind of what I’m feeling and what I

Think about the golf balls as well as at the end we’re going to take a bit of a look at the data that we get on the trackman and compare the two so what are the differences well tp5 and tp5x are aimed at very different types of golf so

We’ll start with tp5 okay this is probably going to suit the vast majority of you out there looking for a tall level golf ball it’s going to feel a little bit softer sound a little bit softer but more importantly those kind of short shots that you’re hitting

Around the greens and also pit shots should spin a little bit more with this golf ball when we go to tp5x we can see it’s a slightly different color the core um the Technologies work slightly different as well so we should see in tp5x a slightly lower Peak height on driver and long

Game shots and maybe a little bit less spin when it comes to those short shots around the greens and pitching so what I’m going to do right now is hit some shots on the trackman I’m going to hit some 50 yard pitch shots with a 54

Degree wedge I’m going to hit some full shots with a 79 and full shots with a driver as well give you a bit of feedback as I’m hitting them and then we’ll have a look at the data at the end so as I said we’re going to start with a

54 degree wedge we’re just going to hit some of those kind of short shots and see if we can see any difference in the spin when we’re using these balls but I’ll also give you a bit of feedback as to what I’m feeling now I’ve chosen the

Pix version cuz it’s not a golf ball that I’ve really used very much before um but yeah let’s give it a hit so I’ve starting with tp5 so we’ll see how that goes does feel very very soft off the face and certainly those of you that watch the channel know that we’ve done

Quite a lot of golf ball reviews um lately so I’ve kind of got a bit more ATT tuned to the feel of different golf balls over the last few weeks so let’s just hit a couple more yeah certainly much softer than I was expecting it to feel to be honest

And you can kind of hear a bit of a duller sound as we’re hitting it let’s just try a few more I mean straight away looking at the numbers we’re getting spin wise they look pretty good but yeah I mean in terms of the kind of launch height and the Fe

They kind of look pretty normal in terms of the the flight but also the feel like I say is very very soft now let’s see if there’s a big contrast between tp5x so obviously looks exactly the same with that pix pattern on it the only difference is that the number is um red

On this obviously as opposed to black in tp5 so let’s have a little hit definitely sounds a bit clicker and a bit louder when you hit it certainly feels firmer off the face because of that as well yeah you can definitely hear that click as opposed to the sort of duller

Sound of the tp5 when we’re hitting it in terms of the flight we’re getting looks pretty similar but I wouldn’t expect too much of a difference really on a shorter shot like this I think we’ll probably see some bigger differences when we get to hitting 7 iron and driver but yeah certainly from

Initial hits with a wedge they feel quite similar and look quite similar but you can definitely hear that difference in the sound with tp5x right so now we’re moving on to 79 we’re going to hit some Fuller shots with both of these golf balls again with tp5 to start with

So let’s hit a few here and see the difference again feels nice and soft off the face really nice High Flight that we’re getting as well which is what we would expect yeah it feels good like I say it feels just like a lot of the tall golf

Balls that we get to use and get to test really nice and soft like I say the flight initially looks quite nice and high as well feels very good yeah it feels very similar to kind of Pro V1 and also the uh Chrome Tor balls that we’ve looked at

Recently as well with the Callaway let’s now have a look at tp5x and see if there’s a big difference there remember when we were hitting the wedges this was much louder and clicker than the tp5 let’s see if it’s the same with this yeah definitely a little bit louder

Again but don’t mind it it felt actually really good off the face that one you can see already that the the flight is ever so slightly different yeah actually prefer the feel of this now I’m hitting longer shots to be be honest yes it does feel firmer

Feels a little bit clicker but that’s kind of more what I’m used to in the golf balls that I’ve used sort of over the years really let’s just hit one more yeah again feels absolutely great off the face interesting to see if there’s any difference in the flights

And the spins but let’s move on and hit some drivers so now we’re going to hit driver so we should start to see a little difference in the sort of spins and launches that we’re getting with these and maybe have a bit a bit of a difference when we actually see them on

The trackman as well but we’ll start with tp5 again give it a bit of a hit and feels very good off the face um doesn’t feel particularly soft when I’m hitting with driver not certainly not like it did um when we were hitting the 7 iron and the and the

Wedge feels really nice to be honest off the face very very good it’s a bit more like it I think yeah feels really really good kind of what what I like to feel off the face with driver as well so um it certainly looks to be coming off quite nice and

Quick as well um let’s see what that tp5x is like yeah certainly sounds a little bit different bit firmer off the face again feels like it’s coming off quite nice and quick really really like the feel of that so I’m going to now hit another 10 20 balls with each of these

Uh and each of the clubs and then we’ll have a little bit of a look at the data so let’s have a look now at what we found with the tp5 and tp5x golf balls when we look into uh the 7 iron tp5 we’re getting a little bit more spin 6,250 RPM um

175 carry 181 total and we can see ball speed 123 mph now when we compare that to tp5x we can see a bit of a difference so we’re gaining a bit of ball speed there we’ve got a little bit less Spin and because of that we’re carrying it a

Little bit further okay so 181 carry 188 total which again is kind of what I would expect with a with a good strike with a 7 ion and we can see height-wise the tp5x is actually going higher than the tp5 which is not what it’s supposed

To do but like I say everyone’s going to be different when they test these which is why you should go and get fitted for these golf balls properly um if you’re looking at switching into a tp5 or tp5x golf ball this season now when we look

At the driver we can see a little bit uh more of a difference and kind of the way that we should be seeing it in that the the x is spinning slightly less at 2,450 RPM and the tp5 at 2593 so pretty much 2,600 RPM now we can see in terms of the

Ball speed that tp5x ball comes off a little faster certainly from the testing I’ve done there it’s nearly 2 m mil an hour quicker off the face which which is pretty good and we’re seeing distance-wise so carry of 301 yards versus 293 so quite a a difference there

Really obviously the higher Spin and lower ball speed is contributing to that and we can see in terms of the height again tp5x is going higher for me than tp5 which is not what it’s supposed to do but we can see the same speed is

Going in on average um and you know most of the kind of delivery position is pretty similar loft is ever are slightly different about half a degree more on tp5x which is maybe why it’s going that a little bit higher but um we can see in

Terms of the the shots that I’ve hit there I’m getting a little bit more speed a little bit more carry and a slightly lower spin with tp5x and also a slightly higher ball flight but that kind of 118 ft 120 ft is kind of where I’d expect to hit a driver really with

Um certainly the golf balls I’ve used in the past but in terms of distance I would say I’d say that’s very good anything over 300 yards carry in the air for me is is very good and certainly a golf ball I would definitely use and and

The only thing for me was is it going to spin enough with the short clubs and certainly looking at the tests I’ve done here yeah it does but it’s it’s something that you’ve really got to try yourselves go out and get properly fitted test this golf ball if you use

Tp5 or tp5x already it’s worth just checking and having a bit of a look at the new model to see whether it could benefit you in any way as usual if you’ve got questions drop them in the comments section below be more than happy to answer anything about golf ball

Fitting or any golf balls that you use at the moment you’ll have seen on the channel we’ve been doing lots of golf ball testing particularly the models that are just launching so the new titless golf balls uh the new Callaway uh chrom soft Chrome tour and chrome X

And also the new Wilson golf ball range which we’ve done reviews of that you can check out on the channel as well and obviously if you’ve got questions about any of those too please fire away but yeah um make sure you go get fitted make sure you try these golf balls out and

Hopefully you’ll enjoy them just as much as I have see you soon

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