Golf Babe

Ep 109 // What’s Exciting About Women’s Golf with Fore the Ladies Founder, Abby Liebenthal

Fresh off the PGA Show, Fore the Ladies’ founder Abby Liebenthal and I talk about what we’re most excited about in the world of women’s golf.

We touch on everything from the evolution of style and marketing in women’s golf apparel, gushing about the elegant designs and capsule collections we came across at the PGA Show that are changing the golf fashion game.

We also discuss changes in the World Handicap System, the decreasing popularity of the LPGA (and what they can do to bridge the gap), and what you need to know about getting fitted for custom clubs.

About Fore the Ladies:
Fore the Ladies, Inc., is a female-based community and 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that brings women together to learn how to play golf through events nationwide. Their mission is to make golf more accessible and approachable while removing the expected barriers such as cost, intimidation, and access.

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[Applause] well hello and welcome back to your virtual tea time my name is Tori and I am your host and I have a fellow female golf podcaster with me today in town in the flashh in the flesh I am so glad we scheduled this got it going we’re going

To go have a bite to eat later we have Abby Lebenthal founder of for the ladies here ready to chat all things golf always how’s it going it’s good I love visiting Phoenix Scottdale area especially when the weather is like this we have a little bit of a heat spell

Going on and it is delightful it’s so nice cuz I have a feeling it’s leaving soon okay so we are going to enjoy it during the tournament I know the Phoenix Open is coming up actually this episode is going to drop the Monday after the Phoenix Open so hopefully they’ve dried

Off CU it looks like it’s going to rain yeah yeah gross it’s a fun week for people so hopefully it just clears up yeah there’s a lot of sometimes high heels stuck in the mud when it gets a little rainy at the Phoenix Open have

You ever been I have and what was your experience like so I went for work and I was working at Titleist at the time and it was very fun but like I wasn’t enjoying the atmosphere as much as others were to me it’s like that tournament in the players always reminds

Me like people who don’t pay attention to golf every day of their life can really enjoy golf those weeks and like if that’s it for them like that’s okay so I didn’t realize the players had the same kind of a similar atmosphere it’s yeah it’s like pretty party really it’s

Just not all contained like you get those visuals of is it 17 the 16th well really at this point it’s 18 17 16 it’s expanding the stadium yeah so it’s just not the same as that I mean at TPC sress they certainly have the island green 17

But there are like little pockets of like party areas and you’re like oh like this is fun like people are here just to party and like that’s okay yeah it’s fine you know let me ask the question I actually ask this every year on the podcast during the Phoenix Open time

Because it’s here it’s present people are going to golf tournaments what would you tell the woman that says what do I even wear to a golf tournament what would you say I always love wearing like a active dress like one of the outdoor voices dresses that has like the spanks

Underneath the shorts underneath and then sneakers and like always packing some sort of layer yeah I just think like you can be super comfortable you can sit on the grass you can be running around like whatever and you’re going to be comfortable and cute there are

Moments where I will say like I kind of like to like wear just normal clothes um like not like Golf Apparel yeah but I think it depends on what like access you have which sounds so stobby but like if you have access to hospitality like you can wear pretty normal clothes yeah

That’s a good point and if I just bought a general admission ticket which is very possible like I want to be more comfortable yeah so it kind of depends and I have to remind all the listeners too that might be attending a golf tournament for the first time ever the

Shoes are what’s most important sneakers Flats you are walking you’re walk so much the whole time the whole time like if you’re if you going to wear the shoes to Disney World then you can wear it to the golf tournament cuz that’s how much you’re walking toally yeah yeah yeah but

Like no heels yeah no I mean you’re going to see a lot of them but that doesn’t mean you should especially at the Phoenix Open there will be a lot of them and let me tell you when it rains and at the Phoenix Open it is a

Sight yeah that’s when actually I do go just to watch the people yeah and not the golf the chaos it is quite something well good I hope it’s great I hope I hope people have a good time and the US Open speaking of tournaments the US Open is coming to Pinehurst this year

Which you are a resident of Pinehurst yes so what is the town doing to prepare for that I mean really I feel like Pinehurst was made for the US Open so it probably just is like a click and play at this point but yeah I I think so I’m

Not really on like the operation side but I mean there’s little things just as like a resident of Pinehurst that you notice like there’s a big roundabout that everyone complains about in the town and they’ve added like cones so people don’t like cut each other off and

You’re like this is this is prep yeah and then gosh I mean a lot of like yeah infrastructure not super exciting things quite yet but yeah you are right like it it’s amazing that you can walk from the 18th hole of number two and then walk into the village of Pinehurst you don’t

Need a car to get in between so it really is like handmade for it kind of like the old course in St Andrews is kind of made for that space too absolutely so pinart open was it number nine this summer what’s the new course that the new course that’s opening is

Number 10 oh okay it hasn’t opened yet no they’ve done some preview play I think maybe it was eight got renovated it did yes so have you played eight since it got renovated and I like it a lot more you do yes it’s much more open

They took down some trees that I think were like obstructing views and things like that the greens are much faster now but it was not my favorite course to play and it’s become a lot more enjoy from my perspective MH yeah and so 10 is the one being built right now it’s

Finished but yeah and that was designed by Tom do but the woman who was like the main assistant architect um is Angela moer and she really was like boots on the ground building that golf course Angela moer yes you should have her on the Pod oh my gosh I’m sure you’ve had

Her on the Pod I haven’t she she likes to resist going on podcast but I think you can do I know going to say like I don’t think you’d back down from a challenge Angela moer yes what a rockar that I was unaware so she out it was

Like the Chief Architect of number 10 or just yeah like I mean she helped she built that Golf Course oh so yeah and she’s yeah super cool she’s done a lot of work overseas but yeah only have good things to say about her she’s super cool and is your Pinehurst trip coming up

Soon don’t you do one in March so it typically is in March and we moved it this year to May so it’s actually only two weeks before the US Open oo I know but we’re not playing number two and and it’s called The Lily correct yeah so

When is that well tell us about it and then you’ll tell us when registration opens cuz I know it sells out in like 3 seconds so so I don’t want to get people too excited because we did sell out so we oh it already went up oh my God I

Missed it yeah so it’s in may we did registration in like January I think December January this year cuz last year I was like I know you were G ho ready there’s a weight list they actually use the weight list for I’m sure as you know like people drop out of stuff Life

Changes yeah and so spots become open so they do collect a weight list but so the Lily came out of so I started for the ladies in 2019 and we were really focused on golf clinics playing events Etc and I’m sure like you like you saw all these guys buddies trips and you’re

Like why don’t why doesn’t something like this exist for me and my friends and people I want to meet and so Pinehurst like was amazing and took this gamble on for the ladies and said sure we’ll do this women’s golf trip with you and so we hosted the first one in 2021

This will be our fourth edition and it is every year we play different courses at Pinehurst there’s always two rounds plus the Cradle which is the par three course and then it always includes like a welcome reception a dinner some gifts just like Good Vibes as you know so fun

Which which courses are you going to play this year yeah so this year we’re on eight and five Fant so we always try to do one of their like Marquee courses 248 and then an additional course and then people end up like booking their own golf staying longer doing exactly so

Much to do there I know all the things but we have other trips this year we’re going to Sand Valley in Wisconsin and cabbit cap Breton and in Ireland and um Big Cedar Lodge oh man God you say that so casually like those are and there’s spots available for those okay wait go

Through the list again cuz I knew you’re going to Ireland yeah but what are the other places so sand valleys and Wisconsin so where is that in relation to Whistling Straits is that it’s right there’s it’s like I don’t even know if it’s like a triangle I don’t know what

The shape is of Aaron Hills Sand Valley and yeah they’re like all I think you like you would probably fly into Milwaukee for all of those yes we’re yeah yeah cuz are you doing a whistling straights STP yes we’re doing Whistling Straits in June and and I pretty much

Told everyone to fly into Milwaukee yeah yeah we’re doing the same thing so Sand Valley the trip is August 1st through 4th and they at that point will have five courses and we’re playing all five and then you know the accommodations all that good stuff so that’s August 1st

Through 4th um we’re going to cabat cap Breton and you fly to Halifax go there so that’s Canada Canada up in the Northeast yeah geography man I know that’s why well I was like I don’t want to get this totally wrong you’re right so I I saw took a trip out

There and wondering if that’s the same place I think that’s right yeah right on the water yeah mhm and that is oh it looks so beautiful I haven’t been yet that is at the end of August and we have like six spots left for that and that’ll

Be fine three rounds of golf they have three courses you know same deal fun Vibes like meal you know as you know like you just want people to like show up and have a great time get to like play golf enjoy the experience yeah we’re there to curate it curate it make

It a welcoming environment facilitate people getting to know each other and making it comfortable and hello we’re playing the sport that we love in the middle of it and having great food and wine and all of it yes precisely and then last trip is in October I think

It’s October 18th through the 20th at Big Cedar Lodge which is in Missouri and I think most people will fly into Springfield Missouri St Louis is like a little far it’s like three four hours and that is the home of Tiger Woods’s chorus Payne’s Valley and are you

Playing that one yes and Ozark’s National which is a core in crena okay so another super fun there spots available there yeah that one we haven’t even launched yet oh yeah so no all all that fun stuff so it looks like I mean including Ireland it looks like you’ve

Really expanded your trips this year this yes it’s the most trips we’ve ever done and that really just came out of like people wanted to be able to go why not yeah we’ll see how it goes I I don’t know what the Sweet Spot yet is but I

Fig I don’t know either learn yeah you know I go back and forth because like you say like some it is a lot to take on yeah you know so some night some I should I say some nights because obviously it’s in the middle of the night when your mind is going haywire

Where you’re thinking okay I’m going to take it down one notch next year or you know when you get in it and the energy is so good and it’s so high and it brings you so much it makes you forget all those sleepless nights that you

Think to yourself what the hell am I doing y yep so no super fun and then remind The Listener too about your clinics that you’re still holding I mean throughout the entire country how can they find and sign up yeah so all of these events you can find at for theel this

Year we are shifting a little bit and focusing on six key cities because last year we hosted 127 events in like 40 cities like it was too much it was yeah and and we did a podcast around then I think it was like it was in the episode

30 is I’ll put in the show notes but I was like how the heck are you handling this it was quite something it was very impressive it was great it was like a very fun year but I was like this is not reality this is not sustainable but at

The same time I also wanted to make sure like let’s provide a better experience let’s make sure that we’re like cultivating a community of people who like want to continue to play golf like I wanted people to show up to events and like maybe see somebody they recognize

And they’re like hey girl do you like play with me next time um and have that kind of moment so we’re going to focus on uh six key cities this year and do at least 10 events in each of those cities oh well that’s a lot so yes so you’re

Kind of making it so that you’re consistently there throughout the season so that’s so then you keep going back and you seeing the same women and yeah yeah okay well what are the cities yes I’m like can I remember Boston okay Chicago Charlotte Nashville New York and Washington DC okay so you’re staying

Geographically near you too yeah I would like to get to everything yeah not every event but I would like to get to every city yeah which I think is important too and it’s much easier when they’re closer to you totally get it it’s just life well it’s like babes golf you’re on the

West coast they in California and Arizona it’s like yes do they want to expand to other cities yes but it’s just it’s easier said than done it is much easier said than done you want I like it was so we had some of our best events

This year in places I’m not going back to this year and that’s like it’s always so hard right you’re like I hate this like I want to go back but I only went maybe to a city twice and I’m like is that really making any impact like sure

I’m sure we introduced people to golf and like now they’re like hooked or at least intrigued by the game but if I’m not like keeping them in it like that’s not a good experience either yeah so we’re going to start with this we’ll see what happens and yeah and for anyone

That’s like feeling inspired that they want to start something similar in their area think of it that way like open something up that’s fabulous in your area and maybe the surrounding areas and make it incredible like there is enough to go around you don’t even need to expand to multiple destinations like

Make it amazing right there build your community and I feel like there’s a lot of women men anyone there’s a lot of Community groups that have done that in their own City and a lot of like the alled golf associations like partner with them which is amazing and I think

That’s just as powerful as like groups like ours that are doing them in multiple locations exactly so yeah well we wanted to chat about kind of what we are excited about in women’s golf right now we are fresh off the PGA show which is Electric in in itself and

Overwhelming and like oh my God is this even a golf product you never knew right you didn’t know you needed it you didn’t know you needed it or you look at it like oh yeah obviously these T signs have to be sold somewhere or the cups

And everything it’s like oh my God it is so much at the PGA show yeah so what was your first impression coming out of it what are you excited about let’s let’s start it off sure so I was really impressed by the increase of women’s golf apparel brands that were there I

Think that there was this like there was I don’t think there was this explosion of women’s golf apparel brands that launched and only did direct a consumer or they partnered with golf shops like Alexandra’s where they focused on Golf Apparel and like it wasn’t like a traditional Pro Shop so

They were only doing direct to Consumer and they were only online and then I think that you know as you learn more about a business you learn about like where is the customer and a lot of the customers in golf are at a golf course tolf CL so I think that that I’m

Assuming that is why a lot of these BRS who were able to are now at the PGA show because they want to be in golf shops um so like take birdie golf for example birdie golf this was their first year having a booth at the show and I hope

And I’m sure that they were you know recognized by different Pro Shops and hopefully those Pro Shops will now carry them in their stores because as you and I know very well like the Pro Shop situation with women’s golf apparel Brands is a journey and it’s a Troublesome it’s a scary

Place so I was very excited to see that more of these Golf Apparel Brands were like okay like just like this is the industry like this is the space that we need to be in if we want to continue to grow our brand awareness and that was

Exciting to me how about you do you think that they really truly need to be in Pro Shops no in this online I don’t envir at I think that it like it depends probably on your business model if you’re like and maybe they have like these aspirations of like no I really

Want to be in a pro shop and I want people to like feel like they can have their course logo on my clothes and whatever like the way that I shop for golf apparel is not in a pro shop sorry to the golf clubs I belog well I think that we have gotten

Conditioned enough that it’s just you know will I go into a golf shop or a pro shop thinking I’m going to peek around and see if anything looks good I will but I think we’re conditioned at this point that it’s just not where we find

Our best stuff 100% you know yeah so so it it’s interest I was excited by it and I’m certainly like Curious MH what happens yeah yeah what other brands there really sparked your interest that are there any that were brand new to you or was it mostly some that you’ve known

About but were just excited to see their brand expanding yeah I would say a putam it was exciting to see Ali putnam’s brand there she has just really beautiful clothes the materials oh yeah you’ll definitely have to check them out the material of the clothes is really

Nice and it everything was just like very you know they did like a lot of neutrals for spraying but everything was just very pretty which I liked and then I always love seeing jird she’s located here Katie great yeah so it was fun seeing and I love her like capsule

Collection model that it was fun to see like her add a few pieces to it and then like I said birdie golf I’ve everything they had I had seen before and I own some of that stuff so it was just like nice to see them and then foray golf she

Showed me Megan the owner of foray showed be some really pretty pieces that I’m excited about so I I might have saw it actually on your real that you did for the PGA show when you were at fora golf first of all they had the best Booth it was gorgeous it was gorgeous

Yeah like Bravo for their creativity execution you know activation station with the flowers like I just love seeing that creativity and you could tell it just it represented the brand so well too so I think it was your video that showed almost like a sequins jacket um Erica Lin was it

ER maybe ER lens I love that we know who’s is who but yes I was like I don’t think I’d ever wear this sequence jacket but that is gorgeous It Fabulous on her it really did it I she pulled out this lace bomber jacket that I was obsessed

With it was like blue floral lace and I was like I need I need that and you said the owner’s name is Megan right I feel like I’ve probably chatted with her what what how would you describe their brand I would say that she is very fashion forward but has nailed the cut

Of women’s golf apparel clothes like the skirt is an a-line skirt and it has you know the waistband that people like I think she is like nailed the women’s golf skirt so she puts a lot of attention into the fit of everything but she’s fashion forward with like the

Prince they’re not like I don’t know the lack of a better word is like Choy but they’re not well they’re I would say I the prints that I love are definitely unique but they’re just I don’t know maybe they’re just not geometric I that’s a great way to say it so yes very

Like tasteful floral Prints but also just like really fun they they’re doing like a rugby shirt this year like how like I just think that she is very much on top of Trends her history is in fashion so she is very on top of Trends and what’s going on in internationally

In fashion and brings them to golf in a really nice way did she grow up playing golf I think yes okay but not like competitively okay yeah it was quite a booth and and just like you said there was a number of booths I mean four alls

Bruth was amazing gorgeous it was so fun I mean they crushed it I just want to like go through the whole Booth making process I mean I how do you where do you even start I don’t even like these little women are so creative

M it’s so great and even if you had like a smaller footprint I feel like people did a really good job like perties was just like bright and like fun and cute yeah I feel like people and then there it was like Spanx had a huge booth and I

Somehow missed that too it was massive now I will say like I didn’t see anything I would wear on a golf of course so I don’t know if it was more like quart stuff pickle ball well Spinx was there supposedly I didn’t see it but also Lululemon was there and I thought

That was really interesting yep and but then when I looked at Lulu’s stuff I was like I don’t even know if that’s Golf Stuff either like they’re just it’s a lot of athlet yeah what is it Leisure leure yeah is that what it sounds so weird leure

Yeah it’s like I said it naturally but then when I said it I’m like this can’t be right right so it was interesting but just knowing that Lululemon is definitely actively trying to get into this industry and who was it they just signed a um mini M’s

Brother yes yes yeah so they might have signed a female call I’ve not sure though yeah I knew him do you think that dress codes are going to start evolving as apparel evolves yeah I think a little bit mhm I don’t think we’re ever going to see it

It’s so tough right cuz public golf is different from private golf yeah yeah public golf like a lot flies oh I would say I mean at least here most whatever you want to wear so I think like yes definitely evolving like I don’t think anyone would really like look twice I

Think depends where you go private courses I don’t know yeah who knows what else what else is exciting you about women’s golf right now well not to get like nerdy but the World handicap system has been updated for 24 no I love it let’s dve in yeah what

What are the changes cuz obviously you can’t hold me to all of these cuz I honestly I I’m not a repres I work for the United States Golf Association but I’m not on the handicapping team so like they can speak much better to these things like have you talked to Jenny

Ford I haven’t okay she’s on the handicapping team okay well first because we didn’t even say I didn’t even mention that you worked for the USGA so what do you do for the USGA was I am in the marketing department and so we support you know all the different

Departments at the USGA so this week I’m am here in town because the green section is here for the golf course superintendent Association America conference and what are you guys going over at the superintendent conference yeah so they the green section has like a new product out it’s called the GS3

Ball and it’s this ball that superintendents and greens Keepers can use to measure things like tress of the green and smoothness and like all these other really fun things to make sure that the playing conditions are optimal and it like makes their lives easier with using data but um as a marketing

Person so I support different departments at the usgaa like membership and the green section championships of course handicapping and Jin and so this week I’m here and I’m just trying to like learn a lot about what that audience asks so like they ask questions about like how can Agonist help them because

The usj has a staff of Agonist that can support them so I’m really here to like observe and listen and so that helps us with our future marketing activities and I’ll do the same thing at other types of events yeah and speaking of activations you reminded me that the I’m probably

Going to say it wrong but the the rewind myin rewind my gen rewind so tell CU I am seeing it all over my Facebook pages good so what tell us what it’s all about and where they can find it yes so if you have a handicap index and you’ve been

Posting your scores in the Gin app then last week early this week you would have received a notification that has your myin rewind presented by century and it has a recap of your like where you started the year with your handicap index where you ended the year your best

Round your how many rounds you played in how many different courses which is just like fun to look at it’s kind of like your Spotify unwrapped like oh this is what I listen to all year and I think it’s really fun it’s like something to like look at and like say like okay

Maybe like you know I really want to try and play more rounds next year or I want to be more like diverse in the types of courses I play so it’s fun to to look at and you can just they’ll you can save it and then like post it on Instagram

Stories or which you’ll see that a lot of people are doing that and I remember last year when I looked at my rewind My Gin rewind yeah it had like some obscene number of different courses that I played and that was actually what I was most proud of like okay I played let’s

Just say it was 80 rounds of golf but it was on 40 different courses and I was like wow that that actually I was really proud of and you know it gives your your index traveling ability yeah that’s true you know definitely so so the World handicap system had Updates this year

And I can’t speak to all of them but the one that I was excited about that I like thought of when you reached out was that nine whole scores can now be posted and they will be calculated for your handicap index so before if I went and

Played I play a ton of nine-hole rounds because I say I’m not getting out of work until 5 and then I go over and play nine holes like that’s a probably a lot I’m curious how if it’s the majority of my rounds and I would have to wait until

I played another nine-hole round for those scores to be added to my calculation you know and now the calculations have changed so that my nine-hole score get gets reflected into my handicap index the very next day and I think for women who like I think

That a lot of women who maybe are like newer to golf or are working professionals like they’re playing a lot of nine-hole rounds so I think that now that it’s being accurately reflected in your handicap index is imedi yes so it’s nerdy but I’m excited about it I

Wouldn’t say it was nerdy I think that’s important I know I’m like it is important any other changes that you can remember that I know it’s okay I’m well I probably would you just you know you caught me off guard like I could like

Look him up but no it’s me being a bad employee but I think that that was the one that I know like a lot of us were really excited about yeah that’s a good one yeah how about anything going on in the championship side or anything even

Event side that you are most excited about with women’s golf I mean obviously the events and the communities that you can enter are growing and growing so that’s amazing anything that you’ve seen that you’re just really proud of and you’re like okay this is headed in the right

Direction I mean like we talked about a little bit earlier it’s just like there are so many small not even small there are so many women’s golf groups just popping up everywhere and I think that’s amazing because it’s and hey your women’s golf group might just be you and

Your like six friends but like that’s going to continue to grow exactly and I think that’s what’s really exciting in the event space I mean on the professional side it’s going to be a fun year I mean our first two winners of the year were Lydia Co and Nelly Corda like

You can’t ask for much more than that I know and actually let’s give them their due because I missed the last round of the lpj tournament this past weekending Country Club yep and I heard that the battle between Nelly and going in the last couple holes and then they

Went to a playoff was epic so Nelly was leading heading into the final round she faltered a little bit on the back Knight but she finished with an eagle on 17 and a birdie on 18 to get into a playoff with Lydia Co also at the

Same time if Lydia Co would have won that week she would have been entered into the women’s of the LPGA Hall of Fame because she would have had enough points to get so like how it works for the lpj Hall of Fame yes it’s like very objective there’s a point system

Interesting yes so this is already like exciting right and then I don’t know how many playoff holes they had maybe two but they the first playoff hole one of them hit into the grand stands and then they like they both made par and then

They had to go back and it was like if we’re going to get this all season sounds great sign me up absolutely Absol so that I’m excited about that and then the major locations are good the women are playing at the old course at St Andrews for the a women’s open Lancaster

Country Club for the US Women’s Open which was awesome last time around and then sahali which I don’t know a whole lot about is hosting the KPMG women’s PGA where is that it is in the Pacific Northwest I think Washington that would be fun yeah so like from like a

Professional golf I’m like super pumped there’s L going on where do you see and if you don’t have any opinion or want to stay off this topic just just tell me but where do you see the LPGA weaknesses why is it not as popular

As it could be I think what do they need to work on yeah that’s a good way of phrasing it I think that they need to work on and I think they are working on like getting more people to the tournaments because I think what we

Always say is if you can get people to the tournaments they do end up becoming a fan of the LPGA because the players are really generous with their time like they’re always signing autographs and like talking to people at the tournaments and you probably can get

More up close in person can and the play is incredible and so I think like trying to get more younger people to because I think we’ve seen that wave like you see young people at PJ tour events why don’t we see young people at LPGA Tour events

Is something I think that they should be working on and I hope that they are I’m sure they are I definitely can tell a difference in how they’re trying to Market themselves like on social they’ve definitely done a good job of like hiring content creators there’s this guy

Jeff Marsh who I noticed is like doing a lot of their photography and videography and that type of stuff matters like yeah I mean I think like you don’t want it to look like lame Podge yeah like you want it to look like cool like you want it to

Be aspirational and I think like working with people like him and like hiring other people that are going to like just Elevate everything that they’re doing is a good thing yeah yeah do you think the players feel an obligation to help grow the I don’t know tour too yeah no that

One I don’t know like I just don’t know yeah I would hope they’ve always been super generous with their time like Alison Corpus I saw was on your podcast she came on for the ladies and like it was like a quick hey do you want want to

Come on sure like and I think like that’s amazing when players are just like really willing to put themselves out there and have conversations and I think there yeah I think there’s a good amount of players that do care yeah yeah yeah and it’s cool like a few of them

Have been on the broadcast recently which I think is like talking on the broadcast once the round is over yeah um like Marina Alex did it recently Jessica Corda while she’s pregnant did it one week at the end of last year um and I think like that’s important too like

Getting their Brands out there MH so I can’t imagine being a any professional athlete let alone a golfer I mean any tennis player anything swimmer and being a woman and wanting to start a family and having to weigh that with continuing to play or do I take a break and have a

Family and then go back and hopefully can just peek performance exactly like I can’t imagine how that might weigh on I mean I guess it’s the same in business too you know you can be working and you definitely still have to get pregnant and you take

Time off and do all that but it’s just I don’t know seems I can’t imagine I don’t know I’m trying to think of like who would be a good recent example I mean Britney linicom Stacy Lewis Paula Kramer yep is that how you say her last name CR

Yeah Kramer yeah God everything is sounding foreign to me it’s fine I’m like wait is it the same as a Seinfeld Up character okay and then Jessica Cordo like we’ll be I’ll be curious like what her career holds mhm cuz it’s you never know what happens as

A woman when you have when you have a baby and what you want to do after that you know things can change and you might never want to pick up a golf club again and stay home and or you might get the itch and go back out but God you know

It’s tough yeah it’s an interesting interesting thing that a strong women have to think about you know makes it a little more complex okay how about let’s round it off with golf courses golf equipment is there anything that you’ve seen out there which that really encouraged you and I got fit recently

How was that experience it was awesome I loved it cuz I got my clubs like I got some of the clubs already and I’m like this is great I’m going to be so good this year the best but how was it so let’s talk about it let’s talk about getting fit

Because I do think that changing women’s perspective on getting fit about you know if you’re feeling like you’re not good enough to get fit for custom clubs or you know you have to be a certain handicap index or you have to be shooting consistently in the 90s or you

Know my husband says I’m not good enough for that all of those excuses we need to throw them away because having clubs that are fit for you fit for your game fit for your swing no matter if your swing changes will provide a much better

Golf game and you’ll be able to enjoy it even that much more because you’re playing with clubs that are made for you MH so how is your experience from start to finish going in like yes this past fitting so I’m assum I I think this is pretty relatable I was nervous because I

Got fit in the fall and I wasn’t playing as much as like I was in the middle of the summer and so I was like well I’m not at my like Peak Performance for the season I don’t think this is going to go well or what if I you know Duff a bunch

Of shots and then he’s not able to gather like the information he needs to put together my set exactly or you get fit for a set that you think is with all your bad swings right yeah yeah so I was nervous about that but the day of I went

To the range like 30 minutes prior because you you had a ton of gol so like you really shouldn’t you shouldn’t play around before it yeah you don’t want to you want to go in thinking it’s going to be a workout so save your energy totally so and I did the full bag

So I would say once I was just like hitting clubs and like just like getting into it it’s like it’s a fun thing to do and I think the piece of advice I would give is like ask a lot of questions like have a full-on conversation like it

Doesn’t have to be like oh yeah that’s always my Miss like I want to know okay like if going to switch to this then what is the next Club I need in my bag to make sure my like I don’t have a gap in yardages so for me for example I had

Three metal woods in my bag I had a three a five and a seven okay and um the fitter he said you know I don’t think you need three Woods because if we’re going to get you to your driver to this um yardage and then you’re only going to

Be able to go so far until you’re hitting like your driver in one of these Woods the same distance almost just like from my with my ability sense and so he was like we can take one of these Woods out of the bag and then like hey if you

Want another wedge then you have that opportunity because I was saying I personally had a gap in my wedges where like I didn’t feel like I had any club when I needed to hit a 70 to 80 yard shot I was like I don’t have anything I

Don’t know what to do yeah so that like helped us figure that out and that was like I wanted to have those conversations like it wasn’t I tried to just ask like I wasn’t so about like what shaft is this and I I just want to

Know like how far can I hit this what is kind of like the range of yardages I’m going to get with this club um yeah this is my Miss and like I’m going to continue to have it sometimes but like if I can fix it a little bit great so I

Try to have a lot of conversations during it which I think also makes it Go by a little faster yeah and probably makes you more comfortable it did because just like you said I do get nervous too and it’s I’m actually going into a fitting for on Friday and you do

And it’s for wedges and so these past two practice sessions I’ve really been working on my wedges cuz it’s like yeah I don’t want to go into this fitting and not hit the ball well but I also know that it really doesn’t matter right you know it’s a mix yeah it’s they don’t

Care they’re not judging you all they’re looking at is the numbers and all they want to do is fit you for the club that’s best for you yeah it was interesting cuz I asked on Instagram I was like what questions do you have about fitting I had quite a few people

Ask like how do I not get like scammed and I was like that’s like a very fair question because you’re about to spend at least $1,000 do on clubs and like no you don’t want to get scammed so I always remind people like you don’t have

To buy the clubs that day like you can think about it get your specs like take a minute you can always like get a second opinion but at the end of the day a lot of the places where you go get fit as well like they’re going to use the

Cost of the fitting toward your set so they don’t they don’t really want to like scam you they want you to like purchase the clubs they want you to love them because eventually they want you to come back and get fit again exactly yeah they want you to have a good experience

And so that is interesting though I mean obviously I have heard that too but but it is a fear it is like a kind of when we go take our car into the oil change and they tell us numerous items that actually you need a new filter yeah like

Do I yeah like okay fine whatever yeah I remember one year in high school they sold me on some like special synthetic oil that was not for my car at all of course and ended up like ruining like some engine components like totally like and I didn’t know right it’s like yeah

Sure whatever yeah I know so I’m excited about clubs I’m getting fit for which is great I didn’t really look around and this is something I do not really toy with and I kind of want to this year or like training AIDS I don’t have a single

Training aid oh my God I love the stack system I don’t even I don’t know what that is you don’t no I don’t know I don’t know the only one that I really want to get right now is like a putting mirror oh yeah I love a putting mirror

Too no these could be my two favorite training AIDS ever okay so my putting mirror first of all every time I use my putting mirror and I talk about like setting it up on the putting green putting my Teese in it and then doing like 30 to 50 short putts and not even

Thinking about it just letting my stroke get straightened out and feel the ball going into the hole every time I use that the next round I put so well nice and just like it’s like less Wiggly Woos going in the back swing you know how when you’re watching your putting my

Your putting St go in the back swing and it’s like moving all over the place mhm so it just really helps with that so it just visually it feels like it’s hitting the center of the club face okay and then the stack system is for Club speed

Right and it is the greatest thing about the stack system is the technology that goes along with it it’s like a workout program but it’s made specifically for you and the algorithms that are like in the back of the software they’re taking your swing speed and the program that

You want to do and making it specifically for you and they’ll tell you when to do the next workout oh and they give you break periods while you’re doing the workout and it’s like between 15 and 20 minutes each session and it just keeps you engaged it’s like oh this

Is interesting oh I just broke my record from last week oh okay oh this is my projected swings distance from that swing it just oh that’s crazy it is super interesting and I mean that one is investment but I love it and I think that the hardest thing with swing

Trainers and training AIDS is that you’re not engaged like you buy it and it just collects dust or you go use it one time yeah yeah and because let’s face it it’s not that much fun no so so you have to stay engaged somehow you have to see results somehow yeah and I

Just I I love a pudding mirror and I love my Jack system that that’s I’m like that’s the one little extra thing I’ll probably do this and it’s not too swing Technique No Yeah like oh yeah I tried to change my swing this summer I couldn’t I couldn’t follow through it

Was like 3 months it was torture and I just I just had to let it go W yeah yeah that’s okay like I it’s okay it’s fine like let’s just practice chipping and putting and we’ll fix the rest of neeting up the scores that way yeah you

Know yeah so yeah I mean there’s a lot of things to be excited about but the show was fun it it’s always cool to see you know you got to respect like the hustle of people who are like building their own like creations and inventions and trying to get people to buy them

Like exactly and so respect to wrap it up you working in the marketing department the USGA how do what is your goal going into the PGA show what is your intention what are you looking for so this year I went for for the ladies because I spoke

On a panel oh um saw that yes so that was awesome the panel was about just how do you grow the player once you get somebody in your door and playing at your golf course how do you keep them how do you keep them engaged so it was a

Really fun conversation um Roger steel moderated it and it was all about like developing programming and how do you continue to Market to people who come through your golf course especially if like you’re limited on resources how do you like be curious about the people coming in like how do they find your

Golf course and asking all those types of questions yeah it was fun so that was why I went to the show so I didn’t really have like a mission that’s why I mean it was kind of fun cuz I just like wandered about afterward but you know typically I would

Say when I’m at the show I’m just like trying to see people it’s like great to get FaceTime yeah see face to face and was actually the general feel I got from like the guys over at Titleist and and other companies they’re like it’s just nice to see the people that you’re

Always talking to on the phone in person exactly and that’s why it was so nice to have you here today in person on the Pod with the mics yes no it great thank you for having me oh my gosh I you are doing an amazing job out there we are we as a

Female Golf Community as a whole are so lucky to have you other groups like you out there putting their time and energy in these events and Clinics and get together so that it allows the golfer that might not know a lot of people or want to get into the sport a very safe

Environment to come in we’re very lucky that there’s good group of us and it’s growing and it’s growing and it’s growing and it again like you said before it could just be you and your six friends out that do a weekly game I can’t tell you when I really dove into

Women’s golf my Friday girls group which was eight of us that was like my most favorite day of the week yeah and we teed off late in the afternoon played 18 holes went and had dinner and drinks after it was the best yeah so it could

Just be that and that is amazing yeah perfect thanks Abby for being on we will continue to follow your Journeys thank you all her information for for the lady is in the show notes so check it out thanks Abby Thanks

1 Comment

  1. Thanks…when does Abby sleep??I will look up the companies you mentioned for golf wear. Some Lululemon works but mostly not. Too short, better for tennis or pickleball i guess. Ok for public courses as they have less stringent rules. We always need more golf clothes 😅

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