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When Bullies Trash Talkers Regret Opening Their Mouths!

When bullies Trash Talkers Regret Opening Their Mouths!

In the world of boxing, trash talk can sometimes backfire. Watch as these boxers learn the hard way when their trash talking leads to a knockout in the ring.

From famous fights to amateur bouts, we’ve collected some of the most epic moments of trash talking gone wrong in the boxing world. After watching this video, you’ll think twice before opening your mouth and challenging your opponent!



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If you go around calling yourself the Iranian Hulk you better not get thrown around the place as easily as this guy not only could the dude barely fight but he couldn’t stay on his feet after getting pushed by his opponent Hulk I don’t think so okay sure

He’s got the size to back up the title but man he looked more like a giant teddy bear once he ran into someone who wasn’t afraid of him and we all know the bigger they are the harder they f for today’s video that’s what we’re focusing on here’s what happens when

Wannabe tough guys and trash talkers get taught a real lesson I’m talking please listen just listen just listen to what I’m about to say after the Canelo loss you went on a losing streak family wife then wait wait a minute wait a minute wait guys guys this is not Pakistan

Versus India it’s not a cricket match please please and then you go out and you tweet to the Head champion of the world what is wrong with you mate what is wrong you go out and you tweet to the heavyweight champion of the world that he can have your left on this homecoming

Party good uppercut from KH straight away a shot and he’s down in the 15 seconds look we’re not trying to say that Phil logreco has an extremely punchable face but we had to guess we’re certain that Amir Khan was absolutely salivating at the prospect of beating

The guy up because even though air is known for having a tough time with dealing with powerful punches he’s still a world class fighter and more than capable of dishing out some serious punishment with his shots but that impending danger didn’t stop lco from doing the whole WWE thing

Over and playing the villain pushing mir’s buttons whenever possible to the point that the English fighter even flipped out at a certain point and tried to attack him L Greco just seemed to be loving the spotlight and the attention that came with it and given that air had

Been out for 2 years in retirement after his loss to Canelo Alvarez maybe this was about to be a major upset maybe this Brash new budding Superstar Phil wreco was about to rise up and fulfill whatever potential he might have had or at least that’s what the movie script

Would say but no when this arrogant cocky fighter got in there with a legitimately talented opponent it was an absolutely hilarious turn of events out of the ring problems out of the Jungle and back from what was a serious knockout defeat all be up at middleweight Khan came in with a point

To prove and with some real added motivation to put a Harding on lco he turned up the intensity straight away and made a huge statement by blasting through his opponent before he even made made it out of the first minute in fact it took him here just 39 seconds to shut

This trash talker up once and for all defense his defense was very good he had very good arm defense and as a result I thought KH will look good because he’s going to be hitting gloves at least even if it’s not the target I asked for this

Fight because like I said I’ve Bel on here and I need this opportunity like this um it’s going to it’s going to Showcase my my definitely my talent is going to show that I definitely belong with the top fighters this next one was yet another real lesson on boxing levels

And one that we should really have seen coming Jose Vargas seemed Uber confident about his ability to beat up Jose zapo when they met the problem was that only one of these Fighters was actually at the championship level once again it was not the one who chose to run his mou

Vargas seemed to think that his best route to hyping himself up putting out that champ energy before he’d even gotten the belt and to be honest it was kind of annoying zapa for sure total wannabe because at least when the time came to perform zapa knew that he was

The one who had the championship head I told him in the press conference um there’s levels to this so when I put these young fighters in the fire with me they seem to just not look the same a good left hand as well that overhand left again and again another

One and now it’s CS so is M connect on a big right hook St this fight even though he is Hing a beting Big R hook W CS he was nearly caught up in the ropes the mouth pie is out and roacha is all over that is It Blair Cobbs is another guy who definitely falls into the category of having a very punchable face and it didn’t help just how much he decided to run his mouth in there before his fight with Alexis roacha judging off the way he was talking you’d imagine the guy was a multi-divisional world champion

Blessed with a once in a generation skill set and with a level of standing in the sport had to put him in top two or top three most respected fighters in the game but no this dude was blowing a lot of hot air pre fight and it all kind

Of sounded a little forced like he had rehearsed many times before getting out there specializes in volume punching volume punching short tight shots because despite the fact that he was unbeaten at the time of this bout there was just something unnerving about how certain he seemed of his success and

How little of an effect it was having on the aura that surrounded his opponent Alexis roacher because trust me this is one of the funniest examples of a trash talker getting owned that you’ll ever see and a classic case of karma being served up with painful consequences it wasn’t just the fact

That roacha unloaded a merciless beating on his opponent but there was something comical about the way cobs flailed around helplessly before his opponent finally put him down he was nearly caught up in the roach the mouth pieces out it was like the perfect way for this dude to end up

A viral laughing stock NOW to his credit he did manage to bounce back with a win in his return bout but good luck living this hilarious viral moment down this type of highlight can Fighter’s career for years fromwhere that’s why I’m glad the referee didn’t stop this fight even

Though he is taking a big right hook wbl CS he was nearly caught up in the ropes the mouthpieces is out and Roa is all over that is it what a performance from Alexis Roa right here 26 is usually my fight I’m 216 I’m bad I’m

Fast I got 210 and a half on right now 21 and2 that’s what you weighing right now 21 and A2 three more days to four more days to work right don’t get nosy but it’s still going no wor five you double no I got two four two skin four and a

Half even the greatest Fighters come up short from time to time and though the most famous Trilogy in Muhammad Ali’s back catalog was of course his Legendary Trio of fights with the great Joe Frasier a series that Ali managed to win 2 to one but let’s not forget just how

Ken Norton managed to rise up and shock the world when an incredibly overconfident Ali made the mistake of taking him way too lightly the countdown for the end of the fight Ali’s mouth is bloody during the buildup to this one Ali was in Prime form on the

Mic doing all his usual bravado field punch lines and posturing but while he was out there telling the world just how easy it would be for him to beat a total nobody like Norton this unheralded Contender was training hard putting together the perfect game plan to try to

Take out the champ and shock the world sure Ali was the one with the belt and all the hype but with that pressure and expectation came a certain level of freedom for Norton and when Fight Night came he was about to make some Underdog betters some huge [Applause]

Money it’s a little bit of what we saw from La against Joe C Norton was clearly a good fighter but this was Muhammad Ali were talking about surely some random fighter would be no match for him even if the champ wasn’t incredibly motivated in this fight whether it was early or

Late depending on who you believe Norton managed to break Ali’s jaw hindering his performance from there onwards and overall his awkward style and speed were given the champ real issues by the end of the fight’s runtime the world was not ready for the Revelation that Ali had

Lost for the second time and Norton who wasn’t backed by anyone pre-fight had managed to pull off a win that he would never top judge H record scores it five Norton four [Applause] Ali sure Ali would go on to beat him twice to close out the Rivalry but for

This one night Ken was King you lucky we not in reality I’ll put you in the [ __ ] stretch you wouldn’t even make white you wouldn’t even make white boy gentlemen gentlemen listen listen listen come on man can’t you got you guys can fight June 5th June

5th June 5th Gentlemen let’s let’s no no no hey come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on tiimo Lopez is an undeniably excellent fighter who shot to world renown when he shocked a sport by beating the great vassel lomachenko in a truly amazing upset

Victory but this young man has shown his immaturity in moments seeming a little too big for his boots in the trash talking game from time to time and when he took on George cambos as junr it’s pretty fair to say that he was underestimating his opponent’s skills

All of his attempts to be dismissive of George looked pretty cool in the moment but with the hindsight of what eventually happened all right yo you should be thaning yeah this dude was setting himself up for a major fall because for as much as kosas was engaging in the

Trash talk himself he definitely had a way more confident Aura to him especially now now that we know the fight’s outcome Kimo is the type of guy who splits people down the middle and who knows maybe he needed to run into a guy like kosas to get his ego checked

Because without giving too much of a spoiler that’s exactly what happened to him when this bout rolled around it wasn’t a total Shut Out by any means but cambois took the fight to tiimo in a way that many others had struggled to do beating him up and bloodying his face

Over the course of the 12 rounds to really bring this young star back back down to reality and when all was said and done despite it being a pretty comfortable win for George Lopez still appeared shocked when the judge’s decision was read back to the drawing board for the still young Superstar and

Again it may have been a good thing for his development All Things Considered I guarante I’m CH I am a boogy man I Bo what is next Bo he can’t be the boogy if if I’m if I’m chasing I’m the dog of the div Vision I’m the Boogey Man you can’t be

The boogy man if I’m chasing you everyy you’re not that guy I’m that guy numbers don’t lie and I’m the number one you’re not the number one gu lie when you’re a fighter the level of Errol Spence Jr you can afford to get pretty damn confident pre- fight the

Dude’s been one of the best in the sport for years now and the fact that he was so certain that he could beat Terrence Crawford wasn’t surprising but let’s be real despite the fact that Spence had that aura about him pre fight this is Bud Crawford we’re talking about a guy

Who’s just as rever to Spence probably more so to those who know the sport well and for all his attempts to get up in Crawford’s face and intimidate him tell your [ __ ] to be tell your [ __ ] to be now you talking to me tell your Niger to be

Back to what we was talking about this was another unbeaten Elite level guy that he was trying to big brother and Crawford didn’t budge an inch no this guy was not phased in the slightest by Spence or his attempts to get verbally aggressive bud is a guy who at his age

Has seen it all before and he was about to unload an absolute Masterpiece for his fans to enjoy because on Fight Night this was not a competitive contest faced with the most difficult test of his entire career bud turned up in the most dramatic way imaginable putting on one

Of the greatest fighting performances of 2023 by shutting Spence down and eventually scoring a finish to cap off a win that legitimized his pound-for-pound number one argument more than anything he’d ever done before Spence on the other hand was forced to eat a huge slice of humble Pie the Gypsy the Gypsy Mexican is they Mexican you load the beat you love the beat the Mexican the GS M yeah be you love that beat yeah you love all you love the be yeah you love the beat yeah Goodbody in Ring this you never Seen Billy Joe Saunders is yet another example of an excellent fighter who just bit off more than he could chew when he signed on the dotted line to take on a fighter of Saul Canelo Alvarez’s caliber look Saunders had every right to be confident in his abilities but he went

On the offensive with his trash talk from so many angles that he really dug his own grave with this one he brought up his belie that Canelo wouldn’t be a match for his talents reminded the world of Alvarez’s past steroid accusations and even faked a fist bump at the

Weigh-ins to try and get any amount of a mental Edge over this Mexican wrecking machine but a guy like Canelo doesn’t crack easily and by the time Fight Night came around there was only one language being spoken in the ring and it wasn’t English it wasn’t Spanish and when it comes to

The language of violence no one speaks it better than the living legend Canelo Alvarez early on though this was a decently competitive matchup the feeling out process wasn’t a totally unsuccessful time for Saunders but canelo’s uppercut and his signature left hook were getting Through and in the middle rounds he managed to land a clean shot that smashed Saunders orbital bone leaving him with little choice but to quit on the stool before the ninth round that’s a tough injury to fight through so retiring wasn’t the worst idea but man all that pre-fight confidence was for

Nothing going to knock me out but I I I kind of hard that find to or hard to believe because uh how how can you have confidence in yourself as a challenger and you didn’t have confidence in yourself as a champion it’s kind of backwards to me but uh whatever flows

His boat we’ll see what what happens on Saturday night I I can’t wait to look I’m looking forward to sharing the read with him and made the best man win have you been running from Deontay Wilder I don’t run from anyone de as you see I fight the best in the world every

Time well you know I I I come to do what I I do best you know um that’s a sight to get the fans what they want to see you know at the end of the day no one wants to see a 12 round fight it’s a

Whole bunch of heavyweights up here and we the hard hitters and and um at the end of the day people have things to do and they want to come and see a fight and after that they want to go party so when you’re watching me like I said

Don’t blink I’m going to give you what you want to see and uh nowadays my name is called Dr sleep and um I definitely got the night quill in the right hand so I hope you bring a pillow and a blanket it get a little chilly at

Night there no Wilder but still he can only beat us in front of you and he done it looking very very impressive Deontay Wilder is a pretty confident dude and for good reason and if you had the punching power that he does you’d be pretty confident too

But as he’s gotten older and the cracks in his overall game become more obvious we started to see his Aura disappear with every passing fight but coming into his recent bout with Joseph Parker Wilder was adamant that his punching power would leave this longtime contender in the same position as so

Many of his past opponents knocked out cold and a heap on the mat strategy and all but as soon as he gets touched he’s going to go he seemed to think that Parker’s team knew that their fighter was in for a tough night and that they couldn’t bear

The thought of being honest about the fact all in all it was classic bronze bomber and his Trash Talk seemed to indicate that he’d found a new lease on life since losing the belt and closing out his Trilogy with Tyson Fury but when that opening bell sounded that is not

How things played out not at all no Joseph Parker’s technical advantages were just too much for Deontay to deal with and from the first Bell to the last it was a total shut out but he went for The Knockout and the reason I say Parker

Will get the better of it is because he has better technique Parker walk him back now just walk him back kill the tie has seemingly won almost every round times but the big in fact it was kind of shocking to see how little of Wilder’s pre-fight provado translated into the

Actual fight itself gone was the Fearsome force that had knocked out so many fighters in the past now this was a very diminished version of this incredibly onedimensional fighter a unanimous decision loss was declared and Wilder had to accept this overwhelming defeat nah screw Canada I’m going to bend you

Overy and no one will [ __ ] stop me you understand me I’m the underdog bro you don’t even know what you stepped into bro he can talk as much as he want um but I let my hands do the talking in the room more embarrassments from the

World of YouTube boxing come in next as this clash between salt Poppy and Andy warski produced one of the cleanest finishes the scene has ever witnessed the thing about these internet celebrities is that they can generally always talk I mean they talk for a living so it makes sense but warski had

A real arrogance to him throughout fight week I think I’m going to talk the world no one think I will win to all the haters out there all false poy fans you’re going to see you’re going oh just wait till Saturday please thank you doing his best to hammer home the

Fact to his fans that he was relishing the prospect of stepping in there and really hurting his opponent salt poppy on the other hand was the very definition of cool calm and collected throughout the buildup not getting drawn into any Petty disputes with his opponent instead his chilled out

Demeanor just made his rival look really desperate by comparison and as it turned out like we see so often the loudest fighter in the room was not actually the best one not even close salt poppy as it turned out actually had some decent punching power at his disposal and

Within seconds of the opening bell he’d already made enough of a dent on his opponent’s chin and defenses to get him out of there salt puppy of the [Applause] best this KO flurry didn’t even take 20 seconds seconds to come around look this was by no means a highle fight but that

Was a highle knockout right there no denying it I feel like I’m the better guy overall all around I feel like the hype is around amongst him because he’s he’s a Japanese person doing these things other than his power can you could you tell me what we have to offer

Power don’t just win fights I fought and sparred and been ring with plenty guys like him the power is not going to matter to me the power may be a matter to the fans cuz they looking at the records but who has he fought the

The the the uh of my of my sign like my style who in a year where boxing brought us many amazing super fights that really showcase the health of the sport the clash between naoya inway and Steven fton was up there with the best of them this pound-for-pound Collision was set

Off with a series of comments made by Falton where he asked the world if inway was truly all he’d been cracked up to be was this fighter really fighting the best competition in the world well fton seemed to think that his record was a little more than padded and to go one

Step further he questioned whether his promotional push was only coming because of the fact that he represented a gateway to the Japanese Market this is just new to the fans seeing a a a Asian like a Japanese guy doing these things and Fulton actually watched inway fight

Because for as much as fton himself is one amazing world class Talent the three or four greatest pound-for-pound fighters in the sport for years now this fight didn’t need any extra hype to get the hardcore fans excited have to step in and that ladies and gentlemen is how you live up to the Hype


  1. Your videos are amazing just one small editorial critique. When your speaking lower the volune. Or gain in the background music just a little bit, also it was kinda confusing at times it sound like two different songs were playing some times.

  2. You totally cut out the last fight (INOUE fight)… Why the hell would you just cut out the best one? And that horrid overbearing music! Tone it way down or get rid of it all together! You have a good enough voice you don't need it and your subject matter is interesting enough IT dose not need any background hype either!

  3. That's not the same Amir Khan the dark complexion guy were MMA Fighter on One Championship the light complexion guy are British Boxing Fighter

  4. The first guy that got shoved was actually a victim of his so called friends. They took advantage of his low intelligence and had him convinced he was this big strong man. The guy who shoved him came to realize this after meeting the "Hulks" group of "friends". He felt awful that he had pushed him like that. He realized that he could ha e injured the Hulk very badly had they actually fought and called the fight off. Keep your "friends" close. Keep your enemies closer.

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