Greystone | 2v2 Random Tee Golf Challenge | Top That One

We return to Greystone for an all new challenge format to the channel … hope y’all find this classic matchup between Dave & Bobby vs. Craig & JT entertaining until the very end!

#golf #golfvideos #topthatone

Welcome back to a random we can’t show you what that’s going to land on just yet because it’s random we have the wheel we’re out of Greystone you saw our last match at some point in the past absolutely crazy houd but we’re here doing a new challenge we’ve never done

It actually ever on a real cor or at ECC the random tea challenge there’s four T’s at Greystone tips Blues whites Golds we have them all here we have a your team chooses other team chooses and on the board Championship is the tips by the way we’re going to be doing 2v2

Scramble this time four holes each team spins it’s only four holes team spins and whichever one you land on is the T marker your team plays from and I will be playing the ninth hole from the whites all gosh Bob can you just we’ll be playing from the blues oh my all

Right hey we got the distance anyways on these guys we’re good embarking on a new challenge little twist for you nothing too spectacular out of the ordinary but 507 507 GT and I will be playing this part five from about 490 and Bob Pace one down the left

Center beautiful swing Dave can really unleash onmark Lehman one here oh no that’s down the first hole and at the starter skull we’re taking Bobs oh and that’s on da a hair no my no that is not on my line we’re splitting hairs here they’re both bad this

Distance this hole is not that much different between the whites and the blues so no biggie there you go that is just split down the middle we’re going to take it wow 251 out the wind is picking up because the sun came out and any good weatherman would tell you the wind blows

Harder when the sun comes out JT uh bit of a fluffy lie there but he’s in great shape covered the bunk and it’s rolling not the wind is picking up here my voice is still diminished from the last match I wonder why yeah go back and watch it if you haven’t seen it

Recently cuz it’s great Nice Shot destroy that was hit extremely well that’s on the green no it’s not I don’t we cannot confirm or you hit a Hybrid you guys are like 250 231 front edge it’s possible into the it’s possible now these guys are going to

Need a response they’ve had a response for us all afternoon in that last match that draws it’s all it’s getting up in the wind oh that’s going way right he got it up in the wind with his slice it’s it’s going way right and that’s up when your Bobs they’re playing together his

Teammates wood I call a scramble don’t do what I did he goes a little more up at it that one it’s not bad we got two chances to make that the wind is really starting to become a factor yeah it is you hear that buddy what wind is a factor not for me

Tripping up hill Here Comes Bob it’s a little little short but it’s going to run out a lot gets about pin High there’s Craig marking his there’s Bob’s we’re going to keep it right here with Dave if he chips this in you know I I don’t I don’t know what else to

Say the man of the moment that’s all right FES it high in the air it takes two hops and just stops not the easiest options p is on the way going to be a hair short but it guarantees the par for these guys I gave my partner the the read here

Tap in part and it’s up well you know he doesn’t look at the reads I know that’s why I want him to go first well but he refused he makes it it shuts me right up yeah the putt is on the way he makes it

Shuts me right up but he missed it that looked incredible I’m going to keep talking smack that looked incredible once you make content jtt Bob we could get a quick one up here through one if we could just put this and yeah we had to move back JT wanted us move one to

The right and we obeyed we obliged Dave points to the spot he wants Bob to hit it too I’d like him to hit it in the hole if that wasn’t apparent for a oneup lead oh and it breaks out it’s a slighty Tickler Bob you can’t

Be mad that pup moves a lot for yeah did for a five footer we’re keeping it here again with Dave he likes to uh he likes to play quick he’s a rhythm golfer when he’s feeling good he makes it and he early walks and uh as you know

The early walk never works Dave what do you got to say I don’t know I just that was that was a lot tougher than I anticipated I I really did not think that it was going to stay straight like that I thought it would turn and just

Bend right in think I was my P come on this is what we the for number two in this match hold two of four right here gold baby gold that’s the the front the old senior ship te Blues Bob and Dave are going from the blues it’s playing 360 par 4 great looking

Hole and Bob carbon copy CC’s one down the center kind of don’t even want to hit you just mailed that to your entire office you heard on the last hole the first hole of this match that wind is really picking up becoming a true Factor team Dave I have to say first of

All hello and second of all I feel like we’re one down now in this match you guys did let a great opportunity go we did we did so Bob and I we mentally we’re one down and we’re going to get it back tied this hole right here and the

Thing to remember about this is we’re only doing four holes so it’s like you don’t have much time if you mess up whichever team slips up it’s probably going to lose that comes back that was like Thor’s hammer right there right at that bunker we’ll take Bob’s quick day

At the beach for Dave the beach that is an incredible drive but I mean he’s trying to drive the green with that line but really is that to the that’s not to the bunker is it but I didn’t want to be there I I hit it dead

Straight usually hit the draw I wanted it to draw back into the Fairway it just didn’t drop JT do you want your tea what what was that was that a decoy tea you want your tea JT leaves his T in you know JT it’s like when you pay for the

Person behind you in the drivethru that’s what JT does yeah and he hopes he gets the same respect back sit bite Nestle I mean that was crushed but it’s a hair left perfect angle Craig loves it Craig wishes he definitely loves it great drive that was okay Craig 86 s they took

Bob’s Drive come on it is windy windy Penn is positioned back up on that back tier so come on Bob probably going to have to fly it most of the way oh and Bob just spins the B Jesus out of it oh my God that looked like it was 20 yards

Long the Dave up now dealing with the wind windy out he’s got the top that one windbreaker it back again for all of you this is my favorite piece of merch that we own I mean seriously it really breaks the wind all right an EC shot they don’t

Have a ball on the green and rag yet so they need Dave to do what he does I think that’s short oh that’s short I’m telling you that’s like a three Club wind right now and we’re just eating it 73 yards for JT and I this looks really good if it’s there it’s

There oh long they confirmed it was on The Fringe here’s Craig shot coming in following the same kind of line hopefully it’s just shorter it is pin high and he’s pin High we’re in better shape than they are Dave was short in the bunker Bobby’s right here JT was

Just over onto the back Fringe and we’re going to be taking mine great look at birdie this is Bob’s chance he’s doing a little Texas wedge out of the first CAU of Fringe here all right she started not bad it goes up the hill and then down so it’s

Easy to blow that one by flag is flapping do we have another Dave explosive moment in [Applause] us oh my God he railroads the pot I mean I not that hard the was okay never mind Dave having to do the work that Bobby couldn’t all right thank you David all

Right JT here going first this would be a one shot lead for these two putt is on the way oh and a little frisky but I mean I don’t think three putts really in question for these guys JT vows to go second in the future if he misses this will be one shot

Lead that looks really good and you can go second as much as you would like buddy that’s a solo birdie halfway through this Challenge on the 11th ho and my God it’s a bear we need them to get Championship B we don’t care what you want well JT and I want a victory

And we’re one under right now W that was to being really bad what will these two numb skulls pick come on please gold Championship we cannot buy a oh I feel so bad they’re back at the championship graay 480 yd par 4 and Bob just oh my

God was that I don’t miss that was Rory mroy versus the robot Dave I’m going to make a smart decision for the audience I am going to take my team ball and you’re going to put it in your holster right back in my pocket did you

See it bounce too Dave to their Dave it bounced like 15 ft High JT just puts this thing on a rope he doesn’t my goodness does not need to go guess what I’m going to do with my ball why did you even pull out why did

You so JT and I being a tea op did factor in to our advantage because JT is on the Last Frontier of Fairway we have 155 Bob’s got 175 you can see The Cattails there and it’s all uphill to this perched green just a spectacular oh my God W

Just get me within the bu oh no little wow through the green but a great shot Dave’s hood is trying to strangle him much as I want to say I shouldn’t hit this one either cuz there’s I don’t think there’s any ride Bob’s back until

You get up near the green you never know you never know Dave you all know Dave’s iron game is something out of a horror movie you’d watch around Halloween and Freddy Fazbear caughts one in Five Nights at Freddy’s it didn’t kick did it it did it

Did K I don’t know where it is though but it kicked right towards the green JT’s up here first how far 155 Ys I think we’re both going eight iron you know do we have a ball on Bob anything we do I think I’m over theen Bob’s checking his college football parlay for

Are you winning Bob got money I’m I’m cashing you’re about to lose this match and you’re worried about your financial status JT’s up big shot ah get right a you Skully wops one kick off the no way dude that put you but dude that kicked you right back

Where you needed to go strong win behind us didn’t commit no left it out to dry commit like in the olden days with your laundry all right we’ll take mine and that is going to be too tough approach I just have completely lost Bob Do’s open let’s get

This stroke back buddy up the hill we came and GT and I were taking mine actually we were originally going to take his but that didn’t leave us much green to work with from that angle so we’re going to take this right angle iron shots were not great it’s usually

Part of the game that goes first and you don’t play a lot so we got to scramble that could be what a kick oh that’s a good shot from the back Angle now you can see the massive slope my ball landed on that spins a lot didn’t spin enough

Spin wow yep all right we’re going to have two putts out of par we’ll take it this is where Bob ended up he’s electing to go first here with his putt trying to make his own birdie coming really hard down the hill you see he just Taps it and gets it

Going and it picks up speed a great and it ends up just right by the hole that’s a great putt Bob we’re gonna let Bob just secure the four yep finish that up and much to the Peril of JT and I Dave’s going to get a free shot at a

Birdie good part bob great part bob makes his own par par almost the bird and one of the hardest holes out here we’re keeping it here with Dave he’s going with the wedge that’s interesting after watching you just do that I don’t know I mean I mean that’s that’s not bad

That’s the same line though that’s a great shot that’s a great shot though good job Dave good shot Dave these two a little bit of a bicker match what else is new if you watched this for long enough you know that this is what they

Do no this is to to tie the hole if they don’t make this we are tied going into the last hole of this match last time we were three down going to the last hole so I’ll take one down honestly JT first it is just such a

Slick pot and dead straight I mean he gave it run Good Golly I can’t even okay I just stretched out of the field of view and Craig here next he did make one on number 10 The Last Read there here we are on 11 can you do it

Again speed no breaks out Bob we are tied going into the final from the tip from the tips oh my goodness Bob let’s go that’s crazy 12 hole this is the last hole of this challenge this is what tied here all right your team Chooses white I will take that that is the best te that we’ve had this entire match here next for him and JT Championship because no we need Championship Championship is way back no white oh my dude they have had on yeah it’s a fair match as you guys have

Gotten every 470 yards here for both teams from the whites it’s going to be a reachable part five so there’s going to be a do what you do best entertaining finish here to see the winner oh and it’s out over the bunker well over the bunker up on the hill should kick left

Oh it didn’t kick at all big question can I hit a drive here because when I hit a good one I am well beyond all three of these boys True Bobby is imploring Dave to hit a fairway because we think he might be up kind of in the Fescue up

There oh no and that’s on the cable line and they are not off to a great start oh right JT on the same line as Bob God bless it all Monkey C Monkey do that’s piped but that is fading and it’s looking just like jts and Bob did find

Bob in the Heather but he only has 219 yards blind shot oh and the squirrel found a not the blind squirrel we don’t know where it is but I think it’s going to be green Cider on Dave choosing to go with a tailor made 77 I need distance right now can

This thing stop moving holy oh little high and off to the right one of those two is going to be good line at all what’s the distance by the way we’re 209 that’s coming a little bit left okay I heard 205 209 going to kick right that’s somewhere bre’s up here

Next JT’s a little bit left JT said I’m right online I don’t know distance wise I don’t know like I mean my club snagged my club snagged on the way back if you watched it but when I was here it was going just to the right of the

FL and that is slicey dicey JT is up here first for him and Craig we’re very similar we’re left side of the green again we’re tied this match though if we end in a tie we end in a tie we’re not going extra holes because the next format is going to be

Great he went a little babyish at it oh Bob gets a it just rolls out man that is just so brutal he hit that kind of low a little bit of spin on it all right Dave come on baby keep it here with Dave come on

Baby see if he can do any better none of us really had great CHP shots there that’s kind of poor from us but Dave will chip in and make out for it or he’ll end up shorter than Craig yeah that’s that’s four bad chip shots boys they got about a 10-footer we got

About a 5-footer and it’s who can make JT here first oh my goodness a great looking putt Craig got a great read on that did I I maybe maybe not who’s to say but Craig here to try and ice this match oh and he tugs it Bob the door is

Open yet again for us yet again this putt we have two shots to win this second match in a row can Bob do it back to back we’re just going through it out here we just can’t pull out definitely going to make wow and it comes to Dave oh boy where’s

My loves these moments keep it inside the hole he loves these moments I love you guys this is either win the match ended a tide it’s all on my shoulders so if I miss this I have nobody to blame but myself he got it let’s go baby holy cow good match

Dude are you joking become professional howow I did nothing that match except that last part that’s it a little shorter match than normal so we hope you still enjoyed it we ended with a winner didn’t end with a tie again we know you don’t like that so

It worked out we got a six-hole great match coming up

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