How I reached 400ft on my Backhand – Disc Golf tips

Today I’m letting you in on a few of the things that helped me push to 400ft. These aren’t all of the things I was focused on during my daily series, but these are up there in terms of things that really helped me. I plan on making a more in depth video for people looking to improve their distance overall.

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I can tell you guys some things that helped me out and they might help you as well so that’s all this is about I’m not claiming to be a professional at all I’m not saying that these tips will help everybody but these what helped me so they might help some other people so

What’s going on everybody Eric G disc golf here today we’re going to be letting you in on a couple of secrets on how I pushed myself to 400 feet and what helped me a lot okay so this might not work for everybody but this is what

Worked for me so we’re going to share it with you guys okay so step number one is film yourself get a little $20 tripod off of Amazon take your phone out there and go film yourself you don’t have to post it anywhere you don’t have to show

Anybody but it’s going to be a good reference for you to see what you’re doing wrong watch your footwork watch your upper body watch it all slow-mo everything like that do just film yourself trust me I mean I started this YouTube channel like four months into playing disc golf I couldn’t throw 300

Ft my first daily distance series was trying to throw 300 ft I hit that within a week I hit that goal within a week of me actually trying and filming myself and watching it back and going back and being like what am I doing you know that’s what really helped me big time

Number one thing was filming yourself so another very important thing we’re going to put it at number two since I already did number one but this might even be more important than the first step is your grip okay you got to really get a dial in on your grip one way that I

Figure out how to grip my disc is this little groove right here in your hand you’re going to want to put the disc in that and roll it into your into your hand here these fingers underneath are going to naturally kind of grip the disc

Like that and now what do you do with this nut with this finger on top do you leave it on the rim no no no absolutely not you’re going to wrap that finger around but keep the knuckle on top see how that how that knuckle is still over

The disc you want it to be a tight grip so that knuckle is still there all the fingers are on the underside of the disc on the rim like that and my thumb is on top of my pointer finger so that I get a good pinch uh when the disc comes out of

Your handed you should be able to flick it out with just that so you should be able to flick the disc out with just your pointer finger and your ring finger and that’s what’s going to give you that snap you hear you hear that in a lot of

My a lot of my throws that snap that’s where I get it from is from that grip that pinch grip it really lets you grip into the disc and it’s just comfortable for me now it might not be comfortable for you so you can tweak it a little bit

Make it a little bit more comfortable for you if you don’t want you know move that thumb around but we’re going to get into that another tip why you shouldn’t move that thumb around or why you should and how you can use that to affect the

Angle of your throat but we’re going to get into that in a little bit so yeah putting your thumb right there over that pointer finger is really going to allow the disc to snap out of your fingers like that now it might be a little bit

Easier for some people to do with like a 10-speed driver or even a fairway driver if you you have smaller hands but you want that to happen you don’t release the disc when it comes out of your hand you’re not letting it go like a frisbee you’re not like throwing it right the

Disc is ripping out of my hands I’m not letting it go it’s popping out on its own when I pull it through this this right here in this power pocket it gets ripped out of my hands that’s what creates that snapping sound so we’re going to demonstrate that here I’ll show you that

Snap so you guys can hear hear that snap on that disc so that’s going to be it for tip two so tip number three is going to be what we kind of just previously mentioned on that thumb placement so what the thumb placement does for me in

My throw personally is if I put my thumb more towards the inside here it makes me throw on more Hiser now of course I’m not going to put it in the middle of the flight play like that it’d be like just a little bit off from where I would

Normally put it but that’s going to make my disc come out on Hiser I can’t really it’s kind of hard for me to put my thumb on the inside of that rim and throw it on an anheiser so what do I do when I want to throw an anheiser I put my thumb

To the very outside of the rim like almost just throwing with the pads of my fingers and just having that disc kind of slip out of course leaning back and leaning forward is also going to get you that Hiser but that grip really kind of gets me into that motion just that just

Move your thumb where you know if you throw too much Hiser right now try moving your thumb more to the rim just try it try it out going throw a handis are shot and I’m just holding the disc like barely on the edge of the rim there see if I did

That like that same kind of pull through motion with my thumb more on the inside it definitely would have came out on Hiser so yeah that’s going to be tip number three changing the angle with the thumb placement so my fourth tip for you if you’re trying to reach 400 ft or if

You’re trying to reach 300 ft or if you’re just trying to improve your distance overall is to throw flippy Drive drivers I know you might have heard this a lot but it’s true uh if you’re trying to throw this time-lapse 400 ft it’s going to be a lot harder to

Throw that than this this the Hades 400t I don’t think I could even get this 400 feet so stick to more understable disc a datalist a Hades go pick yourself up a thrasher that purple disc that I just threw is a lightweight Destroyer you can

Go pick up one of those 163 G Star Destroyer they start out pretty beefy but I literally used to just smash it on trees and like just just beat it up you know what I’m saying it will get flipper so go go to go check your used bins go

Check uh go get a a overstable disc out of the used bin that looks really beat up and looks flippy not a DX not DX and um yeah go check it out I mean this this uh this Hades right here is 167 gram and it’s the Proto Hades so you know they’re

Super Dy and super Flippy and I mean this thing is a 400t pumping machine now is it good in the woods not so much because it does move a lot but in an open air kind of environment like this it’s not super open but yeah check this

Out just throw that thing on Heiser pops up I mean that honestly did look like a pretty good golf line I’m not going to lie it went dead straight popped up off on Heiser and it’s just easy to throw so if you’re if you’re somebody who naturally throws on a little bit of

Heiser like I do go pick yourself up a slightly understable disc it’ll flip up for you turn and uh it’s just going to be way better for you to throw than something like time lapse or Halo Destroyer if you’re trying to get to 400t you can also throw Fairway drivers

Fairway drivers are a little bit easier to throw this is an Essence by dmania in the metaplastic it’s pretty brand new so it’s not super flippy yet see and that’s probably just as far as the construct or the other discs that I was throwing here’s a

Beat up Athena if you find like a Athena or t- bird in the used section could be one of the more money discs you’ll ever find and that’s why all right I hope you guys learned a little something in this video let me know down in the comments if this video

Helped you at all I got I got plenty more tips and tricks that I can give you guys so let me know if you guys enjoyed this video and we’ll uh we’ll do another one like this I also plan on doing a video with putting tips so let me know

If that’s something you guys would like to see I’m not great at putting but I can tell you guys some things that helped me out and they might help you as well so that’s all this is about I’m not claiming to be a professional at all I’m

Not saying that these tips will help everybody but these would helped me so they might help some other people so I figured I would share the word and let you guys know what’s up oh yeah I wanted to let you guys know that I plan on starting a new daily series soon we’re

Going to be doing um one putt for every two subscribers that we have so yeah make sure you guys hit that subscribe button peace


  1. Great tips man. Started filming myself in slow mo 3 weeks ago and being able to compare myself the pros form has been extremely insightful.

  2. Thumb placement is something I learned last week messing around. It def gives you more disc control.

  3. Don’t discourage the DX 😂
    They’re flipper. Sure it’s better to have a flippy disc in a nicer feeling plastic, but if DX is all you can find, get it man! My old Dx destroyers were the first discs I started to get past 300 with. Now I prefer star and gstar for max distance but they take some time to beat in.

  4. I notice when I throw the last finger to come off my disc is my middle finger 🤔 You talk about pinching the disc between your pointer and thumb and getting that pinch action between them but I don’t think thats happening when I throw.

  5. Nice of you to not make this into 5 shorts first, I just don't watch those 😉

    I will probably be more conscious of when I snap all speeds from now on actually even having watched the same tip several times in other shapes something about your hand and grip made some extra sense to me 😊

  6. I'm definitely gonna try adjusting my thumb placement and not actually letting go of the disc but to have it rip out my fingers. Thanks for the tips Erik.

  7. Do you squeeze the thumb and forefinger tightly and don't let go? What about the other fingers? Are they gripped as hard? Or are you barely gripping with them?
    Thanks for posting!

  8. Lol I video’d my fledgling RHBH and found out I was bending my throwing arm elbow during the transition from back to forward – my brain said my arm went straight back, but brain didnt register the elbow bend – which created an extra and inefficient moving part.

  9. I'm stuck on 340-350ft, definitely gonna give these a try. The thumb placement is interesting and maybe genius, I've never heard this before.

  10. thanks for the tips dog, pretty new into disc golf, maybe 4 months and i’m struggling with distance as most beginners do, consistently hitting 320+ but 400 is different, i know i need to just be more consistent with my technique and things will eventually start to click, grinding everyday!!

  11. Interesting concept on the thumb. Definitely will try that. The understable driver is legit; I can throw a 173 Mystere more accurately and farther than a 165 Wraith. The US disc just matches more my arm speed (power) than the wraith. The alternative would be to throw a slower disc b/c you have the potential to overpower the disc, creating the under stability. Love that you called out the disc weights. That will also contribute to the match between your arm speed and the disc. I picked up a brand new Star Wraith at 147g and totally flipped it over. Finding that right weight takes time but…Definitely love the fairway tip. Last summer worked on the fairways. 315 – 330 with accuracy is all you need for most C-Tier tournaments. tested and tried tips. Great job!

  12. I don't think I've ever correlated thumb angle to hyzer/anhyzer angle after all these years. interested to experiment with that this weekend.

  13. Matching your grip technique has really worked for me. Started throwing about 25' further on average instantly and the whole flight looks better. I watch a lot of videos to improve but don't often get that instant improvement. Thanks for the good work!

  14. I started using this yesterday for the first time. I really like the tip on front loading the grip and really pinching between thumb and pointer and the tip on letting the disc rip out on its own. I recorded my first throw over 400 ft with my rangefinder finally! Thanks for the great video man!

  15. Figured out that grip doesn't matter that much, overthrow made a video testing fan vs power grip. There's really no difference. The grip is meant to be strong and whatever fits to your hand.
    My hands fit a full fan grip.
    I throw 450 with a fan grip.

    Otherwise the tips in this video are sweet for people sitting at that 350 range. Once you break 400 consistently I'd say just do what works for you to improve. Trying to compare yourself to pros damages yourself because the harsh truth is they are just built different.
    If you are trying to compare yourself to a pro try to find one that suits your body type.
    I am 5 ft 10 and 160 lbs.
    So I actually go to ella Hansen
    She rips 400-500 ft on the daily.
    I'm no paul mcbeth, sure he's avg height and stocky. But he's all muscle! I'm not him.
    Those r my tips, great vid tho man.

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