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Brian Billick On What It Takes To Build A Super Bowl Team | GBag Nation

Former Super Bowl winning head coach Brian Billick joined the GBag Nation live at Super Bowl Radio Row to discuss his Super Bowl memories with the Ravens, what it takes to build that team that can reach the promised land, and more!

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#BrianBillick #RadioRow #SuperBowl

By Super Bowl winning head coach Brian bilck uh and uh he’s with you now here on 1053 the fan and a good afternoon to you sir how are you for having me oh it’s so good to have you of course um such a stored career in coaching and

Listening to him and brought us talk about the things they have in common here off off the air building up to this interview is quite interesting I cannot wait for this conversation obviously through college and BYU OC with the Vikings 94 to 98 team broke the NFL

Scoring record in the 98 season then on the Baltimore from 99 to 2007 where the Super Bowl championship happened so congratulations on a great career man it’s so cool to uh to get a chance to chat with you now a lot of Cowboys fans out there want to know from coaches why

Can’t the Cowboys get here do do you have a take for us on what we need to do well you got to begin with an understanding it’s hard to get here it’s hard to get to and win a Super Bowl there’s a lot of things that have to

Stack up for you not the least of which obviously you have to have a good enough team but things have to W their schedule and I’m not saying it’s happen stance where you just go well hey you know it’s just uh uh draw the luck if if you can

Get here you got to make your own luck so to speak but but it is hard to get here and and obviously the Cowboys are a good team they they’re close uh they just need to find that right combination of of players that work with that unified vision and that you know

Running the ball throwing the ball uh offense defense special teams um and you certainly have got you know ownership that that is is committed to getting it done and that’s really the key an ownership that whether it’s ownership the GM the coach that have that unified

Vision for what it is you need to do and then you go get the players to do it and do it and and that’s not easy coach the uh you know Gavin was asking about the Cowboys and stuff like that and Mike McCarthy took over the

Play calling you know and and he let a coordinator go what time does a coach as a head coach and you were a great play caller yourself what when does a coach say okay I’ve got to do this myself I mean was that is that always the As a

Head coach do you want to be the play caller you know it’s and it’s an interesting dilemma uh interesting question because you look at it and you typically you get this job as being through the coordinator job offense or defense and offensive guys we’re all smarter than everybody else you know

We’re all Geniuses and and you think about it it’s kind of silly when you’re an offensive coordinator it is a 365 24/7 job you are totally immersed in it I call it the 3:00 a.m. rule you know you wake up at 3:00 a.m. what are you thinking about when you’re when you’re a

Coordinator you’re waking up thinking about what do I run this at this depth and how do we run that play So you do that you get a head job and go oh well I can do that too the you know and and really it’s kind of silly because it’s

Disrespectful of all the things you have to address as a head coach now you can do it and there’s a lot of I’ve done it I’ve done it both as a play caller and I’ve done it where I’ve you know uh had other guys go ahead and call the offense and the

Defense the key is you better have somebody who’s waking up if you’re waking up at 3: a wondering what the depth of the route is on 22 ZN well who’s waking up at 3:00 a.m. thinking about the personnel and practice structure and dealing with all the other

Things that you got to deal with as a head coach and you can do that um quite frankly I think and we see it all the time there’s any number of teams now where where they want to take the play calling duties away they want you to

Defer to and to me that’s that’s silly all of a sudden you’re not a good play caller now all of a sudden you don’t know how to call plays and the fact of the matter is if you’re well structured and you’re an integrated offense and you involve everybody you

Set up the game plan anybody can call the game you really can now quite frankly it’s fun and guys do it Mike’s a great play call he he really is is he going to call a better game than giving it to a coordinator maybe maybe not not if you’ve or orchestrated it properly

Because you know my son-in-law played in the NBA for 9 years and being getting to be around basketball and and I’ve heard some great coaches talk about as an NBA basketball coach there’s really only about four or five calls I’m going to make during the course of the game

Otherwise the players the flow of the game they’re going to do it’s the same in the NFL there’s really only about four or five times where you might make that intuitive decision to do this but the game plan if you’re worth your salt and you’ve done a good job the game plan

Is land out laid out to where you just about anybody on that offensive staff ought to be able to make the call so I think sometimes too much is made of the play caller the fact that the head coach is doing both whether he’s doing it or not doing it it’s just

A matter of preference and and if he is doing it then the real question would be okay who’s doing the other things that’s a more legitimate question the the you were on The Cutting Edge of offenses at BYU at St Stanford with Wallace when you see the Young play callers today are you

Thinking like these guys could have worked with us they had the right ideas because you guys were way ahead of the games throwing the football especially BYU well there there’s a lot of very competent young players or young coaches that and that’s what the League’s looking for right yeah if particularly

If you’re on the offensive side of the ball if you’ve had lunch with John McVey or Kyle Shanahan you’re a head coaching candidate y you’re good I’m ready to hire you because it’s a GM’s League now right they’re they’re they’re basically hiring coordinators making them the head

Coach wrapping the other things which is fine there’s nothing wrong with that that uh that structure um but what I see in the young coaches today yes is smart play callers and they understand it and they get it and how that’s set up more so it’s how they relate to the players

And the way they work with the players that’s really where the N Young new coaches I think are the the new wave of coaches have have that edge as they understand it really is about that it’s not you know I’m not the fact of the matter is everybody’s running the same

Thing they really are I mean and it’s just a matter of how you it’s about how you devise it practice it structure it for the game plan and get it called and how that’s integrated that was when I go back to my time with Bill Walsh U that’s where Bill was the genius

Ahead of his time orchestrating the game plan and ating it with the players to where they really understood what how you practiced it the ratios you these guys I say well I got 300 play calls in there no you don’t you can’t practice 300 plays who you kidding

Um and and not effectively uh so that the the Brilliance of a Kyle Shanahan he’s very designed structure he knows exactly what he wants the players know how it’s going to be installed how it’s going to be called and and one so there’s a great deal of confidence

Because they practiced it they know what it is and it gets called so you know the genius play call I bill and Bill always pushed back against I’ve been in this game man and boy for over 50 years even including a Bill Walsh I don’t know that I’ve ever met any

Geniuses I don’t cuz that diminishes the and Bill used to hate that title he used to hate the idea cuz it Intimates we just naturally know this it defies and and and devalues the idea of the countless hours you spend developing the system teaching it um I remember Bill

Walsh the ear early advice he gave me as a coach he said for every hour you spend on design spend three hours on how you’re going to teach it how you going to integrate it into the players because that’s really where the genius comes from so you put together obviously Super

Bowl winning staff in Baltimore you mentioned Mike McCarthy Dan Quinn’s gone now to Washington they got a hire a new defensive coordinator what do you look for when you’re trying to put together your staff specifically the defensive coordinator well and he’s and he’s done a great job and you have guys in the

Pipeline one of my John fossil me the best special John fossil needs to be a head coach in this league John fossils is good and he’s got that I think special teams coaches are an untapped resource because one they got to work with the entire team okay they got to

Work with guys that really don’t want to be doing it cuz no one really wants to do what you do on ESP unless you’re the returner uh and and you got to be able to communicate it and John I think is one of the next great someone’s going to

Tap into that at some point but I’m sure Mike’s got someone in the pipeline uh he’s got he’s and he’s going to bring him into a group that’s been pretty good uh so it’s probably going to have to be a veteran guy it’s my guess I don’t know

That has the credentials to come in and and provide that new energy that says okay cuz they’re obviously looking to make that next step this is an opportunity because Dan Quinn’s a great coach you hate to lose him but now it’s an opportunity to bring in someone new

That might Pro that sparkk to now be that difference to for us to make the next step it’s Brian bilck here with you on the fan coach did you at be why did you cross paths with Andy Reid as a player Andy is a little younger than I

Am I actually coached the JV one year right and Andy was on that team he just come in I don’t you know I don’t Andy and I didn’t know each other real well I was ahead of him in that regard but uh um uh yeah coming out of that BYU system

And and being an offensive lineman and was used to kid and he is the world’s largest quarterback coach you know when he was in GRE cuz I was in Minnesota when he in Green Bay oh yeah so he and Gruden were and and John and I go way

Back and we know each other and John was in San Francisco and I was in Stanford and we were both at that time at the in the pecking order where we were first dabbling with computer game you know game planning and the one thing so we’d compare notes and so they and obviously

We were Rivals when we were in Minnesota and he was in Green Bay so yeah Annie and I go way back and it was always and then became head coaches I went to Baltimore he went to to Philadelphia at the same time they were always stealing

Plays and stuff from you and Bob damn right they were Bob snoker they those screen packages you guys had in San Francisco they were stealing those Andy and John guden were steal I we walking by their office in Green Bay and they’re I’m like what are you looking at oh we’re looking

Absolutely coach we’re the biggest thieves in the world we’ll take it practice it implement it and then pretend it’s ours genius you’re genius right yeah that’s right I always said I I’ll give you the credit the first time I do it after that it’s mine have you

You uh have you ever seen Ray Lewis lose in Oklahoma drill yeah Ray was Ray was special I mean Jamal Lewis Ray Lewis Oklahoma drills I feel like a’t cuz someone’s going to get hurt my I ain’t going to do that okay so that wasn’t something that took place

No we uh that that was a special group in fact people they used to criticize me because they used to coach me call me coach cream pup because I was in the bill wal Camp back then we practiced back then the way they have to practice

Now oh okay no back toback ped practices limited contact limited hitting and they so used to call me Camp cream puff I go yeah yeah and I also happen to have the most ferocious single season defense in the history of the game do so go ahead

And tell me we’re not Tough Enough and we don’t practice the right way was Tony Siragusa the funnest guy you’ve ever been around Tony saragusa was the biggest pain in the ass in the world God Rest him I loved him and he was he was

Because what I loved about Tony he was a pain he was con but you talk about the when came time to work sure we he burned both ends and he had guys and we were a Lo but boy when it was time to work he was right there and he made sure

Everybody worked and when it came to game time Tony was there he he was you know Ray Lewis obviously was a real emotional leader of that team but Tony in his way was one of the key elements because they they took his lead and when

It was time to work Tony made sure you worked I love that uh Chief just curious how how often you bust out the Super Bowl ring cuz we’re always on Broad as here you never really busted out no just just on occasion you know just when you’re doing special it’s amazing it’s

Amazing to watch people react to the ring yeah and it’s great when I when we won the first Super Bowl Steve shotti said you know if we win another Super Bowl we’re going to go the other way we’re going to be we’re going to make it smaller we’re going to be very classy

And I said okay that’s great so you know I leave he they they win Super Bowl in 2012 I let come back and see their Super Bowl ring sent him a guns three times the size I go what happened he goes I I couldn’t control myself

I just lost you had to you know you have to be bigger and goder in the whole nine yards hey you got you got to run uh you did mention it’s a GM’s League are we okay with the current structure of our front office with the Cowboys what would

You make a working with that you know that’s that’s always a tough one uh uh uh you got to love the passion of Jerry Jones yes sir and he’s going to try to provide you everything you can um and and that does sit the total of the idea

That you got to be unified so there’s if nothing else right or wrong you’re Unified IED in the in the perspective of what this team needs so you know they got to that to keep having at it we need uh we need some wisdom about signal relief here sir Real Deal this thing

They came to about six months ago this is the real deal you know you spend hundreds of millions of dollars in the training room getting the players back on the field dealing with prohibitive pain signal relief it’s a military grade it deals with the electrical signal in

Your body you put it where the we say put it between the brain and the pain if I’m on the golf course I get off it’s goes on my lower back if I’m on the pool 3 days a week comes on my shoulder in here if I play racket ball pickle ball

Goes up here to block to the Elbow it blocks the pain signal to your brain that allows you to do that’s where the rehab comes from right motion is medicine that that’s stiffness you can’t you can’t give into it you got to work the muscles you got to work the joints

Reusable up to a year you put it where you need it 100% money back guer go to Signal look at how this thing was developed it’s amazing put in uh promo code coach you get 20% back and this is the real deal dude I bet you are

An ass kicker on that pickle bet an kick the promo code coach we got You


  1. Billick said it himself, you gotta have a good TEAM while having ownership committed to getting it done

    I'd say we have the first part down, mostly, but the second part? Jerry and Stephen do not wanna win. They care more about money and notoriety

  2. He said mike is gonna pick DC 😂 bullshit jerry, will, Stephen gonna pick DC 😂😂 he know dam well mike lost that when he brought in mike Nolan

  3. Sounds like he's trying to get a job….. Because what he's saying is a joke…. the Cowboys DO NOT have the front office and they do NOT have the players they need.

  4. I always loved seeing Billick standing on the sideline coaching Kyle Boller: teaming down with rain, massive coat on, looking miserable, lol.

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