Golf Players

The Epidemic of Over Instruction & Impact on These Four Types of Golfers | The Par Train Episode 198

Teaching legend, and former pro player, Andrew Emery hops aboard the Train to talk about the 4 types of golfers, why he’s seen Tour Pros cry at Q school, why we’re in the epidemic of over instruction, how to go low regardless, why swing instruction has to have a mental component to it, and so much more. The Par Train Podcast is brought to you by Rhoback Activewear aka the greatest polos, qzips, hoodies, shorts and joggers in the game. Seriously… we can’t take them off. Tap this link for 15% off (auto applies in your cart!).

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Welcome aboard the part train I am EV this is surm we are we Sur we are fired up we just had a great conversation welcome aboard the part train guys in case you’re new we hope frustrated golfers enjoy the ride again cuz if you can learn to smile through bad golf you

Can smile through anything you guys are going to absolutely love this interview with Andrew Emory played pro golf for years now he’s a great coach and if you want to get fired up for 2024 and you want to play your best golf this year this episode is for you so if you guys

Like this interview hop aboard the channel and subscribe now and what do they got to do sir just enjoy the ride enjoy the ride guys take [Applause] Care Andrew Emory welcome aboard the partr man we’re happy to have you Evan and Matt thank you for having me good to see you Andrew so we got a ton we want to get into but first we got to start with the obvious question youve given golf lessons to three CAC Pat Mike

Matt’s two brothers and even the original old man surmac the father what is it like giving a golf lesson to the surmac boys did they listen are they difficult do they know what’s going on give us a little bit of a look behind the curtain I can’t do that I got she swor

To secrecy uh with Mr Surak has some serious Chicago connections and I just can’t go there you know I can’t actually go there no I mean it’s been it was a privilege I’ll be quite honest with you just a wonderful family and uh a lot of great times on

That driving range you guys know well know that it’s a lot more about teaching golf you know uh there’s a human element to what we do and uh you know while all of these golfers are tremendously talented in their own ways they would all argue that they’re better than each

Other um it it was certainly a lot of fun we had some great times there then what you say the old man’s got he’s got the best move he’s got the best golf shoes period that’s true best golf sh like TW 12 pairs of the original class we’re talking we’re talking old

Icons right patent orange patent pink P yellow oh he’s a color guy color guy and he’s got the cigar that I don’t know how the left shoulder I mean the left shoulder you have like ash marks you know on the on on on when he was

Swinging well he had marks on him when he wasn’t just wouldn’t reach he Swings with the cigar that for me yeah no he’s incredible with the cigar huge stogy great balance great turn does who’s the best he’s old school what can I say old school and you know what some would

Argue I’m rather old school too but that’s okay that’s the way it should be yeah right who’s who’s the best student Andrew Pat Mike or the old man you really put me on the spot guys this isn’t nice this isn’t nice um I would say I would say possibly possibly M

Michael I think yeah yeah possibly Michael he he he was the most really driven and motivated and just into it he was really into it and really wanted to get better you know it doesn’t take away from the other guys but it’s like uh there’s nothing better than working with motivated student

Right yeah you know it’s nothing better Mike’s got that intensity that uh yeah sticks out maybe not the best dresser you know we can say that but so but you know what it’s like you got the what I would describe as the clean teacup you

Ever heard of this before no no so we got four types of people right when it comes to students and I use T because of course I’m from the old country but we’ve got four cups and I represent basically the water right the information that’s going into the cups

And each type of student is represented by each type of cup you know the first cup um is turned upside down right and that’s the type of student that is basically coming to you um because they had a friend that said you got to see this guy you gota and it’s like they

Don’t really want to um but they do it anyway just to check the box right you pour the water in and it just doesn’t it doesn’t go in nothing’s going in right and the next teacup of course is the right way around um but there’s a hole

In the bottom we’ve all we all know who those guys are right you pour the information in goes in one and and out the other um and then I know if you a lot of your listeners are going to be familiar with the dirty teacup which is the one where you know

Have the student come to you they’ got 65 things that they’re already working on the cup is filthy and you know you’re going to pour your nice clean information and it’s just they’re just going to mix it in with what’s already going on on their head uh and then of

Course the last one is the clean one right is turn the right way up clean put and you bop it in but I mean our job as coaches is to is to turn the first cup the right way around put a hole in the second one clean the third one and get

Them all clean right I mean get them all ready to go and uh that’s that’s the interesting thing about the psychology of of of golfers and working with uh students but it’s always you could tell fairly quickly early on in a lesson you know which cup was Bel to wish

Person yeah that’s funny I I love that well Andrew as you said it’s great to have you on the show can joke about my family all day um I’m happy to do it but we want to give a little bit of a an intro to our listeners about you

Um you know tell us you know again we don’t want to get too much into the weeds and swing instruction help us under help us understand your SW your philosophy because I think I have you quoted as there is a pandemic or there’s an epidemic right now of over

Instruction so talk about your approach the Andrew Emory approach my Approach if you want to impress people make it complicated if you want to help them make it simple that’s basically the macro approach that I have when I when I teach and I learned to teach that way being at a country club

For 20 years right I mean the locker room is very small and I’ve had a very unique I guess experience when it comes to coaching because I’ve worked with a half a dozen tour players I’ve traveled to three or four different continents you know I’ve been to Augusta I’ve been

To the PLAYERS Championship I’ve been to the solheim cup working with Elite golfers so I have that experience but when it comes to recreational golfers you know splitting a screen and then putting somebody you know someone next to Scotty Sheffer and then starting to make comparisons is is is problematic

To say the least and it’s not that we can’t learn from what the best players are doing but I just don’t believe that you should have to subscribe to uh any one method of coaching you know I think that the job of the coach is to meet

Their students where they are where they are and at a country club you’ve got no choice I mean you’re working with people that I work with people that had knee Replacements hip replacements back problems work with people that had multiple sclerosis I’ve worked with golfers that have had Strokes uh one

Gentleman I worked with drove up onto the driving range in the spring and he said to me you thought you had it difficult before you’ve really got it hard now uh and he was attached to his golf cart that he drove up from Florida he had a stroke the previous winter

Paralyzed on his left side and he’s like let’s go you know he’s ready to roll so my students are the people that taught me how to teach you know and I’ve had mentors and I’ve read all the books and the technolog has come a heck of a long

Way and it’s very useful technolog has been amazing but at the end of the day guys it’s just a lot of windo dressing until you get on that lesson te you know and and you kind of figure out what works and and what doesn’t so there’s no real

Replacement for experience you know what I’m saying absolutely yeah I’m I’m actually going this is good timing Andrew because I’m going through it now where um surm and I made 2024 goals at the start of the year and cmax was just to give you some context to get back into

Competitive Golf and try and qualify for a us midam um um he hasn’t played competitively since college right for me I was probably the dirty cup that you described um yeah I want to learn I’m motivated I’ll spend the time but I’m trying to use the wrong information or trying to fix something

That isn’t n the problem or the root cause and I’m not getting real help I was trying to do it myself or pick something out from this video or pick something out from this interview and I just realized like my goal was don’t change anything without the guidance of

Your coach and get one coach and work together and start from scratch and build on something together right and and something I’ve learned what you made me think of is I think it kind of has to start with cleaning the cup like to your point like you I think do all

Good teachers start with stripping things away in your mind the analogy I use and I have this conversation because I think you know when you first meet with someone if you’re working with an elite golfer you I mean even you got to look at the stats right you got to go

Back and you got to figure out you know when they were playing well what were they doing well because they haven’t got to where they are for for no reason right so you don’t need to reinvent the wheel uh um but what you got to figure out is what what’s relevant and what

Isn’t and really it’s all about you know it’s about bullfly mindset is obviously incredibly important we can go there that’s a massive massive part of this whole thing but in terms of you know your your your swing mechanics I use it I use an imaginary whiteboard and I say

To them I want you to write down on this whiteboard all the things that you’re thinking about in your golf swing and then they give me those things and you would be shocked or maybe not shocked how many things I write down and nothing surprises me with it any it’s

Unbelievable right now if a Coach doesn’t have that interview and they immediately start teaching you are doomed right doomed before you even start the golf lesson so you’ve got to ask the right questions that’s one of the biggest ones and what you’re going to do is you’re going to go down that

Whiteboard and you’re going to arase the 95% of the of the things on that board that are absolutely IR relevant what I mean by irrelevant is if they’re not influencing contact distance or Direction they are window dressing right and the biggest challenge with coaching in my opinion is making

Changes for the sake of making changes because they don’t look right when much of the time there’re simply characteristics ironically that work very well for that student so you’ve got to want talk cause and effect imagine changing Dustin Johnson’s lead wrist flexion 17 degrees flexed okay or Jim

Furick Loop in his swing right um fortunately those guys were left alone and they they played right and they were super competitive but there’s a lot of kids growing up especially Juniors that become obsessed with perfection and I think it’s a trap that us coaches you know that’s what we do we

Teach teach with Coach right it’s very very easy to get caught up in that and you it’s a very slippery slope you’ve got to be quite careful I’ll be quite honest with you it’s an interesting subject but you got to make sure you know whoever you work with number one 90

Days minimum give your coach like give him 90 P90X right yeah give give him 90 days give him I did that in college so many people in the YouTube space it’s like you know it’s it’s the Band-Aid yeah I mean one and I can sense the one

And done immediately I mean I’m doing multiple lessons now indoors virtual I mean we’re talking everywhere from Barbados Japan Thailand the UK Australia I me it’s crazy YouTube has been amazing right unfortunately for me I’m attracting the type of what we would describe as Avatar you know of of people that are really

Vested and interested in getting better they kind of understand that process right um but the one and D you can sense it right and the one and D you’ll give a lesson you’ll tell them to work on it a while and you and and you you’ll teach them how to practice because that’s

Incredibly important you have to practice proficiently okay different stages you have to go through and then like two days later on WhatsApp I’ve got like links to YouTube videos from the same person from another coach like what do you think of this and I’m looking I’m

Like oh here we go it’s all over right it’s just like a dark hole out there and I know that a lot of your listeners you know once you get in that YouTube it is a dark hole and there’s a lot of information out there that takes you

From one direction to another to another to another and you really have to find what works best for you it is a process of elimination there’s no question so so Andrew you’ve talked about the we’ve got to get well doesn’t have to be we it’s you you’re getting back to the art of

Instruction yeah to help golfers right like you said you work with top Juniors you work with best players in the world the professional level you’re working with those Weekend Warriors um talk about the art of instruction and and maybe what’s been the challenge in the last 15 years in teaching for um

Coaches or teachers that don’t seem to care about it well when I talk about the art of instruction it’s essentially kind of reverse engineering bull flight you know back to the swing not the other way around swing and then ball fly right so let’s just say a lot of

Elite golfers for example it’s all about body segments right it’s about sequence right rhythm is sequence we got the hands we’ve got the arms we’ve got the upper body we’ve got the lower body it’s not that complicated you can make it complicated but it’s not that

Complicated so you take a junior out in the golf courts that’s driving their lower body out in front Club gets stuck a lot of hooks right the highspeed golfers they get stuck in the fast lane but they’re hitting a lot of hooks so the job of a high-s speeed golfer is to

Stabilize their face to have more control now your low speed golfers they drive in the slow lane right they tend to spin their bodies their hands and arm speed is very slow right so for those golfers you’re going to get their hand and arm speed a little faster relative

To the speed of their body right so when we talk about trying to find what works for you there’s no real one way of doing it that’s what I mean about the art of instruction right for me to stand here and say you know I’ve had people say you

Know what’s your method you know what do you I’m like dude I’m going to find the best goer inside of you right I mean that’s my job right based on your limitations your athleticism your time and inclination to practice a number of of factors okay and we’ve got a you know

We’ve got wants and needs right I want a Porsche 911 GTS so badly you can’t even even imagine it I need a a kid carrier okay so that’s what I got you ask a lot of golfers what they want I want to hit it 20 20 yards

Further you know what they need is to learn to be able to pitch it from 20 yards and not take three shots to get on the green so you know as I say it’s incumbent on the coach to kind of get to the just to get to the bottom of what

Works for each individual um and it’s definitely a challenge there’s no question but you know I think it’s just being creative in your in your approach I mean I talked to Wayman yesterday I was out at Stono Ferry wonderful course here in Chicago many thanks to Pete uh skst he’s the uh

Director of operations out there um and I was at the back of the range College Char a fantastic facility I was working with Wayman and uh you know he’s getting a little vertical right so we worked on hitting drawers right had him walk he’s a lefty so had him walk around the

Circle to the right filmed him and all of a sudden he’s got some depth in his in his back he’s not really thinking about it but you know his line started to improve and all we’ve got him doing is focusing on a different start line and it’s just naturally starting to drip

Feed his way into his gol swing now I could have stood there and worked on three stages of the back swing but what he’s going to do is he’s going to get out on the golf course because he’s got some events coming up and he’s going to

Play two balls and he’s going to have a draw pattern okay okay and then he’s going to work his way back to neutral again um so there are different ways to do it with the intention of playing and taking it to the golf course and being creative okay uh if you’re stuck the

Other way underneath it I know a lot of your viewers are underneath that um you know you got to you got to try and get that divot working the other way okay you’re going to have more of a pull a pull fade right you got to work on

Trying to start the ball left maybe you’re going to try and hit the ball a little bit lower so you know you can do wonderful things with creativity based on trying to actually hit different shots as opposed to getting caught up in positions in the golf swing it’s not to

Say it’s not important to stand there and work on positions but I think it’s important to also do everything with a Target in mind with intention you know with a with a shot or a pattern in mind I just don’t feel there’s enough of that there’s so much analysis is what I’m

Trying to get to it’s like anal you know analyzing everything and that right I think that connects with you have because like it’s like well then we gotta go play you work on all that stuff but how do I go think and how do I go play yeah Andrew it’s been really eye

Openening this last month of how much I conditioned myself to panic and try and fix and solve problems immediately after something happens and this is just on the Range the course is another story um and and pulling myself back on the Range and saying it doesn’t matter right now

What I’m doing right now is I’m trying to learn a motion and a feel does my feel match the motion got and what is what am I trying to learn oh okay I finally learned how with rhythm the club will naturally hinge I don’t need to try and

Hinge let me try and feel that natural hinge and swing with rhythm to a release I was always a guy that held on right um so that’s what I see all the time my man you spot on it’s like you take it one step further back up even more yeah

Rhythm rhythm is where you place the speed in your swing tampo is the overall speed or ratio of the golf swing they’re a little bit different okay Rhythm starts with tension no question about it right you can’t imagine how much tension I experience in the in the joints the

Wrist the elbows and the transition the upper upper arms upper arms biceps triceps here lock up right your arms lock up you transition spin right you don’t get rid of the golf club when I say get rid of the golf club guys I’m not talking about dumping the club I’m

Talking about upper arm lower arm wrist okay swinging motion of the golf club and that’s what’s missing in for so many golfers that 90% of the golfers that are are watching this right now now need to understand the importance of swinging the golf club with the support of the

Body and it doesn’t mean the body doesn’t have a role all right but Elite Golf Club golfers understand how to create speed with their hands and arms right they have permission to work on a lot of the things that you see on YouTube when it comes to creating depth

For example okay and getting open right side Bend for those of those golfers have very strong grips um you’ve got permission to work on that you’ve got a recreational golfer that’s got enormous amount of tension that’s never actually learned to articulate their wrist and swing their arms and they’re watching

Videos that are tell them to use their body even more yeah okay it it’s it’s not only I mean I’ve got emails every day I’m getting emails okay people getting injured right uh because they don’t have the mobility internal hit Mobility U they’ve got issues

There uh so yeah I mean you have already in you some wonderful ath athleticism you can work on a swing field there is absolutely nothing wrong with that um but you need to get out there and you need to swing with a degree of Reckless abandon and that is the biggest

Challenge ultimately is when we get out in the golf course we start focusing on results and once your mindset moves to results uh it creates tension that’s that’s that’s the overriding issue right um yeah you know emotional self-regulation I mean that really I mean that’s what psychology is psychology is emotional

Self-regulation and it’s much easier to work on that when you’re trying to find the best version of yourself with the golf swing with a Target in mind than it is trying to control what the ball is doing which is result orientated yeah I love what Bryson says Bryson Jambo says about this somebody

Ask him hey I get nervous on the first T he goes yeah everybody gets nervous what are you thinking about Bryson he goes I’m just so obsessed with my Target and what my feel is i g had a high draw here now I don’t want to get too much into

Bryson right but like when you think about Target you think about your move and your feel that distracts you from everything else that’s trying to get inside talk about this a lot Andrew you block out the thoughts but you can’t manage them no you can’t you absolutely can’t it’s replacing replacing a NE

Thought the positive thought you can’t think of both at the same time I played golf with Justin smoke yesterday um who played for the Blue Jays bounced around he was 10 years of the major one year he think he had 35 home runs it was unbelievable and I you

Know I can get away with this because I’m from England but he’s fantastic guy we had a heck of a lot of fun out out there and I said were you a hitter or were you a pitcher and I already kind of knew but I just asked him anyway we were

Just giving each other a hard time he’s like I was a I was a hitter I was a switch I said well that’s a shame he’s like I just I just learned this yeah I know where you’re going so I said well you know pitchers react to targets so I

Said hitters react to the ball and he said he just was so inquisitive he’s like keep going keep going but ultimately you know it’s when you’re reacting to the ball right you have generally a hit reflex or a violent disruption hitters a lot broader G good hitters are broader shorter arms

Incredibly strong upper body pictures a lot of them are very long like me in many sense right I’m I’m 64 I’m kind of a skinny skinny guy and they have a suppleness in their arms they also are very tactile so they use their wrists a

Lot they use their hands a lot to create different spins right so it’s no shock that pitches are B golfers than hits now having said that the dude’s been playing for three years and I think he shot 78 yesterday three years been playing golf it was unbelievable watching him um but

You know it’s it’s so interesting you know when you when you think about that you know there’s a lot of elite athletes out there that really struggle I’ve worked with a couple of NBA centers as well both both over s feet tall you know the clubs were like mallets I never

Forget it how big you know they fitted the grips were like triple it was just crazy how heavy these clubs were you know and it was just they were they were it was clumsy you know what I mean and they’re just l uning at it with their

Body because they’re used to using their body right but they’re conflating strength with speed right they’re conflating strength with speed I think I do that as well actually see you know yeah yeah so I actually just learned this from my coach where um this was so fascinating to me

He said if you look at pretty much every home run hit in the major and what that swing is that is a 60 yard slice off the golf course it is here the face is wide open and the the M the the um barrel of the bat is basically a

Wideopen face right and he was using the similar analogy he was like why do you think Tom glavin and Greg Maddox are two of the best golfers of Major League players it’s because John Smoltz the whole team he basically was like the golf swing is basically the pitching motion but tilted

Down towards the ball that’s a wonderful comment yeah I mean I couldn’t agree with you more than that I mean say that that sums it all up I mean obviously we’ve got a kinematic sequence I’m not here to to say that’s not the case it’s crazy it’s well and truly a lower body

Upperbody arms hands and Club but you have a a real sequence that that and you have a feel sequence right and it’s the feel sequence that’s the challenge that’s right so you get someone who’s a little older I mean I say older even in their late 30s and 40s they’re not the

Way they were when they when they’re 18 and they don’t have the ability to be to separate some of these segments so they they know they need to use their body and they drive their body out in front of the arms right and then the

Body has to slow down and then the arms have to catch up and then the the first thing they’re going to tell you is you stand on the driving range you look at them you know and the first thing they’re going to say is I feel like I’ve

Just got an arm swing just feels like an arm swing I want to use my body more and no wonder they never got better right when the truth of it is they they’ve got no choice but to finish their swing with their arms because their body’s in front

Of their arms so my point is this the GOL swing is a is a is a marriage between so many different Mo parts right it’s a harmonious motion that all has to come together at that point of collision boom 4,000th of a second right when the club

Hits the golf ball but for the vast majority of golfers you’d be far better served almost feeling like your arms are employing your body on the way through the golf shot it’s the feel sequence that I like to call it and again people take you literally like ah what are you

Talking about you know but the best players in the in the world you know what people don’t realize is they create more vertical speed with their arm arms in the transition than you can possibly imagine 20 plus miles an hour you know before they even get to that delivery

Position here right relative to the speed their body’s turning amateurs they move their arms and body very much at the same speed yeah no one talks about it but that’s just fact so Peak arm speed is is way before impact everyone thinks Peak arm speed’s at the

Ball no your arms slow down as you approach impact they don’t speed up so that’s what I’m saying right so it’s important to understand that so in order to create Peak arm speed you got to monitor the tension in your joints there we go back to square one so it’s like

Sweep the golf club freely allow the golf ball to be captured don’t hit at it send it like a picture would send it and you’ll find the best version of you I mean I’m not talking about breaking your swing down and starting all over you’d be shocked a couple of adjustments to board

Position and setup making sure the grip’s in a good position so you can articulate your R obviously bad grips huge problem um and then basically just get someone Swinging with a degree of freedom and then it’s unbelievable you can’t even believe I’ve got videos on my YouTube channel you know of of lessons

I’ve given these people have maybe one or one swing field and you wouldn’t even believe the difference in their golf swing with one swing field you don’t need to over instruct it’s just not necessary yeah my last point on what I’ve learned recently and then I got a

Question for you about when you played is oh I was I’ve been pretty much I’ve been um posting my lessons with my Coach Josh on our YouTube and I’ve been blown away at the domino effect that I’ve learned right and I think every golfer needs this like crash course basic

Education of the relationship of things and for me having having a weak left hand grip or the club in my palm mixed with really tight rigid shoulders is an impossible place to swing because look at Matt’s face it’s hilarious right and now I’ve learned like just like yeah it’s just death

Right it’s death he’s like this is death but having the right grip pressure in the right place yeah with some loose shoulders so that it naturally folds and I get it over on the right Arc now it’s like yes it’s still a long road I’m

Still learning a ton but I at least I know and I have the confidence that I’m giving I’m putting myself in better positions I’m giving myself a better chance whereas before I mean I had someone email us literally yesterday Sur I haven’t told you this and he’s like hey man I’ve been

I’ve been gotten down to an 11 and I just hit the ball too high what clubs would you recommend and I go Who the hell’s telling you that you’re hitting the ball too high right like why why we’re creating problems that might not be a problem now

If you live in the UK and you’re playing in 30 m hour wind maybe you want to learn how to flight the ball down but there’s a difference there’s a difference between hitting it too high and having too much spin right I mean if you’re hitting it high and your spin

Numbers are good not necessarily A Bad Thing Jason Rory Moy right like I guess my point is is that we we’re trying to solve things without even knowing really if it’s the problem so let me ask you this Andrew going from playing professionally to now coaching is there

Anything you wish you knew now that you’re a coach that would have made you a better player you’re opening a can of worms here all right let’s start with psychology and then end with psychology yeah I mean I hate to admit it this is tough this is very humbling I

Know you got some people that going to be watching this apparently um but there’s four types of golfers youve got your Ballers right which are your a talent just unbelievable talent and your a mindset just the way it is right your speeds and what have you they’re very

Few they’re like unicorns maybe just talk about college rather than the pros because so many of them are already a lead in both areas but then you got your showboats okay and your showboats are a talent B mindset so um you know they look like Jason day on the driving range and in

Practice rounds and everything else they’re amazing and then they go out there and they can’t break 76 okay and these guys are sensitive okay and um emotionally I would say fragile is a good way of describing it and it’s just it’s okay pters they’re pters okay um and probably there’s a

Little bit of a struggle with selfworth where the selfworth is so connected to their golf shots that if they hit a bad shot it just is all over okay and that’s extremely common okay uh and then you got your Grinders your Grinders they make they’re the one the golfers that

Kind of make those college coaches look phenomenal right because they really the expectations weren’t that high B but they’ got the a mindset and those are the guys that you want on every single team if you’re a college coach because you know people have always talk about

The number one and two players on the team right you saw the the young man just won the tournament two weeks ago it’s unbelievable it’s extraordinary that’s all everyone talks about but from a college coach’s perspective let me tell you who’s the most important the number five guy is the most important

That score counts just like the number one guy so ultimately what was missing from me and I and it’s been been hard for me to come to terms with this um was grit was a sense of grit and uh you know I I basically will get my feelings hurt

Out there uh like a lot of kids do and I know a lot of you guys out there that play golf you hit a few bad shots you get your feelings hurt and you can’t reboot right I mean you’re the one who writes the computer it’s a super

Computer you’re the one that writes the program you own the keyboard and on that keyboard I’m looking at it right here here is a delete button okay and you can either choose to delete and rewrite the rewrite or you can just run that bad program and I think that’s what

Separates honestly the best players and uh I talked to Justin smoke about this and uh I mean he would go 0 for 20 and then you have another night you know he’d punch out three times and then he’d have to like face like Verlander the

Next day right um and what he told me was when he was when he was up playing really really well he’d have to bring himself down and when he was really low he had to bring himself up but he knew the the key is he knew how to emotionally regulate and that ultimately

Is what the best business people no matter what field you’re in honestly there’s a wonderful book I’ve got it right here Angela Dorth grit okay you guys haven’t read this absolutely phenomenal all Elite juniors are work with this is part of their homework right they read this book and uh you

Know that’s what it’s all about I mean she’s a upen um uh psychologist and it talks about the B’s talent and the a mindset and how ultimately the program you write the things the thing you think about uh you manifest that and I think had I had that knowledge and experience

This is what you know the kids are so much better prepared these days I didn’t have a golf psychologist I didn’t I was out there on my own trying to figure it out on my own as an 18 19 year old 20y old kid obviously not emotionally mature and I

Had that a talent um as an amateur I mean I reached number three in the country in England and number seven Great Britain iseland and I i’ won a bunch of huge events and then I went to tour school I turned Pro a year too early I was shortlisted for the Walker

Cup and I I was I got all peed off myself and and felt sorry for myself because I didn’t make the full England squad that year England International right there’s only a very few C get on this squad but I’ve been playing golf in the United States so none of the no one

Really knew who I was I just blitzed my way onto the scene and I was like Dad I’m going to turn pro I’m going to turn pro and the England selectors I never ever forget it they said just one more year just one more year you know and I

Turned Pro and again you make decisions based on where you were at the time I went down to uh Second Stage finished seventh um in Spain and then I went down to melier played in the south of France final qualifying Euro Euro tour and gain Euro challenge to status wound up

Actually coming back over to the United States and just I mean it was unbelievable Dakota’s tour Gary Player t uh Tommy Arma to I played every single tour you could possibly imagine and played pretty well initially I remember was 70.8 stroke average played like 108

Rounds at a summer it was not it was crazy yeah and uh you know it’s it’s a crazy for those of you that experienced this you guys out that played The Minis and done this stuff and uh but I made like $177,800 I think I think that’s what it

Was um and it’s very very difficult unless you get over that hump and you get to get through Q score and I just didn’t quite have that inner belief you know and that’s ultimately what sets these guys apart is you know the sort of absolutely Resolute unwavering unshaping

Self-belief that you are destined to be one of the best players in the world Matt Fitzpatrick had it I interviewed him at the gitra center spent a couple semesters of Northwestern norw yeah yeah I was practic I was teaching out there Pat GS great guy the coach out there and

He came in he started hitting balls and I got talking to him I said Matt how did you know he’s like what do you mean how did I know I said when you turn pro right your how do you know um that you belonged he said Andrew I looked on the

Range I think it was at when with and all the best players in the world everyone that he would have watched on TV from the age of like 10 right think about that for a minute and he said to me look me in the eye and he said I knew

That if I played my best golf there’s no one on that range could play better than me you know yeah do you know what I’m saying yeah I think what’s interesting about this Andrew such a good conversation when I play my Best Book golf I know him the best but what you

Are getting into on with your game and this is so much for all us when I’m not playing my best golf I’m not strong enough to hang in there I don’t know how to hang what do I lean into yeah I would say I would lean into a cocktail

Personally yeah but like and I think that that’s you know it’s how do you grind how do you have that grit when you know you just those first five six holes just are no good or you’re hitting that shot that you’ve never seen before or

You just haven’t seen it in a while and it freaks you out like or your least favorite shot yeah absolutely I mean it’s expectations right I mean I we talk about I told you guys I played Bill a few weeks back and um I had no expectations I mean I play October 27th

Right my last round 15 rounds in last year I still managed to keep up like a plus one index and uh I I’ve played Bay Hill I’ve got a little arrangement with uh with Arnold pal you know half and half TM what have you great guys and um

I went down there and I’m nervous I’m nervous because it’s like like I haven’t played it’s like haven’t played for a couple months just like any of you guys would be if you really want to play well right try hard how’s that work for you

With golf right but anyway what I did is I convinced myself like I’m staying overnight it’s like I’m I’m taking deep breaths I’m trying to visualize the round and I convinc myself that and you don’t laugh okay I said you know what Bay Hill is a tough course they’re two

Or three weeks out from the tournament I said if if I shoot 80 I shoot par so just just hang in here for a second I said if I shoot 80 I shoot par so what I did is I baked into the cake a couple doubles a few bad shots

Maybe a flub chip and a three pup or whatever it was going to be because I’m Rusty okay and when I got on the first te all right I don’t think I’ve ever been more relaxed and I proceeded to you know shoot 66 I sh you know I make a bogey on

Nine from the middle of the Fairway and and just I don’t think I really missed a golf shot right but ultimately I I I wasn’t expecting that are you kidding me I wasn’t expecting that but that’s a big part of it I mean I do I swung with a

Degree of freedom and I focused on picking shots and I was relaxed and I got myself into a sort of optimal optimal emotional state for me and it’s different for everyone for me I have to be relaxed and calm if you asked John macenroe that back in the day he’d

Probably say it’s quite the opposite yeah so it’s not that there’s any right or wrong way of doing it but you have to find the emotional state that works best for for you really yeah well the cool thing about that is you like you’re playing for fun there

Right like it’s it’s actually quite refreshing to hear that you got nervous because I would think you’re in yeah I think that’s great to hear because around like that you’ve been around the game a long time you played Pro you coach like it’ just be another day I

Wouldn’t think that you would get nervous but the cool thing about it is like you know it’s it’s kind of wild what can come up for you in these moments and how golf or Matt said it so many times golf doesn’t Define you reveals you um but understanding what you

Do what my Tendencies are so if I’m nervous cool I should be nervous well I tend to get a little quick and I tend not to make a full turn so I’m going to focus on making a full turn here you see how you went from emotional nerves to a

Process driven thing that you can lean into um I think those are the typ of conversations that make such a big difference for people and I’ll tell you this Andrew I was at uh Bandon um a few months ago and I was playing Pacific

Dunes the next day I was alone I was I was matching up with a another three I was there for some work stuff and um been you know this past year I’ve been hitting the ball worse than I ever have and I’ve been playing at some of the

Best courses in the world crazy combination right and you factor in wind and rain and all that on top of it and I told this story once I’ll tell it again I was sitting in the uh Pacific Grill before my round I showed up earlier than

I thought I needed to and I’m eating breakfast and I said you know in I just made a decision instead of what I’d previously be doing unconsciously without realizing it instead of being worried nervous and thinking that I’m going to fix is this going to be the day I fix the problem am

I going to find something that fixes the problem I’m just gonna believe that I’m good enough I can I know what to do I’ve I’ve hit many shots and this by the way this might sound crazy to someone that’s struggling and I want to remind people this is at my

Lowest at my lowest so I don’t have the evidence to back this up but I told myself you know I’m okay I’m GNA be okay I’m going to lean into the people I’m with I’m going to learn about them I’m going to take a extra time to to try and remember

Every hole and look at the beauty and I’m G to focus on Rhythm and I’m GNA be okay today and I started two or three under through six and then of course you get to the six hole and it’s like oh sh hell yeah I’m really now I’m really scared now I’m

Really starting to put it together and you get away from the thing that got you there and that’s when I started making doubles and I had to get back to it but that I just want to tell that story CU like to your example you had an

Intention and you set you you made a decision par is 80 today I made a decision I’m good today like it doesn’t matter I’m gonna focus on what I can control I’m gonna focus on my rhythm and I’m gonna look at the beauty and that was my

Intention for the day and that took away some tension and I hit I I made some birdies which I hadn’t made in quite a while so you know I think there’s some real power to making a decision and focusing on something productive and Andrew that’s I mean evans’s got his thing you’ve got

Your thing mine’s different than both of that when you feel like you’re at your the right State and that’s what you’re trying to teach your students that’s Pur you’ve got to get your mind into a you got you’re talking about getting your mind into a state of abundance rather

Than a state of lack and if you get into a state of lack usually the Trap is result orientation that is what pulls you into lack because you’re going to hit terrible shots it’s baked into the cake guys you’re just not going to Pure it right if you get yourself into a state

Of abundance you’re opening up possibility and that’s like that and that’s the point and it’s that’s what I did you know and uh it’s that possibility that it’s like a it’s what breeds confidence that’s the irony behind the whole thing so it’s very very easy to get trapped up in result

Orientation and that’s when you start to put yourself through this emotional roller coaster you choose how you react emotionally it’s called emotional Detachment okay and if you decide you choose to to get yourself upset really really upset I mean really upset down listen you birdie four of the

Next five holes you need to keep getting upset that’s you all right I worked with a young lady on the LPG T that was just like that she got to number six in the world I traveled a lot of different places with her I learned more from her than

You know it’s incredible and first of all when you’re working with great players coaches get way too much credit when their players play well and they probably get too much crap when they play badly in my opinion um but you know what I learned from her was you set your own

Standards and because I I kept saying to her don’t get upset I was out there you know it’s like she’s just a little bit offline she’s 25 yards past everybody else and she’s kind of whining and everything I said look we got we got to

Let this go let’s just stay Focus but I didn’t really get it right I was just learning on I just trying to figure some of this stuff out she turned around she said Andrew I set my own standards I’m like okay no problem right so I just

Kept walking down the Fairway I’m like that’s fine no problem at all you know it’s great to be here today do you know what I’m saying yeah but ultimately she would like drag the club behind her and get upset she’d be like birdie birdie p p birdie

Eagle that was her way of firing herself up and saying to herself come on I got this I can do this come on right yeah you got other golfers that of course you know getting that state getting that emotional St on the first te you know they’re just they’re just

Awful you know and uh you know it just doesn’t work for them you got to get yourself a lot calmer I was the ladder I was you know I had to be really really calm and I played well um but mindset I mean go back to just real quick here go

Talk to about Larry Bird it’s my favorite books is Larry Bird Drive okay and uh I love it because there’s no ghost riter involved in this thing I mean it’s like when he first started out it’s like he’s literally s sitting in a log cabin up in Wisconsin somewhere and

Just or you know just writing this book and it talks a little bit about mindset okay and this is what I want you guys and your listeners to understand because you just got to look at the elite forers to learn from them right and learn what

Worked best for them and he was talking about I think it was the national championship game was it Indiana State Indiana State yeah Indiana State so I mean how good is Larry Bird right in col I mean it’s just it’s phenomenal right the three-point shots the layups the P I

Mean just the guy holistically has one of the best games of all time right and he’s a leader on top of it right but in the first half of the game he attempted like eight or nine three-point shots missed every one of them like 0 for nine

Okay so they go in the locker room and they’re down like 15 20 points and the coach says to Larry he said Larry we’re going to have to mix it up going to change things around for the second half you know when you’re getting double teamed you’re missing all these shots he

Said why coach he said well you’ve missed you know all these three-point shots there’s no way we can keep going he said coach the more I miss the odds of making the next one are that much higher and he said the more I make the odd we makeing the next one are that

Much higher and the the player next said you can’t have it both ways and he said why why so my point is my point is this if you have the right emotional state and your bad shots are baked into the cake emotionally it’s far far easier to move

On and get through the sort of scratchy part of a round 10 11 12 I played yesterday as I say when I played with with with Justin I played with Pete and I’m even through nine it’s a pretty tough course hav played it before and uh Pete skers he played on

Tour for you know for a while he’s like a plus three or four hits at 50 yards by me and I’m talking I hit at 270 he’s 320 right it’s it’s how far he’s sent his he’s playing dog legs and hitting lines that I mean I’m looking at it like where

Is he going right and we’re tied through nine we have a little match and what have you and I bog get 10 11 and I bog get 12 and I got a bit of a bad run and then I’m faced like 13 and it’s like this with like you know water right

Out of bounds left yeah we’ve all been there right and it’s like H H this isn’t good but I stood on the tea and I said what’s the worst thing can happen my wife’s still going to love me I got three great kids I said ‘ I’m

Going to go ahead and just let this one go we’re going to add 20 yards on this drive and I just melted it you know right down the middle of Fairway and I guess that’s the point it’s you we’ve all been there it’s a lot easier said

Than done but when you come to realize that there’s a couple billion people in China that could care less that you’re hitting a wig slice right it makes the game a lot easier and that’s what you’re talking about Evan yeah you know when you’re out in Bandon how is that any different yeah

Yeah it’s so interesting mindset mindset mindset no question about it get out on the golf course you know I mean that’s incredibly play two balls don’t play One play two play a two ball Scramble with yourself Andrew can we dig into that your this moment your match yesterday oh

God you go three Bogies in a row 75 okay so you held it together on the back nine held it together so it wasn’t quite feeling and it’s like the course was just tight enough where doing that all the way around was was definitely a little bit

Challenging I would say I was hedging you know how you’re hanging on a little bit right do you think on that 14 13th hole the tight one without without of Bounce left water right yeah because it was so difficult off T it really got your attention like why couldn’t you get

Your attention earlier on 11 like what why was this the moment of getting out of the it’s not here’s the thing it’s not that I needed I I I the tension was wrong it just wasn’t there and that’s why I made bogy right it’s just I mean when when you talk about grinding

Um what grinding is all about is is focusing it’s so hard to focus yeah for that long period of time for five hours oh okay it’s it kills us but but if you divide the 70 Shots by 30 seconds it’s 35 minutes and a four around right right so yes or no that’s

The one thing Phil talked about after winning the PGA at age 50 was this the first time in a while I was I was able to focus how crazy yeah ultra competitive which he is and and uh uh Justin obviously is a you know phenomenal you know baseball player it’s

The same thing I mean I asked him a bunch of questions trust me I just wanted to get into his head it was so awesome and that’s the one thing he you know he said you know he just realized coming out of college the expectations were high you know he was expected to

Hit 30 40 home runs a year he took him four years to start playing well Justin Rose how many miscuts oh my God think about that for a minute at the Great British Open yeah third at the British Open remember the famous shot and then he but but this is my point he

Miss the next 25 Cuts okay so that’s grit that’s great that’s git I don’t think I do that that’s perseverance so that’s someone that is so incredibly Resolute and unwavering that they deep in their deep in their heart succeeding at what they do is as important as

Breathing and that’s why it’s such a small percentage of people out there that are that are Ultra successful because what it takes is is something else I mean there’s no question about it that’s why I didn’t quite I mean I just didn’t quite get there because I reached a very high

Level but it’s like I went through tour School four times um but you want to know the truth of it yeah I should have gone through 12 times do you see what I’m saying MH um I should have gone through 12 times who cares on 39 on 40 I’m still going to Q

School it’s incredible you want it that bad would I have just kept going yeah I would have probably kept going do you see what I’m saying it’s so interesting like maybe we’ll finish with this Andrew because I think when I think about everything we’ve talked about today I

Think it comes down to you know you broke down multiple types of golfers and how easy it is to start feeling sorry for yourself and getting down I think everything it comes down to we’ve talked some of the best sport Psych in the world and the best players in the world

And the best coaches and I think what it always comes down to is can you get back to competing and it is so hard to compete when you feel like [ __ ] and you feel like you don’t know where it’s going it’s easy to compete when you feel

Like you’re feeling good like hell yeah bring it on right it’s easy to be competitive and start talking [ __ ] and and be offensive but to have the courage to do that and the self-belief that you’re not that far away the discipline and you just you just lost Focus you

Weren’t focused on the right thing you you got you fell into some bad habits you weren’t focused on what you were doing you get back to the things that help you do it you what help you and you compete now you start to get offensive again like that’s kind of what you

Described on what was it the 13th T you you accepted the bad but you kind of competed in that moment no question no question I mean if you ask yourself the three questions I ask this of all my students okay what did you learn I mean

What did you do well what did you learn and what can you do better that’s the cycle all right um what did you do well today not what happened today what did you do well today I didn’t do anything well really let’s talk about that for a

Second all right again you’re in that pity cycle right we got to get you out of that playing bad doesn’t make you a bad human being I mean I kid you not this is no joke I almost broke my hand on my steering wheel at one t them that’s how

Upset I’ve seen grown men cry at tour School you talk about you guys out there recreational golfers you know that are struggling try when when you’re at tour school there is nothing even the most elite golfers they know what it’s like it’s unbelievable okay but you’ve got a

Choice you can either either and and again you can feel sorry for yourself it’s okay to do that I’m not suggesting don’t but you have to process that and you have to flip that energy and and it’s all about energetics I can tell you right now energetics is the answer for

Everything in life we’re all energy and that’s getting you into that mindset and getting you into a positive mindset is all about taking what you did poly and learning from it and then growing uh and expanding and it’s it’s a rare person that’s able to take the worst things in

Life there are people that have had incredible lives that were in concentration camps guys okay and I’ve gone on to inspire people you know incredible human beings in the worst experiences that life could ever afford them that have gone on to to have the incredible human beings if

Anyone should feel sorry for themselves if someone like that right and here we are whining about missing bad golf shop right yeah I mean I think it’s all about perspective I think it’s all about you know learning and figuring out little tiny incremental improvements in each area and whether that be your mindset

That you learn from not so much your physical score but your emotional score when you go play have two scores you know keep your emotional score and challenge yourself in the most crazy way to bridge the gap between between how bad you score and how good your mindset is yeah that’s the

Challenge because then you’re putting yourself in a very very elite level emotionally by learning how to detach yourself from what you just did and I I I think that honestly is the big challenge you know I mean emotional Detachment is what I what I see Elite golers be able to do because that

Enables them to refocus they don’t get so caught up in it so very challenging It’s a Wonderful game you guys know I mean it’s incredibly I I the longer I teach I feel like the less I know that’s natural kid you not 30,000 lessons in coming up here and uh it’s

Like really really you know so yeah just just you just keep learning it’s it’s a phenomenal game it’s a game for life you know I just love it so it’s the best this is lot of fun this was great I mean I I think we barely scratched the

Surface so we’ll have to have you back and dig into more of your personal stories your own game but Andrew Emory golf on YouTube Andrew El you got it yeah you can always reach me on my contact page on my website Andrew love to serve anyone that feels

Like they could use a little help so remember guys don’t overthink it don’t overthink it keep it simple okay yeah I also want to say one final reminder your example of you know the perspective I think it’s also just reiterates as I’ve experienced this myself the the power of

Knowledge in the sense of what I do and why I do it makes it so much easier to have emotional Detachment because the panic button doesn’t get pressed because I know what I’m doing my coach tells me our big goal is if it goes right it’s

Not that oh [ __ ] it went right it’s that I held on how can I go back to my thing to release it right and the red Sirens don’t need to go off and it doesn’t need to go off I just need to get back to what I do and that’s an entirely

Different way to play the game but it’s very difficult to get there remember it’s easier to say than do but it’s easier to do if you have the knowledge of what you do so getting into the process it’s like all things always your result you know that that’s a net result

It’s not a result you know it’s the process and you get get caught up in the process again and try and detach results you get results it’s it’s the ultimate head you know what right it really is but uh that’s what I’ve learned as I say all all these years with working

Especially with the leag golfers it’s they just do things a little differently hopefully I’ve been able to share with you guys a little bit of what I’ve learned and you know I think everyone can find a better version within themselves I think it starts with you

Know who you are as a person when you’re out there and just keeping your perspective and start with gratitude that’s what I always do I’m like I can’t believe I’m playing this golf course this is phenomenal obviously I’m not trying to say look enjoy playing bad

Golf right I mean that we all want to play better golf but you know the way you react to bad shots is enormously important and everyone can improve on that part of the game all right that’s that’s really big but I think so 100% that’s great Andrew thanks for coming

Out for hopping aboard really appreciate it lot of fun so Much

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