Top 100 Golf Balls Tested | 69-60

We have officially reached the 60’s! What Golf Balls had promising features but just couldn’t do anything great? Let’s continue our Countdown of the greatest Golf Balls I have ever Tested! Did your top golf ball make the cut?


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00:00 Intro
00:39 69
2:00 68
3:02 67
3:35 66
4:48 65
5:28 64
6:15 63
7:19 62
8:17 61
9:17 60

What is up my fellow golf ball addicts welcome back to the channel and we have now the continuation of ranking the 100 golf balls I’ve tested um and we’re at 69 through 60 so we’re almost halfway we’re almost getting there uh but again if this is your first time seeing this

Please go check out the video the first link in the description because it just 2 3 minutes will tell you essentially what I’m basing these rankings on that way you understand how I came to these conclusions so let’s Dive Right into 69 number 69 prov1x 2023 model so the

Prov1x actually is an interesting golf ball because although the prov1 2023 model is going to be a lot higher on this list the potential and the ceiling of the X model is higher the problem is there’s too much disparity so for example example if I really hit one

Solid with my nine iron like let’s say I really crisp it yeah it might go 130 which is really high for me if you’re not if you’re new to the channel 130 is pretty high with my nine iron um but if you Mish hit it it might go 105 and so

There’s a lot of unforgiveness there you really have to Pure this golf ball to get it to go anywhere and there’s not a lot of in between so yeah you could be on the back side of the green or you could be in front of it you know

Pitching or chipping into it so not my style of golf ball I much prefer something with a little more consistency a little more forgiveness uh but also that affected the numbers that’s really why it got put down this far into the bottom half is because with those

Numbers yeah I mean there was a couple times with the seven9 I’d hit it 111 112 which is crazy fast for me but then there’d be times it was 102 103 101 98 because if you m hit it it just punished you so much so because of that the

Average ended up being 105 instead of 112 cuz that would have propelled it a lot higher number 68 rzn distance so another golf ball I haven’t actually done a video on the channel yet uh it has been tested though and again this is a weird one because it was able to be

Tested with the 9 iron and the seven iron but for some reason my launch monitor will not pick it up I’m I’m assuming due to the cating with either the five hybrid or the driver so I wasn’t able to have numbers so I did go out and do an OnCourse test I played

With it for a few weeks um and you know it’s a it’s a decent golf ball it’s okay I would definitely use it you know if I was using it on off the tea you know it’s a it’s a two-piece distance golf ball rzn made uh the Nike balls for a

While so you know again another trusted company they they’ve done good work in the past I do trust their brand uh but it’s really hard to get any of their golf balls now most of the time they’re sold out you can only get them online um

I’m not even sure if they’re planning on staying in business because it seems like one minute they’re selling out all their stock and then all of a sudden it’s oh hey we’re back so I don’t know it puts them in a weird spot it’s low I don’t recommend them just because I

Think there’s a lot of easier options for you to obtain number 67 stricken qar it’s a shame the qar has to be this low because I do love stricken and I do love some of their other golf balls that you will see much higher on this list but

This is another case of when I went back I crunched the numbers I looked at what how it performed I did the data this is just where it came up it just isn’t that good it isn’t as you know with a two-piece golf ball I expected the value

To be a little bit better it wasn’t I expected the numbers to be better it wasn’t and I expected the durability to be better and wasn’t so unfortunately just put it in a really mediocre spot and that’s why it’s down toward the bottom half number 66 the Vice Pro zero

When I found out that Vice was coming out with a new golf ball model I was excited because I was like man Vice is nice baby I mean they do a lot of good things right but then as I got to thinking about it I’m like what exactly

Do they need another golf ball model for well the formula they’re wanting to use is kind of the equivalent of the titlist AVX and the uh maxfly t 4 S where essentially you get these golf balls that are a lot firmer but they launch really low so they’re for really fast

Swingers who hit the ball and you know you need low launch and y y y so the problem I have with that is those golf balls that formula doesn’t work for the average swing speed it hasn’t with any of these golf balls on my channel and this one was no different it was

Extremely firm it just came off the club dead it didn’t have that Vice feel I like um yeah I mean it still has really cool designs Vice is awesome I love what they do I love their whole marketing scheme um and most of their golf balls test really well you’ll see the majority

Of their golf balls at a really high point in this list however the problem is this one wasn’t it was the only one I’ve ever tested that I’m really disappointed and I think it’s mediocre and it’s the only Vice golf ball I’ve ever told people to stay away from I

Mean I’m flat out told people hey don’t get that one you’re going to be disappointed number 65 the mauno tour x22 so I did not get good numbers with the mauno X when it came to the 22 models uh now with the 23 model that was a whole other case but

With the 22 Model I just didn’t get that great of numbers with it uh it felt really firm it felt really dense it just wasn’t that great somehow I’m surprised it came out a little bit better than the regular Pro or the regular tour model from 23 I’m not sure how that happened

Uh but I guess that one must have just really fell flat so this is the X model I wish it was a little bit better uh but again it just the X model usually is meant for faster swingers and I think they were still experimenting and

Nothing really here as far as across the board stat-wise really stood out number 64 the Callaway Chrome soft X another golf ball that would not read there’s only been like a couple that don’t and I think at this point it covers all of them uh but it didn’t read from it I had

To go out and do a tour test I like it but it’s not meant for the swing speed it’s meant for way faster swingers the Chrome soft is one of my the regular Chrome soft is one of the best golf balls I’ve tested on the channel you’ll

See that way higher in this list uh the X model I do like it’s soft it’s squishy it doesn’t feel like a rock it actually feels like I could use it but the numbers just don’t don’t come out that strong cuz it’s not meant for my swing

Speed honestly the fact that it’s this High despite that the fact it’s not for me and it’s still this high it’s pretty good I mean it’s pretty good to be honest with you I I I don’t have any quals with it so if you’re a fast

Swinger and you like Callaway give the x or the XLS a try number 63 Taylor Made tp5 I love the tp5 I have a soft spot for it but the reality is with those five layers it’s firm and it is not forgiving you really got to be able to

Be an amazing ball striker you got to be able to put a ball down and say yeah you know I want to put a you know a half hook half draw on this or oh I want to hit this low and slice it you have to be

Able to bend the ball and get it to do what you want I can’t most golfers can’t I mean I can kind of hit a draw you know and I can kind of hit a fade but I I can’t just have that type of pinpoint control constantly and this golf ball is

Meant for pros it’s meant for guys who are really good at golf so unfortunately I’m not able to manipulate it right um and because of that unforgiveness I lose so many yards that it just it keeps me off greens a lot of the time uh but I do

Love putting with this golf ball I love the designs I love the Pix model I think they do a really good job um I think it’s a premium golf ball when you pick one up you really feel like it’s premium you feel like there’s a lot of love in

To it so it’s a good golf ball but it’s just really not meant for maybe not my swing speed but maybe not my skill level either number 62 penfold Hearts I really wish this golf ball was higher I really do I love the penfold brand it’s it’s vintage it’s traditional it’s Jame Bond

You know it’s just I mean seriously it’s James Bond they have their own James Bond line because it’s from you know the movie I I just love this golf ball it’s so unique it’s so has so much character I actually like how it comes off the

Club it feels a little firm it feels a little traditional um but I love using it and people ask me questions about it I I just really have a soft spot in my heart for it but data is data and numbers is numbers and unfortunately it just doesn’t Stand Out performance

Numbers are just okay durability is pretty decent but value-wise it actually strikes out pretty good because it’s expensive by the time you order it from overseas and it gets shipped over here with shipping as well as you know your pretty expensive base price it ends up being a three-piece non n non urethane

Golf ball that is actually pretty expensive so wish it was higher but it is what it is number 61 Top Flight bomb you know this is it’s interesting it’s so funny and and if this this proves to you right here that these are numbers and metrics driven it’s not just my

Opinion if if any of you for a second think oh this guy’s opinion sucks yada y it’s not an opinion because the penfold heart which was 62 I still use on the course I still have a box of them I have sleeves of them I still use them on the

Course and the Top Flight bomb I wouldn’t use if you gave them to me I mean flat out I I do not like the bomb I think it feels atrocious uh it really felt like it was just for fast swingers who who spray the ball all over the

Course to try to get him to go more straight did not care for them at all did not care for the spin did not care for the durability just an awful golf ball in my opinion but somehow despite that all these numbers it comes up to a

61 so I have to do give it some credit but again I’m not going to recommend it we’re really in the mediocre zone right now being in this 50 60 70 range and there’s just better golf balls number 60 the cut blue I really like cut a lot I love what

Cut does this is actually the first time we’ve had a cut ball on the list uh why does the cut blue get such a a bad rep well it’s really the durability to be honest with you because the value is amazing I mean a three-piece urethane

Golf ball used to be for $20 now it’s 25 but still an amazing value there it’s actually a four piece it’s a four piece urethane golf ball so it’s incredible it has a good feel to it the numbers are okay but for the most part they will get

You around on the course if you’re someone who wants to experiment with a more you know spinning urethane ball this is a good entry point to not spend a lot of money and kind of get your feet wet but the problem with the blue like I

Said is that after a couple hits there are tears all over the cover it almost makes it unusable this actually probably has the worst durability of any golf ball I’ve ever tested it only lasts a few shots you got to use three or four of them around just that way you’re not

Affecting the ball fly to the Roll On The Green so the fact I mean think about it the fact that it got this High it got to 60 despite having that to where it’s basically unusable the numbers aren’t so bad so really a missed opportunity to be

Honest with you guys we made it through 69 to 60 as always keep watching and keep saving I will have in a couple days out the new one which will be 59 through 50 and we will have the top well the bottom half done and we will get into

The top 50 at that point I appreciate you guys watching until next time


  1. This is what’s missing in the Mygolfspy data using a robot, miss hits(toe, heal, thin). Yes, titleist is a great consistent ball IF you consistently hitting the center of the face.

  2. This countdown almost feels a little like the NCAA basketball tournament. Every video I’m like, will my favorites “lose” in this round or will they go on to the next “round”? So far, so good for my favorites.

  3. I’m so surprised the RZN hasn’t either taken off as a DTC brand or been picked up by another bigger traditional sports company.

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