Golf Players



It’s minus three in Glasgow and entitlement is running wild hearts are the comeback Kings meanwhile Celtic are the king of complaints the fans can he handle it are the board throwing away the title are those bum cheeks beginning to clench I think they are two points dropped at petrey and Rangers close the

Gap welcome back guys to fog football for your spfl refu show now we’ve got a lot of talk about in the top flight but before we can do that sadly we need to run through the lower leagues no offense to fans from um clubs in these leagues I

Mean someone’s got to do it and I respect you guys a lot not not everybody can be a glory Hunter so if you’re a fan of Bonnie rig or stenar then fair play to you fair play to you L anyway let’s quickly get through this Bon R Rose Nar

Now a bunch of yellow cards in this game but no goals Clyde won Peter head won I actually predicted a Clyde did I say Clyde to win I definitely get shafted 95th minute I definitely went with C getting a result it might have been a c

Win it might have been a draw either way Clyde they do need to start getting wins but didn’t lose you know they can build on this no no they needed to win this cuz the relegation Rivals both won okay elen won four for one and that puts them

In the mud Clyde are in the mud and then our final game ST house mo one nil I mean we just going to gloss over [ __ ] four4 I talked to them both yeah I tell you what though right it was there’s no goals this is your 1.5 at the windy nil

Nil 1 n 1 n 1 n and one each have one at the five it was very [ __ ] dry here very very dry it was dry it was drier than go [ __ ] come up the same thing at once right anyway lead two table drier than a drought in Africa there you go

All right so we’ve got stanhouse m 50 they’re clear hopefully the draw their next game cuz we all like 56 don’t we 56 a decent wi number decent wi number Clyde 15 not a decent wi number unless your name’s Adam Johnston so let’s move

On to League one big man and we got the league one results we got an athletic against it was double A against double A an Anderson against an Anderson what a sh match up that four horsemen I think I predicted a draw in this one normally if

I see two teams with the same beginning letters I just go for a draw can’t you can’t really go wrong with that logic name me a team that’s got like double like both both bits of their club name begin way that’s actually good and it can be like BB like Blackburn buddies or

Something even though I know it’s oh God banic burn bastards no we’re talking about an actual [ __ ] team name me the best one cardo City there you go it’s not a bad one it’s not a bad one that’s not a bad shout there oh would they be the best

Though well I’m not saying the best like but it’s it’s a decent we sh is it’s a decent we sh I I can’t H another one anyway let’s not B to death KY Hearts won 3 n no cuz I’m actually going to be constantly thinking about for the rest of forgot I said

About it right don’t become obsessed like some people bortman right moving on Kelly Hart’s 3-0 Hamilton 2 N Co Ranger St on Albi two each um and that was last week so who gives a [ __ ] though yeah obviously the spfl trust trophy was on so it wasn’t

Every game was in action H but faler set clear win the league EAS City Cardiff are clear of them fair enough I’ve seen some guy right Cardiff City fans let’s talk obviously turnill went to Cardiff right 2 million which I think is an all right deal for all involved some gu said

How about we sign shankland and then some guy said about shankland being nowhere near the level of what card of City need fors that baffles me that absolutely baffles me so so turnball is a good signing for cter City but Shanklin would be a [ __ ] one

What what do you mean what the what the card of City need they not need a guy puts the ball in the back of the net well there you go bang bang that’s what Shanklin does so I don’t get that logic oh he’s League two standard and all this

Piss [ __ ] right off League two standard hard on here sh Adams was still on 11 in the Premier League and I know who I’d rather trust to put the ball in the back of the net I think Shanklin could easily get could do it for a Premier League team

Maybe not he’s not top tier like but I mean I’m sure he could cope it at Southampton I I I no reason why not yo there’s no reason why shankland couldn’t get a game in for a team at the bottom of the Premier League yeah like a Lon or

Top Championship [ __ ] berny place for Sheffield United I know they just get pumped 5- nil and before we get to another 5-nil dundy United beat air United 21 very lucky dundy United there they managed to get the win but it looked like they were going to drop

Points here former player bich did we really talk about League one there I we did I must have been too busy thinking about you were thinking about Double Double A’s and double C’s well how about this one we’ve got two1 so yeah dundy United crucial for them but bezich who

Was talking about formerly for dundy United remember that the big money move the left back the Australian Amsterdam that’s the best one it has to be I can’t get a better one definitely not I guess I H has to bit like um but anyway he plays around the so he’s went

For the EAS like Tony wat the Ronaldo and S Mani there they go who also likes him underage apparently but anyway we’ve got the ver athletic and greenic Morton What In The Name of Christ has happened here I done firm the wheels are coming after the bus here W fair play to Green

Morton have turned it around because like 10 games in it looked like they were going down but all of a sudden they’re hitting great form and they are looking good for a playoff spot form wise they they look like they are probably going to get that four play

Place yeah it’s actually an incredible turnaround it’s crazy I thought it was game over for Chris’s Morton TV but looks like his flogs will be having a we promotion P this season but yeah for the firland it’s good night you know what I would like to see gck Morton in the

Premier League just to see Chris Morton hit the big time Big Time that would do it for me I genuinely would like to see that shout out to Chris Morton TV anyway in veress Caledonian fistle get beat by the spiders one nil they get caught in the web Dom Thomas hit them with

A no no no anyway let’s look at the championship table we’re almost at the league we want to talk about all right dund United top ra Rover so all the games hand have been played H for between the top two so thoughts on that ra Rover’s got a chance still no uh I

Mean yeah they’ve got a chance but you feel like if they drop points before dund United do it it’s probably all over game over yep or bro well I would say is D aren’t that great I mean form isn’t good it’s mad I completely forgot Scott

Bryan was in charge of United I talked about that like dund unit’s away form has been good but if you look at their home form it’s like they’re less than 50% at home which is a a weird statistic you’d think it’d be higher but then

Again their way fors making up for it so but you could also say the same about Ra Ra’s away form is so much better than the home form so it’s kind of weird how the top two teams are relying on their away form to make up for their you

Know yeah it’s not bad home form but you you wouldn’t expect to be top of the league dropp more points in more of the games than you’ve actually won off would you wouldn’t expect to be top the league in in second place with that sort of Home form no but

There you go both of those teams definitely not H you look through the league I mean Scott Brown can he finish anywhere where’s he where’s I mean what what should Scott Brown be aiming for and bear in mind he’s played a lot more games than the teams above so what can

He realistically do run a Bo six keep them up die it’s probably just a consolidate this seon AR bro I think are dying H it’s not look good for I think they’re done they could easily sort out but let’s talk about teams that are dying and that will be living but that

Will be in a wee bit cuz it’s Premiership time your team came back Shanklin ah Shanklin does what Shanks does and that score goals Hearts do what Hearts do that’s beat dunde by three goals to two just another day at the office here for stepen asouth he is a

Man y camon need to [ __ ] take it back I still don’t want him as the manager but you know what I need to I need to give him a we bit of credit here he’s turned it around 7 and a half thousand as well at Den park that’s a good we

Turn out but yeah done you I actually thought they’d get something today because of probably one of I think it’s between them and konic to see who’s had the best season so far I mean both of them punching above their weight absolutely uh not not Ming up next no

See what I would say I would actually probably say Kelly because I’d say d d actually cuz I have expected Kelly to push for the top six this season and look for a European spot under mck whereas dund I thought they’d stay up but they’re actually doing more than

Stay up you know I mean they’re looking like they actually could be a top six side as well so be good to see European football at dundy I have no real issues with dundy uh well I mean we’ve seen it dundy that didn’t end too well so well

End all right at tanise I did I just know when went to the actual European part you know the part we travel that bit was sh was let’s talk about HS though speak of sh let’s talk about HS goem in charge sh referee performance 7

To2 for M was a steal 200 in that I should have rised it Nick Nick Montgomery is looking like he um a fud I’m not saying he’s going to be sacked anytime soon but I mean I kind of lost a little bit of faith for this guy I

Thought when he first it’s it’s weird longer he there like the worst it’s looking when he first came in the performances were decent and he wasn’t really getting the results that he deserved but I mean now the performances are just kind of getting away for them they’ve signed a shitload of players on

Loan which is never a good sign in my opinion like seven loan signing I think it was in January that’s just way too much too much an overturn I I can see hibs just falling off this season and finishing like seventh eth I I don’t see them getting

Into top six no they’re they’re done Nick mcgomery I’ve I’ve actually called them out for month you’ve kind of said no no ni will come right you know what see if Neil Lenin is still hanging about why why don’t hibs get him back HS looked actually looked a threat under

Neil Lenin yeah no they did absolutely if I was aine I’d give Neil l in their job yeah but they called it so quickly though with um Ross and especially Maloney not saying Maloney is the man but they’ve went through managers pretty quickly true but they probably gave Lee Johnson too much

Time there is that element let’s talk with Mell Kelly though fan FEI returned to F Park didn’t get brought on about 10 minutes ago which is a weird one uh one each it finished probably expected Kelly to win this game even though I bet a draw so I actually got it right uh

Thoughts on this m well they going to stay tell what Lou Lou me has been a great sign in this season he has think he’s in everyone’s Wonder like should Rangers have kept him I’m not going to go that far right cuz I rate him but it’s like people would rate Leon King

Far more and he gets nowhere on the other team so anyway PR standard one one game no team really deserve the points but Greg Stewart and Kevin Van that’s to great strike I mean look at k onx team though like Stuart Finley and Mayo at the back Armstrong Stuart van F and all

Felle up front no it’s a good it’s a good side like I mean come onic or with they a merit like I mean no that that’s a team that I could see doing damage in Europe and I’m not just [ __ ] overhyping them there they’ve got Strikers and I think that the key in

Europe is to have someone who can put the ball in the back of the net it’s why Aline worked in Europe might not worked in the league though I’d be confident come onic winning a few European ties if they can obviously not get shafted come up against the PowerHouse obviously fan

Fe won’t be there for that unless he decides to stay but let’s talk about Rangers a team that can get it done in Europe Fabio Silva rabie matondo Todd can’t well right there’s an incident about cson whether or not he should have been sent off by the way just realizing

That the pound’s down on the dollar today is it I 88% 88% just clocked on to that what’s up not point no not8 it was 88% man would be in a recession or something that’s true actually well Cel they are recession J by the transfer [ __ ] they

Are but Rangers won right Goldson I don’t think it was a red cloudy and glas people are [ __ ] desperate calling it for a red I mean the mostly the goal would have get chopped off wouldn’t hard Rangers could have been done man gy when they got anything to dates no I actually

I’m looking forward to plus they had the trump card brother John brother John exactly but no I I hate ly right I don’t hate marttin Deale but see the club it’s almost like the players just can’t be [ __ ] anymore man yeah it’s Bing it’s actually it’s a shame to watch it’s

Weird though because we could actually have three Glasgow clubs in the league next year and only two edur clubs that would be that would be so destroying but let’s talk up at a oh relocate back to [ __ ] hell I put a lot of hype into that relocate back to the championship

Ly who wants to even talk about this game D Adams is a [ __ ] fud yeah know I’m glad St Johnson won cig leine won Derek Adams now I mean see Derek Adams since he came out in that big [ __ ] R if Ros could even got a result yeah they

Put a good performance against Ley but then that’s probably not even a a loss that is a loss I think that’s the only time that picked up points since that rant he’s lucky man that live sh but even the way Ross County are playing I would not fancy their chances

Of um the playoffs no you look at every other team the chance last season they were so [ __ ] lucky bottled it and you know what I even I think Ross K that [ __ ] that if Livy can just get a couple of wins and I don’t see that happening

At the moment but I I would not rule Livy out yet just because of Ross County I think Ross County are attainable for Livingston it’s the only team I I can see Livingston catching and even then it’s slim but I would I wouldn’t give Livy no chance for me there’s enough

Hope there that Ross County are [ __ ] enough to be caught yeah if Livingston like won four games out of seven for example they would smoke Ross County but it’s the question of doing yeah I don’t know I just could it be one if lingon get one win could that turn

Things around for them potentially potentially guys but let’s talk about the game that everyone’s here to talk about aberin W Celtic W we’re not going to talk about Kim boki’s first goal for St Johnson that was a brilliant one but was actually no bad anyway yeah let’s

Talk about the game at Padre Steven mclan was the referee bojan miosi gave abine the lead in the 50 minute uh Nicholas [ __ ] got the equalizer for Celtic very fortunate equalizer a bit of a miscommunication in the Box [ __ ] finally got his shot off and it took a deflection and trickled past the

Goalkeeper and then that was it just a one-1 draw I mean away 27 minutes left and plus 6 minutes he had it on injury time so well well over half an hour the match was there for Celtic to take and get the win but they didn’t do that and

They have H basically conceded top spot of the Premier League through Angels yep and that’s what’s great about it and the Meltdown is in I mean it’s it’s you s [ __ ] depressed about it I know I was I was M hting but you know what right no

Know why I was a bit depressed because I was thinking I said it earlier see with myosi the way he scored that goal that’s what I need up front at Rangers and I don’t want to be a sarus about potentially overtaking Celtic on Tuesday

But I just have it the back of my mind that serial D is going to [ __ ] up for everyone I’m sorry I can’t help but feel that yeah you would just feel more confident the guy missed an open net the day 3-0 up that doesn’t no missing an

Open net 3-0 up doesn’t do anything cuz no one’s going to care about it he did at Celtic Park yeah that’s what I’m saying like miosi took on um what’s he what’s like nooi the day absolutely rinsed him and put it in the back of the net he’d feel more confident with

Meowski or shankland in the old game or somethingone like that someone that can score a goal anyway let’s give over do some credit here turned up with a manager and they actually got a well they were sh first half I’m not I mean they were sh first half but you know

What getting getting into the break at nil nil sometimes that that’s the first hurdle you know you do that and then you can adjust and try something else in the second half because we’ve seen many of times where teams lose the game in the first half so I think up getting to the

Break now now was crucial and then second half they came out and I thought they were the better side I think they could have won on an all day so they could have I think it’s it could have went either way right Celtic dominated the first half didn’t do much we it I

Think G Shen is a better Midfield than K McGregor oh I’m not going to comment I’ve always liked G shenny how many medals he got yeah but if he played for Celtic how many medals would he have maybe there’s a reason he doesn’t play for Celtic he’s probably the best left back

Scotland’s ever had that couldn’t get a game at left back that’s a good we to have but let’s talk about the decisions the far decisions first off LS Palma’s goal in the first half Chris suton said he might be offside wait hold on a second you

Tell me grem shenny when he get into this current I team are strongest you and they start over I know even at left back you and they start over B of course I would I [ __ ] with like let’s talk about Chris Sutton greeting about well he wasn’t

Really greeting but he said it might be offside when it was about 10 yards off yeah that pissed me off see when you say m that means that it could go either way that means you’re like 50/50 this was clear offside why couldn’t Chris Sut

Just look at it and go he’s outside no goal but Chris Sutton disingenuous piece of [ __ ] sitting there going it might be offside when he knows 100% for a fact it’s offside I I just don’t get that no I I don’t get it well I do get it he’s a

Fud like no but it’s not even a sense of no but that would that would be like me saying well you know what Hearts might be in FD place no they are in [ __ ] third place okay just like this goal was offside it just didn’t make any sense

Far taking five minutes to come up with a decision was a joke I mean it’s not like it was the last kick of the game and he was desperate for the goal to stand and he didn’t want to admit that it was a I mean it was early on like all

He had to say was I you know what that’s all side let’s continue the game rule it off blah blah blah blah blah but he was trying to protest that this could have been on side like as if it was oh it might be we don’t know no we don’t know

Just open your eyes and look but he did say the rocky should have been sent off and he absolutely should have been I mean he tackles myosi and it’s on the knee it’s it’s high it’s not red it’s a second yellow and he said he’s a lucky boy so there

You go Celtic should have been done to 10 men Celtic down the 10 men with Aline dominating One n down I don’t see how they do not lose they would have lost brother mlan brother McAn it must have been also F broken the first few minutes

Of the game delayed the game also six minutes he had it on time to try and get could you imag could you that’s true but could you imagine right if they scored that first goal and they claimed that far was broke that’ be sick like consider how offside it was I tell you

What see that see if that go goes in you just feel like it’s a flood gates open inste this game comfortably but it didn’t he did it no but I feel like if Celtic did get that goal that early this game could have got away F before you

Know what about talk about just the end this what about the Celtic fans are they entitled to call it their board or is it all wrong I mean they no signing scored the equalizer come on very true but you know what the board were always going to get Flack because they weren’t happy

Originally and if you do not win the first game after the transfer window all fingers are going to be pointed towards that transfer window it was there were 100% going to come under Fire today no they were absolutely I don’t see how they would have drew it today

And it would been all right no it wouldn’t have been I mean at least if they’ have spent like 20 25 million in January I mean they could have been you couldn’t really fault the board you could just it would have been brandan Rogers and the players that would have

Been coming under Fire well I think it is Brendan Rogers Well no I I think Brendon I think the Heat’s actually off Brendan Rogers right now because all cic fans will look towards the window and go we need it to strengthen and we didn’t do it yeah I mean the team’s still

Mean see I you’re all right but let’s not kid ourselves that it was a oneman team under no definitely not but that’s another thing it’s like oh we need it is strengthen you laugh at these like Celtic fans that claim they need four starting 11 players to to beat teams in

The Scottish Premiership they always talk about how they’re level above yet they’re crying oh we need four players I mean should the current Celtic team not be good enough to win it P of course it should be I mean I don’t understand what the excuse really is now here have the

Celtic board got complacent over couldn’t couldn’t every team [ __ ] say that oh we need four players to improve on our league position of course every team could say that just it’s entitlement of the highest order isin’t that right Matty miles son I think it’s entitlement anyway let’s look at the league table

Because minus three is soon to become a toasty none a toasty none Rangers Freez Rangers and go top of the table if they get who they playing s aine at home oh all right okay well aine I broos come on I don’t know they got a spirited draw

Against Celtic you know who knows if they can take that sort of fight into the Rangers game uh Rangers if they can go that’s mental though if they can and is that the game in hand yep that’s the game in hand Celtic don’t play midweek

Oh no they do the game in hand the game in hands against Ross County but Rangers play Tuesday Celtic are away to hibs on Wednesday so see if r beat Aline and then HS beat Celtic will Brendon Rogers be getting death threats I just think it’ll be the board getting the death

Threats so you think Brendan Rogers is saved because this transfer window yes but I don’t think the transfer window excuses you to lose there to lose points against these two what on like it’s it’s two of The Big Three it no but they’re both outside the big big

Two no but my point is we can’t just blame the board got a pretty good record against the Rangers over the past 12 months of course they do you go I mean no but there these Celtic fans that seem to think that it’s almost like the M

They’re delusional man they are of the highest order it’s almost like an was piss and Brandon Rogers is the man but the board haven’t backed him how can you honestly think that see these people blaming Kyo for being bad I’m not saying that kugo hasn’t been bad

This season but how much is that down to him and how much is it done to Rogers I mean I don’t think an really spent that much money did he I know but what you could say is he bought but no but look at Alistar Johnson he was great the

Thing is so an had to buy because the whole Squad need a [ __ ] it was a clear out essentially yep Brendan Rogers has inherited and is winning treble side the side that an won five out of six trophies with all right minus y i but like we said it’s not y’s a

Oneman team yeah so I mean I think Brendan Rogers needs to I don’t think Brendan Rogers can be called an elite manager anymore right see Ryan 118 take your [ __ ] specs off go to spec Savers and get contact lenses or something because or I don’t know just poke your

Eyes if you think that if you think that Brandon Rogers is still an elite manager you should go to spec Savers too Jeff put yourself in one of those we mad Saw traps get John Kramer to to get you a re appointment mate because if you if

You still think that Brendan Rogers is um an elite manager then I don’t know what you’re doing but you shouldn’t be watching foit no Celtic fans would lead you you s your we G wrestling M all right wrestling I love professional wrestling buddy no but they Celtic fans

Leg you to believe that like they’ve easily got the best no but one minute they’re like oh we’re the best team in the land abine G shinny wouldn’t get a team for a getting a junior team and then the next oh we need sigs oh didn’t

Sign him what is it you can have it both ways I would I would make an argument that gem sheny would get an any team in this league that’s fair enough I think he be there enough I think he W on the door yeah that’s my that’s my opinion no

We’ve said this season the Rangers and Celtic are fairly average teams but know the difference is I think with Celtic the problem is up front in their Midfield I think it’s just pretty much as good as anre apart from well not not in terms of what it’s doing but on paper

It is and they’ve just missed y their defense are full backs and the goalkeepers with killing Celtic right as for Rangers yeah but I mean whose fault is that that’s that’s Rogers because it’s the same [ __ ] players that an had why well jeart was still piss under

An well that’s true but I mean kogo piss under Rogers great under an Taylor and Johnson great under an piss under Rogers I mean I think I think it’s Rogers that needs to take some responsibility here he does absolutely but like I’m not see Rangers obviously Rangers are

Obviously A Step Above the Rest but I’m not going to pretend right the Rangers are Miles better than the rest of the league but oh we need millions of signings Rangers didn’t need to make half the signs we didn’t oh we needed a striker yeah we signed Silva right but

We needed more people than that and we didn’t get that so anyway guys I think Celtic fans are entitled and I think the fact that they’ve won 11 at the last 12 League titles Mount of treles among it man they just can’t accept you know what see if they lose

The league it’s like who cares all right well I know you care but you’ve lost the league title it happens but it’s almost like if they lose there’s going to be a meltdown yeah I mean you can’t win the league every single season Rangers fans don’t have meltdowns every time they

Don’t win the league they’ve almost got used to not winning the league Rangers got ahead of Celtic by quite a margin with 55 and then blew it within a year within the next season yeah Rangers should have dominated for at least a few seasons because the Gap that Celtic on

The other hand right have dominated Scottish football for pretty much like 12 years apart from you know the 55 season what it’s a it’s a blip and look at the state of them all honestly see if they went through what Rangers did I’m not even talking about down the lower

Leagues imagine imagine they went like another 12 years and only won like a one trophy out of 12 like the ’90s that sort of [ __ ] in this day and age Celtic Part would be burned to the ground would be it would be anyway guys Rangers have won

The last two domestic trophies that were up for grabs can they make it three in a row I think they’ve got a good chance in my opinion they’ve went favorites for the title what do you mean Rangers won the last three domest two domestic trophies I stand by that they haven’t

They have how have they on Scottish cup not last season the season before so the treble last season oh did they oh well there you go talk [ __ ] talking absolute [ __ ] mence anyway guys hold on they beat that piss team I’m not counting that [ __ ] off in you’re not counting that does it

Count so I doin beat Celtic no that counts so that counts [ __ ] anyway till next time peace


  1. Brilliant video troops, but see if you try hard enough it sounds like somebody is arguing with themselves🤣👍🏻

  2. Chris Sutton is a fud, and I’m sure many Celtic fans agree with that, he just talks pish, he had plenty to say about rangers moaning about that handball decision that no lineman’s saw, no ref saw and not even VAR saw until they looked into it and went oh look sima was offside so that’s that even though it took 40 minutes to find a image of sima offside.. if these decisions stop helping Celtic we would see rangers as the champions every single season. If ange faced rangers in his first season in December rangers would of won 56 and the season after Celtic faced teams of 10/9 men for more than 60 minutes to go in a game rangers would of won 57 and this season rangers would be on the way to 58 but nope officals and the SFA doing their best to help Celtic, and let’s not forget how much stoppage time Celtic get if they are behind. 12 minutes stoppage time against st Johnstone earlier in the season.. it’s about time the officals and the SFA stop holding celtics hand and let them win games themselves but I highly doubt that will ever happen.

  3. Good laugh you 2😂🎉 I'm a Celtic fan, enjoying the title race for a change. Always going to be a few dicks in any walk of life but 100 odd fans don't speak for us all 😊HH🍀

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