Golf Players

PGA Tour Profiles: WM Phoenix Open Leader Andrew Novak

Andrew Novak was a guest on the Break80 Podcast last year. Get to know your current leader of the Waste Management Phoenix Open and his road to the PGA Tour. He will also dive into his basketball skills and winning the Wofford University Intramural Championship.

Make sure to subscribe to the Break80 Golf channel for upcoming interviews and episodes. We are PGA Tour media credentialed and will be producing more YouTube content in the coming months.

Break 80 listeners we have a special guest for you tonight that is Andrew Novak of the PGA Tour um welcome Andrew hey thanks for having me on yep coming to us from where Dominican Republic this week yes I’m pun Conor right now just got it living the living the dream Tim he

Travels almost as much as you do to play golf it’s that’s a that’s a hard life they have on the tour today was excessive man I went from Tampa through DC all the way down it was a long travel there oh well it’s it could be worse you

Could be in Minnesota under like two feet of snow still yeah I’ll take the 80 degrees here over that all day did did you pull a hogi and do just regular old business class or was he even just coach I’m thinking this could be a good week

Man I I was and I got the free upgrade today I got the first class upgrade guess I’ve been flying enough but yeah that was that was a nice one to show up to the airport and find out about nice well is this your second year on

Tour second full year second full year yeah second full year on tour so I guess we’ll let you kind of uh give us your story from Raleigh North Carolina to the PGA Tour uh yeah yeah I honestly I didn’t even really play much um when I was a

Kid Raley we moved to Charleston when I was like seven oh so that’s that’s kind of where I grew up uh nobody in my family played golf uh so I really didn’t have like anybody to go out and do that with like when I was young you know four

Five six years old I did show an interest in golf uh like I had like plastic clubs or I might have had metal clubs by like like you know like us kids clubs or whatever by the time I was like six or seven I’d go out in the yard and

Hit like plastic Whiffle balls for like long enough time that it was definitely outside the range of what like attention span of that kind of kid or Age kid should be doing but it probably wasn’t until like seventh or eighth grade uh it it was seventh grade

It was seventh grade uh in South Carolina you can try out for the high school team at that age and I tried out and wasn’t even close got cut but it was just kind of something that I had fun with and so I was like you know what I

Want to get better at this so I started like practicing from then working to get better um started working with my coach who I still work with Scott Rosenthal and I mean I couldn’t I couldn’t break a 100 from like the the fours like the farthest up to e like no chance couldn’t

Break 50 for nine holes um my short game and putting was all right because that’s kind of all I ever did you know like chipping around the yard my hands were decent and I don’t know putting I guess was natural put put I don’t know where I

Got that from but I just had to basically learn how to swing a golf club so once I got a coach that actually was teaching me like what you’re supposed to do with a golf club my scores dropped pretty quickly because the getting the ball in the hole thing wasn’t too

Foreign for me uh so by I started doing that in like seventh grade by ninth grade I could break 40 from like the men Seas on nine holes and from there just I me I was working working hard I kind of caught the golf bug I just never really

Stopped nice and then uh on to college at wford where I see that 2017 was quite a year Southern Conference Player of the Year Y and maybe maybe more impressive according to your PGA bio intermural basketball championship yeah I’m really proud of that one um you know it was

It’s it’s it’s honestly like more than that too so the way wford did it it’s it’s such a small school um you know there’s you sign up for the thing usually it’s just one League uh because there’s you know all the fraternities have a team and then there might be a

You know a few others but I guess this year they had a few like there was a couple different like freshman teams and stuff like that and so they actually broke it up into two separate leagues and so we were in ours you know it was

Like six teams in our league or whatever so we play through the year or whatever get to the playoffs and we go ahead and we win the championship so we win like our t-shirts whatever for for that um it it was our team was basically the golf

Team it it was all of us so we were you know it was good team bonding and uh then the other team that won the other division uh started to run their mouths to us a little bit and so um my buddy texted the inter mural director

Basically was like hey can we get some refs we need we need to run this back we need a Tournament of Champions and we took them down too so we were we were the true champions of wford that year nice nice so watch out watch out Century

World of Champions right yeah exactly we had we had more wins on the basketball court than on the golf course I think that year well I know this this is no longer on the bio but I have to bring it up because I think we talked before this

And you might have been misquoted but they used to say there was some quote about a mix between J.R Smith and uh couple other shooters in the NBA great quote Yeah J.R Smith you JJ reck and Draymond Green or like the aptitude of Draymond Green I don’t know I I got a

Quick trigger I mean uh there many shots that I see that I don’t like uh I don’t hit them maybe at the rate that you’re supposed to if you’re just letting it fly from everywhere but you know it’s it’s a confidence thing and and I think that’s good to have especially you know

On the golf course putting uh but yeah if your hands down I’m letting it Fly volume shooter like it not high efficiency streaky I I can get streaky you know I’ll hit I’ll hit three four in a row on you real quick I bet I bet jumper looks better than

Morawa did on uh on Netflix I I can comfortably guarantee you uh without a doubt I yes there are some guys that can shoot out here though Denny McCarthy I’ve seen him shoot that guy can shoot he’s not very tall so definitely a good choice he

Went with the golf but he can stroke it and he can putt too and you can putt too so it’s a shooting and a putting thing which must be a two or only thing because I I think it’s a bit of a confidence thing man I think uh you know

Because I played college basketball and only shot threes that’s all I did yeah when it comes to putting easily the worst part of my golf game without a doubt I don’t know it’s all I did too shoot threes man I couldn’t jump so so so Andrew has uh has J.R reached out yet

He’s he’s just what North Carolina right no no yeah he’s uh NCA andc I think no I’ve never met him I think he’s he might have been like a proam when I was at the tournament one time but I didn’t get to meet him or anything I bet you if you

Wanted to play golf with JJ reck you could probably message him because he’s like a Golf Nut now so and my mom went to Duke for grad school so I grew up a Duke fan so JJ reck was like you know I was like nine years old he was like kind

Of my first like athlete fandom uh growing up and I think we do actually have like a mutual friend like in the golf world so maybe one day it could get set up like I don’t think it’s completely unrealistic but yeah that would be a cool one I think you know

Obviously I follow him now with the stuff he’s doing in the broad or not really broadcast but uh ESPN analyst World whatever I think he’s great so yeah he’s a golf how how can we make this uh how can we make this threesome happen you JJ and Jr I mean the three

Sho pretty good one man yeah I don’t know it’d be weird being the best shooter in the group too I know it also said on the bio you were on Sports Center top 10 plays yeah yeah yeah those NCA is my junior year um I made it in as an individual

And uh we were playing it was the Tuscaloosa Regional so Alabama’s course called all colony and the 18th hole there really long part four and I driven it in the left rough and there was a pin like way in the back of the green and there’s

Like like the Green’s like flat and then there’s a shelf like to the back and the pin was on the back shelf and just over the back is like water so I was playing for a jumper didn’t jump and so I was literally probably 40 yards short on the very

Front of front edge of the green one of the math professors at wford took my height and like tried to like Do It Off video he came up with 109 feet but uh yeah the media team got me making that putt on video and that was pretty ridiculous I mean that’s pretty

Comfortably the longest putt I’ve ever even attempted I think in a golf tournament and of course it happened to go in the hole and the camera happened to be running at the same time so nice I think I was I was number four that day and and LeBron was number five so hell

Yeah just another basketball player I can one up yeah you got a you got a list going um so after college then what’s what’s the process like getting to the PGA Tour uh for me it it definitely took a little bit time um I went up to McKenzie tour in Canada

First so I did H school for that in the spring of my senior year and got my card there so went and did that in the summer and did not play well um I learned a lot uh I started great I I made the first four Cuts

Had couple top 20s I think I was doing pretty well and then like missed seven of the last eight cuts and like thought I had the driver Yips but just found out I was a being an idiot playing with a crack driver for two months just being

Dum but like I said learned a lot so um that was a good lesson to learn there and then so I went to Q School got my corn fairy card once you know I realized that I didn’t have the driver yet so I just needed a new driver and

Um I missed at final stage by like a couple shots uh so I didn’t get any starts but I ended up monding in three times earli in that year and so I got like a couple cuts made there so I shuffled all the way up to where I

Basically played like the back half of that season uh but did not do well so I had to go back to Q School same thing happens again you get to final stage Miss by one but luckily the first term of the year was Exuma in the Bahamas

Which is like dumb expensive and super inconvenient I mean it’s literally where they had that fire Festival documentary if people remember remember that like it is middle of nowhere on like a random Bahamian Island and so I snuck in like like second to last guy to get into

The tournament and I had a top 25 in which got me into the next week I made another cut and then I snuck into the bogat event because they had two courses there and finished like fifth so I got into the next week and then by then like

I reshuffled so I got the whole year and finished like I I retained my card that year so I finished in like the top 75 I think I finished like 60th or something on the season uh so I didn’t have to go back to Q school I kept my

Corn fa card for the next year and then that next year is when I won uh like early in the year but then Co happened so it turned into a two-year long season crazy Marathon um but that was the season I got my pj tour card on and so last year

Was my rookie year so going through those first few cuts through those those first Monday qualifiers how are the nerve because you’re you’re coming off of really stressful times straight into more travel and stressful times like yeah it was it was pretty stressful because I didn’t know if I was really

Going to be getting any starts um but for whatever reason I’ve always had like really really good success in Mondays um like I put my Monday resume up pretty much against anybody like maybe perod or um TJ vogle or something somebody like that might might just clip me but I’ve

Mondayed in I don’t even know how many times now uh I think like I guess those were only three Mondays I had to do on Cor fairy but I think I’m mondayed into like at least five PJ tour events as well so yeah I don’t know I guess something about just showing up

And just trying to shoot as low as I can was was fine it was kind of do or die like you just got to go do it I was gonna say you show up cold to some of those too like you don’t even know don’t even know the course really you just

Show up and play really no I don’t know I don’t know really where that came from but I just kind of always had it like I mean I mondayed in three times on corn FR that year I think it was in like three times in five attempts like it

Wasn’t even like like it just kept ripping them off I I don’t know like I don’t know what it was but it’s definitely I’m glad I was able to do it because if I didn’t do that I definitely was not going to be getting um nearly as many starts as I

Did especially because I shuffled in after I was able to make a couple cuts and although I didn’t keep my card that year I think that experience in seeing those golf courses was massive for the next year when I was able to to keep my card now this year’s been big right I

Mean you’re not having a Monday at all anymore you you mooved way past that we’ve got t17 T12 t69 T20 t29 yeah for PJ well because I play last year I’m not in a very good category so um I definitely uh there’s there is a chance of it but

Because I’ve played well I’m at the top of my category but like there’s situations it’s it’s like I’m in such a weird spot like I got in the PLAYERS Championship but I’m actually not in Valera next week so it’s yeah I’m like I’m like too out but it’s because the

Category I’m in because I didn’t play well last year I finished in the 126 to 150 category which slots in behind the corn fairy category so uh I don’t get priority but players champion ship filled in after exempt players by going off current year FedEx Cup which was

Much better for me because I’ve been playing much better this year so I was able to you know jump ahead of guys that otherwise are prioritized ahead of me and just standard events some of the stuff is so bizarre to me like I’ve talked about this in our podcast before

Whether it’s that yeah or they give so many exemptions to guys who you know former PGA Tour players that are like like a John Houston who’s like 60 some years old I’m like why wouldn’t they just reach out definely like they talk about like the Island Tour like this

Week you’re going to see some names some serious Blast from the Past names playing JJ Henry’s in it I saw JJ’s on the list JJ I’ve always thought why wouldn’t they give like like a few weeks back when corn Fury was kind of on their month-long

Break when it was in uh Puerto Rico or whatever is that Puerto Rico yeah why would they give a couple spots at some of the top corn FY guys talked about that they I I I don’t know I I think it would be a cool little bonus they did it

Like one year I don’t even remember they did it the year that we had the two-year long season as like a bonus because guys weren’t going to get their tour card because they weren’t giving out tour cards that first year so they did it but then it was still like stupid because

Puerto Rico the guys could play but there were like other ones like this week like Dominican they could have played it because it were like oh yeah you were high enough up like you could do it but nobody’s going to do that because they’d just play the corn fairy event to

Maintain because you want to maintain standing on corn fairy tour like if you skip that one event and that’s the difference between you being 25 and 26 on corn Fairy like you’re look like a idiot because then you don’t get an entire season you know so yeah it was I

Don’t know it’s tough to do that because you really just like that there’s even an example this week Ryan Blom he mondayed in to Dominican he’s not playing this week which I not really sure I’ve ever really seen that happen before but he mondayed in and thinking

He was not going to get into Savannah on the corn fairy event and the uh the number moved in Savannah and he got in so he is not playing here he is gonna be playing in Savannah because um I I think somebody was saying he may not have made

A cut yet and so he wants to make a cut so for the reshuffle I can you know guarantee that he’ll get starts for the rest of the year now there’s got to be somebody that that’s on a on a major medical for like the third year they can

Pull up as an Alternet to get out there that’s 55 years old or something no it’s I don’t even know I mean I can probably look and tell you but yeah the alternate rist is is probably far down at this point so yeah up to 102nd in FedEx Cup points I

See go ahead Tim I was going to ask just coming out of the Corn fairy tour versus the PJ is there a different way that you play we always hear and have interviewed a couple guys on that tour it’s you shoot for birdies you you play aggressive and

You kind of hone that back a little bit on on the tour yeah have you seen that as I don’t think I don’t think you necessarily hone it back I just think that on the PJ tour not all of them but definitely some of the courses offer less holes that you

Can really get after um corn fairy there were rarely like maybe maybe one or two holes a week where you’re like I’m probably not birdie in this hole like I’ll take my par and I’ve got like 16 other holes that I feel like you know if

I hit good shots I got a pretty decent chance at birdie PJ tour you might have five or six holes each week that at least two of the four days pin placement wise you’re like just 30 feet and get me down into like I’m not making

Birdie here and so it’s um I feel like you definitely see a lot more guys on Cor Fair like every week somebody 63 on corn fairy even like even some of the tougher courses because they’re just they don’t get as firm the rough’s not as penalizing like you can kind of get

Away with being slightly off or or you know getting get away with maybe a couple loose shots on the PJ tour like you’re not really just gonna hit it in the rough and and make birdies still usually it’s it’s got to be everything so let’s talk

About go ahead I was just going to say overall like the consistency of the difficulty in the sense of like firmness and rough is the biggest change going to the PJ tour So speaking of difficulty I think are the last two weeks sass for the players and inisbrook the toughest

Back-to-back you got go three you gotta go three weeks Arnold Palmer I think Hill tough too yeah even even before that Honda like Honda’s brutal like there’s just crap everywhere like literally everywhere it’s you cannot that is like the most stressful I haven’t played bill yet but Honda’s got

To be like the most stressful Golf Course i’ ever played like there’s not a swing where you’re there’s not a shot on that course that can’t just be instant double if you mess it up like bad enough like there’s just trouble everywhere so uh I think

That I mean that’s kind of Florida golf there’s gonna be a lot of water and things like that but yeah I would say this stretch is definitely some brutal Golf and Sass this is your first players this year it was what was that experience like it was good I would have

Liked to played better than I did I got off to a horrible start and just like refused to make birdies um I just hit the ball awful I couldn’t really string anything together I like I putted all right at times but I just never really was putting for birdie

And and not really from anywhere near the hole so and the wind the wind the wind got up right yeah wind got up but just felt like my good shots just didn’t really turn out that great my bad shots were pretty penalized like I think part

Of it was just being first time around and not really knowing what I was doing out there I guess uh on that course definitely definitely some ins and outs of that place that that I can learn over the years but I think I think it is a very good course

And I had a lot of fun with it the fans were unbelievable that week so Tim you got any questions about sagass I I have one no I mean we didn’t see him on the balls in the water feature so oh I went in the water on 17 first

Day you split splashed it yeah it was it was like fluky it was so stupid I I had I had the I had a gap wedge in my hand and the guy in my group it was a front like the front pin like Thursday

Pin that hay made the ho one two but we had to go back Friday morning because we didn’t finish and so that was like my first literally like my first shot of the day like I think I started my first shot or no my first shot was putting on 16 so my

First swing of the day was 17 which is not fun at all um and I had a gap wedge in my hand but it was supposed to be downwind and a guy in my group like I was hitting I guess third probably your second or third anyway the guy hitting

Right before me hit sand wedge instead of a gap wedge and from our point of view it looked like it went over the green it actually like hung up in the rough like on top of the wood but he basically he hadit a sand wedge over the

Green didn’t quite go in the water but I mean that’s 140 something yards sand wedge and so my cadd and I decided to make the switch to The Sand Wedge instead of hitting the gap wedge and it came up short so I don’t know what that

Guy did on his Sand Wedge but yeah it messed me up I the where the pin was it was not like a good play to go to the drop zone so I just grabbed the gap wedge and hit it again from the te like right on the green which is what I

Should have done in the first place I guess I guess my thought on sass is at least when you’re watching it this year when if there’s no wind and they get a little bit of rain so it’s soft is it that difficult you know every every talks about sress being so

Difficult but those guys on Saturday when there was no wind they kind of t yeah yeah I yeah and definitely like our wave got kind of screwed a bit it didn’t matter for me I was I was so far off the cut line but definitely any of the guys

In my way have like got whipped pretty good by that um yeah I don’t think Saw Grass like if you get Saw Grass those green soft they were rolling so perfect you’re going to make birdies um but the wind out there just caused so much indecision and there’s so many like

Penalizing areas around that place you got to be playing from the fairways um all those factors kind of added up and it it got tough but it was crazy saying like some of the differences from mornings to afternoons like how how much harder that place could get

Quickly so it’s it’s also said about the players they kind of roll out the red carpet for folks did you have a overall did you have a good experience outside of the course as well absolutely absolutely they treat they treat us very well I mean they they call it the

Players Champion or Players Championship like it it really was I felt like for us I thought they treated us great um they treated the families really well you know had a nice Locker set up there and it was good it was cool I got to do like a little press conference

They do like a first time press conference pretty cool nice what what else is included for that kind of the red carpet roll out is it is it meals in in the clubhouse it’s obviously it’s gorgeous there yeah I mean we we get meals every week um the food was great

That week but but it just I don’t know they they treat us well every week but that week just kind of felt a little bit more so I mean we had you know they never show me on coverage and they had every single shot

Of mine on camera so you know if I had family that wasn’t there they could still watch me play every hole which that just that doesn’t happen every week so that was definitely pretty cool and then you go and then you went right to inisbrook which is another brutal brutal

Test to golf made the cut you did you shoot even dadd even for the week yes I yeah that’s that’s good playing on a on a track that’s looked hard as hell yeah yeah I drove it great and I I putted really well again um just

Kind of struggled with some of the irons and and the part three gave me fits but I thought I put together a pretty good week for not quite being on with with the irons my short game not being really as good as I’m used to but definitely definitely very happy with the direction

The driver is going nice um I have a good I just have a general tour question do you guys do a lot of players watch the TV coverage if you’re teeing off later to kind of get an idea of like the golf course conditions yeah if I got an afternoon

Tea time I’ll definitely be watching in the morning like seeing how certain holes are playing to certain pin seeing what guys are doing um it may not always translate like it’s typically just going to be softer in the morning than then when I get there but still seeing

Certain breaks and and how guys are playing HS can be beneficial and carryover for sure kind of going off off Mike’s question a little bit we we see that there’s certain circles within the tour at least that’s how the tailor made ads make it seem right all the tailor made

Guys hang out forgiveness guys yeah they’re all they’re all getting the Forgiveness um are there certain like Social Circles within the tour that you’ve experienced are there certain guys that you hang out with most yeah I mean yeah there they’re definitely like groups of guys that that hang out or

Have their typical practice rounds or or or groups um I feel I mean it was that way on corn fairy tour too I mean every I feel like it’s if if you’re in an office place or something there’s going to be you know groups of friends or whatever in that

Too it’s your job but yeah I mean I I feel like I’m with the SE Island guys a decent bit you know playing with them back at home and and seeing them on the road and stuff like that but um yeah no it definitely definitely is uh you call it clicky a

Little bit I not in a bad way really cashmir Keith he’s a c Island guy isn’t he yeah Casmir cre he’s a lot man oh my goodness I think he’s loving this new moniker too so oh I can I could tell he plays it up his Instagram has like him

Getting ta fitted with tailor and stuff and that guy that guy I see put is giving them the Fancy Shoes now trying to play up the whole deal people don’t know what they’re doing they’re just feeding this ego oh my goodness who else is out at se Island

Stuart sink is you SE Island guy no steuart he went to he went to Georgia Tech but I think he’s in Atlanta still oh but they got JT Poston Brian Harman Pat kazy Michael Thompson Jonathan bird Ben Griffin um what am I missing here definitely missing like multiple

People Zack Johnson if I said that Davis Love Is there so yeah it’s it’s a it’s a big crew we’ve talked about it on the podcast part because Tim is trying to play the top 100 public courses and he’s played like 40 or something but SE

Island is like it’s brutal stay to stay and get on the golf course it’s like $1,300 to play basically play around a golf there it’s like oh my God I mean the resort is awesome and I love the island but yeah they they will bleed you

Dry there for sure it looks great aome I know it’s gorgeous down there yeah if you can get it like honestly like this time of year is I’m guessing overseed probably about to start coming out like it’s it’s a really good time of year to play there this is

When they had it marked up so that makes sense I kind of figured the S the Sass the Sea Island leg of your top 100 tip is going to you got to work some overtime put in for that one to be pain a four that’s a four grand trip right

There I I think sass is it’s I think sass is GNA be the first one to hit a thousand for round I mean that place is is getting up there it’s getting crazy well I we kind of followed your movement a little bit too from Raleigh to

Chareston to college to Sea Island now I gotta I gotta ask you’re kind of in the the hotwing central versus Seafood area did you ever go to TNT Hot Chicken back in college TT Hot Chicken where is that that’s that’s right in your hometown it’s been there a little while are you a

Big Wing guy or uh what’s your food of choice being in the South uh I mean I’ll eat anything like seriously but yeah no I mean I do like hot wings is TNT is that like a is that a chain or is that it’s it’s something

That’s right by the the college and I went oh my God if I was gonna stop right by wa where I go for it’s by Walford yeah it’s by Walford man I don’t know that at wford I used to go swings place with a buddy of mine called Chiefs because they had like

Two for Tuesdays we can get cheap Wings there but no I’m not familiar with that one there were a lot of good places to eat in sparenberg though sneaky like you wouldn’t really think it but they there were a lot of lot of decent spots you play but yeah I

Mean that’s one of the coolest things about traveling is I get to you know get food everywhere so like like barbecue is pretty good in South Carolina but like I’ve also played golf tournaments in Kansas City so I know how good it can get like you know Seafood is obviously

Really good in Charleston but I’ve also had you know Sushi out west like on the coast there and so like it’s I’m pretty lucky with with getting to travel getting to eat some pretty good food and you came here play the 3M last year

Right I did y so did you get did you get a juicy locy while you were in town that’s our big uh Minneapolis like KN food I’m be honest I don’t even know what that is all right so if if if you come to the 3M this year the break ad80

Podcast will have to take you out and get you a juicy Loosey which is like a cheese drink I know a cheeseburger almost almost they but they put the cheese in the middle of two patties but it’s like it’s not like a double Patty it’s like squeez it makes one patty so

When you bite into it it’s like hot cheese oozing out it’s just a good version of a cheeseburger basically that’s like that’s our staple thing here is it is it like on a burger or is it like a patty mkk no it’s a burger it’s just a different way of doing it but

It’s like what we’re i’ go for that I mean when you know when when I was younger my dad grilled burgers he would he would roll me he’d roll the cheese right in the right in the uh call in the Patty yeah just like home we’ll have to

Drag we’ll have to drag Andrew down to Matt’s Bar to and to the original home now we’re now we’re we’re uh we’re really determining is it is it Matt or is it 5’8 I don’t know but Matt is pretty sluming it up but I don’t you know it’s not it’s not Norm you’re

Normal t tour life stop yeah as long as I don’t have a tea time too early next morning I gota be able to move but yeah oh yeah got to do it last year at the 3M the break 80 podcast we were with uh we ended up

Caddying in the proam for the Fourplay guys and then uh and then Callum Taran you were golf with Callum out there yeah of course yeah I played a lot of golf with Callum he was in our group so then we we were like well let’s go follow

Callum today on the actual normal round and we on Saturday and Sunday we followed him and he was on fire I think he ended up top 10 and he’s like keep following we’re like all right why not what the hell what do we got to lose we

Just drinking beer and so maybe maybe we’re the lucky charms I don’t know yeah well follow me please take a job there heck yeah yeah you could do it there that one’s that’s a goal low Golf Course a lot of times played decent there last year had I had

My moments I don’t know what I finish I probably finish around like 30th or something it is amazing though we played there well you didn’t Tim Jeff and I with uh a kid on my used to be on my high school golf team that’s like kind of like he’s

A professional but not anywhere near your level we went we played as far back as TBC would let us go we went to all the back boxes about two weeks before holy cow I did 79 for me9 for which is which is I’m a I’m a dead scratch right

I’m exactly at 0.0 right now but and I hit it I thought I hit it fairly far you know I’m 6’5 so that helps but gez you know playing where we typically play and then going back to play where you guys play from I’m like I have never holes

Some of those holes like like if you go to the back box on like 17 like yeah that’s cool but we don’t play the back box every day yeah maybe one of the four rounds or something but like you know it depends on set up but yeah it’s that

Course got pretty healthy I think like a lot of it it’s pretty exposed to the wind out there so I think like depending on certain win situations you might use the back T versus the the front te on some holes like you know if they’re running next to each

Other but yeah that’s that was a pretty healthy golf course I think the fairways did firm up a little bit which made it a little bit more manageable but I do remember that place being pretty long but like yeah it’s like I I just I remember leaving

Thinking holy [ __ ] I’ve never hit so many 3-woods into all the par fives and like good Lord whole two from the back ttim is is just the road across the road is ridiculous when you just go out there with buddies and play up you know whatever let’s say

Like 60 700 yards you hit like an iron and like a I don’t even maybe even a wedge from that back box it was like driver it was into the wind it’s like driver 4 iron yeah wendam Clark was in the group in front of me I think he hit

Driver lob wedge he he sent it over that bunker stupid we had his caddy on the Pod um a little while ago so Windham loves loves it here here apparently at the 3M so we’re going to we’re going to have to go out to the 3M a bunch J we’re

Working on media passes this year there you go hopefully that happens well um what else do I got we don’t want to keep too much of your time you got practice well we’re talking about what we’re all looking forward to right hoping you’re come up coming up for the 3M uh hope

That’s in the the cards are there any other events that you’re looking forward to the most uh like anything that really suits your eye being from yeah I mean grew I grew up in Charleston so like I’ve always wanted to play The Heritage but I’ve it’s an Invitational I haven’t gotten the invite

And I was hoping maybe this year you know they’d look to South Carolina guy um but then I think they got I’m pretty sure they’re elevated this year so with with my uh priority I’m not really sure how much I’m going to be prioritized for that since elevator

There’s G to be a lot more guys playing this year so we’ll see if if you know if I can get into that that one that would be really awesome but not hold that hook too much there um you’ve got your eyes on one of those one of those great

Blazers yeah seriously it I don’t know like wford wford Lum always buy out like one of the tents and they always have a crew there it just it would be a home event like I’d have family there it would be a lot of fun and I think it’s a

Course that I could play pretty well at you know if I’m clicking it’s not terribly far off of course I grew up playing so um I think there are a lot of factors but definitely that would be one of one of the ones I’d be looking forward to outside of

That I don’t know maybe maybe Colonial because I was there all week last year and and didn’t get in I was like second alternate um but I think this year with how I’m playing I’ve got pretty good chance of getting into that that course looked awesome I remember those greens

Were just running so perfect so I think that that would probably fall under a list of cool ones and also if I can qualify in US Open Lac looks unbelievable I’ve never played there but I’ve like some of the guys that played The Walker cup uh there I’ve talked to

Them and they just like Rave about that place you played Brookline last year didn’t you I did yeah what how was that that looks sweet yeah that was awesome that course was unbelievable it was so good um the rough there was like just so brutal so hard um but yeah for a first

US Open that’s like all I could ask for really like that’s the exact kind of golf course you you want to play in a US Open I feel like yeah no exactly like like no offense like I I actually enjoyed Chambers Bay like watching it I thought

It was very fun but like if that was like your first US Open that’d kind of be like a little bit weird you know because it doesn’t really come off it’s a US Open course um so yeah it was it felt like you know a true US Open yeah I

Love Chambers Bay by the way I played it and I doesn’t get near the credit should I think I think they you know if they can go there for a President’s Cup Ridder cup or even a PGA like out there I think I think it’d be great from

Everything I’ve heard they’ve kind of fixed the green situation they had going there so yeah I think I think that place’s getting another shot would be really cool and you kind of mentioned a Tian back home we’re always curious as guys that go out play our home course you

Know shooting like in sometimes in the 60s 70s 80s um if your home course if you went back to it first off what was it how do you think you’d shoot now if you went back that first place that you couldn’t necessarily break a 100 at uh so that would probably be

Charleston National that would be like my first I wasn’t like a member it was a public course but I did work out there and that’s where my coach was at so I would I would claim that place but it was a public course it wasn’t like great

But back in the day when it was first built it was actually intended to be like a great golf course and then a hurricane kind of blew it up but they had all these like kind of secret tea boxes like you could stretch this place to like

7500 is like from like all the way back at sea level maybe 7,400 7500 like like I’m not Kidd you could you could make this place play so long like there were holes like like seven was a part three like the men’s te’s would be like 175

And then the back box would always be like 195 but there was like a back te where like you could kind of go in and around a corner and they never had like the brush cut down so like actually would have been like a dog like right so

Not playable but if they clean that out like it could have been like 235 with like water on the right edge of the green like brutal hole so I mean if I shot in the 60s from back there I would be really happy but I also never played

From back there if I played from where I played you know growing up I could probably do some damage out there you is sneaky good this is Jones you’re looking up so well that’s the thing so it was designed I don’t even know if he claims it anymore or whatever like

Because so when it was designed it was designed to like host like massive tournaments like they had some of the guys I’ve talked to like older um players that play the mini tours back in the day remember the place from back in like the early 90s like literally like

When whenever Hugo came through hurricane Hugo that’s what blew up the golf course I think that was like 92 my Charleston history is not great but uh guys remember it from before when it was like they didn’t even have a clubhouse they had a trailer they remember the

Place being brutal but Hugo basically destroyed every bunker on the golf course and took out like thousands of trees and it basically just changed the entire Dynamic of the course which it’s still a fun course to play now but um it’s not quite what it was when it was

Like initially built do you have some favorite non non non- tour courses just general because I’ve always contended like all these tpcs kind of look the same you know like a lot of the tour cour you have any that are some maybe classic country clubs that most people

Don’t get to see ever on TV or or some of your favorites do you want like underrated or no just like the best your favorite your favorite okay well I mean I’ve played Maran and oh nice that place is so unbelievable but I also played that in the same trip as playing a

Course that I played in junior golf that I wanted to get back to called lster Country Club in Pennsylvania yep and that place is also super slept on like crazy underrated and I mean it still gets I think it gets ranked like top 100 still oh yeah they’ve had hosted the

Women’s events exactly they’ve had US Women’s opens there that place is unbelievable like we played there Maran back toback days The Greens at laner were faster now The Greens at Marion were perfect and they were but lanaster was like like actually ridiculous I mean it’s just like a random you know

Thursday or whatever it was so yeah I would definitely put that as like one of my most underrated courses I’ve probably ever played Def and I definitely like when people are asking I definitely throw that one in there when you when you is that 300M the only time you played in Minnesota here

In our state it’s got to be um I think so I don’t know don’t really know when else I would up there I think I think it is I think honestly I guess that’s probably the only course I’ve played in Minnesota though yeah we have some we have some

Decent private ones we played Wisconsin’s tournament in college so I’ve been up there but yeah I only have one more question Tim unless you got another one I I have the last question maybe oh because mine has mine’s the big question everybody’s been talking about in professional golf the

Golf ball mhm and rolling it back what are what are your thoughts on this I mean the USGA can kind of do whatever they want I guess but just to me it seems just like a cell phone if they do it like I I don’t see the point

Because the tour is not going to adapt it like adopt it and the manufacturers aren’t going to adopt it so basically we’re just going to play with a local rule every week where we just play with our normal stuff every single week except for the US Open and the British

Open and then the USGA and the RNA are going to have to pay somebody not one of these ball man or equipment manufacturers to make their golf balls for that week to give to us players for free and not make any money off of them because you’re not going to sell a ball

To like a am like hey this goes 15% shorter you want to hit this no like I just don’t I don’t see the point in what they’re doing like yeah it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me like financially at all like I get they’re

Trying to I make golf harder or make I don’t know I I I just don’t get the whole thing like there’s a few holes maybe that are affected but like if you hit it offline you’re still going to get in trouble in most places like bbar

Wasn’t that long I didn’t think but it held up just fine so I I don’t know why you have to change everything just to maybe fix a few holes um it just it seems like trying to fix a problem that isn’t necessarily as big of an issue as people think I I don’t

Know I think if if you if somebody gets in the gym and and they do the things they do and hit the ball far why why should that not be rewarded if somebody in the NFL or NBA puts a ton of work in to get better at something and and they

Do like they probably should get a little bit of an advantage out of that I I don’t know and don’t the longer hitters aren’t they still going to hit it longer with this ball anyway like they’re still G to have the same I mean

Yes they will but I I just I don’t see the point of why we have to play a separate ball and do all of this like I don’t know it just seems like a lot of effort for something that I still don’t understand why we’d be

Doing Timmy what do you got final final question I’m I’m just gonna say this on the golf ball I just found this distance don’t take it away oh you every time Tim thinks he’s catching up I and then he’ll he’ll use size as a you’re way bigger than me it’s I say

Look at Rory look at Justin Thomas well I’m a big guy and I don’t hit that far so I appreciate that for my own stats uh I last question made a mention in one of your bios that you’d have a different first T song each week what would your extra

Song be was at the Players they were asking us y so what would your exit song be this week and uh can we get around the trademarks to put it on this podcast this week I don’t know that I think the players the question they

Asked was that but I I’m the guy that’s like superstitious about it so I’d be rolling with like if one worked I’d roll with it the next week so if I made the cut last week I’d probably be rocking with whatever I had last week until I

Missed the cut and then I’d probably switch it up I suppose to ask this what’s what’s most on repeat right now on on the sptify oh man I listen I listen to some music that we probably don’t want to kids listening to hipop hip-hop guy hipop hip hop Rock I

Actually I was listening I’ve been listening to decent bit of lennium recently because I got I played with him at uh Pebble Beach I got paired with him he’s a EDM guy but kind of enjoyed his stuff but it is definitely a little bit different than what I typically Listen

To I listen to like you know some some deep Hood Chicago rout I mean it’s there’s nothing better than coming up to country club with some some deeper up on oh yeah you two guys are younger I’m GNA tell you right now 90s hip hop yeah if

You if you put on 90s hip hop starting tomorrow I I could I could tell you I on my plane today I was listening to a guy that zero of your listeners have ever heard of so if anybody has heard of the guy named eeday great good for you so no

Idea if you put on some 90s hipop probably win this week and you’re into austa yeah exactly 90s Hip Hops where it’s at just drive you well we appreciated a lot uh coming on here we took way more time than uh we probably intended to but um best of luck this

Week and the rest of the year and hopefully we’ll see you up in the Twin Cities here awesome yeah definitely thanks for having me on yeah thank you

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