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Swartz Talkin’ Sports: Special Guest Former New England Patriots All-Pro Brian Holloway

This week Les welcomes Former New England Patriots All-Pro Brian Holloway to talk about the upcoming Super Bowl 2024.

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Turn N He St Welcome to Schwartz talking Sports I’m your host Les Schwartz I know we had our show earlier this week Jerome Bennis we’re back for another show in our Super Bowl Extravaganza week we’ve got a great guest tonight Brian Holloway is going to be coming on in a minute to do uh his

Second interview with us versus Brian Holloway part two but right now I want to bring on uh someone who’s been a frequent guest of the show and I’m happy to say is going to be moving forward my co-host whenever we can get free anyway and that’s former Florida A&M

Quarterback Al Chester quarterback of the 1978 Rattler National Championship team and currently on the broadcast of Rattler basketball and football so Al I am thrilled to have you as my co-host moving forward so I really want to thank you well let I tell you what I’m I’m

Happy to be on board man I tell you happy throwback Thursday and let’s get this show started let’s get it started before we bring on our special guest Brian Holloway today I want to first of all say a very special thank you to everyone out there that has subscribed

We hit a milestone 500 subscribers I never thought we’d even get there but we did it so I want to thank the entire Sportz talking sports team from my producer Tony the Tiger smal to my you know social media people carara and Greg and obviously everyone out there all my

Subscribers my early ones all my friends and family and neighbors who really tuned in and got this thing going and then we just picked up steam and you know we’re going to do a special tribute at the end of the show to every one of those people that’s made this show

Successful but I have to give a very special shout out to one person in particular and that’s Vince Coleman uh Vince hooked up uh Al and I uh there have been tremendous friends in Florida A&M teammates but Vince’s uh tremendous pro baseball career with St Louis and

Later the Mets but I’ve got to say he’s been instrumental in in helping me get a lot of these guests that you guys love to see so uh Vince thank you so much uh we love you thanks for supporting the show and we look forward to making it

Bigger and better with you so with that let’s bring on tonight’s first guest and our guest Brian Holloway hey Brian hey how are you fellas how are you doing hey Brian how you doing good it’s a wonderful it’s wonderful to be back in uh to be in the

Presence of a legend he must be talking about you Al because he’s not talking about me yeah we knew one day you would come we knew one day you’d come congratulations thank you thank you I tell Brian it’s been it’s been a tremendous run man I tell you what and

Uh I’m excited about partnering up with les looking forward to some great shows and uh obviously glad that you’re here I like that Patriot Jersey you’re wearing that’s right holding holding it down down in Tampa Florida okay um uh dropback Sprint Out roll waggle which

One we G we’re GNA waggle on the first sound RIT break yeah okay I’m probably gonna be off sides what else but as a quarter as a quarterback what did you like the best you know what I tell you what it was uh the command of the the

Offense and having having those 10 guys look me in the face understanding that you know all 10 of those guys were from different walks of life and I had to understand who they were to keep them motivated and you know certain things certain players were motivated different

And uh that was was always a treat and uh but but to put it all together and to be successful you can’t beat that with a stick yeah that’s a that’s an ambassador of the universe right there the quarterback always yeah hey man congratulations the quarterback’s the trigger man he makes everything happen

If you don’t have a good one you’re not going to be successful so hey hey hey hey hey hey I know the left tackle is important too I know the Blindside guy I know understand it I I know where you’re coming from Le and Le it it all starts

Up front though I don’t care you got to have people push people around on both sides of the ball so I mean Brian’s right I mean up front you got to have those guys I don’t care who’s in the back field who’s pulling the trigger who’s spinning that ball if you don’t

Have those guys up front pushing people around opening lanes for those running backs nothing happens yeah because there’s there’s six seven full 300 pounds of ugly over there on the other side and that’s my job I take care of that I’m just roaming the listen I just

I’d hope I could be a kicker or something right so but here’s the deal so obviously you know uh February Black History Month and it’s very very important and we really want to kind of showcase that on tonight’s show and you know we’ve got we’ve got you know we’ve

Got someone in in Al that you know matriculated at an HBCU school not only you know you know excelled on the field but off the field as a student yeah we also have you know Brian Holloway who’s got very deep ties when it comes to you

Know the history of of uh you know African-Americans in this country and and and you’ve got some interesting stories and you know throughout that we’ll throw up some pictures and things like that I’d like to get kind of both of your experiences a as it relates to

Everything moving where we were in the 60s and 70s and where we are today and and maybe some of the advances we’ve made what it was like as an athlete back then um breaking in and having you know maybe breaking down barriers that you

Guys had to do to get to where you are so you know I’m going to kind of leave it up to you guys maybe to start this off Kickstart this thing and I’ll interject when when we have to but and as we if we have some questions out

There from people on the show we’ll certainly uh have Tony shut them out so I’m going to kind of let throw it back to you guys I’m just going to beat referee I’m throwing the ball out there and and let you guys run with it no I

Want to hear our stories I want to hear I tell you what I’m I’m a proud graduate of Florida NM University uh the top historically black college in the country national champs and and I tell you what if I had to do it all over

Again I’d do it the same way but when you think about black history you know I think think about uh the things that I would I was taught certain names come to mind right off the rip montin Luther King Jr of course Shirley Chisum Rosa Parks uh Harriet tugman Malcolm X you

Know John Lewis third Good Marshall those are the kind of people that that I was taught who who led the way for us who actually knocked on the doors kicked the doors down to give us the opportunities that we have and I’d be remiss if we didn’t mention those guys

Even from an athletic standpoint I mean you know Jackie Robinson the Jesse Owens alel Gibson Hank Aaron you know Doug Williams Art Shell I mean these people who who cut cut their teeth on creating opportunities for for black athletes you know um Jackie Robinson was the first black baseball player Kenny Washington

Was actually the first NFL player and then Earl lyd uh the first NBA player so I mean I I Gotta Throw throw my hat out to these folks and and there are many others obviously Willie o the first NHL player right first NHL player Willie o

From the brw absolutely I mean so there there were Pioneers who who opened the doors and allow people like us to jump in and and and and try to create some opportunities you know for me um I’m a I’m a 1958 born guy so you know I I

Picked it up in the the late 60s and watching uh you know we we talked about my my Idols at quarterback you know ELR Dicky and conri Holloway and those guys and and wanting to pattern my game after them but for me as a player I mean I saw

What they went through uh don Gaff who was the first black quarterback at the University of Florida he’s a personal friend of mine what he went through I watched all of this stuff and um you know it helped me be a better person and and my hats again off to those guys who

Who who who paved the way and uh what a what a tremendous feat and you know I tell you what I if again I say this all the time if I had to do it all over again I’d do it the same way I feel like

That I wanted to be a big fish in a little Pond had some other opportunities but uh things worked out for me the way they did we had great success and I wouldn’t change it for the world now Brian you know Al Al put out some tremendous names out there of massively

Historic significance you and your family uh have some very incredible relationships with of those people maybe you can kind of expound upon that I mean there’s some people out there like em you know Martin Luther King and and Rosa Parks that your family know personally and you and some other things that your

Grandparents were just incredible ambassadors but what they’ve done yeah my grandparents my great great grandparents and uh even before them there was a a strategy coming out of Slavery to have the kids who are reading to become the leaders to go into become pastors and that they would build out a

Manifest for the community and and how we grow how we nourish how we build businesses how we buy from our own how we come independent how we come and uh and my great-grandfather was part of that and um and when uh everything was happening back then and all that freedom

Rang uh my great-grandfather was there at the builtmore mansion and he was helping and he said listen we will provide you the skill and the talent and expertise to build this a absolute Craftsman and uh we ask that you allow us to have the leftovers because we’re going to build a community

Center where our people could sleep where we could interact with the community where we could go swimming and our kids could go to school but we want it open for all colors because it allowed the community to start the beginning of a wonderful way to just start slowly integrating into a

Community and uh they called it the ymi and uh it was one of the beginnings to the YMCA wow so that was pretty significant uh when I was a young boy go over to Grandpa’s house he would have these meetings and these gentlemen would come in and they all wore the same thing

Walking in that long Tren coats and hats full and I never understood why of course this back in 62 M and um I always had to wear a I had to wear a dress sh I have a collar shirt on to come to the table and uh one particular time there

Was a gentleman there he was short and he talked really slow like this and uh and I asked Grandpa about that afterwards say who was that man you know Grandpa whack that’s where they knock you into the next F uh because you be respectful I said I didn’t know Grandpa

And that was Dr King and uh and but none of that stuff was ever talked about because it was quite dangerous and uh and in my childhood Even in our household no one would speak of that stuff to the kids because um they were they were out there out front and uh

Doing some incredible things uh but you had to be very very careful so um I had to learn to walk on the street going to and from school but I had to walk a different ways so I didn’t get run over and uh it was a it

Was quite an experience um and then you faced tremendous amount of uh racism I didn’t get it at first I said what’s wrong with the color my skin what are you talking about um and then uh Through The Years growing up you realize you had

To be a part of it my grandmother who was part Cherokee and iroy and she grew all their veget vegetables uh because they couldn’t afford to grow uh to go buy food and then um but every time we come over there we would walk down the

Street and I never knew why uh until I looked at the pictures um and we’d go to this water pountain I said Grandma we have water at home and take us to this water fountain and we drink on this water fountain and then we walk back

Home and little did I know it was back in one of it was white only water pountain so and I pictures that I I me that’s something to me that you know obviously I was born in ‘ 63 in northern town in Boston and I know Brian you came

Up you know in a military background family and you moved around a lot Al I know you were from the Jacksonville area when Al when you were growing up and participating in Youth Sports and going to high school was it segregated in your area was it uh was the high school

Segregated was it not I mean playing sports was it just was it all black was it integrated like what was it like growing up in the Deep South in Jacksonville in the 60s and into the early 70s well I tell you what you know the Civil Rights era was 1954 to

1968 uh but for me I came in in terms of being very active as an athlete because I was kind of sheltered away from that my parents kind of sheltered my brother and I away from a lot of that we saw it read it saw it on TV could smell it

Touch it but it didn’t really affect us but now uh when I went to high school I went to high school on the heels of uh a year prior to when the school was integrated and so that there was some segregation back then but the the over-the-top stuff was a little bit

Before my time but I was able to touch it feel it smell it and and and realize that it was there uh didn’t I saw the the black only the white only water fountains you know the wool worth issues that happened in North Carolina they happened right there in Jacksonville

Florida as well but um uh didn’t didn’t get a chance to and and probably a good thing my parents sheltered me from it but athletically uh we had uh all black baseball teams which is where I played initially uh peeee baseball and and all the the black community was was just

That it was a solid Community uh one big Village and we had our own little deals going but now uh as as we matriculated up through High School it kind of changed and and it was a blend of both black and white athletes and um we got a

Chance to see a lot of that you know obviously now just to jump forward real quick I know that you know Al you had mentioned a lot of pioneers you know from coaches and players in one particular outshell who was the first African-American coach in pro football

Al Davis uh tabbed him to be the coach of the uh then Oakland Raiders question uh do you think that for both of you guys because you know Brian you played in the league league for a number of years do you do you think that they’ve made advancements in what’s going on I

Know they have the Rooney Rule and things like that but um you know we have more African-American coaches now than ever but do you think that we’ve where where we need to be or do you think there still needs to be work done um not just that but um black general managers

Which you know Aussie news comes to mind is probably arguably the best general manager maybe we’ve ever had in the NFL right dear friend y yeah exactly dear friend and I know hopefully you’re going to try to get him uh to come on the show before the draft which would be an

Excellent get but do you see a progress in in in both coaching and the GM yes absolutely I I’ve turned down four offers to become a general manager why just because why yes bro I got eight kids you know well that’s more money to feed them no no no you need to spend

Time with them okay you Daddy needs to be home okay and needs to be responsible and needs to uh be about the Pres principles and do you study and get things right and and uh so that there was a total family and have some balance

Because when I was playing in the NFL it was very difficult you know I was always I was in tremendous pain around the house and uh I had very little time to just have that kind of interaction so that was that was really important to me because uh you know that education uh

Big big big in our family and I remember when we were in Alabama back in the 70s um my brother sister and I were the first three blacks to pass this private Elite Academy and uh we thought it was like a really wonderful Milestone uh but

Um uh that night when it hit the newspapers we had to leave town and we never came back we left everything there and headed up to ham field wow wow yeah L I tell you what uh you know at the start of the 23 season NFL season there were

14 uh starting black quarterbacks out of the 32 teams and and I think that’s the most in NFL history that’s that’s huge you talk about the the blackhe head coaches now there are only three black head coaches in the National Football League right now but they’re boatload of coordinators and position coaches

Obviously and then uh rolling downhill a little bit there only seven of the 69 power five schools in college that uh are led by black coaches so there there’s been some progress made and tell you 45 years ago there’s no way we could say uh or shout these type of numbers

Out but uh uh baby steps but steps in the right direction yeah no no I I know we I know we we obviously highlighted AR shell obviously the first black NBA coach was a player coach Bill Russell with the 69 CICS won a title and the first black manager was uh uh Robinson

Frank Robinson with the Cleveland Indians I believe yeah in the 70s uh um I don’t think we’ve had a black uh Co hockey NHL coach oh no we have we have had one and I I’m just trying to think who it was and we have had a black head

Coach you know it’s gonna be there’s gonna be a Time coming where that word disappears well it should be just coach it should be anything it shouldn’t be identifi is the color of your skin or your race or your ethnicity it should be you’re a you’re a great quarterback not

You’re a great black quarterback you’re a great this you’re a great quarterback at least that’s the way I look at it what about you guys let’s everything that we do is results driven you I mean if you’re productive you’re getting the job done and you’re winning I mean

That’s what it’s all about I mean so what what difference does it matter if you wear your hat backwards or you wear blue shoes or green shoes if you’re getting the job done make it happen you know I mean that’s what that’s what it’s all about that’s what it should be

Anyway yeah yeah I’m African-American I’m Native American I’m Roman and I’m a viking okay I gotta hear about how in the world of you you didn’t play for Minnesota uh my Heritage shut up so stupid sorry I had to interject there I had to do that yeah yeah so so um you

Know I I didn’t see color I mean going into the Patriots locker room uh things were things weren’t necessarily A A dicey friendly place where you know uh we all about uh the Love U but um you know I didn’t see color I saw performance that’s all I saw I saw winds

And so um the only way that comes is you work hard you lift weights you study you learn you discover you test out new things and when I was out there left tackle one of the things I did was you know it doesn’t make sense for me to sit

There and just go and keep blocking this guy one way so I had 75 different blocks I would use on the defensive player because I had to throw them off and give them false keys because there were there were some great talent on that other side lerway stelman

Come off the corner that’s the problem Too Tall that’s a problem how long that’s the problem yeah I was gonna say you you you happen to go up against man that’s the problem I was gonna say it’s all bad you had Hall of Famers going up against every week basically I how bad

For them uh well we do have we actually have we do have a question I just wanted to bad for them the viewers are out there so we we have one question real quick so let’s have Tony ask the question sure thing so let me just get

To it give me one second Sor I actually preempted tone he wasn’t he wasn’t prepared for that one that’s my fault that’s quite okay so tech for fun asks we have come a long way well he’s he makes a statement we have come a long

Way but there is more to do Allan Brian where should the efforts be focused to continue moving forward toward equality um well I can tell you one thing um having the coaches in there but it’s not just during the season because the offseason is tremendously important

Where the players have a chance to be committed to this thing called recovery regeneration uh conditioning and also education so that there is a place called I mean you’re creating enormous wealth uh and that comes with obligations so that kind of financial literacy is of tremendous import and

Providing assistance there and also what I love that was incredibly important is balance for family so after the season they have a a getting together with many of the families it’s called Uh uh pro-athletes it’s called a Pao and pro athletes get together in their families

Probably six to 800 ball players and you learn about things called a family and dealing with the emotions and relationships and understanding a a a father’s commitment and responsibility to the family and also even understanding and learning about the wiring of the gifted and Powerful wife and a lot of us did I

Didn’t know I mean I saw but it was quite helpful to learn because we’re wired completely differently than other men and so um to be able to sit there go now you all together we’re all the same tribe you get a chance to see and we can

Help each other that was very helpful and there’ll be a lot more of that there’ll be a lot more of that no I’m G I think that I think that u athletics whether it’s football baseball basketball regardless of the sport is a small microcosm of society so how do we

Get better is uh we’ve got to create opportunities and allow uh everybody to flourish and I think that uh sure if given if given the opportunity you’ll see that folks can perform and uh but but we’re we’re a mirror image of what we see outside of Athletics so I mean

You you see the the the the controversies the speed bumps and the potholes that we deal with daily even right now uh uh politically uh internationally and and uh it has an impact on on everything else it TR it kind of trickles down so it’s gonna take

A lot of hard work you know has progress been made yes can it be better absolutely and uh and if we can take strives in those directions uh hopefully In Our Lifetime we’ll see we’ll see a better day now I I want to take this show and I want to obviously we’re not

Fin I asked Rosa Parks about that and what is she and I mean that’s just incredible that you asked Rosa Parks about that some well no her brother lived right down the road and uh her name was Rosa mcau Park her brother live her cousin live right down the road and

They’d have their fan reunion and then I said well look um you’re welcome to come up and and have it at our place it’d be wonderful to have you up here and so that would be the place I think probably seven or eight of them and um and I

Would get a chance to go Rosa there’s your chair over there and she like sitting under this incredible um maple tree and I and she loved her sweet tea and and I said uh you know Rosa I you know what was it like and uh and she

Said look at here over those fields see them 200 Acres them ours look at those horses that’s ours look at all these children playing that’s ours and I didn’t I didn’t know what to say and I said why do you like sitting by under this tree she said when this tree was planted

We were slaves and I I didn’t know what to say in that historic moment and I just sat there Frozen and then she said boy get my sweet tea real quick you know how I like it come on get that you know you don’t have to be all sitting

There goofy we’re here keep put you in your place Brian well she said we’re here we’re here well we’re here what’s what’s so important about what he just said is it’s important that we teach the other black our young kids they they need to know and realize and recognize the

Shoulders that they’re standing on there a lot of people who made sacrifices give gave up a whole lot so we can have the ability and and and and the freedom if you will to do what we’re doing now but I think it’s important that the young folks know and realize the shoulders

That they’re standing on and you can’t you can’t ignore that I mean it’s history black history is American history yep well you you talked before the show I I mean just things that I didn’t know about inventions and breakthroughs in American history um that were engineered by African-Americans I mean maybe you

Can just kind of elaborate on that it blew me away I didn’t know this yeah yeah the things we take for granted the the egg beater the folding chair the gas mask the hairbrush keychain lawn sprinkler the mailbox a m you know peanut butter and jelly a

Peanut butter for sure um eye protectors the elevator how about a clothes dryer these are some of the things that black inventors made in terms of contributions to our society and and and we can’t forget that we can’t ever forget that we need to make sure ensure that all the

Young black kids who grow up need to know whose shoulders they’re standing on but we take these things for granted I tell people all the time if you took your thumbs and then you didn’t have your thumbs you you can’t even imagine what you can’t do without your thumbs I

Mean from from picking up food to WIP in your butt you know and then like your big toe I mean if you didn’t have your big toe you couldn’t walk I mean we take a lot for granted so I just I got to Echo um you know how how proud I am to

Be a black man one two the the the contributions that black Americans have made to the United States and this world and uh they should be saluted you know uh February is set aside as black history month but black history month is every month I agree it’s part of American

History it’s interwoven in American history yeah absolutely absolutely I I learned so much my my brother uh and he went to Stanford and he went to then he went to Yale and then he became the first uh black dean of Yale University and then he became the first first black provos at

Northwestern and now he’s the president of uh of ruers University that’s incredible and it’s one of those where um like wow and the stuff that he shared all over the world and uh he’s one of the top historians I learned some stuff that I never imagined from him and also

From studying the history and U you look you want to see a name look up uh the Vernon John story that was one of my great uncles and um and he was the one that taught Dr King at deor Avenue Baptist Church and um Kem of do Jabar got

Together and put up the funds to make a movie about it so what it’s called the Vernon John story wow and you’ll see and while my kids were all sitting around watching TV we on the road and they said Dad come on let’s watch this movie I

Said okay what’s a football movie I said okay and uh it was Remember the Titans and then she they were like Dad that was incredible it wasn’t really like that back then was it it wasn’t really like that and I said uh and then when they

Looked at me my shirt was completely wet so I cried they said why you crying I said I was there right you played against Herman Boon we played coach Boone the big guy they were talking about that was me that they were have to face Churchill High School was the top

Maryland uh state champions uh coach Boone had Virginia state champions and what we would do is we would sit there after the season was done we had our own championship game and it was for real and uh they are great talent great players and uh my daughters were like and my sons were

Like it was like that I go yes it was I mean and if you compare it to that time obviously things have changed dramatically but you’re right that was our time that’s your time but but I’m saying you know you’re right things have gotten better but obviously there’s always room for

Improvement always there just there just is now I I just want to so we’re going to go to commercial break in a little bit but I just want to um digress and maybe turn this thing 180 deg because I do want to get back to a lot of this but

We had some we had a passionate I won’t say we had a passionate conversation early before we came on the air between us three Brian and I especially and that’s Super Bowl this week no no no we’re gonna get to the Super Bowl we’re gonna get to your pick which is probably

Going to be wrong that’s okay we we’ll come back to that but listen you guys both played college ball uh college ball is in in the news it’s really football driven and into some uh and you know it maybe basketball as well but it’s really football and it’s all about the transfer

Portal it’s all about the nil it’s all about what’s happening with these schools in conference realignment and now the word comes out that Dartmouth College and Ivy League school their football team wants to unionize and they don’t want to be known as student athletes they want to be known as

Student they want to be known as employees of the school okay I have a problem with it I I just think it ruins Collegiate sports that’s just my opinion on it I know Brian you’re pretty passionate about that saying well what about all the hours we practice but you

Do as a student athlete you do get a a free education that’s what you I thought you were supposed to do when you went to college well well no when I look at it I I kind of saw that way too and until I started looking at the books and the

Numbers of the revenue generated for the University and I said I just don’t get why it would make sense if we get a bigger piece of this because it’s absurd and more I looked at the numbers more I said there there’s going to come a day

When that will happen no but but I understand the nil right both you guys I understand it was supposed to be name image and likeness basically I know like if like Al you’re going to the bookstore and and and they’ve got your jersey hanging there right and they’re selling

Your jersey I’m just saying for 1995 you’re not getting anything from that back in the day right now you’re the one who made that Jersey salable because your play and who you were I get that name name image and likeness that’s what it’s supposed to be but right now

It’s the wild west out there there’s no cap to anything you got boosters throwing money at kids they’re they’re bro bro bro they’re they’re uhuh uhuh uhuh there’s some athletes out there that have a broadcast reach that are larger than the networks I you’re right with social

Media the Advent of social media no doubt about it but but but there’s money there’s money and products moved as a result of that but you have to cap this Brian there’s got to be a cap to this somewhere no absolutely no no no we can

Agree to disagree Al what do you think well I tell you what I mean I think that everything you’re saying is dead on the money things are out of control when it comes to College athletics uh a lot of money has been made and just like Brian said the

Revenue that the colleges have been made have been making for years is over the top now uh they they’re just making it legal I think uh you know the the the the agents uh the boosters playing players that’s always been part of the the deal it’s just now it’s a legal

Piece right now yeah I don’t have a problem with the guys and the ladies making as much money as they can I mean I think it’s a it’s a great and tremendous opportunity like Brian said uh prior to the show you know if he and

I were uh playing now what what kind of coin we could make and and make a better life for our families Etc I don’t I don’t I don’t fear at all um I think though that uh uh the danger here is because there’s no control there’s no no

Firewall if you will on how do you contain it to keep it where College athletics is still College athletics because I think in a couple years if not soon it’s it’s gonna really be out of control you know but I like to see I like to see the guys and gals get all

The money they can get but somehow some way you got to find a way to control it if we’re going to continue to have that if not then you’re going to have you know it’s like you talked about earlier you got these two conferences that are talking about doing their own thing they

Don’t need the NCAA and we talked about this on a previous show may not be a NCAA uh in the coming years uh and then where do we go from there I mean and is is College athletics now professional Athletics well let’s we’re going to take

A break and we’re going to come back and talk a little bit more about that and we’ll also talk about you know obvious obviously the big game Sunday between the Chiefs and the Niners the upcoming Super Bowl so we’ll be back with more of alchester Brian Holloway after this high

Tide Chiropractic located in Leland North Carolina off Village Road Dr Levi Bradburn and his team specialize not only on spinal and extremities care but also focus on sports injuries and a variety of chronic ANS treatment plans may include diet and lifestyle behavioral modification to achieve Optimal Health call us to schedule your

Free consultation and we will design a personalized program to meet your needs it’s time to get the results you deserve welcome back to Schwartz talk and sports I’m your host Les Schwartz and H well we get into a little passionate debate here it’s the first time I’ve ever gotten passionate about

Anything and by the way Alan Bryan if you wanted to know that is me on the Chiropractic table getting stretched out that is me we to you know Tony my producer was like let’s get down there and live take a shot of you I’m like fine great fantastic but just to pick up

Where we left off about this I know Brian you had said earlier that if this was now and you were playing you wouldn’t even pursue a career in football you take whatever the nil money could take you and just go from there no I would take it and stay at the

University there there is greater velocity of money that’s happening at the University level than an NFL team absolutely but why did you want to play let me ask you a question you know you’re an all American at Stanford you blocked for one of the greatest quarterbacks of all time John Elway uh

Drafted one of the greatest quarterbacks of all time got protected okay by one of the greatest players ever is that what you’re trying to say oh my God are you talking about Michael La I’m sorry I’m sorry I had thr sorry I had to say that

I I know you know I know you know Michael great one you are my friend but let me ask you a question but let me ask you this yeah so you get drafted in the first round by the Pats in 81 right but why did why did you want to play did you

Want to play pro football was it were you consumed by it did you you you know it comes with a lot of work a lot of sacrifice look look at the toll it took on your body all those years right I mean the multiple surgeries did you love

To play did you want to play or was this something well I’m 6 foot7 I weigh 300 and something pounds and well I’ll give it a shot I mean why didn’t you want to play football no I absolutely absolutely uh loved and was inspired by what I

Learned from Bill Walsh okay and I was fascinated because I knew it would go through so much change and so I was I was di hard now when I was younger I was Die Hard baseball but I was terrible so um that wasn’t for me but yeah I was I

Was I was very passionate and very committed and and uh spent four hours every night after practice going through reels of the game from and when I lined up I watched over 1500 plays of that player in preparation for one game so that’s the whole season well

Okay but let me ask you guys this so obviously we talked a little about nil right now yeah a couple of days ago they just had the final um you know signing for the high school players at colleges they do the early signing now in December and now they do the late

Signing in February which used to be the all and all right that was the one now they use the word commit he’s committing to a school he’s committed first of all there’s no commitment to anything he might be going to that school but he’s not committing no one’s committing to

These schools a kid comes on campus looks at the quarterback situation and goes yeah I’m not going to play now I’m looking at Al I’ve got to known Al a little bit over these few months I know Al if if you go to a school if you were

Going to school and they had two quarterbacks freshman coming in you’re damn well going to compete and you’re not going to leave you’re gonna compete for that position am I am I right you’re absolutely right and and and what you said earlier that the word commit is so

Fluid now that it doesn’t really mean anything doesn’t have any value there’s no loyalty uh if you will because players have options now and uh I always look forward to the competition I’m sure like like Brian I would stud in my opponent Monday through Thursday come

Friday you know we chilling a little bit Saturday it wasn’t no matter if I was going to beat you it was a matter how bad I was going to beat you and uh but but the the kids now it’s a different day I mean the attitudes a lot different

I don’t even know if they work as hard as Brian is talking about he did back in the day uh a lot of these kids obviously they they’ve been programmed to play football you know and and kind there’s few there’s few of them out there working real hard yeah you know when

When you when you you’ve been playing the game all your life the ultimate is to play at the top the highest level and so back in the day you know you always the challenge was I want to play in the National Football League or it was

Always the next level so if it was Middle School it was I want to play varsity football then from varsity football or college and then you because the numbers dwindle down as you as you go up higher I mean the talent pool is a lot better and of course you want to

Play pro football if you get that opportunity but um it’s a different day now the kids are even different the attitudes a lot different uh they’re motivated by a different deal and uh and it’s like raising your kids I can’t raise I didn’t raise my son like my

Father raised me and I don’t think my son is raising my grandkids like I raised him you got to finesse the thing now is it right is it wrong you got to find a way to to to to pull the best out of them to get the best out of them to

Achieve the best and and keep them focused at the same time I mean so it’s a challenge now uh just being a parent it’s a hell of a challenge being a coach yeah but Brian let me ask you a question you you played at Stanford right does it make sense

Does it make sense for Stanford and Cal to be members of the a of the ACC I mean does it make sense I I mean you’re talking I think it’s very exciting but I think it it it it that level of intensity um will demand that they go and recruit different train

Different build different see different I’m about competition but I’m about competition but it’s called the Atlantic Coast Conference you got two teams from the Pacific coast no no no no that doesn’t mean anything anymore no it doesn’t yeah don’t get in that look there are people at home no one saw this

Five years ago there’s people at home making you know $500,000 doing stuff online you’re going to say well you should at least go to work uh no you shouldn’t yeah we have to figure out yeah we have to figure out how to do that you should you should

Grow every opportunity you can to get bigger faster wider deeper easier sustainable scalable get big fast and easy I’m I’m a traditionalist BRI right I I’m just like sh I know but I mean I just I just but I just think that all this conference realignment you know because what it’s

Gonna do this is just my opinion on this and now you played at that it well back then it was onea which is now FCS level so basically if you’re a coach in the FCS level I think we’re going to get the coach of Ferman coming on pretty soon to

Talk a little bit about this he recruits players he develops them and then what’s going to happen after two years they’re good they’re GNA make the jump to another school they’re going to transfer up and and all that development and time that coach has put into that player oh

Stop no another school is going to reap the coach that’s their job they do job they do it it’s hard work and shifting platforms okay and so you tighten up the belt and you go to work I I tell you what I tell you what I

See uh when you when you talk about these conference alignments now your your number one uh Revenue generating sport is football they they basically cover everybody and I think that’s across the board in in with all the schools okay so so you got Cal and you

Got USC who will travel to the the the east coast to play football football but what about their golf team what about their tennis team what about thank you uh the volleyball team I mean that’s that’s where it gets a little wacky because you cross you coming all the way

Across country now geographically if you if if everybody stayed together it worked better that way because you’re close you come back and and so forth and so on but now it’s going to get real dicey when when your golf team or three or four people gotta fly all the way to

Gainesville to play the University of Florida uh anywhere to the east coast I mean that that’s going to be challenging I think challenging on the kids challenging on the the coaching and at the same time I mean you going to be burning a lot of Revenue and and

Obviously the move is to to generate more revenue or to gain more Revenue through television Etc but uh it’s just it’s that unknown that that’s that hadn’t been quite executed yet that we got to see how it plays out well Brian let me ask you this question because Al

And I on past shows have talked about it and we agree that eventually and I think it’s going to happen sooner than earlier because the Big 10 and the SEC have had initial discussions on some of this that the NCAA is going to go away and there’s

Going to be one super Conference of 60 to 65 teams they’re going to negotiate the TV’s deals they’ll have their own commissioner uh a Deputy Commissioner and you know they’ll they’ll deal with it themselves I mean the NCAA I I would not be surprised okay I just want to see

What you thought about that um it’s called business yeah it’s called business bro everything’s about the almighty dollar uh what you’re gonna sit there and go um Here Comes This interesting little thing called uh Uber that wiped out a nation of taxi drivers wiped it out a whole

Industry took it down now you’re right okay that’s the big game I use lift by the way not Uber but I get you I get you got I had to I had to I had to you know butless you know you gotta you got look at the big picture everything is

Evolving everything every facet of our life is evolving it’s changing the way we do business how we do business and you know I mean the technology nowadays I mean the zoom this what we doing right now this Zoom call right now I mean we weren’t doing this 40 years ago I mean

So it’s it’s a totally different day I was talking to a friend of mine the other day and he said hey look I got to go to a conference meeting and in my mind I’m thinking that’s all everybody sitting around the big conference table no that’s not what it is that they’re

Meeting with people all around the country but they’re doing it just like we’re doing it right here I mean so yeah uh the evolution of how we do business everything uh we talked about that microwave mentality you know everybody wants instant gratification right now

And um you know it’s a lot of money like Brian say it’s a boatload of money out there in college football and uh people want to uh touch it feel it smell it and uh uh these athletic directors are trying to find a way to make it all

Happen it’s just different I tested some algorithms and wanted to go and see the how far I could go with a broadcast for people to go broadcast and reach my website um I had 126 million people on my site I was like whoa I didn’t know

That was possible well that was back 10 years ago now you get these kids on social media that get a million views how can we and they’re monetizing it they’re monetizing it good for them yeah no no no I mean listen more power to you it’s become I I’ve always said

Instant gratification is the way to go I know Al calls it the the microwave Society but but it’s true in society as well as Sports I mean it just is people want things now they you know yeah it’s like you know I’m out of school now I

Want to be making $200,000 a year I want a house I want a car well you know sometimes it doesn’t happen that quick as a 22 year old you’re gonna have to work for something I mean that’s just that’s my take on it Brian that’s just I

I I agree with you or you find a different Lane that’s all yeah no I yeah I get that I believe in hard work but let me ask you both this and and I kind of think this is and then then we’ll get into the big game this weekend because

You know people are probably like really can can we talk about the biggest game of the year but my question is this when it gets to the point where and these guys are getting paid and if the schools break away from the NCAA and they form

Their own League do you see it happening like well a quarterback’s going to be allotted two to four million a running back position a starter is going to get this there’s going to be a pce scale in this thing or how do you think that’s absolutely not okay no no it’s all based

On their views okay and they build that through social media but but this nil thing like you know you’ve got and again I’m not knocking anybody for taking money if if someone came on the show right now and said hey Les we’d love to take your show

Over and we’re GNA pay you this uh if we made a change I’d be like okay but but but I have to take Al and I got to take Tony my producer or I’m not going not me okay obviously yes we would recur you to come

On at a certain date I can make the coffee but you know what I’m talking about I mean yeah of course I take the money I don’t I don’t deny anybody from taking money like that you know just like a pro athlete you know but I do

Agree with like if you you have a contract you’re under a contract you sign it because someone else is making more money than you the next year I want more well listen I work a regular no no no uhuh no it’s free enterprise bro but what does a contract mean what is a

Contract when you sign a a contract um again it’s only as good as I agree with I agree with I agree with you okay but that’s it’s it’s a new world bro it’s a new world new game new live for me it makes me crazy and good makes

Me crazy well anyways all right so listen we’ve done a lot today we’ve gone over a lot of topics before we get to the Chiefs baby Kansas City Chiefs well I think I think we’re all in agreement there but before we do that L I want

I want to touch briefly on your on your NCIS career because when you first came on and you had mentioned that you had worked in NCIS a lot of people were super interested in that maybe talk a little bit about going from you know was it right after college was there a space

In between and some of the places you visited and some of the experiences you get to have working for the NCIS that you know we only see on television and is it like television well I tell you what you know it’s it’s all sensationalized for television but uh when I when I finished

Florida A&M I didn’t get it get drafted didn’t get that opportunity so I went to Canada for a couple years came back to Jacksonville played in a little Semi-Pro League uh here in town got the football thing out of my system and then I end up working for the mayor’s office and uh

While I was out visiting one of the the city sites I ran into a young lady who said I want you to meet my sister she works for it was NIS at the time the naval investigative service and uh I said I’d be I’d love to and so I met her

She told me about what they were doing what it was all about my degree is in sociology and minor and correction so I wanted to do law enforcement but I didn’t want to wear the blue uniform and be in a in a police car I wanted to do

It on the federal level so I applied with them I apply with the FBI DEA they hired me first and uh gave me an opportunity of a lifetime and uh uh I started out here in Jacksonville at Cecil Field which is actually where I’m

At right now uh at a gym that that uh used to be Naval a naval base a naval air station went to adak Alaska there’s a two-man shop out there came back to Washington DC and then uh came back to Cecil Field uh went over to Naples Italy

And uh in Naples it I was doing protective services so I woke an admiral up every morning and put him in bed every night and I lost my hair over there but because the threat was real you know that’s where I lost my hair but tremendous opportunity and um come back

To Jacksonville uh I’m sorry I went back to DC I I ran our public affairs department and then uh got promoted went over to yosa Japan I was the assistant special agent for criminal investigation at all southeast Asia over there all the Naval bases and the Marine Corps bases

Over there responsible for the criminal investigations came back to DC uh end up being a director of training and uh moved our training department from DC back down to the federal law enforcement training center here in Brunswick Georgia and from there I came to mport and was the special agent in charge that

Was the last job that I had but I had a tremendous career got an opportunity to travel around the world on the government’s dime uh you know because of the the training piece had a chance to go to Bangkok Thailand the Philippines and all throughout southeast Asia five

Star general he five star he’s five star general every place you can go in Europe I was there because the fourar amiral was a big baller shot caller and we were doing take the services on him and and I had a team of about seven eight guys man

We had a ball but uh the stress and and the realization of uh real time law enforcement was true did I had a couple of them but I tell you what I don’t know if I could do it again because uh I was able to do this

Without my family uh traveling with me because uh my wife has um an illness that kept her in Jacksonville but I was blessed that I had my the the Family Support mechanism in place uh her mom and dad my mom and dad before they passed away uh were all here in place

And I had a lot of people you talking about a village raising a child I had some people step up and step out when I was out of pocket in terms of keeping a hand on my son and I’m eternally grateful for all of that but uh a good

Time good career and U it it enabled me to provide the kind of living I I wanted to for my family but a great opportunity at the time and you you talk about black history uh and it wasn’t a whole lot of black agents and uh not even on the

Federal level at all but uh so to be able to pass a background investigation and get selected at that time was a tremendous feat for me and um I give God all the glory M respect yeah that’s outstanding that’s that’s outstanding I think people are gonna really love that

Up now okay we got the big game Sunday now we got Al’s pick on Tuesday and he’ll reiterate that Brian who’s going to win the game and why 49ers are going to win the game okay going into the third quarter and then suddenly a spectacular moment and then all of a sudden it’s

Going to change and that thing gonna flipflop flip flop flip flop all the way down to the last second I promise you because that gives you the most shot of Taylor Swift oh God In The Box I don’t even think she wants to be recognized anymore I think she’s like

Had it up to here to be honest with you no uhuh no no no no the biggest uh Network that is uh had the biggest money velocity of all is 12 to 15 year old little girls and so that’s pushing more money around than any thing that happens

In the NFL and I assure you that that’s a wonderful New Market that’s open opening up for the NFL that they may not have seen before now I’m speculating on that okay how could I possibly know I wouldn’t know those kind of things well I don’t know you seem seem

To come out with these things true well okay I got a question then so what you’re telling me is that it’s going to be a last second touchdown pass from Patrick Mahomes to Kelsey to win the game it’ll be something spectacular and everybody will have gotten their money’s

Worth and they know they would have seen the greatest Super Bowl of all time okay so you like Kansas City to win the game I don’t know who’s gonna win bro oh man no no you can’t do this Al he can’t do this he’s got to pick a team

Um there it is Vince was there the other night vce come on make a pick I was almost a 49er and I was almost a Kanas City chief well you gotta make a pick oh bro uh I will tell you we don’t have two

Hours you have to make a pick I swear if I could I would grab you like by your spiny Little Neck and snap it like a dry TG I swear if I could catch you look at this no I wouldn’t do that no I’m kidding so um you know uh Kansas City

Okay Kansas City okay finally you gotta pick 49ers are more fundamentally fundamentally sound I want the ners to win I think they have the better team I think Kansas City best player I think Kansas City is the best player I do too Al you like Kansas

City I I do and and I tell you what on paper San Francisco is probably the better team I mean Brock P quarterback who is Montana like you got Chris mcaffrey in the backfield you got Debo Samuels out wide George killer I think is a game breaker big uh Nick Bosa and

Chase young I mean he got those guys on on the defensive side of the ball now there are three phases to the game offense defense special team so uh I think on paper San Francisco Stacks up better however it’s hard to beat and and bet against Patrick Mahomes

I mean he went into Buffalo he went into Baltimore and took care of business him and Travis kelse got something special going on Chris Jones at defensive end I think he’s a monster Isaiah Pacho I think he’s gonna be a a game breaker and then you got to count special teams

Anything can happen and just like Brian is saying if if it goes down to the wire special team is going to play a big part in that kickoffs kickoff returns punt punt returns and then kickoff kickoff coverage I mean you gotta have all that so but I like Kansas City because I

Think that they got the best player obviously and he shows up and shows out in these great games this this great contest and uh he he he lives for this moment I mean they they struggled during the season right wern’t sure they were gonna make it and they’re now they’re

Here now so I think they’re GNA be it up well here’s the two things I I agree a million percent I think San Francisco’s I think Frisco’s got the best team turn off the phones well no but I but I think Kansas city has the best player and they have the One X

Factor and I know Al just brought it up about special teams their field goal kicker is supreme and he’s good from 55 plus and in a tight game I I trust him a lot more than San Francisco’s field goal kicker to win a game or tie a game late

That’s just that’s just my opinion on that but uh that’s a great point so absolutely Brian Brian likes Kansas City ultimately after flip-flopping 70,000 times and Brian I had to I love you I seriously I had to this this has been a blast and Al likes Kansas City because

You know Al’s smart like me so he’s taking Kansas City as well but listen we gotta say we we got we got a cool it for tonight um I I got some things to do in the rap I got to do a special thanks to everybody and all my guests that have

Come on including both of you gentlemen uh Brian uh thanks for making time to to come on I know it’s been uh I know it was a short week but we appreciate you coming on uh during our Super Bowl Extravaganza you know we’re going to have you back cuz you’re entertaining as

Heck so we’re gonna have you back and uh Al we’re so psyched to have you as a co-host I I couldn’t have asked for anybody but you’re fantastic so I really appreciate you jumping on uh today uh We’re not gonna have a show next week we’re actually taking a Valentine’s Day

Break gonna take a break next week much respect I’m G shoot up there I’m G shoot up your way bro all right Brian I tell you what uh let’s stay close man wish you nothing but best man nothing but the best well guys I appreciate you guys coming on it’s been

Outstanding Brian we’ll see you down the road you know we’re going to be in touch some other way you know that Al we’ll be talking we’re doing a show in two weeks we’ll be back and we’re gonna be back with the wp after this thanks everyone okay fantastic well done take care Brian

Y’all be good all right Beautiful that pretty Good welcome back to Schwartz talking Sports I’m Les Schwartz uh this was an incredibly entertaining show I loved it Brian was a tremendous guest back for his second time and he’s still got so many more stories we’re gonna have Brian back obviously a few more times um and

We’ll have a recurring uh Brian Holloway theme as uh like I said he’s got so much more to offer and his stories are pretty incredible Al always love Al as a guest but now Al’s going to be a permanent part of the show and uh I love his

Participation I love his I love his perspective as being an athlete because I don’t have that I’m more of the fan just like everyone out here this is the fan show so obviously our our site will be in touch and we’ll have you on in a

Couple weeks uh we’ll have a guest to be determined but we’ll have someone on in two weeks and uh again thanks for both of you for jumping on to uh our Super Bowl Extravaganza Thursday show uh this is the rap so you know again we expounded upon this early in in the show

We hit 500 subscribers we’re past that and that’s a big milestone for us and and I really want to again thank everyone out there that is subscribed all the viewers that have watched all the viewers have checked out the shorts we’ve had thousands hundreds of thousands it’s been outstanding again I

I want to thank my producer I couldn’t have done this without Tony the shows get better and better every week his production values go through the roof we rival uh big time Productions out there Sports Productions from ESPN and things like that I mean we’re on par with these

Guys now it’s pretty amazing what we’ve done uh again Tony’s put together a tremendous reel which is really going to thank all our guests uh that have been part of Sports Talk and sports from its Inception in September to where we are now so I I want to make sure Tony’s got

Enough time to run that for me so this is a special uh thank you to everyone and every guest out there that has been a part of Sports Talk and sports so please uh check this out we’ve got Benny the book The King of Carolina so without

Further Ado here he is ladies and gentlemen here he is Benny the book hey good evening Les John Irwin what’s up everybody John what’s happening really excited to bring on Coach Jack smithlin hey Jack how are you Le before we get started uh I just want to say

That I love that Mar shirt behind you we’re real happy to have him here so please welcome in Bob Harris Bob hey Le honor to be here golfer Lance Seamore hey thanks for having me so let’s introduce uh Greg stco a friend of the show love to have Greg on from

Cincinnati and also Benny the book The King of Carolina thanks guys for coming on appreciate it thanks for having me love we’ve got an amazing guest so let’s bring him on former Major League Baseball great Coleman first I would like to give praise and thanks to Our Father in

Heaven through his son Jesus Christ for giving me the opportunity to have play sports and I thank you very much and I’m blessed and honored to be here on your show tonight but right now let’s talk NHL and let’s bring them on Andrew Dunn of sports centered podcast

Andrew hey LZ I appreciate you having me let’s bring him on here he is Todd trigger hey Todd BL how’s it going buddy well thanks Charles I appreciate you coming on we’ve got NBA great Charles Oakley with us and uh again hope you had a good wedding this weekend Charles in

Arizona ah it was fun just supporting some family members ah man that’s cool that’s cool we’ve got a street for you tonight we’ve got former Notre name tight end first round draft pick of the New Orleans Saints IRB Smith Senior who is your favorite player that you thought

Was the coolest back in the day well it’s it’s funny you ask question I was actually talking to my best friend about this yesterday and believe it or not OJ Simpson was a guy I mean so without further Ado let’s bring on Benny the book and our special guest Al Chester

Senor hey guys hey Les how you doing Le how you doing three-time NBA champion Los Angeles Lakers guard number four Byron Scott in the house so let’s bring Byron in Baron what’s up guys NFL great Super Bowl champ from the Chicago Bears Jim McMahon we got Jim from Cabo so let’s

Bring him in and say hi to hi Jim what’s going on buddy how you doing Les good to see you my man let’s bring in Mr Bob Lobel Bob BL how are you thanks so much for taking time to come on sworts talk and sports we greatly appreciate it I’m very

To be here thank you very much for having me let’s bring in tonight’s guest Brian Holloway Brian hey how you doing buddy well let’s bring him on we are pleased to introduce UFC lightweight Contender Joe seli Hey Joe hey what’s up Les thanks for having me I and tonight’s show Schwartz talking

Sports is the terminal and we have rolling in the bus Jerome Bettis Jerome thanks for coming on schortz talk and sports thanks for having me I really appreciate it that was just outstanding so really want to thank Tony and uh for putting that together in such short notice he

Just did that today and surprised me with it so it was great and that’s really a special thanks to all our guests that have taken their time to come on uh the show and really share their experiences and and and the stories and and answering the questions

Uh that we have usually every Wednesday and and whenever we can do the show this week it was Tuesday and and Thursday and uh and again the subscribers out there you guys have been amazing from day one asking all these things 500 subscribers and and next we’re shooting for a

Thousand by the end of April we’ve got some really big time uh guests uh scheduled to come on uh we’re going to keep that a little bit of a secret but we’re not going to be here next week uh we’re going to take a break for Valentine’s Day we’re going to give

We’re GNA give tony a break a little bit he’s been uh working uh burning the midnight oil here putting together two shows this week so uh we really appreciate all of Tony’s uh expert production values and directing the show and uh again a special shout out to

Vince Coleman uh Vince has been again a big backer of the show uh we talk every week and uh he’s really been responsible for uh securing a lot of big- time guests I know Vince Vince is uh is has got the tentacles out and he’s reached

To a lot a lot of people that I think we’re going to have on and I think everyone out there is going to be very impressed and and very excited with some of the people going to be bringing on in the next uh few weeks and months to come

So again hit that subscriber button if this is the first time you’ve seen the show uh comment let us know how we’re doing uh this show I thought was fantastic please comment on it I’d love to see what your reactions are on this on tonight’s show and I cannot leave

Tonight without a very special thank you to someone very special to me you all know her is joonie the chat girl well she’s Joanie my girlfriend and without Joanie she’s gonna kill me with this picture but without Joanie this doesn’t happen she’s been amazing she’s been behind me she’s pushed me and without

Her this show doesn’t work so Joanie I love you I’ll see you in a little bit thank you so much and uh and what can I say she’s the best so again from everyone here at Schwartz talk and sports uh we’re not here next week but

We’ll see you I believe on the 22nd Tony is that am I right I want to make sure I got the dates right uh Wednesday the 22nd I’m thinking hold on it’s the 21st he’s scrolling through his phone I don’t have my phone I got it unmute but so Wednesday the 21st we’ll

Have somebody uh we’re going to be uh doing some shorts next week we’ll let you know who it’s going to be but from Les Schwartz and all of us again at Schwartz talk and sports thanks so much have a great week and enjoy the game on Sunday let’s go Chiefs


  1. Awesome show tonight! Very entertaining, lots of high energy. Al is a super addition. Looking forward to seeing more of Al Chester in future shows. Great job! Thanks again

  2. I agree with Brian on most of the SB stuff BUT I don't think Taylor Swift has anything to do with the game.

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